Jackie Kennedy years of life. Photos from the new book about Jacqueline Kennedy

You think, New Year Can you celebrate only once a year? You are wrong. In our country, due to the fact that Russia is geographically divided into several time zones, this can be done 11 times. Imagine, you can make 11 wishes that will definitely come true, you just need to know in what order Russians celebrate the New Year.

The sequence of the New Year in Russia

  • You can safely make your first wish at 15.00. Moscow time. It is at this time that the residents of Kamchatka raise their glasses and wish all the best to their loved ones and friends.
  • At 16.00 they celebrate the New Year in the Magadan region and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.
  • At 17.00. When the chimes strike, they burn a piece of paper with their cherished desire and drink it along with champagne in Vladivostok, Khabarovsk and Ussuriysk.
  • At 18.00. this will be done in Chita, Blagoveshchensk, Transbaikalia and Amur region. At the same time, in Yakutia, the spirit of cold - Chyskhaan (our Grandfather Frost) fulfills all wishes, for this you just need to touch his magic staff and say your wish out loud.
  • At 19.00 they celebrate the New Year in Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude and Buryatia.
  • At 20.00. in the Krasnoyarsk, Altai Territories, Kemerovo, Tomsk, Novosibirsk regions, in the Republic of Tyva.
  • 21.00. They make another wish together with the residents of the Omsk and Sverdlovsk regions.
  • At 22.00. the cities of Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, Perm, the Republic of Bashkortostan.
  • 23.00. The New Year will reach Udmurtia, Samara and Tolyatti, just one hour and it will reach Moscow.
  • At 24.00. on Red Square, the chimes will strike, fireworks will go off, and festivities will begin.
  • But the holiday will hurry on, and at one in the morning it will come to the Kaliningrad region. So, there is a chance to make another wish even after 12 o’clock at night - at 01.00.

Russia is the only country in the world where such a number of times.

When do other countries around the world wait for the New Year?

In general, on globe The first to celebrate the holiday will be the population of the small Christmas Island (5.5 thousand people in total), which belongs to the Republic of Kiribati, and the residents of the capital of the kingdom on the edge of the earth (as tourists call it) - the city of Nuku'alofa.

Then, following the sequence, Chatham Island (+0.15), New Zealand and the South Pole in Antarctica (+1).

With an interval of one hour, the holiday will reach the island of Fiji (+2).

From there he will go to hot Australia (+3), where he will be greeted with stunning fireworks and a grandiose music show. The climate of the country allows you to celebrate outdoors. At exactly 12 o'clock local time, the noise of music stops in Australian cities and the sound of car horns, whistles and screams is heard. This is how the inhabitants of the island celebrate the New Year and all the good things they hope to receive with its arrival.

When on January 1 in Moscow the clock hands show 6 am, and at 12 o’clock, do not forget to say to your loved ones and friends: “Akemashite omedeto!”, which means: Happy New Year, and give them a rake for good luck, so that they have something to rake in happiness. This is exactly what the Japanese do on this day.

In China (+6) the New Year is celebrated according to its own special calendar, which can begin on one of the days at the end of January or beginning of February. On this day, old grievances are forgiven and forgotten. The whole family gathers for a festive dinner, and processions of people holding lit lanterns take place in the streets. This is how they light the way for the New Year.

Route 7 of the holiday will pass through Indonesia,

8 celebrate the holiday in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. And although locals celebrate the New Year in April, they organize colorful fireworks and beach parties for tourists on New Year’s Eve. Lobster and king prawns are served for dinner.

Without breaking the sequence, other countries awaiting the New Year are Pakistan (+9), Armenia, Azerbaijan (+10).
In Armenia, the holiday is celebrated three times a year: March 21 (Amanor), August 11 (Navasard) and January 1. These days, relatives and friends give each other gifts, tell fortunes and gather around a rich family table.

12 New Year is celebrated in Greece, Romania, Turkey, Israel, Finland.

13 in Belgium, Italy, France, Hungary, Sweden.

14 in UK, Portugal.

16 in stunning Brazil.

17.30-20.30 in different areas of Canada and the USA.

23 in Alaska.

24 in the Hawaiian Islands.

Residents of the independent island state of Samoa will be the last to celebrate the New Year; at this time on Christmas Island it will already be January 2!

All countries of the world celebrate the New Year in different ways. But for everyone this day is the most special and most magical. It represents the opportunity to leave everything bad in the past and gives hope for happiness!

In China, the New Year is celebrated twice: once according to the European calendar, and once according to the lunar calendar. Chinese New Year 2019 will be celebrated according to the lunar calendar. Traditionally, the date of the celebration is “floating”. It depends on the state of the moon, so every year the Chinese celebrate Chun Jie (Spring Festival) on different days.

This period is the most favorite for many residents of the Middle Kingdom, and they are looking forward to the celebration, which lasts for 15 days.

When does New Year start in China?

It is believed that a new period comes into its own on the second new moon after winter solstice, that is, after December 21 or 22. In 2019, the Chinese New Year begins on February 5th. On this day, a series of bright events and a period of national fun will begin.

For two weeks, the Chinese observe traditions and customs. Every day of the holiday calendar is dedicated to something. On New Year's Day they give gifts to relatives and friends, visit each other, honor the memory of the deceased and release lanterns into the sky. For lovers of Chinese culture, this is the best time to visit the country. Cities are transformed, the streets are filled with festive bustle, and cultural events take place.

Since the start date of the celebrations is not hidden, it is not difficult to predict that the holiday will end on February 19, 2019. For information: in some areas the weekend lasts not 15 days, but only a week. At the end of the events, the hardworking people will begin work with renewed vigor.

Symbol of 2019

IN eastern horoscope Every year has its own symbol in the form of an animal. There are 12 of them in total: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. Each symbol is assigned the color of a natural element. He is changing too. There are 5 colors and elements:

  • white - metal;
  • blue - water;
  • green - tree;
  • red - fire;
  • land is indicated in yellow.

According to the Chinese calendar, the year 2019 has the symbol of the Yellow (Earth) Pig. According to legend, the Jade Emperor chose the most beautiful animals living on earth for the zodiac calendar. The pig arrived by accident: it became a replacement for the cat, who slept through the reception of the heavenly emperor due to the fact that the rat did not wake him up.

The pig is considered sociable, friendly, but at the same time pragmatic. Therefore, it is necessary to celebrate the holiday in the cheerful company of your closest friends and relatives.

Residents of the Celestial Empire expect success in business and personal life. The pig loves to rummage in the ground, so 2019 will be favorable for people who engage in agriculture and work on the earth. The pig will also favor those who decide to enter into a marriage.

To celebrate the Chinese New Year under this sign, you need to properly prepare. The color of the symbol is of great importance, so for a festive outfit it is recommended to choose clothes in yellow and brown shades. The gold color is suitable for both outfits and room decor. The pig loves acorns, so creating decorative compositions with them is encouraged.

The animal loves to eat, so the New Year's table should be rich. Dishes made from vegetables, legumes, meat, poultry and fish are welcome.

Secrets of celebrating Chinese New Year according to Feng Shui

Today's adherents Taoist practice feng shui is getting bigger. This practice helps to organize space in such a way that the favorable energy of Qi works for the benefit of a person.

On the eve of the New Year, the Chinese people try to follow the main rules of Feng Shui so that good luck and happiness await them in the future.

Since the Chinese celebrate the holiday for more than two weeks, preparations for the celebration are carried out thoroughly. According to ancient practice, the first thing to do is to clear the house of junk and old unnecessary things. Before the celebrations, housewives carry out general cleaning. Every corner is washed, broken items and old unnecessary clothes are thrown away. Every person must put their thoughts in order, let go of problems and forgive old grievances.

It is important that there are clean windows in the house, because in the morning, with the sun's rays, Qi energy enters the room. She must enter the room without hindrance.

According to Feng Shui, it is necessary to correctly install the main decoration of the house - the Tree of Light. In China, this is an ordinary tree decorated with red lanterns, envelopes and ribbons. Depending on the wishes of the family, the implementation of which is planned for the coming year, a place for the tree in the house is selected:

  • the southeast side is responsible for attracting wealth to the house;
  • the eastern part - for peace and happiness in the family;
  • the southern side of the world - fame and recognition in society;
  • The Tree of Light, installed in the center of the room, promotes health and vitality;
  • the western part of the room is chosen for the tree by those who wish to add to the family;
  • the north side will help you advance your career and achieve success in business;
  • the northeastern part attracts energy that stimulates mental activity;
  • Travel lovers are recommended to install the Tree of Light in the northwestern part.

According to ancient practice, it is necessary to place figurines with the symbol of the coming year in the house. They are placed in that part of the room whose energy they want to attract into the house. It is important that at the end of the celebrations, you should not hide the mascot-figurines. It is advisable to treat them with care throughout the year.

Particular attention should be paid to gifts. They don't have to be expensive. You can give money, but it is advisable that the number of bills be equal to eight, since eight is an infinity sign.

The traditional and familiar Gregorian calendar, according to which one year changes to another on the night of January 1, is radically different from the Chinese calendar.

This calendar is based not on the specifics of the cycle of the Earth’s passage around the Sun, but on many years of astrological research, as well as the peculiarities of the calculation itself.

It is not difficult to find out when the New Year 2017 begins according to the Chinese calendar; this date falls on the 28th day of January; it is much more difficult to understand all the intricacies of the Asian chronology.

New Year 2017 according to the Chinese calendar

Start next year According to the Chinese calendar, it is associated with the change of season: the first month determines the awakening of nature and the beginning of agricultural work. And in order to clearly determine the start date of the new year, astrologers use the zodiac circle.

The day when the first new moon occurs in the constellation Aquarius is considered the first day of the new year. This date varies, but always falls within a certain time period ranging from January 21 to February 20.

Calculating, we find that New Year 2017 according to the Chinese calendar falls on January 28, 2018 at 3.06

Fire Rooster according to the Chinese calendar will replace the Monkey.

The Chinese style celebration itself is also different. If Europeans celebrate the New Year for one night, then in Asian countries this process stretches for ten days at once.

This is one of the most popular holidays not only in China, but also in many other Asian countries. The year also ends unconventionally. The year of the Fire Rooster changes not on December 31, 2017, or even on January 28 next year. The Fire Rooster will finally cede its rights to the successor of the Yellow Dog only on February 15, 2018.

How to celebrate New Year according to the Chinese calendar

So, don't forget to celebrate Chinese New Year 2017 on January 28, 2017! But the usual hospitable feast will not work as a holiday.

In China, New Year is celebrated differently and the traditions of celebration are directly related to the name of the celebrations, called Chunzi. It is believed that Chun is a mythical monster that seeks to destroy all living things, and he is afraid of noise and bright flashes. That’s why the Chinese celebrate the coming of the year with songs, dances, and noisy fireworks. The presence of garlands and firecrackers is required. The noisier the celebration, the further away the evil spirits are.

Passion for Eastern culture and Chinese traditions has become firmly established in our daily lives, affecting our habits and customs. New Year's celebration eastern calendar supports more and more people, and the rest simply keep track of which animal corresponds to the coming year.

The eastern calendar is based on the Chinese time system, which consists of a cyclical twelve-year repetition of the zodiac signs. Each year in this cycle corresponds to a specific zodiac patron animal. Depending on which totem animal corresponds to a certain period, it is determined what trials and surprises will be encountered in the near future. The Chinese calendar also prescribes to people which undertakings will be appropriate and which ones should be postponed.

In addition, the totem animal helps to choose the most appropriate time for important events in life: weddings, the birth of children, travel, buying a home, serious projects, etc.

What sign will 2019 be under?

In accordance with the Gregorian calendar generally accepted in our country, we celebrate the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1. But in China the arrival of this holiday does not have an exact date.

The arrival of the New Year here is timed to coincide with a change lunar calendar, namely, by the second new moon that occurred after December 21. This date always falls between January 21 and February 20. The Chinese celebrate this cycle change for 2 weeks, ending with the traditional Lantern Festival.

2019 will be the last of the twelve-year cycle during which Jupiter manages to make one full revolution around the Sun. This period will be patronized by the Pig or Boar. In addition to the animal, the Chinese determine the element and color, which will become leading in the next stage. Therefore, in the eastern interpretation, the coming 2019 will be the year of the yellow earthen pig.

It is the combination of all these characteristics that influences which undertakings will be more successful, and which ones should wait until the next change of the zodiac totem, how one should behave in order to fully realize one’s potential, and what one should be careful about.

The totem animal for 2019 is the yellow earthen Pig, it will sum up all the actions that occurred during the lunisolar cycle and indicate the direction in which to move over the next 12 years. Since the pig in Eastern culture is considered a symbol of balance, patience and hard work, these qualities are especially useful in everyday life and will bring success to people.

When is the Year of the Pig

As mentioned above, the beginning of the year in the Gregorian and Eastern calendars does not coincide, so January will entirely pass under the auspices of the totem of 2018 - the Dog. And only February 5, 2019 the Dog will be replaced by the yellow Pig, since it is on this night that Jupiter will begin his new round around the Sun. On the night of February 4-5, 2019, adherents of Eastern traditions plan to celebrate this holiday around the world.

The element and color, as well as the type of animal, determine the rules of celebration that should be followed so that the Pig favors a person in all his endeavors. For those who want to “appease” Pig, you should listen to the following advice:

  • At the holiday you need to wear clothes of the appropriate color (yellow or any shade of brown, as well as green).
  • The Pig favors financial stability, so to ensure good income Over the coming year, you need to put a banknote under the Christmas tree, preferably a high denomination.
  • Dishes on the table should not be prepared from pork, but other types of meat are quite acceptable. Also a good sign is the abundance of fruits and vegetables that the pig will like.

According to the eastern calendar, 2019 closes the period of change and upheaval, and is being replaced by a cycle of stability and constancy, therefore it is believed that families created during this time will be especially strong, new jobs will become permanent and will provide good profits, and children born in the year of Pigs will become hardworking, persistent and morally resistant to stress.