Isaac Asimov: the best works of the writer. All science fiction novels by Isaac Asimov Works by Isaac Asimov

Great book, great facts. American history. Undoubtedly, Asimov is a genius, and not only in literature. The style of the book is translated very well, it is read in one breath.
And all the more annoying are the typos, with which the book simply abounds. At first I decided not to pay attention, but honestly, I have not seen such a large number of errors in the text for a long time. Basically, these are, of course, simple typos, for example, the year or century is incorrectly printed, but you must admit, sentences like "In 1628 he went to Virginia, ..., and in 1829 he returned to England ..." (p. 78, 2nd paragraph below) somehow you don’t expect to meet such a reputable publishing house as Eksmo in a book. Actually, the final decision to write a review was made after the discovery in the description civil war new for me phrase "west-east" (p. 638, line 11 from the bottom). These seem to be all trifles, but to read that Virginia turned out to be bordering California in 1696 (pp. 143, 147) is at least strange (in fact, the context means Carolina).
However, there are a few more remarks that still relate to translation errors. Firstly, in 1815 Tsar Alexander I founded, after all, not the "Holy", but the "Holy Union" (p. 474), an insignificant mistake in general for a non-historian. Secondly, the eighth US President Martin Van Buren does not come from a Danish family (p. 525, 1 paragraph), but from a Dutch family (a simple mistake - the English Dutch is translated as "Dutch" and not as "Danish", although it is very similar) . And finally, thirdly, he changed the translation of the name of the representative body of Virginia "Council of Burghers" (p. 74). This remark is probably not indisputable, since such a name is apparently found in specialized literature, but in my opinion, it would be more appropriate to do without German tracing paper English word"Burgesses" and translate the name into Russian as "Council of Citizens". Simple logic - Burgesses comes from the French Bourgeoisie ("bourgeois", from bourg - city), also the German "burgher" from Burg - also a city. "Council of the bourgeoisie" is also not very similar, since the term "bourgeoisie" is very broad, and in this case it means the council of the inhabitants of a certain area, so the townspeople are closest in meaning.
I would like to believe that the publishing house will not shrug off the comments, and in the future such publications will not cause such conflicting feelings among readers.

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bicentennial man

Sometimes I'm still amazed at how much the film adaptation and the work differ. Starting to read this story, the whole story that was presented in the film was already spinning in my head. However, while reading, I realized that they are in no way similar to each other, except for a small piece.
I found the book much more interesting than the film adaptation.
The book tells the story of a robot who has been trying all his life to be recognized as a human.
Who would have thought that a robot would be able to invent something, dress up, write a book, carve wood? It `s very unusual! The idea itself is amazing, because it is impossible to imagine such a thing. imagine that a robot is a living being capable of thinking and creating independently? This is not given to every person, but even more so to a robot.
All his life he fought to be recognized as a man, and in the end he achieved his goal, only for this he had to become mortal. Was it worth it? Only the hero of the book could answer this.

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history of the future

Fundamental cycle about the future of mankind. Well thought out, good plot plan, atmospheric level. There are unexpected twists and turns in the story, and towards the end, a completely paranoid, action-packed line appears. The very picture of the future is written out great - the collapse of the galactic empire, all these Seldonian crises, constant movement into the future ...
At the same time, the first trilogy looks absolutely integral, its books do not look like whole novels, but like parts of one big book.
On the other hand, in some places the characters are not sufficiently embossed, and in terms of futurology, the “Academy” is unlikely to claim anything.
But still, the original trilogy of the master of science fiction deserves the highest praise for a moving, constantly evolving plot, unexpected moves, and the very unique atmosphere of the Galaxy of the future.

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A masterpiece for the stubborn

To be honest, this masterpiece of world fiction begins rather tedious. I know a lot of people who couldn't get past page 3 of this thing. But I was curious how the author could use this science of psychohistory invented by himself ... And I continued to read.

For the next month, I did not let go of Asimov's books. From the second book, the world of "Academy" swallowed me whole and completely. The style, which at first seemed unreasonably heavy to me, eventually became boring and stopped interfering with reading. The skill of the author deserves respect, because, despite the specific thoroughness in the presentation of grandiose and not too events, interest does not fade away.

The action begins on Trentor - in the center of the Galactic Empire. No one dares to doubt the power of the Empire... Except for Gary Seldon, who developed the science of "psychohistory", which allows predicting the future based on social data. His forecast is unfavorable: the Empire will face an inevitable collapse, as a result of which knowledge will be lost for many centuries, art - humanity, in fact, will be thrown back in development.

There is a very strong emphasis on politics in this book (most of the central characters, if not already prominent statesmen, then very often later they become). I would even say that this aspect plays a central role throughout the entire cycle - the narrative is greatly extended in time (in order to show the degradation of Terminus and the Empire as a whole).

In general, for me, the book deserves a solid and unshakable "five". But, due to its specificity, only those who overcome the first part will like it. I advise you to keep this in mind.

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Asimov's collection "Fantastic Journey" is now just finishing, there are literally a couple of stories left and the book can be safely handed over to the library. I can't say that I liked the book very much, no design, format, print quality are all on the level. But the content: I liked the first novel in the collection, I didn’t like the second at all, but the stories are interesting, but this is not science fiction, in my opinion. I would not classify the stories “About Azazel” as fiction, they are more like parables or instructive tales for adults.
The first two novels in the collection are based on the idea that objects and people can be reduced to the size of a speck of dust. And these “dust people” can be entrusted with the most difficult tasks and the destruction of a blood clot, and reading thoughts, and if you put them in a matchbox and move them across the border, you can win the war ...
And at the heart of the stories "About Azazel" is the idea that even the slightest interference in the life of an individual can change the course of history and shorten the life of the entire solar system. But there is no certainty that changes in the life of this person will occur for the better.
In general, philosophical works, not fantastic))

Isaac Asimov Science Fiction Books

The outstanding writer Isaac Asimov, whose books have long become the standard of science fiction, created more than five hundred works in his life. The American science fiction writer of Russian origin is a multiple winner of prestigious literary awards, including the Hugo and Nebula awards. However, Isei Asimov, whose best books are written in the genre of science fiction, worked in other genres. In his piggy bank detective and humorous novels.

Isaac Asimov: biography

Isaac Asimov, whose biography dates back to January 2, 1920, was born in the Mogilev province into a Jewish family. Since childhood, the future writer spoke English and Yiddish, so moving to the United States in 1923 became virtually painless for him. Like all immigrant Jews, his family settled in Brooklyn, New York. Education Isaac Asimov, whose best books were already published in America, he received in this country.

Almost at the very end of World War II, the writer was drafted into the army. After returning from the front, he completed his postgraduate studies, receiving a doctorate in biochemistry. His further activities were connected with teaching and writing. Gradually, the fees for his novels significantly exceeded the professor's salary. Already at that time, Isaac Asimov was among the outstanding science fiction writers, the books, a list of which you will find on the website, became classics almost immediately.

Science fiction novels

Trantorian Empire

A Pebble in the Sky (Pebble in the Sky, A Grain of Sand in the Sky), (1950)

Stars Like Dust, (1951)

Space currents, (1952)


Prelude to the Foundation (Prelude to the Academy), (1988)

On the way to the Foundation (On the way to the Academy), (1993)

Foundation (Academy), (1951)

Founding and Empire (Academy and Empire), (1982)

Foundation and Earth (Academy and Earth), (1986)

Lucky Starr - under the pseudonym Paul French (Paul French)

David Starr - space ranger, (1957)

Lucky Starr and the Rings of Saturn, (1958)

The Positronic Robot Stories (Detective Elijah Bailey and robot Daniel Olivo) (The Positronic Robot Stories)

Steel Caverns, (1957)

Dawn Robots (1983)

Robots and Empire, (1985)

Norby - an extraordinary robot, (1983)

Norby's Another Secret (Norby is a mage and wizard), (1984)

Norby and the Lost Princess (1985)

Norby and the Invaders, (1985)

Norby and the Queen's Necklace, (1986)

Norby is looking for a villain, (1987)

Norby descends to Earth, (1988)

Norby and Admiral Yono's Great Adventure (1989)

Norby and the Elder Dragon, (1990)

Norby and the court jester, (1991)

Individual novels

End of Eternity, (1966)

The Gods Themselves, (1972)

Fantastic Journey II: The Destination is the Brain (Fantastic Journey II: The Destination is the Brain), (1987)

Nemesis, (1989)

The coming of the night (And the darkness came, And the night fell, Death of the Sun), (1990)

Ugly Boy (Ugly Kid), (1992)

Positronic Man, (1993)

Detective novels

Permanent position (1958)

Murder at ABC (1976)

Science fiction collections, as well as individual editions of short stories

I Am a Robot (1950)

Way of the Martians (1955)

There's Enough Space on Earth (1957)

Nine Tomorrow (1959)

The Rest of the Robots (1964)

Through Clear Glass (1967)

Asimov's Mysteries (1968)

Night Coming (1969)

Early Asimov (1972)

The Best of Asimov (1973)

Have you ever seen something like this? (1974)

Buying Jupiter (1975)

Dreams of Benjamin (1976)

Bicentennial Man (1976)

Troika Asimov (1981)

Perfect Robot (1982)

Winds of Change (1983)

Edge of Tomorrow (1985)

Asimov's Science Fiction (1986)

Asimov's Best Fiction (1986)

The Robot Who Dreamed (1986)

Other Worlds of Isaac Asimov (1987)

Azazel (1988)

Chronicles of Asimov (1989)

Robot Dreams (1990)

All stories. Volume 1 (1990)

All stories. Volume 2 (1992)

Gold (1995)

Magic (1996)

Collections of short detective stories

Black Widows Stories, (1974)

More Black Widows Stories, (1976)

"Keyword" and Other Mysteries, (1977)

Black Widows Magazine, (1980)

Mysterious Stories of the Union Club, (1983)

Black Widows Dinner Parties (1984)

"Vanishing Man" and Other Mysteries, (1985)

The Best of Isaac Asimov's Mysteries, (1986)

Black Widows Puzzles (1990)

Other works

1955 Races and peoples. Human Gene, Mutation and Evolution [= Humans and Races] /[Co

1956 Inside the atom

1957 Bricks of the Universe [= Construction material Universe. The whole galaxy in the periodic table]

1957 Just a trillion

1958 Carbon World

1958 Nitrogen World [= World Based on Nitrogen]

1959 In the world of numbers. From arithmetic to higher mathematics

1959 The clock we live by. From sundial to lunar calendar

1959 Words in Science. History of the origin of scientific terms [= The world of science and history through it; The Language of Science: A Popular Reference]

1960 The world of measurements. From cubits and yards to args and quants [= Realm of measurements]

1960 Satellites of the Earth

1960 Kingdom of the Sun. From Ptolemy to Einstein

1961 Blood: the river of life. From ancient legends to scientific discoveries[= The Living River]

1961 Reign of Algebra

1961 Words and Myths [= “Entertaining mythology. New life ancient words", "Mythical worlds"]

1962 Fact and Fantasy

1962 Life and energy [= Energy of life. From spark to photosynthesis]

1962 Investigation of the Elements (in Chemistry)

1962 Worlds of Genesis

1962 Words on the map. Geographical names and their meaning [= Map of the worlds]

1963 Genetic code. From the theory of evolution to deciphering DNA

1963 The human body. Structure and functions [= Popular anatomy. The structure and functions of the human body]

1963 Fraudster who organized the victorious revolution (in history)

1963 View from above

1963 Worlds of the Book of Exodus

1964 A Brief History of Biology. From alchemy to genetics

1964 The fourth dimension. From Aristotle to Einstein

1964 Entertaining arithmetic. From complex to simple

1964 The human brain. From axon to neuron [= The human brain. Structure and functions]

1965 A Brief History of Chemistry

1965 Introduction to the slide rule

1965 Greece. From Antiquity to the Present [= History of Greece. From ancient Hellas to the present day]

1965 About time, space and other things [= About space, time and everything else]

1966 Neutrino: ghostly elementary particle

1966 Roman Republic. From seven kings to republican government (Rome. From the founding of the city to the fall of the republic)

1966 Universe. From flat earth to quasar

1966 Popular Physics. From the Archimedean lever to quantum theory

1967 Mysteries of the universe. Known and unknown facts

1967 Egyptians. From ancient civilization to the present day [= Egypt. From ancient civilizations to modern times]

1967 Moon

1967 Roman Empire. Greatness and fall the eternal city[= Rom. From triumph to the collapse of the Empire]

1968 Guide to the Bible. Old Testament

1968 Galaxies

1968 Mysteries of the Microcosm [= Science, Numbers and Me]

1968 Stars

1968 Dark Ages. Early Middle Ages in the chaos of wars

1968 Middle East. History of ten millennia [= Middle East: 10,000 years of history]

1968 World of history [= Words in history. Great personalities and significant events]

1969 Guide to the Bible. New Testament

1969 Great scientific ideas

1969 England: From Stonehenge to Magna Carta

1969 History of England. From ice age before the Magna Carta

1969 US History. Development North America[= History of North America from ancient times to 1763]

1970 Constantinople. From the legendary Wies to the Palaiologos dynasty

1971 Land of Canaan. Birthplace of Judaism and Christianity

1971 Earth and space. From reality to hypothesis

1972 France. From the Last Carolingian to the Hundred Years War [= History of France. From Charlemagne to Joan of Arc]

1972 Worlds within worlds

1972 The asymmetry of life: From the secret of scientific insight to the problem of overpopulation

1973 Sun

1974 Earth: Our Crowded spaceship

1974 Creation of the United States, 1763-1816

1975 Federal Union: United States from 1816 to 1869

1977 Mars, red planet [for children]

1977 The Golden Door: The United States from 1865 to 1918

1978 Animals in the Bible

1978 Quasar, quasar, burn brighter

1979 Choice of Disasters. From the death of the universe to the energy crisis

1979 Way to infinity (collection of scientific essays)

1981 In the Beginning: A Scientific Analysis of the Personality of God in Genesis [= In the Beginning]

1981 Bright Light of the Sun

1981 Venus, the nearest neighbor from the side of the Sun (for children)

1983 Wandering Mind

1984 Science Guide [= The Intelligent Man's Guide to Science (1960); The New Intelligent Man's Guide to Science (1965); Asimov's Guide to Science (1972)]

1984 X means unknown

1985 Exploding suns. Secrets of supernovae

1986 Perils of the Mind

1987 As far as the human eye can see

1987 Past, present and future

1988 The Relativity of Untruth

Screen adaptations of works, theatrical performances

End of Forever (1987)

Gandahar (1988)

Bicentennial Man (1999)

I, Robot (2004)

When Isaac Asimov was born, he was surprised to find that he was born in the territory Soviet Russia in the town of Petrovichi near Smolensk. He tried to correct this mistake, and three years later, in 1923, his parents moved to New York Brooklyn (USA), where they opened a candy store and lived happily ever after, with sufficient income to finance their son's education. Isaac became a US citizen in 1928.
It's scary to think what would have happened if Isaac had stayed in the homeland of his ancestors! Of course, it is possible that he would take the place of Ivan Efremov in our fantastic literature, but this is unlikely. Rather, things would have turned out much more gloomy. And so he trained as a biochemist, graduating in chemistry from Columbia University in 1939, and taught biochemistry at the Boston University School of Medicine. Since 1979 he has been a professor at the same university. Professional interests were never forgotten by him: he is the author of many scientific and popular science books on biochemistry. But this is not what made him famous all over the world.
In his graduation year (1939), he made his debut in Amazing Stories with the short story Captured by Vesta. A brilliant scientific mind was combined in Asimov with daydreaming, and therefore he could not be either a pure scientist or a pure writer. He started writing science fiction. And he especially succeeded in books in which one could theorize, build intricate logical chains that involve many hypotheses, but only one correct solution. These are fantastic detectives. AT best books Asimov somehow has a detective element, and his favorite characters - Elijah Bailey and R. Daniel Olivo - detectives by profession. But even novels that cannot be called 100% detective stories are devoted to solving secrets, collecting information and brilliant logical calculations of unusually smart and endowed with true intuition characters.
Asimov's books are set in the future. This future stretched out over many millennia. Here are the adventures of "Lucky" David Starr in the first decades of the exploration of the Solar System, and the settlement of distant planets, starting with the Tau Ceti system, and the formation of the mighty Galactic Empire, and its collapse, and the work of a handful of scientists, united under the name of the Academy, to create a new one, the best Galactic Empire, and the development of the human mind into the universal mind of Galaxia. Asimov essentially created his own universe, extended in space and time, with its own coordinates, history and morality. And like any creator of the world, he showed a clear desire for epic. Most likely, he did not plan in advance to turn his fantastic detective story "Steel Caves" into an epic cycle. But then a sequel appeared - “Robots dawn”- it is already becoming clear that the chain of individual crimes and accidents that Elijah Bailey and R. Daniel Olivo are investigating is connected with the fate of mankind.
And yet, even then, Asimov was hardly going to connect the Caves of Steel story cycle with the Academy trilogy. It happened by itself, as it always happens with the epic. It is known, after all, that at first the novels about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table were not connected with each other, and even more so with the story of Tristan and Isolde. But over time, they united into something in common. It's the same with Asimov's novels.
And if an epic cycle is created, then it cannot fail to have a central epic hero. And such a hero appears. R. Daniel Olivo becomes them. Robot Daniel Olivo. In the fifth part of the "Academy" - the novel "Academy and the Earth" - he already takes the place of the Lord God, the creator of the Universe and the arbiter of human destinies.
Asimov's robots are the most amazing of all created by the writer. Asimov wrote pure science fiction, in which there is no place for magic and mysticism. And yet, not being an engineer by profession, he does not really strike the reader's imagination with technical innovations. And his only invention is more philosophical than technical. Asimov's robots, the problems of their relationship with people is a subject of special interest. It is felt that the author thought a lot before writing about it. It is no coincidence that even his science fiction rivals, including those who spoke unflatteringly about his literary talent, recognized his greatness as the author of the Three Laws of Robotics. These laws are also expressed philosophically, and not technically: robots should not harm a person or, by their inaction, allow harm to be done to him; robots must obey the orders of a person, if this does not contradict the first law; robots must protect their existence, if it does not contradict the first and second law. Asimov does not explain how this happens, but says that no robot can be created without observing the Three Laws. They are laid in the very basis, in the technical basis of the possibility of building a robot.
But already from these Three Laws a lot of problems follow: for example, a robot will be ordered to jump into a fire. And he will be forced to do this, because the second law is initially stronger than the third. But Asimov's robots - in any case, Daniel and others like him - are essentially people, only artificially created. They have a unique and inimitable personality, an individuality that can be destroyed at the whim of any fool. Asimov was a smart man. He himself noticed this contradiction and resolved it. And many other problems and contradictions that arise in his books were brilliantly resolved by him. It seems that he enjoyed posing problems and finding solutions.
The world of Asimov's novels is a world of bizarre interweaving of surprise and logic. You will never guess what power is behind this or that event in the Universe, who opposes the heroes in their search for truth, who helps them. The endings of Asimov's novels are as unexpected as the endings of O'Henry's stories. Nevertheless, any surprise here is carefully motivated and justified. Asimov has no mistakes and cannot be.
The freedom of the individual and its dependence on higher powers are also intricately intertwined in Asimov's Universe. According to Asimov, many powerful forces operate in the Galaxy, much more powerful than people. And yet, in the end, everything is decided by people, concrete people, like the brilliant Golan Trevize from the fourth and fifth books of the Academy. What happens in the end, however, is not known. Asimov's world is open and ever-changing. Who knows where Asimov's humanity would have gone if the author had lived a little longer...
The reader, having entered another disturbing, huge and full of confrontation Asimov's Universe, gets used to it, as to his own home. When Golan Trevize visits the long forgotten and desolate planets of Aurora and Solaria, where Elijah Bailey and R. Daniel Olivo lived and operated many thousands of years ago, we feel sad and devastated, as if we are standing in the ashes. This is the deep humanity and emotionality of such a seemingly personal-speculative world created by Asimov.
He lived by Western standards for a short time - only seventy-two years and died on April 6, 1992 at the New York University clinic. But over the years he wrote not twenty, not fifty, not one hundred or four hundred, but four hundred and sixty-seven books, both fiction and scientific and popular science. His work has been awarded five Hugo Awards (1963, 1966, 1973, 1977, 1983), two Nebula Awards (1972, 1976), as well as many other prizes and prizes. One of the most popular American SF magazines, Asimov's Science Fiction and Fantasy, is named after Isaac Asimov. There is something to envy.

Full list of genres

All science fiction novels by Isaac Asimov.

Isaac Asimov has written many books, primarily in the science fiction genre. Asimov's robots are the most amazing of all created by the writer. He first formulated the three laws of robotics, the mandatory rules of behavior for robots. Some terms from his works are robotics (robotics), positronic (positron), psychohistory (psychohistory, the science of behavior large groups people) - firmly entered English and other languages. In the Anglo-American literary tradition, Asimov, along with Arthur Clarke and Robert Heinlein, is referred to as the "Big Three" science fiction writers.

The world of Asimov's novels is the world of an unusual combination of logic and surprise. You will not be able to predict what power is behind this or that event in the Universe, who opposes the heroes in their search for truth, and who helps them. The endings of Asimov's novels are quite unexpected. However, any event in them is carefully motivated and justified. Asimov's world is open and ever-changing, which is what makes his works so exciting.


Pebble in the sky

Pebble In The Sky

The work tells about how Chicago resident Joseph Schwartz suddenly finds himself from the 20th century into the distant future. The Earth in this future was in the position of a deep province, became only a small part of the Galactic Empire. Much has changed, there is no hope to return, and everything is complicated by the fact that the main character falls into a turbulent time for the inhabitants of our planet ...

Other translations: "Pebble in the sky", "A grain of sand in the sky", "Shard of the Universe"

Year: 1950


Stars are like dust

The Stars, Like Dust

The action takes place in the distant future. The hero of the novel Byron Farril graduates from a local university on planet Earth. Farril's whole life changes when he is suddenly assassinated... Why? Who needs the death of an ordinary student? Or is it not so simple in the fate of Farril?

Year: 1951


The first book of a large cycle of novels about the collapse of the Galactic Empire with the highest level of civilization development and the history of the emergence of a new one.

Scientist Gary Seldon creates the science of "psychohistory" and mathematically proves that the Empire will cease to exist in 500 years. The authorities did not believe him, but he and his followers foresaw this and already prepared a plan to create a new Galactic Empire. According to this plan, the period of barbarism after the collapse of the Empire will be reduced from 30,000 years to only 1,000 years.

Other translations: "Academy", "Foundation"

Year: 1951


David Starr - space ranger

David Starr, Space Ranger

A young member of the Council of Science, David Starr, a "lucky" sportsman and adventurer, goes to Mars to find out why poisonous products come from there. And there, from a strange living creature with a strong mind, David first heard the name by which the whole Galaxy would know him - Space Ranger.

Year: 1952

Founding and Empire

Foundation and Empire

The second book in the Foundation series. We are waiting for the continuation of the history of the formation of the new Galactic Empire and new crises of the Foundation.

Other translations: "Academy and Empire", "Foundation and Empire", "Founders and Empire"

Year: 1952

space currents

The Currents of Space

The story takes place during the transition of Trantor from a regional power to the Galactic Empire. Trantor controls half of the inhabited worlds.
A space analyst from planet Earth is exposed to a psychoprobe. As a result, he loses his memory and spends his days on the planet Florina, where a special plant is grown, which is of great value in the galactic markets. Suddenly, the earthling begins to remember that he knows some secret about the future of Florina...

Year: 1952


Second Founding

Second Foundation

The third book in the Foundation series.
The novel consists of two parts, originally published as separate stories.
Part One, "Search by the Mule", was first published in the January 1948 issue of Astounding Sience Fiction under the title "Now you see it".
Part two, "Search by the Foundation", was first published in the December and January 1949-50 issues of Astounding Sience Fiction under the title "And now you don't". The original titles of the stories are a quotation from the First Speaker from chapter 6 of the first part.

Other translations: "Second Fund", "Second Academy"

Year: 1953

Lucky Starr and the Asteroid Pirates

Lucky Starr and the Pirates of the Asteroids

The asteroid belt has long been haunted by pirates who have been the cause of many murders and robberies, including the death of David Starr's parents.
A year after the events of the first book, his mission to Mars, he makes an independent attempt to crack down on the pirates.

Year: 1953


steel caves

The Caves of Steel

The novel is set on Earth, the cradle of humanity, which is suffering from overpopulation. People on the planet are forced to spend their whole lives in giant ant-cities, not seeing the sunlight, while the cosmonites, the descendants of the Earthlings who inhabited other planets, enjoy all the delights of life. The Spacers vastly outnumber Earthlings in their economic and military power. And then on Earth there was a murder of a peaceful representative of astronites, and this event could turn into a grandiose interplanetary scandal, which threatens dire consequences. NYPD officer Elijah Bailey is sent to investigate the murder, and on the side of the astronites he is given an unusual detective named R. Daniel Olivo.

Year: 1954

Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus

Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus

The New Adventures of Lucky Starr. This time, the protagonist has to complete a new task on the completely ocean-covered planet Venus, where Council member Lou Evans, Lucky's friend, is accused of taking bribes.

In the mid-1950s, few facts were known about Venus, only its mass, volume, orbital characteristics, and that it was covered by an impenetrable layer of clouds.

Year: 1954


End of eternity

The End of Eternity

This book by Asimov is an example of the writer's virtuoso play with space and time. An excellent study of time paradoxes, the plot keeps in constant tension, makes sharp turns and amazes with a scientific approach. Many critics say that this best job Asimov.

The novel describes the activities of an organization called Eternity, which exists outside of time and originated in the 27th century. The people of "Eternity" change the course of history for the benefit of mankind. Billions of people can disappear forever at their will. This would have continued further, but the main character Andrew Harlan becomes a participant in strange events, which will be discussed in the novel.

Year: 1955



naked sun

Detective Elijah Bailey's skill has been noticed by the Spacers in a previous case. The protagonist is invited to help in the investigation of a murder on one of the Outer Worlds - Solaria. Solaria is a world where people never communicate in person, but only through holographic telecontact. Under such conditions, even a murder requiring personal presence seems impossible. But it did happen there.

Year: 1957

Lucky Starr and the Moons of Jupiter

Lucky Starr and the Moons of Jupiter

The action of this novel takes place on Adrastea, one of the moons of Jupiter. Lucky Starr and Bigman have been given a new assignment related to the Council of Science's most secret research project, Anti-Gravity, the construction of the first anti-gravity ship.

Year: 1957


Lucky Starr and the rings of Saturn

Lucky Starr and the Rings of Saturn

According to a law adopted a very long time ago (Isaac Asimov's novel "Lucky Starr and the Rings of Saturn"), any body revolving around a star belonged to this particular star system. But Sirius decided to capture the system of the planet Saturn in the solar system, establishing a base on Titan.

Year: 1958


Fantastic Journey

Fantastic Voyage

Specially trained four men and a woman are reduced to microscopic size and sent in a miniature submarine into the body of a scientist to destroy a blood clot in his brain. If they fail, the whole world will be doomed...

Year: 1966


The Gods themselves

The Gods Themselves

The events in the book take place on the Earth, the Moon and in a parallel universe with different laws of physics.
By a stroke of luck, the discovery was made, and now the Earth is no longer in danger of an energy crisis. The Electronic Pump was created - an inexhaustible, cheap, environmentally friendly and safe source of energy. The electronic pump helps two perfectly different worlds. But is it really all that good?
This is what the main character has to figure out. And do scientists know what beings from another universe really want?

Year: 1972


base edge

Foundation's Edge

The novel takes place 500 years after the First Foundation was created.
The novel was first published in September 1982. It was written almost 30 years after the release of the last novel in the classic trilogy of the cycle, thanks to pressure from fans and publishers, as well as an impressive fee. Since then, the novel has been reprinted several times. English language, and has also been translated into several other languages, including Russian.

Other translations: "Academy on the brink of destruction", "Foundation Crisis", "Foundation Limit"

Year: 1982


Norby is an extraordinary robot

Norby, the Mixed-up Robot

Fourteen-year-old cadet Jeff Wells is suspected of spying for an enemy space empire. A serious danger hangs over the future space pilot. He has no choice but to purchase a used Norby robot. Quite unexpectedly, the little robot becomes Jeff's friend and protector. In addition, it turned out that Norby has unique abilities…. but it is precisely these faculties that are the source of many troubles.
The book is aimed at teenagers, but it will also be interesting for adults. The first book in the Norby series.

Year: 1983

Robots of dawn

The Robots of Dawn

On Aurora, the Spacers' core world, "robotic killing" has taken place. Someone deliberately destroyed the brain of a humanoid robot. According to Dr. Fastolf, only he himself has enough knowledge on the whole planet to do this. But he didn't. Fastolf is the leader of the political movement to help earthlings, and the government of the Earth is not very profitable to lose his support, and it sends a proven person. Bailey must unravel this delicate matter at all costs...

Year: 1983


Norby - mage and wizard

Norby's Other Secret

The extraordinary robot Norby is trying to find out the secret of his origin, he, along with his faithful and brave friend Jeff, goes to the planet of dragons. The emergence of civilization on this planet and the creation of a robot has a direct connection with each other. In addition, the robot Norby learns a lot about his unique abilities. On the planet of the dragons, Norby and Jeff meet the mysterious creatures Mentors and find alien friends.

Other translations: "Norby's Other Secret"

Year: 1984


Norby and the Lost Princess

Norby and the Lost Princess

The adventures of Norby (a robot with unique abilities) and his faithful friend Jeff Wells (a cadet of a space company) continue…. This time they go on their spaceship "Promising" to the amazing planet Melody, where plants sing ... and not only, they also make them sing, and those who do not obey them receive an electric shock. And some plants (musicophiles) are really dangerous. Our friends, accompanied by brother Jeff (a reckless womanizer) and a wise teacher, General Yono, go to this insidious planet to find traces of the missing princess from the planet Izz. But instead, they are captured by nasty slippers. But friends do not give up ...., and Jeff suddenly acquires a fan!

Year: 1985

Robots and Empire

Robots and Empire

Isaac Asimov's novel Robots and Empire takes place two centuries after the events of Robots of Dawn.
The wave of expansion from Earth to other planets is gaining strength, and conflicts appear between spacers (inhabitants of the Outer Worlds) and settlers (descendants of earthlings). Gladia, the spacewoman who had sincere love with Elijah Bailey, is still alive today - after all, Spacers live for three or four centuries. Her enemy is also alive - Dr. Amadeiro, who, after the death of Dr. Hen Fastolf, again set out to take revenge on the Earth, which had already inhabited many planets ...

Year: 1985

Norby and the invaders

Norby and the Invaders

In the Manhattan living room of the Wells brothers (Fargo, a secret agent of the Space Administration, and Jefferson, a cadet of the Space Academy) there is a cheerful party hosted on the occasion of the birthday of Fargo's head of the Space Administration, Admiral Boris Yono. All of a sudden, Norby, the famous confusing robot, receives a message that the first Mentor is in trouble and all of Jamia is in danger. And again, friends rush to the rescue on their spaceship "Promising" ... A little guest is going on an adventure with them - a Jamyan dragon named Zargl and Oola, a multi-purpose pet and Jeff's favorite.
The work, saturated with fantastic events, will please not only with a fascinating plot, but will also provide an opportunity to reflect on the problem of mutual understanding between civilizations so different in all respects, as well as the interconnectedness of everything in this world.

Year: 1985


Foundation and Earth

Foundation and Earth

In this sequel to Foundation's Edge, we see Golon Trevize and his crew searching for Old Earth. This search will lead them to the very first colonies of earthlings, to the lost Outer Worlds and even to the solar system itself... Only there something more mysterious and ancient awaits them than the supermind of Gaia and the Second Academy...

Other translations: "Academy and Earth"

Year: 1986

Norby and the Queen's Necklace

Norby and the Queen's Necklace

The book introduces the new adventures of inseparable friends: the cheerful know-it-all and the unique robot Norby, the responsible and resourceful Jefferson, the adventurous charming Fargo and his fiancee Orbani. This time they travel back in time.
It all started with Fargo moving right during the performance to 18th century France just before the revolution. The reason for this event turns out to be a necklace. The task for Norby and Jeff is to find Fargo and solve the mystery of the necklace, which is hidden in the future. And the most important thing…. Norby learns why he has the ability to travel through time.
Readers will be interested to get acquainted with a new look at the events of the French Revolution, as well as imagine the distant future.

Year: 1986


Norby is looking for a villain

Norby Finds a Villain

Another portion of the dizzying adventures of the little robot Norby and his friends.
Ing the Ungrateful infiltrated the Space Command disguised as Freezy the Clown and stole Peru's newest spaceship and little robot and fled into hyperspace. Here he was going to wait out the explosion of the bombs he left behind, which would upset the balance of the entire universe. The robot Norby and his friends are sent to capture the villain in hyperspace...

Year: 1987

Fantastic Journey II. Destination is the brain

Fantastic Voyage II: Destination Brain

The action takes place in the microcosm. A specially prepared group, reduced to the size of an atom, voluntarily or forcedly penetrates into the inner space of the human body. Heroes cost a lot difficult task- to decipher with the help of a special device the thoughts of a Russian scientist who is in a coma. And it turns out that, despite their tiny size, serious trials, real adventures, real dangers, fatal passions await them.

Other translations: "Fantastic Voyage II: The Destination is the Brain"

Year: 1987


Prelude to Foundation

Prelude to Foundation

The novel begins with a report by young mathematician Gary Seldon from the planet Helicon at a scientific convention, in which he describes the theoretical possibility mathematical modeling future. The Prime Minister of the Edo Empire Demerzel and the Emperor became interested in the report. Seldon is taken to the palace, where he disappoints the Emperor by explaining the purely theoretical nature of his work. However, the Emperor wishes to use Seldon to consolidate his power.
Seldon continues to work on psychohistory, studying the history of the Empire, trying to get more information and create a model of psychohistory.
A familiar professor convinces him to ascend to the surface of Trantor with a group of meteorologists. There he learns about a ancient planet called Aurora, from which the human race went. Seldon tries to find an active robot to find out about ancient history First World, and use it to model psychohistory.
The naive and gullible provincial Seldon does not suspect that he is becoming the most desirable person in the entire universe. Rival political leaders are trying to win him over to their side.
In the novel, the reader is given the opportunity to learn previously unknown details personal life brilliant scientist - the future father of psychohistory.

Other translations: "Prelude to the Academy"