What does the name Melania mean according to the church calendar? Melania, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for girls

What does the name Melania mean?
“The darkest, or blackest, perhaps gloomy, and sometimes cruel” - this is exactly the translation that can have such a name, even caressing the human ear.

Origin of the name Melania:
The history of this wonderful name is connected precisely with Ancient Greece.

Character conveyed by the name Melania:

Women with such a sonorous name are often classified as choleric. So these individuals are extremely restless, but they can also be quite balanced, possessing an enviable will and a truly unusually well-developed sixth sense. Also, sometimes it may seem that she seems to see right through any person and even reads all his innermost thoughts. However, at some particularly critical moments in this difficult life, Melanie can rely not on intuition at all, but only on common sense or clear logic.

They are always very efficient, which even their many ill-wishers are ready to admit. She can achieve everything in this life herself, without resorting to any patronage or acquaintances. But with all this, it would be better for such women not to make them angry, since they simply have an overdeveloped sense of self-esteem. And believe me, their reaction to an unpleasant stimulus will be simply instantaneous and incredibly violent. They will also be friends only until a friend accidentally affects her personal interests.

Many Melanias may well turn out to be simply excellent doctors, or linguists, sometimes excellent psychologists, or businesswomen, and, a little less often, wonderful teachers. They will also be quite able to work as educators, probably because they always love to teach almost everyone, and sometimes even impose only their opinion.

But the appearance of many Melania is always quite sexy, probably in order to attract the maximum number of men. However, Melania themselves can treat various men even with some aggression and hostility. Melania will choose her husband only herself, guided, as in practically everything else, by sober calculation. However, already in marriage, they are always very faithful, and of course devoted wives, and also always simply magnificent housewives and madly loving and extremely caring mothers. Also, family for Melania is always the most sacred thing. Leadership in her family will always belong only to the woman, and if suddenly the husband agrees with absolutely everything and always, then this can really be the most a happy family. It should also be noted that she is always an economical housewife, moreover, she knows how to cook beautifully and deliciously, and will never be averse to shifting some of the women’s household responsibilities onto the strong shoulders of her husband. She will not be too happy to have guests in her house, especially if these are purely female companies or get-togethers, which she does not really like.

But, despite her fantastically developed intuition, she does not always see, and sometimes simply does not notice, something bad in many people. And more than once, human meanness can bring her real suffering. Yes, and her memory is always excellent, but there is such a peculiarity - Melania can remember only the best for a long time, and very quickly forgets about all the bad, she really is not vindictive at all.

Version 2. What does the name Melania mean?

- from Greek. black, gloomy; folk Malaniya and Malanya; decomposition Melania.

Derivatives: Malanyushka, Melanya, Lanya,
Lana, Melasha, Milya, Molya, Malakha, Malasha, Mali.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Dressing up like Malanya
for a wedding.

They gave it to the hungry Malanya
pancakes, and she says: “They weren’t baked well.”

What is Ananya like?
he and Malanya.

St. Day Malanyi
popularly called Vasilyeva's carol, a generous evening, since it used to be
on December 31st and was New Year's Eve, Vasily's Day.


Melania is a woman of rare virtues: kind and loving to the point of sacrifice, caring,
attentive, affectionate, responsive to someone else's misfortune. Naturally smart and quick-witted,
has a brilliant memory. Sometimes this bothers her: she remembers too much of what
For your own peace of mind, it’s better to forget. In principle, tolerant of human
shortcomings, and although she is given the ability to see through everyone, she does not use her insight
for your own good. Maybe in vain: she could make a good fortune teller,
even clairvoyant.

3 version of the meaning of the name Melania

1. Personality. Those who wrap around.

2. Character. 91%.

3. Radiation. 97%.

4. Vibration. 75,000 oscillations/s.

5. Color. Orange.

6. Main features. Sensitivity - Intelligence
- sociability - morality.

7. totem plant. Wild grapes.

8. Totem animal. Boa*.

9. Sign. Aquarius.

10. Type. These women, like their totem, entwine
the object of his desires so strongly that he loses the ability to resist. Love it

11. Psyche. They need wide open
a window to the world, they need an audience, because they are actresses at heart.

12. Will. Strong. These girls don't mind
guide your will with your mind.

13. Excitability. Quite strong excitability
leads this woman to rash decisions, uncontrollable and unpredictable

14. Reaction speed. They are absolutely not objective.
But, what’s even worse, they have “their own” husband, “their own” house, “their own” life. They rush through life,
like a mad hurricane.

15. Field of activity. Melania is engaged
everyone in a row, will try everything, they have no problems with choosing a profession, this
determined ladies who know what they want. Sometimes they work in two places at the same time:
for example, they can be teachers and play in an orchestra in the evenings.

16. Intuition. It is about them that they say: “she has
just a sniff...” They see the hidden aspects of a matter, see right through people and read their thoughts.

17. Intelligence. A living mind of a synthetic type.
Everything is grasped on the fly. They have an excellent memory, they remember especially well and for a long time
the grievances caused to them.

18. Receptivity. They prefer to love themselves
than to be loved.

19. Morality. Adapt with enviable ease
to friends from the most different environments and they are just as easily tamed.

20. Health. Overall not bad, but sometimes they feel
an incomprehensible ailment, most often of mental origin. They need to listen
to yourself". Weakness their body is the intestines.

21. Sexuality. Let us remember that the totem animal
these individuals are a snake, so their sexuality is associated with possession.

22. Activity. In a good mood
can be quite charming!

23. Sociability. Such women simply have a need
be among people.

24. Conclusion. Researchers of African flora and fauna
They will tell you that the boa falls on its victim from the tree from which it was watching.
But getting out of her arms is a problem...

A large snake of the boa constrictor family.

Name day named after Melania

January 13, June 21,

A person has only one name day - this is either the name day that falls on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

Numerology of the name Melania

Name number: 2

Those who are lucky enough to be born under a deuce will not have to worry about having good friends and public recognition - personal talents, diligence and the ability to understand people will certainly lead a deuce to personal success. Violence and rudeness are alien to her, but she easily finds her way to the hearts and souls of people through understanding and goodwill.
When you meet a person under the sign of two, take care of him: most likely, you have found a good friend, a mentor, and in some cases, quite possibly, a life partner. Do not rush to judge the deuce in a modest manner, because the deuce does not reveal to everyone what is inside.

The meaning of the letters in the name Melania

M- if you look at people who have the letter “M” in their name, you can say that they are scattered and disorganized, but in reality this is not the case. Whatever they need, they will never forget. They prefer to do quality work. They make excellent leaders who always take into account the interests of others.

E- sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. Owners of this letter are able to win people over. They are simple and charming at the same time. They constantly strive for a good life, which they value more than friendship. They realize themselves well in creative professions. They are interesting conversationalists.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided by logical thinking in their actions. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance.

People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

N- strong, strong-willed and decisive individuals. Quite hardworking, but cannot stand monotonous and boring work. Smart, attractive, critical thinking present. A person takes a long time to choose a chosen one with whom he can live until the end of his days. Loves to take care of loved ones.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, and men focus on personal traits. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

I- people who have this letter in their name know their worth. They strive to achieve love and respect from the people around them. People with the letter "I" are good thinkers and are capable of hiding many secrets. In addition, they are excellent conversationalists and romantic people with a rich imagination.

Name as a phrase

  • M- Think
  • E- Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
  • L- People
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • N- Our (Ours, Yours)
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • I- (YA = A) Az

Name Melania in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Melania in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

Its owners celebrate exactly under the Old New Year- January 13, in the midst of Shchedrovka and New Year's festivities, which in some regions of Russia and Ukraine are called Malanka.


To correctly determine the meaning of the name Melania, you need to understand onomastics (a science specializing in the study of proper names). There are two versions of the meaning of this name, the first of which says that Melania is “dark, dark” from ancient Greek, and the second states: this was what girls were called in Italy, or rather, in Ancient Rome, and translated the name means “generous.”

The first version is more common, but the second one should not be completely discarded, since the patroness of all Melania is none other than Melania the Roman, known for her boundless love for people and generosity.

The origin of the name Melania can be explained by any clergyman if young parents who have decided to name their daughter that way seek advice. In the calendar you can glean enough information about the name chosen for the child.

And the fact that Malasha must be dark-skinned - there is no such rule. According to the survey, associations with the name Melania showed an absolute minority of perceptions of it as suitable for a dark-skinned and dark-haired girl.

Character as a consequence of the name?

Looking through beautiful women's names, you can involuntarily get hooked on one of the best. Melania - sounds solemn and bright, very reminiscent of the word “sweetheart”, and fits comfortably with most patronymics and surnames.

But name researchers warn that the influence of a name on character is inevitable. There is a certain celestial matrix (let’s call it that), on which all the options for matching the name and character are “written down”. They can vary both negatively and positively, but the main features are always present, and the bearers of a particular name can be united by them.

What about Melania? What features are endowed with the charming owners of an equally charming name? Having found out the meaning of the name Melania, they begin to expect something brighter from it than its deep essence, which has been proven more than once by anthroponyms. And as a rule, they look for the light of the name in the character of its owner. And the character in this case can be very difficult.

But the name, the name... It always touched everyone so much that even famous toy manufacturers chose it as a brand name for the most beautiful dolls.

Melania. Portrait of a Soul

It is only Melania, due to her natural talent, who can see through people - but few people succeed in unraveling her herself. Since childhood, she has been reasonable and impartial; she is ready to help not only with words, but also with specific actions. But there is something ineradicably egoistic about this imp named Milasha: she makes friends, supports and helps only until a threat to her personal interests appears.

The meaning of the name Melania, by the way, warns about this - dark, apparently, does not only mean hair color.

Tenacious and very efficient, she achieves everything on her own, without any patronage, and feels justifiably proud about this. True, he may suspect his work colleagues of dishonesty in achieving career goals and often sees them as opponents. But for the time being he is silent about it.

Since childhood, he loves to teach everyone, cannot stand the same type in life, and is always on the move.

She is closed to strangers, even outwardly she looks cold and distant. You can only understand that Melania is a very kind person if you get to know her closely. But Milina’s kindness lasts exactly until she is thrown out of balance: when she is furious, Melania is scary, so the main thing in communicating with them is tact, restraint and maximum good nature.

The girl's name Melania has many affectionate and diminutive forms: Slavic Malasha, Milya, Melya, Molya, Malanya, Lanya.

Some parents instill Western values ​​in their daughters from a young age and, naturally, start with the name. Such girls are called in the Hollywood manner - Melanie, or Mili, Mila, or Lana.

Profession for Melania

Brave and uncompromising, Melania also loves to shine, captivating the audience, which is why she chooses public professions. It is rare to find Melania among accountants or statistics department workers. A girl with this name is suitable for the professions of actress, journalist, lawyer, translator, writer.

Talismans, symbols, signs

The great thing about this name is that it is directly related to the famous Giving Evening. This forced the parents to assume that fate would be as generous to their daughter as this holiday, during which no one refuses gifts to anyone.

The zodiac sign of the name is Capricorn, the ruling planet is Saturn, and the meaning of the name Melania directly indicates the lucky color - conservative black. Well, then everything is in subdued colors: the totem animal is a puma, the tree is a dark fir.

The morion stone is most suitable as a talisman for Melania.

Patron Saint

IN old times Parents of newborns did not pay much attention to beautiful names: in the first place was the protection of the saints, which the baby automatically received along with the name at baptism.

This tradition has not disappeared even now: heavenly patrons are happy to patronize and help people who bear their names.

If a girl (girl, woman) is called Melania, the meaning of the name according to church calendar deciphered as belonging to Melania the Roman Reverend - a woman who put her whole life on the altar of serving people. Having lost their own children, she and her husband began to help the disadvantaged: the sick, the poor, strangers.

One day, accidentally finding themselves in a city besieged by an enemy, the holy couple saved all its inhabitants by paying the invaders a considerable ransom from their own savings.

This is how ordinary townspeople remember Saint Melania - kind, ready to sacrifice for people, who worked miracles through prayer.

What does the name Melania mean?
“The darkest, or blackest, perhaps gloomy, and sometimes cruel” - this is exactly the translation that can have such a name, even caressing the human ear.

Origin of the name Melania:
The history of this beautiful name is connected specifically with Ancient Greece.

Character conveyed by the name Melania:

Women with such a sonorous name are often classified as choleric. So these individuals are extremely restless, but they can also be quite balanced, possessing an enviable will and a truly unusually well-developed sixth sense. Also, sometimes it may seem that she seems to see right through any person and even reads all his innermost thoughts. However, at some particularly critical moments in this complex life, Melanie may not rely on intuition at all, but only on common sense or clear logic.

They are always very efficient, which even their many ill-wishers are ready to admit. She can achieve everything in this life herself, without resorting to any patronage or acquaintances. But with all this, it would be better for such women not to make them angry, since they simply have an overdeveloped sense of self-esteem. And believe me, their reaction to an unpleasant stimulus will be simply instantaneous and incredibly violent. They will also be friends only until a friend accidentally affects her personal interests.

Many Melanias may well turn out to be simply excellent doctors, or linguists, sometimes excellent psychologists, or businesswomen, and, a little less often, wonderful teachers. They will also be quite able to work as educators, probably because they always love to teach almost everyone, and sometimes even impose only their opinion.

But the appearance of many Melania is always quite sexy, probably in order to attract the maximum number of men. However, Melania themselves can treat various men even with some aggression and hostility. Melania will choose her husband only herself, guided, as in practically everything else, by sober calculation. However, already in marriage, they are always very faithful, and of course devoted wives, and also always simply magnificent housewives and madly loving and extremely caring mothers. Also, family for Melania is always the most sacred thing. Leadership in her family will always belong only to the woman, and if suddenly the husband always agrees with absolutely everything, then this can truly be the happiest family. It should also be noted that she is always an economical housewife, moreover, she knows how to cook beautifully and deliciously, and will never be averse to shifting some of the women’s household responsibilities onto the strong shoulders of her husband. She will not be too happy to have guests in her house, especially if these are purely female companies or get-togethers, which she does not really like.

But, despite her fantastically developed intuition, she does not always see, and sometimes simply does not notice, something bad in many people. And more than once, human meanness can bring her real suffering. Yes, and her memory is always excellent, but there is such a peculiarity - Melania can remember only the best for a long time, and very quickly forgets about all the bad, she really is not vindictive at all.

Most classical ones come from Greek or ancient biblical sources. Nowadays and in the old days, when choosing a name, people put a certain meaning into the name, wishes for a happy future. The name Melania, the origin and meaning of which we will discuss in the article, has Greek roots and is popular all over the world.

Origin and meaning of the name

“Dark, dark, black” - this is how the word “melos” is translated from Greek, from which the name comes. Popular in Central and Eastern Europe, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal.

The Holy Venerable Melania the Roman perpetuated her name in Orthodoxy thanks to her selflessness, concern for her neighbors and miracles.

Did you know? St. Melania founded in 431 convent on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. In 610 it was destroyed by the Persians, but the cave, revered as a Christian shrine, has survived to this day.

Name forms

Malaniya, Melanya and Melania have the same meaning according to the church calendar, and it is also used at baptism.

In addition to the full form, there are abbreviated versions- Melya, Mel, May, Molly, Meli, Melina, Malana, Lana, Lanya, and affectionate ones: Malanyushka, Melasha, Malanochka, Malasya.

Declined as a noun female, 1st declination:

  • nominative case - Melania;
  • genitive, dative - Melania;
  • accusative - Melania;
  • instrumental - Melania;
  • prepositional - about Melania.

Name Angel Day

Melania, or Milanya - those who bear this name, in Orthodoxy celebrate their name day on January 13 or June 21. In winter, various rituals and Christmas fortune-telling were performed on this day. Predicted the weather for next year. The clear, starry night on Melania promised a rich harvest, and warmth that day promised rainy summer. Young people gathered in cheerful groups and sang carols.

Name in different languages

Milanya or Mila - in Slavic languages ​​the name is pronounced differently, this is due to the nationality of the girl. Malania - in Belarus, Melania in Poland. In English and German, Melanie is pronounced with emphasis on the first or last syllable. The Spaniards affectionately say - Melanita, and the Greeks - Melina.

In China it sounds Mei-la-ni-ya, and is written 梅拉尼亚, in Japan - Meranji, since the letter “l” changes to “r”, it is written メランジュ.

Not to be confused with Milena, Milana, Mylene.

Did you know? After the release of the film based on the novel " Gone With the Wind", girls in the United States often began to be called Melanie, as the heroine of the novel, distinguished by kindness, loyalty and fortitude.

The character and fate of people with this name in history

Among our contemporaries there are many successful and attractive women bearing the name Melania or Melania. As correctly noted, strengths Their character - efficiency, perseverance, kindness, allows them to storm several peaks at the same time, achieving success in their careers and winning the hearts of famous and influential men. Natural beauty and charm from childhood help them to be the center of attention and reveal their creative abilities early.

Did you know? The dress for the wedding with D. Trump was made by the fashion house Dior, cost $100,000 and appeared on the cover of Vogue, and in honor of the engagement, Melania received a 12-carat diamond ring from her future husband.

The main character traits of people with this name

If you define Melania’s character in one word, “reliable” would be suitable: it’s not for nothing that the name has the meaning “tough” in the church description. At the same time, natural kindness softens the strength of character, and innate artistry and charm help to win people over. Often, having achieved success, they engage in charity work.

Positive character traits include insight, honesty, charm, willpower, great patience and a sense of responsibility.

Flaws- this is a frequent change of mood, excessive scrupulousness, which leads to internal conflicts, excessive straightforwardness.

Principles are of great importance to Melania: it is not for nothing that girls with this name celebrate Angel Day on the eve of the summer solstice.

They see right through people, but out of kindness they often give second chances to those who don't deserve it. At the same time, they show foresight and a balanced approach in choosing a life partner, and therefore create strong and prosperous families.

Professions related to medicine, linguistics, and psychology are suitable.

Important! Regardless of the choice of profession, thanks to hard work and loyalty, there are all conditions for fast and confident career growth.

Quite strong, but psychosomatic problems are possible.

Name Astrology

  • Melania is patronized planets Saturn and Mercury.
  • Colors, bringing good luck - black, brown, dark green.
  • Plants- thistle, sunflower, fir.
  • Totem animal - puma.
  • Zodiac signs– Capricorn, Aries, to a lesser extent – ​​Cancer (due to a tendency to internal conflicts). Suitable for Leo, Virgo, but not suitable for Pisces and other signs symbolizing duality. The exception is Libra as a symbol of stability, in search of which Melania sees the purpose of her life.
  • Stone, Most suitable for Melania are black morion crystals, a beautiful symbol of what this name means. It enhances the leadership qualities of its owner, but will not allow them to be used for selfish purposes. Helps in meditation and finding peace of mind.

Did you know? A unique species of viviparous snails found in Africa, Asia and Australia is called melania.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name

In numerology, “Malanya”, or rather the letters that make up the name, have the following meaning:

  • M - the ability to care for others, altruism;
  • E - insight, the ability to hear other people, find compromises;
  • L - a developed sense of beauty, the ability to reveal beauty;
  • A - the need to create, and not use what is ready;
  • N - developed critical thinking, always has one’s own opinion;
  • I - sensitivity, vulnerability;
  • I am charisma, self-esteem.
The first letter corresponds to the number 5, communication skills, creativity. Also, the meanings of the letters correspond to the numbers 6 - sense of duty, humanism, 1 - leadership, 4 - hard work, constancy.

The child’s name should be euphonious, carry positive energy, then his fate will be successful.