Who issues it for radio installation? Radioification and warning of residential complexes

Radiofication (RF) is a city wire system for broadcasting radio programs and signals from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. A feature of the radio system is its energy independence (radio points are powered directly from the radio network), as well as the ability to use the radio network as the primary means of warning in case of emergency. Depending on the need and technical feasibility determined by the technical conditions of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise RSVO, the linear part of the radio system can be implemented by air (rack-mount feeder lines) or laid in a cable duct. Also, in accordance with the technical conditions, it is possible to install special receiving and transmitting equipment for radio and warning at the site.

The OKS Group of Companies carries out work on the design of internal and external radio networks, special radio installations in accordance with technical specifications, standards adopted in the Russian Federation and customer requirements. We are ready to provide services for preparing initial data for an order technical specifications in the Federal State Unitary Enterprise RSVO, developing solutions and obtaining technical specifications. We are also ready to carry out a full range of construction and installation works in the Russian Federation section, including installation of feeder lines, house networks, as well as commissioning of equipment for interfacing with the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Radioification of the object

Radiofication of any building involves the release of a project that includes two parts: external and internal networks. The project for external radio installation of a facility contains solutions for connecting a house to a city radio relay network (usually an overhead feeder line). Technical solutions for the installation of a home radio network are indicated in the design of the internal radio network. Conventionally, the internal radio network is the low part of 15-30 V, and the external network is 120-220 V feeder lines, with the boundary being a step-down transformer, for example. From a technical point of view, it is better when one company designs both external and internal networks, however, this is not necessary.

Project cost Radiofication

The cost of a radio installation project depends entirely on the size and complexity of the facility. At the same time, designing the radio section is a completely routine and uncomplicated process. Thus, the price for the project is low and can be from 15 thousand rubles for stage P (external and internal radio networks), and from 30 thousand rubles for the same volume, but at the RD stage.

Regulatory documentation for the section Radiofication

The design of the Radiofication section for objects on the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the approved regulatory documentation "Wired radio broadcasting and warning networks in buildings and structures. Design standards (with Amendment No. 1)".

Radiofication is the process of equipping an object with various receiving devices, as well as transmitting audio-type radio signals. The historical purpose of radio is to transmit warning or alarm signals in accordance with civil defense requirements. All radio nodes are often combined into one common system, which is subsequently connected to the main civil defense center. This allows for prompt notification of all enterprises and their employees about any emergency situations. Despite the fact that such systems are practically trouble-free in operation, it is necessary to periodically audit the entire system in order to avoid problems.

Convenient and affordable wired broadcast networks

Victorious procession latest technologies diverts important consumer attention away from proven, legacy systems. Today it seems that popular wireless communication has always been and will be, its advantages are obvious and it is difficult to argue with this point. In fact, it is significantly superior to wired broadcasting, but you should not completely abandon the analogue option, which is more stable in many respects.

The higher the technology of the system, the more demanding it will be in terms of operation and subsequent maintenance. It will become dependent on external factors. Devices that receive and transmit signals also break down, they have corresponding terms and operating conditions, and their capabilities are also limited. It is worth noting that radio systems that were installed many years ago are still working today, which indicates the reliability of analog systems.

This effect is essentially achieved due to the fact that the wired system does not include any complex equipment. That is, there is nothing that can simply break. This is a significant plus.

Another factor in favor of a wired line is its maximum availability. At organizational issues communications, for example, within a single industrial enterprise, laying various radio lines is the best option both in terms of functionality and overall cost. It will not require any complex maintenance or regular inspection; it is simple and reliable to use.

The Signal Security company does not advocate for equipping enterprises with wired systems, but strongly recommends that its customers, if possible, combine both wired and wireless options. This allows you to reduce the budget for creating radio equipment, but at the same time increases its performance and reliability several times.

We provide radio installation services of any complexity and type, which will allow you to get the desired result, even if you have a limited budget. We provide guarantees for our work and optimal prices for their implementation, as well as subsequent maintenance if necessary.

The list of services from Signal Security includes:

  • spot installation of radio points;
  • design of radio networks;
  • installation work of any complexity;
  • radioification of buildings at any height;
  • connection to the broadcast center;
  • setting up internal networks;
  • installation work with sound amplification equipment.

Our company directly specializes in the design, purchase of devices, installation and subsequent automation of various engineering networks. We have organized many public and private facilities that are still functioning without problems today.

Radioification of public places and enterprises

The organization of wired radio communication systems makes it possible to establish at any facility the transmission of emergency and information messages, the broadcast of background music, the exchange of voice-type messages between remote areas, etc. Our company Signal Security provides all the equipment that is necessary for radio installation of various objects, and can also offer loudspeakers, wired broadcast amplifiers and microphones. Our assortment includes only the highest quality and practice-tested equipment, which has been tested and approved for use in the territory Russian Federation.

We offer not only installation services, but also consultations before carrying out work, design, preparation of all necessary documentation, and obtaining important permits for subsequent work.

Radiofication of enterprises with the help of devices purchased from us will make production processes much faster and even safer, will make it possible to create a favorable working environment, and if necessary, you can notify your personnel about the danger or collect any data for publicizing.

Quote Radio operator 10/21/2014 22:28:34

Let's go in order.
--End quote------

OK. Let's go. I comment on your posts point by point.

1. Nina, OKSION is not a warning system, but a system for informing and educating the population.
==Not true= Decipher the abbreviation OKSION - it contains the word NOTIFICATION==

>> but in Moscow, PV has come to the rescue more than once recently
Facts, please come to the studio.
2. Here are examples of the Second World War,
==Doesn't fit== WWII - is this something that happened recently? During the war there was no other warning system - radios were requisitioned from the population ==

Fire in Moscow in the South-West on May 10, 2009. There, all the electrical cables in the sewer, telephone and optical cables burned out, 80 thousand subscribers were without communication, but the air supply worked
==Not suitable= How did PV help out in this situation? The population was informed not through radio outlets, but through the media (television, radio, news) and the Internet.

Explosions in the metro - warning through street loudspeakers,
= Doesn’t work == so the street warning is the very same OKSION, we were talking about APARTMENT radio points ==

Fire at a tire factory in 1996. Etc.
==Doesn’t fit== I won’t even go into detail - 1996 is not “lately” either.

I.p. - which was what needed to be proven - the PV system has NO examples of successful performance of its functions recently!

3. What is data from independent researchers? What might they know?
===And in general, how can we be interested in the opinion of a bald man with such a nose? (c) Zhvanetsky ==

Where have you seen this, so that Muscovites pay and don’t use it?
===You will be surprised, but read the order “How to turn off a radio point” - For example, an article by the OZPP http://ozpp.ru/pr/articles-about/smi... By the way, they refer to the figure of 98% ===

Does this mean that MGRS does not pay the electric networks? And this is a serious amount on the scale of Moscow.
==I don’t know, maybe MGRS is heated with electricity or sells it externally - I wasn’t interested.==

And without load there will be no energy consumption,
==Your argument goes against the laws of physics. The efficiency of any real equipment is less than 1. ===

4. 98% made me laugh.
==Are these your arguments in a “technical” dispute? Trying to ridicule numbers you don't agree with looks pathetic.===

5. What does the alien have to do with it? We have a technical dispute.
==Yes, aliens are possible and have nothing to do with it. After your ridicule of the facts, I'm starting to lean towards the circus. ==

About penetration. Internet penetration is comparable to 10-15% on average for one operator in an average city.
==The average Internet penetration in the country is more than 54 percent. We are talking about an information channel - wired broadcasting or the Internet, and not PV against VasyaPupkinTelecom ==

And in medium-sized cities there are approximately 10-20% radio points
==You are not good with numbers. Please provide a source for these figures. My numbers with links:

OMSK 2008 - less than 70 thousand per 1.1 million population = 6% http://www.fapmc.ru/rospechat/newsan...
Krasnoyarsk 2012 about 22 thousand subscribers per 1 million = 2%
Ostozhsk Voronezh 2008 ...about three hundred left. Population 33000 = less than 1% http://www.ostrogozhsk.ru/forum/view...

I don’t think that in other cities of Russia the number of radio points differs significantly from the examples given.

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Calculation of load power per apartment during radio installation

In connection with repeatedly arising questions about the allocated power to an apartment when designing radio installations and the ambiguous interpretation of 0.4 W or 0.125 W - 0.15 W and 0.25 W, let's consider the history of the issue.
“Departmental Construction Standards for communication, signaling and dispatching devices engineering equipment residential and public buildings» VSN-60-89 - clause 3.9, the load of the PV network should be taken for residential buildings - one loudspeaker per apartment, and for public buildings from the number of installed subscriber loudspeakers.
In this case, the number of subscriber loudspeakers is calculated based on power consumption.
In accordance with GOST 11515-91 “Channels and paths of audio broadcasting”, the nominal voltage values ​​of audio broadcasting signals at the subscriber socket for Moscow are fixed at 15 V (25.5 dB) and for territories not included – 30 V (31.5 dB), there is only irony here.
Taking as a basis the existing ones at that time (2000) regulatory documents, leading specialists who perfectly know their business developed, prepared and issued “Instructions for the design of communication systems, informatization and dispatching of housing construction projects” RM-2798, Moscow, Moskomarkhitektura.
This instruction (RM-2798), which incorporates the most significant decisions, has been the basis for many years in the design of power supply networks not only in Moscow, but throughout the vast expanses of Russia. And somewhere to this day, despite the fact that due to the release of new instructions in 2010 it was canceled, it continues to be a normative reference document.
According to clause 4.8 of RM-2798, the load on the PV network is calculated based on the power consumption of one loudspeaker - 0.15 W.
A loudspeaker is understood as a subscriber device connected to the PV network and powered from this network. The parameters of the subscriber devices themselves are set by the manufacturer and have not changed, namely 0.125 - 0.15 W for a voltage of 15 V and 0.15 - 0.25 W for a voltage of 30 V.
Thus, based on the requirements and standards, the calculated power per apartment for the territory of Moscow is 0.125 0.15 W.

Now we move on to the emergence of a requirement of 0.4 Vt per apartment.

In not so distant times, in connection with the emergence of a large and diverse segment of information solutions and puzzled by the catastrophic drop in interest in wired radio broadcasting, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise MGRS developed and promoted the “Social Outlet” project.
Within this project it was planned to install a BRUSR on the floor and terminal devices in the apartments, which included a radio socket and a built-in subscriber loudspeaker.
In 2012, FSUE MGRS prepared and issued a joint venture. 133.13330.2012 “Wired radio broadcasting and warning networks in buildings and structures” in which, despite the fact that the SP data were significantly reduced during public consideration, some mistakes remained.
And so, being a federal document, that is, valid throughout the Russian Federation, there remains a requirement for the installation of equipment, which is installed only by FSUE MGRS, since other telecom operators use other certified equipment to provide wired radio broadcasting communication services.

Clause 4.50 of the specified joint ventures. 133.13330.2012 sets the load per apartment at the rate of 0.4 W.
However, where did such a significant power per apartment come from, let’s consider paragraph 4.58.
It is from this point that we begin to understand that this power is based on a hypothetical installation in an apartment of a terminal multifunctional device (TMD), which includes the installation of a built-in sound annunciator - 0.15 W and a radio socket for a subscriber loudspeaker with a power of up to 0.25 W. Summing up the power data, we get the indicated 0.4 W.

Thus, not carefully reading the SP data. 133.13330.2012 leads to such ambiguous requirements, as a result of which whole clusters appear on the pipe stands, consisting of subscriber transformers and clogging of low-current risers and channels with wire harnesses.