How does a sedentary lifestyle affect the body. What does a sedentary lifestyle lead to?

Our evolutionary stage, where a man worked on his feet all day to feed himself and his offspring, has long passed. And it was replaced by another - a sedentary lifestyle for men of various professions has become a reality of life. Moreover, such work is considered more prestigious and highly paid. Therefore, many men sit for 12 hours a day, not thinking about how this lifestyle is dangerous to health.

A sedentary lifestyle is slowly but surely shortening life

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A sedentary lifestyle brings many problems. It is difficult to single out the most terrible, so we will simply list some common ailments.

1. Reduced potency

One of the conditions for normal potency is the constant circulation of blood in the pelvic area (see). In a sitting position, blood circulation is disturbed, which leads to stagnation of blood, and with a constant sedentary lifestyle, to diseases of the pelvic organs.

2. Prostatitis

A purely male disease, which is an inflammation of the prostate gland. Previously, prostatitis was considered an age-related disease, since it was observed mainly in middle-aged and older people. Recently, however, doctors have noted the "rejuvenation" of the disease: more and more often prostatitis is diagnosed in young patients. Prostatitis has a number of symptoms:

5. Obesity

Many do not realize that excess weight in men is the cause of potency and hormonal imbalance. The fact is that estrogens are formed in adipose tissue - female sex hormones, which are the exact opposite of the male hormone testosterone. The increase in estrogen leads, in turn, to even more weight gain. Therefore, the male abdomen is not so innocent and it is necessary to get rid of it in order to break the vicious circle.

Obesity is a likely companion of a sedentary life

Obesity comes, in the vast majority of cases, in two ways: a lot of high-calorie food or little movement. More often, these two negative factors intersect, leading to even more and faster weight gain. To effectively lose weight, you need to hit two targets at the same time: reduce the calorie content of the diet and increase the calorie expenditure. We will talk about all this further.

6. Decreased muscle tone of the body and heart muscle

In the absence of adequate physical activity, the muscles atrophy, losing proper tone. If the weakness of the skeletal muscles can still be experienced, then the weakening of the heart muscle is a life-threatening factor.

The heart muscle is rightfully considered the most important muscle tissue of the body, since it is responsible for the vital activity of the whole organism. Weakening of the heart muscle is often the cause of sudden death as a result of cardiovascular pathologies, such as, and its most dangerous variety, myocardial infarction.

How to reduce the harmful effects of a sedentary lifestyle?

Physical activity

without getting up from the workplace. If it is not possible to get up from the workplace, it is necessary to perform the so-called Kegel exercise: as if pulling the anus inward. This exercise is perhaps the best exercise for the prevention of prostatitis and strengthening potency. It enhances blood circulation to the genitals, preventing blood stasis. Do the exercise hourly, 10-20 repetitions at a time.

Helpful Tip: Set reminders on your phone so you don't forget to complete your exercises on time.

Gymnastics in the workplace. If the work environment allows, do small exercises:

  1. Pelvic rotation. Rotate the pelvis first in one direction, then in the other direction, doing the same number of repetitions. Exercise normalizes blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  2. Twisting. Try to rotate your torso 90 degrees or more relative to the starting position. The feet remain in place.
  3. Body tilts to the side. It tones the back muscles, increases flexibility.
  4. Leaning forward. Lean forward and touch the floor with your hands. It tones the back muscles, increases flexibility and mobility.
  5. Squat. It leads to muscle tone, increases blood circulation to the genitals.

If possible, take 5-10 minute breaks every hour. During the break, try to move as much as possible or do a few warm-up exercises if the situation permits.

If possible, warm up at work.

Physical education outside of work. Even though exercising before or after work hours can't make up for sitting all day, it's also a necessary measure. First of all, such exercises are necessary to strengthen the heart muscle. Anyway healthy lifestyle life is not complete without adequate physical activity: it is either 30 minutes of active exercise 6 times a week, or an hour 3-4 times a week.


Gymnastics in the workplace is designed only to tone the muscles and prevent blood stasis, but it does not save you from gaining excess weight. With a sedentary lifestyle, it is important to monitor your diet, avoiding high-calorie foods. The most common of these products are:

  • baked goods (buns, White bread, cakes, cookies, cake, etc.);
  • sweet (chocolate, sweets, bars);
  • drinks (carbonated sweet drinks, store juices, energy drinks);
  • sandwiches, sandwiches, hot dogs;
  • chips, crackers, snacks, etc.;
  • semi-finished products;
  • And other.

Instead of these products, include in the diet as much fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, water (from 1.5 liters per day) as possible.

Arrangement of the working space

This method is not suitable for many, since it requires, firstly, the possibility of reorganizing the workspace (for example, working from home), and secondly, serious financial investments ($ 1000-2000). Nevertheless, this method is effective and deserves attention.

A common person, to whom the doctor in the clinic writes during the medical examination “leads a sedentary lifestyle”, usually does not understand what exactly is behind this phrase.

It is clear that this is the cause of excess weight, cardiovascular disease, arthritis and other health problems. But where is the line between an active and a sedentary lifestyle?

What is an active lifestyle?

Even the elderly need to walk five to six kilometers a day, says nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov. Optimal activity is walking, swimming and dancing. Instead of walking, any other exercise is suitable, says cardiologist Eteri Tomaeva. The main thing is that a person practices regularly.

But cleaning the house and other household chores are not considered a good activity. In this case, a person is most often in the wrong position (with a bent back, for example). Some muscles work, while others are immobile and numb.

Slim people shouldn't feel like they don't have to move a lot. Without movement, their muscles gradually lose their tone, vessels lose their elasticity, organs and the brain receive less oxygen.

An active lifestyle is an hour and a half of walking or swimming or aerobics for half an hour five times a week. It's good to go for a half-hour run or play tennis three times a week.

What does a sedentary lifestyle lead to?

The weight. The average Muscovite leading a sedentary lifestyle spends 600 kilocalories less than he consumes. Extra calories are stored like this: in 10 days the body accumulates 100 grams of fat - this is almost a kilogram in three months and almost four kilograms per year.

2 KILOMETERS A DAY the average office worker passes.

7 KILOMETERS A DAY - so much to go through to maintain the normal form.

10-12 KILOMETERS A DAY must be passed by an overweight person.

Metabolism. The less active lifestyle, the slower the blood moves through the arteries and the worse the cells of the whole body are supplied with oxygen and other useful substances. Poor metabolism negatively affects all organs.

muscles. Without movement, they lose their tone and gradually atrophy. Tone is the minimum tension in the muscles that persists even in a state of complete relaxation. The higher the tone, the easier the muscles do their work and the less stress the bones and joints receive.

A heart. This is also a muscle that, with a sedentary lifestyle, slows down the frequency and strength of contractions, gas exchange decreases in the respiratory organs, cells are saturated with oxygen worse, all processes slow down. Because of this, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases increases.

Spine. The load on it in a sitting position (even if a person is sitting correctly) is 40 percent higher than in a standing position. This leads to scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases. Particularly heavy load on the lumbar and cervical region s. Because of the latter, the blood supply to the head and brain worsens, so as much free time as possible should be given to physical activity.

Brain. Poor circulation gradually leads to irreversible changes. For example, scientists at Wayne University in the United States recently found that because of this, the cells of the medulla oblongata, which are responsible for regulating breathing and heartbeat, work worse.

Vessels. With a slow speed of blood flow, the blood stagnates, thickens, blood clots form in it, which lead to heart attacks and strokes.

Pelvic organs. A sedentary lifestyle leads to stagnation of blood and lymph in the organs of the genitourinary system and intestines. stagnation is the most common cause inflammation of these organs: prostatitis, nephritis, hemorrhoids, and so on.

How many hours do you sit?

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Movement is pledge good health and, consequently, good health. However, today many people are forced to lead a so-called sedentary, or sedentary lifestyle, working in offices. This, of course, negatively affects our health, negatively affects the functioning internal organs and systems, as well as on the exterior. It is important to prevent such a development of events, but first you should realize the danger that a sedentary lifestyle is fraught with. Today we will talk about just that.

What is expressed

A sedentary lifestyle is expressed in hypodynamia. Often these two concepts are identified, although it is more correct to say that the second is a consequence of the first. Hypodynamia is characterized by a limitation of motor activity and violations of various body functions arising against this background: digestive, musculoskeletal, respiratory, etc.

Do not think that a sedentary lifestyle is entirely associated only with office activities. In fact, other categories of citizens also conduct it: freelancers, housewives, pensioners. Even students often become victims of physical inactivity, as they have to spend a lot of time studying, which for the most part does not involve physical exertion.

The development of information technologies, automation of labor, the process of urbanization contribute to an increase in the number of people whose work can be safely called sedentary, and life, as a result, is sedentary.

Health impact

Now let's talk about what consequences a sedentary lifestyle can lead to, why is it so important to prevent this? The absence of physical labor in your daily routine or a significant reduction in the time allotted for this kind of load leads to a deterioration in the condition of the body in various aspects.

The first thing a person acquires by practicing a sedentary lifestyle is extra pounds. The less you move, the slower your metabolism. As a result, the rate of blood circulation through the vessels and capillaries also decreases. This, in turn, leads to a significant slowdown or complete cessation of the fat burning process. Excess calories do not turn into energy, but are stored in reserve in problem areas. In addition to ugly fat folds on the outside, hypodynamia can provoke obesity of internal organs.

Due to a sedentary lifestyle, the heart suffers. Physical inactivity increases the risk of developing chronic hypertension. This causes insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle, which means that it does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients. The lack of full-fledged physical activity causes the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood to increase, especially due to the content of triglycerides. As a result, the vessels from the inside are covered with a fatty coating, which creates problems for normal blood flow. In addition, cholesterol plaques can form in the capillaries, which, under certain conditions, causes a myocardial infarction or stroke.

If a person spends most of his life at the computer or on the couch, the joints and bones will not say “thank you” to him for this. They are not involved in any way in maintaining the body in a sitting position. Gradually, the bones lose their strength, and the joints lose their mobility. Hence the occurrence of arthritis, arthrosis, osteoporosis. Few people keep their back straight when sitting at a monitor or leaning over papers at a desk. This results in scoliosis. But the most main enemy persons leading a sedentary lifestyle - osteochondrosis. Moreover, most often it affects the cervical spine. Even hypodynamia negatively affects the state of the muscles. When there is no load on the muscles, they weaken.

Surprisingly, people who live without physical labor and sports are prone to diabetes. In conditions of making a minimum of movements, carbohydrates supplied with food are consumed very sparingly. Against this background, the level of glucose in the blood inevitably rises. This circumstance contributes to the load of the pancreas. The production of the hormone insulin is growing, and there the onset of diabetes is just around the corner.

Constipation, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach - all this is often observed in those who spend most of the day in a sitting or lying position. The lack of motor activity in the required volume negatively affects intestinal motility and gastric motility, enhances putrefactive processes. But that's not all: indigestion turns on the "green" light for the appearance of acne, for the loss of a healthy complexion.

A sedentary lifestyle also manifests itself negatively in relation to the reproductive system. For women, it is fraught with infertility, because it provokes stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, malfunctions in the functioning of the internal genital organs, problems with ovulation, and hence with conception. In men, there are problems with potency, the development of prostatitis.

It is common among those who move little, and such a nuisance as varicose veins. Muscle tone in the legs that do not experience regular exercise is low. Result: blood stagnates in the veins, the walls of the latter stretch and acquire knots.

Adherents of a sedentary lifestyle are often tormented by insomnia. Such people, as a rule, do not experience an increased need for rest and sleep, because they do not spend enough calories and, accordingly, strength during the day, which means they do not get too tired. The quality of sleep during hypodynamia is also greatly reduced. Moreover, there are disorders nervous system and psyche. The lack of physical activity is a direct path to depression, anxiety, and a decrease in the level of stress resistance. The synthesis in the body of the happiness hormones endorphins and serotonin in the body of subjects who make few movements during the day worsens, which is the cause of an eternally bad mood, fatigue, and rapid fatigue.

Not paying due attention and time to physical activity in your life, a person ages faster. The fact is that the telomeres located at the ends of the chromosomes, which perform a protective function, in this case are shortened at a faster rate than during regular training, and age-related changes manifest themselves ahead of schedule.

Well, and the last: a sedentary lifestyle is one of the factors in the development of breast and intestinal cancer. This rarely happens, but still it is not worth completely discounting this relationship.


How to negate the harm of a sedentary lifestyle? The answer is simple: move more during the working day. After every hour of sedentary labor activity Dedicate 5-10 minutes to physical exercises or at least walk around the office. Pay special attention to the legs and back to prevent the occurrence of serious diseases.

Give yourself additional loads: prefer the elevator to climb the stairs; walk, going to the office, walk a couple of stops; ride your bike to work. Correct your diet by removing fast food, semi-finished products from it, reducing the amount of fats and carbohydrates and increasing the amount of vegetables, herbs, fruits, dietary meat, fish, dairy products consumed.

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    A sedentary lifestyle has become commonplace. With the development of digital technologies and the emergence of a huge number of home-based jobs that require only a computer and the Internet, the phrase “sedentary lifestyle” has become applicable to thousands of remote workers. Office positions are no less dangerous in this regard. How does inactivity affect our health? How to avoid the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle, if it is impossible to completely abandon it? You will find answers to these and other equally important questions in our article.

    What lifestyle is considered sedentary?

    Inactivity or physical inactivity is a violation of the body's activity due to insufficient physical activity or its absence.

    The problem of a sedentary lifestyle has arisen as a result of scientific and technological progress, urbanization, the spread of communication tools that have simplified our life and replaced active forms of recreation (walks, outdoor games).

    It is very simple to determine whether you lead an “active” or sedentary lifestyle. If you do not move actively during the day for at least half an hour, this is considered inactive. Active movements include walking, running, and exercise.

    Cleaning and doing normal household chores is not considered an activity. During their implementation, the necessary load on the muscles of the body is not created. When working around the house, we take the wrong postures, which leave many muscle groups unused.

    What does a sedentary lifestyle lead to, why is it dangerous?

    The consequences of a sedentary lifestyle are much more dangerous than many people think. This is a deterioration in the quality of life and a reduction in its duration.

    If you spend 8 hours a day sitting at your workplace and prefer driving instead of walking home, you risk living 15-17 years less than those who sit less than 3 hours a day and try to actively move.

    Why is a sedentary lifestyle dangerous? Judge for yourself!

  1. The heart muscle is the first to suffer from immobility. The absence of active physical movements and cardio loads causes the heart to make less productive contractions, which significantly reduces the tone of the walls of blood vessels.
  2. Spine. Sitting, we load it almost twice as much as when we stand or walk.
  3. The deterioration of blood circulation in the brain provokes dizziness, tinnitus, fatigue, and a decrease in work productivity.
  4. Inactive, the muscles lose their tone. This leads to rapid physical fatigue, lethargy, and a feeling of constant fatigue.
  5. Low mobility leads to. Blood moves more slowly through the body and insufficiently saturates the cells with oxygen and nutrients.
  6. Sitting in one place for a long time provokes stagnation of blood and lymph in the pelvis, negatively affecting the work of the intestines and the genitourinary system.

How does a sedentary lifestyle affect the body from the inside?

Everyday sitting in the office, in transport, at home at the dinner table or on the sofa watching TV negatively affects not only posture and muscle tone, but also provokes the development a wide range diseases.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Those whose work is closely related to sitting at a computer suffer from lumbar and cervical osteochondrosis. Most often, the localization of cervical osteochondrosis is right-sided, since the right hand works with a computer mouse, writes, and performs other actions.

Also, "adherents" of a sedentary lifestyle often have intercostal neuralgia, backache, sciatica, dizziness and headaches.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Slowed blood circulation provokes the development of venous insufficiency (varicose veins), thrombosis. Without proper load, the heart suffers. The heart muscle "gets used" to work at half strength, disrupting the general condition circulatory system in the body, which affects all organs. Increased risk of strokes and heart attacks. Reduced life expectancy.


Lack of physical activity, non-compliance with the principles healthy eating, stress - factors leading to weight gain. Sitting in the office, we spend fewer calories than we consume, which results in “beer” bellies, “riding breeches” in the hips, and body weight increases.

According to the forecasts of the medical weekly magazine "The Lancet", by 2025 20% of the population of our planet will suffer from overweight, including due to a sedentary lifestyle.

Constipation and hemorrhoids

Violation of intestinal motility, provoked by immobility during the day, leads to chronic constipation. Constipation, in turn, becomes the cause of another unpleasant disease - hemorrhoids.

If you have prerequisites for constipation, do not let them go into the chronic stage. Warm up, regularly change the position in which you sit, pump the press, do a stomach massage, watch your diet. This will significantly reduce the likelihood of hemorrhoids.

Consequences of a sedentary lifestyle

Sitting at a desk, on the couch, or at the dinner table for a long time does not benefit anyone. Doctors share the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle for men and women.

For men

A sedentary lifestyle negatively affects the prostate. Violation of blood circulation and stagnation of blood flow and lymph in the pelvic organs leads to prostatitis, and it, in turn, to a decrease in potency. Already today, the number of infertile couples is high due to poor sperm motility and prostatitis. In addition to sexual problems, sedentary men are often worried about hemorrhoids.

For women

The same reason - stagnation in the small pelvis - provokes violations in the genital area in women and causes uterine pathologies (polyps, endometriosis), as well as painful menstruation.

A general deterioration in well-being against the background of a sedentary lifestyle and frequent stress cause hormonal disorders, mastopathy, ovarian cysts, menstrual cycle failure.

Very detailed, simple and clear about it in the video:

How to avoid the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle?

Even with a clear understanding of the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle, you are unlikely to be able to completely get rid of it. Why not give up a promising job in a good office or clients gained by many years of freelance work? And not everyone has the opportunity to get to work on foot to compensate for the harm of an eight-hour sitting.

What to do? To reduce the negative impact of sitting in the workplace, exercise, nutritional adjustments and little tricks that you can use in your workplace today will help.

Physical activity + exercises that can be done right at the workplace

Try to change your body position every 15-20 minutes. Get up from the table more often to stretch, make a couple of tilts to the sides, stretch your legs. So the blood in the body will circulate normally.

Exercises that can be done while sitting at the table:

  1. Lean back in your chair and straighten your legs. Bend and unbend your knees 10-15 times each.
  2. Straighten your leg, pull the sock and perform circular movements with the ankle 10-15 times on each leg.
  3. Slowly rotate your head clockwise and counterclockwise 5 times.
  4. With cervical osteochondrosis, it is advisable not to make rotational movements of the head. Instead, stretch your arms to the sides and try to reach your left shoulder with your right hand, winding right hand Per head. Do this 15-20 times with one and the other hand, and then 15-20 times with both hands at the same time. Pull the top of your head up. Try not to tilt your head forward.
  5. Do 10 shoulder rotations back and 10 forward.
  6. Tighten and relax the muscles of the buttocks 20-25 times.
  7. Sitting on a chair, alternately raise and lower the right and left hand 10-15 times.
  8. Rest one palm on the other and forcefully press your palms against each other. Keep your palms tense several times for 10-15 seconds.
  9. Squeeze and unclench your fingers. Stretch with fingers interlocked.
  10. Lower your arms along the body, relax them for a few seconds, shake them with your hands.
  11. Move your chair back, lean forward and squeeze your shoulder blades together as much as possible. Repeat several times.
  12. Sit on the edge of a chair, straighten up and pull your stomach in for a few seconds. Do at least 50 times.
  13. Alternately lift your toes and heels off the floor.
  14. Raise your shoulders up as you inhale and drop them sharply down as you exhale.
  15. Move away from the table, straighten your legs and try to reach the toes of your shoes with your fingers as much as possible.
  16. Remove your shoes and roll a glue stick or other round stationery on the floor.

Try to make such a warm-up a “mandatory program” of every day. Don't be afraid to confuse your co-workers. Remember that preventing a problem is better than dealing with it. Below is a video that will help you have a clearer idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgymnastics right on the chair:

Don't forget about morning exercises. Let it become a faithful companion of your every morning. Table with exercises for morning exercises:

Download the list of exercises so as not to lose.


In order not to gain excess weight, to always be full of strength and energy, it is important not only to maintain physical activity, but also to monitor nutrition. Sitting on a rigid diet is not an option: since the body already suffers from a lack of activity and a slow metabolism, strict dietary restrictions will not do it any good.

Four simple rules diet for a sedentary lifestyle:

  1. Stick to your meal schedule. Eating at the same time disciplines, helps to plan working time, taking into account the lunch break, and promotes the maximum absorption of nutrients and vitamins from food. All meals, even snacks, should be fixed in time.
  2. Eat smaller portions. Get up from the table with the feeling that you have not eaten a little. A slight feeling that you are hungry is good for the body. Blunt it healthy snack: banana, nuts, apple, mug of tea. There should be at least 5 meals per day.
  3. If you work at the office, do not forget to have breakfast at home. Breakfast is an important meal for the body. By skipping it, you violate the entire diet.
  4. Eliminate fast food from your diet. Pizza, burgers, buns, cakes and other sweets are contraindicated in a sedentary lifestyle. They have too many calories that you, typing on the keyboard, simply cannot spend during the day.

If it is impossible to get away from a sedentary lifestyle, make sure that it brings as little harm as possible. Since you spend most of your time sitting at your desk, consider how you can keep yourself physically active while at work.

Three tips for organizing your workplace:

  1. Remove unnecessary items that can prevent you from stretching your legs under the table and stretching them during the day.
  2. If possible, arrange snacks, tea parties and lunch not at your workplace, but in a special designated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe office or in the kitchen. To do this, you, at a minimum, get up from your chair and walk, plus you can stand by the window while drinking tea.
  3. Try to get out of your chair more often. Even if you have the necessary documents and items at your fingertips, do not drive up to them in a chair and do not ask colleagues to hand them over, but stand up and take them yourself.


By itself, a sedentary lifestyle cannot be considered a sentence. If you are forced to spend eight hours at the office, this does not guarantee that you will necessarily have obesity, hemorrhoids, or problems with the cardiovascular system. All this will not happen to you if you monitor your physical activity during the day and make it a rule to do exercises. Knowing what a sedentary lifestyle leads to, you will not let this phenomenon of modern life ruin your health.

A sedentary, sedentary lifestyle is what characterizes modern life most people. Unfortunately, a person leading a sedentary lifestyle puts himself at risk of getting sick.

The worst thing is that Negative consequences do not appear immediately, which, in turn, gives the illusion of no harm. But there is harm, and in this article we will look at the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle, what health problems it leads to.

"Criticizing - offer!" - we think, therefore, the Healthy Lifestyle has prepared for you, dear readers, specific recommendations on how to stay healthy in a sedentary lifestyle.

Sedentary lifestyle: causes and harm

The reasons for a sedentary lifestyle are obvious. The technosphere is why we move less and less.

See what's the problem. If earlier a person was constantly on the move, now we are increasingly working with information: computers, documents, telephone conversations ... Accordingly, we are more and more often sitting on the priest, and less and less moving.

Why is there work, now even many entertainments - and those take place in virtual reality, on the other side of the screen. Computer games, films and series - all this replaces the physical activity we need with sitting in front of the screen. And, my friends, the situation does not even think to improve. On the contrary, technology is actively developing in this direction, so things will only get worse from there.

In addition to the technosphere, Another reason for a sedentary lifestyle is ourselves. We ourselves make a choice in favor of sticking in front of the screen, no one is forcing us to do this. That's how things are, guys. The Healthy Lifestyle recommends not blaming external circumstances, but acting. But this is so, by the way.

Okay, we figured out the reasons, but what are the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle? Maybe it's not so scary?

Alas, the answer is rather negative. and suffers from a sedentary lifestyle, this is a fact. It is not right when, instead of moving, we constantly sit still, like plants. Sooner or later, this leads to problems.⛔️

Of course, our bodies have some margin of safety - but this margin is limited. And when we cross this invisible line, then the consequences appear.

Worst of all, a sedentary lifestyle ruins our health in a complex way. That is, the level of health decreases in general, which, in turn, leads to diseases. But to what kind of diseases - it is for each individual. Here are the diseases caused by a sedentary lifestyle:

1⃣ Overweight, obesity
2⃣ Diseases of the back and joints
4⃣ Diseases of the cardiovascular system
5⃣ Constipation, hemorrhoids, prostatitis

Yes, these are the unpleasant consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. And this is only a small part of what can happen to us. After all, as mentioned above, for each person everything is individual.

There is even a disease, the essence of which lies in a sedentary lifestyle. Her name is hypodynamia. This is a violation of the functions of the body, caused by a lack of physical activity. The diseases listed above are just the same consequence of hypodynamia.

So, friends, a sedentary lifestyle is wrong. Of course, it will not be possible to completely abandon it - scientific and technological progress changes the life of each of us. And, as we can see, not always for the better. However, not everything is so scary. You can stay healthy even with a sedentary lifestyle. To do this, you should apply simple recommendations from the SILS.

How to maintain the health of people leading a sedentary lifestyle?

1⃣ Captain Evidence gives us the first advice - move more! Seriously - try to get up, walk, stretch as often as possible. It is very important.

Did you know that a sedentary lifestyle negatively affects health even with regular exercise? Researchers from Toronto analyzed the results of 41 studies and came to a disappointing conclusion: a sedentary lifestyle increases the risks of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and premature death despite exercise exercise once a day.

Friends, 30 minutes a day is not enough to wave your arms and legs and consider your mission accomplished.

It is advisable to get up every hour and warm up, periodically transfer your body to a standing position. Get moving and stay healthy.

2⃣ Eat right. If we spend a lot of time in a sitting position, then we can try to catch up on health with proper nutrition. What is proper nutrition? Eat more and drink. We are not even talking about eating fast food - otherwise, in combination with a sedentary lifestyle, we will get a time bomb directed against our health.

Speaking of proper nutrition, it is impossible not to mention how to chew. Yes, yes, you also need to chew correctly. The better we are, the more useful we extract from it, and the less we pollute and strain our body.

3⃣ This is also a great bonus to health.

4⃣ Give up bad habits. Smoking, drinking alcohol and other drugs with a sedentary lifestyle does much more harm. The human body and so can not fully get rid of all the toxins that enter it from environment. And if we additionally poison ourselves and in addition to this we constantly sit, then the body goes into "sleep mode" and performs cleaning functions much less efficiently. In other words, if the human body in motion can still to some extent get rid of the consequences of bad habits, then with a sedentary lifestyle, all the harm accumulates inside. Which in turn leads to health problems.

The main exercise is to be aware. That is, always be aware that a sedentary lifestyle is bad and, accordingly, take steps to neutralize the harm and consequences.

If we are used to sticking to the monitor and forgetting about everything around at this time, then one trick will help us here. There are those that block the computer at certain intervals. Install one of them and you have to take breaks from computer work. Spend this time usefully, for example, by doing short exercises to warm up and thus make up for the lack of physical activity in the body.


Friends, we have examined the causes and harms of a sedentary lifestyle, and also learned how to neutralize this harm. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle get problems and diseases. But, no matter how cruel it may sound, people themselves are the cause of their troubles.

Of course, the development of the technosphere affects our lives, but we can still control HOW we live.

No one can take care of us better than ourselves. We alone are responsible for our health. Please never forget this.

I hope, dear reader, this article will not become one of the many read and forgotten, but will really encourage you to change something in your life. And if you also write a comment or share a link in social networks, then this will be the best reward for us!

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