Kyiv Humanitarian Institute. Ukrainian Humanitarian Institute

Kyiv humanitarian academy(KGA) - Additional Information about higher education institution

general information

Kiev Humanitarian Academy is a higher educational institution of non-state ownership, created in 1994 and accredited at the IV educational qualification level.

Kiev Humanitarian Academy is a member of the International Personnel Academy and maintains contacts with foreign universities. The educational process has an international orientation and is conducted using modern methods using information technology by highly qualified teachers from Ukraine and foreign universities.

85% of the teachers of the Kyiv Humanitarian Academy have scientific degrees of doctors and candidates of science, almost half of them have practical experience in diplomatic activities.

At the Kyiv Humanitarian Academy there are student scientific societies "Euroclub", "Business Club", which provide students with the opportunity to participate in international conferences and seminars, visit foreign higher educational institutions and international organizations.

The Kyiv Academy of Humanities includes three faculties:

  • International relations,
  • Romano-Germanic philology,
  • Economic.

The Kiev Academy of Humanities cooperates with Lancaster University (Great Britain), a joint program has been developed, according to which the faculty of Lancaster University annually teaches professionally oriented disciplines to senior students of faculties. In accordance with the Lancaster programs, disciplines are taught in two specializations: international relations and diplomacy of international relations, international law. The best scientists of Ukraine, diplomats, representatives of the National Academy of Sciences, and leading economists are involved in teaching disciplines in each specialization.

The Kiev Humanitarian Academy trains bachelors, specialists and masters in the following specialties: international relations; English german, French languages and foreign literature; finance; marketing; management foreign economic activity.

The Kiev Humanitarian Academy trains bachelors, specialists and masters in the following specialties:

  • international relationships;
  • English, German, French languages ​​and foreign literature;
  • finance;
  • marketing;
  • management of foreign economic activity.

Duration of training - 4 - 5 years

Form of study - full-time, correspondence.

Second higher education by specialty:

Duration of training - 2 - 2.5 years.

During the learning process, students have the opportunity to use the reading room and library, electronic textbooks and information from libraries in Russia, the USA, Great Britain, Germany, France and other countries using the international Internet. All faculties prepare specialists with knowledge of two foreign languages. Students participate in the work of: English, German, French and Spanish clubs, Business Club, Euro Club and Intelligence Club.

The main activities of the student employment office are:

On the basis of the Linguistic Center, the institute organizes courses on studying foreign languages:

Business English and German languages For:

  • business and commerce;
  • foreign trade;
  • banking;
  • stock market.

Courses for studying and improving knowledge in foreign languages:

  • English;
  • German;
  • French;
  • Spanish;
  • Italian;

Students prepare for exams:


The main activities of the student employment office are:

  • employment of senior students and graduates of the Institute;
  • organizing practical training and internships for students in Ukraine and abroad;
  • social and psychological work among students and graduates of the institute;
  • career guidance work in schools.

III level of accreditation, non-state form of ownership

Information about the university:

Kiev Humanitarian Institute is a higher educational institution of non-state ownership, created in 1994 and accredited at the IV educational qualification level. FGI is a member of the International Personnel Academy and maintains connections with foreign universities. The educational process has an international orientation and is conducted using modern techniques using information technology by highly qualified teachers from Ukraine and foreign universities.

The university has: demon paid training, paid education, dormitories, postgraduate education, good teaching staff

Forms of training:

  • daytime,
  • correspondence,
  • remote.

Types of educational and qualification levels:

  • bachelor,
  • specialist,
  • master.

List of faculties:

  • marketing;
  • Finance and credit;
  • management;
  • international relationships;
  • philology.

Availability of preparatory courses for admission:

Preparatory courses for entering a university include programs:

  • foreign language;
  • history of Ukraine;
  • Ukrainian language;
  • mathematics;

Classes are held from 17.00 to 19.00, three times a week.

Additional Information:

Features of the educational process at the Kiev Humanitarian Institute:

  • The educational process at all faculties has an international orientation and is conducted using modern methods by highly qualified teachers from among well-known scientists and specialists of Ukraine and foreign countries. They all own best experience training of professional personnel;
  • Studying two foreign languages ​​(for the Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology - studying three foreign languages);
  • Working languages ​​- Ukrainian, English (for the Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology - Ukrainian, English, German, French);
  • Training using the latest methods; trainings; business games; consideration of situational exercises;
  • Comprehensive computerization of the educational process;
  • There are specialized language classrooms and a training center for computer linguistics.

For admission to the direction " International relationships"Certificates of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment are required in the following subjects:

  • Ukrainian language and literature;
  • history of Ukraine or entrance test in a foreign language.

To enroll in the “Philology” major, you need a certificate from the Ukrainian Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education in Ukrainian language and literature and an entrance test in a foreign language.
To enroll in the areas of “Marketing” and “Finance and Credit”, certificates from the Ukrainian Center for Assessing the Quality of Education in subjects are required.

For 1999, according to the decision of the general meeting of founders (Minutes No. 1 of 12/03/1998), in accordance with the Decision of the Executive Committee of the Irpen City Council No. 100-7-XXIII of 02/25/1999 “On registration of a company with limited liability "" and the Decision of the Kyiv Regional State Administration "On approval for the organization of the activities of the institute" No. 11-11-10419 dated March 15, 1999 in the village.Bucha, Kyiv region, the Ukrainian Humanitarian Institute began its work.

The main administrative, educational and utility buildings and structures of UGI are located in a forest area with total area more than 10 hectares.Until 1996, this territory belonged to the children's pioneer camp "Crystal", which, under a purchase and sale agreement, was transferred to the ownership of the Ukrainian Union Conference of the SDA Church in Ukraine.Since 1999, the territory has been leased to the Ukrainian Humanitarian Institute.

In May 2005 Based on the decision of the general meeting of founders (Minutes No. 1 of May 13, 2005), LLC “Ukrainian Humanitarian Institute” was reorganized into a private higher educational institution “Ukrainian Humanitarian Institute”.

Ukrainian Humanitarian Institute entered into the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

Since 1999, the Institute has received licenses to train specialists in the following specialties and areas: “Economics and Entrepreneurship (Finance)”, in this moment- “Finance and Credit” (since October 1999)"Management" (since October 1999)"Language and Literature (English)" (Since October 1999)“Economics and Entrepreneurship (Marketing)” (since June 2000) - currently there is no specialty;“Philosophy (religious studies)” (since September 2005).

On December 20, 2005, by decision of the State Attestation Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, protocol No. 58, the Ukrainian Humanitarian Institute was recognized as accredited as a higher education institution. educational institutions III (third) level.

License AB No. 395107 and accreditation certificate series RI-III No. 102466 were received in pursuance of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated January 27, 2007 No. 58 “On the procedure for enacting the list of areas in which specialists are trained in universities for bachelor’s educational qualifications” and in connection with changing the status of the urban-type settlement Bucha (Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine dated 02/09/06 No. 3434-IV “On classifying the urban-type settlement Bucha Irpinskaya City Council of the Kyiv Region as a city of regional significance”) and renaming the street in the town of Bucha ( Decision of the Buchansky villageCouncil dated November 23, 2006 No. 411-11U “On the renaming of streets and alleys in the village of Bucha”).

In March 2012, the Ukrainian Humanitarian Institute was given the opportunity to implement educational activities in specialty 7.03060104 “Management of Foreign Economic Activity” and the opportunity to carry out educational activities for training foreign citizens in accredited areas and specialties with a licensed volume of 40 people (Minutes of the State Attestation Commission No. 94 of March 23, 2012).

In June 2012, the Institute received a license to train specialists in the field of study 6.030301 “Journalism” (Minutes of the State Attestation Commission No. 97 of 07/06/2012)