Literary examples on the topic of friends. “Of the enemies, the most dangerous is the enemy who pretends to be a friend” (Ш

This is someone who is ready to do everything for his comrade, who will never deceive and will always support difficult situation. A friend is someone to whom you can trust your most intimate things. Friends are always honest with each other. They will not flatter a friend's eyes or slander him behind his back in order to gain any benefit. You can always get good and honest advice from a friend. But can it happen that a friend becomes an enemy? Can true friendship turn into enmity?

Many writers and poets have addressed the theme of friendship in their works. My favorite work on this topic is the novel in verse by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”. Main character novel, Evgeniy, comes to the village and meets Vladimir Lensky there. The two men quickly become friends. They were completely different, but, nevertheless, they got together and spent long evenings together.

But one day a major quarrel separated them, and in a duel Onegin killed Lensky. Could it be that one quarrel turned friends into enemies, or that Evgeniy and Vladimir were never real friends? I believe that their friendship was not sincere, at least on Onegin’s part. He was simply bored in the village, and he found himself a comrade and interlocutor with whom he could kill time. I don’t think that their friendship turned into enmity, because there was no friendship as such from the very beginning.

Another work describing friendship is Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”. Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolts, the main characters of the novel, have been friends since childhood. Although for a long time they were not able to communicate, the friends did not lose warm feelings for each other and continued to communicate after several years of separation. Stolz, like a true friend, tried to help Oblomov cope with his destructive lifestyle and become more active. Despite the fact that his attempts were unsuccessful, he did not abandon his friend until last days tried to help him with everything in his power. I believe that the friendship of Andrei Stolts and Ilya Oblomov is a real strong friendship that simply cannot develop into enmity. There were quite a lot of difficulties in the communication between these two men, but they did not stop being friends.

The above literary examples prove that true friendship, no matter how difficult the trials and quarrels between people, cannot develop into enmity. True friends will always find the strength to forgive or ask for forgiveness from each other. Friendship helps people overcome any difficulties. And if friends suddenly became enemies, it’s worth wondering whether they were friends at all.


Friendship is brotherhood.

Not trusting friends is more shameful than being deceived by them.

True friendship unites only worthy people.

Without true friendship, life is nothing (Cicero).


- “A friend is one soul living in two bodies” (Aristotle).

- “A cowardly friend is worse than an enemy, because you fear the enemy, but rely on your friend” (L.N. Tolstoy).

- “Sincerity in relationships, truth in communication - that’s friendship” (A.V. Suvorov).

- “A true friend is not a mattress, but you can rely on him” (A.V. Suvorov)

If he didn’t whine, didn’t whine,

Even though he was gloomy and angry, he walked

And when you fell off the cliffs,

He moaned, but held on

If I followed you as if into battle,

At the top stood a drunken one, -

So, as for yourself,

Rely on him.

(V. Vysotsky)

Grape seed V warm earth I'll bury

I will kiss the vine and pluck the ripe grapes,

I will call my friends and set my heart in love.

Otherwise, why do I live on this eternal earth?

(B. Okudzhava).

Literary arguments

In the novel “War and Peace” by L. N. Tolstoy helps the reader understand what true friendship is. Extreme frankness and honesty between two people, when neither can even entertain the thought of betrayal or apostasy - this is exactly the kind of relationship that develops between Prince Andrei and Pierre. They deeply respect and understand each other, and in the most difficult moments of doubt and failure they come for advice. It is no coincidence that Prince Andrei, when leaving abroad, tells Natasha to turn to Pierre for help only. Pierre has loved Natasha for a long time, but he doesn’t even have the thought of taking advantage of Prince Andrei’s departure to court her. Against. Although it is very difficult and difficult for Pierre, he helps Natasha in the story with Anatoly Kuragin, he considers it an honor and duty to protect and protect his friend’s fiancee.

I. Goncharov “Oblomov. The characters' characters are so different that many critics agreed: Stolz is a kind of “antidote” to Oblomov. Goncharov wrote: “They were connected by childhood and school - two strong springs.” Oblomov and Stolz are completely different heroes. But it was not only childhood and school, as Goncharov wrote, that united them. Stolz and Oblomov complement each other.

IN “Fathers and Sons” by I.S. Turgenev The main story of friendship that runs through the entire novel is the story of the friendship between the main character Evgeniy Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov. Arkady values ​​his friendship with Bazarov very much and is proud of him. Bazarov is older and more experienced than his comrade. He has formed views on life, sometimes very harsh and cynical. Arkady is the absolute opposite. All he strives for is comfort and peace, and this is the opposite of Bazarov’s life attitude - not to sit idly by, to work, to move. As the novel progresses, we see that Bazarov ridicules what is so dear to Arkady: the open manifestation of warm feelings for family and loved ones, admiration for the beauty of nature, the enjoyment of poetry. Arkady is attached to Bazarov, but this cannot be called friendship. Evgeniy has no friends. There is no person who would not give in to him and could communicate on equal terms. At the end of the novel, Arkady understands this, and they part with almost no regret.

Front-line service is an almost legendary expression; There is no doubt that there is no stronger and more devoted friendship between people. Literary examples there is plenty of that. In the story Gogol "Taras Bulba" one of the heroes exclaims: “There are no bonds brighter than comradeship!” But most often this topic was revealed in the literature about the Great Patriotic War. In the story B. Vasilyeva “And the dawns here are quiet...” both the anti-aircraft gunner girls and captain Vaskov live by the laws of mutual assistance and responsibility for each other. In the novel by K. Simonov “The Living and the Dead” Captain Sintsov carries a wounded comrade from the battlefield.

L. Ulitskaya “Glitch”

The problem of quarrels between people. Enmity of people



- “It is more profitable to have someone else among your enemies than among your friends” (F.M. Dostoevsky).

- “By nature, people are not at all enemies of each other” (J. J. Rousseau)

- “Don’t hold hostility endlessly - you are mortal” (A. Fet).

Literary arguments

In the story “Dubrovsky” A.S. Pushkin a casual word led to hostility and many troubles for former neighbors.

In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet The family feud ended with the death of the main characters.

"The Tale of Igor's Campaign." Svyatoslav pronounces the “golden word”, condemning Igor and Vsevolod, who violated feudal obedience, which led to a new attack by the Polovtsians on Russian lands.

The problem of kindness and forgiveness


Bring light and goodness to the world!


- “While you are young, strong, cheerful, do not get tired of doing good” (A. Chekhov).

Literary arguments

M. A. Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita". The image of Yeshua is the image of Jesus Christ, carrying the idea of ​​true kindness and forgiveness. He says about all people, even about those who bring him pain and suffering: “A good person.” He forgives the procurator of Judea, who doomed him to a painful death, leaving with him into eternity.

The problem of true and imaginary values



- “A person needs not three arshins of land, not an estate, but the whole Earth"(A.P. Chekhov).

- “Look into the distance - you will see the distance; look at the sky - you will see the sky; “When you look in a small mirror, you will see only yourself” (Kozma Prutkov).

Literary arguments

L. Tolstoy. "War and Peace". Prince Andrei, lying on the Austerlitz field, looks into the “good... high, endless, fair sky” and understands that the sky, clouds, earth are eternal, highest, most important. Compared to eternity, the importance of fame and ambition is insignificant. “How come I haven’t seen this high sky before? And how happy I am that I finally recognized him,” the hero thinks. From now on, a military career is not important to him; he becomes disillusioned with his former idol and strives for peace, selflessness and justice.

The content of the story is devoted to discussions about real and imaginary values. A. Chekhov “Gooseberry”. The cherished dream of the main character, a meek and kind man, is to acquire “a small estate somewhere on the banks of a river or lake.” The category of ideal is sublime and poetic in nature. The ideal of Nikolai Ivanovich is petty-bourgeois, base. He, sitting in the office, dreams of growing gooseberries, without which happiness is simply impossible. How little a person needs to be happy, just an estate and bushes with sour and hard berries! Ivan Ivanovich thinks differently, surprised by his brother’s spiritual narrowness; he believes that satiety and idleness “develop in a Russian person the most arrogant conceit.” It is impossible to become happy by satisfying only material needs, because “a person needs not three arshins of land, not an estate, but the entire globe.”

I. Bunin in the story “Mr. from San Francisco” showed the fate of a man who served false values. Wealth was his god, and this god he worshiped. But when the American millionaire died, it turned out that true happiness passed the man by: he died without ever knowing what life was.

L. Ulitskaya “Glitch”.

The problem of intelligence (What kind of person can be called intelligent?)


The basic principle of intelligence is intellectual freedom, freedom as a moral category. Not single intelligent person only from your conscience.

A true intellectual is a tireless fighter for justice with himself.


- “The White Guard” - “this is a persistent portrayal of the Russian intelligentsia as the best layer in our country..” (M.A. Bulgakov).

- “An intellectual is one whose thought is not imitative” (Alexander Solzhenitsyn).

- “Carriages, all filled by the best St. Petersburg nobility, those who represent the entire Russian European intelligentsia” (V.A. Zhukovsky)

- “Intelligence is the daily and hourly achievement of achievement, although often only potential” (A.F. Losev)

Literary arguments

The title of intellectual in Russian literature is deservedly held by heroes B. Pasternak (“Doctor Zhivago”) and Y. Dombrovsky (“Faculty of Unnecessary Things”). Neither Zhivago nor Zybin compromised with their own conscience. They do not accept violence in any form, be it Civil War or Stalinist repressions.

There is another type of Russian intellectual who betrays this high title. One of them is a hero story by Yu. Trifonov “Exchange” Dmitriev. His mother is seriously ill, his wife offers to exchange two rooms for a separate apartment, although the relationship between the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law did not work out in the best possible way. Dmitriev is at first indignant, criticizing his wife for her callousness and philistinism, but soon agrees to the exchange. There are more and more things in the apartment, food, expensive furniture: the density of life is increasing, things are replacing spiritual life.

1. A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

Chatsky and Gorich once (just a year ago they served together in the same regiment) were friends. Their meeting in Famusov’s house was joyful. One says: “Old friend,” and the other echoes: brother! This is how these people meet. According to Chatsky’s recollections, last year “...did I know you in the regiment? It’s only morning: your foot is in the stirrup and you’re rushing around on a greyhound stallion.” Now Gorich has fallen under the influence not only of his young wife, but of the entire Famus society. He perceives the rumor of Chatsky’s madness with difficulty, but under pressure public opinion he gives up, thereby betraying his friend: “Well, that’s it, you can’t believe it anyway...” Platon Mikhailovich betrays so easily ex-friend, almost a brother.

2. M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"

Pechorin does not accept friendship; he believes that in friendship one will always submit to the other. Werner doesn't think so. He tries his best to understand and explain Pechorin’s actions, but he never fully accepts his actions. The last meeting of these “friends” is colored by heavy intonations of omissions and misunderstandings. It’s a pity that Pechorin is indifferent to Werner’s attitude towards him. Although it's more likely bravado.

3. L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Prince Andrei and Count Bezukhov, despite the age difference, are very close friends. They are united by high demands on themselves, a desire to do good for society, to leave a mark. Andrey always gives practical advice to Pierre, although he never follows through. And Pierre is trying to help Andrey at the moment of Natasha’s betrayal. His words, at first glance, are not heard by his friend, but in fact, he suffers too much and seeks to avenge the honor of his beloved girl. They are always near, even when far away. This is true friendship.

4. M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don"

The life of Grigory Melekhov is filled with communication with people, among them are friends such as Mitka Korshunov and Mishka Koshevoy. Over time, life separates them not only on opposite sides of the barricades, but also on opposite sides of good and evil. Prokhor Zykov remains Grigory's single most faithful friend to the end.

5. B. Vasiliev “Tomorrow there was war”

Vika Lyuberetskaya and Iskra Polyakova are not friends at first. Both are very strong natures, they seemed to never find common language. But Iskra realized how pure and honest Vika was after reading Yesenin’s poems. A harmless birthday became the starting point for testing the true friendship of these girls. Vicky's death shocked all her classmates. But Iskra accomplishes a feat when she reads Yesenin’s poems over the grave of her young friend. This is her oath of friendship to the dead girl.

A.S. Pushkin “Pushchina”

Friendship A.S. Pushkin and Ivan Pushchin.

When the poet was in exile in Mikhailovskoye, his lyceum friend Pushchin, without fear of punishment for violating the ban, visited Pushkin. Alexander Sergeevich was grateful to his friend for this last meeting, which was reflected in his poem “Pushchinu”

My friends, our union is wonderful!

He, like the soul, is indivisible and eternal...

A striking example to follow is the attitude of Wilhelm Kuchelbecker towards his lyceum friend A.S. Pushkin. Kükhlya, as his comrades called him, understood the genius of the young poet like no one else and did not hide his sincere admiration for him. And A.S. Pushkin valued his comrade very highly.
"The Snow Queen" by Andersen. Gerda overcame many obstacles to save Kai.

In the story by V. Zheleznikov“Scarecrow” Lenka turns out to be betrayed by her friend. And such cases are not uncommon in people's lives. But not all people are able to survive this, although those who still cope with the situation will forever remember the bitterness and resentment. The “wind of the past” will “whip” them “in the face.” Lenka turned out to be strong man, able to rise after such insult and humiliation, capable of remaining a merciful and devoted friend.

Let's remember another literary hero - Pechorin, to find a true friend who was also prevented by selfishness and indifference. This man was passionate only about himself, his own interests and experiments, so for him people were just means to achieve his goals.

The hero of the fairy tale by A. de Saint-Exupéry also needed a real friend. A little prince lived on his small planet and took care of the only close creature - the beautiful Rose. But Rosa was very capricious, her words often offended the baby, and this made him unhappy. But one day the Little Prince left his planet and went on a journey across the Universe in search of true friends.

Let us also remember one of A.S. Pushkin’s friends - V.A. Zhukovsky, who always came to the aid of the poet, even in the most difficult moments. For example, during the Mikhailovsky exile, Vasily Andreevich petitioned the court for the release of A.S. Pushkin, and in the 30s he tried to achieve reconciliation between his friend and the tsar, believing that this would benefit the poet. A.S. Pushkin saw this, appreciated and loved his elder friend, recognized him as his only adviser.

And here's another one sad story about lost friendship. One of A. Aleksin’s works tells about two friends - Lyusa and Olya, friendly relations who were doomed because one of them - Lucy - always showed concern for her friend, and the other did not. Even when Olenka had the opportunity to do something nice for Lucy, she did not consider it necessary to take advantage of it, which greatly offended her friend. Olya acted selfishly, she did not think about Lucy’s interests and desires, so their friendship came to an end.

Relationships between the main characters of the novel A. Dumas “The Three Musketeers” is a classic example true friendship. D'Artagnan, Athos, Porthos and Aramis live under the motto: “One for all, all for one,” the heroes of the novel overcome all difficulties thanks to true friendship.

  • Friendship can easily turn into hostility
  • True friends have no secrets from each other, they are ready to come and help in any situation
  • Nothing can ruin true friendships
  • They can be completely friends different people
  • Friendship does not mean unity of views, not life
  • Friends can teach each other something new


F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”. Dmitry Razumikhin is a true friend of Rodion Raskolnikov. He is responsive, open, a kind person. It is Razumikhin who takes care of the sick Raskolnikov: he is nearby and invites the doctor. He treats his sister and his friend’s mother just as well. Razumikhin does not believe to the last that Raskolnikov committed murder. He tries to justify his friend, citing illness. But when the truth becomes obvious, the hero does not abandon Raskolnikov. Dmitry Razumikhin marries Duna, his sister, and in three or four years, when he has saved the required amount of money, he is going to move to Siberia, where a friend is serving hard labor.

I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”. The story of the friendship between Arkady Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov runs through the entire work. However, it is debatable whether this is truly friendship. Arkady is a follower of Bazarov, who at the beginning of the novel agrees with him in everything. Evgeny Bazarov himself is a mature person with his own views on life, his place in the world. The life values ​​of the heroes are opposite. Arkady Kirsanov is attached to Bazarov, but Evgeny believes that he has no friends. There can be no real friendship between them, because it cannot be based on the subordination of one person to another. Over time, the heroes only move away from each other. The breakup of their relationship is completely natural.

I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov”. Andrey Stolts and Ilya Oblomov are completely different people, but they are drawn to each other. Stolz comes to Oblomov with pleasure, and the latter greets him with joy. They carried their friendship through the years. Only throughout his life Andrei Stolts was active, striving for development, and Ilya Oblomov was lazy and gradually faded away. When Oblomov died, Stolz took his son Andryusha for himself - this is another proof of their true friendship.

L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”. The friendship between Prince Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov can be called true, real. They are honest and frank with each other. Prince Andrei cares about Pierre's future: even at the beginning of the work, he asks his friend to abandon Kuragin's company. The characters consult with each other and go through the most difficult moments of their lives together. They can argue, their views differ in some ways, but this does not interfere with friendship. It’s not for nothing that Prince Andrei asks Natasha Rostova to turn to Pierre for help in any situation. Although Pierre himself is in love with Natasha, he does not dare to court her even after his friend’s departure. The hero helps the girl survive one of the most difficult situations for her - an attempt to escape with Anatoly Kuragin. The friendship between Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky is the ideal to which we must strive.

A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”. Many people call the relationship between Evgeny Onegin and Vladimir Lensky friendship, but this is unlikely to actually be the case. Onegin communicated with Lensky more out of boredom than out of interest. He considered himself wiser, thought that over time the young poet would understand the true essence of life. The good relationship between the heroes grew into enmity due to the fact that Evgeny, to spite Lensky, danced with Olga, his fiancée, all evening. Vladimir Lensky challenged the hero to a duel and died at his hands in a fair fight. However, Eugene Onegin’s feelings after the duel confirm that deep down in his soul he considers what happened to be wrong.

A.S. Pushkin “Dubrovsky”. The enmity between Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky and Kirilla Petrovich Troekurov is the basis of the plot of the famous story. The heroes were friends from their youth, they were brought together by many things, their friendship was envied. A seemingly funny situation led to enmity: Troekurov’s servant unintentionally insulted Dubrovsky with his words. Both heroes were very stubborn, so it was not possible to settle the conflict through peaceful means. The meanness of Kirilla Petrovich turned into madness and the death of Andrei Gavrilovich. Could true friendship turn into mortal enmity? No. Most likely there was no true friendship.

N.V. Gogol “Taras Bulba”. Friendship and camaraderie are very close concepts. For Taras Bulba, partnership is a huge value, including justice, joint efforts to defend the Motherland, and honesty with each other. Before the decisive battle, the hero makes a speech about camaraderie, which greatly inspires the Cossacks, calling on them to “become related by kinship of the soul.” Relations between Cossacks are a manifestation of true friendship, proven by deeds.

O. Wilde “The Picture of Dorian Gray.” Friendship with Lord Henry has a negative impact on the handsome young Dorian Gray. It was the words of Henry Wotton that prompted the young man to wish that the portrait painted by Basil Hallward would grow old in his place. Lord Henry constantly pushes Dorian to commit immoral acts. The values ​​of hedonism that Henry Wotton preaches destroy the young man’s soul. One can hardly see anything good in the friendship between these heroes.