Federal program for the improvement of courtyard areas. Onf experts checked the progress of the program for the improvement of courtyard areas in seven regions

Photo: Press services of the Mayor and the Moscow Government. Denis Grishkin

The work is financed mainly by funds from the sale of patents to individual entrepreneurs, income from paid city parking and taxes on personal income from renting out apartments.

In recent years, more than 22 thousand courtyards have been reconstructed in the capital, the Presidium of the Moscow Government reported at a meeting.

“We have reconstructed, repaired and restored more than 22 thousand Moscow courtyards. We are talking about creating sports and children's playgrounds, landscaping, creating parking space and a number of other activities. It is important that this work does not stop and continues at the system level,” noted the Moscow Mayor.

According to him, it is necessary to ensure control over what has already been done: timely replacement of broken small architectural forms, maintenance of sports and children's playgrounds in good condition. Also, improvement must be provided with permanent sources of funding. There are three main ones.

“The first is the parking fee, the second is the fee for patents that are collected in a particular area, and the third is the taxes that come from the rental of housing (apartments). And part of the centralized sources that come directly from the budget of the city of Moscow. These are quite significant sources. Funding for them increases from year to year. Next year the volume of such funds will be considerable - it will amount to about 10 billion rubles. Moreover, they are distributed according to an understandable, clear formula between prefectures and regions,” Sergei Sobyanin clarified.

The mayor of Moscow emphasized that it is now necessary to outline clear plans for the implementation of these programs and the use of these funds in such a way that all projects are created taking into account the opinions of citizens and involve the constant renovation of the capital's courtyards so that they are always in good condition.

The Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Housing and Communal Services and Landscaping reported on the implementation of the program for the improvement of courtyard areas.

“Since 2011, the city has had a program for comprehensive improvement of courtyard areas. The allocated amount of funding over the past years has made it possible to repair and carry out comprehensive landscaping of Moscow courtyards. Moreover, since 2016, the main source of funding has been funds to stimulate district governments,” the deputy mayor said.

He noted that some of the courtyards were renovated as part of the “My Street” program. These are courtyards located next to landscaping areas.

“There are more than 24 thousand households in the capital, including 22.5 thousand households within the old city boundaries. To date, 22.5 thousand yards have been put in order, overhauled within the framework of the standard of comprehensive improvement and safe operation,” said Pyotr Biryukov.

The program for repairs and improvement of courtyard areas for this year has been completed. “The priority task for 2017 and subsequent years is to maintain all courtyard areas in technically sound condition in accordance with regulatory requirements, as well as ensure the safety of various elements and small architectural forms in landscaped areas. The condition of Moscow courtyards today allows us to switch to a rhythmic interval between repairs, depending on the technical condition of one or another courtyard,” the deputy mayor noted.

In 2017, it is planned to improve about three thousand courtyards, repair or rebuild 820 playgrounds, 41 children's playgrounds, 468 sports grounds, 188 quiet recreation areas, 403 areas for walking pets, 16 utility areas. Work is also planned to repair asphalt and fences, create additional parking spaces, landscaping, and tidying up container sites and other facilities.

The city program for the comprehensive improvement of courtyard areas has been implemented in Moscow since 2011. In 2011-2014, as part of this program, centralized repairs and comprehensive landscaping of courtyard areas were carried out. As a result, Moscow courtyards were brought into line with the new standard of comfort.

It includes:

— reasonable and safe organization of yard space;

— separation of space for cars (parking lots, roadways) from space for people (sidewalks, children's, sports and other playgrounds);

— landscaping (trees, shrubs, flower beds, lawns);

— high-quality infrastructure for recreation and sports for all categories of residents (modern playgrounds, inter-block playgrounds, sports grounds, outdoor exercise equipment, areas for quiet recreation);

— at the request of residents, restriction of entry into courtyards of outside vehicles (barriers).

In 2015, improvement work was carried out in 4,047 courtyards, including comprehensive overhauls in 1,578 courtyards. In 2016 - in 3050 courtyards, including comprehensive overhauls affecting 2078 courtyards.

In total, from 2011 to 2016, 22,288 playgrounds for various purposes were overhauled or rebuilt in Moscow courtyards. Among them are 16,832 playgrounds, 1,664 children's inter-block playgrounds, 1,194 sports grounds, 2,598 playgrounds for other purposes. More than 3.5 thousand sets of outdoor exercise equipment were installed in courtyards, and 29.6 million square meters of asphalt pavement were replaced.

The financing mechanisms used in Moscow provide:

— maintaining the yard infrastructure (children’s slides, exercise machines and other equipment) in good condition;

— regular (on average once every seven years) repairs of courtyard areas;

— implementation of projects for additional improvement of courtyard areas based on the wishes of residents.

At the same time as the improvement of courtyards in Moscow, the entrances of apartment buildings are being repaired and put in order. On average, about 20 thousand of them are repaired annually, which makes it possible to maintain all 105.9 thousand Moscow entrances in good condition.

Thus, in 2016, 22,335 entrances were repaired, the plan for 2017 is 20,661 entrances. The work is financed by management companies.

The improvement of courtyard areas in Russia is the responsibility of regional and local authorities. However, with the exception of Moscow, partly the Moscow region and St. Petersburg, the relevant authorities allocate almost no funds for these purposes. At best, improvement is limited to the central part of regional “capitals”. As a rule, this is justified by a lack of funds in local budgets.

Federal Improvement Program

In 2017, under the auspices of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, the project program “Comfortable Urban Environment” was adopted. It is designed for the period until 2022. The total amount of funding for this program is more than 42 billion rubles, of which approximately 25 billion rubles are planned to be allocated from the federal budget for the improvement of courtyard areas. Subjects of the Russian Federation must also take part in this program, allocating about 17 billion rubles for its implementation. The distribution of federal funds depends on the activity of regional authorities and the local population.

Any locality with more than 1,000 residents can receive funding for the improvement of courtyard areas in 2019-2022. To be included in the program, the corresponding territory must be transferred to the shared ownership of residents of adjacent houses. After completion of the work at “public expense”, all further costs for the repair and maintenance of courtyard areas are completely transferred to the owners, i.e. residents. They can participate in this both in cash and in kind (“subbotniks”, etc.).

The following work is being carried out under the federal project:

  • installation of garbage cans and containers;
  • installation of benches;
  • organization of car parking;
  • installation of lighting equipment;
  • repair of courtyard driveways;
  • equipment for children's and sports grounds;
  • landscaping.

According to the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, in 2017-2018, more than 20 thousand courtyards were landscaped in different cities of Russia as part of this program. Among the leading regions in the implementation of this project:

  • Kaluga region;
  • Krasnoyarsk region;
  • Chechen Republic;
  • Kaliningrad region;
  • Tomsk region.

Landscaping of courtyards in Moscow and the region

In the capital of Russia, the corresponding city program was adopted back in 2011. Since 2015, the city program “My Street” has been in effect, within the framework of which the repair and improvement of Moscow courtyards is also carried out. The ideologists of these projects were the influential Strelka Institute of Architecture and Design (chairman of the trustees A. Mamut), as well as the Danish architect Jan Gehl, invited to Moscow by the city authorities in 2010. Gale is known in Denmark and other countries around the world for his work in transforming and humanizing urban spaces. The validity period of Moscow improvement programs has been extended for the period 2019-2022.

Currently, about 25,000 courtyards have been “improved” in Moscow. Active development of adjacent areas is underway in the so-called. “New Moscow” (former districts of the Moscow region southwest of the capital). In addition to standard work similar to that carried out under the federal project, the capital’s programs include:

  • widening and repairing sidewalks;
  • establishment of bicycle paths and parking lots;
  • laying tiles instead of asphalt pavement;
  • installation of barriers at the entrance to courtyards (in agreement with local residents);
  • designer landscaping.

In 2019-2022, the city government plans to focus on repairing and maintaining already landscaped courtyard areas.

Critics of Moscow authorities say such improvements are too expensive. In particular, in 2017 alone, about 200 billion rubles were allocated from the Moscow budget for it. This not only greatly exceeds the costs of a similar federal program, but also exceeds the total budgets of many regions of Russia. Well-known economic geographer and specialist in territorial policy N.V. Zubarevich called such spending on the improvement of Moscow “defiant consumption against the backdrop of an impoverished country.” In addition, many note the lack of transparency in the distribution of funds for city projects, inflated estimates, various abuses, low quality of work performed, and refusal to take into account the opinions of residents.

In the Moscow region there is a program for improving courtyard areas that is in many ways similar to Moscow projects. A special regional law was adopted containing “uniform standards” for such improvement. In 2018, by order of the governor, a specialized regional ministry was established. Every year, approximately 1,300-1,500 households are “beautified” in the Moscow region. On the other hand, the amount of funds allocated for these purposes in the Moscow region is several times less than in the capital. Critics note the low quality of the work being carried out and various violations. The allocated funding in the Moscow region is often not enough to repair and maintain already equipped courtyards.

This year, 18 Blagoveshchensk courtyards were included in the Urban Environment improvement program. The Amur capital received 139 million rubles from the federal and regional budgets, as well as from the city treasury, to tidy up courtyards and public areas. Olga Tokareva, head of the Amur Blagovravleniye Management Company, told Amurskaya Pravda how to include your yard in a priority project and what work can be carried out as part of the improvement program.

Twice a year, specialists inspect houses, evaluate the operation of engineering systems and the condition of the local area.

Improvement is the responsibility of the residents themselves

The priority project “Housing and Public Utilities and the Urban Environment,” aimed at improving city courtyards and public areas, started in Russian regions this year. It was initially assumed that the state would co-finance the project until 2020. However, recently the Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation Mikhail Men announced the extension of the program for another two years. In Blagoveshchensk, 139 million rubles from the federal, regional and local budgets will be spent on cleaning up courtyard areas this year. The Urban Environment program included 18 courtyard areas, two of which are located in the Airport village. The two houses to which these courtyards adjoin are managed by the Blagoveshchensk company “Amurblagovravleniye”.

thousand square meters of housing is managed by the Amurblagovravlenie company. Another about 4 thousand sq. m. m - under maintenance

— To get into the improvement project, residents of houses in the Airport village had to do serious work. One of the houses that was included in the program came under the management of our company in January,” says Olga Vitalievna. — Residents often decide to change the management organization because they want not only the light bulbs in their entrances to be changed and the floors cleaned. The task of the management company is to make the lives of citizens comfortable. In the house we accepted, it was necessary to change the windows in the entrance to new metal-plastic ones and install LED lamps. In addition, residents voted for their yard to participate in the Housing and Communal Services and Urban Environment program. We helped draw up the necessary documentation. The work had to be done quickly so that the yard could be repaired this summer.

The neighboring house, which is also “under the wing” of the Amur Blagovernment, prepared a package of documents for the improvement of its yard back in 2013. Residents of a high-rise building nearby decided that a good yard would not hurt them either. The project also took into account drainage.

— The lack of a drainage system is the problem of many courtyards in Blagoveshchensk. Due to poor functioning of storm drains, during rains water ends up not only near entrances, but also in basements. Therefore, when drawing up a repair project, this point must be taken into account first of all, advised the Amur Blagovernment.

Pay or live without amenities

Twice a year, specialists from Amurblagovravleniye Management Company inspect the structural elements of buildings that are under the company’s management, evaluate the operation of engineering systems, and the condition of the local area. Based on these inspections, reports are drawn up indicating all identified defects.

— Unfortunately, many residents have a negative attitude towards management companies. This is partly due to the work in the market of unscrupulous management companies. The shadow of the activities of such companies ultimately falls on respectable organizations. In order not to be responsible for the mistakes of others, we work as transparently as possible. We always invite the chairman of the house council or one of the members of this council to inspect the house and draw up reports. And the council is already conveying information to other owners. By law, we can only recommend solving priority problems. For example, advise installing a water heater. However, oddly enough, sometimes people are ready to give up amenities in favor of, for example, a swing in the yard, notes Olga Tokareva. — In order for landscaping issues to be resolved effectively and efficiently, funds for maintaining houses and surrounding areas must be included in the tariff. And sometimes it turns out that only families with children are interested in installing a slide on the playground; the grandmother needs a bench in front of the entrance. But in fact, neither one nor the other wants to pay for it. In the minds of many citizens, there is still a belief that someone should monitor the condition of their yards, be responsible for the safety of common property, and carry out repairs.

The management company admits that some work in residential buildings sometimes has to be done on credit, so as not to join the ranks of violators. After all, the management company is under the constant control of the housing inspectorate, resource supply organizations, and the residents themselves.

— It happens that we carry out some urgent repair work, and then convince residents to change the tariff, since people remain in debt to the company. Taking into account today's prices and constantly growing inflation, in order to maintain an apartment building in good condition, the tariff for its maintenance should be at least 17 rubles. This does not include elevator maintenance, trash removal and cleaning services. And we have houses for maintenance where the tariff is 12 rubles. How can you maintain a home without the resources to maintain it? For this money, you can only provide residents with an uninterrupted supply of electricity, water, and sanitation. In order, for example, to replace lamps, windows, mailboxes in the entrance, or to provide funds for the repair of entrances, the tariff must be higher than the minimum. We try to convince people that living comfortably is much more pleasant than constantly complaining about rickety doors in the entrance and puddles in the yard.

Make it before the end of December

Today, the Amur Blagovravleniya manages 37 apartment buildings in the city. At least 10 adjacent areas need repairs, which can be done if residents wish their home to participate in the federal state program.

apartment buildings in Blagoveshchensk are today under the management of the Amur Blagoveshchensk Administration

— When the program began, we distributed information to all citizens about what package of documents was needed to participate in the project, how to collect it, how many votes were needed from the residents of the house in order for their yard to be landscaped using budget funds. Of all the houses whose yards needed repair, only five agreed to participate. According to the most conservative estimates, an amount of 2 million rubles is needed to improve one yard, the Amur Blagovernment calculated. — The minimum list of work includes: repair of courtyard driveways, lighting of courtyard areas, installation of benches and trash cans, arrangement of storm drains. Owners themselves decide what changes they would like to see in their yards. Activities from the minimum list are financed from the budget. There is also an additional list, including the equipment of children's and sports grounds, car parking, landscaping and other types of work. Residents pay for this work at their own expense. Citizens who want to improve their yard draw up a passport for their yard area. Owners can prepare technical documentation themselves by collecting the required amount. Or they may decide to include these costs in the annual tariff. According to our calculations, if residents choose the second option, the service tariff will increase by about three rubles per sq. m. m. However, the final decision remains, of course, with the owners. An application for a home to participate in the program is submitted to the municipality. Those who want to make their yard more comfortable must collect the necessary documents before December 25th.

Around each apartment building there is a local area, which belongs to all owners at the same time. Current legislation requires regular improvement work. The plan of these works, quality standards and other rules are described in detail in the article.

The standards for the size of the territory that belongs to the local area are regulated primarily by the Housing Code (Chapter 6). They also pay attention to town planning acts, which depend on a specific locality, construction documents and Rules for the maintenance of common property related to an apartment building.

There is no single, specific formula for all cases. However, for each house there is a plan (it can be seen in the Management Company or HOA), which clearly indicates the boundaries of the territory.

Thus, to determine the area of ​​responsibility for the care and improvement of the yard area first you need to clearly define its boundaries. Legally, it can be municipal or privately owned. In the latter case, the land is considered to belong simultaneously to all owners in shares proportional to the areas of their apartments.

Responsible for landscaping

If the land belongs to the municipality, then representatives of the local Administration are responsible for the improvement. If the local area is private property, the residents bear responsibility. However, in this case, the owners, as a rule, transfer (delegate) their powers to a certain legal entity:

  • A management company that is responsible for maintaining common property, landscaping, yard cleaning, garbage removal and much more;
  • House Committee (relevant responsible persons are appointed from among the owners).

Thus, regardless of the size of the local area and the form of ownership of it Responsibility for improvement lies with the owner(directly or indirectly – i.e. through an agreement with the Management Company). The management company provides relevant paid services, paid according to the accepted tariff.

Apartment owners have the right to demand fulfillment of obligations under the contract in full. You can read the text of the agreement at the company or get it from the person in charge (for example, the chairman of the HOA or the person in charge of the house).

Expert opinion

Salomatov Sergey

Real estate expert

When purchasing an apartment in a new building, the owners enter into a purchase and sale agreement with a construction company. An act of acceptance and transfer of property (both the house itself and the yard around it) is also signed. The developer’s obligation to carry out landscaping of the yard must be specified in the contract. Otherwise, the owners will not be able to require him to carry out the appropriate work.

List of landscaping works

A specific list of works is approved at the local level - in decisions of regional governments. Typically, such programs are called “Formation of a comfortable urban environment.”

The final list of work can be determined individually for each apartment building. Residents at the general meeting of owners have the right to independently determine a specific list of responsibilities of the Management Company servicing the house (within the limits of their financial capabilities). The list of works usually includes the following types:

  1. Cleaning of all areas intended for public use, including designated parking areas.
  2. Installation of garbage cans and trash cans.
  3. Construction of asphalt and sidewalks.
  4. Installation of curbs and curbs.
  5. Maintenance of street lighting lamps, periodic inspection and repair work, elimination of the consequences of emergency situations.
  6. Installation of lighting systems for additional purposes (for example, lighting on a sports ground, children's playground, etc.).
  7. Creation, maintenance, expansion, modernization of a playground in the yard (and other active recreation areas, if available - for example, horizontal bars, exercise equipment, etc.).
  8. Carrying out landscaping work, maintaining shrubs, trees, flower beds.
  9. Painting of all stationary structures installed on the site, including fences, benches, trash cans, supports, etc.
  10. Seasonal work related to ensuring the safety of residents and tenants - treating pedestrian paths with an anti-icing mixture, destroying icicles, ice, snow crust, etc.
  11. Installation, maintenance and repair work on the fences of the site, its individual zones (for example, a flower garden, a children's playground).
  12. Installation of ramps, railings, and other devices in the yard to create a comfortable environment for people with disabilities.
  13. Covering the area - natural or artificial turf, asphalt.
  14. Installation of architectural structures, sculptures, small fountains, etc.
  15. Creation of areas for walking animals, fencing, maintenance of these areas.

The volume of each type of work has its own unit of measurement - in most cases it is a square meter, linear meter or pieces. For example, curbs are measured in linear meters, laying asphalt - in m2, and installing trash bins - in pcs.

Lists of works are compiled for each year, the content of types of services and prices for them are updated as new information becomes available. Usually the document is approved in advance, before the new year.

Standards for carrying out basic work

Specific standards are established both at the level of federal and regional legislation (regulatory acts, GOSTs, SNiPs and other documents). The main source of information is the relevant Decree of the State Construction Committee.


This is one of the most expensive items in the budget for landscaping yards. As a rule, before making a decision on repairs, at least half of the residents gather and make the appropriate decision by a majority vote. The work is carried out through additional financing by the owners (or through income from the rental of part of the local area).

The asphalting standards are as follows:

  • the layer height may differ from the accepted one by at least 15 cm;
  • the width of the coating directly around the house is at least 100 cm;
  • covering on the roads directly adjacent to the entrances, as well as in the parking lot, is mandatory.

Fencing rules

The construction of permanent fences is not prohibited by law, however, when carrying out work, several requirements must be taken into account:

  1. The fence cannot block the passage, as well as vehicular access to the house.
  2. The territory of the yard cannot be completely limited - so that residents of other courtyards cannot easily cross it.
  3. However, the playground or parking lot can be completely fenced.

Fences in the parking lot should not interfere with the passage of special vehicles (police, ambulance, fire trucks, etc.) to the house.

Landscaping rules

When landscaping a yard, attention is almost always paid to landscaping the area. It is carried out taking into account the following requirements:

  1. Lawns, shrubs, and green hedges are mowed regularly (several times during the warm season).
  2. Watering is timely and increased in dry summers.
  3. Unauthorized planting of bushes and trees, as well as their uprooting, is inadmissible.
  4. Maintaining clear boundaries of green areas and lawns. It is unacceptable to expand it at the expense of pedestrian paths and other areas.
  5. It is not allowed to use trees as poles, supports, advertising structures, etc.
  6. Timely removal of dead wood and last year's grass.
  7. It is prohibited to place parking spaces directly in the green zone.
  8. It is allowed to erect low fences, signal posts to visually highlight lawns, areas with trees and shrubs.

Sometimes the green area in the courtyards additionally contains an artificial pond. In this case, at a meeting of owners, it is necessary to develop a procedure for caring for water in order to avoid clogging of the pond, water blooms, etc.

Arrangement of a children's playground

Responsibility for the construction of a playground lies with:

  • on the developer, if this clause was initially provided for in the contract (for new buildings);
  • on apartment owners, if the adjacent territory has already been privatized;
  • at the municipality (Administration), if privatization has not yet taken place.

The requirements for the creation and maintenance of playgrounds are the most stringent, since we are talking primarily about the safety of children.

In general, when carrying out installation or repair work, the following requirements are adhered to:

  1. The area for placing the site is selected based on the fact that it should be furthest from the roadway and garbage cans (at least 20 meters).
  2. The perimeter of the site is fenced with trees that will provide shade in the summer.
  3. It is imperative to create a sand cushion to minimize injuries in the event of a fall. Sand replacement is carried out annually.
  4. Maintaining cleanliness and compliance with sanitary standards.

Employees of the Management Company must monitor the condition of the territory. They remove garbage, carry out routine repairs, carry out regular inspections with the preparation of reports, etc.

GOST requirements for the improvement of children's playgrounds require the creation of several zones for different age groups. In practice, it is not possible to implement this idea in all cases. Therefore, they are limited to installing at least one horizontal bar (simulator, play structure) for each age.

Current and major repairs

Major repairs mean the following types of work:

  • landscaping the yard with shrubs and trees, creating a hedge;
  • installation of fences and buildings;
  • asphalting of parking lots, internal roads and pedestrian paths.

Current repairs include:

  • pothole repair of roads;
  • work on the maintenance of fences and buildings on the site;
  • repair work on children's and sports grounds.

How to take part in the improvement program

The maintenance of the house, including the surrounding area, is carried out mainly by the Management Company, to which the residents delegate these powers under an agreement. However, in practice, the scope of her responsibility is limited to garbage removal, mowing lawns, etc. To carry out a complete renovation of the playground, organize a recreation area and make other large-scale changes, residents have to contact the local Administration.

Step 1. Holding a general meeting

First of all, the owners must gather at a general meeting to decide on drawing up a plan for landscaping their yard. In practice, the same yard actually belongs to several apartment buildings at once. Therefore, it is advisable to organize a general meeting with the participation of the owners of all apartments belonging to the microsite.

An initiative group preliminarily gathers (for example, senior people in the house, at the entrances, chairmen of the HOA) and draw up an announcement about organizing the meeting. It contains information:

  • on the composition of the initiative group;
  • the date, time and place of the meeting;
  • about the agenda (including landscaping of the yard).

The decision is made by a simple majority of votes. In this case, the quorum (the minimum required number) is 50% of all owners. and signed by the participants.

The results of the meeting are communicated to all owners via announcements within 10 calendar days after the decision is made. The requirements for drawing up a protocol should be specified in the relevant regulatory document (Order).

Step 2. Yard landscaping plan

At the meeting, among other issues, the list, plan and procedure for carrying out work on landscaping the yard are discussed. The plan is drawn up with or without the involvement of specialists. As a rule, owners provide a complete list of all works and indicate them on the diagram.

After this, the form of participation of all residents is determined (financial - that is, payment in money or labor - performing certain works). The candidacy of the chairman responsible for submitting the application for improvement is approved.

Step 3. Submit an application

The minutes of the meeting of the owners of one or several houses at once (or the minutes of meetings for each house) are transferred to the local Administration by the responsible chairman. Also, any resident of the house has the right to apply. The procedure and timing of consideration depend on local regulations, which need to be clarified locally. At the same time, you can also check whether the house is included in the improvement program. This is also done in the Administration (upon request) or on the official website (if available).

Step 4. Waiting for a decision

Based on the submitted data, the municipality independently draws up a design project that takes into account the wishes of the residents. This document is agreed upon between all representatives of the owners of the apartment building. After approval, the project is finally approved by the Administration (no later than July 1). Then a competitive selection of companies ready to carry out improvement work is announced, and after about 2 months the winner of the competition is determined. The terms and schedule of work are drawn up individually.

Additional sources of income for improvement

Financing is carried out not only at the expense of the owners (when paying receipts). It is also possible to raise additional funds through:

  • leasing part of the local area for shops, organizing parking, etc.;

The really good news is that the federal program for landscaping courtyard areas will come into effect from 2018 to 2022. This name has an expanded meaning - not only courtyards, but also squares, parks, squares, and embankments will take on a new look. But the bulk of the money is intended for improving courtyard areas.

The federal government allocates an amount of 20 billion rubles from its budget. The money will be distributed among the regions, and their administrations will have to think through the correct scheme for the further use of these funds.

The allocated money is intended for the improvement of public places. Permission from ordinary residents to improve squares and parks is not required, since their rights will not be violated in this case. But residents will have obligations after landscaping the adjacent areas. These places will acquire the status of common property. Apartment owners are obligated to pay for maintaining their yards in proper condition.

Distribution by region

There are 85 regions in the Russian Federation. They differ in the size of their territories and numbers. The largest region in terms of population is the federal city of Moscow. However, it is one of the smallest regions in terms of area. The opposite situation is in Yakutia. There are apparently still more squares, parks and courtyards in large populated areas. As we can see, implementing the program is not an easy task already at the first stage.

Adoption of municipal programs

To receive money from the federal budget, regions and municipalities must develop their own program and approve it. What is unusual is that this can be influenced by the residents themselves. Landscaping activities are carried out in the courtyard areas of apartment buildings only.

The municipal program for the improvement of courtyard areas, starting in 2018, includes a list of addresses of adjacent areas of apartment buildings that need improvement. Government Decree of the Russian Federation No. 169 regulates that approval must be made no later than December 31, 2017.

Which localities can participate in the program?

Order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation No. 691-pr approved methodological recommendations, according to which municipalities with a population exceeding 1,000 people participate in the program.

Who takes care of the yards now?

According to the Housing Code, the land plot on which the house is located is common property. But for this, a formality must be completed - an official transfer. In fact, most yards did not go through this procedure. Therefore they are considered municipal property.

Every year money is allocated to maintain order in them in accordance with one’s own taste and financial capabilities. Residents of the house are not surveyed and, accordingly, their wishes are not taken into account. The residents of the house do not consider themselves owners and do not treat their property with particular care.

New rules

In 2022, after the end of the program, new rules will be introduced. Landscaped and well-kept courtyards will begin to be considered part of the common property. Residents already know what this means - they pay for the maintenance of roofs, basements and entrances. You will also have to pay for maintaining order in your yards. But for the already established order!

Thus, the state first helps with considerable money over a long period of time to clean up the yard, and then this responsibility passes to the apartment owners.

The further fate of each yard depends on the will of the residents of the house. It is important that they understand: the yard area will be included in the program only if they take the initiative. This is decided at a house-wide meeting, where residents will be familiarized with a list of minimal work that can be done in their yard.

At the meeting, a decision must be made on what improvements should be made. If additional types of work are expected, you need to find out whether the residents are ready to participate financially and personally. At the meeting, a person is selected who will further represent the interests of the residents of the house and monitor the safety of the acquired improvements.

Examples of minimal and additional work are shown in the table.

If a decision is made to carry out additional work, then the number of people willing to participate in this should be found out.

Participation can be:

  1. Labor. It is free and voluntary. This includes participation in community cleanups, construction and painting work, installation of trash bins and benches, landscaping, and cleaning of the area.
  2. Financial. This means funds collected in the form of one-time payments (the amount must be no less than that approved in the decision of the meeting) and the attraction of sponsors.

Meetings can be organized by: the housing and communal services board, the management company or proactive residents. For notification, you can post notices indicating the agenda, place notifications in mailboxes, or call for personal communication. All decisions made at the meeting are recorded in the minutes.

On the municipal government website you can find out which specific yard is included in the program.

What is necessary to include the local area in the improvement program

In order for a specific yard to be included in the program, the following actions must be performed:

  1. Create an initiative group.
  2. Make a list of desired changes.
  3. Draw up a diagram of the yard with proposed improvements.
  4. Hold a general meeting of residents, after which a protocol will be drawn up.
  5. Submit an application for participation in the program to the municipal authorities.

If, according to the cadastral passport, there are several houses located in the local area, then the initiative group must include representatives of each of them.

The drawing indicates existing and planned objects. Proposed innovations must comply with the municipal program. For example, installing a monument in the yard may not be included.

A positive decision is made if a majority of those present at the meeting votes for it. Based on the results of the meeting, a protocol is drawn up.

Then an application for improvement is submitted to the municipality. A public commission created there will review it and organize public discussion. The municipal organization will submit a design project for the yard for consideration, which requires approval from representatives elected at a general meeting of residents.

Based on the design project, the municipality will organize a competitive selection of contractors to carry out the necessary work. Representatives from the initiative group carry out intermediate monitoring of the progress of work.

Further maintenance of the yard can be carried out by the residents themselves or with the involvement of third-party organizations for an additional fee.

Participating in the program and discussing details together has an additional bonus - it brings together people living in the same house.

Look video about the program for landscaping courtyard areas: