Statistical reporting. Statistical reporting Statistics report 1

Form 1-T (annual)

The first report with the 1-T index is Form 1-T (annual), which provides information about the number of staff of the business entity and the salaries of employees. The document is submitted annually - before January 20 of the year following the reporting year.

Who submits Form 1-T to statistics in the version under consideration? The form is submitted to Rosstat by legal entities that:

  • are large or average enterprises, but at the same time have a staff of no more than 15 people;
  • received from Rosstat a proposal to fill out the form in question, instead of another statistical report - according to form P-4.

In turn, if such a proposal is not received, then instead of the 1-T (annual) report, the P-4 report is submitted.

When filling out the 1-T (annual) document, you need to keep in mind that:

  1. The report is submitted separately for the head office of the legal entity and for each of its separate divisions, if any.

This rule also applies to other forms of 1-T reporting.

  1. If the company did not pay wages to employees in the reporting year, then the report is submitted without indicating information about wages.

If there is at least some data on the report, it must be indicated. If there is no data, a zero report is submitted or an explanation is submitted to Rosstat regarding the lack of necessary indicators.

How to submit form 1-T (working conditions)

The next document with index 1-T is form 1-T - working conditions. It reflects information about the conditions under which people work at the enterprise in terms of exposure to various harmful factors (according to the list of factors given in the report), as well as compensation for work in certain conditions.

The document is submitted by all legal entities larger than small enterprises that operate in such areas as:

  • Agriculture;
  • forestry;
  • hunting;
  • catching and breeding fish;
  • mining;
  • manufacturing industry;
  • production and distribution of electricity, gas, steam, water (and wastewater disposal);
  • air conditioning;
  • waste disposal, pollution elimination;
  • construction;
  • transport, storage;
  • information Technology;
  • connection.
  1. If a particular employee is exposed to several harmful factors, then:
  • in lines 03-13, the indicator increases by one opposite each of the influencing factors;
  • in line 02 the indicator increases by one.
  1. Information about employees in hazardous working conditions is reflected in the report, even if these employees do not receive compensation.

The main source of data for filling out the form is documents reflecting the results conducting a special assessment of working conditions or previous certification.

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How to fill out form 1-T (GSM)

Document No. 1-T (GMS), sometimes erroneously called Form 1-T GSM, is submitted to Rosstat by state, municipal bodies and municipal election commissions. The deadline for submitting the document is January 15 of the year following the reporting year.

In the form of statistics 1-T in the variety in question, the following information is reflected:

  • on current staffing positions at the end of the year;
  • on the number of full-time employees;
  • about accrued wages;
  • about social payments.

When preparing the document, you need to keep in mind that:

  1. Part-time workers, contractors, and seconded workers are not taken into account when filling out the form.
  2. If an employee is transferred from one position to another during the year, then information about him is provided taking into account the characteristics of the position he occupies at the end of the year.
  3. Information for filling out data on the organization’s staffing indicators must be taken from the staffing table.

That is, if a person occupies a position outside the staffing table (as a rule, this situation arises during layoffs), then information about him is not included in the report.

Submitting form 1-T (professional): nuances

The document in question is submitted by all legal entities that, in terms of their economic indicators, are larger than small enterprises and operate in any areas except:

  • finance;
  • government controlled;
  • ensuring the activities of the armed forces;
  • related to social activities;
  • related to the activities of extraterritorial organizations (UN, IMF, consular offices and other structures with foreign or international jurisdiction).

In the form of statistics 1-T in the variety in question, the following are reflected:

  • indicators of the payroll number of employees by position from the list given in the form;
  • number of vacancies for relevant positions.

In total, the form provides for more than 180 positions - from ordinary specialists to top managers.

Form 1-T-prof is submitted to Rosstat once every 2 years - on November 28. Indicators in the report And are maintained as of the reporting date.

The last time the document was submitted was in 2016 (according to the form approved by Rosstat order No. 325 dated July 5, 2016). It is expected that in the summer of 2018, Rosstat will publish a new edition of the document.

When filling out the form, please keep in mind that:

  1. The headcount is calculated only for employees with whom the company signed an employment contract.
  2. Contractors, external part-time workers, employees on maternity leave, and seconded military personnel are not included in the document.
  3. Part-time vacancies are shown in the report as full vacancies.

At the same time, vacant positions include (except for positions of dismissed workers and newly created positions) also positions of female workers on maternity leave. And if the company is not looking for third-party workers for vacant positions (counting on internal part-time workers), then such positions are not reflected in the form.

Rosstat has published four reporting documents with the 1-T index. All of them are united by the fact that they are rented out, as a rule, by larger enterprises than small ones. The main type of data reflected in the forms is information about personnel (working conditions, wages).

Form 1-T (statistics) characterizes information about the number and wages of employees. We’ll figure out who submits the form, present its current form (can be downloaded in the article) and provide a sample for filling it out.

The form for information on the number and wages of employees and a sample filling that meets all legal requirements are presented below:

You can find, fill out and download other forms of statistical reporting for free in our program

Who submits Form 1-T

The list of organizations that are required to report on it includes:

  • public;
  • religious;
  • horticultural;
  • dacha partnerships;
  • garage or housing cooperatives
  • organizations like those listed above.

At the same time, they must meet the following criteria:

  • is not a small business entity;
  • the average number of employees based on the results of work for the year was no more than 15 people;
  • included by the territorial divisions of Rosstat in the list of organizations that do not report in Form P-4.

Branches, representative offices and divisions of foreign organizations operating in the Russian Federation are also required to report in Form 1-T.

Organizations using the simplified tax system report on a general basis.

There are two ways to find out in advance whether your company must submit Form 1-T:

  1. Through the website of the territorial division of Rosstat. Find your region on the official website of the department (“About Rosstat” - “Territorial Bodies (TOGS)” - “TOGS Sites”). Go to the website of the territorial division. Open the tabs on it: “Reporting” - “Statistical reporting” - “List of reporting business entities” and download the list.
  2. Directly in the territorial division of Rosstat. Using the method described above, find the website of your territorial unit. Open it and in the main menu, click on the tab about the department. There you will find department data. Once you know the address, you can call the department or come to it in person and request information and a form.

Frequency of submission of form 1-T

The frequency of submission of Form 1-T is annual. The deadline for submitting the document to the territorial division of Rosstat at the location of the company is January 20 of the year following the reporting year.

You must report on Form 1-T for 2018 no later than January 22, 2019 (Monday). When the due date indicated in the form is a weekend or a non-working holiday, it is postponed to the next working day (State Statistics Committee post dated 03/07/2000 No. 18).

You can check the deadlines for submitting statistical, accounting and tax reporting in the accountant’s calendar:

Check reporting deadlines

Sample of filling out form 1-T

Rosstat approved the current form 1-T on August 6, 2018 by order No. 485 (Appendix 1). It includes a title page and a sheet with a table consisting of seven columns, in which data on the average number of personnel, the wage fund and social payments are entered.

The form looks like this:

Let's look at an example of filling it out.

Procedure and features of filling

First fill out the title page. It indicates the full name of the organization. If there is a short name, it is indicated in brackets.

In the form for a separate division, indicate its name and legal address with postal code in the appropriate fields.

If the legal address does not coincide with the actual place of activity, enter the actual address.

In the table of the second sheet, line 01 shows the general values. For the remaining lines, they are deciphered and OKVED2 codes are indicated (column 3).

You can find current OKVED using our online service:

Column 4 shows the average number of employees for the year. Find it using the formula:

Average number of employees for all months of the reporting year: 12

Please note: the calculation includes persons with whom the organization has entered into employment contracts (including for temporary or seasonal work) and the owners of the organization who are paid salaries.

Table 1. Who does not participate in the calculation of the average headcount?


Women on maternity leave

clause 79.1 of the Instructions, approved. by order of Rosstat dated November 22, 2017 No. 772

Persons on leave related to the adoption of a newborn from a maternity hospital

Persons on parental leave (except for those working from home or part-time and continuing to receive benefits)

Employees on unpaid leave for training purposes

Employees on leave without pay for the purpose of passing entrance exams to an educational organization

Persons who are not included in the payroll (in particular, those working under a civil contract)

clause 78 of the Directives, approved. by order of Rosstat dated November 22, 2017 No. 772

To calculate the monthly average number of employees, you need to determine the number of employees on the payroll for each day of the month. The resulting value is divided by the number of calendar days of the month.

Columns 5 and 6 include wages in cash and in kind for time worked, compensation payments related to work activities, additional payments, allowances, bonuses, one-time incentive payments, as well as systematic payment for food and (or) accommodation.

Column 7 indicates the amounts transferred to employees in the form of social benefits (see the list in paragraph 88 of the Instructions).

After filling out all the columns, you need to fill in lines 14 and 15.

Line 14 is intended for information regarding non-payroll personnel (their payroll and the amount of social payments).

If there are no payments in the reporting period, the data is not filled in. To reduce the risk of claims, you can send a letter to your territorial division of Rosstat about the absence of indicators.

The completed Form 1-T is signed by the director of the organization or a person authorized to submit statistical reports on its behalf. In addition to the signature, their positions, telephone numbers, and email addresses are indicated on the form. In addition, the date the form was filled out is indicated.

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In 2017, who must submit Form No. 1 “Information on the distribution of the number of employees by wages” to Rosstat? Should all organizations or individual entrepreneurs take it? Does this form apply to small businesses? Let's figure it out.

New statistical report for employers

New report for employers - form No. 1 “Information on the distribution of the number of employees by salary levels.” It was approved by Rosstat Order No. 29 dated January 20, 2017. This report is intended for Rosstat bodies. You can download the new report form No. 1 here:

In 2017, the report is submitted to the statistical authorities at the location of the company. The report can be submitted on paper or electronically. If the company has separate divisions, then submit Form No. 1:

  • for each separate division included in the sample;
  • for the parent company without these separate divisions.
If the organization or its division does not operate at its location, then you can submit Form No. 1 at the place where they actually operate (clause 2 of the Instructions approved by Rosstat Order No. 29 of January 20, 2017).

Report submission deadline

You only need to report using Form No. 1 in 2017 once – for April 2017. The report must be submitted no later than May 19, 2017.

If you do not report in Form No. 1 or submit the report later than May 19, 2017, then Rosstat may impose penalties (Article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Companies - up to 70,000 rubles, and for repeated violations - up to 150,000 rubles. For the head of the company, the fine is less - up to 20,000 rubles, and for a repeated violation - up to 50,000 rubles.

Who exactly should report?

Let us say right away that individual entrepreneurs do not submit a report in Form No. 1. But which organizations (legal entities) must fill out and submit a new report to Rosstat? Let me explain.

The form is submitted by legal entities (except for small businesses) carrying out all types of economic activities to the territorial body of Rosstat in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the address established by it before May 19. The form must be submitted once every 2 years. That is, the next time you will need to fill out the report only in 2019.

It is especially worth noting that the report is submitted only by organizations chosen by Rosstat (clause 1 of the Instructions). Was the company included in the sample for 2017? You can learn about this from a special message from Rosstat. It must be handed over to the company by mail or electronically. This information can also be checked on the Rosstat website. Go to the page

Forms of statistical monitoring of construction, investments in non-financial assets and housing and communal services have been approved. Among these forms, Information on the commissioning of buildings and structures in form No. C-1 was approved. This form has been used since the January 2018 report. We will tell you who needs to submit this form and within what time frame in our material.

Who submits form No. S-1

Form No. C-1 is compiled by developer organizations that have been issued permission to put capital construction projects into operation, as well as organizations that have unfinished construction projects on their balance sheets.

The form is submitted at the location of the organization and its separate divisions. In this case, if there is no information, Form No. C-1 is not submitted.

You can find out whether you need to submit Form No. S-1 by contacting the Rosstat service.

Deadlines for submitting the form

The monthly form for 2018 is due no later than the 3rd day of the next month, and the final form for 2018 is due no later than 02/01/2019.

Download form No. S-1

You can download form No. C-1 in Excel.

Contents of the form and procedure for filling it out

Form No. C-1 consists of a title page and 5 sections:

  • Section 1 “Commissioning of buildings by customers”;
  • Section 2 “Capacity of commissioned facilities in non-residential buildings and structures”;
  • Section 3 “Residential units in commissioned residential and non-residential buildings”;
  • Section 4 “Distribution of commissioned residential buildings by wall materials and number of storeys”;
  • Section 5 “Information on buildings and structures under construction as of the end of the year.”

Sections 1, 2, 3, 4 of Form No. C-1 for the month in which permission to put the facilities into operation was issued, as well as the annual report, provides information on residential and non-residential buildings, residential premises, residential units in residential and non-residential buildings, according to the capacity of commissioned facilities in non-residential buildings and structures.

Section 5 is completed only in the report for 2018. It contains information on buildings and structures:

  • or which are under construction;
  • or their construction is temporarily suspended or mothballed (financing for which was not provided in the reporting year or funds were allocated only for mothballing).

Brief instructions for filling out form No. S-1, as well as monitoring the form’s indicators, are given in Appendix No. 8 to Rosstat Order No. 562 dated August 30, 2017. And detailed instructions are approved by Rosstat Order No. 5 dated January 12, 2018 and are posted on the Rosstat website in the appropriate