What to do with yourself with benefit. Hobbies and interests for women: what to do in your free time

Skip to step 1 to beat the blues!


    Cook or bake something. Baking or any other cooking is a great way to pass the time, and at the end you will find a delicious (hopefully!) result of your labors. Dust off your cookbook or find a fantastic recipe online and get started!

    • You can bake cookies. You can prepare it in a wide variety of flavors, and it’s not difficult to do.
    • Pie, cake or cupcakes are also good options, especially if you don't have enough time or ingredients to whip up something.
  1. Bring beauty. Try different makeup styles and see what suits you best. Open your wardrobe and pick out outfits for the next few days. Find jewelry and accessories that match your clothes and think about your makeup.

    • Get into nail design. Cover them with fun designs using special brushes or paint all your nails with different colors.
  2. Watch the movie. You can find a movie online or go to a video rental store and choose the one that suits you. You can even organize a real trip and go to the local cinema. Watch something you wouldn't normally watch, like a documentary or detective story.

    Practice doing something. When you don't have anything better in mind, take the time to hone the skills you've already acquired. If you play soccer, take the ball to the backyard or park and practice dribbling or scoring goals. If you play the piano, sit down and play a few pieces. You don't have to practice scales; try playing your favorite song instead.

    Get things in order. If you have some free time at work or school, this is a great opportunity to organize your workspace a little. Sometimes it will even help you regain your productivity. Clean out your workspace or organize your school file. Make sure everything is in its place where it is easy to find.

    Clean your computer . Wipe the screen, clean between the keys. If before he was white, try to return it to its original state.

    • Organize your computer desktop so that you can easily find everything. Place photos in appropriately named folders and make sure all documents are saved in the correct folders.
  3. Meditate . If you have some time and are bored, use it to meditate. This will help you calm your mind and focus on the work you have to do. Great tactic to renew your energy!

    • Sit quietly at your desk and close your eyes (or pretend you're working). Take deep breaths in and out and focus on your breathing. If you notice yourself starting to think about things, accept and let those thoughts go.
  4. . Reading is exciting, you can choose a book, magazine or newspaper. Reading can help you pass the time while giving your brain something interesting to do. Free time is exactly what you need to try something new.

    • The book can be hidden under the textbook (at school) or under the table (at work). This will make it look like you're studying or very engaged in the material while you're having fun.
    • Read a detective story and try to solve the mystery before the detective, try fantasy or science fiction. You can't take it art book, but something spiritual, philosophical, paranormal or even religious, like the Bible or the Koran.
    • See what books you can borrow from the library and stop by on your way to work or school. If the library's database is available online, you can check for book availability even while you're at work or in class.
  5. Go online. If you are sitting at a computer, then with its help you can go online and wander around a little, just be careful that your teacher or boss doesn’t notice. This way you can have fun or learn something new.

    Chat with a colleague. Sometimes best way The way to have fun when you're bored is to start a conversation with someone else. Choose someone you don't know very well and ask where they're from, what school they went to, what they like to do at school. free time. You might even make a new friend.

Finding fun with a friend

    Find a compromise. Okay, you can't agree on one thing. Pick something you want to do and combine it with something your friend likes. Let's say you want to watch a movie and your friend wants to bake a cake. Bake a cake with a red carpet and other movie-themed edible decorations (if you're really that good with baking), and then watch a movie about cakes. Maybe the example is not the best, but you get the idea.

Can you remember when you were in last time They said: “I’m so bored!” and wondered what to do in your free time? Congratulations, you have it.

Are you bored and tired of everything? The only entertainment is your smartphone? And he’s already pretty tired of him.

It’s impossible to endlessly enjoy internet surfing, Instagram photos and Facebook news feeds!

We know what you can do in your free time and are ready to offer you many constructive options to spend your time usefully.

Choose any of the activities suggested below and make the most of your free time!

How successful people spend their time

What do you think they are doing successful people after the end of the working day? What about on the weekend? In fact, how people spend their personal time has a big impact on who they become in their professional world.

Use your free time for learning and self-development. After all, you are the most important thing you have. So, what options can be offered to those who strive for success?


Read a good novel or self-help book. Reading should be the first habit you think of when you have half an hour of free time.

Just throw it in your bag and you'll have something to do while you're on the subway after work.Reading expands your knowledge and makes you a truly interesting person.

Learn languages

You've probably heard this advice a thousand times, but never heeded it. Knowledge of two or more languages ​​is a clear advantage! Bilingualism develops our social, cognitive and professional skills.

Just think that, having learned English, you will be able to watch “Sherlock” or “Game of Thrones” in the original and without subtitles. Sounds tempting?

Sign up for courses

Education does not end at university. Perhaps you always knew that you were destined to become an astronomer? Why not make this dream come true?

Never stop learning.

Don't be disdainful of free online courses. If you have free time and an Internet connection, you can upgrade any of your skills. Youtube is full of educational webinars and interesting master classes.

Start a hobby

Do you think focusing on your work will lead you to success? It seems that everything is logical: you are not distracted by anything and work hard for the result. But it's not that simple.

The point is that if you focus on only one aspect, it will lead you to burnout and loss of enthusiasm.

A hobby can help you relieve stress and develop skills in another area. All you have to do is switch.

No wonder they say that good rest- This is a change in type of activity. Find yourself a passion.


A little work-out won't hurt anyone. Turn on any of the popular video workouts on Youtube and move to rhythmic music. You can do everything: cardio, strength training, stretching, Pilates and step aerobics.

Burn calories, build muscles and fill your brain with oxygen! This will help you get rid of the stress that you have received at work.

Such free time activities will improve your abilities and broaden your way of thinking. The results will please you.

Time for creativity

If we are to develop, then in all areas! How long have you imagined the opportunity to create a world-class masterpiece? Can't remember? So now is the time.


Arm yourself with paints, pencils, brushes, an easel... If you think that you have no talent at all, try painting by numbers. Their range is simply amazing: from mountain landscapes to cute tiger cubs.

Why not decorate the wall of your room with a picture you painted yourself? Well, almost with my own hands :)

Color it

Are coloring books just for kids? But no. Have you heard about anti-stress coloring books for adults? It's really addictive. Small openwork designs, graceful mandalas and outlandish patterns will absorb your attention for a long time.

Pick up the hot gun

Do you know how to use hot melt glue for other purposes? We advise you to inquire! The Internet is teeming with ideas for interesting crafts that you can create using hot glue from a hot glue gun. These include phone cases, hair jewelry, bracelets, and luxurious interior items.

Bake some loaves or cookies

Or strudel. Or meat in French. The main thing is that the atmosphere of the house is filled with the aromas of home cooking. Experiment with recipes, toppings and spices.

Choose the color of the confectionery toppings and the flavor of the liqueur to soak the pie crust.

Make magic with your ingredients and do it with love!


You know that one of the signs of depression is a reluctance to sing. Prove that you do not suffer from depressive disorders.

Sing your favorite songs and notice how your mood improves. By the way, this activity can be combined with a meeting with close friends and a large group of people at the local karaoke hall.


Calming your mind is also a special kind of creativity. You will need a yoga mat, soothing music and 20 minutes of free time. This is enough to switch to a wave of peace and tranquility.

You can add aroma candles and light twilight here. It is advisable to be alone.

We have given only 6 examples of what to do in your free time with the help of creativity. But embroidery, sewing, macrame, beadwork and many other types of needlework have been left out of our attention.

Do what brings you pleasure. Make your leisure time creative and varied!

Mess, go away!

This section will not only cover general cleaning of your home. It’s not just your apartment that requires special care.

If you have 20-30 minutes of free time and you are at home and not on the street, we recommend that you pay attention to things that may require your urgent participation.

Clean up

So that there is no intrigue from the very beginning, we will start with cleaning your house. Of course, half an hour is unlikely to be enough to lick all the surfaces of your home clean, but you will have time to do something:

  1. Walk around your house and see if there are things lying around where they don't belong.
  2. Finally, sort through the bag of bags and throw away unnecessary notes, old newspapers and receipts.
  3. Dust or iron things.
  4. Take a look at your spice jars - what should you buy this week?

Basically, do all those little things that you usually don't have time for.

Get your finances sorted

Pay your utility bills and pay off your monthly mortgage payments (which we hope you don't have).

Calculate your income and expenses for the coming month and decide whether you should moderate your demands for a while. Or, conversely, start living large.

Make a “death” to-do list

Sound scary? We agree! But it's not that scary. It’s just time to sort out your life and set priorities, goals and dreams.

Write down on paper everything you would like to get done before... you know. This clears your head of unnecessary nonsense and leaves only the important:

  1. Where would you like to go?
  2. What to learn?
  3. Who to meet?
  4. What books should I read?
  5. What to try?

Only global and milestone goals. This is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

Take care of yourself

Well, finally this point! We've waited!

Well, you know: manicure, pedicure, massage, depilation, haircut, coloring, styling, peeling, cleansing, masks, baths, saunas.. If you do everything, then how can you even have free time? 🙂

Imagine that your body is the temple of your soul. How long have you been caring for the temple? Enjoy some self-care and refresh your body a little.

Don't do anything

This is the icing on the cake! What to do in your free time? Nothing.

Just lay around, relax, turn on the TV, turn off the TV, take a nap, call a friend, take a nap again, look through a magazine, put it aside...

All you need is to recharge the internal battery. Don't waste energy on vigorous activity.

Soon energy renewal will be established, and you will be able to return to your usual rhythm of life with a double reserve of strength. This is also self-care.

Are you bored? Sometimes everyone gets bored, and many don’t know what to do with themselves when there is nothing to do at all. Sometimes people overcome by boredom completely fall into despair.

But don't be afraid! Here you will find 30 ways to keep yourself busy that will drive away boredom. Don't waste the precious moments life gives you. Do something fun! When you're feeling incredibly bored, just scroll through this page and you'll soon be engrossed in something fun and worthwhile!

1. Learn a new language.

The acquired knowledge can be useful in many situations. For example, you are going on a trip or just want to make fun of your friends. Once you start, it is impossible to stop.

Well, stop loitering around and give yourself a lesson. foreign language. Over time, you will become fluent in it, and all because you managed to overcome boredom and do something really interesting!

2. Write a movie script or book

Even if you know nothing at all about writing, it will be interesting to spend your free time on a hobby that can also generate income! Write a novel, a comedy, a thrilling movie script, or a book, and when you're done, give your work to someone so they can read the manuscript or edit it if necessary.

3. Make a collage of photos with family and friends

It’s so great that you will retain memories of really important events of the past! If you have a stack of old photographs lying around, why not make a collage of memories from them?

4. Plan a short trip

It’s so interesting to organize a trip or outing into nature, but planning them can turn out to be challenging task. When you have nothing else to do, think about an exciting weekend pastime with friends, they will definitely thank you for it.

5. Go for a run

Sports are always useful, but very often it is impossible to find room for them in a busy schedule. So, if you're bored or just don't know what to do with your free time, go for a run. This will help you stay in shape and quite possibly will soon become a regular hobby.

6. Start selling lemonade

Do you remember how, as a child, you stood on the front lawn and offered lemonade to passers-by? Don't even think that you are too old for this now! Donate proceeds to charity and feel like you've done something truly meaningful.

7. Make a list of life goals

In pursuit of better life It is always useful to have a guideline, this will help you achieve what you want. So, when you have nothing to do, start making a list like this and watch your life take turns you never imagined.

8. Learn to surf

Everyone loves the sea, so why not engage in sports, a mandatory component of which is this element? Surfing - useful physical exercise and a wonderful hobby that can change your life!

9. Play bingo

Think bingo isn't for you? It's simply because you haven't won yet! If you're bored, play bingo and maybe luck will be on your side.

10. Update your phone book

Have you made new friends or lost old ones? Whatever it is, it never hurts to update your phone book! When you have nothing else to do, organize your phone numbers. Believe me, after this not only your book will be updated, but you yourself will be updated.

11. Get a job as a nanny

People who are willing to babysit are always needed, whether for a member of your own family or a friend. If you can look after children, even for a short time, then do it! A plus will be the opportunity to earn some pocket money. It is worth noting that nanny is included in the ranking of 10 professions that will allow you to travel.

12. Make a home video

YouTube- a gold mine that changed the lives of many people. If you have a good sense of humor or are carrying interesting idea for home video, then how about getting together with friends and making a video? And when it's ready, place it on YouTube and wait until it gets a hundred views. Glory itself will knock on your door!

13. Create your own recipe

14. Learn new words

By expanding your vocabulary, you will never waste time. So learn new words and use them in your daily life!

15. Learn a dance with friends that's suitable for any occasion.

16. Write a song

Do you like to sing? Or maybe you want to dedicate a song to a specific person? Then go ahead, don’t be bored and don’t waste your time! And if you want your work to see the light of day, you can send it to a professional producer for consideration!

17. Plan a trip around the world

18. Repurpose your old clothes

If your closet is full of items you're not going to wear anymore, then try to put them to good use! Cut, sew, add buttons or re-dye them. And if you don’t like your old clothes at all, then maybe they will be useful to someone else. Take the opportunity to make some money by selling it on Ebay!

19. Get a pen pal

Finding pen pals is a very fun activity, which also gives you the opportunity to make a friend for life. If you have an account on the site for finding pen pals, you can meet new interesting people, brightening up moments of boredom with fun.

20. Master calligraphy

Many people dream of learning the art of calligraphy, because the ability to write in clear, beautiful handwriting will make your letters 10 times more attractive. Fight away boredom by mastering this art and amaze your family and friends with the results!

21. Put as many grapes in your mouth as you can.

Yes it's stupid, but it's a lot of fun. And who knows, maybe you'll use this trick to surprise your friends at a party.

22. Write 10 things you like about someone.

Fill out the list with your 10 favorite things you appreciate most about someone you know, then show the sheet to the person you wrote about. This way you will do something nice for yourself and others.

23. Paint your face with special paints

Buy a set of paints that you can use to make drawings and makeup, and try them on yourself and friends. If you're good at it, you can make some money by making patterns and painting faces regularly!

24. Learn to do magic tricks

Who doesn't love magic tricks? By learning one trick every time you're bored, you'll soon become a real magician!

25. Clean the whole house or just the bedroom

There is nothing better than the feeling that you live in cleanliness and order. Often when cleaning, we find things that we had completely forgotten existed. So go ahead! Stop messing around and start cleaning!

26. Make a sand jar

Go down to the beach and get some sand. Color it with food coloring or regular paints, and then pour sand into the jar, distributing the colors in levels. As a result, you will receive a great gift!

27. Go on a picnic!

You can organize a picnic in nature or cook something for friends at home if the weather is not as good as you would like. This great way spend time having a friendly conversation, and at the same time demonstrate your culinary skills.

28. Take part in a project that requires volunteer work

Today, many countries need volunteers who can lend a helping hand to make a difference.

29. Create a holiday album

Give it to friends or family members who are going on vacation and ask them to attach photos and descriptions of their travels. In the end, you will have an amazing album with memories of various picturesque corners of the planet.

30. Collect a survival kit

You never know when you might need it, which is why you need to have a kit like this! Include things like band-aids, glue, tissues, and anything else you might need to survive a dangerous situation.

“What is your hobby?” is one of my favorite questions to ask when meeting someone new. After all, you can learn a lot about a person from a hobby. We are all so different and that's wonderful! A hobby helps us not to lose interest in life, makes it brighter and gives it meaning. And when a person says that he does not have a favorite hobby, then this becomes incomprehensible to me. And, indeed, the majority cannot find something they like. I like everything, but I do nothing. Therefore, they are always thinking about what to do in their free time! I’ve never had a problem with this, so let’s talk about how to choose a hobby.


To begin with, of course, it’s worth talking about the concept itself.

A hobby (from the English Hobby - favorite thing, hobby) is a type of activity, any activity that a person enthusiastically does in his free time and at the same time receives true pleasure.

The appearance of this term is associated with the humorous novel by the English writer Laurence Sterne, “The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman,” which was written in the 18th century. In it, the author used the word “hobby” for the first time, which had previously been used to describe only a small peasant workhorse, in the meaning of “hobby” or “hobby.” Hobbies became more widespread as an activity in the 19th century, when people, wanting to stand out, began to engage in various types of activities. So, gradually, hobbies came into fashion and became an integral part of life.

Nowadays there are a huge number of hobbies in the world. How many people there are, so many varieties of hobbies! Basically, people choose their hobby based on their psychological profile.
Extroverts focus most of their energy on communication. That's why they like to travel and take photographs. interesting places.

Introverts love to engage in art, yoga, martial arts, and psychology. This is how they get to know themselves through their passion.

Assiduous people choose hobbies that require patience. For example, phlegmatic people can spend hours assembling a model of an airplane with many parts in the cockpit. They enjoy the process itself.

People seeking peace love embroidery, knitting, and sewing. This helps them calm their nerves after a difficult day at work.

And active and restless individuals prefer sports and active hobbies. They organize surf swims, skydive, and snowboard.

Wrestlers by nature choose activities where there is competition: football, basketball, hockey, tennis. For them, the main thing is the competition itself. Pleasure comes from the feeling of a well-deserved victory.

But creative people always try to design and invent something. Men experiment with old cars, tuning them, and women, in a burst of creativity, invent new cut dresses or functional interior items. The main goal of creatives is to invent something new.

In addition to a psychological portrait, these 5 criteria will help you choose a hobby:
- you are interested in this more than anything else;
— there is a constant desire to do it in your free time;
— the next “portion” of such an activity lifts your mood;
- a lot of time, effort and money are spent on it;
- you do everything diligently and with special care.

Train your brain with fun

Develop memory, attention and thinking with online trainers


You're probably wondering, what are the most popular hobbies?


10th place. Reading

For many centuries, books have been the custodians of the wisdom and experiences of many generations. It is to them that we turn in a variety of situations - from the desire to read some detective story or novel to pass the time, to searching for an answer to a question that interests us. Unfortunately, in the 21st century, the importance of reading has decreased. Because of the Internet, people have ceased to understand the value of books, but despite this, many have remained faithful to one of the oldest hobbies of mankind. Read! Read scientific, artistic, historical, any literature. Each book is a unique story that can give you a lot and even radically change your life.

9th place. Tourism

This hobby is among the top 10 most popular because traveling gives us many amazing and unforgettable experiences. For many people, the desire to see the world, experience new sensations, and communicate with other peoples is much stronger than the need to buy a house or an expensive car. I know many examples when people save up for a whole year to travel to new interesting places. Of course, to engage in tourism, you need to earn a decent amount of money, but it’s worth it. And it doesn’t matter what type of travel you like, because the main thing is to free yourself from everyday worries and get a lot of positive emotions.

8th place. Photo

This is one of the most popular and fashionable hobbies in the world. And I think there are several reasons. Nowadays everyone can afford an inexpensive camera. Even with the camera of good phones, such as the Apple iPhone or Sony, you can get decent pictures. Another advantage of photography is the opportunity to study all year round at any time. It also gives a lot of impressions and new acquaintances. And professional photography is already a whole creativity with various landscapes, portraits and wedding photographs.

7th place. Cooking

Food is a very big part of our lives, which is why cooking has become a very popular hobby all over the world. For many people, cooking is a very routine task. But there are people who approach this process more creatively. Prepare delicious dish– this is real art. This hobby is practiced by both women and men. Nowadays there are a very large number of sites with interesting recipes, many video courses, various culinary schools are opening. If only there was a desire!

6th place. Choreography

We should have kept dancing! I constantly catch myself thinking this way. As a child, I danced for more than 3 years. I love looking back at photos from ballroom competitions! It's never too late to start, but now you have other interests and hobbies. But for many, dancing is like a drug, of course, in the good sense of the word. Dancing is movement. Dancing is meditation. Dancing is a communication of feminine and masculine energy. You can talk a lot about them, but it’s better to lose yourself in the dance itself!

5th place. Growing indoor plants

This activity appeared more than 5,000 years ago. Even the ancient Chinese, both poor and rich, decorated their homes indoor plants. In Europe, this hobby appeared only in the 18th century, and Peter the Great brought this fashion to Russia. Nowadays this is a very popular hobby for many. By doing home floriculture, you can get great relaxation, which we so lack in urban environments today. In addition, plants also provide practical benefits. They fight such negative factors as polluted air and high electromagnetic radiation. Therefore, it’s worth thinking about taking up this hobby!

4th place. Magic

Yes, I didn’t believe it at first either. I never thought that this could be such a popular hobby. These are various rituals, signs, fortune telling, love spells and other strange and not so strange things. And every year the “magic” industry is gaining more and more popularity on the Internet. Personally, I am more interested not in magic, but in esoteric knowledge that helps me expand my consciousness and grow spiritually. Magic? Why not, if it gives you pleasure!

3rd place. Hunting and Fishing

So, we have already come to the top three most popular hobbies in the world. And in 3rd place we see the most ancient male occupations that helped to survive, feed and clothe members of their families. Of course, when people moved away from nature, such a need disappeared, but the instinct remained. These hobbies allow you to escape from the bustle of the city and enjoy nature. Personally, I love it very much - sitting in the morning with a fishing rod on the Don! And my dad is generally an avid fisherman. As soon as I had free time, I went fishing. Despite the fact that these two hobbies are energy-consuming, you still come back refreshed and with new strength.

2nd place. Collecting

Probably every person has collected something in his life. Previously, stamps, postcards, models, and chewing gum inserts were popular. Personally, in my childhood there were popular chips that we played with all day long. I just had a huge collection. For some, the desire to collect goes away with age, but for others, it truly captivates them for the rest of their lives. Everything can be collected. Some things can be bought for pennies, but some items require large financial outlays. You can collect everything! From beer bottles to meteorites. There's enough imagination here!

1st place. Sport

Today it is fashionable to be active, cheerful, healthy, with positive energy and a cheerful mood. And all this can be achieved by the most popular hobby in the world – playing sports. As a child, we played football, then there was bodybuilding, and now for me it’s yoga and cycling. Maybe, time will pass and again something will change. But, as they say, we are with sports for life. Since I write a lot, then sedentary image In life, I definitely need to compensate with physical activity. Which is what I do at least 3 times a week. Play sports and be healthy!
This is how we looked at the most popular hobbies in the world.


And now I will tell you what hobbies I have. There are only 5 most basic ones.

Reading books

I love reading very much. I'm like a vacuum cleaner, but instead of dirt I suck in new knowledge. I have definitely already read more than 1,000 books. I try to read a book a month and buy the most interesting ones. I already have my own small library, which will only grow every year. I read most books on self-development, psychology, spiritual and personal growth. This helps me develop as a person. Reading is also very relaxing. I took the book in my hands and plunged into a world where there was only you and no one else.


With the advent of the Internet, blogging has become a very fashionable hobby, but, of course, that’s not why I chose it. I just love web programming, as well as sharing my experience with people. Therefore, more than 3 years ago I started a personal blog about self-development. This is where you are now. I have already written more than 200 articles, thanks to which more than 200,000 people visit it a year! I think that I will never give up this hobby, because a blog for me is a way of self-expression and the realization of my creative potential. I can rightfully say that this is my favorite hobby.


I started doing yoga for two reasons. To improve your health and know yourself more. Of course, at first glance it may seem that this is not a man’s hobby at all. But for me personally this is not important. The important thing is that yoga has become a part of my life. You could even say philosophy. This is a very clear self-improvement system. Taking up this interesting hobby greatly changes your worldview. Yoga allows me to be filled with energy to act not at 100%, but at 1000%.


I wonder what our life would be like without music. This is the most beautiful thing a person can do in his free time. Around the age of 17, I learned to play the guitar. And I won’t part with her anymore. I am not a musician or a singer, but still more of a poet. We have our own songs! Playing the guitar is a great way to express your emotions. Sometimes you want to have fun and start singing driving songs, and sometimes you start to feel sad while listening to love ballads.

Cycling tourism

This is my youngest hobby. I started getting interested in it when I moved to Voronezh. I got myself a bicycle for an active lifestyle, because I spend a lot of time writing and sitting in a static position. Over time, I fell in love with riding on two wheels. The bicycle gives me a feeling of freedom, which is very important to me. And, of course, I get a lot of impressions, because every summer I go to a new place to relax.

These are my interesting hobbies!

I think you will find something to do in your free time and what hobby to choose. There must be passion for something in life. Otherwise, everything is really gray and makes no sense. And when your hobbies bring you income, you will become the most happy man on earth! That's exactly how it is for me!

Print out this list, cut it into narrow strips with one item each, and put them in a box or jar. When you're bored at home, just pull out any note at random and go according to plan.

1. Dance. To your favorite music, of course!

2. Test new game. For example, or.

8. Discover new music. You can search for it all the way. Try it and you will realize how many great compositions you haven’t heard yet!

9. Rhyme everything you see around, even if it’s “cat - cattle.” You might end up with a poem! It's also a great workout for the brain.

10. Compose and beautifully design a crossword puzzle.

11. Explore a site you like and get ideas from there. Dig deep!

12. Start your own blog or.

13. Get lost in Pinterest. What to wear with your new pencil skirt, how to spend your child’s first birthday - millions of ideas await you for every taste!

14. Create your own personal page on Pinterest, saving ideas that interest you on it.

15. Take a bubble bath, adding a couple of drops of your favorite one.

16. Set up a spa at home: with masks and a hand bath and a heel brush.

17. Prepare and leisurely, savoring every sip, drink cocoa or perfect.

18. Give yourself a massage.

22. Start painting a picture by numbers.

26. Take a nap.

27. Sit in front of the window with a cup of coffee and watch passers-by, leaves and clouds. Feel yourself.

28. Spend the whole day on the couch and not worry about it one bit.

29. Understand the instructions for household appliances and finally figure out how to make a double latte in a cool new coffee maker.

30. Prepare something interesting according to some recipe. Or master it, which takes no more than 5 minutes. Or finally cook the best borscht of your life.

42. Make a list of goals for the next month, six months, year.

43. Update and expand your resume using , which can double your salary.

44. Update your profile on the website. If you are registered there, of course.

45. Give a facial massage.

46. ​​Explore Wikipedia. Fall down the “rabbit hole” for a while: follow the links inside the article that interests you, expanding your knowledge of the issue more and more.

50. Shine the bathroom.

52. Make a list of the pros and cons of a task that you think about a lot. Should I have children? Should I buy a car? Going on vacation abroad or within the country?

64. Play with friends or children.

65. Teach your friends card tricks or surprise them with simple tricks based on the laws of physics.

66. Compete: who can make the farthest flight? You can use anything for aircraft construction: from office paper to old magazines and newspapers.

67. Together with someone, start assembling a huge puzzle of thousands of pieces.

69. Tell fortunes. For example, take the thickest book and invite your friends to name the page and line number, and then read the prediction together. Or do it.

70. Take plenty of photos with friends.

71. Blow soap bubbles.

72. Make your pet a new bed, toy or scratching post. Lifehacker instructions are already available.

73. Together with your children, write a letter to your family in the future. Hide it in a time capsule and promise to open it and read it in a year.

74. Make a clear joint plan with your children for how you will spend summer holidays or . Select films on the websites of the nearest cinemas, book a ticket, make a route...

75. Cuddle the kids, have pillow fights (this is nice, and children will cherish such memories for a long time).

76. Finally go in for sports. Have you been dreaming of tightening up for a long time?

77. Together with the children, build a cardboard castle from old boxes and color it. If you put several boxes together, cutting doors into them, you will get a multi-room house!

78. Organize a dress-up show with the children (at the same time, go through the closet in the nursery).

79. Draw a general picture together on a huge sheet or glued together album sheets.

80. Take paints and a sheet of whatman paper and leave your palm prints on it. Date it and store it carefully.