Where do aliens live: five potentially habitable planets. Aliens and aliens - Who are they? Main types of aliens and aliens Where are all the aliens

Secrets of alien civilizations. They are already here Pervushin Anton Ivanovich

Where to look for aliens?

Where to look for aliens?

In his work “Monism of the Universe” (1925), the founder of astronautics and the famous Russian philosopher Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky wrote: “The Universe has been dominated, is dominated and will be dominated by reason and higher social organizations.<…>Worlds in their infancy, like Earth, are rare exceptions in space. How many one-day-old people are there on Earth? Even fewer have just been born. Precisely second-old babies, only one in one and a half billion of the world's population. There are also few worlds in infancy. There, in the Universe, there are especially few of them due to the fact that most settlements occur through emigration (movements). A ready-made, perfect likeness of humanity populated space.

What are the conclusions? We see a boundless Universe with an infinite number of decillions of perfect beings, resulting from painless reproduction and settlement. Such centers of life as the Earth constitute an extremely rare exception, like an infant having one third of age. Therefore, the painful life of the Earth is rare, because it turned out to be spontaneous generation, and not settlement. In space, settlement dominates as a more profitable process. After all, a person breeds carrots and apples from ready-made organisms. What madness it would be if he wanted to obtain them by spontaneous generation (autagony)! It’s possible, but you’d have to wait a million years for the carrots...”

In the philosophical study “The Will of the Universe” (1928), Tsiolkovsky even allowed for the possibility of constant observation of the Earth by extraterrestrial beings: “We are confident that mature beings of the Universe have the means of being transferred from planet to planet, interfering in the life of lagging planets and communicating with equally mature ones.” like them.<…>

This means that we can expect that this powerful organization can penetrate any planet, such as Earth.

Why do we still not notice traces of her activity?<…>The “sobriety” of science has not yet allowed interplanetary relations. Now this opinion has been shaken even by scientists, but the majority of them are not yet affected by new ideas and are either indifferent to them or hostile. Somewhat earlier, except for obvious dreamers, no one accepted the possibility of celestial relations, especially travel outside the Earth. Therefore, the opinion was established that they were impossible.<…>

Meanwhile, many inexplicable phenomena have been noted in history and literature. Most of them, no doubt, can be attributed to hallucinations and other types of delusions, but are they all? Now, in view of the proven possibility of interplanetary communications, one should treat such “incomprehensible” phenomena more carefully.<…>

Perhaps the intervention of other creatures in the life of the Earth has not yet been prepared by the development of most people. Or maybe it would harm humanity at the present time..."

We find the same idea in Tsiolkovsky’s brochure “Unknown Intelligent Forces” (1928): “It is very possible that we can be influenced by living beings similar to us, only more perfect. If it is not there now, it may still appear. The countless planets of the Universe are undoubtedly teeming with them.<…>There are facts that we do not believe until they touch us. They speak for the intervention of some incomprehensible forces in human actions.”

These strange thoughts of the father of theoretical cosmonautics were practically unnoticed by the general public. Moreover, the publication of Tsiolkovsky’s philosophical works was under an unspoken ban in the Soviet Union. But decades later, consonant ideas began to appear in the works of a number of other Soviet scientists: Ivan Efremov, Matest Agreste, Vyacheslav Zaitsev.

The article “Zoological Hypothesis”, published in the July 1973 issue of the magazine “Icarus”, caused a great resonance in scientific circles of that time. The authoritative scientist J. Ball made a striking conclusion: “I believe that the only explanation for the apparent lack of interaction between “them” [the extraterrestrials. - A.P.] and our hypothesis is that they specifically avoid such interaction, leaving the area in which we live as a zoo. The zoo hypothesis predicts that we will never find them because they do not want to be discovered and have the technical ability to insure against this."

Boston University professor Michael Papajayannis, who headed the “Bioastronomy: Search for Extraterrestrial Life” commission at the International Astronomical Union, was also inclined to believe that the Earth has long been known to extraterrestrial Civilizations and is being monitored by our space neighbors. “It is also possible,” he wrote in “The Significance of Main Belt Research” (1983), “that galactic society has a rule, or ethic, that new advanced civilizations must meet certain requirements before they are invited to join the community.

We all know about the many problems that our civilization now faces (overpopulation, pollution, depletion of natural resources, environmental destruction, the threat of a major nuclear war, etc.). It seems likely that all new technological civilizations will have to overcome such a major crisis.<…>

Therefore, it is possible that galactic ethics requires that all new advanced civilizations prove the ability to cope with all these material problems, after which they will be invited to join the community of stellar civilizations."

According to Papajayannis, even one civilization, moving on its spaceships a hundred times slower than light, is capable of colonizing the entire Galaxy in a time comparable to the age of our star system. Therefore, alien settlements may exist near the Sun.

A professor from Boston suspected several unusual asteroids of artificiality: Hector and Cleopatra - for their too elongated shape - as well as Herculina and Metis, surrounded by some small satellites: “It is obvious that some of these satellites could be space colonies or space factories , processing raw materials mined from these asteroids..."

Of course, extraterrestrial beings may be much closer than we think. Back in 1960, the authoritative English magazine Nature published a sensational article by radio physicist Ronald Bracewell, “Communication systems of highly developed galactic civilizations,” in which the scientist suggested the presence of alien reconnaissance probes in the vicinity of the Earth: “Perhaps it would be better for us to concentrate our efforts on a thorough examination our Solar System in search of similar probes sent by our more advanced neighbors."

This idea was later reflected in the Program for the Search for Extraterrestrial Civilizations (EC), adopted by the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1974: “Particular attention should be paid to the possibility of detecting EC probes located in the Solar System or even in orbit around the Earth.”

Quite a lot of theoretical and experimental work has been devoted to the problem of alien probes. For example, the prominent Armenian astronomer G. M. Tovmasyan published a scientific report “On the possible existence of a colony of extraterrestrial civilization in near-Earth space” (1990). In it, he draws attention to the following circumstance: “A more detailed examination shows that the EC colonies orbiting around us may still remain hidden to us.

To detect such a colony, we first must see the sunlight reflected from it. But they can paint their colony with non-reflective black paint and remain invisible. An additional coating of some, say, ferrite material that absorbs radio waves, can make them invisible to our radars as well. As for the infrared radiation, due to both the heating of the station by the Sun and the release of internal energy, they can easily cool the side of the station that faces us and re-radiate heat in the opposite direction.

If we develop our imagination further, we can assume that from this well-hidden colony base they can often visit us in small modules, also hidden from our view.<…>They can use highly targeted lasers to communicate with each other, and we will not be able to hear them or interfere with their communications.

Thus, even at our “low” level of technical development, one can imagine how computers can monitor us, study us without revealing themselves...”

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Most people, looking into the bottomless sky, ask themselves one short question: “Are we really alone in the Universe?” Given the vastness of outer space and the billions of stars and planets, the likelihood of the existence of extraterrestrial life is potentially very high. There is the Drake equation, according to which you can calculate the number of extraterrestrial civilizations in the galaxy. Let us immediately make a reservation that the calculation is correct only for those of them with which humanity has a chance to come into direct contact.

Where do aliens live?

Frank Donald Drake's equation is too complex and confusing, its calculation depends on seven different parameters, which can be subjective. But even taking into account all these complex astronomical calculations, earthlings could potentially encounter thousands of alien civilizations. Not so little! And this is where the skeptics get involved. They ask an almost rhetorical question: “Why has no civilization yet come into direct contact with us?” Where do all these aliens live, where do their spacecraft cruise? From a technical point of view, we have long been able to make radio interceptions. So why has not a single radio signal from space been detected by ground-based radars yet?

When strange signals had a logical explanation

For several decades, no signals from space reached us. In addition, potential messages from alien civilizations turned out to be pulsations of stars. Physicist Enrico Fermi tried to find answers to all these questions when he formulated his famous paradox in the mid-20th century.

Fermi paradox

So, where are all these extraterrestrial civilizations that we are trying in vain to find? If they exist and are so powerful, then why haven’t they colonized the entire galaxy (like the Europeans did on Earth)? Why, until now, have they not yet become interested in us, our achievements, cultural experiences and resources? For more than half a century, physicists have been trying to develop a theory of our cosmic loneliness. The opinion of Briton Brian Cox may shock you.

We are alone in the Universe

An employee at the University of Manchester suggested that none of the existing civilizations could survive to the period of interstellar travel. The pathological craving for self-destruction is to blame. There really is no one in the Universe (unicellular and multicellular life forms at the initial stage of development do not count). There really is no one out there who would be able to reach such a prime level as to be able to make intergalactic flights. And this means we shouldn’t wait for our advance into space.

Waiting for the end

If a civilization has the ability to move through space, this means only one thing: it will soon face an inevitable collapse. Physicist Stephen Hawking believes that in a thousand years, humanity will so destroy this fragile planet that it will be forced to hide beyond its borders.

Other theories

Some scientists tend to believe that we are not in the aliens' sphere of interest because we are in our infancy in terms of space travel. And our fierce desire to discover aliens can be broken against the insurmountable wall of their reluctance to be discovered. One way or another, we are doomed to cosmic loneliness. Maybe this is for the best.

In just a few decades of our era of cosmology - when we began to use technological gadgets to study our cosmic home - we found out that we live in a giant palace-universe. And they also found something strange. Looks like we're home alone. Where is everyone? Where are the aliens?

In just one generation, powerful telescopes, satellites and space probes have given us the tools to probe the structure of our Universe. The more we find, the more it becomes clear that the universe is perfectly designed to be lived in. At least in our own solar system, organic compounds cover comets all over the place. Some scientists believe that one of these comets may have crashed into Earth billions of years ago and set in motion the chemistry and biology that led to the emergence of life. If the rest of the Universe is structured in a similar way, we must be in the very factory of life creation.

Just think about these dizzying numbers.

Even according to NASA's most conservative estimates, there should be 500 billion billion stars like ours in our Universe, and another 100 billion billion Earth-like planets should revolve around these stars. That's 100 potentially habitable planets for every grain of sand on Earth. That's trillions of possibilities for life to appear on another planet.

However, even if even one tenth of one percent of these planets could support life, then in the Milky Way galaxy alone there would be a million planets with life. Some could even develop civilizations like ours, and from a cosmic perspective, even if a handful of alien civilizations surpassed our current technological progress, humanity would wake up in a Star Trek-type universe.

But no Klingons, no Vulcans, no Romulans - no one.

Enrico Fermi, an Italian physicist, noticed all these oddities in an observation that was later named after him: the Fermi Paradox. This paradox highlights the contradiction between the high probability of life appearing in our Universe and the complete lack of evidence that this notorious life exists elsewhere.

Moreover, the paradox highlights that some advanced civilizations that came before us must have filled our galaxy with spacecraft and other forms of flashing lights.

So it seems absolutely strange that we haven't found anyone yet.

There is no shortage of theories that try to explain the Fermi Paradox. There are whole lists of potential explanations, and if you have time to study them, dive down the rabbit hole.

But let's talk about another theory that is gaining momentum. Virtual reality may be to blame. And no, this theory is slightly different from my favorite one.

To solve the Fermi Paradox, futurist John Smart proposed the fascinating “transcendence hypothesis”, suggesting that evolutionary processes in our Universe could lead to all advanced civilizations rushing to the same destination; in which they move from our current space-time into virtual worlds created with their own hands.

According to Smart, as a particular species advances technologically, it develops a virtual environment that is hosted on computers infinitely smaller than those we use today. Developed species do not colonize outer space - this idea seems outdated to them - they colonize inner space.

Smart believes that our current efforts to study our solar system and its limits are just the teenage stage of a technologically young species growing up. We may continue to send space probes, satellites, and even brave members of our own species to different parts of our galaxy, but eventually these efforts will be displaced by the thirst for endless possibilities within the worlds of our own creation.

40 years ago computers were the size of buildings, but today they fit comfortably in our pockets. Our tendencies to compress computing into smaller and smaller spaces lead us to someday create almost infinitesimal computers, much more powerful than today.

How such infinitesimal computers would function is, of course, a matter of theoretical physics and computer science, but Smart points out that in reality there are “vast untapped spaces” below the atomic level. Inner space engineering, as Smart calls it, can take place in femtoscale reality, which currently remains beyond the reach of modern technology. Finally, Smart suggests that an advanced species could even harness the eerie strangeness of black holes, using their event horizons for computational density and processing entire universes of virtual realities.

While recent advances in computing make the transcendence hypothesis plausible, the sudden wave of interest in virtual reality adds credence to it. Perhaps, over time, our virtual worlds will become indistinguishable from our current reality.

Very soon, we will no longer access the Internet through the glass window of our computer screens, but will simply enter it as if it were a physical place. One day someone will create a virtual world with its own laws of physics and thus mark the moment of creation, “let there be light.”

And as we continue to immerse ourselves in virtual space, the transcendence hypothesis gives us pause. If technological trends move the world towards microscopic computers with infinite complexity, this will explain why we don't see aliens. They escaped through digital wormholes of their own making.

Of course, holes can be found in any theory, especially if it is based on our limited understanding of reality. We don't have enough data yet. It's hard to find something that doesn't exist. All that remains is to shrug your shoulders and throw up your hands. And create virtual reality at your own discretion. Who knows, maybe we are already there?

Some call them aliens, and others call them Gods. However, no matter what these creatures are called, everyone is interested in the question: where do aliens live? It is very difficult to answer this precisely, because there is little information about extraterrestrial life forms, but they continue to come.

Planet of the "Aliens"

Some people believe that scientists know where aliens live. Presumably, exoplanets such as Gliese could be their home planet.

In recent years, scientists have been able to find hundreds of celestial bodies similar to Earth that could harbor life. All of them belong to the group of exoplanets. They are located near the solar system and, according to assumptions, it is possible to live there.

The Gliese system, or the House of Aliens

There are planets in the Gliese system where aliens live. Their conditions are similar to ours. Scientists call the Gliese planets and several other bodies the home of extraterrestrial life forms: Gliese 667Cc, Gliese 581, HD 85512 b, the Moon, Keplers. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Gliese 667Cc

The planet Gliese 667Cc was discovered in the laboratory of habitable celestial bodies in Puerto Rico. After long-term observations of the new celestial body, scientists came to the conclusion that on its surface the average temperature is the same as on Earth - about 26 degrees.

It is estimated that Gliese 667Cc receives about 90% of the light energy. There is a greenhouse effect here, which is only possible if the atmosphere is sufficiently dense. Such conditions are quite comfortable for life on the surface. When asking the question about which planet where aliens live, we can say that Glise has 667Cc. Although there is no direct evidence of the presence of alien life on Gliese yet.

Kepler 22b

The list of planets includes the planet Kepler 22 b. It was discovered by astronomers at the Carnegie Institution. This celestial body revolves around a star similar to our Sun. According to preliminary data, the planet is almost two and a half times larger than the Earth, and its orbit passes at such a distance from its star that life can exist on the exoplanet. Kepler is possibly another place where aliens live.

So far, scientists have not given final results on the composition of the planet. It is possible that it consists of gas, like Neptune or Uranus.

A year on Kepler lasts 289 Earth days. The distance from the planet to the star is fifteen percent less than from the Sun to the Earth. However, the Keplerian Sun does not shine as brightly as ours. According to astronomers, if Kepler has a greenhouse effect, it could be about 20 degrees. If the planet has no atmosphere, then its temperature should be about -12 degrees.

HD 85512b

Scientists at the Chilean Observatory were able to discover another candidate for the home of aliens - this is HD 85512 b. It is located in the constellation Velus, 36 light years away. HD 85512 b orbits its orange dwarf star. The “alien house” makes a full revolution around its star in 58 Earth days. This is a small planet, weighing about 3.5 Earth masses.

Of great interest to scientists is the fact that it is located in the habitable zone. It receives as much light energy as is necessary for the existence of life. Scientists say that water is in a liquid state on it.

If its surface is half covered by clouds, then the exoplanet may be habitable. Due to such a number of clouds, a greenhouse effect will be created, therefore, there will be ideal conditions for life on the surface.

Gliese 581 d

One of the celestial bodies similar to our Earth is the exoplanet Gliese 581 d. It is located at a distance of twenty light years from us in the constellation Libra.

The planet where aliens live (again, purely theoretically) was seen through a huge telescope at the Chilean observatory. Gliese 581 d has an atmosphere and liquid water. The surface of the celestial body is represented by rocks, stones and oceans. There are clouds and precipitation in the atmosphere. Due to the different composition of the clouds, even on the illuminated side there is always a reddish twilight.

One of the astronomers managed to see sharp flashes reminiscent of the action of a laser. Because of this, scientists have suggested that the place where aliens live is Gliese 581 d. She is an ideal candidate for the search for extraterrestrial life and vegetation. After all, if there are plants on the planet, then there must be living beings that can exist in conditions of increased gravity.


Some ufologists claim that extraterrestrial life is thriving on the Moon. This opinion is due to the fact that our satellite has an unusual structure. According to legends, it appeared not so long ago, and myths remember the time when the night luminary was not in the sky. Legends say that there were cataclysms, and after them a second sun appeared in the sky, but it only shone at night.

Nowadays, scientists suggest that there may be extraterrestrial life on the dark side of the satellite. By the way, there is a theory that there is an alien base there, where they live and from where they are watching us.

Aliens on Earth

There are opinions that aliens live among us. This is evidenced by many rock paintings, manuscripts of different peoples, myths and legends. If this is true, then where on Earth do aliens live?

Presumably, aliens settled on our planet a long time ago - thousands of years ago. They are mentioned in different eras among different peoples of the world. In the process of evolution, they were able to learn to hide among people, so we do not see them.

Alien creatures left many messages for people. Scientists all over the world are trying to unravel them: some of them have been successfully read, but others still remain a mystery. There is a whole section of science dedicated to guests of the Earth. They know where to look for aliens, in which areas they are most often seen. According to the deputy Director of the Institute of Galactic Research L. Filippov, contact with aliens has already taken place a long time ago. He also suggested the possibility of establishing contact with them through thought.

A look into the past

In the history of mankind there is a lot of information about the presence of aliens, which were recorded by different peoples at different times. One such example is the Indian Vedas and Puranas. They contain records that say that ships flew to Earth by air from other dimensions. The letters contain information describing the aliens: their appearance, morals. According to Vedic writings, our planet has the shape of an egg; in its structure there are seven lower and the same number of higher systems. The Earth is a middle system located in the central part.

Scientists are asking questions about the purpose of ships arriving on our planet. However, as the facts say, they fly in to study people. There is a lot of evidence about this: after contacts, new scars are observed, extrasensory abilities appear, etc. Those who returned claim that various experiments were performed on them, and they remember the faces of the aliens.

There is a theory that people as such no longer exist. There is also an opinion that aliens look just like us, but they are much smarter. It is almost impossible to recognize whether it is a person or not until he gives himself away. But, naturally, all the information presented in the article has not yet received scientific irrefutable confirmation.

Over the past decades, interest in representatives of alien civilizations has grown significantly. To get started, we recommend that you read this article:

Before considering their main types, it is worth understanding who the aliens are and what is their main difference?

Who are aliens and aliens?

This is not a tautology, as it might seem. All types of extraterrestrial civilizations can be divided into 2 groups: aliens and aliens. Who is who?

Aliens- These are creatures that are friendly towards earthlings.

Aliens- These are hostile creatures.

The actions taking place on our planet go far beyond the imagination of any science fiction writer. A distorted perception of reality and means that control people’s consciousness block access to this information, which allows unenlightened humanity to be manipulated and controlled with impunity.

Many Hollywood films about aliens are not fiction, but reality, which we mistake for a fairy tale...

The main types of aliens and aliens

Here we characterize only a small part of extraterrestrial civilizations, both destructive and constructive, that regularly visit our planet. The information is given for the purpose of familiarization and expansion of intellectual knowledge.


An evolving human-zeta hybrid; lives 500 light years in the direction of the constellation Orion, but on a different time line and is 300 years ahead of Earth in time; height 150 cm, gray skin; the head is slightly larger than a human, the nose and mouth are small, the eyes are large black; females have white hair. Their type of evolution is very similar to that of the Earth or Pleiadians.


Lyrans - A species of aliens related to humanity from the constellation Lyra. As the legend says: the Lyrian race ascended to the fourth dimension, and those who, for some reason, remained, populated our planet. Having undergone repeated modifications due to genetic mutations, their physical skills have improved; the height of some individuals reaches three meters, they have a humanoid appearance with the features of birds and animals, which are reflected in Egyptian mythology.


The Pleiadians arrived from the constellation Taurus at 400 sv. years from Earth. It is called "Seven Sisters"; our Sun is the eighth star of the Pleiades. Our planet has been regularly visited for thousands of years; are, like the Lyrans, a related species to us. There are also light and energy beings living there, the “Council of 12”, which rules all the planets of the Pleiadian civilization.


89% of the race comes from Vegans, and the remaining 11% from Lyrans. The appearance is very similar to that of a human, the skin is dark, but a tenth of the population is blond and Caucasian. They are aggressive by nature and are used to settling disputes through military confrontation. Their favorite battle is between good and evil, Light and Darkness, where the bright and enlightened Orions fight against their fellows, obsessed with the thirst for power, immensely cruel and aggressive.


Thin-material hybrids of people and Sirians, whose purpose is to serve people as guardians or mentors-teachers; luminaries of sacred geometric science; Planetary orbits are controlled using sound. Their homeland is considered to be Sirius B, where the leading space training center for higher evolution is located.

Aliens from Alpha Centauri


Arcturians are aliens from the constellation Bootes, located 36 St. years from Earth and visible in the northern hemisphere. Arcturus is located at the tail of the Big Dipper. They have reached the fifth-dimensional spectrum of frequencies and are superior in development to all civilizations of our galaxy. Very fragile, 90-120 cm tall, look like twins with a greenish tint and huge, almond-shaped eyes; Life expectancy is on average 400 years. Interact with the environment through telekinesis; their thinking is 100 times faster than human thinking. There are many underground bases on Earth. They control energies through various crystals.


A non-physical race of angelic winged beings of the Beta constellation system, which is considered the galactic center of thought. They went beyond the physical limitations of existence and established contact with the Earth through Light.

Life on Mars

This type of alien has evolved to higher dimensions of the frequency spectrum, and it is not possible to detect it using conventional methods. The Lemurians were at enmity with the Martians, hence the myth that Mars is a warring planet. Below the surface of the planet live non-humanoid races similar to terrestrial ants and praying mantises.

Life on Venus

In the depths of this planet live grandiose, subtle-material aliens. This is a world where the struggle for survival is completely absent. The world of Venus is incredibly colorful and replete with diversity. Crystalline mountains, sparkling rainbow oceans, rich vegetation and natural harmony of all life forms.

Alien types

  • Dragons. A species of reptile with a repulsive characteristic appearance. About 1,000,000 years ago they captured the Earth and settled under its surface in the thickness of the crust. As a result of this war, almost the entire surface of the planet suffered, the climate worsened, pole shifts, floods and earthquakes occurred, but the continent called Atlantis received the most damage. The homeland of dragons is in the higher dimensions, in the Orion system, far beyond the borders of our galaxy.

This is a species of highly developed and benevolent beings that was divided during the evolution of Universe No. 3 about 225 million years ago and the entities that did not undergo transformation (a picture similar to ours today) were expelled. Having settled on Earth, they influenced humanity in the most destructive way, subjecting its DNA to correction and changes. They still consider themselves the rightful masters of the planet and people.

They are unsurpassed specialists in the field of experimental genetics. They combined dragon and human genes. As a result, a hybrid “Draco” (or lizard) was bred, which is more than 2 meters tall, with a humanoid body and a reptilian face covered with scales. Dinosaurs were also subjected to experiments. As a result, many creatures were bred that threaten human existence (the Chupacabra, for example).

  • and the Nephilim. Highly developed technological soulless creatures from the Sirius-A system, who broke away from their native civilization. They originate from the lineage of Elohim, descended from the Elohei, a superior race of divine-type beings that oversee and control humanity. They move in space on a giant ship-planet Nibiru, which is much larger in size than Jupiter and is, as shocking as it may sound, a planet of our solar system.

They capture underdeveloped planets in order to completely gut their resources, gradually destroy all living things and leave them only when in the place of flourishing planets there remains only a dead desert without signs of life.

This species is closely related by cooperation with the Draco hybrids and in appearance they are very similar to each other. 950 thousand years ago, a successful process of genetic crossing of humans and Anunnaki took place, as a result of which the resulting Nephilim hybrid was far superior to humans intellectually, but it completely lacked spirituality.

  • Zetas, draco-zetas. The Zetas' homeland is the planet Draconis, part of the Reptilian Federation. Masters of black magic and satanic rituals. They can easily change their appearance to suit a person and remotely control and manipulate people. They themselves look like aliens are usually drawn - with a disproportionately large head and black eyes, skin color closer to gray, 120 cm tall.

The bulk of kidnappings are carried out by this particular type of alien (Zetas), who follow a global program of enslaving earthlings. Monstrous experiments are being carried out on them, which, oddly enough, are coordinated with the human World Government, which directly governs all of humanity.

Draco hybrids are distinguished by an exorbitant thirst for power and an unwillingness to obey cosmic uniform laws. They have the rare ability to disguise themselves as light creatures and skillfully process any information.

As mentioned above, this is only a small part of the alien representatives that visit our planet.