The character and fate of children born in the year of the rooster. Chinese horoscope rooster

Strength of spirit, strength, beauty and dignity - these are the traits everyone who is born in the year of the Rooster acquires. In China, the hieroglyph for this bird is associated with a sign of good luck.

Roosters have a magical attraction. They are leaders by nature and natural speakers, they have many admirers whom they value, and are ready to sacrifice themselves for them. The passion for comparison with one's own superiority gives rise to disagreements.

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Rooster

Despite high self-esteem, a person whose birth date falls in the year of the Rooster has a lot of positive qualities:

  • sociability;
  • determination;
  • performance;
  • prudence;
  • developed intuition.

Even his shortcomings, the description of which can result in a huge list, are presented as advantages:

  • stubbornness;
  • selfishness;
  • love;
  • frivolity;
  • hot temper.

The Rooster knows how to show off and work for the public, but if trouble happens, he will be the first to come to the rescue. His participation will be sincere, timely and sincere.

Years of the Rooster

On January 28, 2017, the tenth beast of the Chinese horoscope continued its stellar march. The next year of meeting with him is 2029. The years: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 passed under the patronage of the Rooster.

Element – ​​metal, color – light grey. According to the eastern calendar, the time of his patronage falls on 17-19 hours. Talismans - golden quartz, citrine.

Each animal of the astrological group comes under the influence of a certain element, which determines royalty, and has its own color: white, black (blue), green, red, yellow.


The green wooden Rooster brings peace, balance, and mutual respect. This element gives self-confidence, bordering on stubbornness. The Wood Rooster is rational and persistent.


The fiery red Rooster is not pretentious, he does not care about wealth and luxury: in everyday life he gets by with little. He gets along with people easily, and is difficult to piss him off. A better lover than the fiery Rooster cannot be found.


The Yellow Earth Rooster is self-confident, but is in no hurry to show it to anyone. Values ​​family, is patient and courteous with parents, and is afraid of change.


The Metallic White Rooster is enterprising, successful in business, and gives away experience and useful connections. The iron bird builds its career on its own, has difficulty making contact, and takes a long time to get used to the team.


A person of the water element, born in the year of the blue (black) Rooster, loves warmth and peace, and gravitates towards home comfort. Publicity irritates him. Any failure hurts the water bird and affects its self-esteem.

Characteristics of a Rooster man

Rooster men are leaders who are used to commanding. They easily manage to make a career and occupy leadership positions. Weaknesses are hidden behind beautiful words and appearance.

A man should be loved, admired, this is vital for him. He knows how to win hearts: if he is abandoned, he quickly finds a replacement.

In a couple, the Rooster man should feel respect - this is the key to a strong relationship.

Characteristics of the Rooster woman

The Rooster woman is a brave, self-confident person who is not afraid of experiments. She knows how to present herself, which makes her irresistible in any appearance. This type leaves a deep mark in the heart of every man.

Dominants in business with vision and a death grip. It is more difficult for them to set a goal than to achieve it. Reliable partners, self-confident, but very jealous, good wives and mothers.

Child born in the year of the Rooster

The rooster is a symbol of assertiveness. A child born in the year of the Rooster will demonstrate this quality throughout his life. Children show individuality from early childhood. They are characterized by the following qualities:

  • initiative;
  • hard work;
  • honesty;
  • diligence.

Such a child is always busy with something: he finds hobbies on his own, he is a great inventor, and it is difficult to upset him.Zodiac power and a dominant character make it difficult to communicate with peers.

The Rooster child is capable, energetic, diligent, and talented in many ways. With a skillful and subtle attitude, he can grow into a bright, worthy personality.

Rooster in love and marriage

Roosters are famous heart conquerors and ladies' men. Loving nature is a characteristic feature of this sign. They love everyone around them, and especially themselves: narcissism inspires.

The rooster loves courtship and the fight for possession. Once in bed, he quickly loses interest in his partner and begins searching for a new object of desire.

He tries to show what an ideal partner he is. At home he is boring, unromantic - turns close relationships into banal sex. He does not blame himself for failures; he is more concerned about his image than circumstances. Having dusted himself off, he begins to look for a new relationship.

Rooster in friendship

This dandy manages to make enemies among his friends, with the help of his astrological love of truth. Qualities that make it difficult to form friendships:

  1. He cannot tolerate criticism, but he criticizes everyone and everything.
  2. Harsh in his judgments, deadly frank.
  3. Loves to give advice.

You can truly appreciate your friendship with the Rooster when he is not around. This is the bravest horoscopic beast after the Tiger. He will rush at the offender of his comrade, he will be the first to rush to the rescue.

Work and career

The Rooster is a representative of the eastern calendar, which makes the world beautiful. He will build a career based on excellent taste. Will be able to realize himself in the following professions:

  • designer;
  • visagiste;
  • stylist;
  • cosmetologist;
  • fashion designer

Those born in the year of the Rooster can become film and theater actors, show hosts, pop singers, and conversational stars.

The fighting spirit is useful for athletes, suitable for politicians, military personnel or law enforcement officers.

Compatible with other years

He is not satisfied with the resourcefulness and charm of the Rat. This is a clear rival, whose presence distracts others from his exclusivity. The main reason for the antagonism is their relative similarity.

Signs that complement each other. The bull does not like to be urged on or directed roughly, but the proud bird loves to do this. After all, she is a born leader, and the Ox is a hard worker. If the signs take into account each other's weaknesses, the union will be successful.

The signs cannot stand each other. The tiger is not satisfied with the natural bravado of his partner, the need for attention and a noisy environment. The feathered beauty does not impress the Tiger, and this is a challenge that the bright sign of the Chinese calendar does not forgive anyone.

He “kills” the calm Rabbit with his temperament, abundance of ideas and ability to make enemies. The relative similarity of signs is not a sufficient reason for friendship.

Ambitious signs that have a chance to be together, but with deep mutual sympathy and the dominance of the Dragon in the relationship. The ideal reason for compatibility is the complete financial dependence of the bird on the three-headed creature.

Signs love long, friendly conversations, which can be a hindrance in business relationships, but not in family ones. Conversations help strengthen alliances. The superficial handsome man and the wise, thoughtful Snake will always find a solution to problems.

Signs can be good friends, occasionally meeting with friends and at parties. They quickly get tired of each other, the relationship requires a reboot. The family union will be preserved by frequent, short separations.

People born under these signs cannot agree and go towards the goal in one way. They don't notice, don't consider each other. The proud person does not even try to understand the Goat, to see good qualities in her.

There can be no union between the principled Rooster and the cunning Monkey. The tireless “creep” will quickly get tired of the right life and make the proud Rooster unhappy. He will be uncomfortable next to someone who spoils the environment, diverting attention to himself.

Two signs who do not trust each other only love attention to themselves. They have a refined taste, strictly individual preferences, and therefore cannot tie their destinies.

The dog needs silence. The Rooster is a generator of loud sounds, bright colors and festive fireworks. Given his character, he will not even try to create a semblance of comfort for the Dog.

These people don't fit together. A combative, aggressive, eccentric bird will not be able to coexist with the sensual Pig, which gravitates towards a fair distribution of everything spiritual and material in this world. The feathered one will not allow anything to be divided - everything must belong to him.

Roosters by zodiac sign

Each animal of the Chinese horoscope cycle leaves a certain imprint on a person’s character, and the zodiac sign also influences it.


The character of Aries, who was born this year, is unbalanced. Both animals are distinguished by courage and hot temper, and these qualities, collected in one person, manifest themselves very clearly. Individuals who know how to admit their mistakes and repent in time.


Taurus-Rooster is kind, fair, and capable of empathy. He likes to talk a lot, but also knows how to listen. Tries to avoid situations that require making serious decisions.


Bright personalities for whom large crowds of people are an environment of comfortable living. They can afford a colorful outfit, flashy hair color, loud laughter. Gemini will not forgive others for this: they will make a remark without choosing expressions.


Skillfully manipulates other people's consciousness. Cancer-Rooster is able to infect with his optimism and positive attitude, for which he is deservedly appreciated by those around him.


Royal people are sociable and conducive to intimate conversations. These people are wise by nature, which they willingly share with others.


Contact and attractive, they cannot stand criticism, although they themselves are happy to make caustic remarks. Virgo gives the carefree and irresponsible Rooster a serious attitude towards life.


Libra does not bring noticeable changes to the Rooster's character. The sign loves noisy companies and attention, loves to shine and make an impression. A tireless talker and joker, he is the soul of any company.

Rooster Scorpio

A complex combination of characters forms a contradictory personality. The gaiety and buffoonery of the Rooster can be replaced by the hot temper of Scorpio. The tendency to tell the truth develops into accusatory speech with rude expressions.


To prove oneself and to rise at any cost is the goal of a leader. The soul of the company can afford to criticize everyone. Given the well-known eloquence of the Rooster-Sagittarius, such attacks are offensive.


A true leader, his goal is to be the best. Capricorn-Rooster does not waste time on trifles, does not waste time. Makes grandiose plans, adheres to strategy, achieves goals.


Aquarius generates a thirst for new knowledge, sensations and experiences. The emotional, frivolous symbol of the year becomes interesting to others. His insight fascinates and his ingenuity attracts.

The coming period is Year of the Red Fire Rooster. And parents of children who should born in 2017 It is extremely important to know in advance how this symbol will affect the baby - what character, what features the Fire Rooster will reward the baby.

The zodiac sign, just like the eastern sign, has unique individual properties and qualities that manifest themselves in the character of each person and in his relationships with society. It forms some tactical abilities in a person’s nature and is one of the methods of the twelve-level system of behavior.

The eastern horoscope sign based on the year of birth forms the laws and conditions for a person’s communication with his environment, during which one of the systems of behavior according to the zodiac sign is used. The eastern sign can be called a strategy, since it forms the field of activity for a person and the principles of the relationship of the outside world to this person.

2017: what will a child born under the sign of the Fire Rooster be like?

The Fiery Red Rooster will begin to rule 2017 only on January 28 and will relinquish its powers only on February 15, 2018.

The tenth earthly branch of the eastern lunar cycle is called YU , and its symbol is the Rooster. This Chinese branch indicates perseverance and, accordingly, children born this year will be distinguished by the greatest hard work, diligence and endurance.

Such a child learns quickly, is proactive and loves to work. The Fire Rooster always needs to be busy with something. The Baby Rooster is naturally optimistic and good-natured. He always has several plans ready. Everything should be in perfect order, and if something seems wrong, the child will not hesitate to start redoing everything that comes to hand.

The Rooster is bright, straightforward, but loyal to others, powerful, courageous, loyal, emotional, generous and, at the same time, practical and economic, somewhat self-centered and self-willed.

Children born in will grow up to be creative people with exceptional willpower and extraordinary leadership abilities. The Fire Rooster knows how to achieve his goal most quickly and efficiently, successfully overcoming difficulties.

Children born in the year of the Rooster with the element of fire are future directors, musicians, inventors, engineers and architects.

Judging by the horoscope for 2017 for the Red Rooster, children of a deep and insightful mind are born at this time. In the future, these kids will become talented workers who will succeed in any matter. In childhood, these girls and boys develop more actively and show independence at an early age.

Note to parents: Children of the Year of the Rooster should be encouraged for their efforts and achievements. However, you shouldn’t spoil your kids either. The child must understand that only by making the right decisions and doing the right things will he receive a reward.

Children's horoscope 2017 according to zodiac signs

Rooster and Aries (21.03 – 20.04)

Aries children born in the year of the Rooster are distinguished by their strong-willed character and warlike behavior. Aries is unusually cunning, knows how to find a way out of any difficult situation, relying only on his sharp mind and willpower. Aries people born in 2017 are, as a rule, surrounded by people in high positions. Aries has the power to involve others in solving their problems. In other words, Aries under the sign of the Rooster knows how to subordinate others to his opinion. Aries Roosters are usually extremely honest and demand the same from others.

Rooster and Taurus (21.04 – 20.05)

Taurus born under the sign of the Rooster are usually bold, self-confident, in no way inferior to the people around them, they are strong and energetic. Such a combination of signs means a predominance of leadership qualities; they know how and love to be disingenuous. Roosters-Taurus always help all those who suffer. They do not like to be pushed around and do not intend to fulfill the whims of others, even those closest and loved ones. Taurus of the Year of the Rooster boldly admits their mistakes and always asks for forgiveness.

Rooster and Gemini (21.05 – 21.06)

Perhaps Gemini is the most windy sign of the Roosters. Extremely active and versatile personalities. Often, Gemini Roosters overestimate their capabilities, but their energy helps them always be on the job. This sign has incredible instincts in both love and business. If you give Gemini freedom and exclude jealousy, then he will never cheat or betray.

Rooster and Cancer (22.06 – 22.07)

Cancer is probably the most controversial sign of the Rooster. Even though Cancer knows what he wants, he cannot move forward because of his doubts. Cancer-Roosters are easily vulnerable and very sensual, which makes them somewhat vindictive. They do not like to be disappointed and constantly seek recognition. Cancers of the Year of the Rooster find it extremely difficult to adapt to something new. They are big homebodies. Cancers are the most faithful of the Roosters and are often happy in the family. They are passive until something affects their interests.

Rooster and Leo (23.07 – 23.08)

Leo-Roosters love luxury and beautiful things. Commanders in spirit always make grandiose plans and strictly follow them, seeking the same from those around them. Proud and a little arrogant. Such people are always grateful for the help provided to them and are extremely honest. Leo, born in the year of the Rooster, is the only sign that has not adopted the rooster’s egoism. Leo is always noble and generous. However, one should not abuse their angelic patience, so as not to awaken the predator in him.

Rooster and Virgo (24.08 – 23.09)

An extremely favorable combination of celestial signs. The Rooster gives Virgo the courage she lacks, which results in the achievement of goals and promises success. Roosters-Virgos work a lot and do not allow themselves to stop for a minute. They are very restless and have a sense of exaggerated justice, extremely principled and ambitious. Virgos born in the year of the Rooster are thrifty and economical. However, cock boasting is in full bloom here.

Rooster and Libra (24.09 – 23.10)

Libra-Roosters are diplomatic and not the least bit aggressive, they have flexibility, but it does not develop into sensitivity and understanding. Libras know how to work around sharp corners. Despite their talkativeness and love for disputes of any nature, Libra-Roosters cannot stand nonsense, therefore all their arguments are well-reasoned and their speeches are honest. Such people make excellent guardians of the law or military personnel. Libras are in love with themselves and are wary of new business acquaintances and proposals. They can do stupid things only in love affairs.

Rooster and Scorpio (24.10 – 22.11)

It is extremely difficult to argue with Scorpio, born in the year of the Rooster, or to compete in anything. Energetic and courageous, Scorpio Roosters do not know how to keep their emotions under control. They know how to work and make others work. They are unshakable in their decisions, are not used to lying, have a sharp mind and are very eloquent. Such people have a well-developed sense of humor. A favorite tactic to eliminate an opponent is to take him by surprise. Scorpio-Roosters need love and affection. Otherwise they become aggressive.

Rooster and Sagittarius (11/23 – 12/21)

Sagittarians under the sign of the Rooster are extremely boastful people, capable of chatting non-stop, and have the gift of persuasion. Brave and frank. The imagination of Sagittarius-Roosters is developed at some highest level, and their enthusiasm is off the charts. Representatives of this combination of signs rarely manage to finish what they start, but they are very fond of change and travel. They become good family men.

Rooster and Capricorn (22.12 – 20.01)

Capricorns are not boastful, like all Roosters, but this quality here turns into cold authority. Such people do not tolerate any untruth and are unusually frank. The diligence and hard work of Capricorn-Roosters helps them quickly achieve excellence in any business. Modest and laid-back Capricorns are very popular in society. Representatives of these signs place intellectual life above love life.

Rooster and Aquarius (21.01 – 18.02)

The Rooster strengthens the utopian thoughts of Aquarius, who suffers from over-idealism and is always busy with impossible projects. Aquarius Roosters are cheerful and expect only good from the world. Capable of making sacrifices for the sake of a higher goal - to make humanity happier. Unkind people often take advantage of this. It is easy to fall in love with an Aquarius as he knows how to listen and also speak sweet words.

Rooster and Pisces (19.02 – 20.03)

Pisces born in the year of the Rooster know how to listen to any troubles, sympathize from the heart and give advice. However, they themselves are not always confident and contradictory. Pisces-Roosters often have their head in the clouds, physically remaining nearby. It is very difficult to take them by surprise; these people will come out of any conflict situation without a single scratch, they know how to please and successfully use this.

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According to the eastern calendar, 2017 will be the year of the Red Fire Rooster. The fiery element and violent nature of the symbol of 2017 will bring many surprises to all zodiac signs.

On January 28, 2017, the Red Fire Monkey will happily wave his paw goodbye to us and transfer the rights to rule to the Red Fire Rooster. We will not immediately notice the change in power, because both the color and the element of the owners of 2016 and 2017 will be the same. If at the beginning of his year the Cockerel behaves relatively calmly, looking around and tidying up the property after the perky Monkey, then in the spring the owner will disperse, flap his bright wings and begin to surprise us with his unpredictability and pleasant surprises.
The main thing in the year of the eccentric Rooster is to be philosophical about any, even unusual, changes in life. For people who are not used to being lazy, the Cockerel will help in career matters - you will literally be inundated with lucrative and very tempting offers. But there is no need to rush in 2017; it is better to carefully choose, among all the tempting and bright offers, the only one that will turn out to be reliable and suitable just for you.
Since the Rooster loves to shine and is always in the center of attention, he will expect similar manifestations of independence from you - change your image, experiment, all changes in appearance will only be beneficial. The Rooster loves to improvise, and the owner of the year will definitely help everyone who does not recognize the rules and acts intuitively. If, for example, you are getting ready to go on vacation and, just before the plane, you unexpectedly change your mind about visiting an exotic resort, don’t worry - life will surprise you in your hometown. Already at the airport you will receive a message that you have won a million, or a distant aunt from England or Germany will call you and will delight you with the news that she has decided to bequeath all her capital to you.
In the year of the Fire Rooster, any intellectual work is welcomed, and if the work is related to creativity, then, as they say, the cards are in your hands. Recognition, success, money - all this comes naturally, and if you go your own way and try yourself in a completely new activity, fortune together with the Red Cockerel will envelop you in care and protection. If you have never picked up a brush in your life, then in 2017, hurry to the art supply store - who knows, maybe you will outdo Salvador Dali with your creativity and become a genius of surrealism, or you will bypass Malevich by drawing, for example, a green circle, and you connoisseurs of abstraction will sing the praises.
The financial situation in the year of the Fire Rooster will please you with stability - it is unlikely that you will be able to get rich and fly to the moon, but you will always earn money on bread and butter, and perhaps even caviar. After all, the Cockerel will find a grain or a worm anywhere on the planet, and he will also tell you where to find a profitable part-time job. The Rooster respects all signs of the zodiac, there is no point in quarreling, but if you were born in his year, you can completely relax - there will be no cockfights for your place in the sun. You will achieve everything without much effort, and the Rooster will bring you a lot of tasty things in his beak.
It’s better not to plan a vacation in 2017 - the owner of the year himself will create the conditions for a full and amazing vacation. Of course, the Cockerel wants to calmly relax in the village and, waking up to the crowing of his fellow creatures, drink fresh milk and nibble on delicious porridge. But if they give you a couple of trips to Cyprus, you shouldn’t refuse - go and don’t think twice, everyone who reads this horoscope has been waiting there for a long time.
The Rooster is a very sensual creature, distinguished by devotion and sincerity, but do not think that he is so predictable - it will be very interesting with him. Personal life in 2017 will be filled with thousands of acquaintances, one of which will definitely turn out to be fateful. So if you are free, you can expect a gift from the eccentric bird - the chosen one is already halfway there, and all you have to do is choose the right direction and go towards your happiness.
Those who have a stamp in their passport will not be bored either; in the Year of the Rooster, communication with loved ones will definitely not be called monotonous - your relatives will surprise you every day, children will especially succeed in this regard. If you don’t have heirs yet, then hurry up - children born this year will have a bright and amazing life. Many of the children born in the year of the Rooster will achieve unprecedented success in politics and business life, so quickly consult with your soul mate.
If you have been married for many years, an unusual event awaits you - a second honeymoon. It is only important to surprise the Cockerel with unpredictable actions, and he will do everything to make your soul mate rekindle tender feelings for you. And the most important thing that the stars want to tell you is to be sincere and be guided by the motto in 2017: Rely on the Cockerel, but don’t make a mistake yourself! Then you will achieve everything you want and make your life happy and rosy, and there will simply be no room left for problems and troubles, and they will run far away from you.
Below you will find out what the 2017 Year of the Rooster has in store for each zodiac sign.


Charming Pisces became friends with the Fire Monkey in 2017 - it will be difficult to part with, and you will be side by side throughout January 2017. But on January 28, the Red Fire Cockerel will still be able to convince the Monkey that it is time for her to leave, he will cope well with the role of the owner, and will take care of you no worse. So you can continue to frolic and swim in the ocean of happiness, enjoying life and not thinking about problems.


Aquarius did a good job last year and earned the respect of the hostess of 2017 - she is absolutely delighted. You will have to say goodbye to the Fire Monkey, because on January 28, 2017, the Red Fire Rooster will appear in its place and life will go according to his rules. Aquarius has nothing to worry about - the Cockerel is a conservative bird, but if he plans to make any changes, they will all be pleasant.


Capricorns were looking forward to the arrival of 2017, because the Monkey told them in secret that the Cockerel adores earth signs and will do everything so that Capricorns do not need anything. On January 28, 2017, the Monkey will dance a farewell waltz with the Fire Rooster, and will leave his possessions for a long time.


With the advent of the Year of the Red Fire Rooster, namely January 28, 2017, Sagittarius can hide their quiver away on the mezzanine - there will be no one to fight with. The Red Rooster will take charge of you for the whole year. But don’t forget to say goodbye to the Monkey, give her a merry farewell, because in her year she often helped you - she will appreciate the care and whisper with the Cockerel, sitting over a glass of champagne by your Christmas tree.


In the year of the Monkey, Scorpios often had to use their sting to deal with their enemies, but with the advent of the year of the Red Fire Rooster, you can forget about this. The owner of 2017 will save you from troubles of any kind; sometimes Scorpios will be so bored with an ideal life that you yourself will begin to look for problems for yourself. If at the beginning of the Year of the Rooster, Scorpios are somewhat embarrassed by the care of the Fire Bird, then in the spring you will get used to guardianship and begin to take advantage of fortune's favor to the fullest.


At the beginning of 2017, Libra will enjoy life and have fun to the fullest, celebrating the winter ball, dedicated to saying goodbye to the playful Monkey. The mistress of 2017 will not want to part with charming Libra, and every day in January she will arrange fun and entertainment for them. But on January 28, 2017, the Red Fire Cockerel will timidly knock on the door and hint to the Monkey that it is time and honor to know.


Almost all of January 2017, Virgos will enjoy the company of the cheerful Fire Monkey, but on January 28, the wings of the Red Fire Rooster will flash through the window, the Chinese New Year will come, and then the most interesting things will begin. The Rooster will begin his reign with surprises - the original owner of the year has already packed gifts in beautiful boxes, and is waiting for Virgo to unwrap them. In February, Virgos are in for surprises in the professional sphere - the boss will change his anger to mercy and become extremely kind, so it is advisable for Virgos to take advantage of the moment and boldly demand a salary increase. Business trips and various transactions will be almost daily, nothing depends on Virgo, just have time to agree and sign profitable contracts. The mischievous Monkey, running away, whispered to the owner of 2017 that the Virgos were dreaming of something. So in his personal life, the Rooster will not let you get bored either - the family wards of Mercury will receive a lot of good news, some will learn about the imminent addition to the family.

a lion

Lucky Leos will not immediately notice the transition from 2016 to 2017, because the Monkey has indulged the unusual whims of representatives of the fire element all year, and the Red Fire Cockerel decided to take you under his wing. So, dear Leos, be patient and persevering - fortune will follow you on your heels, and sometimes you will even want to run away, everything will be so wonderful and rosy.


On the day when the Monkey waves his paw to the Cancers and tenderly hugs them goodbye, the Moon’s wards may feel sad. The stars are in a hurry to reassure the most sensitive signs of the zodiac - the Red Rooster promised to help you in everything and took an oath to the mistress of 2016: Cancers will be under protection and care throughout 2017. Since Cancers need time to think, the Fire Rooster will not rush you, and will solve all problems at the beginning of the year himself. Official affairs will please you with stability, your superiors will be supportive - Cockerel threatened the management that Cancers cannot be offended, so you can relax, calmly think about life, and dream about a bright future.


Since Gemini is the most frivolous of the zodiac signs, the Red Rooster, who will rule in 2017, will like you. The owner of 2017 will help you complete the tasks that you did not manage to cope with in the year of the cheerful and energetic Monkey. The Fiery Rooster will give Gemini the opportunity to have plenty of frolic in their year - you will feel this from the first days of the reign of the bright and magical bird.


In 2017, Taurus can safely claim the title of the luckiest sign of the zodiac, and this is no wonder, because the cheerful Monkey, transferring her rights to the Fire Cockerel, threw him a note asking him to look after you. The Rooster will show concern from the first days of the new year - you will receive a sea of ​​lucrative and tempting job offers, however, climbing the career ladder will be a bit difficult, because there will be many steps. With courage and bravery, you will be able to charm the Rooster in the sphere of personal relationships - in love, the eccentric owner of the year will also decide to throw a few surprises at Taurus.


In the year of the Red Fire Rooster, Aries expects a lot of interesting things, because the previous year of the Monkey taught you a lot - both to cope with difficult and unpredictable situations and to get away with it. We can say that the Year of the Monkey was a kind of exam, which you passed brilliantly. The Rooster will appreciate the merits of Aries and will definitely take them into account when calculating points for his year. Try not to disappoint the eccentric owner of 2017 and try with all your might to please him. Start by getting rid of bad habits. You dealt with many unnecessary addictions very well last year, and this year you will easily free yourself from everything that pulls you back and prevents you from developing.

According to the Eastern horoscope, 2017 will be ruled by the Red Fire Rooster.

The beginning of the New Year according to the eastern calendar is traditionally considered to be the second new moon after the winter solstice. Therefore, according to the Chinese horoscope, the year of the Red Fire Rooster will begin on January 28, 2017 and will last until February 15, 2018.

The Rooster is the tenth sign in Eastern astrology and is governed by Yin energy. In the East, it personifies self-confidence, vigilance, courage and reliability. In China, the word "rooster" is a homonym for "lucky fate." The rooster is a symbol of the five Chinese virtues: dignity in war, nobility in peace, courage, trustworthiness and generosity.

Auspicious colors in 2017 will be red and orange, and the element of the year will be Fire. The color red symbolizes activity and ardent passion; it encourages us to love life. And Fire, in turn, personifies forward movement, vitality and strength, and the desire for success in all areas. Fire corresponds to the South and signifies growth, progress, and the unfolding of potential. Fire is also responsible for fame, glory and demonstration of one’s capabilities. The Rooster is very energetic, and in 2017 the element of Fire will show its energy even more. This means that the owner of the year will definitely give us the strength to fulfill what we really want.

The Rooster, as you know, is famous for its temperament, so 2017, the year of the Red Fire Rooster, promises to be bright and dynamic for the milestone signs. It will be full of memorable events and will bring many positive moments, but there will also be many difficult situations. 2017 will require effort and dedication from us. It will not be without difficulties, but it will be very interesting, we will be able to experience a lot and learn a lot. Those who do not look for easy ways and work hard, independently creating the foundation for success and prosperity, will be especially generously rewarded.

The Lord of 2017 in the East is a symbol of creative energy. Therefore, 2017 will be especially favorable for creativity, progressive ideas and new projects. The Year of the Rooster will be successful for those who work in the intellectual sphere, are engaged in various research activities, creativity or self-development. The Eastern horoscope indicates that in 2017, the Rooster, the leading ideas, goals and hopes of society can begin to be actively realized and put into practice.

The Fire Rooster is ambitious and a born leader. He is ambitious and has great organizational skills. Therefore, if we talk about a career, then 2017 is perfect for getting a new job, mastering a new profession and improving your skills. Many people will be able to move up the career ladder in the year of the Rooster, but they will have to rely only on their own strength.

In general, the Rooster will be favorable to those who take initiative, make decisions independently and persistently pursue their goals. For many, 2017 will be a favorable time to implement their plans and an important stage in moving towards their goals.

In China, they say about the Year of the Fire Rooster that at this time everyone gets what they deserve. Therefore, the Rooster horoscope for 2017 for all signs depends on how correctly you build your life strategy. If you show determination and hard work, then in 2017 you will have undoubted success!


Health promises not to fail in the coming year, but Roosters should not let their condition take its course. In the winter-spring period, in order not to succumb to a severe cold, you should introduce a complex of vitamins into your diet, and also go in for sports. It is better for men to give preference to gaming activities, while women will certainly appreciate exercise in the gym or swimming. Throughout the entire period, there is a high risk of stressful situations that can undermine the psychological state. Try to relax more, spend time with friends, attend cultural events. By developing his spiritual world, the Rooster can easily cope with any problems and will not spoil his health.

Love and relationships

The horoscope for 2017 promises many fleeting hobbies. The rooster will flutter between the chosen ones, fluffing his tail and scattering money left and right. Such behavior will not bring anything good, especially for family representatives of the sign, because by spring everyone will know about the tendency to adventures. In the family, the Rooster will have to choose, and he, of course, will give preference to his other half, but not every partner will be sympathetic to excessive riotousness. Single Roosters will enjoy increased attention, with both sexes having luck with admirers. Wealthy men will be interested in girls, and men will be attracted to charming and young representatives of the fairer sex.


All kinds of leaps are expected in work activity, so the Rooster must be prepared for non-standard situations. During the summer, the likelihood of disagreements with management increases. You should not enter into an open conflict, but it is also not recommended to agree with your opponent’s position. Try to convey your ideas and make defensive arguments, the main thing is to come to a compromise, and then success is guaranteed. In the autumn, an interesting vacancy may arise for the Roosters, but they should not rush off right away. First you need to think and consult with knowledgeable people, because the Fire Rooster gives out different gifts: to some - colossal profits, to others - complete ruin.


Roosters tend to squander the money they earn and changing this behavior is far from easy. So in 2017, there is a risk that horoscope representatives will spend their “last” on some trinket, which they will later greatly regret. The patron of the year suggests thinking about strengthening your financial position, because the accumulated capital may be needed more than once during the year. Already in the spring, lively Roosters will have a chance to invest in a profitable business, which will provide them with a stable cash income in the future. True, you should not risk everything you have acquired; for the sake of such a prospect, you should make informed decisions in matters with money. Hard times may come at the end of the year, so a margin of financial strength will come in handy.

Horoscope for the Rooster man

The horoscope for 2017 for the Rooster man promises success at work, but only if the representative of the sign does not rush from one thing to another. It is important to identify the primary and most significant tasks from the beginning of the year and draw up a plan for their implementation. Then everything will definitely work out for the lively Roosters, which will certainly be appreciated from above and offered a move up the career ladder and a noticeable increase in salary. In their personal lives, male Roosters will be less ardent, because in the coming year they will be more focused on themselves and work. In a family, they will take the care of their significant other for granted. Single Roosters will not think of changing their status, but rather will let the relationship take its course.

Horoscope for the Rooster woman

The horoscope for 2017 for the Rooster woman promises a sea of ​​passions, romance and gifts - isn’t it an excellent forecast? Married ladies will look at their partners with different eyes, and feelings will flare up with renewed vigor. The passion of the first months will return to the relationship, which will only strengthen the marriage. Lonely Hens will feel the attention of fans who will be generous with expensive gifts. Such courtship will inspire girls and increase their own self-esteem. At work, not everything will be smooth for Rooster women. Those in leadership positions will have to constantly resolve minor conflicts, while ordinary employees will be bogged down with piled-up responsibilities.

Horoscope for 2017 according to zodiac signs

Horoscope for Aries for 2017

The Year of the Rooster promises to be successful for the Aries zodiac sign. People born under this sign will have chances to improve their lives. You can become more self-confident, active and sociable, and for this you just need to recognize your shortcomings, cope with them and change.

Particular success in 2017 awaits purposeful and active Aries. Their professional achievements will often be complemented by successes on the personal front, so life will seem like a fairy tale. Unlike other zodiac signs, the stars advise them to start planning for the future. After all, this can lead them to a long-awaited goal and allow them to realize all their plans.

The only condition for successful completion of affairs will be the support of those around you. If your aspirations coincide and you feel a reliable shoulder nearby, you will definitely achieve success.

In the life of Aries, the time has finally come to relax and experience all the delights of life. The previous two difficult years, which passed under the motto “All life is a struggle,” are left behind. The time has come for representatives of this sign to reap the fruits of their hard work. Although it cannot be said that everything will fall at the feet of Aries by itself.

To get something, you will need to put in some effort and be careful. However, this is no longer the same lion fight that had to be waged previously. Rather, this can be called the last push before the finish line. And this breakthrough will have to be made in the first half of the year. But in the summer the real “resort” stage in the life of Aries will begin.

This is the time when you can completely devote yourself to self-improvement, get to know your “I”, and engage in spiritual fulfillment. Do you agree that this is much more pleasant than fighting for material well-being and achieving career heights? After all, this is exactly what the previous years of Aries’ life were spent on.

Horoscope for Taurus for 2017

For the zodiac sign Taurus, 2017 promises to be calmer than the previous year. The stars are favorable to him and even those troubles that arise in the year of the Rooster will quickly disappear, so be patient and calm.

Despite this message, life will not seem gray and dull. The many events happening around you can even tire you, but believe me, without them it will just be boring. Do not complain about fate at such moments, because this is exactly the rhythm of life that your consciousness requires.

In the year of the Rooster, it will be easy for you to work on yourself. This will apply to both improving appearance and education. The main thing is to do everything that is necessary to achieve your dreams: for your appearance - masks and procedures, and to replenish your knowledge - systematic exercises.

The stars, of course, do not guarantee that everything will go like clockwork, but you can count on good compensation for the emotional and material losses incurred. A little patience and perseverance - and things will go well, the heavenly bodies whisper.

The whirlwind of events that fills the Year of the Rooster will not allow Taurus to completely fall into blissful calm.

Perhaps someone will quickly get tired of the frequent change of actions, but it should be remembered that new events will only bring joyful emotions and push representatives of this sign to further development. Any, even the most difficult matter, will literally be argued in the hands of Taurus; when achieving goals, there will be ways to avoid pitfalls.

The horoscope advises you to pay attention to yourself in the new year: change your figure or have surgery, if necessary. Once they get down to business, Taurus will be surprised by the willpower that appears out of nowhere and will easily achieve what they planned. Someone will decide to get an education and additional skills. And that’s right - new knowledge will only be beneficial. And someone will make a sharp turn and engage in creativity, discovering previously hidden talents and opportunities for themselves and those around them.

Horoscope for Gemini 2017

For people born under the zodiac sign Gemini, 2017 will be especially significant, because the plans made during this period will have an impact on subsequent years. The stars mark the fact that under the sign of the Rooster, Gemini will make the most important life decisions. But the main thing is that your wishes are taken into account, and not the advice of others. It is better to treat wishes from outsiders in the year of the Rooster with special caution and forethought.

The horoscope for 2017 predicts good luck for people born under this zodiac sign, which will accompany them both in professional activities and in personal affairs. But keep in mind that it will depend only on each of you how you use this gift of fate.

As they say, water does not flow under a lying stone, so do what you want, take risks if necessary. Of course, the stars do not push you to take rash steps, so remain prudent and balanced.

Gemini has to take an important step towards their bright future. Prosperity will be ensured by the right task. However, making decisions without thinking through all the details and eliminating all the pitfalls is unwise.

It is imperative to weigh everything, eliminate risks, so as not to reproach yourself later for lost profits. A mistake can cost more than one lost year. The stars will favor you in all your endeavors.

The Year of the Rooster is filled with joyful impressions and successful endeavors. This is a positive time in every way for Gemini, when they will feel the presence of magic in the air.

They can fully rely on their intuition, which has let them down more than once before. For timid or doubtful people, an inner voice will prompt the right decisions. This can happen anywhere and any way: in a dream, on public transport or at friendly gatherings. Gemini can see a sign of fate even just by listening to the radio. The main thing is not to miss it, listen to the instructions and act. Then they will catch luck by the tail. Having caught the idea, you need to act immediately so that your enthusiasm does not fade. Of course, this is not typical for Gemini, but you will have to try. And the Stars will be positioned in such a way that it will not be possible to shirk work. When the time comes to sum up the results, they will realize that it was not in vain that they spent so much effort and energy on their work.

Horoscope for Cancer for 2017

To achieve harmony in 2017, people born under the Zodiac sign Cancer need to pay special attention to their inner world. The ability to negotiate with yourself will help in communication skills and communication with others. And this, in turn, will even get rid of emerging problems.

In the year of the Rooster, stars advise paying more attention to new acquaintances. After all, the people who appear in your life promise positive changes not only in your professional activities, but also in your personal life. But before you completely trust a new person, try to learn a little about him.

The horoscope for 2017 warns Cancers against being too reliable. And if you always find understanding when communicating with loved ones, then business partners and colleagues may try to “ride” you, which needs to be nipped in the bud.

The inner world of Cancers is in for a big restructuring. They will begin to get rid of the old and let new things into their lives. This “modernization of the soul” will leave its mark on all areas of Cancer’s life. They will lose self-confidence, feel detached from this world, and lose touch with themselves.

Fortunately, this process is reversible. As soon as new beliefs and views on life are established, Cancer will regain self-control. In order not to become discouraged, the Stars advise not to ignore new acquaintances. Fortune will bring you into contact with the most interesting people, who will subsequently become true friends who can influence the growth and development of Cancers as individuals. Someone will be faced with the need to get rid of a heavy burden that has been sitting around their neck for a long time and guiding their lives.

It is better to get rid of such a “companionship” in time, no matter how close it may seem. You will have to act decisively, maybe even with a scandal. Cancers don’t need any extra workload this year.

Horoscope for Leo for 2017

The Year of the Rooster will be quite ambiguous for representatives of the zodiac constellation Leo. As a rule, they are used to achieving everything in life on their own, but in 2017 they will have to do practically nothing, or completely ignore their work. It's amazing, but let fate give you a gift.

The horoscope for 2017 warns, do not spread yourself thin on too many things. Of course, you are able to do a lot of work, but it is better if you focus on one area. This will save you from unnecessary fatigue and allow you to fully enjoy the results of your business.

Proud and independent Leos will face an unusual situation this year. They will practically not have to enter into a battle for profit, for which they are not at all ready. Representatives of this sign are accustomed to achieving everything themselves, working under the motto “All life is a struggle.”

Therefore, such a scenario of events, when everything will fall into their hands, will at first be somewhat confusing. Fate will give Leos many unpredictable situations that have an extremely favorable outcome. Trust the Stars, they are more supportive of you this year than ever.

The stability of Lviv can only be shaken by a number of difficult circumstances, which must be responded to immediately.

Otherwise, the ground may disappear from under your feet. The horoscope advises to be more flexible, then the likelihood of success will increase significantly. And choose one goal, otherwise you risk missing both birds. In addition to achieving your cherished goal, this will keep you calm. Nervous overload can lead to Leos losing more than they gain. After all, chronic fatigue can affect your health.

Horoscope for Virgo for 2017

In the year of the Rooster, everything will depend on Virgos themselves. This applies to both business achievements and personal life. From the beginning of the year, the stars will begin to dictate new conditions and rules, which will cause discontent. Some will try to go against fate, but astrologers strongly advise against doing this.

The fact is that the changes you cause will only make the situation worse, so think more than once before doing anything. If you approach the problem from a philosophical point of view, you will see that not everything is so tragic. There are also positive aspects to this that will please you in the end.

The horoscope for 2017 indicates a particularly busy period - the end of spring and the beginning of summer. At this time, you will have to make a fateful decision, so listen to your heart and reject opinions imposed by others that can lead you astray.

Virgos will not be able to sit idly by in the year of the Rooster. Many matters will require their personal participation. Those for whom independence is the norm will not experience any difficulties. It will be difficult for those who are used to going with the flow. If they do not change their attitude towards life, fate will severely punish them. The stars advise you to be firm in your actions from the very beginning of the year.

This determination will help those born under the sign of Virgo to cope with the trials that the Rooster has prepared for them a lot. It is better to choose cunning tactics and use the course of events to your advantage. The stars are on your side, although it is difficult to believe. Especially when everything falls out of hand.

Horoscope for Libra for 2017

For the zodiac sign Libra, the Year of the Rooster will pass in a kind and relatively calm atmosphere. Several controversial issues may arise due to their suspiciousness, but if you accept the situation as it is, everything will be fine. By moving on to something else, they will see the “big problem” simply go away.

The horoscope for 2017 advises this sign of the zodiac constellation to listen more to the opinions of others and especially close people. If this does not cause significant discomfort, think about it, maybe they are right. In any case, take it as an axiom that everyone has the right to their own opinion.

The success of Libra in 2017 depends entirely on themselves. Fate will present them with many chances to improve their well-being; they just need not to miss them. Having grabbed hold of a project, you need to invest every effort in its implementation, show determination and independence.

In 2017, the Stars will give almost all Libras the opportunity to move to a new level of personal development. This is especially true for the strong half of the representatives of the sign, who will be faced with the need to solve some problems, and there will be several ways to overcome them. The stars claim that Libra can handle any task, especially if they are faced with it for the first time.

Horoscope for Scorpio for 2017

The Year of the Rooster for the Scorpio zodiac sign will be full of various events, some of which may even surprise you. When faced with them, do not rush to draw conclusions and, moreover, you should not share it with others until you understand what’s what. The horoscope for 2017 warns that you may have a desire to part with something from the past.

If such a decision is made, go towards the goal without looking back, otherwise you will take a step back and simply get stuck in the middle of the path. Learn to leave the cinema when the film is not enjoyable, as well as part with people who cause pain. The stars say that the process of breaking up for such Scorpios can be painful, but it is better than feeling pain for a long time.

Other representatives of this zodiac sign will have to face laziness, which is recommended to be driven as far as possible. This doesn't mean you can't take a break for a day or two or just lie on the couch. Relax and enjoy your surroundings, the main thing is not to remain in this position for the entire year of the Rooster. It will be very difficult to get out of such “hibernation”, and Scorpios may miss out on many promising opportunities.

In 2017, many Scorpios will stand on the threshold of big changes, through which they will divide their lives into “before” and “after”. The turning point in their life will be the meeting of a new person who will pull them along.

Scorpio will be overcome by the wind of change; he will want to leave old colleagues and tedious work behind him and let a wave of transformation into his life. Following the object of their adoration, they are ready to go to the ends of the world, leaving family and friends. Someone will change jobs.

Changes in life will change the worldview of the representatives of the sign. The brave ones will be pleased with the result, but the more timid ones, on the contrary, will be frightened by such a turn in life.

What happens next depends entirely on the Scorpios themselves. The stars advise you to take a risk and take a step towards the unknown, the unknown, to discover another world. Of course, your relatives will not like such somersaults. But time will pass, and they will accept you for who you have become.

Horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017

Representatives of the zodiac sign Sagittarius in the year of the Rooster will have a unique opportunity to move forward, perhaps in several areas of activity. But this will happen solely at your request, and the people and circumstances around you are not able to prevent this.

The horoscope for 2017 promises to give you the natural cunning that was so often lacking. And this is in addition to the usual ingenuity and erudition, which together will simplify the path to achieving new results.

The stars say that Sagittarians in 2017 will easily get along with people, regardless of their views. Thanks to this, you will be able to achieve success and win the favor of people important to you. No matter how paradoxical it may be, you will not compromise your principles, and your conscience will remain clear.

The optimistic nature of the representatives of this sign and strong energy will open up many prospects for them. They will be able to look at emerging problems from the outside, without giving in to it, and this will help them solve them with ease, while saving nerves and time.

Sagittarius will pay a lot of attention to communicating with people. These could be new acquaintances or long-standing relationships that need to be built anew. Perhaps on their way they will meet an old love, and there will be a desire to reanimate the relationship. Someone will have to restore old business contacts.

In one case or another, the Stars are on your side. This is the most favorable time to open a notebook and, forgetting grievances, dial the numbers of those who have long been forgotten, ask for a meeting and forgive each other everything over a cup of hot tea. This will help Sagittarius to be inspired and discover something new in themselves. In addition, old friends will bring something valuable into their lives that Sagittarius once abandoned without really understanding it. The stars advise you to listen to your past and not be afraid to step into the same river twice.

Horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

In the year of the Rooster, representatives of the zodiac constellation Capricorn will prove themselves to be excellent organizers. This will apply to both their professional activities and family matters. You will succeed in everything that you do not undertake. Everyone around you will be grateful to you for this and, at the same time, they will be pleasantly surprised, which will change their opinion of you for the better. This will not go unnoticed by your superiors, so you may be promoted or assigned an important project.

In the year of the Rooster, one of your strengths will be avoiding conflicts. Moreover, you will be able not only to anticipate events, but also to smooth out emerging negative situations. In addition, those around you will begin to respect you even more for your ability to defend your point of view.

The horoscope for 2017 warns of envious people and competitors, who may cause not the most pleasant emotions. They will try to put a spoke in your wheels, but the stars say that you should not worry about this. It is better to show some cunning and win without making much effort.

Capricorns have a difficult year ahead. They will have to overcome one obstacle after another. Of course it will be exhausting. Therefore, the Stars advise you to set your priorities correctly.

First, understand yourself, start improving. A new look at the world will delight you, everything around you will begin to change. Problems will no longer seem so global, and Capricorns will begin to find charm in seemingly the simplest things.

Also, the heavenly bodies prophesy problems related to their materialism for representatives of the sign. This trait of Capricorn is not liked by the Rooster, the owner of the year, so there is a risk of entering into conflict with him.

Give up your practical and rational principles, do not create difficulties for yourself out of nowhere. By the way, a new acquaintance can help with this. Capricorns can meet the most amazing person who will change their view of the world and open a new page in life. This rendezvous will allow representatives of the sign to abstract themselves from work and teach them to enjoy every moment.

Horoscope for Aquarius for 2017

People born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius in the year of the Rooster will have the opportunity to approach their lives more rationally. Failures that accompany any active person will not cause you emotional distress, because there is nothing catastrophic in them. At the same time, you will sincerely rejoice at any success and learn to appreciate events that can brighten up everyday life. Thanks to this, your overall mood will change for the better.

In the Year of the Rooster, both imposed stereotypes and public opinion will cease to be significant for you. By abstracting yourself from what your friends will say, you will look at things more realistically. Just try not to let your new attitude cause inconvenience to your loved ones.

The horoscope for 2017 promises Aquarius a large number of new acquaintances, both in their professional activities and in their personal lives. Positive changes will help you move up the career ladder, but this is only if you put in maximum diligence and effort. Single people will have a chance to find their destiny, and the chosen one will be among new acquaintances.

This year is in every way the year of Aquarius. The fact is that the representatives of this sign and the Rooster ruling during this period are very close in spirit. These are people of a creative nature who do not want to take on difficult tasks and avoid difficulties. Their strong point is communication.

Moreover, they like to discuss not just anything, but global issues, such as climate change or the looming threat of war. At the same time, they offer one recipe for all ills – personal growth and the realization of one’s own talents. Oddly enough, they are right, the Stars suggest. Since we are on the threshold of the Age of Aquarius, representatives of this sign will have plenty of opportunities to demonstrate the correctness of their judgments.

They will avoid conflicts and prove they are right not with words, but with deeds. Being creative people, Aquarians will be able to realize their creative plans. At the same time, they will even have a chance to shift the main work onto someone else’s shoulders, leaving control functions for themselves. This is quite enough to make you feel happy. Mutual love will also add joy. This feeling will be unexpected for Aquarius and will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Horoscope for Pisces for 2017

As the stars say, Pisces in the year of the Rooster have every chance to find what they really like. This can be anything, from work that brings true satisfaction and material well-being, to the discovery of new favorite routes for walking and traveling.

Many Pisces will have a new hobby in the year of the Rooster, allowing them to use all their unspent creative potential. You will also probably meet a very interesting person on your life’s path who can become your life partner if your heart is not already occupied.

The horoscope for 2017 warns representatives of this zodiac sign against excessive gullibility and naivety, which ill-wishers can take advantage of. During this period, trust only trusted and close people. This will save you from many mistakes.

Astrologers notice that many Pisces will feel a desire to part with their past, which is burdened by unpleasant memories. This is especially true for people whose communication not only does not bring satisfaction, but also causes a feeling of discomfort. In this case, it is necessary to show healthy selfishness and stop the unpleasant acquaintance. Otherwise, constant stress is fraught with consequences.

The year will be significant in many ways for those born under the sign of Pisces. First of all, because the period of stagnation in their lives, which lasted almost 10 years, will end. They seem to wake up from a dream, throw off the burden of idleness and feel an incredible surge of energy. A big breakthrough will be made in your career. This area suffered the most from the inaction of the representatives of the sign.

Pisces will be able to undertake projects that they would not have dared to think about implementing before. The energy of Pisces will have an ascending character. Like an empty vessel, they will constantly be filled with strength. This will not go unnoticed. Those around you, accustomed to seeing sluggish, unprincipled representatives of the sign in front of them, will not recognize old acquaintances in Pisces and will be pleasantly surprised by the changes.

In parallel with getting things going, Pisces will start organizing their personal lives. Perhaps they will meet a person without whom they will no longer imagine their existence. Afraid of missing out on love, they will immediately rush to win the heart of the chosen one. Thus, the whole year the life of Pisces will be filled with events in business, on the personal front, perhaps they will make a trip. In addition, they will engage in self-improvement. Everything will give Pisces strength, the air will be filled with the aroma of happiness and prosperity.

years of birth: 1909 1921 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 2017

The rooster belongs to the Yang group of animals. This is the tenth sign of the Chinese horoscope. Its time is from 17 to 19 hours. The season that brings good luck is autumn, and the peak period is September. According to the European Zodiac, it corresponds to the sign of Virgo. Its fixed element is Metal. The color that brings happiness and prosperity is yellow. Flowers and plants that bring good luck are hawthorn, sunflower, gentian, palm and orange tree. The most favorable countries for the Rooster are England, Austria, Ghana, Haiti, Paraguay.

There is a belief that Roosters spread throughout the world from the Scandinavian countries and their ancestor was the Gallic Rooster. There are no legends associated with it, it is simply a symbol. During the revolution in France, the Rooster was a symbol of revolutionaries. This is not in vain, because no one can deny his combativeness and tenacity. It is believed that the Rooster symbolizes the Sun, since with its morning singing it calls the mighty luminary to the sky. In India, it personifies solar energy, and in Japan - the revival of the first light. In China, the Rooster symbolizes the five main virtues. This is a real harbinger of good, with his appearance and gait he lures good spirits, with his comb he resembles the noble Chinese Rooster - this is the image of the patron and a symbol of life. With his calling cry, he heralds the coming of the day and disperses the evil spirits of darkness. We know that according to all legends, witches, sorcerers and vampires are able to act only until the first cock crow. The rooster represents youth, light and hope.

In nature there are a huge number of different Roosters, which amaze with their incredible colors and length of feathers. They are always businesslike and casual, regarding their human masters as servants for their important person. When there were no clocks yet, the rooster served as an alarm clock, and even now in distant villages where civilization has not yet penetrated, people get up at the call of the rooster in order to begin field work.

In general, the life of the Rooster does not promise great success. They typically experience many ups and downs throughout their lives, both in love and work. Poverty will alternate with wealth.

If the Rooster was born in the spring, he will be less of a braggart. In childhood, adolescence and adulthood, the Rooster is often burdened with problems that cause him to rise and fall. During such periods, they experience both happiness and failure. They may find themselves either in a noisy circle of people or in complete isolation. But, as a rule, in the second half of life their situation stabilizes, they acquire a good job and position in society. Then their life becomes calm and they live to a deep and happy old age.


These are very versatile individuals who actively participate in all areas of activity. Very bright, elegant, beautifully dressed, because they love when people pay attention to them. They show great taste in everything. Roosters know how to present themselves and cannot go unnoticed. They begin to put themselves in order even before everyone wakes up. These people are rarely satisfied with themselves. They are very pleasant in communication. Completely relaxed and... do not depend on the assessment of others.

Roosters are very educated and know how to carry on a conversation on any topic. They are adored in any company, they are welcome guests at any party. These are real secular people. Roosters love to show off their knowledge; this is their kind of protection. They also love to be the subject of salon gossip and to be conspicuous with their colorful clothes. No psychological genius can figure out if they're really that laid-back, or if it's just great acting? It’s just that Roosters know very well all their strengths and weaknesses. In fact, this is just a fragile creature that is afraid of public exposure.

Just because Roosters are easy to communicate with, this does not mean that they are easy to get along with. They are too selfish and do not like to be contradicted. First of all, they care exclusively about their peace of mind and well-being, finding this quite normal. At the same time, they are completely indifferent to the condition of others. They do not tolerate even the slightest interference in their own affairs and never interfere in those of others. Roosters are distrustful and difficult to fool. They will do some real research before believing. If, by their standards, the information is true, then they will take the necessary actions. Deep down in their souls they are very conservative both in politics and in the family. These people are convinced that they are always right and infallible.

Despite this, Roosters are terribly sensitive and sentimental. They are greatly appreciated by those around them, because Roosters can provide assistance in the most critical situations. They are very kind and helpful, happy to carry out other people's orders. But if they feel that they are being exploited and their kindness is being used for personal gain, they will kick the impudent person out.

People often turn to them for advice - no one can get to the bottom of the problem better than the Rooster. These people are capable of showering you with fantastic ideas, but this does not mean that they can be implemented. They prefer to keep their problems to themselves. Roosters have difficulty accepting help from others, and this complicates relationships with others. Roosters do not like to feel dependent even on friends.

Roosters are always original, sometimes to the point of eccentricity. They are easy-going and never get impatient. Sometimes they withdraw into themselves, not wanting to reveal the reasons for their experiences. Those born under this sign love to dream of their own castles in the air and imagine themselves as heroes. These are real warriors, geniuses and philosophers in slippers. They do not know how to live according to a stable schedule, but their moral principles are completely indestructible.

Sometimes they are drawn to adventure, but at the same time they are very concerned about their safety. They cannot be called cowards, because they boldly face danger. This is the bravest sign of the Chinese horoscope.


Roosters often surprise others with their attitude towards money. They absolutely cannot stand control and are accustomed to managing their own funds. They are not able to save and budget correctly. Their expenses always significantly exceed their income. There is hardly a Rooster who knows how to manage his financial affairs. Therefore, they often fall into financial dependence and suffer disasters. They spend their money with incredible ease, without thinking about the consequences. But sometimes their greed awakens, especially if they are next to a rich person. Knowing that you can pay your bill, they will never pay for you as a courtesy.

They are not embarrassed by the lack of money in their account. On the contrary, they feel much better when there is no money, since the problem of where to spend it disappears. Apparently, the Roosters have little interest in financial power; they need money to satisfy their needs and desires. This makes them dexterous, flexible and allows them to easily endure any hardship and need. Roosters perceive everything as it is. They are realists in everything.


These people can succeed in any profession because they are very confident in themselves. -Roosters are smart, dexterous, they know how to win and are endowed with incredible eloquence. They adore comfort and therefore strive for high material well-being, but cannot do routine work. The Rooster needs creative work related to travel and travel. They love professions that involve spectacle, because here they can spread their tail and turn into a peacock.

Roosters are very disciplined, but sometimes they are drawn to exploits. At such moments they may make a mistake. Roosters are vain and rise through the ranks through a harmonious combination of persistence, directness and energy. They stop only when the goal is achieved.

People born under the sign of the Rooster are highly valued, but not everyone agrees with them. Roosters do not know how to compromise even with the most powerful authorities. Their most powerful weapon is charm; it works wonders. But this weapon does not always work. For many Roosters, their professional lives are extremely unstable. They tend to frequently change the direction of their activities, so they jump from place to place, forgetting about the future. Only the Family can have the proper influence on him. When the Rooster is married, he looks at his professional responsibilities differently.

These people easily withstand extreme situations and easily find suitable solutions. Of course, impressionability can play a cruel joke on them - then the Roosters simply get lost in the details. But in any case, they do not tolerate outside interference; they are able to solve all problems on their own. In their work they are always organized, almost pedantic. They never lose enthusiasm and boldly rush forward.

Having a dreamy nature, they can become lazy. Sometimes they grab a large piece that they cannot swallow, after which they are very disappointed. Money does not come easily to Roosters, but if they overcome their daydreaming, they will definitely achieve success. But there is another side to the coin. If the Rooster fails to overcome his absent-mindedness, he will turn into a philosophical vagabond. At the same time, it is impossible not to notice it.

Roosters are very suitable for work on the land and for public positions that require constant contact with people. They usually quickly spend everything they earn. They take on great financial risks, often leading them to ruin. The rooster does not know how to save.

They make excellent commercial agents, cooks, bartenders, salespeople, estheticians, manicurists, hairdressers, cosmetologists, dentists, surgeons, officials, military personnel, firefighters, police officers, bodyguards, waiters and teachers.


The rooster is distinguished by another phenomenon - it matures very early. However, Roosters skillfully organize their future and choose the right partner. They know how to take care of themselves and those close to them. Their wisdom helps to properly adapt to loved ones. This is not surprising, because they are very sociable and energetic, which helps in everyday communication.

Roosters are capable of bringing the atmosphere of love to perfection. If their partner cannot appreciate their efforts, they will quickly turn away from him and try to find someone else or devote themselves to their career. Roosters cannot tolerate ignorance and behave frankly in any situation.

Representatives of this sign can be carried away by passion, but at the same time they will never lose their heads. There is no need to pay attention to the frivolous appearance - intelligence and prudence are hidden behind their appearance. They do not like to retreat; they know the feeling of victory. But if victory comes easily, they quickly forget about the loser. Roosters prefer difficulties; they are attracted to impregnable barricades.

In love, Roosters sometimes suffer failures due to an indomitable desire to keep their beloved. They may be disappointed because their dreams sometimes diverge from reality. They can be reproached for infidelity, because Roosters are too loving and are accustomed to looking for something new, unknown. But this is not an easy matter, because they are very jealous of their independence. So Roosters may accidentally pass by true love, which they will regret for the rest of their lives. They have a similar attitude towards friends. Roosters are terribly jealous and do not tolerate rivals. They may not show it on the outside, but they will be seething inside. They never suffer from indifference. Under no circumstances should they be suppressed by all-consuming passion. It's better to find an approach from the other side. They are incorrigible talkers - they need to throw a suitable topic and try to listen to them. They can also be seduced by delicious cuisine and interesting gossip.


There is no need to pay attention to the appearance of the Rooster. Although at times he looks like a dreamer, he treats family responsibilities with great responsibility. Roosters love order and are endowed with unshakable morality, so they are partial to conventions and laws. They easily adapt to the family atmosphere even after a hectic bachelor life. If Roosters marry, they do not do it for convenience.

Roosters adore their spouses and surround them with constant care, despite their selfish nature. If discord begins in the family, they try in every possible way to overcome the misunderstanding. They are always against extremes. Roosters decide to divorce only when agreement is absolutely impossible. Roosters have incredible straightforwardness, so they cannot tolerate hypocrisy around them.

Roosters are wonderful parents, albeit domineering ones. Roosters cannot stand lies and tricks: if children start to play around, it makes them angry. Roosters are overly sensitive natures; their adherence to principles often causes protest among children. Roosters do not tend to compromise; they often behave selfishly.

But since they themselves do not notice this, their conscience is calm. The main thing is to give the family everything they need. If someone close to you gets into trouble, the Rooster will immediately react and make every effort to help. In relation to children, the Rooster is often selfless.

Children born in the year of the Rat, Hare, and Dog will feel somewhat embarrassed in the Rooster family, as they love to be pampered. Therefore, these children will consider themselves misunderstood and hate their parents. Children - Sheep, Oxen and Boars - calmly obey their demanding parents - Roosters. Children-Dragons, Tigers and Horses will refuse to obey, which will only cause rage in the Rooster, and it can come to a mortal fight. Snakes and Monkeys are the best children for the Rooster family, because friendly, open relationships are always established between them.


These are people who follow a certain order in everything. They want to have connections according to certain rules. It is very difficult for them to surrender to a passion that they cannot control. The Rooster is constrained by practical logic, so, first of all, he tries to sort out his life, and then he looks for a partner. His sex life, as a rule, begins very late. Sometimes it happens that he comprehends his biological purpose after thirty. He opens for. sex when others are already having an intense sex life. Most Roosters are more intelligent than representatives of other signs. The trouble is that they cannot find a partner who meets all their requirements.

Roosters tend to rate people low and therefore may miss a suitable candidate. They should not be considered cold, they are simply people who are used to strictly controlling themselves. Their secret desires often remain hidden. Their modesty is a natural state; you will never know about their sexual experience.

Roosters believe that they can improve themselves through hard work. When they encounter some kind of sexual problem, they begin to delve not only into their partner, but also into themselves. They can be sincere and patient, but they do not always listen to the call of their heart. Their energy is enough for two or three people. They are extremely careful in all new connections. They know what their partners want. If the partner does not know what he wants, the Rooster will definitely find an option that will give him pleasure. For Roosters, sex is more of a duty than a physical need. They like those who know how to control themselves and wait for the moment when sex becomes inevitable. Roosters look at courtship as a foreplay game that they must go through.


Roosters know how to show off. If they like someone, they will use all their talents to seduce the victim. They will spin around in front of the object of their desires, spreading their tail, stunning him and ultimately charming him. Roosters flirt with great ease, but will never show their feelings for the sake of idle pleasure. Roosters look at these issues philosophically.

Roosters require increased attention and always know how to recognize falsehood in a relationship. In everything they want to be a kind of accomplices. They simply love their lovers to follow them on their heels and listen to them with their mouths open. They are very loyal and will do anything to maintain their bond.

If Roosters cheat, they do it not for the sake of new pleasures, but because of the need to be convinced of their own irresistibility. And there is no need to make a scene - it will only amuse them. With constant negative reactions from his partner, the Rooster may become offended and leave, although he will remain a loyal friend, without retaining any anger in his soul.

If there is a need to buy a gift for the Rooster, you need to choose something from clothing or something needed in everyday life. They always like what people think about them - for them attention is above all else. The Rooster is very easy to seduce: you need to immediately shower him with compliments about his intelligence and appearance. But if there is nothing more to talk about and the time has come to part ways, it is enough to hint at their abnormal thinking and excessive talkativeness. They will not stay close to such a person.


Duke of Edinburgh, Erol Flint, Yoko Ono, Dolly Partens, Peter Ustinov, Richard Wagner, Cardinal Richelieu, Goebbels, Marie de Medici, Andre Maurois, Jean de La Fontaine, John Colet, Enrico Caruso, Catherine the Great II, Fenimore Cooper, Katherine Hepburn, Vladimir Belyaev, Leonid Vereshchagin, Lev Ginzburg, Andrei Gromyko, Bekjamin Goodman, James Jones, Marcel Carne, Vadim Kozhevnikov, Martti Larney, Stanislav Lem, Juliet Mazina, Neil Miller, Yuri Nikulin, Bella Rudenko, Andrei Sakharov, Jean Paul Belmondo, Claude Bernard , Yves Montand, Philip Augustus, Johann Strauss, Rabindranath Tagore, Giuseppe Verdi, Queen Victoria, Eugene Paton.


Rooster and Rooster

These partners live peacefully, although there are also violent emotions hidden here. They are always interested in being together, and it never comes to discord or misunderstanding. When they love their partner, they show a lot of emotions, and if they are indifferent to him, they openly talk about it. Roosters cannot stand other people's shortcomings, while not noticing their own. This situation can only cause disagreement. But this does not mean that the matter will end in war. A family can be strong if they have children.

Rooster and Rat

The Rat immediately pushes the Rooster away. The Rat sees only the shortcomings of its partner; it cannot stand vanity and superficiality. But if the Rat had taken a closer look at the Rooster, it would have found positive traits in him. In aggressiveness, they can argue with each other, so that their relationship can turn into a real war. In addition, both of them do not know how to save at all. At first they behave too wastefully, and then they finally go bankrupt. In this combination, it is better if the man is born a Rat and the woman a Rooster. Then her* thriftiness will help preserve the remaining savings.

Rooster and Ox

These partners get along without problems. The Ox allows the Rooster to straighten his feathers, because he knows that the Rooster needs communication. Vol himself absolutely does not know how to maintain small talk. The Rooster leaves the toiler Ox to earn his bread, but he prefers to sing. The rooster is not the most hardworking animal, but at the same time it is very diplomatic and can predict the irritation of its partner. They will always be able to find harmony. True, in this union it is impossible to do without friction, for example, if Vol invites friends to dinner and does not inform about it on time. However, these are the little things in life. The union is ideal for business: the Rooster leads, and the Ox executes.

Rooster and Tiger

This is a very difficult union. The sensitive and loyal Tiger is not sensible enough to understand the actions of the Rooster. The Tiger is often perplexed by the actions of people. But the Rooster cannot be judged only by external actions. The Rooster makes an irresistible impression, which sometimes creates a false impression of his PERSONALITY. In alliance with the Tiger, everything goes well for them at first. The power-hungry Tiger is flattered by the adoration of the Rooster. But soon the Rooster’s boasting begins to irritate the Tiger, and he begins to criticize him. The Rooster cannot stand comments and suffers from the injustice of his partner. Things take an undesirable turn, the Rooster feels misunderstood and decides to retire to where people are more tolerant. But before he leaves, he will frankly tell the truth to the Tiger. They can maintain friendly relations, be wonderful lovers or companions, but not for long.

Rooster and Hare

This is a very strange and dangerous alliance that can end in a fight - be it love, friendship or work. Even the patient Hare cannot withstand the fidgety Rooster. At first he will be amused by the awkward actions of his motley partner, but then it will get boring. The Hare's patience is running out and he begins to get angry. The Rooster can literally bring you to a white heat, then the Hare loses control and wants to pluck the Rooster. The Rooster has no bad intentions, and therefore will consider the Hare simply evil. In this case he will be right. If the man is a Hare, then he will try to make the Rooster woman an obedient mistress. But she will not be able to play this role to the end. As soon as he goes beyond the threshold, she will definitely fly out the window. If a man was born in the year of the Rooster, then the Hare woman will simply kill him with her criticism.

Rooster and Dragon

Both love to shine and show off, but they do it in different ways. The Rooster wants to please everyone, but the Dragon is simply created to be brilliant. Everything is going quite well in this union. The Rooster tries to show himself in all his splendor thanks to the Dragon. He admires the Dragon and is proud that he managed to attract his attention, and flattery for the Dragon is the most important thing. True, it will not happen without crises. Quarrels can arise from mutual misunderstanding. The Rooster does everything selflessly and takes great care of his appearance, and this can irritate the Dragon. He loses patience, and the Rooster can only leave.

Rooster and Snake

According to the Chinese horoscope, this union is considered ideal. They can achieve balance as spirit and consciousness unite. These allies can always come to an agreement, because they feel each other perfectly. They appreciate the inherent elegance of both of them, look great next to each other and make the impression of a wonderful couple. When they go out into society, they take a long time and scrupulously select clothes in order to be at their best. The Rooster loves to rant about his successes and victories, and the Snake listens to him with pleasure and comments with humor. The Snake feels very calm next to the Rooster, because this is the only person who can understand it. The snake will learn to perceive him as he really is. Oddly enough, She will patiently endure his primacy, because she intuitively feels that they are suitable for each other. Even if there are quarrels, they will still be able to find a common language.

Rooster and Horse

This union has every chance of failure. Both are trying to improve themselves and are used to taking care of themselves. For these allies, the opinions of others are very important; they are picky and touchy - especially the Rooster. A competition arises in their relationship, in which everyone tries to emerge victorious. In addition, their similarity does not contribute to the deepening of relations, but, on the contrary, depresses them. The Horse will be annoyed by the Rooster's efforts to spread his tail outside the house. She will begin to suffer, and they will begin to get on each other's nerves. The silence between them will drag on, and, as you know, both need communication. As a result, they will begin to look for communication on the side.

Rooster and Dog

These people have a lot in common, but they look at love and social life differently, which is why they sometimes don’t understand each other well. The Sheep next to the Rooster feels completely safe, since the Rooster is used to working for everyone. The egoist Rooster will require the constant presence of the Sheep and her boundless love, and this is difficult for the Sheep. The Rooster will remain disappointed, and the Sheep will be offended and go to seek happiness elsewhere. If in this union the woman is a Rooster and the man is a Sheep, she will torment him with endless reproaches for being loose and irresponsible. This union can only survive with a full understanding of each other's shortcomings. ROOSTER AND DOG

These people are similar in only one thing: both love criticism, which is the cause of discord. The Rooster criticizes constantly and does not even realize it. The dog, in turn, cannot tolerate it. the Rooster's boastfulness and carelessness - she spends a lot of time raising him. But no matter how hard the Dog tries, she still will not be able to change her original partner. Their relationship could turn into the Battle of Borodino. In this case, both will suffer, because they are too sensitive. If they behave more restrained, then their union can last a very, long time.

Rooster and Boar

The calm and thick-skinned Pig will not pay attention to the Rooster’s injections. Boars know how to appreciate the kindness and nobility of the Rooster, which he does not particularly boast of. The boar knows how to curb the aggressiveness of his motley friend and calms him down in time. The Rooster will never humiliate the Pig and will not exploit him. These people get along well and excellent companionship is established between them, based on mutual understanding and talkativeness. The union is based more on intellect than on passion and love. At the slightest danger, they always rush to each other's aid. There is always an iron order in their home, which cannot be destroyed even by outside interference.