Parachute d 5 series 2 packing. Airborne sergeant's textbook

Parachute D-5 series 2

The landing parachute system D-5 series 2 is designed for landing personnel behind enemy lines. Having a large dome area and a relatively small mass, they ensure the safety of the parachutist's landing. Unlike the D-1-5U parachute, the D-5, D-6 parachute has a single stowage method and a method of opening when jumping from all types of air transport at a flight speed of up to 400 km / h. The same spare parachute system Z-5, Z-6P is used in the parachute system kit. For the purpose of insurance, advanced parachute devices PPK-U are installed on the knapsack of these systems.
Tactical and technical data (TTD):
Operating restrictions:
paratrooper weight - no more than 120 kg;
aircraft speed during separation - no more than 400 km / h;
maximum jump height - 8000 m;
the minimum safe height for a jump with fall stabilization of 3 s at an aircraft flight speed of 160 km/h is 200 m;
descent speed on a stabilizing parachute - no more than 35 m/s;
speed of descent on the main parachute - no more than 5 m/s;
the force required to open a two-cone lock using a manual opening link is no more than 16 kg-s;
weight of the parachute system without parachute device and parachute bag - 13.8 kg;
the mass of the parachute system in the complete set is 15.5 kg;
shelf life without repacking - no more than 3 months;
the number of applications - 140 times;
the warranty period of the main parachute is 12 years, by the decision of the technical inspection commission paratroopers, the operating organization is allowed to increase the service life up to 15 years.
Description of completeness:
The parachute kit includes:
1) stabilizing parachute chamber;
2) stabilizing parachute;
3) a link of a stabilizing parachute;
4) main parachute chamber;
5) main parachute;
6) suspension system;
7) parachute bag;
8) two-cone lock;
9) manual opening link;
10) parachute device PPK-U;
11) parachute bag;
12) passport;
13) auxiliary parts.
The stabilizing parachute chamber provides packing and deployment of the stabilizing parachute. The size of the chamber is 0.3 x 0.19 m. The base of the chamber is designed to accommodate a stabilizing parachute and a part of the stabilizer. The stabilizing parachute chamber is made of nylon avisent and has a cylindrical shape. A carabiner, a fastening tape, a carabiner fastening tape, four metal rings and a tie are attached to the base of the camera. The carabiner is used to hook the camera with a stowed stabilizing parachute to the cable (when jumping from an airplane) or extension cord (when jumping from a helicopter). The stabilizing parachute chamber is attached to the main parachute pack with the help of a lashing tape. The upper base of the chamber after laying the dome in it is tied with a string. At the bottom of the camera, 4 rings are sewn to lock it with the stabilizer rings.
The stabilizing parachute (pilot chute) provides a stabilized descent of the parachutist, the activation of the PPK-U parachute device and the main parachute. A stabilizing parachute consists of a canopy, lines, and a stabilizer. The dome with an area of ​​1.5 m2, made of nylon fabric, has the shape of a truncated cone and consists of a base and a sidewall. 8 pockets made of dyed nylon fabric are sewn to the pole part of the dome base, which serves to quickly fill the dome with air. On the outer side of the base and the sidewall, nylon ribbons are sewn, reinforced by the hem of the fabric and ribbon, additionally sewn on both sides. 16 slings are sewn to the edge of the reinforcing frame in a zigzag stitch. The slings are made of kapron cord. The length of 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13 and 16 lines in a free state from the edge of the dome to the stabilizer loop is 0.52 m, and 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14 and 15 lines - 0 .5 m. The different lengths of the lines are due to their spacing from the edge of the dome to 4 stabilizer feathers. The stabilizer is made of nylon fabric and consists of four triangular "feathers" sewn in the center. Nylon ribbons are sewn on the sides of each stabilizer feather. At the top of the tape form a loop for attaching slings. At the bottom, they are brought into a thimble, with the help of which the stabilizer is attached to the link of the stabilizing parachute. One metal ring is sewn on each feather for locking the stabilizer with the rings of the stabilizing parachute chamber.
The link of the stabilizing parachute is designed to connect the stabilizing parachute to the backpack during stabilization, as well as to connect the stabilizing parachute to the canopy of the main parachute at all subsequent stages of its operation. The link of the stabilizing parachute is 1.03 m long. It is made of nylon tape in 2 additions, which in the upper part end in a loop of 130 mm in size for attaching the stabilizer. At a distance of 410 mm from it, a loop of tape was sewn to connect the power cord for the PPK-U device. A guide ring for the power cord for the PPK-U device is attached to the link using a sewn-in nylon tape. The lower part of the link of the stabilizing parachute branches out and forms 2 power bands, at the end of which metal buckles are sewn. Arrows are applied to these tapes to control their position when loading a two-cone lock. Jumpers made of nylon tape are sewn on the ribbons on both sides. A tape is sewn between the jumpers, which forms a loop for attaching the stabilizing parachute link to the bridles of the main parachute canopy and its chambers. The triangle formed from ribbons is closed on both sides with kerchiefs made of nylon advice.
The main parachute chamber ensures the packing and deployment of the main parachute in a predetermined sequence, thereby reducing the dynamic load at the moment of opening the main parachute. The size of the chamber is 0.63 x 0.45 m, it is made of nylon fabric and has the shape of a cylinder. Consists of a base, a scarf and an apron. The side of the base of the camera with honeycombs for lines is reinforced with a second layer of nylon fabric. On the outer side of the base, the chamber is reinforced with two nylon ribbons, which in the upper part of the base, intersecting, form a bridle designed to connect the chamber with the main parachute canopy and the stabilizing link of the stabilizing parachute. A scarf made of nylon fabric is sewn to the base of its upper part, covering the dome of the main parachute laid in the chamber. To tighten the upper part of the base after laying the main parachute into the canopy chamber, a tie was passed through the hem of the upper part of the base. From the outer side of the sling, honeycombs (gasyri) are sewn onto the base, which serve as: one middle honeycomb (gazyr) and two groups of side honeycombs (gazyri) with loops - for laying slings; in honeycombs (gazyri) from a rubber cord - to hold slings of tubular honeycombs (gazyri); two pairs of removable rubber honeycombs (gasers) - for checking with the help of an apron and bundles of lines of the canopy of the main parachute, laid in the chamber. The lower part of the base ends with a sleeve, into the hem of which an elastic ring is inserted, which facilitates the orderly exit of the main parachute canopy from the chamber. To cover the edge of the canopy of the main parachute, an apron with two pairs of metal windows and two sewn pockets covering the bundles of slings that fasten the lower part of the camera base is sewn to the bottom of the base.
main parachute. The dome is 28-coal, with an area of ​​83 m2. A reinforcing frame is sewn on top of the dome. Made from nylon fabric. The reinforcing frame along the edge of the dome forms 28 loops for attaching lines. In the center of the dome of the main parachute, to connect it with the chamber of the main parachute and the stabilizing link, a bridle made of nylon tape is sewn. Above the loops for attaching lines, 28 tightening tapes are sewn to speed up the filling of the parachute canopy and reduce the likelihood of it being overwhelmed by lines. Between the first and 28th lines there is a factory mark - the brand of the manufacturer. It has the number of the parachute and the date of its manufacture. 28 lines of nylon cord 9 m long are attached to the loops of the main parachute canopy. The other ends of the lines are attached to the half rings, which are located at the free ends of the harness. To facilitate laying on the 14th line, an orange muff is sewn on.
The suspension system is the connecting link of the skydiver with the parachute. Made of 1600 kg tensile nylon tape. It consists of the main girth, which ends with two pairs of free ends: 2 front and 2 back with metal buckles - half rings for attaching slings. The main girth is sewn from nylon tape in two additions. It also contains a manual release link, a pocket for the manual release link ring, a loop for the manual release link hose, a flexible hose, 2 shackles for attaching a reserve parachute, a circular webbing, two leg loops with two carabiners, a curved buckle for connecting the main harness to the back -shoulder girth, 2 pairs of metal buckles for attaching the adjusting straps of the backpack. There are also 2 back-shoulder loops, 2 leg loops with two carabiners and two D-shaped buckles, a chest bridge, a waist band with rectangular buckles.
The parachute backpack is designed for fastening and placing in it (laying) the main parts of the parachute (dome with lines and part of the free ends). It is made from kapron avisent. Consists of a double bottom, left and right valves. A rigidity frame is inserted into the bottom of the satchel. In the upper part of the knapsack there are 2 windows for the passage of power bands of the stabilizing parachute link. Two straps for buckles with serrated bridges are attached to the bottom of the knapsack, with the help of which the knapsack is connected to the dorsal-shoulder girths; two-cone lock with a plate; a half ring for a rubber honeycomb, which secures the stabilizing parachute to the satchel; 2 buttons for fastening the valve of the two-cone lock; flexible hose link manual opening; valve covering the two-cone lock; 8 nylon loops for attaching the backpack to the suspension system; 2 rubber bands for pulling the backpack to the main girth of the harness; 2 scarves with metal buckles for webbing with a carabiner for attaching a reserve parachute; 2 belts for pulling up the knapsack [not in D-1-5U!]; pocket for safety device PPK-U. The left and right valves have metal rings for the power bands of the stabilizing parachute link to pass through them. In addition, the right valve has a ring for locking the stabilizing parachute link loop with a cord (adapter) attached to it to turn on the PPK-U parachute device; a rubber honeycomb for filling the link of the stabilizing parachute when the slack has been worked out and mounting the camera with the stabilizing parachute on the knapsack; a pocket with a safety valve for the cord of the safety activation of the PPK-U parachute device; a pocket with a string of ribbons for placing and fastening a PPK-U parachute device. On the right valve, the factory and rack numbers of the parachute are applied.

A two-cone lock is a mechanical device for closing the buckles of the power tapes of a stabilizing parachute and holding them during the entire period of a stabilized parachutist's descent, as well as for releasing these buckles and dropping them from the cones when pulling out the manual opening link or triggering the PPK-U parachute device. The double cone lock consists of a mounting plate, a body with two large cones, a lock with two small cones of a cover, a cover of a large cone, a small cone, 2 shock absorbers, 2 power band buckles, a spring washer, a flat washer, a screw 18 mm long, a cover screw, screws with a nut and 3 screws 20 mm long.
The pull ring is included in the manual opening link, it consists of a ring, a cable and a loop.

The parachute (Fig. 1, 2) is designed for training jumps from transport aircraft.

Rice. 1. Scheme of opening the parachute D-5 series 2:

1 - camera stabilizing dome; 2 - stabilizing dome; 3 - connecting link; 4 - main dome chamber; 5 - main dome; 6 - satchel

Rice. 2. General form packed parachute D-5 series 2:

1 - carbine; 2 - check tape

Tactical and technical data of the parachute

1. With a total weight of a parachutist with parachutes of no more than 120 kg, the D-5 series 2 parachute provides:

  • at least 80 applications at flight speeds up to 400 km/h IAS and altitudes up to 8000 m with immediate activation of the stabilizing parachute and subsequent descent on it for 3 s or more;
  • descent stability;
  • the possibility of stopping the descent on the stabilizing dome at any time by opening the two-cone lock with an exhaust ring;
  • the minimum safe height of use from a horizontally flying aircraft at a flight speed of 160 km / h on the instrument with stabilization of 3 s - 200 m, while the descent time on a fully inflated main parachute canopy is at least 10 s;
  • the average vertical rate of descent, reduced to the standard atmosphere and the total mass of a skydiver with parachutes of 120 kg, in a section of 30-35 m from the ground - no more than 5 m / s;
  • rapid loss of height when sliding without phenomena of folding the canopy;
  • the use of two safety devices (main and backup) with a hose length of 240 mm;
  • fast extinguishing of the canopy after landing when the right free end of the harness is disconnected by means of the OSK-D lock;
  • use of reserve parachutes of type 3-2 or 3-5;
  • the force required to open a two-cone lock with an exhaust ring or device is not more than 16 kgf.

2. Overall dimensions of the packed parachute, mm:

  • length without a stabilizing dome in the chamber, mounted on a knapsack, - 595 + 10;
  • width without parachute device - 335 + 10;
  • height - 220+10.

3. The mass of the parachute without a portable bag and devices is not more than 13.8 kg.

Tactical and technical data of parachute parts

1. The chamber of the stabilizing dome is cylindrical in shape, made of nylon avisent (art. 56039). Chamber length 300 mm, folded width - 190 mm. In the upper part of the chamber there is a carabiner, which is attached to the chamber with a nylon tape LTKrP-26-600 with a strength of 600 kgf. In the lower part of the chamber, four rings NP-25-8 are sewn diametrically opposite to lock the chamber with the stabilizer rings. In the hem of the upper base of the chamber, a nylon cord-tie ShKP-150 with a strength of 150 kgf is inserted for tightening the upper base of the chamber. A nylon tape LTKrP-26-600 with a strength of 600 kgf was passed into the eye of the carabiner and stitched with a zigzag stitch to secure a rubber honeycomb mounted on a knapsack. Camera weight - 0.155 kg.

The chamber is intended for laying the stabilizing dome, lines and the upper part of the stabilizer into it.

2. The stabilizing dome is made of nylon fabric (art. 56004P or 56008P) and consists of a base and a sidewall. The dome has the shape of a truncated cone with a large base area of ​​1.5 m². To ensure the filling of the dome, an exhaust device is sewn in its pole part, consisting of eight pockets, the material for which is a dyed calendered fabric (art. 56005krPK or 56005krP). On the outer side of the base of the dome, reinforcing tapes LTKP-15-185 with a strength of 185 kgf and circular tapes LTKP-13-70 with a strength of 70 kgf are stitched in the radial direction. On the dome there are 16 slings made of ShKP-150 nylon cord with a strength of 150 kgf. The length of lines No. 1.4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13 and 16 in the free state from the lower edge of the dome to the stabilizer loops is 520 mm, and lines No. 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14 and 15 - 500 mm.

On each side of the pen is sewn on a tape with a ring for locking with rings sewn on the camera of the stabilizing dome.

The mass of the stabilizing dome is 0.57 kg.

3. Connecting link made of LTKMkrP-27-1200 nylon tape with a strength of 1200 kgf in two additions, designed to connect the stabilizing dome with the knapsack at the stage of stabilized descent and with the main dome at all stages of work.

At the top, the connecting link forms a 130 mm loop for attaching the stabilizer thimble. At a distance of 410 mm from the upper loop, a loop of LTKkrP-26-600 nylon tape with a strength of 600 kgf was sewn to attach the halyard of the device's flexible pin. The lower part of the connecting link branches out, forming power tapes, the ends of which are sewn with buckles of a two-cone lock.

Jumpers made of nylon tape LTK-44-1600 with a strength of 1600 kgf are sewn on both sides of the power tapes. A nylon tape with a strength of 1200 kgf is sewn between the jumpers, forming a loop for attaching to the bridles of the camera and the main dome. The triangle formed from the tapes of the connecting link is closed on both sides with kerchiefs made of gray nylon adviser (art. 56039).

Under one of the scarves of the connecting link, using a nylon tape with a strength of 600 kgf, a guide ring for the halyard of the flexible pin of the device is sewn. On the power tapes near the buckles there are arrows to control the correct installation and setting of the power tapes on the two-cone lock. Connecting link length - 1030 mm.

The mass of the connecting link is 0.275 kg.

4. The chamber of the main dome made of gray nylon fabric (art. 56023krP), designed for laying the main dome and lines, has the shape of a cylinder 635 mm high and 450 mm wide (when folded). The lower base is continued by a special sleeve, in the hem of which an elastic ring is inserted to ensure an orderly exit of the main dome from the chamber.

The surface of the chamber is reinforced with two nylon bands with a strength of 600 kgf, which form a bridle. For the convenience of laying the dome, a scarf made of gray nylon fabric is sewn on the edge of the chamber.

In the hem of the upper base for tightening the chamber

embedded kapron cord with a strength of 150 kgf. Attached to the bottom of the chamber are two pairs of removable rubber honeycombs. On the reverse side, at a distance of 185 mm from the lower base of the chamber, an apron is sewn, which has four windows formed by grommets to pass removable rubber honeycombs.

One middle gazyr, a group of right and a group of left gazyrs for laying slings, three honeycomb distributor tapes with honeycombs from a knapsack cord are sewn on the chamber to hold the slings in the gazyrs.

For the convenience of laying slings, nylon tapes with a strength of 150 kgf are sewn on the gazyrs.

Camera weight - 0.44 kg.

5. The dome (Fig. 3) made of nylon fabric (art. 56009P) has the shape of a twenty-octagon and is designed for the safe descent and landing of a parachutist. The area of ​​the dome is 83 m².

To increase the strength, the lower edge of the dome is stitched with nylon tapes with a strength of 200 kgf, and its central part is stitched with tapes with a strength of 70 kgf.

28 slings of nylon cord with a strength of 150 kgf and a length of 9000 mm are attached to the dome.

Dome weight - 8.136 kg.

Rice. 3. The shape of the canopy of the D-5 series 2 parachute in plan.

The numbers in a circle are the numbers of the lines, the numbers inside the circle are the numbers of the squares: 1 - the panels of the dome; 2, 4 - reinforcing frame; 3 - loops for slings.

6. Suspension system made of LTK-44-1600 nylon tape with a strength of 1600 kgf is designed for convenient placement of a paratrooper and is a connecting link between a paratrooper and a canopy.

The suspension system is equipped with an OSK-D lock and consists of the following main parts: the main strap with dorsal and shoulder straps, one pair of detachable loose ends, and leg straps.

Detachable buckles are fixed at the free ends of the suspension system. On the reverse side of the main strap (on the right - below the OSK-D lock, on the left - below the curved buckle) are sewn with nylon tape LTKrP-43-800 with a strength of 800 kgf buckles for fastening the belts of the cargo container. In the lower part, the main strap is bifurcated, the ribbons are sewn end-to-end, and a cotton pad is sewn on them for comfortable sitting in the suspension system.

In the middle of the lower part of the main strap, on the outside, a loop of nylon tape with a strength of 800 kgf is sewn to fasten the cargo container link.

On both sides of the loop at a distance of 150-165 mm, using a nylon tape with a strength of 600 kgf, half-ring buckles are sewn to pull the lower corners of the satchel to the main strap.

The shoulder girths, which formed the chest bridge, then pass through the windows of the main strap and, with the help of rectangular buckles sewn into the ends of the shoulder girths, form a waist girth.

The lower ends of the back-shoulder girths, passed between the tapes of the main strap and enveloping them in several places, form the leg girths.

The mass of the suspension system is 2 kg.

7. The knapsack made of nylon adviser consists of a bottom, right and left valves. The bottom of the knapsack is double, a rigidity frame is inserted into it.

The knapsack is designed to accommodate a dome with lines laid in the chamber, parts of the free ends of the suspension system and a safety device. The knapsack has a two-cone lock and a flexible hose covered with a cotton tape LXX-40-130 of lacquer color with a strength of 130 kgf.

Hose length - 380 mm.

The mass of the satchel is 2 kg.

8. The pull ring with a cable is designed to open a two-cone lock. It is made of a steel bar and consists of a body, a limiter, a cable and a wire loop.

The mass of the ring is 0.1 kg. Cable length - 600 mm.

9. Safety device (main) AD-ZU-240, PPK-U-240B or KAP-ZP-240B.

The length of the hose of the device is 240 mm, the length of the cable is 397 mm, the length of the loop is 19 mm, the length of the halyard of the flexible hairpin is 360 mm.

The weight of the safety device is 0.95 kg.

When installing on a parachute only one device for opening a two-cone lock, the device can be equipped with a loop 42 mm long. The earring does not apply in this case.

10. Safety device (backup) AD-ZU-240, PPK-U-240B or KAP-ZP-240B.

Hose length - 240 mm, cable length - 397 mm, loop length - 19 mm, flexible hairpin halyard length - 360 mm.

The mass of the device is 0.95 kg.

11. An earring designed to connect the main and backup devices is made of steel. The thickness of the earring is 2.5 mm. The earring has two holes: one is designed for the cone of the lock, the other is for the loops of the main and backup devices.

12. Carrying bag rectangular shape, made of cargo advice.

Bag dimensions - 260x740x600 mm. The mass of the bag is 0.725 kg.

13. The passport is designed to record information about the acceptance, transfer, operation and repair of a parachute.

Laying is carried out by 2 people - laying (responsible for laying) and helping.

The parachute is laid in stages:

a) checking the availability, serviceability of parts of the parachute

b) verification and preparation of the PPK - U.

a) laying the main dome

b) putting the camera on the dome.

a) securing the camera with slings

b) laying the dome in the chamber

c) laying slings in the gas chamber

d) preparation of the stabilizing dome for laying

a) folding the stabilizer feathers and putting the camera on the stabilizing dome

b) locking the stabilizer feather rings with the camera rings

c) stowage of the stabilizing dome and lines in the chamber

d) laying the camera with the main dome and slings laid on the bottom of the knapsack

a) tightening the valves of the knapsack

b) mounting the camera with a stabilizing dome on the parachute pack

c) preparation and installation of PPK - U

d) loading a two-cone lock

a) preparation of the suspension system

c) filling out passports

d) parachute check

d) putting the parachute into the carrying bag and sealing it

Styling tool: camping cloth, hook-fork

When putting on a parachute before jumping, the portable bag is placed under the chest bridge.

After landing, you need to: unfasten the reserve parachute, pull the canopy “into the flag”, roll up the lines with an “endless” loop, roll the canopy into a roll: remove the harness with a satchel (main canopy) and put it in the bag with the device to the top. The knapsack should divide the bag into two parts: a suspension system is placed in one half, and a dome with slings is placed in the other.

Topic number 4.

Parachute safety device.


PPK-U- semi-automatic parachute combined unified designed to open the parachute pack or the introduction of other devices; opening a parachute after a certain period of time or at a certain height. The device is used as a safety device on rescue, amphibious, reserve, training and sports parachutes, when the parachutist himself, for some reason, cannot open the parachute with the help of an exhaust ring.

1. Operating range of the device:

By time - from 2 to 5 seconds;

In height - from 0.3 to 8 kilometers;

2. The device operates in the temperature range from +60 0 to -60 0 at altitudes up to 35 km.

3. The force of the power springs in the cocked state is not less than 28 kg.

4. The stroke of the exhaust ring is 70 mm.

5. The device is resistant to glue and dew.

6. The device is protected from dirt getting into it.

7. The device is operational after being in the cocked state continuously for 12 months.

8. Full technical life is 1000 operations.

The main parts of the device:

2. Aneroid device

3. Clockwork

4. Extraction device

5. Locking system

In addition, the PPK-U kit includes:

1. Flexible hairpin

2. Tool kit

3. Passport

Topic #5

Theoretical basis skydiving.

Air has certain properties: mass, pressure and density. Moving in the air mass, the body experiences air resistance. The main reason that creates resistance is the vortices that form around the body during its movement. In well-streamlined bodies, vortices appear only behind the body. In poorly streamlined bodies, they form over the entire surface. Bodies that cause strong vortex formation always experience high air resistance. As the size of the body increases, its resistance increases. Air resistance in the direction opposite to the movement of the body is called frontal resistance.

O is the drag force.

Cx - resistance coefficient.

@ - air density

S is the largest cross-sectional area.

V - movement speed

The drag coefficient is determined empirically, most often in wind tunnels. In airless space, the speed of a body falling increases in proportion to time.

The opening of the parachute can be divided into three periods;

Opening of the pilot chute (stabilizing) and its filling.

Pulling the cover out of the lines and pulling the cover off the dome.

Dome filling.

The 1st period depends little on the fall velocity and air density. This period takes 0.2 seconds.

The 2nd period depends on the speed of movement and air density and takes an average of 0.3 - 0.5 seconds.

The 3rd period is the longest in time. The duration of the third period varies from 0.5 to 1.5 seconds.

Thus, the opening of the parachute takes 2-3 seconds and the distance is 60 -90 meters, the inertial load during the opening of the parachute occurs as a result of a rapid loss of speed and is perceived as a blow.

The larger the canopy, the lower the load during parachute deployment. After opening, the parachute falls under the power of air currents. If there is no wind, it descends vertically, but usually there is some movement of the air mass and the parachute will carry the parachutist wherever the wind is blowing.

Landing - the most difficult stage of the jump, requiring perfect knowledge of the rules, composure, prudence and the ability to control the parachute and your body. Factors affecting the magnitude of the parachutist's impact on the ground are: the rate of descent, the method of landing, the wind speed, the condition of the ground, and the stability of movement. The blow characterizes the loss of speed by the parachutist.

Thus, the weight of the body upon impact increases 17 times. And with a parachutist weighing 30 kg, it will exceed 1500 kg. But even bending your knees and torso when landing, you must do it correctly, otherwise the effect will be insufficient. It is necessary to ensure that the tension of the legs and torso corresponds to the speed of the landing, in addition, in the art of soft landing, uniform tension of the mouse during the entire impact is very important.

Topic #6

Airfield rules.

An aerodrome is a land plot specially equipped for take-off, landing, parking, maintenance of aircraft. The aerodrome, in order to determine the working part, must have restrictive signs indicating the runway (runway) and taxiway (steering lane). Near the landing site of the aircraft, to the left of the runway, the landing T. is laid out in summer - white, in winter - black. In front and behind the "T", limiters are laid out from the same panels. A “cross” is also laid out from the panels - the place for the precise landing of paratroopers. Taxiways, parking places for aircraft and technical equipment at the start, the location of people are indicated by flags and signs. From among the experienced athletes, a starting outfit is assigned: the duty officer for the start and the duty officer for the landing area. Everyone at the start must be located in a place specially designated for people "square" (start). You can leave it only with the permission of the instructor. It is dangerous to be outside the square, especially to sit or lie down in tall grass; the driver of the car serving flights may not notice a person in the grass and run into him.

Smoking at the airport is allowed only in a designated area. It is strictly forbidden to smoke and use open fire in the vicinity of aircraft, parachutes and technical equipment. Before you go on the airfield, you need to look around. In order not to get hit by a plane or a descending paratrooper. If an airplane is on the way, then it is necessary to bypass it from behind, and helicopters in front, at a distance of no closer than 10 m. Groups of people should move along the airfield only in formation. It is possible to cross the runway only with the permission of the RP (pallet manager), making sure that the plane does not take off and does not land. If it is necessary to cross or move to the other side of the airfield, it is necessary to move outside the runway, and preferably along the edge of the airfield. At the same time, one should be careful in the air approach strip, near the beginning and end of the runway. A skydiver landing on a runway or taxiway must, having collected the parachute in his hands, quickly release it.

Topic #7

Acquaintance with the aircraft.

The An-2 aircraft was created as an "air truck", engine power 1000 hp. Maximum takeoff weight 5500 kg. Biplane with forward main landing gear. The main parts of the aircraft are the fuselage (semi-monocoque): wings, engine, landing gear, tail unit, equipment. Thanks to power plant(engine with a propeller), it can acquire certain translational movements. In this case, the air flow flows around the wings and, thanks to the profile, a lifting force is created on them that can tear the aircraft off the ground. The tail and ailerons are used to control the aircraft in three planes during flight. The fuselage serves to accommodate the payload, in this case, paratroopers. On board the An-2 aircraft, depending on the load, it is allowed to take up to 10 paratroopers with a pilot. Paratroopers board the plane in the reverse order of the jump, i.e. the skydiver is the first to enter, jumping last. First of all, they occupy places on the right side of the cargo compartment. After boarding the aircraft of the entire group, the releasing instructor removes the step, closes the door, hooks the carabiners on the adapters and reports to the pilot. After climbing 700 m, releasing unlocked instruments on reserve parachutes. Jumps from the An-2 aircraft are performed both singly and in a series of two to 10 people. At the command to “get ready”, the paratroopers sitting on the port side and assigned to release the jump in this approach turn lime-shaped towards the door and assume a ready position. The door is opened by the releaser. Signals for the jump are given by the pilot: "get ready" - two short siren signals; "went" - a long siren beep; “set aside” - frequent siren beeps. The emitter duplicates the signals by voice. On command, the paratroopers “went” one after another with an interval of 1-3 seconds, separated from the aircraft by a “soldier”. To properly separate from the aircraft, the skydiver must left leg put the middle of the foot in the lower left corner of the doorway. The right leg at this moment is half a step behind and, half-bending, separates from the plane, maintaining the position of the body. It is necessary to show the cadets the correct separation from the aircraft with a “soldier”, and after that, practically work out this technique with each cadet

The parachute is designed for training jumps from transport aircraft.

Tactical and technical data of the parachute

1. With a total weight of a parachutist with parachutes of no more than 120 kg, the D-5 series 2 parachute provides:

  • at least 80 applications at flight speeds up to 400 km/h IAS and altitudes up to 8000 m with immediate activation of the stabilizing parachute and subsequent descent on it for 3 s or more;
  • descent stability;
  • the possibility of stopping the descent on the stabilizing dome at any time by opening the two-cone lock with an exhaust ring;
  • the minimum safe height of use from a horizontally flying aircraft at an instrument flight speed of 160 km/h with stabilization of 3 s is ─ 200 m, while the descent time on a fully inflated main canopy is at least 10 s;
  • the average vertical rate of descent, reduced to the standard atmosphere and the total mass of a skydiver with parachutes of 120 kg, in a section of 30-35 m from the ground - no more than 5 m/s;
  • rapid loss of height when sliding without phenomena of folding the canopy;
  • the use of two safety devices (main and backup) with a hose length of 240 mm;
  • fast extinguishing of the canopy after landing when the right free end of the harness is disconnected by means of the OSK-D lock;
  • use of reserve parachutes of type 3-2 or 3-5;
  • the force required to open a two-cone lock with a pull ring or device is not more than 16 kgf.

2. Overall dimensions of the stowed parachute, mm: length without a stabilizing dome in the chamber, mounted on a knapsack, ─ 595+10; width without parachute device ─ 335 + 10; height ─ 220+10.

3. The mass of the parachute without a portable bag and devices is not more than 13.8 kg.

Rice. 13. General view of the packed parachute D-5 series 2: 1 - carbine; 2 ─ check tape

Tactical and technical data of parachute parts

1. The chamber of the stabilizing dome is cylindrical in shape, made of nylon avisent (art. 56039). Chamber length 300 mm, folded width ─ 190 mm. In the upper part of the chamber there is a carabiner, which is attached to the chamber with LTKkrP-26-600 nylon tape with a strength of 600 kgf. In the lower part of the chamber, four rings NP-25-8 are sewn diametrically opposite to lock the chamber with the stabilizer rings. In the hem of the upper base of the chamber, a nylon cord-tie ShKP-150 with a strength of 150 kgf is inserted for tightening the upper base of the chamber. A nylon tape LTKrP-26-600 with a strength of 600 kgf was passed into the eye of the carabiner and stitched with a zigzag stitch to secure a rubber honeycomb mounted on a knapsack. Camera weight ─ 0.155 kg.

The chamber is intended for laying the stabilizing dome, lines and the upper part of the stabilizer into it.

2. The stabilizing dome is made of nylon fabric (art. 56004P or 56008P) and consists of a base and a sidewall. The dome has the shape of a truncated cone with a large base area of ​​1.5 m². To ensure the filling of the dome, an exhaust device is sewn in its pole part, consisting of eight pockets, the material for which is a dyed calendered fabric (art. 56005krPK or 56005krP). On the outer side of the base of the dome, reinforcing tapes LTKP-15-185 with a strength of 185 kgf and circular tapes LTKP-13-70 with a strength of 70 kgf are stitched in the radial direction. On the dome there are 16 slings made of ShKP-150 nylon cord with a strength of 150 kgf. The length of lines No. 1.4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13 and 16 in the free state from the lower edge of the dome to the stabilizer loops is 520 mm, and lines No. 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14 and 15 ─ 500 mm.

On each side of the pen is sewn on a tape with a ring for locking with rings sewn on the camera of the stabilizing dome.

The mass of the stabilizing dome is 0.57 kg.

3. Connecting link made of nylon tape LTKMkrP-27-1200 with a strength of 1200 kgf in two additions, designed to connect the stabilizing dome with the knapsack at the stage of stabilized descent and with the main dome at all stages of work.

At the top, the connecting link forms a 130 mm loop for attaching the stabilizer thimble. At a distance of 410 mm from the upper loop, a loop of LTKkrP-26-600 nylon tape with a strength of 600 kgf was sewn to attach the halyard of the device's flexible pin. The lower part of the connecting link branches out, forming power tapes, the ends of which are sewn with buckles of a two-cone lock.

Jumpers made of LTK-44-1600 nylon tape with a strength of 1600 kgf are sewn on both sides of the power tapes. A nylon tape with a strength of 1200 kgf is sewn between the jumpers, forming a loop for attaching to the bridles of the camera and the main dome. The triangle formed from the ribbons of the connecting link is closed on both sides with kerchiefs made of gray nylon adviser (art. 56039).

Under one of the scarves of the connecting link, using a nylon tape with a strength of 600 kgf, a guide ring for the halyard of the flexible pin of the device is sewn. On the power tapes near the buckles there are arrows to control the correct installation and setting of the power tapes on the two-cone lock. Connecting link length ─ 1030 mm.

Connecting link weight ─ 0.275 kg.

4. The chamber of the main dome made of gray nylon fabric (art. 56023krP), designed for laying the main dome and lines, has the shape of a cylinder 635 mm high and 450 mm wide (when folded). The lower base is continued by a special sleeve, in the hem of which an elastic ring is inserted to ensure an orderly exit of the main dome from the chamber.

The surface of the chamber is reinforced with two nylon bands with a strength of 600 kgf, which form a bridle. For the convenience of laying the dome, a scarf made of gray nylon fabric is sewn on the edge of the chamber.

In the hem of the upper base for tightening the chamber

embedded kapron cord with a strength of 150 kgf. Attached to the bottom of the chamber are two pairs of removable rubber honeycombs. On the reverse side, at a distance of 185 mm from the lower base of the chamber, an apron is sewn, which has four windows formed by grommets to pass removable rubber honeycombs.

One middle gazyr, a group of right and a group of left gazyrs for laying slings, three honeycomb distributor tapes with honeycombs from a knapsack cord are sewn on the chamber to hold the slings in the gazyrs.

For the convenience of laying slings, nylon tapes with a strength of 150 kgf are sewn on the gazyrs.

Camera weight ─ 0.44 kg.

5. The dome (Fig. 14) made of nylon fabric (art. 56009P) has the shape of a twenty-octagon and is designed for the safe descent and landing of a parachutist. The area of ​​the dome is 83 m².

To increase the strength, the lower edge of the dome is stitched with nylon tapes with a strength of 200 kgf, and its central part is stitched with tapes with a strength of 70 kgf.

28 slings of nylon cord with a strength of 150 kgf and a length of 9000 mm are attached to the dome.

Dome weight ─ 8.136 kg.

Rice. 13. The shape of the dome of the parachute D-5 series 2 in plan. The numbers in a circle are the numbers of the lines, the numbers inside the circle are the numbers of the squares: 1 ─ the panels of the dome; 2, 4 ─ reinforcing frame; 3 ─ loops for slings.

6. Suspension system made of LTK-44-1600 nylon tape with a strength of 1600 kgf is designed for convenient placement of a paratrooper and is a connecting link between a paratrooper and a canopy.

The suspension system is equipped with an OSK-D lock and consists of the following main parts: the main strap with dorsal and shoulder straps, one pair of detachable loose ends, and leg straps.

Detachable buckles are fixed at the free ends of the suspension system. On the reverse side of the main strap (on the right - below the OSK-D lock, on the left - below the curved buckle) are sewn with nylon tape LTKrP-43-800 with a strength of 800 kgf buckles for fastening the belts of the cargo container. In the lower part, the main strap is bifurcated, the ribbons are sewn end-to-end, and a cotton pad is sewn on them for comfortable sitting in the suspension system.

In the middle of the lower part of the main strap, on the outside, a loop of nylon tape with a strength of 800 kgf is sewn to fasten the cargo container link.

On both sides of the loop at a distance of 150 ─ 165 mm, using a nylon tape with a strength of 600 kgf, half-ring buckles are sewn to pull the lower corners of the satchel to the main strap.

The shoulder girths, which formed the chest bridge, then pass through the windows of the main strap and, with the help of rectangular buckles sewn into the ends of the shoulder girths, form a waist girth.

The lower ends of the back-shoulder girths, passed between the tapes of the main strap and enveloping them in several places, form the leg girths.

The mass of the suspension system is 2 kg.

7. The knapsack made of nylon adviser consists of a bottom, right and left valves. The bottom of the knapsack is double, a rigidity frame is inserted into it.

The knapsack is designed to accommodate a dome with lines laid in the chamber, parts of the free ends of the suspension system and a safety device. The knapsack has a two-cone lock and a flexible hose covered with a cotton tape LXX-40-130 of lacquer color with a strength of 130 kgf.

Hose length ─ 380 mm.

The mass of the backpack is 2 kg.

8. The pull ring with a cable is designed to open a two-cone lock. It is made of a steel bar and consists of a body, a limiter, a cable and a wire loop.

The mass of the ring is 0.1 kg. Rope length ─ 600 mm.

9. Safety device (main) AD-ZU-240, PPK-U-240B or KAP-ZP-240B.

Device hose length 240 mm, cable length 397 mm, loop length 19 mm, flexible hairpin halyard length

The weight of the safety device is 0.95 kg.

When installing on a parachute only one device for opening a two-cone lock, the device can be equipped with a loop 42 mm long. The earring does not apply in this case.

10. Safety device (backup) AD-ZU-240, PPK-U-240B or KAP-ZP-240B.

Hose length ─240 mm, cable length ─ 397 mm, loop length ─19 mm, length of the flexible hairpin halyard ─ 360 mm.

The mass of the device is 0.95 kg.

11. An earring designed to connect the main and backup devices is made of steel. The thickness of the earring is 2.5 mm. The earring has two holes: one is for the cone of the lock, the other is for the hinges of the main and backup devices.

12. Carrying bag of rectangular shape, made of cargo advice.

Bag dimensions ─ 260X740X600 mm. The mass of the bag is 0.725 kg.

13. The passport is designed to record information about the acceptance, transfer, operation and repair of a parachute.