How to find what you lost at home - the best conspiracies against loss. What should be done with found other people's things according to Sharia? Lost search options: vacuum cleaner

Any thing found can be called a find, which is exactly what is reflected in the Civil Code. Because in legal language, the definition of a find is the discovery of any lost thing. And the finder must immediately notify the person who lost it, or the owner of the thing or anyone else, and, in accordance with Article 227 Civil Code, return the item.

If you find someone else missing on the street, but it is impossible to determine the owner from the item, then it is best to take the find to the police or another authority local government. Police officers will draw up a report on the find, after which they will be able to search for the owner. If you find an item on premises or in public transport, then it should be handed over to the person who represents the owner of this premises or vehicle. You can also place an ad in the newspaper or stick it in the place where the find was discovered. The item should be returned to the person who can give enough in a telephone conversation. detailed description lost item. But do not forget that in this situation you are responsible for preserving and returning the found item. And if you hand over the find to the police or the owner of the premises in which the item was found, responsibility will lie with the person to whom you handed over the find.

What should you do if you find a perishable item or an item whose storage costs are incomparably higher than its value? It can be realized by the person who found the item, keeping written evidence certifying the amount of proceeds. The money received for the sale of the found item must be returned to the owner of the find.

The finder bears responsibility for the loss or damage of an item only if it was done with intent or as a result of rough handling of the find, and only to the extent not exceeding the value of the item.

Simply put, it is completely pointless to be happy about this or that found thing, since, most likely, it will only add to your troubles. And if you find a more or less valuable thing, your direct responsibility is to hand it over to the owner safely and intact. If you conceal the fact of a find, you risk bringing all sorts of troubles onto your head. For example, every cell phone has an IMEI - International Mobile Equipment Identifier - a unique number for each device. Thanks to this, you can find out about its owner.

Don’t forget about all sorts of scams that a found item can get you into. The most common types of fraud involve an ownerless wallet. Therefore, it is better to carry out every action in front of witnesses.

However, a situation is also possible when ownership of the find is transferred to the finder. This will become possible if, six months after submitting your statement about the found item to the police or local government body, it is not possible to identify the person authorized to receive the found item.

Regarding liability, it is worth mentioning that until 1997 there was a separate criminal article, which stipulated the punishment for appropriation of finds. Currently, a person is awaiting for appropriation of the find Civil responsibility, more precisely, material (compensation for damage, lost profits, etc.). Therefore, do not lose your vigilance and be careful.

Any thing found can be called a find, which is exactly what is reflected in the Civil Code. Because in legal language, the definition of a find is the discovery of any lost thing. And the finder must immediately notify the person who lost it, or the owner of the thing or anyone else, and, in accordance with Article 227 of the Civil Code, return the thing.

If you find someone else missing on the street, and it is impossible to determine the owner from the item, then it is best to take the find to the police or another local government body. Police officers will draw up a report on the find, after which they will be able to search for the owner. If you find an item on premises or in public transport, then it should be handed over to the person who represents the owner of this premises or vehicle. You can also place an advertisement in the newspaper or stick it in the place where the find was discovered. The item should be returned to someone who can give a sufficiently detailed description of the lost item in a telephone conversation. But do not forget that in this situation you are responsible for preserving and returning the found item. And if you hand over the find to the police or the owner of the premises in which the item was found, responsibility will lie with the person to whom you handed over the find.

What should you do if you find a perishable item or an item whose storage costs are incomparably higher than its value? It can be realized by the person who found the item, keeping written evidence certifying the amount of proceeds. The money received for the sale of the found item must be returned to the owner of the find.

The finder bears responsibility for the loss or damage of an item only if it was done with intent or as a result of rough handling of the find, and only to the extent not exceeding the value of the item.

Simply put, it is completely pointless to be happy about this or that found thing, since, most likely, it will only add to your troubles. And if you find a more or less valuable thing, your direct responsibility is to hand it over to the owner safely and intact. If you conceal the fact of a find, you risk bringing all sorts of troubles onto your head. For example, every cell phone has an IMEI - International Mobile Equipment Identifier - a unique number for each device. Thanks to this, you can find out about its owner.

Don’t forget about all sorts of scams that a found item can get you into. The most common types of fraud involve an ownerless wallet. Therefore, it is better to carry out every action in front of witnesses.

However, a situation is also possible when ownership of the find is transferred to the finder. This will become possible if, six months after submitting your statement about the found item to the police or local government body, it is not possible to identify the person authorized to receive the found item.

Regarding liability, it is worth mentioning that until 1997 there was a separate criminal article, which stipulated the punishment for appropriation of finds. Currently, for the appropriation of a find, a person faces civil liability, more precisely, material liability (compensation for damage, lost profits, etc.). Therefore, do not lose your vigilance and be careful.

Sometimes we lose the things we need, turn the whole apartment upside down, but don’t get the desired result. It seems that there are few secluded corners in the house, but we continue to wander in search of the lost. Now you will learn how to find lost item at home - spells for this have long been used by sorcerers.

Lost items sometimes disappear without a trace, and are found after a while. There are many such cases, but you don’t have to wait forever and turn everything upside down. A lost thing (or person) can be returned by using a strong spell. Let's get started.

To ensure that a lost item is quickly found, make friends with the keeper of your home - the brownie. This restless spirit often hides money, documents and other valuable items. Tie a handkerchief to the stool and ask the brownie for support:

“Brownie-brownie! Don't play with me anymore. Give back what you took."

If you appease a brownie with candy, then the lost things will have more chances to be returned to the owner. Many, having read the plot, claim that the desired object was found on its own, fell “out of the void.” This is a sure sign that the wanted items were in the possession of the brownies.

Rituals with objects

An effective spell for a lost item is usually used in rituals related to household items. We use these things all the time, not realizing that they can be used to find what is missing. It is recommended to read the spell like this:

  • threads and ropes;
  • herbs;
  • handkerchief;
  • matches;
  • cup or glass;
  • purple candles.

The simplest ritual of household magic is done using a handkerchief. The name of the lost item is whispered into the handkerchief, after which one end of the fabric is tied in a knot. If the item is found, untie the magic knot and hide the scarf in the closet.

Spell with a glass

This ritual for a missing item also involves communication with the brownie. Contact with small (often harmless) evil spirits living in the corners of the house is allowed. Remember that you cannot address a brownie by name; it is customary to call him the Master. Procedure:

  1. Go to the kitchen.
  2. Take out a cup or glass.
  3. Sit at the table, turn the cup upside down.
  4. Now you need to read the return plot three times.

After completing the ritual, leave the kitchen and pretend that you no longer need the lost item. Do some work, pointedly ignoring searches. When you return to your original place, you will discover a long-standing loss. Conspiracy text:

“Master, I lost (the name of the thing), help me find it. If you take it and play enough, then give it back. I will thank you."

Matches and water

Among powerful conspiracies To find a lost item, there is a ritual with matches and water. Rogue evil spirits are afraid of water and fire, so the devils can be intimidated by these elements. If an item is hopelessly lost, get the following artifacts:

  • bowl;
  • spring water;
  • matches.

Go to the kitchen and place a bowl filled with water on the table. Take turns lighting the matches, wait until they burn out, and throw the firebrands into the bowl. Things “come” back if you say the spell three times:

“The demon makes noise, brings darkness, he is a master at frightening people. He loves jokes and pranks, you won’t find things right away. You objects are, stand and roll over. Give me back my loss, evil spirits. Let it be so".

A ball of wool and clothing magic

If you don’t know how to find a lost item at home, wool spells will solve the problem. Take out a ball of red woolen thread (ideally sheep). Stand on the threshold of the room in which the item is supposedly missing and begin the ritual.

Hold the ball itself in your left hand, but the end will have to be wound around your right hand. Make sure you wrap your index finger. Mentally restore the image of the lost object and throw the ball, reciting the words of the spell. Throw and pull several times until the ball stops - that’s where you need to look for the loss. Spell text:

“Tell me, little ball, how to find the missing thing. Where is my item (name) hidden, why is it not in my hands? Ride and find, all the merits are yours. Let it be so".

Purple candle

The strongest search magic can be used without spells - an ordinary purple candle will suffice. Healers recommend keeping this artifact at home at all times, just in case. Procedure:

  1. Light a candle.
  2. Place the artifact in the center of the room.
  3. When looking at the fire, think about the loss.
  4. Ask the candle for help in any form.
  5. Spend a few minutes meditating.

Soon you will have an understanding of where to look for the lost item. Observe which side of the cinder the molten paraffin flows off. This is the direction for further searches.

We are looking for a person

There are several ways to find a missing person. The most powerful rituals are performed during the full moon, so wait until then and go outside. Stand so that your shadow lies directly under your feet. Having crossed yourself, say the words of the conspiracy:

“Just as a shadow always runs with me, so may the moon bring my beloved person (name) home. My shadow will rise next to me, the missing person will cross the threshold again. The angel will call God's servant (name), let him return here quickly. I lead and call, I offer praise to our Lord. Amen".

How to remove the veil from your eyes

Sometimes a veil covering the eyes prevents you from discovering the desired object - many sorcerers associate it with induced damage. Having calmed down and focused on the search object, begin active actions. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Enter the room where the object is supposedly lost.
  2. Read the conspiracy prayer three times.
  3. Cross yourself and look around.

If your faith is strong, the thing is found with lightning speed. Didn't work the first time? Relax, drink some tea and repeat the ritual again. Text of the search prayer:

“Lord, great is your power, help me discover the object (name). Remove the scales from the unclean from my eyes. Jokes aside, let my word end in heavenly deeds. Amen".

Punish the thief

Things in the apartment disappear even if you are visited by a thief. To punish a criminal, break off the leg of an old chair. The three-legged chair needs to be placed outside the threshold, and more chips should be cut from the remaining leg. Place these chips into a kind of fire, then say the spell:

“Whoever asks the devil for my good will punish himself. I left (the name of the lost item) in the house, and the damned thief grabbed it. If the thief does not return my property, the unclean one will drag it into hell and will not have mercy. Amen".

Return what was stolen

There is also a simple ritual to return stolen property. Go into the room where the item was lying before it disappeared. Cast the spell:

“Whoever took my little thing lost it a hundredfold. You won’t see peace and quiet until (name of the object) lies in place again. Be hungry and poor. Amen".

The mentioned ritual is carried out only under one condition - if you are absolutely sure that the object is stolen. As you can see, there are many ways to discover a loss that you have already despaired of finding. Do magic with confidence, give thanks higher power for your help. Then all objects will be in their places.

It often happens that a person loses an object or thing at home: keys, watches, bracelet, passport and much more. The search often takes quite a lot of effort and nerves. Sometimes it seems that the whole house has already been searched, but the missing item has not been found.

Lost search options: vacuum cleaner

If a small item falls, a vacuum cleaner is suitable to find it. Disconnect the brush from the vacuum cleaner, and in its place, attach and carefully secure an ordinary sock. Turn the vacuum cleaner on to maximum and slowly move the tube over the area where the desired item might have fallen. If you are lucky and the missing item is found, then take it from your sock and turn off the vacuum cleaner.

Focus and think

When the dimensions of an object do not allow you to use a vacuum cleaner, do not despair. Try to pull yourself together, stop being nervous and panicking. Sit down, think, look around the room and those places where the wanted item may be located. What often happens is that it is in front of your eyes, and your lack of concentration prevents you from detecting it.

If all else fails, close your eyes and remember where last time saw the loss. For example, you lost a flash drive: remember step by step where and when you used it and where you put it away. You inserted the flash drive into the computer, carried out certain actions, took it out of the connector and put it somewhere. Now open your eyes sharply and go to where you left the thing. If it is not there, then continue searching.

Refer to your home

People always blame themselves, relying on their inattention and absent-mindedness. But it is worth remembering that the matter may be due to peculiar changes taking place in your home. The room where people live is considered the place where the energy associated with the life of each family member is concentrated. This same energy leads to you getting tired, filling your head with thoughts about business and forgetting about home. The roof senses this, so a kind of imbalance of energy and objects arises.

At times like these, you feel clumsy, for example, trying to turn on a light where there is no switch or placing a cup of food on the edge of the table so that it falls. It seems to you that there is chaos and asymmetry in the house.

So, in order to find something, you need to turn to your home. No, this does not mean that you need to torment yourself every day with general cleaning and apartment maintenance. Just live in the house, feel its warmth, thank it for the fact that you have it, and you can relax in it, do what you love, cook and be its owner.

Appease the brownie

The next step is to please the spirit of the house. Everyone knows that brownies love to make fun of their owners. This is especially true when you have recently moved into a house, in new buildings, and when you do not take care of the house. The spirit of the house can move objects, hide them because he doesn't like something or is worried.

If you cannot find your favorite earrings and think that these are the tricks of the brownie, then try to appease him: feed him something tasty, floury and sweet. Place in the eastern part of the house (this is where the spirit of the house lives) a piece of sugar, a cookie or some butter. The result will not be long in coming - the thing will soon be in its place. You can talk to the brownie and ask him to return your item. Believe me, it really works.

Summoning with a thread

Our ancestors left us another universal way to search for lost things: arm yourself with a thread or rope and tie it to the table leg in the kitchen.

Such actions encourage the lost item to return to its place. Most things disappear as a result of temporary changes, so it is precisely summoning the thing that will return it to its owner.

Pendulum to the rescue

Searching with a pendulum is also quite common among Old Believers. You can take a special pendulum for dowsing or make it yourself from a weight suspended on a rope. While holding the pendulum, start thinking about the lost thing, its appearance and ownership. Make a wish in which you express that you want this thing to be found. Walk around the room with a pendulum in your hands. When you feel his movement, go where he leads you. This is how you can find the location of a lost item.

If none of the advice helped you, and the item was never found, but you are sure that it is in your house, then use the last method that guarantees that you will find it - general cleaning of the room. This method is good because your house will begin to shine with cleanliness, and because the loss will certainly be discovered.

Be sure to use the tips given above, then you will easily find exactly what you need and exactly where you do not expect it. Try not to lose your favorite things and household items.

Video: how to find a lost item

What to do if you find someone else’s thing, what is the right thing to do in such a situation?

The list of lost, forgotten, hastily abandoned things in a variety of places is extremely wide. From personal documents, books, umbrellas, gloves to gold items, mobile phones, cameras and even laptops...

“They lose pets and even small children,” says senior inspector for special assignments of the department for coordination and methodological support of official activities of the Main Directorate of Law Enforcement and Prevention of the Public Security Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus, police major Sergei SHAIKEVICH.

— Who most often, Sergei Eduardovich, loses things?

— First of all, these are citizens who are intoxicated, as well as elderly people and minors. Although anyone can forget or lose this or that thing, no one is immune from this.

- Among those who find someone else’s thing, few people think about, and perhaps even know, what to do in such a situation according to the law...

— Please note that the fact of finding someone else’s property does entail legal consequences for the person who picked up someone else’s property. The finder of a lost item has both certain rights and obligations regarding the find.

Firstly, if the person who lost something is known, it is necessary to notify him of the find and return the found thing to him. If the owner of the thing or his location is unknown, you must report the find to the internal affairs bodies or local government and self-government (executive committee, district administration, Council of Deputies). From experience, I can say that, as a rule, citizens turn to us asking for assistance in finding a lost item. Until the legal owner is discovered, the person who has found someone else’s thing has the right to keep it at home or deposit it with the police, local government or self-government bodies, or a person indicated by them.

Secondly, we must remember that if the owner of the find loses or damages it, he will be obliged to compensate the legal owner of the item for losses.

Therefore, if an item is found in any premises (restaurant, store, educational institution, etc.) or in vehicle, regardless of whether its legal owner is known or not, it is necessary to hand over the find to the administration or to the driver or transport conductor.

- And if, say, the thought of a reward or, even worse, of appropriating the find has already appeared?

— A person who has found a lost item has the right, if the legal owner or his place of residence is unknown, and storage of the item is impossible or economically impractical (for example, a perishable product or an item, the storage costs of which are disproportionately high compared to its value), to sell the find with obtaining written evidence certifying the amount of proceeds, and return the proceeds to him when the owner of the item is identified.

In this case, you have the right to claim from the legal owner, if one is found, reimbursement of expenses associated with the storage, delivery or sale of the item.

You can claim a finder's reward of no more than 20% of the item's value. However, the right to a reward is lost if the “new owner” does not report the find or tries to conceal it.

Then, if within 6 months from the moment of reporting the find to the internal affairs bodies or local government, self-government, the legal owner of the lost item is not identified and does not declare his right to the loss, the finder of the item acquires ownership of it.

— What if the temptation turned out to be strong enough and the owner of the find simply kept silent about his “happiness”?

— I would like to note that failure of the person who found the lost item and took possession of it without the obligations listed above may result in administrative or even criminal liability established by law.

In accordance with Article 10.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Belarus, the appropriation of knowingly found someone else's property entails a warning or a fine of up to 5 basic units (up to 175 thousand rubles). Last year, for example, more than 200 citizens were brought to administrative responsibility for committing this offense.

According to Article 215 of the Criminal Code of Belarus, misappropriation in an especially large amount (a thousand or more times the size of the base value - today 35 million rubles or more) of knowingly found someone else's property is punishable community service, or a fine or arrest for up to 3 months. Two criminal cases have been initiated under this article. Found items were misappropriated in a nightclub in the capital wrist watch worth 30 thousand euros, belonging to a German citizen. In another case, in one of the offices of Minsk, a “nobody’s” suitcase worth 1.5 million Belarusian rubles was illegally “privatized,” which contained money in the amount of 10 thousand dollars, about 500 euros and 2 million Belarusian rubles.

— Sergey Eduardovich, in last years Passengers of public transport are increasingly paying attention to forgotten, “nobody’s” things and are asked to report them to the driver. For what?

— This is due to security measures. After all appearance finds, alas, may hide its true purpose. And for explosive devices, camouflages are used to resemble the most ordinary objects: bags, packages, boxes, toys, etc.

Therefore, if you find an ownerless item on public transport, try to establish whose it is or who may have left it. Report the find to the driver (driver). If an unknown object is found in the entrance of your house, check with your neighbors, perhaps it is their luggage. Otherwise, report the find to the internal affairs authorities.

Do not touch, move, open or try to look inside the package. Record the time when the find was discovered. Try your best to get other people to move as far away from the area as possible. Wait for the investigative team to arrive, as you are an important eyewitness.