Children's tongue twisters. Tongue twisters for children for the development of speech and diction by years

The game approach to development allows the child to open up and learn the learning material faster. For children 5-6 years old, tongue twisters are effective method training pronunciation of sounds and correction of speech defects. Funny and funny short poems turn an ordinary lesson into an exciting activity.

What are speech therapy poems and tongue twisters

At its core, reading poetry is an excellent stimulant for understanding and developing speech skills. All children love not only to listen, but also to memorize and repeat short rhythmic texts. Poems are the best way to train the correct pronunciation of words.

Tongue twisters - a game form of speech development for children 5-6 years old

Regular speech therapy sessions with a child contribute to:

  • developing the skills of correct pronunciation and articulation;
  • correction of speech defects and tongue-tied tongue;
  • development of phonetic awareness.

The sooner parents introduce the child to tongue twisters, the sooner he will learn to repeat and pronounce various phrases.

An example of a speech therapy rhyme: “There is a lid on the teapot, there is a knob on the lid. We take the knob by the knob. We lift the lid”

An important point in the organization of teaching a child the correct pronunciation is the competent selection of tongue twisters. As a rule, children at the age of 5–6 are recommended to memorize tongue twisters that help correct the pronunciation of the sounds “R” and “L”.

Development of speech with the help of tongue twisters: highlights

Before starting to teach a child tongue twisters, parents need to be patient and perseverant. Poems can not only be read expressively, but also hummed or pronounced in a whisper. You should pronounce words slowly, as if tasting them - this will help you better feel and remember sound combinations.

Important Points learning:

  • the duration of one lesson should not exceed 10-15 minutes;
  • before the start of the lesson, it is necessary to perform a speech therapy warm-up, it will perfectly warm up the vocal cords and facial muscles;
  • to start, it is recommended to choose educational material, not burdened by hard-to-pronounce words and sounds;
  • you should not rush the baby and expect him to memorize the rhyme the first time;
  • as you learn, you need to gradually increase the speed of pronunciation.

It is necessary that the child understands the rules of the game and what is required of him. Do not turn learning into a mandatory and boring process. You can work with your child not only at home, but also on a walk in the park or on the way home from kindergarten.

  1. They develop speech breathing, especially when you pronounce them at a different pace: slow, medium, fast.
  2. Improve the quality of diction, that is, make the pronunciation clear.
  3. Develop the sensory abilities necessary to "start" and improve speech.
  4. Train intonation: learn to pronounce questions, exclamations and more.

The child usually pronounces tongue twisters with pleasure, because their stories are riddled with humor, or the situations described in these texts look absurd, incomprehensible. All this attracts, laughs and is well remembered.

If the child is just learning to speak

A question that worries many parents. When will he start speaking correctly? - Next question. Teachers advise first to pronounce tongue twisters slowly and quietly. Or even try such a speech therapy technique: speak with the child face to face in the quietest whisper, almost with only lips, you communicate the word with someone who can read lips.

Then repeat the tongue twister a little louder, and so gradually add sound. In order to learn how to speak, it is important for children to see how an adult articulates, which muscles of the face are involved in making sounds. Toddlers visually “read” even the position of the head and body that a person takes in a conversation.



How to get interested in classes?

Here are some tips on how to turn "boring" activities into fun:

  1. Turn everything into a game that is interesting for both adults and children.
  2. Use picture cards and/or rhyming lines.
  3. Intonate pronunciation, read artistically, "by roles."
  4. Start learning phrases at a leisurely pace: pronounce drawlingly, quietly. It is possible even if it is very difficult to pronounce complex words.
  5. If everything is in order with speech breathing, add speed. That's why they are tongue twisters, to chatter them without straying.
  6. It would be appropriate to compete between children of the same age: who will pronounce faster and cleaner.



Simple tongue twisters for kids 1-2 years old

At the age when the child is just learning to speak, it will be appropriate to train him to pronounce the sounds [g], [d], [h], [s].

To train sounds [g] and [d]

A dove in a blue boa was eating blueberries on a branch.

There is a mountain in the middle of the yard.

Geese are chirping on the mountain, fire is burning under the mountain.

The jackdaw sat on the fence, the rook started a conversation with her.

“Ha-ha-ha,” cackles the goose. “I am proud of my family!”

The woodpecker hollowed out the oak, hollowed out, but did not hollow out, did not hollow out.

Grandfather Dodon blew a tune. He touched Dima with a pipe.

Grandfather Danila shared a melon: a slice - Dima, a slice - Dina.

Nadya didn't finish eating the melon - Nadya got tired of the melon.

Doo-doo-doo - here I go with a song.

Yes, yes, yes - here big cities.

Dee-dee-dee - don't go far.

Do-do-do - they made a nest for the chicks.

To train sounds [h], [s]

Mow the scythe until the dew. Down with dew - and we are home.

The flute whistle with a flute.

Senya and Sanya have catfish with a mustache in their nets.

Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sleigh - lope, Senka from his feet, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.

Ta-ta-ta, our house is clean.

You-you-you - the cats ate all the sour cream.

Zoya's bunny is called Zaznayka.

Umbrella caught on the fence. There is a pattern in the curls of the umbrella.

On a winter morning, birch trees ring from the frost at dawn.

Watermelons were loaded from body to body.

"Linguistics" for children 2-3 years old

There is a formation of sounds and their pairs [b] - [p], [c] - [f], [k], [t], [x]. As well as the sounds [m], [n]. Now is the time to set them up and practice.

To train sounds [b] and [p]

Sheep beat drums.

White snow, white chalk, white sugar is also white. But the squirrel is not white, it was not even white.

All beavers are kind to their cubs.

Beavers wander into the cheese forests - beavers are brave!

A bagel, bagel, loaf and loaf baked from dough early in the morning.

Petru baked pies.

The quail sang outside the village, the black grouse sang among the trees. The quail sang and sang - the black grouse quailed.

The parrot says to the parrot: “I, parrot, parrot!”

To train sounds [v] and [f]

Valya wet her felt boots on a thawed patch. Valenka's felt boots are drying on the mound.

Barbara guarded the chickens, and the crow stole the chickens.

I led the ox into the yard, led the ox by the horns. She led an ox into the barn, and the ox took me into the garden.

Fedya has a jersey, Faya has shoes.

Beans, beans - that's grown beans.

Fedya is afraid of the owl - the owl can get angry.

To train the sound [k]

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood. Put on a cuckoo hood. How funny he is in the hood.

A mosquito got into Makar's pocket. The mosquito in Makar's pocket disappeared. The magpie crackled about this in the forest: “The cow has disappeared in Makar’s pocket!”

A cow does not eat a box of crusts - a box of hay is more dear to her.

Capa Kapiton bought a pile of caps.

Cap on cap. Under the cap - cap.

The cat of the thread rolled into a corner.

For sound training [t]

Thirty-three striped piglets have thirty-three tails hanging.

They stomp and stomp. They stomped to the poplar, but their feet stomped.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

Thirty-three crows in a row chatter, rumble.

The black grouse was sitting in Terenty's cage, and the black grouse with the black grouse was in the forest on a branch.

The fellow ate thirty-three pies with a pie, and all with cottage cheese.

To train the sound [x]

Get up, Arkhip, - the rooster is hoarse.

Crested laughter laughed: "Ha-ha-ha."

Arkhip is hoarse, and Osip is hoarse.

Zakhar sniffed the ear and praised it: “Wow, good ear!”

Prokhor and Pahom rode on horseback.

The fly-pity sat on the ear.



Useful tongue twisters for children 3-4 years old

It is believed that this is the age of mastering hissing and whistling sounds. You can practice their pronunciation with the help of these "rhymes". We have already mentioned the sound [h] - here are all the exercises, except for it.

To train the sounds [w] and [w]

In a hut, a yellow dervish from Algeria rustles with silks and, juggling with knives, eats a thing of figs.

The mice washed the bowls of the bear.

The mouse whispers to the mouse: "You are all rustling, you are not sleeping." The mouse whispers to the mouse: "I will rustle more quietly."

Even your neck, even your ears, you stained with black ink. Hurry up and take a shower, and wash your mascara under the shower. After the shower, dry yourself dry and do not stain your ears anymore.

Masha has a midge in porridge. What should our Masha do? She put the porridge in a bowl and fed the cat.

I knit a vine in the forest. I'm taking a vine to the cart. Goat, do not lick the vine - I will punish!

The ground beetle buzzes, buzzes, but does not spin.

Above Zhora a beetle, buzzing, circling. Zhora is trembling from fear. Why is Zhora trembling so? It's not scary because the bug is buzzing.

A toad, a crane and a yellow bug went to the meadow to visit the hedgehog.

The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a snake.

To train the sound [ts]

A gypsy on tiptoe shouted to a chicken: "Shush!"

The heron was tenacious, the heron did not wait long - with its beak the heron swallowed the whole frog.

The circus performer knows how to prance, train animals and birds.

Once upon a time there were three Japanese: Yak, Yak-Tsin-Drak, Yak-Tsin-Drak-Tsindroni.

The heron scooped up a cup of chamomile tea. The heron has a whole vat of tea, the heron-doctor meets the sick.

To train the sound [h]

The baker baked kalachi in a hot oven.

On Thursday the fourth, at four and a quarter, four black, grimy little devils were drawing a blueprint in black ink.

On a black night, a black cat jumped into a black chimney.

A blackbird gave a bunch of blueberries to a black daw.

Why does a bee, a bee, have no bangs? I answer why: "The bee does not need bangs."

Chu! There is a cricket in the closet. Clearly audible: "Chok-chok-chok."

To train the sound [w]

Two puppies, cheek to cheek, pinch the brush in the corner.

Skinny, weak Koschei is dragging a box of vegetables.

The pike treated the bream with borscht.

Scales at the pike, bristle at the pig.

The pike tries in vain to infringe on the bream.

Tongs and pincers - these are our things.

I drag the pike, I drag. I won't miss the pike.

"We wrote that tongue twisters in which the same sound is repeated can help your baby work out the pronunciation of this sound. Learn to pronounce words and phrases correctly. Patter for speech development you can offer the baby when he is just learning to speak. But in order not to scare the baby away with excessive complexity, you need to select tongue twisters based on the age of the baby, his speech skills and the sounds you want to work out the pronunciation of. Let's see how to choose tongue twisters for a kid so that he is both interested and useful.

A bit of history

Tongue twisters, as well as proverbs and sayings, are a genre of oral folk art. They were invented by the people to teach a child to speak, to pronounce words correctly, so their stories often cause a smile, sometimes even seem ridiculous:

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood
The cuckoo put on a hood,
Like a cuckoo in a hood is ridiculous.

Tongue twisters are specially invented phrases with difficult to pronounce or difficult to combine sounds and words, which must be pronounced quickly, clearly and without hesitation. In Russia, tongue twisters were also called frequent talkers, tongue twisters, because sometimes it was not easy to not only pronounce them quickly, but even just pronounce them:

Forged a bell
Yes, not like a bell.
We should reforge the bell
Yes, reroll.

You can start doing exercises with tongue twisters when the baby is just learning to speak (from 1 to 1.5 years). At this age, it can be difficult for babies to pronounce individual sounds, so simple tongue twisters are suitable for them, in which just one sound that is difficult for the baby is repeated, for example [s]:

Elephants are smart, elephants are quiet,
Elephants are calm and intelligent.

The baby will grow, tongue twisters will “grow” with him: tongue twisters will gradually be added to new sounds. When the baby has mastered the pronunciation of most sounds (usually this happens at the age of 5-6 years), it will be possible to add tongue twisters with difficult-to-pronounce combinations of sounds:

Carl stole corals from Clara,
And Clara stole the clarinet from Karl.

We have made for you a selection of tongue twisters for kids different ages taking into account the development of the average baby sounds mother tongue. (We used the book by Inna Svetlova "Home Speech Therapist" and books devoted to Russian oral folk art.)

Tongue twisters for 1 - 2 years

At the age after a year, the baby masters the sounds "g", "d", "s", "h". Sometimes babies replace these hard sounds with soft ones. To help your baby begin to distinguish between hard and soft sounds and pronounce them correctly, try using these tongue twisters to practice these sounds:

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds [s] and [s ']:

Mow, spit, while dew.
Down with the dew, and we are home.

Eats a pussy soup from a bowl.
Full pussy, empty bowl.

Senya and Sanya have catfish with a mustache in their nets.

A wasp does not have a mustache, do not have a mustache, but a mustache.

Lucky Senka Sanka
With Sonya on a sled.
Sledge - lope, Senka - off his feet,
Sanka in the side, Sonya in the forehead.

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds [h] and [h ']:

Zoya's bunny is called Zoznaika.

All lakes are mirrors of green glass.

Went early
Nazar to the market.
Bought a goat
And a Nazar basket.

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds [g] and [g ']:

Geese chirping on the mountain
The fire burns under the mountain.

Ha-ha-ha -
Goose cackles -
I am proud of my family!
For goslings and goose
All I look -
I don't look.

The jackdaw sat on the fence,
Rook started a conversation with her.

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds [d] and [d ']:

A woodpecker sits on an oak and hollows a hollow in the oak.

The house is at the oak, the oak is at the house.

Tongue twisters for 2 - 3 years

After 2 years, the baby masters the sounds "p" and "b", "f" and "c", "t", "k", "x", sonorous sounds "m" and "n". Suitable tongue twisters to help you and your baby.

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds [n] and [n ']:

The baker baked pies in the oven.

Tell me about your purchases.
— What kind of purchases?
- About shopping, about shopping,
About my shopping.

Prokop came - dill boils,
Prokop left - dill boils.
And under Prokop dill boils,
And without Prokop dill boils.

The parrot says to the parrot:
"I'll scare you, parrot, parrot."
The parrot answers him: “Parrot me, parrot!”

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds [b] and [b ']:

White sheep beat the drums.

White snow. White chalk.
White sugar is also white.
But the squirrel is not white.
It wasn't even white.

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds [f] and [f ']:

In the field, Frosya is flying millet, Frosya is carrying out weeds.

Fani has a sweatshirt,
Fedya has shoes.

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds [in] and [in ']:

Tall Vavila merrily tossed his pitchfork.

The water carrier was carrying water from the tap.

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds [t] and [t ']:

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

A black grouse sat on a tree, and a black grouse with black grouse on a branch.

The weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya's scarves.

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds [k] and [k ']:

Kitten thread ball
Rolled into a corner.
Rolled into a corner
Kitten of threads ball.

Little cat on the window
I ate the porridge bit by bit.

Klava put the bow on the shelf,
She called to herself Nikolka.

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds [x] and [x ']:

Crested laughter laughed with laughter:
– Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Prokhor and Pahom rode on horseback.

Delicious halva - praise the master.

Laughing letter X laughed:
Ha ha ha!

A goryukha fly sat on the ear.

There was a commotion in the garden -
The thistle blossomed there.
So that your garden does not decay,
Weed thistles.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

Tongue twisters for 3 - 4 years

At the age of 3-4 years, the baby gradually masters hissing (w, w, h, u) and whistling sounds (z, c). To practice the pronunciation of these sounds, tongue twisters can also be used.

Tongue twisters for practicing sound [g]:

The ground beetle buzzes, buzzes, spins.

A hedgehog has a hedgehog, a snake has a hedgehog.

Snakes do not live where hedgehogs live.

Frightened mezhvezhonka
Hedgehog with a hedgehog and a hedgehog,
Siskin with a siskin and with a chizhonk,
Swift with a haircut and a haircut.

Tongue twisters for practicing sound [w]:

Masha gave Romasha whey from yogurt.

On the window, a cat deftly catches a tiny midge with its paw.

There are six rascals in the hut.

Our sail is sewn to the conscience,
The storm won't scare us.

Tongue twisters for practicing sound [h]:

Oh, wobble, wobble, wobble.
We are rooks, we are rooks.

The student taught lessons
He has ink on his cheeks.

Anya bought Czech shoes, gloves, shoes and a T-shirt.

Thursday the fourth
At four and a quarter o'clock
Four black little devils
Drawn in black ink drawing.

Tongue twisters for practicing sound [u]:

Wolves roam, looking for food.

Wash my hands cleaner and more often.

Two puppies, cheek to cheek
Pinch the brush in the corner.

Masha, don't look for us:
We pinch sorrel on cabbage soup.

Tongue twisters for practicing sound [c]:

Flowers are blooming in the flower garden.

The heron chick tenaciously clings to the chain.

Two chickens are running right down the street.

starling flies winter is over.

Tongue twisters for 4 - 5 years

Closer to five years old speech apparatus the baby gradually matures for the pronunciation of sonorous sounds [r] and [l]. In exercises with tongue twisters, you can also focus on the pronunciation of these sounds.

Tongue twisters for practicing sound [p] and [p ']:

Large grapes grow on Mount Ararat.

The crow crow crowed.

A mouse has a rind in a hole of cheese.

Because of the forest, because of the mountains, grandfather Yegor is coming.

In the darkness, crayfish noisy in a fight.

Three trumpeters blew trumpets.

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds [l] and [l ']:

Kolya stabs pricks,
Fields field flight.

Our Polkan fell into a trap.

An angler catches a fish
The whole catch floated into the river.

little babbler
Milk chatted, chatted,
Didn't blurt out.

Tongue twisters for difficult-to-pronounce combinations of sounds

At 5 - 6 years old, when the baby masters the pronunciation of all sounds, he can already be offered tongue twisters with difficult-to-pronounce combinations of sounds:

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.
Do not cut wood on the grass of the yard!

They gave Varenka - felt boots, Valenka - mittens.

All beavers are kind to their cubs.

The bull has stupid lips, the bull is stupid.

How to teach

  1. First you need to learn the tongue twister. Speak it to your baby very slowly at first, as if in syllables. Let the kid repeat it. If the tongue twister is long, break it into parts. Make sure that the baby does not swallow consonant sounds and pronounces vowels correctly, as it is written (not “on two-re”, but “on two-re”). You can speak in a singsong voice, stretching out the vowels.
  2. When the baby remembers the tongue twister well, ask him to pronounce it a little faster, then even faster.
  3. For a change, you can pronounce the tongue twister in a loud and quiet voice or almost in a whisper. You can sing or, conversely, speak abruptly, like a robot. Invite the baby to say the tongue twister cheerfully or sadly, trembling with fear or jumping in place for joy, etc.

How to get interested

In order for tongue twisters to be of real benefit, pay attention to the correct pronunciation of sounds by the baby. If it is difficult for the baby to pronounce such a long text, invite him to sing it. It is usually easier for babies to sing than to speak.

The kid will repeat the tongue twister with great enthusiasm if you manage to put it into a game and interest the kid.

Accompany tongue twisters colorful pictures. You can draw a picture yourself, cut out a suitable one from a magazine, or use books. There are a lot of books with tongue twisters now being published: from the simplest books of several pages to such masterpieces as a book « Try again! Russian tongue twisters" with very beautiful illustrations.

With very young children, it is better to learn tongue twisters in verse. When reading nursery rhymes to a child and, especially, the alphabet in verse, pay attention to the repetition of sounds with adjacent words. Very often there are phrases that are no worse than tongue twisters:

The woodpecker lived in an empty hollow,
Oak hollowed like a chisel. (S. Marshak)

The old elephant sleeps peacefully
He knows how to sleep standing up. (S. Marshak)

My, my chimney sweep clean, clean, clean, clean.
It will be, the chimney sweep will be clean, clean, clean! (K. Chukovsky)

Tongue twisters for children 5 years old. Child 5 years old

The development of the child's speech. Tongue twisters, tongue twisters

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By the age of 3, the child accumulates a large vocabulary and develops phrasal speech, but most children still do not speak clearly and indistinctly. As a rule, children do not yet pronounce the sound R and hissing sounds. For the formation of clear and correct speech in children, we offer you a number of exercises.

The exercises are aimed at developing a clear and intelligible pronunciation of words and phrases, at developing auditory attention, speech hearing, and the vocal apparatus. To prepare the child for these classes, it is necessary to conduct several classes with the child to develop a long and smooth exhalation.

You can use soap bubbles for this. Play with your child in the game "Inflate the biggest bubble" or blow air through a tube into a glass of water.

The repetition of tongue twisters, memorization of riddles, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes and poems saturated with certain sounds contributes to fixing the correct pronunciation.

Exercise: Describe a picture

We show the child pictures with heroes of fairy tales or animals and ask the child to tell who he sees, describe what kind of character this is. For example: bunny - gray, soft and fluffy. If the child has difficulty describing, help him. For older children (4-5 years old), you can complicate the task: let them compose a story not in separate words, but in whole sentences. For example: here is a bunny. He lives in the woods. It is gray and fluffy. This exercise expands the vocabulary of the child and contributes to the development of thinking.

Clean tongues

1. Om-om-om-om-we will build a new house.
2. Whoop-oop-oop-oop - I cook soup for dad.
3. Would-be-would-be mushrooms grow in the forest.
4. Mom Milu in the soap bath.
5. Petya sawed a stump with a saw.
6. All monkeys love bananas.

1. Ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta - the cat has a fluffy tail.
2. Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo - children run in the garden.
3. But-but-but, but-but-but - it's dark in our room.
4. Dog Tom guards the house.
5. Daria gives Dina melons.
6. Nanny babysits Nadya and Nina.

1. Ko-ko-ko - the cat loves milk.
2. Ha-ha-ha at the goat's horns.
3. Ha-ha-ha - do not catch us a rooster.
4. Oh-oh-oh - the bunny is cold in winter.
5. Geese are chirping on the mountain.
6. A fly sat on a hamster's ear.

1. Af-af-af - we will put a closet in the corner.
2. Woo-woo-woo - they saw an owl in the forest.
3. Fani has a sweatshirt, and Fedya has shoes.
4. Our Filat is never to blame.

1. Sony's sleigh rides down the hill themselves.
2. Senya met a fox in the forest.
3. Our gas went out.
4. Su-su-su-su - quietly in the autumn in the forest.
5. Senya carries hay in Senya, Senya will sleep on the hay.

1. Zu-zu-zu-bunny my we are in the basin.
2. Zina has a goat in a basket.
3. Liza bought Zina a basket in the store.
4. Zoya and Zina are drinking juice near the store.
5. Zina's bell rings loudly.
6. Little Zina has a bunny sleeping in a basket.

1. Tsy-tsy-tsy - chicks want to eat.
2. Water flows from a well.
3. The tit bird is not great, but clever.
4. Tsu-tsu-tsu - they gave us a cucumber each.
5. A chicken drinks water from a saucer.
6. Slava put flowers on the windowsill.
7. Tsy-tsy-tsy - we washed the cucumbers.
8. There is no end to my ring.

1. Our Masha was given little porridge.

1. Ms. Ms. two hedgehogs ran away.
2. Zhu-zhu-zhu - I knit a blouse.
3. A good pie, inside the curd.

1. Cha-cha-cha - a bunny is sitting at the doctor.
2. Chu-choo-choo - the doctor goes to the rook.
3. A sheep's coat warms better than a stove.
4. Four turtles have four baby turtles.

1. Scha-scha-scha - Kolya walks without a raincoat.
2. Shchi-schi-schi - we are looking for sorrel on cabbage soup.
3. For fish soup you need bream, and sorrel - for cabbage soup.

1. Lu-lu-lu - sharpened Tolya saw
2. Is the soup salty, not salty!
3. Grandfather Danila shared a melon.
4. Lara washed the floor, Lily helped Lara.

1. Forty spoke to magpie: I, like a fish, am silent in the lesson.
2. Under the mink walnut bush. A mink lives in a mink.
3. I have poppies and chamomile on my pocket.

Mixed sound exercises

  • There is a cart of oats, a sheep near the cart.
  • The dog sits on a chain.
  • The sun will peek through our window.
  • On the roof of Shura lived a crane.
  • The cat sleeps and sees the mouse.
  • The hedgehog lies under the tree.
  • You won't get bread lying down.
  • The student taught lessons, his cheeks are ink.
  • The boy cleans the horse with a brush.
  • The puppy is playing with a ball.
  • Sa-sha-sha - Sonya washes the baby.
  • As-ash-ash - there is a hut under a pine tree.
  • Six mice rustle in a hut.
  • Sasha loves drying, and Sonya cheesecakes.
  • Washed mice bowls for bears.
  • Cha-tsa-tsa - a boy is standing at the porch.
  • Tsa-cha-cha grows a chick at the rook.
  • A she-wolf has cubs, a hen and a heron have chickens.
  • The girl drinks tea from a cup.
  • Scha-sa-sa - a fox sits under a bush.
  • Look for a mustache goose, do not look - you will not find it.
  • Shchi and porridge are our food. Every thing has its place.
  • An angler catches a fish.
  • The whole catch went into the river.
  • Delicious halva, praise the master.
  • Rimma and Tima walked past the shooting range.
You can also come up with humorous phrases, such as:
  • "yes-yes-yes - in the quinoa garden",
  • "doo-doo-doo - apples grow in the garden",
  • "sha-sha-sha - they brought home a ruff",
  • "tu-tu-tu - we will go to Vorkuta",
  • “zha-zha-zha - the hedgehog has needles”,
  • “chi-chi-chi - rooks flew to us”,
  • "zhu-zhu-zhu - I'm lying in the sun." and so on.

Tongue Twisters

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.

Greek rode across the river,
sees the Greek - cancer in the river,
put the Greek hand into the river,
cancer by the hand of a Greek - tsap.

Carl stole the corals from Clara,
Clara stole the clarinet from Karl.

Grass in the yard
firewood on the grass,
On the firewood kids.

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood
Put on a cuckoo hood,
How funny he is in the hood.

Based on the book by A. I. Maksakov “Does your child speak correctly”

It turns out that learning to speak correctly is not such an easy task for a baby. Quite rarely there are children who have no problems at all in this regard. Incorrect pronunciation of the letter "p", hissing and nasal consonants, "swallowing" endings, and even whole words involuntarily causes a smile in adults.

But, at the age of five or six, speech defects become a big problem, primarily for the child himself. The ridicule of peers, the remarks of educators in kindergarten and teachers in primary school- a serious trauma for a fragile psyche. Of course, in special cases, the help of a speech therapist may be required. But, there is a wonderful and fun way to develop speech. These are tongue twisters. Their people invented thousands and continue to invent until now.

Learn them with your child, pronouncing them slowly at first, and then speeding up the pace. Use them during the game, getting the child to clearly pronounce each sound. You can beat the beat with your palms, so it will be easier for the child to remember the text of the tongue twister. Arrange a competition for the correct and fastest recitation of a tongue twister.

Although the meaning of tongue twisters is rather primitive, explain to the child what it is about. After all, memorizing incomprehensible "gibberish" is difficult even for an adult. For kids under 4 years old, choose short tongue twisters; for older children, tongue twisters-poems, phrases that are difficult to pronounce correctly the first time are suitable. It is very important to pronounce all the sounds correctly, then over time the baby will learn this.

If classes are regular, then progress will not be long in coming. An unobtrusive game method will help correct the child's speech preschool age. By the way, this is good for adults too!

Patter for the development of children's speech

Three magpies woke up the evil Rex in the kennel.

Menacingly "watchman" growled,

Forty drove out of the yard.

Borya smiles: Rosa likes the rose!

For the three brothers, Yegor's older brother came up with a tongue twister.

The pig snout snouted the ground,

Washed the pig's snout with soap.

The yellow-winged beetle Zhenya married the ground beetle Zhuzha.

Zhuzha's wife buzzes no worse than her husband.

Sasha has a hat, Pashka has a cap,

Pashka gave the cap to Sasha, Sasha gave the hat to Pashka.

Venka was sitting visiting Senka. Sanka came, followed by Tanya.

Then Vitka, followed by Mitka, after Vlas, followed by the whole class.

Peck Prov pie with mushrooms.

Paul did not follow the rules,

Pavel sent the car into the quagmire.

Clara played the piano, Mishutka and Tanya danced.

Dance after dance, dance after dance.

Tanya and Mishutka have a blush on their cheeks.

Children rarely ate radish - radish is bitter for children.

A mouse-norushka rustles in the shavings.

It's hard for a mouse to sleep on the shavings.

Bear Potap bought slippers for paws.

Slippers are small, paws do not climb.

They sat, they sat, they almost turned gray.

Didn't sit out anything. Still sit to gray?

Klim drove a maple wedge.

The wedge is jammed, you can’t wedge it out with a wedge.

There were typos in the word "cobs".

And what about cobs with typos?

With a hammer, grimy Chuk learns to hammer nails exactly to the point.

The little crucian fell on the bait of Tarasik.

Tarasik took pity, let the crucian go.

Tongue twisters for children

In the yard - grass,
On the grass - firewood,
Don't cut wood
On the grass of the yard.

Three waxwings barely whistled on the spruce.

Bought a cuttlefish lace dress
A cuttlefish walks, showing off her dress.

The ship was carrying caramel,
The ship ran aground
The sailors ate caramel aground for two weeks.

Our sail is sewn to the conscience,
The storm won't scare us.

A nosed hoopoe flew into the swamp.
The mustachioed Fedot looked at the hoopoe.
Until the hoopoe sat down on the swamp,
Fedot stood and looked at the hoopoe.

Oleg collected nuts, and Alyosha russula.

Children played together in the orchestra:
Carl played the black clarinet
Cyril - on the horn,
On the harp - Allah,
And Lara played the piano.

Water flows from a nearby well all day long.

Harmonica loudly
Eremka played.

Avdey dragged a bag of nails,
Gordey dragged a bag of milk mushrooms.
Avdey Gordey gave nails,
Gordey gave Avdey a mushroom.

The oak table stands as a pillar,
The ram rested its forehead on it.
Although I do not feel sorry for the ram's forehead,
But his forehead does not bring down a pillar to him.

Nyura has different chickens in her barn:
Three black - Chernushki,
Two motley - Pestrushki.

Sold in the market mushrooms in a basket.
Milk mushrooms, russula are sold in a cart.

The cow Burenka scolds the calf:
“Why did you butt heads with a lamb behind a ravine?”

The hedgehog washed his ears in the bath,
Neck, skin on the abdomen.
And the hedgehog said to the raccoon:
Won't you rub my back?
Stesha was in a hurry, she sewed a shirt,
Yes, I hurried - I didn’t sew the sleeve.

Lena returned from the nursery
Lena is knee-deep to her mother.
Repeat without hesitation:
"On the aspen dewdrops
Glittered in the morning

Methyl in a basket,
Hit the window.

Varvara's chickens are old.

Lyuba walks near the oak
We love to look at Luba.

Penguin swimming in the sea
Sitting on a snowy beach
And I thought: "How wonderful
On the south coast!

An elephant was going to become a violinist,
But he hears laughter from all sides:
“Take not a violin - double bass,
It will be just right for you."

Flynn got pissed off
Dressed up in a tailcoat.
Owl hunting
Beautiful to be in the photo.
Though where the pigs have a choir!
In it, Khavronya is a conductor.
And in good weather
Pigs lead round dances.

Frightened by the thunder of Roma.
He roared louder than thunder.
From such a roar of thunder
Hiding behind a hillock.

Tongue twisters for all letters of the alphabet.

(Click on the letter to go to the tongue twisters)

Rotaru: At 70, I look 45 thanks to a simple technique ...
Why are all pharmacies silent? Nail fungus is afraid of cheap fire ...
For an alcoholic, instead of coding, imperceptibly add 3-4 drops of ordinary ...
Solomiya Vіtvytska: I live and got involved in the loot, I got 22 kg of fat! Why...
Overgrown papillomas on the neck and in the armpits are a sign that you have ...

The tongue twister belongs to folklore, and is a phrase, during the pronunciation of which certain articulatory difficulties arise. Tongue twisters are designed not only to develop the speech of children, but also to improve the speech of adults. Thanks to the sounds that are chosen in a special way in these simple rhymes, speech becomes clearer and more beautiful.


Tongue twisters for children play an important role in the formation of a beautiful and clear pronunciation of certain sounds. When pronouncing, speed is important - the success of speech correction depends on the speed of pronunciation.

Tongue twisters for children perform the following functions:

  • development of memory and attention;
  • acquaintance with folk art, which are tongue twisters;
  • development of diction, correction of pronunciation of difficult sounds;
  • vocabulary replenishment;
  • development of phonemic awareness.

Tongue twisters for children can be divided into complex and simple tongue twisters, modern and old Russian, as well as the pronunciation of certain sounds. Often in tongue twisters there are unfamiliar words, the meaning of which not all children will understand. Before starting work with the child, it will be necessary to explain the meaning of each unfamiliar word.

In this article you can find both tongue twisters for kindergarten and for homework. Children 4, 5, 6, 7 years old will be interested in more complex tongue twisters, for problematic sounds, as well as a tongue twister about the Chinese (Japanese) in the original.

Tongue twisters for children on the sound R

Before starting work with tongue twisters for the sound R, it is important to find out if the child has any problems with pronouncing this letter at all. When does a child begin to say the letter R? Speech therapists do not give a definite answer, it all depends on the development of a particular child. So, for example, a two-year-old kid who goes to Kindergarten and has an older brother or sister, can easily "beat the drum". And a toddler at home education may not pronounce this complex sound until 4-5 years old.

However, 5 years is the limit, and if a child does not pronounce the sound P before this age, then he has some problems. Therefore, it is worth taking the child to a speech therapist. The speech therapist will select not only articulatory gymnastics, but also tongue twisters for the sound R. Usually tongue twisters for children 5 years old for the sound R are simple phrases of 1-2 sentences.

Tongue twisters for children with hissing sounds Sh-Sch

Tongue twisters for children with Ch-Ts sounds

Tongue twisters for children with sounds Z-S

Tongue twisters for children with consonants B-P

Tongue twisters in Russia were called at one time pure tongue twisters, since the main goal was pure and clear pronunciation, and not speed. But still, the meaning of the tongue twister is to pronounce the phrase both quickly and correctly. It is important that tongue twisters for children do not cause them negative emotions if something doesn't work. This problem can be solved if you train with your child, have fun and joke about your own and his mistakes. Then the kid will know that adults can make mistakes too.

Tongue twisters for children with consonants M-L-N

A tongue twister about the Japanese (Chinese)

This tongue twister is quite popular, but difficult to pronounce. In addition, there are many versions of it. The Japanese tongue twister looks like this:

Once upon a time there were three Japanese: Yak, Yak-Tsin-Drak, Yak-Tsin-Drak-Tsindroni.
Once upon a time there were three Japanese women: Chibi, Chibi-Dribi, Chibi-Dribi-Drimpomponi.
Yak married Tsibi, Yak-Tsin-Drak married Tsibi-Dribi, Yak-Tsin-Drak-Tsindroni married Tsibi-Dribi-Drimpomponi.
Children were born to them: Shah to Tsibi, Shah-Sharakh to Tsibi-Dribi, Shah-Sharakh-Sharoni to Tsibi-Dribi-Drimpomponi.

And here is a tongue twister about three Chinese:

Once upon a time there were three Chinese - Yak, Yak-Tsi-Drak, Yak-Tsi-Drak-Cidron-Cidroni,
And three more Chinese women - Tsypa, Tsypa-Dripa, Tsypa-Dripa-Lampomponi.
Married Yak to Tsyp, Yak-Tsi-Drak to Tsyp-Drip,
Yak-Tsi-Drak-Cidron-Cidroni on Tsype-Dripe-Lampomponi.
Here they had children: Yak and Chick had Shah,
at Yak-Tsi-Drak with Tsypa-Drypa - Shah-Sharah,
at Yak-Tsi-Drak-Tsidroni with Tsypo-Drypa-Lampoponi - Shah-Sharakh-Sharoni.

In principle, the tongue twister about 3 Chinese is not much different from the Japanese one.