Copper wire. Why do you dream about wire - interpretation of dreams according to dream books Why do you dream about pulling wire out of your body

Similar: wire, rod rod, wire, gimp, microwire, enamel wire, hardware, platinite, Wire, Spiral, armored wire, Beat, ligature, dart, dart

Wire in Miss Hasse's Dream Book:

  • Wire - Find - move the hassle
  • Search - money worries
  • Getting confused in it is a danger in the future
  • To delay - the outcome of the case will be delayed.
  • Interpretation in Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita Sleep Wire:

    Wire - endure troubles - search - money troubles - get entangled in it - danger in the future - pull - the outcome of the case will be delayed

    Why do you dream about Wire? Miller's Dream Book?

  • Seeing a metal fence in a dream foretells that deception and fraud awaits you in some matter that you have long decided to carry out.
  • An old and rusty wire is evidence of your bad character, which will cause great concern among your loved ones.
  • Seeing a wire in a dream means that you will have frequent but short trips, after which you will be convinced that you are underestimated.
  • IN Azar's Dream Book if you dream about Wire:

  • golden wire - success in business
  • silver wire - intrigues that will soon be revealed
  • If you dream about Wire? IN Family dream book:

  • An old rusty wire is evidence of your bad character, which can cause you a lot of trouble.
  • Wire dreams of frequent but short trips.
  • Metal wire dreams of deception.
  • Interpretation of the dream Wire in Noble dream book:

  • Seeing the wire is a nuisance.
  • Prickly - hard times.
  • Golden - success in business.
  • Seeing a wire means frequent short business trips, as a result of which you will realize that you are underestimated.

    Old, rusty barbed wire is a symbol of your bad character, which constantly interferes with your friendship with people.

    A wire fence is a sign of deception and some kind of fraud, which, as it turns out, is being carried out by your business partners.

    Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

    What does the dream Wire mean?

    A dream in which you see coils of wire means that you will face frequent and burdensome trips, which will cause sharp discontent in your household.

    Scraps of rusty wire lying here and there under your feet are a sign of annoying troubles caused by your irritability and extreme nervousness. Bend, break or cut the wire into pieces means that a trick is being prepared for you where you are least likely to expect it. Seeing a wire fence in a dream means that in reality you will encounter a serious obstacle that will prevent you from carrying out your well-conceived plan.

    Tearing your clothes while crawling under barbed wire means a streak of bad luck for you.

    Walking along a wire like a circus acrobat means that determination, patience and perseverance will lead you to your desired goal.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

    See Wire in a dream

    Making something with wire means frequent but short trips await you. The wire is taut - life will be very active. The wire is lying around somewhere - you will be involved in various interesting projects.

    If you are not interested in performing the dream, imagine winding the wire into a spool and putting it in your pocket or stowing it in your shed.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

    What do Wire dreams mean?

    A sign of tense anticipation.

    The longer the wire: the longer the period of time in question.

    The best thing you can do after having such a dream is to relax and try to get rid of excess tension.

    Tangled wire: a sign that your impatience is only making the situation worse.

    Barbed wire: a warning that tense anticipation can make you bitter, and this bitterness will have a very negative impact on your affairs, providing you with many enemies and serious difficulties.

    Barbed wire is a life difficulty, an obstacle.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

    Dream about Wire

    Seeing a wire in a dream means that you will have frequent but short trips, after which you will be convinced that you are underestimated.

    An old and rusty wire is evidence of your bad character, which will cause great concern among your loved ones.

    Seeing a metal fence in a dream foretells that deception and fraud awaits you in some matter that you have long decided to carry out.

    Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

    What does Wire mean in a dream?

    Wire in a dream means obstacles, red tape, a complicated matter, or danger. Barbed wire in a dream means danger or failure in business.

    Tangled wire, iron rods, pieces of wire sticking out on the road or in the ground predict obstacles in business, failure in business, and the collapse of your plans. Getting tangled in a wire in a dream is a harbinger of great failure. Sometimes such a dream warns you that you may get involved in a risky business that threatens you with trouble. It happens that such a dream predicts that you will find yourself in a difficult situation because you want to help some people who will repay you with ingratitude, or you will not succeed at all. Walking on a wire in a dream is a warning about danger in a risky business that you will be offered the other day. See interpretation: rope, go.

    Interpretation of dreams from

    "A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

    Wire in a dream means obstacles, red tape, a complicated matter, or danger. Barbed wire in a dream means danger or failure in business.

    Tangled wire, iron rods, pieces of wire sticking out on the road or in the ground predict obstacles in business, failure in business, and the collapse of your plans. Getting tangled in a wire in a dream is a harbinger of great failure. Sometimes such a dream warns you that you may get involved in a risky business that threatens you with trouble. It happens that such a dream predicts that you will find yourself in a difficult situation because you want to help some people who will repay you with ingratitude, or you will not succeed at all. Walking on a wire in a dream is a warning about danger in a risky business that you will be offered the other day.

    See why you dream of a rope, what you dream of walking towards.

    Why do you dream about wire according to the dream book -
    "Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

    If you dreamed that you found a wire, it means trouble; looking for wire in a dream - you will be looking for additional income; tangling a wire in a dream means danger; pulling a wire in a dream - the resolution of your case will be delayed.

    A very meaningful symbol is a dreamed wire. If you happened to see this object in a dream, then it would not be amiss to clarify what exactly you saw: a stretched “thorn”, wound coils of wire, or thin tendril-like hairs. According to dream books, these details play a significant role in the interpretation of what this hardware is meant for in dreams.

    What does Gustav Miller promise?

    According to Miller’s dream book, seeing wire in a dream means frequent, but not long, business trips or trips of a personal nature, which will “show” you how much management does not value you.

    Also remember if it was dirty or rusty. This symbol means that your intractable nature and uncompromising nature will cause concern to your loved ones.

    Barbed fence as a symbol of danger

    The dreamer who dreamed of barbed wire will “receive” mental pain and discomfort. Moreover, note that if in a dream you were scratched by barbed wire, then you yourself will be the culprit of your troubles.

    Did you dream that you were standing in front of a fence surrounded by thorns? Such a dream is a signal of danger: you have started a scam that can cost you your reputation and can also lead to problems with the authorities. Climbing over a fence or crawling under it in a dream means risky transactions.

    Wire bays, or the path-road awaits you

    If you dreamed of a large amount of copper wire twisted into coils, then such a dream says: a journey awaits you. But to be more convincing, you should understand the nuances of the plot.

    So, if in a dream you see that the bobbins are piled up chaotically, then this is a sign that you are not entirely sure whether you want to hit the road or not. The interpretation of the dream offered by the Wanderer’s dream book for the plot in which you see tangled copper wire wound on spools should alert you: you shouldn’t go anywhere - failures await you.

    But a neatly wound copper wire promises success and achieving goals where you go.

    Contact with hardware: From betrayal to happiness

    Did you dream of a wire ring? It's time to test your relationship with your chosen one for strength and sincerity.

    Did you dream that your groom was giving you a wire ring? Such a vision promises slow, but still progress in relationships.

    Interested in what the wire stuck in your teeth prophesies? Medea's dream book will tell you: changes in life that you can accept only by “gritting your teeth.” And if you dreamed that you were holding a piece of wire in your mouth like a straw, then you should take life more seriously.

    Piercing your hand in a dream with a thin piece of metal and pulling it out means betraying a friend.

    What did the metal product look like?

    The appearance of a dreamed wire can tell a lot:

    • rusty - to obstacles in business, delays, unexpected difficulties;
    • brilliant - everything will go as planned;
    • in isolation - maintain secrecy if you want to achieve your goal;
    • made of gold - success will be unexpected and grandiose;
    • made of silver - you will be able to expose the intriguers “fighting” against you.

    Why do you dream about wire? If you screw a part with copper wire, it means you have a lot of ideas that you are not able to implement. Soon a person will appear in your life who will help you realize your plans.

    If you look in the dream book, the wire from it indicates that you are trying to protect yourself from communicating with people because of a long-standing psychological drama. Don't get depressed; try to start communicating with friends who will help you get through this period.

    If you dreamed that you were at a base where there was a lot of copper wire, this is a sign that real life you are confused and cannot make a serious choice. Don't despair, because there is a way out of any situation. It’s worth weighing everything, and, having calmed down, you will understand that everything is not so bad.

    If you look in the dream book, barbed wire is interpreted as a sign that you are facing a minor obstacle in life, and you will overcome it without noticing. For a family man, a wire in a dream indicates what awaits him soon:

    • Pleasant news from distant relatives.
    • A romantic gift from your spouse.
    • A joyful event in the family, such as the birth of a baby.

    If in your dreams you hold a small piece of wire in your mouth, this indicates that in real life you have almost achieved your goal, which you have been working towards for a long time. Why do you dream about wire? If in a vision you had an old wire in your hands, this is a harbinger that a long-forgotten friend will soon remind you of himself. There may be a meeting that will not be very pleasant for you.

    Steel messages

    Stepping on barbed wire in a dream and feeling pain means that you are worried about close friend. Don't worry, he'll soon let you know that he's fine. If in a dream you happened to be in an area fenced with barbed wire, it means that soon you will have a trip in which things will go well. Available love affair at work which will last for a very long time.

    Pulling a heavy wire of enormous length in a dream is a harbinger that your life will be long, happy and easy. Crushing an aluminum wire in a dream is a sign that you have been disappointed by a person you trusted. This person will make amends to you and regain your trust.

    Finding a coil of rusty wire in a dream is a sign that you will soon discover many secrets that are connected with your ancestry. You can immerse yourself in this story. Building a house fence from aluminum wire in a dream is a sign that you will soon have to change your place of residence or place of work, which will be successful for you.

    Winding up an aluminum wire in a dream is a sign that you will take part in organizing a party for your friend or relative. In your dreams you break the wire into pieces - this means that soon you will meet a person with whom you will quickly find mutual language, this person will suit your mental make-up. If you see something made of wire in a dream, it means that a joyful event will soon happen in your life - perhaps a wedding.