Plunge into an ice hole for baptism. Bathing for baptism


Epiphany water is sacred, has healing powers, carries a powerful charge of faith, and has its own memory. Swimming on Epiphany in the cold is a tradition that has passed down through the centuries. Not only has it not lost its significance, but it has also gained popularity among both young people and the older generation. Swimming in an ice hole has become not only a matter of faith, but also a fashion trend.

From what date can you swim for Epiphany 2019

Many people ask the question: when do they swim in the ice hole for baptism 2019? You can take a dip in the invigorating water as early as January 18, 2019, but you need to do this only after the evening service in the church, these are the rules, there is no need to break them and check what will happen if you swim earlier. And January 19 is the day when all water becomes holy. You can swim throughout the day until midnight.

Jesus Christ was baptized in the Jordan River on January 19, but you can plunge into the ice hole and receive God’s grace on January 18 after the evening service.

Is it necessary to swim in an ice hole at Epiphany?

In ancient times, the feast of Epiphany Orthodox people was expected, swimming in the frosty ice hole was awaited with trepidation and anticipation. There were exceptions, but bathing to wash away sins was a necessity. They plunged into ice water to improve their health, no matter how paradoxical it may sound.

Do as he tells you inner voice- It’s better to listen to him. But you need to wash yourself with holy water and go to church to get holy water. Holy water can protect against the evil eye and damage; it is used to wash babies when they begin to cry.

Is bathing beneficial?

From a biological point of view, the body is under severe stress. Sudden cooling leads to rapid constriction of blood vessels and a jump in blood pressure. The hormonal system also releases adrenaline and serotonin. Hence, after bathing, there is an incredible lightness and state of exaltation, this is how the hormone of joy works.

But an unprepared person can get sick after swimming. The female reproductive system does not tolerate hypothermia, and inflammation of the appendages can occur, which can lead to obstruction of the fallopian tubes and infertility in severe cases.

Men may experience prostatitis, the number of sperm decreases, but their motility increases.

After one swim in ice water there is no addiction, but winter swimming reminds drug addiction. People become walruses to experience the release of the hormone of happiness, but with constant diving into the ice hole, less and less of it is produced, and depression can occur.

How many days do they swim for Epiphany?

Epiphany happened on the Epiphany of the Lord. God appeared on Earth in three of his guises at once. God the Father is the voice of God, which a believer can hear while washing in a frosty font; God the Son is Jesus himself. Anyone who bathes in an ice hole touches the divine, is spiritually cleansed, filled with light power, joy and energy, which is capable of healing internal illnesses. God - the holy spirit - is a dove that appeared at the Baptism of Jesus Christ. Seeing pigeons near temples is a good sign.

Epiphany water remains holy for a week. You can swim all week, but it is better to do it on Epiphany Eve - January 18 or on the holiday itself - January 19.

Who should not swim?

All rules have their exceptions. Parents decide when small children can bathe, although children do not need to be bathed until the age of three.

If you have heart or vascular diseases, then it is also better to avoid diving. A sharp jump in blood pressure can lead to heart failure and cardiac arrest.

Swimming is dangerous for people suffering from asthma, kidney, liver and gall bladder diseases.

There are no exceptions for epilepsy; diving into an ice hole is contraindicated for people with this disease.

Some people believe that before plunging into ice water you can slightly boost your body with alcohol, but this is not necessary. Orthodox holidays allow drinking Cahors during communion, but before and after swimming in the ice hole it is better to avoid drinking strong drinks.

Allergy sufferers and people prone to convulsions should also refrain from full immersion; it is better to wash their face with holy water.

How to prepare for swimming

The first thing you need to do is listen to yourself. What does the inner voice say? If a person is not mentally ready to swim, then there is no need to force him. Then you should visit the church, and only then go swimming.

If people are in the mood for swimming, then it is better to prepare for the ritual in advance: drink immunostimulating drugs, start hardening at least 2-3 months before the holiday, take a cold or contrast shower in the morning.

Before immersing yourself in ice water, you need to gradually undress, let your body get used to the surrounding temperature, so the water will be warmer. In the ice hole, the water temperature is +4°C, while the air temperature can reach -30°C.

After diving, you need to rub yourself with a towel, drink hot tea, but not boiling water. The drink should not burn.

Rules of conduct

When swimming in winter, you need to adhere to a number of rules. Before diving, you should carefully walk along a path or path; it will be slippery from the water flowing from the bodies of those who have already swam. Near the ladder, you need to make sure that it is well installed, stable and safe. You can’t push around near the ice hole and play around, so as not to accidentally fall into the icy window and push those present.

There is no need to swim in an ice hole, even if it seems that the water is not cold, but comfortable temperature, this condition is deceptive. It's better not to dive in headfirst.

What clothes can you swim in?

Nowadays, people are increasingly swimming in ice holes in summer swimsuits and swimming trunks. This is not entirely correct. Christ plunged into the waters of the Jordan naked. But this is impossible to do in urban or rural areas. For these purposes, it is better to purchase a separate shirt. Clothing should be such that it can be easily and quickly removed after swimming.

In shoes or barefoot

Everyone decides this for themselves. Initially we swam barefoot. City services are preparing a place for the Epiphany ice hole, equipping it with warm tents and hot tea. There is unlikely to be anything sharp in the snow that could hurt your leg. But it is better if the shoes are not rubber. You need to choose shoes so that they are not slippery in the cold, otherwise it will be difficult to leave the Epiphany font and go to the locker room.

How many times do you need to plunge?

Believers believe that you need to plunge into the ice hole 3 times, be in the water for no more than a minute and not swim, but leave immediately.

Before swimming, you need to go to church for confession, first cleanse your soul, and only then wash away your sins. The bathing ritual itself is a secondary matter; it does not need to be performed, but you need to visit the temple to receive a blessing.

Should I plunge headlong or not?

There are many nerve endings on the head; if you catch a cold, it can start inflammatory process. Sometimes deaths occurred during immersion in the font with one's head. Therefore, the first time you should refrain from complete immersion. And when diving headlong into the water, you need to mentally say: “In the name of the father” - the first dive; “son” – second dive; “and the Holy Spirit” – third immersion. Then quickly leave the ice hole, rub your body with a towel, change clothes and drink hot tea. You can improve your health or lose it.

Is it possible for representatives of other religions to swim?

God is one, the church does not prohibit representatives of other religions from bathing at Epiphany. If a person feels that he must do this, hears an inner voice, then God himself calls him. And it doesn’t matter what faith a person adheres to, whether he is Catholic or Muslim.

In Russia, on the eve of the holiday, Jordan is cut down in reservoirs - this is an ice hole in the shape of a cross. In Greece, the bishop sanctifies the sea and throws a cross into it, and the believers dive.

All believers can swim: Orthodox, Muslims, Catholics, and representatives of other religions. There would be faith, willpower and desire, lack of fear of frost.

The church calendar allocates 2 days for swimming. You can collect holy water throughout Epiphany week.

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Bathing for baptism. What you need to know, how to plunge into an ice hole correctly and who should not do this?

The Baptism of the Lord is great Orthodox holiday, which has a centuries-old history, its own rituals, rules and traditions. It is this holiday that ends the Christmas holidays, which last from January 7 to January 19.

The history of the holiday goes back to the distant past, when God's son Jesus Christ was baptized in the Jordan River. This is where the integral tradition of swimming in an ice hole came from.

Every year the number of people wanting to plunge into the ice-hole is only growing. However, not everyone knows basic rules which must be observed when immersed in ice water.

When is the best time to swim?

Many people wonder when it is better to swim - on the eve of the holiday on January 18, or on the Epiphany itself on January 19.

It is believed that January 18 is the best time to go to church for an evening service. There you must read a prayer and take home holy water. However, in this case, you cannot collect water from plastic or bottles. alcoholic drinks. Holy water must have its own container, thoroughly washed beforehand.

After the festive evening service, you can swim in the ice hole. The best time for this action is considered to be from 00:00 to 01:30. It was at this time that Epiphany water has the most powerful healing properties that help against any ailments. Of course, not everyone can get up at such a time to swim, so this can be done at any time as early as Epiphany itself on January 19th.

How to plunge into an ice hole correctly

You can plunge into the ice hole only in specially designated areas and under the supervision of rescuers. Initially, a special Jordan in the form of a cross should be carved into the ice; after the priest lowers the crucifix into the water and reads a prayer, you can swim in it.

You can't just go into the water. The body will already be in a state of shock, and if certain rules are not followed, the consequences can be disastrous:

An hour before swimming, you must eat, but do not drink alcoholic beverages;

Before swimming, you need to warm up your body, do a warm-up, go for a run;

Clothes should be simple so that they can be easily taken off and put on;

You cannot go to the ice hole barefoot, it is best to wear boots or good woolen socks, you need to wear them so as not to slip;

Check the stability of the ladder or descent into the water;

You need to enter the water gradually, do not do it suddenly, otherwise you can provoke problems with pressure. Diving into the water is also not recommended, as a state of shock may occur;

The maximum time spent in the water should not exceed 30 seconds, this is enough to take a dip three times;

You can’t plunge into your head; it’s best to do it only up to your neck. If you plunge headlong, the blood vessels can sharply narrow, this will lead to a sharp drop in temperature and a state of shock in the body;

Try not to swim in cold water; your limbs may cramp;

If you have a child with you, keep an eye on him, in a state of shock from cold water he may forget that he can swim;

When leaving the water, hold the handrails not with wet hands, but with a dry towel;

After swimming, dry yourself again with a towel;

To warm up, herbal or berry tea is best, but again, never alcoholic drinks.

What you need to have with you

In order for swimming in the Epiphany ice hole to be successful, you need to have a number of seemingly everyday, but in this case very necessary items with you.

These include: a towel and a terry robe, a set of dry clothes, a swimsuit or a change of underwear (you are also allowed to take a dip in it), slippers to prevent slipping on the ice, and best of all, wool socks, a rubber cap to prevent getting your head wet and then not freezing in the cold, willpower and desire.


As it turns out, in the case of swimming in an ice hole, there are many contraindications that can not only spoil the effect of this action, but also lead to exacerbations of diseases.

Doctors do not recommend plunging into Baptism for people who have the following problems:
with the cardiovascular system;
from the central nervous system– epilepsy, consequences of severe skull injuries; cerebral vascular sclerosis in an advanced stage, syringomyelia; encephalitis, arachnoiditis;
with the peripheral nervous system - neuritis, polyneuritis;
with the endocrine system - diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis;
inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx;
with the organs of vision – glaucoma, conjunctivitis;
with the respiratory system - pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma;
With genitourinary system– nephritis, cystitis, inflammation of the appendages, inflammation of the prostate gland.

Every year, Orthodox Christians around the world celebrate one of the most significant holidays - Epiphany. This holiday is the final and third in the Christmas cycle, and is also one of the twelve most important religious holidays. Today we will talk about the history of the holiday and how to prepare for the ritual of swimming in an ice hole these days.

One of the great holidays is the Epiphany. This holiday is one of the few that is celebrated annually and its date does not change. In 2020, the Epiphany of the Lord will be celebrated on the 13th day after Christmas, namely January 19, Saturday.

History of Baptism

After long wanderings in the desert, according to the Gospel, the prophet John came to the Jordan River, in which the Jews traditionally performed purification rites. Here he began to baptize people in the waters of the river, telling them about baptism and repentance.

When the Messiah turned 30 years old, he also came to the Jordan River and asked the prophet to baptize him. After the ceremony, the heavens opened and the Holy Spirit descended on young Jesus in the form of a dove. Then the words of the Lord were heard, saying that Jesus was his son.

The event itself pointed out to John and all those who were at the river at that moment the Divine dignity of Jesus’ baptism. History says that it was then that the Holy Trinity was revealed to the people: God - by voice, God the Son - Jesus and the Holy Spirit - a descending dove...

When did the tradition of swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany appear?

Swimming in an ice hole for baptism is nothing more than folk tradition, and it has absolutely nothing to do with worship or the gospel. In Moscow, this tradition became widespread only in the 90s. Church ministers say that Orthodox Christians do not have such a duty as diving into a winter hole. This is something of an extreme, personal tenacity to prove that a person can fight nature even in such harsh conditions.

This tradition still exists today in Russia, Ukraine and other countries. In Greece, for example, on this day the Bishop sanctifies the sea, throws the cross, reading a prayer far into the sea, and Christians dive after him in order to get the cross. This is also a folk custom.

In Russia, on Epiphany, a Jordan is cut down - an ice hole in the shape of a cross, after which the water is blessed in it. For centuries, water was blessed by the church in springs, and then ordinary people took water from the font. Some wanted to testify to their strength in faith, and they decided to plunge into the ice hole. This is where this tradition originates.

How to prepare an ice hole?

It should be noted that the ice hole for mass swimming is prepared by specially trained teams. The swimming area is cleared of snow, and then a cross is cut out of the ice using a chainsaw and safety ropes. Blocks of cut ice are sent either further along the river or taken out using special equipment.

People who live in the private sector and have a swimming pool cut an ice hole directly in their pool, also using a chainsaw. You will learn more about how to prepare an ice hole in the video.

From what time can you swim in the ice hole for Epiphany 2020?

Mass bathing occurs in the evening of the 18th and early in the morning of the 19th. However, before you try your hand at fighting nature, you need to attend a service in the temple, as well as take communion. After the evening service on January 18, you can already swim. The ideal time period is 00-1:30 on the night of the 18th to 19th. It is generally accepted that during this period healing properties Epiphany water is the most powerful and can heal any ailment. Swimming in big cities take place until lunchtime on the 19th, since a lot of people come.

Baptism swimming in an ice hole, video

How to prepare for swimming in an ice hole?

Doctors recommend preparing for swimming in an ice hole well in advance. Swimming in ice water in deep frosts is a huge stress for the body, and in order for your body not to fail, you need to carefully prepare and harden yourself. It is better to start preparing in the summer, gradually day after day, doing douches.

2 days before Epiphany, you need to start the morning with a contrast shower. Be sure to do some exercise before your shower. It is recommended to repeat this procedure several times a day.

The day before swimming, you need to increase your exposure to a contrast shower. It is advisable that you stand under cold water completely for 5-7 minutes, but no more, and the water should not be colder than 15 degrees.

Swimming in an ice hole must be approached with all responsibility, and even if you are a person of deep faith, but have health problems from the list below, then refuse to dive into the Jordan.

You should not take a dip if you have the following health problems:

  • heart disease;
  • obesity;
  • hypertension;
  • epilepsy;
  • arrhythmia;
  • tendency to seizures;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • private sinusitis, sinusitis and sinusitis;
  • asthma;
  • skin diseases (eg eczema and psoriasis);
  • prostatitis;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • cataract;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • neurotic diseases.

Also, Epiphany bathing will not benefit those who suffer from insomnia.

If you still decide to swim, despite all the prohibitions, then you must understand that you take responsibility for your life only on yourself. Eat a hearty meal a couple of hours before swimming. Bring dry clothes, a towel and a thermos of hot tea.

Immediately upon arrival, you cannot plunge into a sudden plunge; you must cool down gradually. First take off your outerwear, after a few minutes your shoes, then undress to the waist and only then start swimming.

What do girls and women wear in the ice hole, and what do men wear?

There are no special restrictions on clothing for swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany for either men or women. Most of the fair sex swim in swimsuits or nightgowns, while the stronger half wear swimming trunks.

Do they go to the ice hole barefoot or in shoes?

Unlike clothing while swimming, you should not forget about shoes. You need to approach the ice hole in non-slip and easily removable shoes, so as not to freeze your feet while you move to the swimming area. In order to get to the ice hole, woolen socks and special rubber slippers are also suitable. When walking to the swimming area, remember that the path will most likely be slippery.

How to swim in an ice hole correctly: how many times to plunge, do you need to plunge headlong or not?

The tradition of swimming in an ice hole involves immersing your head three times. However, it is best to plunge up to your neck without getting your head wet, this will avoid constriction of the blood vessels in the brain. You should also refrain from jumping into the water, as this can lead to shock from loss of temperature from the cold.

Can Muslims swim in an ice hole on Epiphany?

Despite the fact that Epiphany is an Orthodox holiday, the church does not in any way regulate the behavior of representatives of other religions. If you are a Muslim and want to take part in the Epiphany bath, visit the Imam and ask him this question. The Church does not prohibit representatives of the Muslim religion from swimming in the ice hole.

Do Catholics swim in the ice hole at Epiphany?

As mentioned above, the Orthodox Church does not prohibit representatives of other religions from bathing at Epiphany, so if you are a Catholic and want to join the Orthodox tradition, then feel free to go to places specially designated for swimming.

How many days do they swim in the ice hole for Epiphany?

As mentioned above, the immersion in Jordan occurs on the night of the 18th to the 19th. In fact, they swim in the ice hole for 2 days: January 18 and 19.

Is it beneficial to swim in an ice hole at Epiphany?

Before deciding to take such a step, each person needs to understand that bathing at Epiphany is nothing more than just a tradition and has nothing to do with the Gospel, as mentioned above. If you have not been tempering yourself for a year, but have decided to tickle your nerves and get your dose of adrenaline, then it is important to understand that an unprepared body can react to such a temperature change with illness, and in some cases people have a stroke. Therefore, after weighing only all the pros and cons, go to conquer Jordan. The benefits of such an event are very doubtful; you are unlikely to be able to “wash away” your sins, but it will be enough to cause health problems.

For many, the holiday of Epiphany is just a tradition of swimming in an ice hole, but we should not forget about its true meaning. Only faith in God can heal!

Ritual immersion in water is not done for fun, but you have to choose very frivolous clothes for it - beach clothes. Because of this, it turns out that from year to year many people find themselves in front of the ice hole in a form that does not suggest beautiful thoughts: we choose swimsuits and swimming trunks to go to the beach not in order to look modest and neat in them.

The result is a selection of comical photographs of men and women in a form inappropriate for a religious holiday. What to wear so as not to become the hero of funny photos?

Epiphany bathing on Revolution Square in Moscow, January 2016

Artem Sizov/Gazeta.Ru

For pilgrims going to Israel to perform a ritual ablution in the Jordan River (now this can only be done in a place specially equipped for this in Yardenit), this problem is solved: they either buy or rent long white shirts - only in with them you can dive into this river. In Russia, shackled by Epiphany frosts, a long shirt is not the best option for one reason: when leaving the water, a wet shirt instantly becomes icy and sticks to the body.

There are people who still take a dip in long T-shirts - usually these are experienced bathers who have been practicing Epiphany washing for many years in a row.

Not only do they know how to properly plunge into icy water, but they also know how to prepare for this action. When going for Epiphany bathing, they prepare a set of things that will help them quickly restore their physical condition. And they advise everyone.

The set is simple: a terry robe, two large towels (for body and hair), woolen socks. To avoid the risk of bruises and loss of sensation in your feet, it is recommended not to give up rubber slippers - it is better not to go down into the ice hole barefoot. And don’t forget about warm things to change into after swimming: a sweater (or better yet two), warm pants, a scarf, a hat and mittens.

Most men and women take a dip in the ice hole wearing beachwear. And you can choose it correctly.

The choice of real men

Men should pay attention to the style of the swimming trunks they will wear in front of the ice hole. There are many types of swimsuits for men, but aside from those designed for professional swimmers, divers and surfers, there are few types of swimwear designed for the general public.

Kirill Kukhmar/TASS

The first are slips and briefs, these are swim briefs made of dense material that completely open the hips (I would like to say, of course, slim). Slips and briefs differ in the degree of openness: the last side seam is quite narrow, so they look completely open. Both slips and briefs, which are quite popular in Russia, are suitable only for men with a good figure on the beach.

You shouldn’t wear them on Epiphany night, even if you want to show off your athletic physique. This is not the time to show off your gym results.

The second type of swimsuit is short shorts, which can be either loose or tight. This is generally ideal option- both for the beach and for the ice hole: moderately open, they hide everything you need, but at the same time do not interfere with movement. But the third option is Bermuda shorts, popular in the USA, that is, long shorts, although they will help you look modest and decent as a man, after leaving the cold water they will instantly become icy, and your legs will be very, very unpleasant.

Come on girls

Women should approach the choice of a swimsuit for Epiphany with special responsibility - after all, this is not a fashion show or a photo shoot for Instagram against the backdrop of sand and palm trees. To avoid malicious comments from deeply religious people, we recommend giving preference to modest swimsuit models.

The “Plunge” (one-piece swimsuit with a deep neckline in the neckline reaching the navel) and “Monokini” (one-piece swimsuit with slits on the sides or in the abdominal area) should definitely be abandoned. Firstly, they look too sexy, and therefore inappropriate. Secondly, in the Russian winter you will look simply stupid. Still, at minus 11 (and weather forecasters promise exactly this air temperature in the capital region at baptism), the last thing you will think about is how effectively the swimsuit emphasizes your shape.

Despite the fact that classic one-piece swimsuits look modest, you should still not wear them for Epiphany bathing.

It will be more difficult to change out of such a model, and leaving the ice hole will be colder. Still, wet fabric on the body causes particular discomfort.

Yuri Smityuk/TASS

The best solution would be two-piece swimsuits without sexy details. This is especially true for panties: classic thongs, rope thongs and the thong model are best left for other occasions. For Epiphany bathing, slips and shorts are suitable.

It is worth choosing a top depending on the characteristics of your figure. So, women with a large bust should not wear a classic bodice of two triangles with thin straps. A halter top (a model that is tied at the back and visually lifts the chest) will also look vulgar. It's better to take a closer look at the bandeau. Those who naturally have small breasts are a little more fortunate: they can afford any top.

What to do and what not to do on Epiphany. Dipping and bathing in the font that night.

What is a holiday Epiphanies Isn’t it the holiday of Epiphany night?

Epiphany or another name for Epiphany is the great twelfth holiday, January 6th according to the old calendar (January 19 it is celebrated by the Orthodox today), otherwise called the Feast of the Epiphany. Since on this very day the Church remembers the Baptism of the Savior Jesus Christ from John the Baptist - the Baptist in the Jordan River. When the Savior was baptized (by the way, Jesus was 30 years old at that time), there was a special appearance of all three persons of the Godhead: the Father from the open heavens testified with a voice about the baptized Son and the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descended on Jesus Christ, thus confirming the Word of the Father God.

In ancient times, on the eve of the holiday (the night before the holiday is called the eve) of Epiphany, as well as on the very day of the holiday, catechumens (unbaptized, but preparing to accept Orthodoxy) were usually baptized. Now many people think that on this holiday either Orthodox Church, or God himself allows bathing in fonts, both in springs and springs, and in open reservoirs - but this is not entirely true. This is what the text of this article will be about below.

On the eve of Epiphany and on the very day of Epiphany (also called Epiphany), there is a great consecration of water (in contrast to the small one performed on other days), including outside the church, i.e. in bodies of water: rivers, ponds and wells. This ritual comes from deep Christian antiquity. The blessing of water on this day in ancient Russian was called water baptism. Since ancient times, Epiphany or Epiphany water has been considered a great shrine (agiasma). And now churches stock up on tons of water, and believers, and even ordinary people, strive to get into the temple and collect as much water as possible in the bottles they brought with them, and sometimes even buckets or cans. This is all due to the fact that no matter how far a person is from the church, he still believes in the healing and grace-filled power of baptismal water. There are also many witnesses to the fact that consecrated (popularly called “holy”) water collected on this day does not spoil throughout the year.

Is it necessary to plunge into Epiphany night?? For whatswimming in a pool in a pond?

...An experienced priest will not bless everyone for immersion in consecrated water at Epiphany, since before this one must serve in the church, confess and receive communion.
...The Church does not call believers to climb into icy water at Epiphany - everyone decides for themselves individually...
...Knowing many deeply religious people from childhood, I have never heard from any of them about Epiphany diving in an ice hole (immersion in Epiphany)!...

When it comes to baptismal immersion in a font or in a pond, then, first of all, the attitude towards this action depends on the person who is immersing himself, on his spiritual state. Firstly, a person may want to swim at Epiphany, considering it a tribute to tradition, an opportunity to feel some kind of solidarity with his ancestors, who also took a dip at Epiphany, to feel clan unity, which is quite commendable.

It’s another matter when bathing for a person is what connects him with the very Baptism of Christ. If for a person this ice hole is not just a place for ritual bathing, but a window into that very Gospel day, a fragment of the Jordan here, now, in this place, then with such a symbolic relationship the person really joins those very Gospel Jordanian waters. Because the person who performs such immersion thinks about God and does it for His sake. And then this immersion is a form of communion with the grace of the Holy Spirit.

How to properly plunge into Epiphany night(aka the Feast of Epiphany) ?

An Orthodox believer walks calmly from one church holiday to another, observing, confessing and receiving communion. And they prepare for the Holiday (Epiphany) slowly, deciding within the family circle who will be honored to take a dip in the Jordan after communion, according to the ancient Russian tradition, and who, due to being a child or indisposed, will wash their face with holy water, or bathe themselves at a holy spring, or simply accept the saint with prayer water as spiritual medicine.

What is considered wrong to do Epiphany (on Epiphany night)?

— There are a lot of desperate people who decided, without a blessing and just basic thought, to plunge “for company” or “as is customary” in ice water for Epiphany. Here we are not talking about mental strength or checking one’s physical condition, but about body strength. A strong spasm of skin vessels in response to the action of cold water leads to the fact that a mass of blood rushes into internal organs- heart, lungs, brain, stomach, liver, and for people with poor health this can end badly. The danger especially increases for those who were preparing for “purification” in the ice hole by smoking and alcohol. The flow of blood to the lungs will only increase chronic inflammation of the bronchi, which always accompanies smoking, and can cause swelling of the bronchial wall and pneumonia. With such bad habits and in such a state, it is better not to approach the font.

“Unfortunately, for many people, swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany is just entertainment, just another fun, accompanied by squeals, screams with all sorts of traditional obscene phrases expressing thrills, not to mention all sorts of “auxiliary means” of emotional uplift (alcohol, cigarettes). The ice hole is dedicated specifically to the special event of the Epiphany of the Lord, and is also usually carved out in the shape of a cross to help a person tune in properly, not to mention the blessing of water that took place here a little earlier, and the person plunges as if he had been taken to an amusement park. I perceive this behavior at Epiphany as blasphemy and a lack of understanding of the special reverence for it.

— Epiphany bathing without prayer, attending church services on this day and receiving Communion is a breeding ground for superstition. Therefore, if a person decides to participate in Epiphany bathing and does not want to blaspheme, let him first properly tune in, realize the meaning of the holiday, and at the same time not allow those around him to move him away from this healthy attitude with their frivolity, and then take a plunge into the ice hole-Jordan.

What is the name of the place where they plunge into Epiphany night?

Jordan is an ice hole, usually cruciform, cut out in the ice to consecrate water on the feast of Epiphany. The name of the baptism hole Jordan comes from the name of the Jordan River, in which Jesus Christ was baptized by the hands of John the Baptist (the Baptist). They cut out a Jordan in the ice with an ordinary chainsaw - the ice in the middle zone freezes no more than 15 centimeters in winter. By the way, this is why it is advisable not to crowd on the ice itself, but to stand where the shore should be under the snow.

Is it true that on the immersion in Epiphany nightcleanses from sins (sins are washed away)?(answers from some priests)

— The pious custom of bathing in the consecrated water of the Jordan is not obligatory and bathing in the Jordan does not cleanse or wash away sins. Only repentance and confession cleanse you from sins.

- If anyone thinks that Epiphany water and an ice hole washes away sins, he is greatly mistaken, since this is not true. Sins are washed away only by repentance, and by correcting one’s life according to the commandments of Christ.

— Swimming in an ice hole, including on Epiphany, without repentance and even while drunk and after smoking a cigarette, will not wash away sins; moreover, it will add sins to existing ones.

“And nothing helps these people overcome themselves before plunging into an ice hole like a bathhouse and vodka.” Of course, such participation in the holiday is unlikely to bring spiritual benefit to a person. After all, any church ceremony requires spiritual preparation, comprehension and perception of the fullness of the gifts given in it (meaning grace from God).

— Some people seriously believe that by bathing in the Epiphany Jordan, they will wash away all the sins that have accumulated over the year. This is an incorrect pagan superstition about swimming in an ice hole, and it has nothing in common with church teaching and principles. Sins are absolved by the priest in the sacrament of Penance, and not in the process of bathing in ice water. In addition, in search of thrills we miss the main point feast of the Epiphany.

Is it true that on Epiphany night all water becomes holy (sanctified) absolutely everywhere, including holy water begins to flow from the tap?

Archpriest Alexey Uminsky: “On Epiphany Night (Epiphany), tap water remains ordinary tap water. Popular belief It is a mistake to think that at exactly midnight all water becomes holy. It is important to understand that only that water is considered baptismal water over which a special church rite was performed at Epiphany - a prayer service for water. That is why on Christmas Eve and on the feast of the Epiphany of Christ in all Orthodox churches The so-called Great Illumination of Water takes place - a special solemn action. Holy water does not come from the tap, but you can get it in abundance in the church. For the holiday, the clergy specially prepare a lot of barrels and tanks so that there is enough for all Orthodox Christians.


“Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” The reference to the fact that the grace-filled power of consecrated water “will not allow anything bad to happen” contradicts the Gospel. To follow such a statement is tantamount to demanding a miracle from God. What's wrong with that?! It goes without saying that customs such as those described violate the sanctity of the celebration being celebrated and are contrary to the spirit of true Christianity.”

- The Feast of the Epiphany is the same day. It means that on this day Jesus Christ was baptized, and at the moment of this sacrament God appeared in heaven, indicating that Jesus was his son.
— Before swimming in the ice hole (font) at Epiphany, you must defend the service, confess and receive Communion. Swimming on Epiphany just for fun is not approved by the church
— Be properly prepared for swimming in the ice hole on the feast of Epiphany! There should be no drunken swimming on the feast of Epiphany!
— When dipping (swimming) in an ice hole, especially on the feast of Epiphany, a person should not smoke or drink. There should be no drunken joyrides. Bathing should be preceded by prayer in church, not a shot of cognac. Do not make amusement out of swimming on the feast of Epiphany in the holy ice hole.