Pathological forms of sperm: normal. How does Google recognize “quality” content? Also an important factor

To always be in great shape and have a beautiful figure, you must definitely follow the principles healthy eating.

Just think, just 15 nutritional principles that are easy to follow, you can make a habit of, and the bonus will be a wonderful figure and excellent health!

Basic principles of healthy eating as a step towards an ideal figure

The most important rule is to eat when you are hungry, and not because you were invited to eat with company. True, a feeling of hunger that lasts more than an hour makes us uncontrollable gluttons. We begin to convulsively suppress this feeling with fast food, sandwiches, sweets, etc. If we are very hungry, we are guaranteed to eat more than usual. Therefore, it is necessary to listen to our feelings.

It is important to ensure that you have full meals at least once every 5 hours, and between them you need to have snacks in the form of an apple or a glass of kefir. Research data from US scientists showed that those women who ate an apple or drank a glass of liquid about one hour before lunch consumed 200 calories less during the meal than usual.

2. Chew food thoroughly

There are two advantages to this: first, the stomach will digest food more easily, and second, there is a chance not to overeat and gain weight. Since the feeling of fullness comes about 20 minutes after you start eating, it’s best to eat slowly so as not to eat three times as much during this time.

3. Combine products

There are a number of foods that are contraindicated to be consumed at the same meal. They can cause severe bloating. For example, milk, cabbage and grapes are incompatible, because they are already the culprits of fermentation.

If you eat milk (alkaline environment) and tomatoes or cranberries (acidic environment) at the same time, you are guaranteed to get an upset stomach. There are products that, when combined, will add extra centimeters to your figure. So, by combining fats and carbohydrates, for example, bacon and bread, coffee with cream and cake, you risk acquiring new deposits of fatty tissue.

4. You can’t wash down your food

Drinking while eating disrupts the digestive process! If you are unable to give up this habit, it is better to take the liquid in tiny sips. Less is better!

It should also be borne in mind that what you drink should not account for more than a third of the total volume eaten. According to the rules, a glass of water and a cup of tea can only be drunk an hour and a half after a meal.

5. Choose your drinks wisely

So does what you drink. important factor. Juices, compotes, fruit drinks, coffee, tea are incompatible with food.

In extreme cases, such drinks can be supplemented with dark chocolate, marshmallows, marmalade and other simple desserts.

By themselves, they should be drunk half an hour before and an hour and a half after a meal. Alcoholic drinks can be combined with food.

6. Use small dishes

There will be less food on the dessert plate, but it will seem to you that there is enough food, because the plate will be full. Moreover, adding an additive or some other dish will not work right away.

We have a bad habit of finishing everything to the end, so we always try to leave the dishes clean. If the plate is smaller than usual, then you can eat 20 percent less food.

While eating, you need to concentrate on the meal itself, so set aside all important conversations, discussions of events, reading magazines, books, and watching TV.

All external stimuli lead to you eating more. In addition, you also need to listen to your taste sensations: hunger sharpens them, and satiety dulls them. If you no longer enjoy eating, then it’s time to stop eating.

8. The right desserts

The choice of dessert should be approached with particular importance, because some fruits (pomelo, lingonberry, grapefruit, pomegranate) go well with vegetables and meat. They are all digested gastric juice with the same acidity, so they can be combined.

If your goal is beautiful and a slim body, dessert is your enemy. Occasionally you can allow yourself a “little joy”, but only after the main meal, an hour and a half later. This rule also applies to fruits, because different products require participation different types enzymes and different digestion times. Experts recommend eating fruit before six o'clock in the evening. It is believed that until this time they saturate the body with energy, and in the evening they can create fat deposits and cause fermentation.

9. You shouldn’t eat stress

Emotions can sometimes become so overwhelming that it becomes impossible to control food intake. This threatens to overextend both calories and weight. A feature of emotional experiences is the choice of products.

Most often these are cakes and chocolate bars, to which we are “attracted” due to the high production of the hormone cortisol.

You need to fight like this: don’t endure hunger, but eat only healthy food - boiled breast, bakery products from whole grains, etc. In addition, we are looking for non-edible ways to get pleasure.

10. We recognize satiety by sight

Many people don't eat right. Some people fast all day and in the evening they are ready to eat an elephant. Others constantly snack, but do not feel full or hungry.

And eating everything down to the last crumb, even if you can’t eat it anymore, is also the rule of many. What to do? Eat slowly, from small dishes, stop when you are full. You can also purchase a kitchen scale and accurately measure the amount of food you eat. With this approach, your figure will be perfect.

11. You need to have a hearty breakfast and lunch, and choose light foods for dinner.

12. The basis of the diet should be fruits and vegetables. They contain a lot of fiber, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the metabolic system.

13. It is better to exclude refined foods from your diet.

14. During the cooking process, heat treatment should be minimized. It is advisable to steam dishes.

15. Eat less sweet or salty foods. At first, it will be difficult for your body to get used to the new rules, but after 3 weeks you will no longer feel the restrictions.

Try making these rules your healthy habits and you will be healthy and happy! Surely you will be interested to know about the ones that have appeared on the market!

Hello, Pavel Yamb is with you again!

If you write articles, then you need to be able to express your thoughts clearly and to the point. Today we will talk about how to achieve the necessary clarity and what three important components a quality text consists of.

The main thing is the idea

To clearly formulate an idea, you either need to be a child or have a serious knowledge base. The unclouded mind of a child immediately and often, without the usual diplomacy of adults, grasps the essence of what is happening. You are probably familiar with stories from life when children put parents or other people in an awkward position.

A father and a five-year-old child are traveling in a crowded trolleybus. Cold weather, the windows are fogged up. The boy begins to rub the glass so that it squeals under his fingers. The father makes a remark, the child does not react.

- How many times can I tell you?! - he explodes. “I talk and talk, but you still don’t listen!”

- And no matter how much your mother tells you not to pee in the bath, you still pee! – the boy retorts loudly.

An educated and well-read person draws analogies in the same way and grasps the essence of events - however, he already distinguishes what can be said and when, and what it is better to refrain from.

Therefore, the first and most important condition for the successful formulation of thoughts is the main idea. Without it, it will just be a stream of consciousness.

It happens that there is even an idea, but the problem is in the presentation. In this case, three necessary conditions—three pillars”—will help convey it to the reader or listener:

  • clarity and simplicity of thought;
  • structure;
  • data.
  • Peace to the world and...

Let's clarify with words

Clarity of expression will not arise out of nowhere. To choose the right words, you need to know a sufficient number of them. Synonyms, shades of meaning - all this comes into our speech with the presence of sufficient vocabulary.

For comparison: Dictionary Dahl consists of 200 thousand words. Dictionary of a person with higher education approximately equal to 10 thousand words, and a polymath uses no more than 50 thousand. Passive vocabulary, of course, is larger. Here's an interesting test: My passive vocabulary, according to this questionnaire, is 58 thousand words. What about yours?

Confidence in your own knowledge is also an important factor. An insecure and illiterate person will try to hide gaps in knowledge with abstruse phrases. Those who know and are confident are, on the contrary, interested in the accessibility and clarity of their ideas. However, one should beware of confusing simplicity with primitivism, and elementary mastery of the material with abstruseness. Even when explaining the basics of quantum physics to children, it is hardly possible to avoid a certain number of terms:

Although the idea is presented elegantly: clearly and simply.

Structure is the basis for understanding

I hope there is no need to explain the importance of a structured presentation of thoughts. How to learn to structure your thoughts? Make an outline of the message you want to make. Determine what to talk or write about first and how to develop the idea further. From simple to complex or from complex to simple - whichever you prefer. However, consistent presentation of information is our “second pillar” of clear and concise presentation of our thoughts. Then, when experience comes, you can simply keep this plan in your head. The clear structure of the message will immediately show that it is made by a master who knows how to competently present the idea.

Facts on the table

The “third pillar” on which clear thinking rests is facts. Give weight to your messages with proven facts, real examples, they inspire confidence. For example, Dale Carnegie's books are filled with real-life examples different people- from outstanding personalities to his unknown students, friends, relatives and acquaintances. And he has long become a true classic of self-improvement methods.

In addition, thanks to the facts, it becomes clearer what idea the author wants to convey to the reader or listener.

Is this skill necessary? Everyday life? Of course, if you want to improve the quality of communication with other people.

If a dispute ends in a quarrel or a fight, it means that none of the participants was able to express their thoughts clearly and clearly. The skill of discussion, like many other things, can and should be learned. However, everything is within our control if we only set such a task. And I'm sure you will succeed!

Surprisingly, even well-known history suggests that at least since the time Kievan Rus Galicians have always hated and betrayed the Rus.

But there is also ancient Russian sources, which are not recognized official science, in which it says that the residents these places betrayed their predecessor Kievan Rus - Ruskolan during attacks on her ready.

AND, apparently since then the most since then for life Galicians affected by the curse Old Russian Magi, imposed on them V those distant times for betrayal. That is why, even if judge By generally accepted “official” stories, all states which include they came in from Kievskaya Rus' and before THE USSR, invariably fell apart or conquered enemies. You can check it yourself. Because, exactly The same fate awaits today's Ukraine.

But where, like this stubborn hate everything Russian for not alone thousands years? Yes That's why What, genetically All these Westerners thanks to many “impurities” not only differ from the Rus (haplogroupR1 A1), But and from all white race. The same can be said about others famous centers Russophobia.

Here, For example, what he told That's why about Russian traveler, biologist and anthropologist G. Sidorov one Siberian the hermit during the next dialogue, described V book “Shine of the High Gods and krameshniks”:

“...we must not forget, in Europe 35-40 thousand years ago one of the North African races lived next to the Iberians. She moved north between freshwater lakes along the bottom of the then non-existent Mediterranean Sea. It is noteworthy that even in Nowadays, among the population of Western Europe there are sometimes typical representatives Negroid race. Their skin is white and their hair is not black, but the structure of the skull and body is typical African. Most white blacks are found in Britain, Spain, France, and in in the east of Europe - here, in Ukraine. Mainly in Galicia.
- Maybe it’s their genetics, coupled with the genetics of the Transcarpathian Iberians, that are rebelling against us,

Russians, as against an alien genetic element. It seems that the split between the "Westerners" and “Easterners” not of an ideological nature at all, but something deeper? - asked involuntarily I am my enlightener.

Hearing my question, grandfather Cherdyntsev looked at me questioningly for a long time, then slowly carefully choosing his words, he said:

- You and I recently talked about the equilibrium of systems and the factor that shifts this equilibrium

in one direction or another. Now think about what is happening in Ukraine. More precisely on the territory

former Galicia.
- Ideologically, economically and with the help of religious pressure, the system was brought to balance point. Then the genetic automaton began to operate.

- Essentially, different genetics and then don’t forget that on the Slavic-Iberian genetic layer

Semitic genetics are superimposed. This is also an important factor . She appeared in those places in the end of the late Middle Ages, when Polish magnates put Jews in charge of their estates. See what a genetic mess it is?

- Why did you forget about the genetics of white blacks?

- I haven’t forgotten, it’s just not widespread enough to talk about. On In the British Isles, ancient Africans lived quite compactly, so among the British white blacks meet. But there are fewer of them on the territory of Ukraine. That's all. The bad thing is that in II - III century BC the Celts penetrated into Transcarpathia, by this time they were heavily mixed with Iberians from the Pyrenees and Alpine Tungras. This genetic seed is still felt today. day. It is expressed in zoological hatred towards the purebred descendants of the Orians-Russians and Russians who consider themselves an integral part of our regional civilization.”
Here it is! Exactly subconscious knowledge Anglo-Saxons and Westerners about the presence in them Negroid, Jewish and God knows what else genes evokes in them repressed feeling of self-inadequacy and as a consequence - pathological hatred To direct descendants arctic civilization “white gods” - to the Rus and Russians. That is why in all centuries and for any authorities Anglo-Saxons they harmed us in every possible way explicitly or secretly, and the Westerners - Always betrayed.

And it is for this same reason that the Russophobes of Europe committed a total falsification of history with the introduction there are myths in it about “savagery” And inferiority" Russian people and their supposed “lack of ancient roots” and “the emergence of Russians from a mixture of other peoples.” It's understandable after all - “Stop the thief!” - The loudest scream is the thief himself.

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Sentences containing "important"

We found 80 sentences containing the word "important". Also look at the synonyms for “important”.
Meaning of the word

  • One of important The reasons for this were dinners in families, to which they were invited after prayer.
  • But returning to the period described, it is worth mentioning a number of important events that took place at that time in Central Asia.
  • Let's say the average person can solve ten important problems.
  • During the meeting, a number of decisions were made important questions.
  • Only supporters of this theory overlook a number of important factors.
  • Continuous literary correspondence with friends was among the favorite and important Pushkin's activities at this time.
  • Important Another factor was that he, like any Greek, loved to bargain.
  • Important An element in the formation of a new situation was the direction of June 7, 1955.
  • Important It was also the case that the first to bring science fiction to life was in the USSR, an unknown country that seemed dangerous to some.
  • And one more moment for the goat breeder important.
  • He was proud of me again, which was by no means important for me after I had let him down so much in the past.
  • This was also considered important factor in Rudzutak's favor.
  • Equally important that the guardian of Orestes, the son of Archelaus, was Eropus, the ruler of Lyncestis.
  • One more important evidence of Potemkin's participation in the coup of 1762.
  • Important The direction of Richelieu's policy was the development of the fleet, trade and foreign economic relations.
  • Well important the atmosphere was a factor.
  • In Moscow, Viktor Vasnetsov met the family of Savva Mamontov, and it became important event in the artist's life.
  • Important was that, unlike the partisans of the border regions, who in the summer of 1941
  • But I, taking this into account in advance important fact, I applied for a stenographer course.
  • Meanwhile, judging by some data, his participation was important, since his merits were officially recognized by the empress herself.
  • Important It also seems that Vasily Aksenov kept these letters all his life and even took them with him when he left for emigration.
  • This is a factor for the development of national and international radio television important.
  • This moment also presented itself to me important.
  • The trip was supposed to help him establish contacts useful for his career, which was important.
  • Fourteen letters from Natalya Nikolaevna Pushkina were written over four years, and this circumstance is important.
  • Important It was also that one had to be able to express one’s thoughts briefly and succinctly.
  • Important It turned out differently in this case.
  • Except for the uniform, which was rather ridiculous, which seemed to me important element.
  • Another important moment: championship is born in rivalry.
  • Important a factor hindering the development of trade was the lack of roads.
  • First important The landmark victory at Las Navas de Tolosa resulted in a significant expansion of the Castilian kingdom.
  • Equally important that Palen, through cunning and bribery, gained the trust of Count Kutaisov, the person personally closest to Pavel.
  • Important The direction of Richelieu's policy was the development of the fleet, trade and foreign economic relations.
  • Potentially it was important result.
  • The Duke was kind, calm, delicate, compliant, and was also known as a keen connoisseur of the arts, which for Ekaterina Pavlovna was important.
  • Before the revolution in the village of Kargin, except for cinema (which for the village important), there was no entertainment.
  • But important and the fact that Leonard Leopoldovich did not have any special problems financially since childhood.
  • Important A factor in the change in Hitler's attitude towards Manstein was that Himmler considered the latter politically unreliable.
  • There is one more important a fact indicating fraud with newspapers.
  • For young man, who did not have a regular income, it was important(Boris was paid 10 rubles).
  • Important It also appears that he was Robert I’s steward, that is, the manager of his household.
  • For many this circumstance was important.
  • Equally important It also turned out that Olga was Russian, and Picasso, a great revolutionary in art, generally liked everything Russian.
  • One more important The point for the guest was that besides Nikolai, there was no one else in the house at that moment.
  • All this important, because the gymnasium where S.Ya. asked to be admitted.
  • To others important a subfield that requires your close attention is genetic genealogy.
  • Equally important also recall that experiment, the “socialist tavern”, in the words of I.L. himself.
  • Important It was also that Biron achieved influence on these same barons.
  • In addition, receiving it meant an additional monthly amount of five dollars, which important when you get twenty-one dollars.
  • In addition to Rasputin's military positions, she could not forgive him for one more important th circumstances.
  • He knew how to explain everything and that important, show everything yourself.
  • The last circumstance was for me important, taking into account my unenviable financial situation.
  • And here important, what the author was like when he created his work for us.
  • One controversial and not fully clarified issue remains important moment political biography Rakovsky period of the World War.
  • And here it arises important question: how long can we operate away from the base?
  • Equally important It was also the case that the American side assumed all expenses for the expensive trip.
  • Besides, important the advantage is its relative compactness.
  • Equally important note that such ideas were given to Anna Ivanovna by Minich, and Biron and Osterman objected to this.
  • Important was that a year after entering graduate school I started a family in Moscow, and in 1959
  • And one more important a fact which I think had a negative impact on Stalin's attitude towards the Jews in that pre-revolutionary time.
  • In the meantime important that people who left at one time return to the theater and return willingly.
  • Question important, but there is no ready answer to it, except for the statements of the admiral given in this book.
  • Important a factor in this was the end of the conflict in Transnistria in the summer of 1992.
  • And the second factor too important, stemmed from the disadvantage of my then position.
  • The new star had one more important property: she was a talented theater actress.
  • At the dawn of his presidency, Putin once proudly shared this important a fact from your family history.
  • At that time, for young hockey players of conscription age there was important factor.
  • They say that Yeltsin liked this parody, which has already happened important.
  • I think Bob proposed to him because he was delighted with the sound and that important, the shape of his instrument.
  • This is for the poor man, and for his family, of course, important, but the main thing was different: the young people devotedly loved each other.
  • From the shameful (in his opinion) expulsion of Russia from the Baltic states in 1994, he also learned important lesson.
  • This is what this guy talks about important fact.
  • The reaction of the chief banker of the Joyce Factory was important, and the artist became alarmed.
  • Equally important and that after V.S.
  • Let the reader keep this in mind important a criterion for evaluating my judgments.
  • Observing neurological patients, he noticed that during the course of the disease important is a personal factor.
  • When getting acquainted with the events of the first years of the life of the Princess of Wales, one should take into account important factor.
  • Important question: who made up Matyushenko’s “guard” during the rebellion?
  • The last one for Dean was important, since he always had a weakness for the female sex.
  • Important The question of accomplices was not raised at all during the investigation.

Source – introductory fragments of books from liters.

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What is laminate, its advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons.

Laminate is another popular flooring that is well suited for the home. Everyone knows that it is preferred for apartment renovation. But why? What are its features, what does it consist of, what are its advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons, and the main question - is laminate flooring harmful to health? We will study everything about laminate in this article. And additional articles will help you decide on the choice of its class and type. I’ll say right away that laminate beats other floor coverings at its price. And this is also an important and decisive factor for the purchase.

A little history

It is interesting to know that it turns out that laminate flooring was originally invented from laminated panels for kitchen furniture in Sweden. The name itself translates as exfoliating material. And this is true - laminate consists of several layers, depending on the type, the thickness can be from 6 to 12 mm. In this article we will study what these layers are, why they are needed and what their functionality is. At the same time, you need to be able to distinguish floorboards made from solid wood and parquet boards. This is easy to do in the store - based on the inscriptions and price, but there are other nuances that are worth paying attention to.

What is laminate made of?

I suggest you take a closer look at the picture - the topmost layer of laminate is a film that consists of acrylic or melamine synthetic resin. Melamine is better because it is more wear-resistant and more durable. And it not only protects the board itself, but also the drawing, which is also important for appearance your flooring. And it is this layer that must correspond to one or another class by which the laminate must be selected:

In addition, the overlay (top) layer can be made completely glossy, with regular gloss or matte. Gloss is created through graphic additions to layers.

Decorative layer The one you see in the photo is the pattern we choose for the design of our new interior. You don’t have to buy wood-look laminate; it can be absolutely any texture. Psychologically, buyers prefer wood more, because such a coating looks more natural. But this is worth giving up for the sake of it. For the kitchen and hallway, tile or stone-like coverings are often chosen. Moreover, the laminate can be given a relief that will look exactly like tiles. The pattern can also be one-strip, two-strip or three-strip. For large rooms it is better to choose one-way, for medium-sized rooms - two-way, and for small rooms - three-way.

Third layer- this is a board. It can be either chipboard, fiberboard, or other options - I’ll say right away that this is what distinguishes laminate from parquet; laminate does not contain pure, natural wood and its environmental friendliness, which is so important to many advanced buyers. These are fibreboards and particle boards, which are much cheaper than solid wood. High-quality laminate has a high-strength board. So that he can withstand the influences external environment and the load that is present in an ordinary apartment.

And last, lowest layer- This is plastic or paper that is impregnated with resins. It protects the third, previous layer from changes in temperature and humidity in the house.

Depending on the manufacturer, there may be more layers to give the laminate even greater strength or decorative features. Why do we need to know about the composition of the laminate? Yes, if only because when you buy this flooring and pay money for it, you have the right to know what you are paying for. And if you find a very cheap laminate, first check its composition, its thickness. After all, the floor is made to last; no one wants to walk on exposed cardboard.

Production technology and assembly types

To produce laminate, one of two technologies is used. This could be DLP, which means low, direct pressure and HDL, which means high pressure. How are they different and what is their meaning? With chipboard technology, the first and second layers (film and decorative pattern, respectively) are pressed in one stage with chipboard or fiberboard and the last layer. And in HDL technology, first the film and the pattern are combined under pressure and high temperature, and then they are combined with chipboard or fiberboard or the last layer.

Laminate panels

Maybe you already know that laminate flooring is easy to install yourself. All this thanks to the “quick step” locking system, which was invented and replaced the adhesive laminate (let me remind you that the adhesive laminate also has its advantages - thanks to the application of glue in the joints, the coating becomes more moisture resistant, so I do not recommend completely discarding this assembly option) . Clicking systems for laying laminate flooring may vary depending on the manufacturer. When choosing a floor covering, this is not fundamentally important. You can read more about how to easily and simply lay laminate flooring yourself in this article:

The advantage of such a system is that you can easily do the installation yourself, without helpers. You can subsequently replace the damaged boards, or you can even disassemble the laminate and move it to another room.

Harm to health of laminate flooring

Is laminate flooring harmful? Everyone who pays attention to the price wonders, because it is much lower than parquet. And that's true. But there is no need to panic ahead of time. If you don’t have enough money for parquet flooring, I suggest studying the reasons why laminate flooring can be harmful and ways to choose a safe option:

1. Let's return to our main layer - chipboard or fiberboard, they are sawdust and shavings glued together. High-quality manufacturers use only safe resins for gluing. Which can also be used in the manufacture of doors or furniture.

2. The top surface of the laminate is also resin. It can be acrylic or melamine resin. Since melomine does not have viscosity, it is mixed with a formaldehyde component. Now we have come to this frightening word, from which consumers shy away.

3. As you have already heard, formaldehyde is harmful to health, toxic and dangerous. According to laminate manufacturers, you should not be afraid of it, since it is harmful only in high concentrations, and it is released into the air only at very high temperatures (something this reminds me of the dangers of plastic windows).

4. To determine the safety of the laminate, emission classes were invented. It is believed that class E1 is the safest and is followed by all European manufacturers. Now you can also find class E0 on sale, which means it is particularly environmentally friendly. It is assured that there is a minimum of formaldehyde in it. And of course they ask for more money for it than for regular laminate. For information, there are also E2 and E3 classes that cannot be installed in the house. Then I wonder why produce it at all. In general, my opinion is that they make money from this. Of course, the standards stipulate the content of formaldehyde. Only those who look at the standards, the majority focus on these letters and prices. If you can, ask, for example, what the difference is between E1 and E0.

5. Study the documents. The right manufacturers will indicate the above-mentioned emission class and other quality marks on their products. In addition, information on layer thickness, composition and moisture resistance will be useful. Protecting laminate flooring from water, be it spilled tea or a broken dishwasher, is also an important factor when choosing.

6. Is it possible to install laminate flooring in a children's room? Again, if you focus on quality and safety standards, then it’s possible. Additionally, you can look for laminate flooring with the EPLF mark, which means the manufacturer is a member of the Association of Laminate Flooring Manufacturers in Europe. Now laminate can be found in other children's institutions, for example, in kindergartens.

Does laminate have any disadvantages?

If you compare laminate with linoleum or carpet, the disadvantage is that to install it you need to level the floor. You can read about whether it is possible to do this yourself and about the alignment process in general here:

Another disadvantage is that it cannot be repaired. But you can replace damaged boards. To do this, you need to buy a little more boards than required for your footage. Well, you need a place to store them. And, by the way, it is quite possible to damage the laminate. For example, when bringing furniture in or out of a room. This happened to me, and depending on the drawing, the damage may or may not be noticeable.

If you already have laminate flooring at home, leave your feedback on operation in the comments, they will definitely be useful to our readers!