Why do you dream about piglets? Why do you dream about pigs? What do dream books say about a pig? Interpretation of the dream Why do you dream of a pig in a pit?

Whom we sometimes meet in our dreams.

There are all sorts of guests, but when a pig appears in a dream, you can’t help but wonder what it’s for?

Few people will associate the pig with friendship, joy, health or good news. Rather, this animal is associated with untidiness, dirty thoughts or actions, there is an expression “to put a pig down”, in general - nothing good.

But before you decide that a boar in a dream promises trouble, don’t rush. In fact, it is not easy to understand why pigs dream – and what’s more, such dreams can portend very, very good things.

Health, wealth, success - the pig can easily prophesy all this! And here it is important to correctly decipher the dream.

And for this you need to remember all its details and details. What was the pig like? What did she do, how did she behave? What conditions and circumstances was she in? And, in the end, what did you do with this animal?

For example, dream scenarios might look something like this:

  • You just saw an unremarkable animal.
  • You dream of a lot of pigs, for example a whole pigsty.
  • You see a large boar or several hogs.
  • You dreamed of cute pink piglets.
  • Or a pig with piglets.
  • All you saw was stubble.
  • You dreamed of a pig's head - for example, in a market or on a table.
  • We saw a pig's snout.
  • I dreamed of a pig in the mud.
  • A pig has found itself in your house or apartment.
  • You saw an animal dying in a dream.
  • A boar or pig is itching in your dream.
  • You dreamed of a pig wearing a crown.
  • You dream that you are the owner of one pig or a pigsty where there are many of them.
  • You kill a wild boar in a dream.
  • Eat a pig.
  • Eat pork cooked in any way.
  • You are buying a pig (or pork).
  • Feed the cattle.
  • Ride a pig or boar.

Whether the dream is pleasant or not is not so important, because its meaning may be quite unexpected for you. So remember the details properly, and we’ll find out what to expect from such a dream.

See a pig – and more than one!

In a dream, you could either see pigs from the outside, or actively do something directly related to these animals.

These are completely different types of dreams, and we will first consider those in which you only saw an animal, but did not contact it and did not come close to it. Or they approached, but did not touch, did not feed, and so on.

What do such dreams mean? Depends on what the pig was like and what it did.

1. Just an ordinary pig, unremarkable in anything, dreams of wealth, a well-fed life, prosperity and stability in the home. But the dream book warns that living too much and not knowing the limits can cause harm, so enjoy your prosperity, but live in moderation and wisely.

2. Seeing a lot of pigs, wild boars, or a whole pigsty in a dream is not very good. The dream warns you of notoriety, rumors and gossip, rumors about your unworthy behavior. Try not to provoke this - behave in such a way that your reputation does not suffer.

3. Large, menacing hogs or wild boars are dreamed of as a warning. You may be surrounded by evil, ignorant, bad people. Avoid bad company and maintain your dignity.

4. But for a girl or young, free woman, a boar dreams of an imminent proposal! A potential groom will appear on the horizon very soon, and it’s up to you to decide whether to agree or not...

5. The dream in which piglets appear is a dream of profit. Cute little piglets will bring you income in reality - and the more of them there were in the dream, the larger the profit, winnings, promotion or reward will be.

6. And if you saw a pig with piglets in your dreams, this meaning is completely different. Such a dream can promise arrogant people, parasites, slackers who want to make a profit just like that.

These people can either harm you and your work, or simply be nearby, in your environment, or take advantage of you directly. If you dreamed of a pig with piglets, be especially careful and attentive, do not let people take advantage of you just like that.

7. Seeing pork bristles in a dream is a sign of great joy, good events and surprises, very pleasant.

8. If in a dream you saw a pig's head - be it on the counter of a market or a butcher shop, or on a table, beautifully decorated - this, according to the dream book, promises a long journey.

  • If the head looked normal and was fresh, then the road will bring joy and will be good.
  • If you dream of a head with flies, worms, or a scary one, be very careful on the way, some difficulties may arise.

9. But a dream in which you saw a pig’s snout warns that you are in danger of injury, unexpected injury. So be careful.

10. As the dream book says, animals in the mud, in a puddle, are gossip and intrigues of enemies in reality.

11. A pig in your own home promises recovery, recovery for the sick, and improvement of affairs.

12. If a pig dies in your dream, some unpleasant news and even trouble may await you.

13. A dream in which animals itch promises quarrels and conflicts.

14. And if you happen to see a hog wearing a crown, expect a conflict with your superiors.

Throwing pearls before swine

Dreams in which you had to somehow come into contact with pigs have many interesting meanings.

Remember what exactly you did?

1. A dream in which you were the owner of a pig or pigsty promises you great unconditional happiness! Your life will soon become happy and full.

2. If you ate a pig in your well-fed dream, then expect losses. Better yet, think about how to avoid them so that you don’t have to live in poverty.

3. If you eat pork in any other form, this also does not bode well. The dream warns of your vulnerability to illness. Try to take care of your health.

4. Buying a live pig or pork in a dream promises some kind of deception on the part of others. They will try to deceive you.

5. If you fed pigs in your dream, this means that in reality you are spending your own money unwisely, and you should think about it and reconsider your expenses. Otherwise, you risk going bankrupt soon.

6. If you rode on the back of a pig or boar in your dreams, then in reality you will probably experience loud and unbridled fun, which you will regret later. It’s better, of course, to take care of yourself - you can’t wash your reputation and conscience, so don’t do anything stupid.

Such different dreams - even though the pig is a simple animal, there are a whole lot of meanings. Be attentive to dreams, analyze the meanings and your actions, and decide for yourself how to apply the knowledge gained. Author: Vasilina Serova

Although pigs are not cute and cuddly animals, they often symbolize some pleasant events, good luck and prosperity. These representatives of artiodactyls often appear in night visions and are interpreted differently. To understand why pigs and piglets dream, you need to remember the dream with all the details and pay attention to even the smallest details.

A pig in dreams is a rather ambiguous symbol. On the one hand, it predicts prosperity and success. The dreamer can expect an increase in salary, a large bonus, and good luck in business.

On the other hand, losses, troubles and conflicts are possible. The image of an animal is associated with something dirty and sloppy. The piglet indicates that next to the dreamer there is a dishonest person who has no moral principles. The sleeper in real life will have to face deception and dishonesty.

To interpret such a plot, you need to take a multifaceted approach and use natural intuition. Please pay attention to the following points:

  • characteristics of animals;
  • what the pigs and piglets did;
  • the dreamer's actions.

Dreams of a woman and a man

For a young girl with little piglets, it portends an imminent marriage. It is possible that she will soon receive a marriage proposal. Family life will be very successful.

An adult woman who has such a dream should not count on a long-term relationship with a man. In the near future, she will begin a short, whirlwind romance that will not lead to anything serious.

A white sow surrounded by piglets symbolizes a happy mother with many children. who is happy in the family. She succeeds in everything, she manages not only to take care of her children and husband, but also to do what she loves, which brings profit. Envy and gossip behind her back do not touch her.

If a young woman who recently got married dreamed of a pig on the night from Thursday to Friday, she will soon become pregnant.

For a man to see a dirty pig is a sign of discord in his relationship with his partner. Most likely, lovers lack purity and honesty. Sometimes such a vision speaks of a man’s rudeness and injustice towards a woman.

Characteristics of animals

For the interpretation of a dream, the appearance of the pig is very important. If she looks clean, healthy, cheerful, cheerful, has a good appetite and thick sides - everything will turn out great. For the dreamer, the vision portends a happy and prosperous time. The white streak in life will last quite a long time, you need to take full advantage of it.

Clean and well-fed piglets predict a successful outcome of any undertaking. Now is the time to make plans and bring them to life. The sleeper can count on improved well-being, monetary profit and pleasant surprises.

Dirty and exhausted animals warn that things will not go as well as planned. Financial losses, troubles at work and illness are possible. To succeed, the owner of the dream needs to put in a lot of effort and overcome a huge number of problems.

Dead piglets in a dream warn that the dreamer should take care of his health. Seeing wild boars means problems at work.

Size and quantity

A dream involving small, clean piglets predicts favorable events. A happy streak begins in the dreamer’s life, which brings good luck in business and in love.

Anyone who watches little pigs in their night dreams, being touched by their behavior, will soon feel happy. You can expect a pleasant surprise.

The meaning of the dream also depends on the number of animals. A lot of pigs and piglets dream of big profits. The dreamer will probably open up a new permanent source of income. Seeing a lot of piglets in your own home is a very good sign, predicting not only monetary profit, but also excellent health.

Seeing a huge number of newborn piglets in a dream is a warning about excessive haste. The dreamer tries to grab onto everything at once in order to get more done. But this method will not bring success.

Skin color

You should pay attention to the color of the dreamed piglets. Animals of various colors can appear in night dreams. Each new image predicts certain events.

What does it mean if pigs in a dream were:

  • white - the dreamer will be able to achieve the goal, despite all the obstacles that arose along the way;
  • pink - for happiness and good luck;
  • yellow piglets that cannot get dirty in the mud - you can count on the support of loved ones;
  • black - to big troubles.

The dreamer needs to be prepared for problems that require immediate solutions.

Behavior of a pig with piglets

If the sleeper sees a pig walking around the yard, followed by a baby, it means that some acquaintance is using him for selfish purposes. It is necessary to analyze the behavior of people from your close circle and try to erase the hypocrite from your life.

Little pigs wallowing in the mud means gossip and intrigue. Most likely, the dreamer will find himself in the center of some rather unpleasant events. We must try to prevent ill-wishers from ruining our reputation.

A pig feeds piglets - in the near future the sleeper will be able to enjoy the fruits of his hard work.

Piggy gives birth - the dreamer can count on financial profit. This could be a salary increase, a large bonus, or winning the lottery. If a pig gives birth to a large number of cubs, great luck awaits the sleeper.

Seeing a talking pig in a dream is a sign of great luck. The dreamer will be the envy of everyone around him. You need to fully enjoy the happy moment, but do not forget that life consists of more than just white stripes.

The animal is huddled in a corner and is afraid to leave it - the dreamer in real life is too worried about someone’s actions. You shouldn't think so much about other people's behavior. It is possible that the sleeper needs rest and a carefree pastime.

The piglet is rushing around the apartment - the dreamer is trying to find a way out of a difficult situation. This plot has 2 interpretations and also speaks of increased anxiety and the desire to embrace the immensity.

A person who is bitten by a pig in a dream in reality underestimates his opponents. It is quite possible that there is someone nearby who is only pretending to be a friend. The seer Vanga believed that a pig biting a person in a dream brings profit.

The dreamer's actions

In dreams involving piglets, the dreamer often performs some kind of action with the animals. Such plots can be interpreted differently depending on how the owner of the dream behaved. If in night vision a person is the owner of pigs, in the near future prosperity and prosperity will reign in his house.

Other behavior in dreams can be interpreted as follows:

  • Keeping a large pig with piglets in a barn means that in reality you will have to work hard to achieve success. Providence warns that all the dreamer’s efforts will pay off in full.
  • Feeding small animals means taking care of your future. According to Miller's dream book, such a person can be called very reliable. He will never betray his loved ones and will always help in difficult times. To feed by hand is to trust too much to a person who does not deserve it.
  • Holding in your arms means having a fun time. A cute playful piglet on the dreamer’s lap indicates that the person has chosen the right path in life.
  • Buying on the market means improving your well-being.
  • To cut - the dreamer will be a wealthy person. The business he has in mind will bring great profits. A killed piglet in a dream foreshadows real happiness, which will come very soon.
  • Trying roasted pig means in reality incurring big losses. It is likely that the sleeping person will be robbed.
  • Cutting the carcass into pieces means that in the near future you will have to part with a loved one.
  • Rolling around in the mud with the piglets means you will be participating in an unusual activity that will turn out to be very interesting.
  • Catching animals and taking them to a pig pen - the dreamer does not want to share his secrets with loved ones.
  • Keeping it in a bag means plans are thwarted.
  • Walking pigs - it’s time to think about making decisions on your own that will allow you to become free. Now is the time to free yourself from relationships that only bring disappointment.
  • Looking for lost pigs is trying to find meaning where there is simply none.
  • Throwing away a dead pig means saying goodbye to the past without regret. This could be leaving a hateful job, breaking up a boring relationship.

To accurately interpret the plot, you need to remember all the details of the dream. You can also consult an online dream book and find out what awaits you in the near future.

The interpretation of dreams about animals often does not coincide with the emotions that evoke them. In reality, a pig is a negative image for many, associated with arrogance, selfishness and rudeness. More rare is the image of a cute pink pig that evokes affection. Dream books are ambiguous in their opinions, and interpret such a dream depending on the surrounding conditions and the state of the animal in the dream.

  • Why do you dream about a big live pig? This image has a double interpretation: a meeting with an unpleasant, arrogant person; image of savings and reserves, increase in wealth.
  • Dream Interpretation: a small pig is seen as a sign of useless worries; they will not bring benefits or pleasure, but will only take away your time and energy.
  • Why do you dream of evil pigs? Problems with management as a result of the machinations of envious colleagues.
  • Why do you dream about a dead pig? Unpleasant events in life. Reminder to be careful.
  • Why do you dream of a slaughtered pig? For business people it promises a strengthening of their position, for everyone else it is a negative sign, a warning.
  • Why do you dream about a talking pig? An unpleasant conversation awaits you in reality.
  • Dream interpretation: a fat pig, interpreted as luck in business and success in everything.
  • A white pig in a dream means the approach of death.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of black pigs? Such a dream warns of the appearance of a person who can greatly harm you.
  • pigs? Unpleasant, disgusting company.
  • Dream Interpretation: pig's head, interpreted as problems in business relationships. Delays in the implementation of your ideas.
  • Why do you dream of a pig covered in blood? A neutral image that promises a meeting with relatives. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: a pig carcass promises abundance and a strong financial position; you will be lucky in your endeavors.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of butchering a pig? Determination and consistency in action will lead to success.
  • Running away from a pig in a dream means spreading malicious gossip about your person.
  • Seeing a pig being slaughtered in a dream is a prosperous period for investments; in the future they will more than pay off and bring excellent income.
  • Washing a pig in a dream means that obstacles will be removed very easily, and you will achieve all your goals.
  • The dream of “catching a pig” prophesies an acquaintance with an important man; he will show participation in your destiny and help you achieve recognition and prosperity.
  • Why do you dream about being bitten by a pig? You underestimate the seriousness of the problems that have befallen you. Try to find out what funds your competitors have. (cm. )
  • A pig attacked, the dream book interprets that your envious people will soon become more active and try to harm you.
  • To correctly understand the situation, you should study the interpretations given by other dream interpreters and choose the one that most accurately describes your situation.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

The dream "pig" talks about the dreamer's susceptibility to selfishness and promiscuity. A clear sign indicating the need to reconsider your hobbies.

Noble dream book by Grishina

  • Seeing a pig in a dream - the vision characterizes the dreamer as narcissistic and adoring only himself. It is worth reconsidering your principles of communication with others.
  • The dream of “many pigs” warns of a wave of gossip, the object of which will be you.
  • Dreaming of a pig in the house - foretells healing from an illness and excellent health afterwards. (cm. )
  • Killing a pig in a dream means you will be demoted or fired.
  • The dream "pig's head" foreshadows a trip.
  • Seeing a pig with piglets in a dream promises to receive funds and a new source of financing will appear. (cm. )

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

  • What does a pig mean in a dream? The vision promises prosperity and prosperity.
  • Dream interpretation: pigs, a lot - predicts a bad reputation in society if you do not learn to present yourself correctly.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • A dream about pigs indicates the onset of a favorable period.
  • Why slaughter a pig in a dream? It promises to receive a lucrative offer, a successfully concluded deal.
  • Pig carcasses, the dream promises an unfavorable period in life, characterized by difficulties and losses.
  • The dream of “feeding pigs” warns against danger. The enemies are planning to cause harm.
  • A dirty pig, the dream talks about the onset of scandals and quarrels in everyday matters.
  • The dream “pig with piglets” speaks of earning a lot of money.
  • Dream Interpretation: wild pigs - damage from ill-wishers.

Maly Velesov dream book

  • The dream "pig" foreshadows the visit of guests.
  • Seeing a white pig in a dream is a harbinger of death.
  • A black pig in a dream promises illness and disease.
  • Dream Interpretation: a pig with piglets is a symbol of wealth and prosperity.
  • The dream of “butchering a pig” means minor worries will bring your dreams come true.
  • The dream of a “dead pig” foreshadows major adversity and problems.
  • Pig meat in a dream - an illness will strike.

Esoteric dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: Pig, sounds like the onset of a period of grace, despite all the difficulties.
  • In a dream I slaughter pigs - it is interpreted as the need to create reserves and savings.

Ukrainian dream book

  • To see a pig in a dream means unexpected guests will appear.
  • Why do you dream about pigs? A large number of animals portends losses and bad gossip about you.
  • Seeing black pigs in a dream is a symbol of an enemy and danger. Be careful when trusting your secrets to others.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

  • Dream Interpretation: a pig in a dream, interpreted as success in business and material well-being.
  • Seeing large and small pigs in a dream means gossip around you.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of black pigs? The vision warns you of the appearance of a very dangerous enemy who harbors resentment and anger against you. He will definitely try to harm you.
  • The dream “pig carcass” predicts a dangerous disease. Pay close attention to your health to avoid complications.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of dreams “pig” is given as a harbinger of the successful implementation of all plans.

Wanderer's Dream Book

The dream “big pig” symbolizes love for an aimless life and gluttony, idleness and arrogance.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

  • Seeing a pig in a dream means facing your vices. The pig symbolizes those negative traits that you try to ignore in yourself.
  • Why do you dream of pigs in the mud? A useless person in your society. Difficulties in everyday life are possible. (cm. )
  • pigs - predicts an unfavorable period marked by illness and failure.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

  • I had a dream about pigs - I’ll have to work hard to resolve the issues.
  • Why do you dream about a big fat pig? Your efforts will be fully rewarded with decent and generous profits.
  • If you were bitten by a pig in a dream, beware of participating in scandals, they will negatively affect your well-being. A carelessly dropped word will cause a significant blow to your reputation.

Jewish dream book
Seeing a big pig in a dream means someone will not live up to your expectations.
Freud's Dream Book

  • Dreaming of a pig is a symbol of fertility. Expect a new addition to the family.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing pigs means wealth, prosperity, profit.
  • In a dream, riding a pig is an ambiguous activity that you will enjoy, but at the same time will cause confusion.

Dream book for the whole family

  • The meaning of the dream, a pig, is interpreted as the intrusion of strangers into the affairs of your family.
  • Why do you dream of a running away pig? Some secrets should be left only to yourself, without telling them even to those closest to you.
  • The dream “a pig gave birth” - your financial well-being will strengthen.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a big pig? The appearance of an influential person in your life, his loyalty to you will depend on your behavior.
  • Why do you dream about a pig carcass? A prosperous stage of life awaits you.

Modern combined dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: a big pig, interpreted as a safe period for concluding contracts.
  • Why do you dream about pigs and piglets? Predicts a fertile and successful period in life.
  • Dream Interpretation: feeding pigs - Your material wealth will increase.
  • Seeing a pig carcass in a dream means family well-being.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a pig in a dream is interpreted as a harbinger of false accusations, or an attempted robbery.
  • Seeing a lot of pigs in a dream means you will come face to face with your envious people.
  • Touching a pig in a dream means you will try to flatter an unpleasant person for personal gain.
  • Killing a pig in a dream means you will be transferred to a lower position. In the worst case scenario, you will lose your job.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a pig with piglets - a harbinger of petty worries, a possible collision with a person from whom you will benefit only after his death.

English dream book

What does it mean to see pigs in a dream? An ambiguous symbol that predicts good luck only after a series of troubles. The appearance of a reliable friend after the treachery of an old one.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

  • Dream Interpretation: a pig is interpreted as a harbinger of a disease. You will be struck by illness or your health will deteriorate greatly.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about pigs? Many animals portend damage from an unknown person.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

Seeing pigs in mud in a dream means you are not satisfied with your relationship with your partner; it seems that he is too rude. Perhaps you should discuss your relationship, and everything is not so bad, but you are thinking too much?

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

  • Dream Interpretation: a pig in a dream is a negative image of a arrogant and selfish person.
  • Dream Interpretation: pig in the mud - You will be surrounded by idle gossip and fiction. Beware of them if you do not want to lose your position in society.

Collection of dream books

  • Dream Interpretation: you dreamed of a pig - you do not feel the impact of those around you. Perhaps they are wondering the same thing?
  • The dream “wild pigs” warns: people around you will harm you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a dirty pig portends conflicts and cooling in domestic relationships.
  • The dream of a “pig in a barn” promises positive impressions and joyful events in your life.
  • Why do you dream of a pig giving birth? Increasing the welfare of your farm.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a pig being slaughtered? Despite all the machinations of negative colleagues, you will brilliantly complete an important project, for which you will receive a generous reward.

Aesop's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams "pig" sounds like a negative image formed by the subconscious.

Assyrian dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a pig in a dream predicts the birth of children and a calm, measured existence with them.
  • Why do you dream about pig meat? A negative sign promising troubles and illnesses. Show maximum attention to what is happening around you.

Dream book combined

  • Dream interpretation: a pig is interpreted as a symbol of wealth and material well-being.
  • Seeing pigs in a barn in a dream means an unhealthy atmosphere is developing around you, full of rumors and false accusations.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a big pig? To avoid worsening your situation, avoid society and people who are negatively disposed towards you.
  • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of a pig with piglets - there are people in your environment who want to take advantage of the fruits of your labors just like that.
  • Seeing a pig's head in a dream means get ready to pack for a trip.
  • Dreaming of a pig in an apartment means healing from an illness and improvement of well-being.
  • The dream of a “pig in the mud” speaks of obstacles set up by your ill-wishers.
  • A killed pig in a dream warns of bad news.
  • Why dream of seeing a pig being slaughtered? If you do not focus all your attention on the work process, you can significantly worsen your situation.
  • Buying a pig in a dream is a possible attempt at deception on the part of those around you.
  • Why do you dream about a pink pig? Fulfillment of a cherished desire or an old dream.
  • Dream Interpretation: a black pig warns of caution when meeting new people. There is a high probability of deception or forgery.
  • Killing a black pig in a dream promises overcoming difficulties; you will skillfully avoid laid traps.
  • The dream “a pig bites” warns that an enemy who is aggressive towards you is trying to get into your circle of close people.
  • Dream Interpretation: a clean pig, foreshadows the conclusion of agreements beneficial to you, a favorable course of affairs.
  • The dream “a pig attacks” is interpreted as the approaching moment of open conflict with ill-wishers.
  • A pig covered in blood in a dream warns of the need to take decisive measures against ill-wishers in order to avoid the loss of all one’s fortune.
  • Why do you dream about wild pigs? Someone has a grudge against you and is planning to take revenge in the future.
  • The dream “a pig gives birth” speaks of an increase in material wealth.
  • The “two pigs” dream says that your ideas will bring financial investments.
  • In a dream, a pig's head fried on a stick foreshadows a long journey.
  • A pig ran around without legs in a dream - keep your secrets to yourself, you shouldn’t even trust them to your husband or children.
  • The dream “rats eat pigs” is a high probability that you will be deceived by a cunning and resourceful person.
  • Seeing a horse and a pig in a dream means your reckless behavior will harm you.
  • eat a dead pig - difficulties will pass by without touching you.
  • Why do you dream about a pig and? Both of these animals are symbols of fertility and abundance. Your home will never be in need, thanks to excellent supplies.
  • and pigs? A busy bird, coupled with a fat pig, brings pleasant emotions, contentment, and a strong economy to your home. Having taken care in advance, you will not have to be afraid of difficulties.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • Vanga's dream book: a pig in a dream is interpreted depending on its type: clean - you will be able to correct a bad situation, dirty - enormous difficulties.
  • pigs - fears for one’s own life, a premonition of evil.

"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

  • What does a pig mean in a dream? This animal reflects real, pressing desires that you lack. At the same time, we should not forget that this is an image of arrogance and immorality.
  • Dream Interpretation: slaughtering a pig talks about your hope of making a profit. You have several ideas that can generate income, but you don’t know how to implement them.
  • Why do you dream of feeding pigs? The dream hints at your addiction to food.
  • Why do you dream about dirty pigs? A lazy person has crept into your inner circle, hoping to benefit from you without making personal efforts.

Dream Interpretation L. Moroz

  • Why do you dream about pigs? The vision speaks of the hypocrisy of people who call themselves your friends.
  • Dream Interpretation: cutting a pig with a knife warns that you will hurt someone’s pride. Maintain decency in your statements. (cm. )

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

  • Dream interpretation: a live pig, interpreted as success in business and making a profit.
  • Why do you dream about pigs, a lot? The new social circle will be extremely unpleasant and anxiety-provoking.
  • Seeing a slaughtered pig in a dream means obstacles await you on the path to career growth.
  • Why do you dream of slaughtering a pig? The vision warns of difficulties at work. Monitor the process carefully to avoid complications. The slightest mistake will ruin your efforts.
  • Dream Interpretation: a dead pig means that you will be able to win the competition by demonstrating your best qualities.
  • In a dream, dead pigs are seen as a sign of victory over one's enemies and ill-wishers.
  • Seeing a black pig in a dream speaks of your creative abilities, which are favorably accepted by others.
  • Seeing a large pig in a dream speaks of prosperity and luck when starting new projects.
  • Why do you dream of a pig that wants to bite? You will suffer from someone's bad mood.
  • Dream Interpretation: pig carcasses speak of a desire to unwind, regardless of the norms of decency.
  • Dream Interpretation: dreams of pig meat mean deterioration of well-being.
  • pig? The optimal time to increase your income, do not miss such a chance, it will not happen again soon.
  • Why do you dream of pigs in a barn? Through your efforts, a major conflict will flare up, which will bring significant losses.
  • Why dream of feeding pigs with money? Your sacrifices for the benefit of another person are meaningless; he is able to cope with the situation on his own, but prefers to use you.

Smurov's large universal dream book

  • The dream “fat pig” is a harbinger of receiving a large source of income.
  • Seeing a small pig in a dream - the vision promises loss and loss.
  • Why do you dream about pigs running? Foretells a dangerous situation in the future.
  • Dream Interpretation: catch a pig - don’t miss a lucky chance.
  • A pig attacked in a dream - your trust in strangers will bring you to trouble.

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

  • Why do you dream about a live pig? Despite the negative attitude of many towards these animals, the pig is a symbol of accumulation and increased well-being.
  • Seeing a killed pig in a dream means losses and damages due to your fault.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

  • Dream Interpretation: why a pig dreams is interpreted as meeting an ill-mannered and boorish person.
  • Why do you dream about a fat pig? Your business connections will be strengthened and trade will revive.
  • The dream “little pig” speaks of a loss of strength and a restless state. You'll have to worry a lot.

Generalized dream book

  • Watch free interpretation of dreams: dreaming of a pig - meeting an arrogant and unpleasant person.
  • Why do you dream of a live, fat pig? Meeting influential people, useful connections.
  • Why do you dream about a little pig? Conflicts in work and family circles.
  • Why do you dream about a black pig? Symbol of lies and deception. It is worth refusing to enter into dubious transactions.
  • Why do you dream about a white pig? Negative symbol of death.
  • Why do you dream of a pig with little piglets? There are no barriers or obstacles on the way to realizing your dream, feel free to take on its implementation.
  • Dream Interpretation: a pig bites - a blow from an unprincipled person. Don't expect pity or mercy.
  • Dream Interpretation: a pig attacks, suggests that in reality you may encounter rudeness and aggression.
  • Hugging a pig in a dream means you will have to use flattery to achieve results in a matter that is important to you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a slaughtered pig promises favor of fate and luck in business.
  • Why do you dream about dead pigs? In the near future, reprisals against enemies are expected.
  • Seeing a dead pig in a dream is a warning about difficult situations and troubles.
  • If a woman dreams of a pig, it means she should expect a meeting with her chosen one and a marriage proposal.
  • Why do you dream of a pig's head without blood? A dream pushes you to action.
  • The pig has farrowed; the dream predicts that peace and prosperity will enter your home.
  • To kick out a pig in a dream - in reality you will offend an acquaintance who is in a dependent position on you.
  • Seeing a pig giving birth in a dream indicates the arrival of new cash injections into your wallet.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Miller's dream book, a pig denotes changes in fate. The emotions that an animal evokes in you in a dream will help you understand what they will be like.
  • Why pigs dream, Miller’s dream book interprets as an opportunity to start an extremely profitable project and strengthen one’s position.

Dream Interpretation Housewives

  • What does it mean when you dream about pigs? The image of an arrogant person who does not inspire trust and respect.
  • Why do you dream of killing a pig? In the future you intend to conclude a profitable deal.


  • Dream Interpretation: a dead pig means a threat from your envious people.
  • Why do you dream about a pig attacking? You are about to experience an unpleasant meeting with a rude and uncouth person.
  • Why do you dream about a pig's head? The person who offended you will not be able to avoid retribution.
  • Why do you dream about a pig biting? An acquaintance who enjoys your unlimited trust will deceive you.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a pig being slaughtered? With maximum effort and significant investment, you can overcome all difficulties.
  • Dream Interpretation: pig in blood - obstacles on the path of life.

Dream book of the world

  • Dream Interpretation: pig carcass, interpreted as making a profit. Success awaits you on your chosen path.
  • Pig, the interpretation from the dream book says: an extremely nasty person will soon appear in your life, who will try with all his might to ruin your work.
  • Dream Interpretation: bitten by a pig - a bad sign, signifying the machinations of ill-wishers.
  • Dream Interpretation: a killed pig portends a win, victory over rivals or enemies.
  • The pig died, the dream book interprets it as sad events and incidents.
  • Why do you dream about pigs? You will become the target of gossip.
  • Dream Interpretation: the pig ran away - warns of the need to carefully monitor your speech. Interpreting it incorrectly can lead you to serious problems.
  • Why do you dream about a live black pig? The vision warns against betrayal. A loved one will put you under attack.
  • Dream Interpretation: a white pig is a sign of death and mortal danger.
  • Why do you dream about pigs and wild boars? The dream is interpreted as egocentrism and immorality.
  • Dream interpretation: a pigsty with pigs predicts getting into big trouble.
  • Dream Interpretation: big fat pig - You will be lucky in trade relations.
  • Dream Interpretation: catching a pig indicates that you seriously underestimate your opponents.
  • Dream Interpretation: hitting a pig promises a demotion from your position.
  • Why do you dream of cutting off a pig's head? The vision characterizes you as a person who does not have clear moral principles.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

  • What does it mean when you dream of a pig? Expect to receive a new source of income.
  • Dream Interpretation: kill a pig - Your imprudent act will frighten away good luck in business.


  • Why do you dream about a pig carcass? The vision predicts a comfortable existence, comfort and joy in the home.
  • Why do you dream of a big dead pig? The vision warns you of the approaching series of minor troubles that threaten to turn into a big problem.
  • Why do you dream of a killed pig? You will face competition for a higher position. You have every chance to defeat your opponents.
  • Why do you dream about pigs? A confrontation with a repulsive, disgusting person who unceremoniously enters your life.
  • Why do you dream that pigs bite? Expect troubles from the future. A dark period in life is coming, you need to gather your strength and wait out this period.
  • Why do you dream of butchering a pig? Material self-sufficiency and success await you in the future.
  • Why do you dream about killing a pig? Deal with openly unfriendly individuals.
  • Why do you dream of a live pig in the house? Strife and scandals in the family circle. You need to be patient to keep your family together.
  • The pig gives birth, the dream book interprets it as: a favorable environment in the work team, stimulating one to receive a larger income.
  • Dream Interpretation: a pig jumps like a dog - expect attacks from relatives.
  • Why do you dream of clean pigs - a favorable sign promising a calm, measured life.
  • Why do you dream about pigs eating pigs? You will suffer significant losses due to the fault of people who are angry towards you. Don't trust strangers and watch the situation carefully.

Culinary dream book

Why do you dream about pig carcasses? You will find pleasure in rough activities.

Dream Interpretation of Karatov

  • Why do you dream about a big pig? Expect a change in life for the better, prosperity and wealth will come.
  • Why do you dream of 2 pigs? Your reputation will suffer significant damage. Rumors around you will greatly contribute to this, show prudence and do not give reasons for slander.
  • Lagutina's pocket dream book
  • Why do you dream about huge pigs? Your business will quickly take off and quickly reach its peak.
  • Why do you dream about a pig piglet? Expect high income from your implemented ideas.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

Why dream of seeing a pig being slaughtered? The vision promises joy and contentment.

Women's dream book

Watch free interpretation of dreams of a pig. The vision warns of the appearance in your life of an extremely repulsive person who will consider it possible to interfere in your affairs.


A pig in dreams is an extremely ambiguous and changeable symbol. Fat, well-fed pigs bring prosperity and well-being to the house, and formidable aggressive hogs warn of the secret machinations of enemies threatening to interfere in your affairs.
For women, such a symbol foreshadows the acquisition of a life partner, or interference in the fate of an unprincipled person who unceremoniously pokes his nose into someone else’s business.
Some dream books interpret pigs as a symbol of prosperity, contentment and well-fed peace; others, in contrast, call such visions harbingers of self-centered, arrogant and immoral acquaintances. When choosing an interpretation that is close to you, do not be upset if it carries a negative meaning, because this is only a hint from the subconscious for choosing the right path.

Lying in a barn, grazing in a meadow or playing in a paddock - to profit. The fact is that in reality these animals are the main source of well-being for some rural residents, and also feed people with tasty and nutritious meat. If you dreamed of a black color, in reality deception on the part of loved ones is not excluded. Perhaps this is a lie in the name of salvation.

Miller's Dream Book: pig

American psychologist Gustav Hindman Miller characterizes the “pig” dream this way. If the pig is well-fed or fat, then the dreamer will soon experience the success he deserves. If you are lying in the mud, then in reality you should be wary of your work colleagues, since they can weave some intrigues against the owner of the dream.

Pigs that girls dream of promise a stingy and jealous husband. In addition, Miller cites as an example a dream associated with eating pork. Eating pork in a dream means encountering some serious troubles in reality. If in a dream you simply see pork meat without eating it, then in real life the upcoming problems will be successfully overcome.

Pigs according to Freud's dream book

The famous scientist Sigmund Freud explains this dream in his characteristic manner. If the dreamer sees him riding a pig, then in the near future he faces an unpleasant and even immoral pastime. It is curious that this can both please the dreamer and lead him into some confusion. Dirty pigs in a dream indicate the dreamer's dissatisfaction with his sexual partner.

Pig in the American dream book

According to this dream book, a pig is a symbol of excessive indulgences on the part of loved ones and friends. Perhaps in reality they make allowances for various mistakes and blunders of the dreamer. In this case, the owner of the dream is a real egoist and scoundrel who does not even for a minute want to think about the meaning of his life, about his worldview, about improving certain skills. Such a dream indicates that the dreamer considers all the people around him to owe him something.

Russian dream book: pig

According to the interpretations of the Russian dream book, a pig can be both a symbol of monetary wealth and a reflection of human vices: swinishness, arrogance, stupidity, sloppiness, etc. A dirty pig wallowing in its own manure symbolizes gossip, rumors, and intrigues from enemies. Seeing a pig digging up the roots of a tree in a dream means communicating with a bad and incompetent person. Hearing a pig grunt in a dream means quarreling with family and friends over some absurdity.

More and more people are becoming interested in the interpretation of sleep. By choosing a more accurate dream book for yourself, you can know in advance what the coming day has in store, what to expect from colleagues, relatives and friends.

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Vision of pigs. Miller's Dream Book

The dreamer will be successful if in a dream he sees a well-fed, clean pig. The man earned success and honor through his own efforts.

If you dream of pigs being dirty or lying in a puddle, in reality you should be wary of unpleasant events associated with work colleagues. Someone will try to weave intrigues against you.

For an unmarried girl dreaming of pigs promises a greedy and jealous husband. If she sees a dense, dirty pig, the future husband will behave dishonestly.

Eating pork means that some serious troubles will arise in reality. If in a dream you simply look at pig meat without eating it, then in reality the upcoming problems will be successfully overcome.

Let's look at all the options!

Hearing the grunting and squealing of adults in a dream is a sign of unpleasant news. They can relate to any area of ​​life. Or, if you are waiting for a solution to some issue, the dream signals that it will be decided not in your favor or with little benefit for you.

Seeing clean pigs walking in the distance means you miss communicating with friends who are far from you. Or it could be one person (a very valuable friend) who is able to replace other acquaintances with his presence.

Seeing how you feed pigs means increasing your level of well-being. But abundance will only come if you take action. This dream has nothing to do with inheritance or winnings. If you feed an animal from your hands, your income depends only on yourself; partners and colleagues will not help.

If a pig tries to bite you on any part of the body or refuses to eat, expect financial troubles. Problems may arise in your own business, and at work your efforts will not be deservedly rewarded.

Interpretation according to Vanga's dream book

A vision of animals walking outside the enclosure foreshadows a long trip for recreational purposes. The proposal will come from one of the family members, or you yourself will suddenly decide to have a pleasant pastime.

IMPORTANT! Changes for the better await everyone who is lucky enough to see a pig in an unnatural position - sitting at a desk or dining table. A conversation will take place with the person who refused to communicate with you. This is a very significant person who can completely change your life for the better.

Seeing a large, clean pig calmly walking along the roadway among cars is a sign of successfully concluding a deal. You will be internally confident in your actions. And, relying on intuition, you can turn the situation to your advantage.

Seeing a dirty pig in a dream (in a barn or in an open space) is a sign of great misfortune. You will face challenges that you cannot overcome; you will have to deal with the consequences.

If at this moment in time you have some kind of problem and you dreamed of a clean pig, you will be able to improve your affairs in the coming days. The issue will move forward and begin to be resolved in your favor.

To dream of how you wash away dirt from an animal, turning its skin clean and well-groomed - you will provide powerful support to a person who really needs it. If you felt unpleasant in a dream, it means that in real life you will have to make a lot of effort. In the opposite case, it may simply be advice that you can use to help a person see the light and begin to behave differently, performing noble deeds.

Feeding dirty pigs in a dream means that in reality you are helping and communicating with the wrong people. They take advantage of your kindness and say ugly things about you behind your back.

Seeing many worried pigs in a dream is a sign that you will fear for your life, anticipating unpleasant events. Try not to visit places with large crowds of people in the near future. Sometimes such a dream prophesies an unkind environment with which you will have to communicate. Don't tell strangers about your personal life. All information will be turned upside down and used against you.

What does the Islamic dream book say about the vision of a pig?

Seeing a pig in a dream is a sign of evil, troubles and misfortunes. Someone from your close circle or you yourself allow yourself to behave poorly. Perhaps a vicious action will be shown on your part, which you will later have to regret and live with this feeling.

A dream may indicate alienation from religion if in a dream an animal is sacrificed by your hands.

Decorating a pig with jewelry means sinfully earning a large sum of money.

The grunt of a pig signals victory over the enemy.

Interpretation of dreams depending on what the animal is doing and what state it is in

  • A pig in a barn at a trough - the dream tells you about consumerism, gluttony and untidiness. If, observing this picture, you felt comfortable in the vision, the dream speaks about your qualities. In other cases, about the people who surround you. Perhaps it's time to end a relationship with someone.
  • An animal in a puddle - you should expect difficulties that a lazy and useless person will create for you.
  • In the dirt - to the deterioration of relationships in the family circle.
  • A dead, dead pig - be prepared to face major problems.
  • Watching a pig dig the ground means meeting a greedy and stupid person.
  • Seeing an animal itching against a fence means gossip and conflict situations await you.
  • Sitting in a chair - to a quarrel and betrayal within the family.
  • Keeping an animal clean and breeding is a sign of great happiness and success.
  • Petting a pig means you will have to flatter others in order to achieve your goal.
  • Feeding acorns - you are planning a bad action that can lead to bad consequences.
  • Treating people with delicacies is a waste of vital resources and personal time.
  • If in a dream you buy a pig, in reality expect a profitable offer or profit.
  • Selling an animal means big problems and poverty.
  • Seeing a patch in a close-up in a dream means an adventure in which you will be involved either unexpectedly for yourself, or you will consciously take this step.
  • Turning into an animal means mental anguish. Reconsider your behavior; perhaps you act unkindly towards people around you too often.
  • A queen with piglets dreams of big income, inheritance, and winnings.
  • Wild animal - expect troubles from evil people.
  • Black pig - to the manifestation of an enemy or the onset of illness.
  • White - to death, tragic news.

Dream books give different interpretations of the same vision. Finding the one that's right for you will take time. Interpretation of dreams is an interesting and useful activity, train and then you will be able to avoid unpleasant events in time.