Predictions for the year for a woman's Taurus. Taurus – Goat

In 2017, the Red Fire Rooster. Horoscope and astrological forecast for the sign Taurus for 2017.

2017, the year of the Red Fire Rooster, will be generally favorable for those born under the sign of Taurus.

The year will consist of two parts, interconnected. The calmness and composure inherent in Taurus should help you make the right decisions in the first half of 2017, when you will have to make repeated choices, face quarrels in the family, disagreements with friends and work colleagues.

Taurus will need to show maximum tact and caution in order to avoid serious failures and conflicts. It is best to remain neutral and not get involved in disputes, although representatives of the sign love to argue. You just have to control yourself and everything will stabilize.

The second half of the year will be a direct consequence of actions in the spring and summer. A vivid illustration of the proverb “what goes around comes around.” New interesting projects are formed at work, mutual understanding reigns in the family. However, there is a high probability of activation of hidden ill-wishers and envious people. But Taurus shouldn’t mess around with them.

2017 will be a stormy and very productive year for Taurus. Everything is in your hands, including future financial income. In 2017, you need to lay a solid foundation for the next few years - whether it's about finances or personal relationships.

Astrological forecast for the sign Taurus for 2017

Taurus: horoscope for 2017 from Vasilisa Volodina

Financial horoscope for the sign Taurus for 2017:

The Year of the Fire Rooster is 12 months of severe trials. Everyone must work hard to provide food for themselves. The Chinese believe that in the Year of the Rooster the threat of military conflicts increases. Main advice: discipline and accuracy in financial matters.

The Rooster is selfish and calculating, and if we take into account the element of 2017 (fire), then these qualities can be multiplied. The relationship between the partners will be heated to the limit, one is trying to secretly organize “independence” from the other. On this basis, a lot of intrigue is possible, including a rather low-level one. Taurus's natural caution and observation will serve him well in 2017 - he will instinctively avoid dangerous situations. However, you should double your vigilance in any case.

The Rooster has one weak point - his tendency to pose. He loves to play to the public, and the wise Taurus can always take advantage of the Rooster's narcissism. In addition, the patron of the year loves to spend a lot of money. Many will be under this influence of the sign of the Rooster, while Taurus will remain true to himself as a thrifty person. He just needs to “listen” to his intuition. And the year will pass without loss.

Professional horoscope for the sign Taurus for 2017:

Taurus loves order and always follows the rules. His horoscope for 2017 promises unexpected and successful changes, even career growth. All thanks to the hard work of the representatives of the sign. An executive, scrupulous Taurus can regularly fill his family budget in times of crisis. Astrologers recommend showing unconventional initiative in business and approaching problem solving creatively.

Taurus has an interesting character trait: the ability to make “necessary” acquaintances. Subconsciously, representatives of the sign strive to make friends with the “powers of this world.” Taurus loves and respects money and always strives to have a lot of it. And influential acquaintances will help him climb to the top of the career ladder. However, success should not be attributed only to connections; Taurus themselves are excellent workers. The main thing for a leader is to set the task correctly, and Taurus will complete it in the best possible way.

You should be careful at all kinds of corporate parties. Taurus is capable of spending the evening in such a way that in the morning he will be ashamed to remember, and unfriendly colleagues can take advantage of incriminating evidence.

Health horoscope for the sign Taurus for 2017:

In terms of health, Taurus is not in serious danger. These people themselves have excellent health, the margin of safety is extremely large. However, Taurus are prone to addictions. In 2017, astrologers recommend being careful with alcohol and under no circumstances consuming strong drinks in public.

In the spring, Taurus is usually attacked by the blues; he dreams of changes and great feelings. At this very time it is very easy to get seasonal colds. Taurus men are very moody when they are sick. Women are trying, on the contrary, to return to work faster. In general, all year long, representatives of the sign will be haunted by “decadent” moods, and nervous conditions will often affect their well-being. You can't mope! Otherwise, you may get sick throughout the entire winter, spring and even autumn seasons.

Astrologers and psychologists recommend playing sports as a panacea for stress and nerves. The Taurus woman loves to work out her body; we can recommend strength training, Pilates, and pole exercises to her. The Taurus man is usually well built, he only needs to keep in shape by running, going to the gym, and doing minimal daily exercise.

Taurus: love horoscope for 2017

Love horoscope for the Taurus sign for 2017:

In love affairs, not everything is smooth, nerves are at their limit. Taurus needs to show maximum diplomacy and patience towards their significant other. It is worth dedicating time to your family; it is relatives who will support Taurus in difficult times.

Lonely Taurus have a great chance of organizing their lives. Women will receive a lot of interesting offers; there are even options for traveling together. Men will be generous despite general financial stress. You should avoid scammers! They will definitely try to deceive a lucky, presentable lady.

Taurus men behave too frivolously. But women fall in love with them instantly, they know how to charm the opposite sex. Even “deeply” married Taurus will glance around. Think a hundred times before you decide to commit adultery. In 2017, single men are having a lot of fun and sympathizing with their family mates.

Astrologers say that if Taurus meets his love in 2017, the marriage will be bright and passionate. Whether this relationship lasts for a long time depends only on the spouses.

Astrological forecast for Taurus men for 2017:

Taurus is an excellent worker. In 2017, qualities such as conscientiousness and hard work will be in demand. Therefore, it is unlikely that he will be left without work; on the contrary, Taurus can successfully change his field of activity. Recommendation: do not argue with the new boss and be too strict with your subordinates. You can and should look for new opportunities, projects, partners.

Married Taurus should be more flexible in their relationships with their spouse and children. Sometimes men of this sign are too principled, which leads to disagreements and quarrels. Taurus is a wonderful father, but is too strict with his daughters and demanding of his sons. 2017 is quite a tense year in all respects; on the contrary, it is better to be more attentive to each other. In difficult times, relatives will always lend a shoulder to Taurus.

Astrological forecast for Taurus women for 2017:

Women of this sign are truly strong individuals. They are usually successful in their careers and personal lives. The horoscope for 2017 for the Taurus woman promises a busy period in life. Constant social events, new acquaintances, unusual business proposals, travel. Ladies of this sign will be pleased with 2017. Especially unmarried people - they will often receive marriage proposals.

Love adventures will not bypass family Taurus. A woman can find herself in a rather ambiguous situation, from which it is difficult to get out with honor. Therefore, you need to carefully consider your actions, otherwise there is a risk of serious conflicts with your spouse. In the year of the Red Rooster, family values, loyalty, and devotion to each other should be in the foreground. This is a bad time for affairs for a Taurus woman.

In 2018, the horoscope predicts that Taurus will encounter difficulties and obstacles along the way. Thanks to this, this zodiac sign will radically change its worldview. It is quite possible that Taurus will develop a desire to search for philosophical truths. Also, a representative of this constellation will begin to master spiritual practices and begin searching for a spiritual teacher.

Finance and self-development

In January 2018, the financial situation of Taurus will be stable and will even improve by the end of the month. The estimated dates for financial receipts are January 20, 21, 27 and 28. In the last ten days of the month, creditors will remind themselves. But paying back debts will not cause significant damage to your well-being.

Also at the beginning of the year, Taurus will experience increased costs for vocational training and higher education. But this is a very good investment, since your future salary will directly depend on your level of knowledge. The main thing is to choose the right professional direction.

In general, the first six months of 2018 will not be very successful for Taurus. Representatives of this sign are unlikely to earn the expected amount during this period. Therefore, it is more advisable to devote two quarters to education and self-development. If this time is spent usefully, then in the second half of 2018 Taurus will significantly improve their financial situation. At the same time, they can count on the support of partners and friends - mutually beneficial cooperation will certainly bear fruit.

The end of the year

Well, Taurus will be able to withdraw the cream of money in early autumn. If you approach this issue wisely, applying the knowledge acquired at the beginning of the year, then by winter your wallet will be bursting with the amount of money.

But at the end of the year, logic will fade into the background in the life of Taurus. She will be replaced by Mr. Chance. In the last two months of 2018, financial and other losses can be expected. But still, the year will end on a positive note, since flashes of good luck will more than compensate for all the troubles.

Love will come unexpectedly and stay with you for a whole year. Take a step towards your Destiny. Good Venus will be supported by generous Jupiter, and the road of your life will be smooth and bright.

In the summer you may be pierced by Cupid's arrow. If there are unfinished matters left at this point, they will remain unfinished for a long time. Only at the end of autumn will you hastily take on projects and try to make up for lost time.

Born from April 21 to April 30

You will want a holiday, fireworks of feelings and renewal. But now what you already have is more reliable. The effort, money, and time invested are not as important as the mutual understanding achieved. You will understand this in the fall.

So don’t rush to destroy something, although Pluto will provoke you. Remember, “a bad peace is better than a good quarrel.”

Born from May 1 to May 10

Try to penetrate to the very essence of the issue, focus not only on experience, but also on your inner instinct. will take a lot of energy. Saturn encourages you not to take risks in material matters and to be wary of new acquaintances.

You will want to communicate more. At the end of summer and mid-autumn, there is a high chance of finding like-minded people.

Born from May 11 to May 20

You are on the threshold of another stage of your life. New plans and hopes will appear.

At the end of spring, you will be able to start a new project and, if this is relevant to you, a new relationship. It is very important to pre-set all the dots and complete the unfinished work. This applies to affairs, work, feelings.

In the fall, until mid-October, it will be easier to do practical things.

Forecast for men

The Taurus man will rush towards adventure, gain new experience and try his luck in a risky business.

Things will come first, even though there will be very little time left. Winter and spring will fly by in an instant. Additional responsibilities will be added to the usual activities. You will have to take risks, surpass your previous achievements and merits.

Summer is a time of miracles. Something that you have already foreseen for a long time will happen. But, oddly enough, you will not be ready for this. Anxiety will only add drive, and you will easily decide to make changes.

At the very beginning of autumn you will take another risk, and very successfully. Victory will inspire you, and you will overcome a number of difficulties in one breath in mid-November. And you will meet the end of the year in a great mood.

Born from April 21 to April 30

Opportunities are one thing, reality is completely different. In order not to waste time on empty matters, try to collect more information.

In January, you may misunderstand your interlocutor, draw the wrong conclusion and make a mistake.

At the end of spring, on the contrary, you will feel the right direction and make the right decision.

In the fall it would be good to retrain or gain new knowledge. At the end of the year, a new business awaits you.

Born from May 1 to May 10

The spirit of an adventurer will suddenly awaken in you. Contrary to common sense and the beliefs of others, perform an unusual act.

The consequences will not be quite what you expected. But new doors will open before you, and you will be able to go completely. What still seems unrealistic can come true. You just have to try.

Born from May 11 to May 20

Most of the winter will be spent in work troubles. There will be a lot of energy in spring, but during this period you tend to waste energy on impossible projects. Have time to stop in time and analyze the situation.

At the beginning of summer, Venus will be in your sign, this will make you more calculating. You will evaluate any proposals from the point of view of personal benefit.

Forecast for Taurus born in the year...

✓ Rats

1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

Events are out of your control. Don’t get lost, be able to pull yourself together and soberly assess the situation. In the middle of the year, an amazing surprise awaits you, and you will feel that life is beautiful and amazing.

✓ Dragon

1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

Time to consolidate the achieved heights. Everything will develop harmoniously - and your personal life will meet your expectations. Only when traveling are misunderstandings possible. Don't go far from home.

✓ Monkeys

1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

You, like a battery, can be charged with energy. Everything around you sparkles, shines, and you don’t know which way to run, what to grab onto in order to get everything done. Stay focused, otherwise the whole year will be wasted.

✓ Bull

1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

You feel omnipotent: hopes are justified, plans are carried out. Don't turn your nose up, look at your feet. Otherwise, at the beginning of autumn you may fall into a trap. Do what you set out to do and make a profit.

✓ Snakes

1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

Personal life is full of surprises, but in work everything goes as planned. Observe more, develop your instincts. At the decisive moment, make a sharp leap forward, even if it means taking risks. You will win.

✓ Rooster

1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

A dream is worth pursuing. Despite the obstacles, confidently move towards your goal. Be prepared to fight for your ideals, defend your opinions and go against your loved ones. This will be a year of struggle for you.

✓ Tiger

1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

The one next to you wants to throw you off course. Think for yourself, don’t consult anyone. Powerful will tell you the right path. This year is not suitable for financial transactions and major acquisitions.

✓ Horses

1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

Be careful, you may be drawn into a dubious business. Be especially careful about unusual offers. Let everything remain as it was this year. It may be a little boring, but it guarantees peace of mind.

✓ Dogs

1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

No matter how much you increase your momentum, you won’t be able to keep up with everyone. The pace of life is slowing down this year. But there will be a feeling of serenity and bliss. Free yourself from stereotypes and just enjoy.

✓ Rabbit

1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

Your views and even taste preferences will change and appear. The year will turn out well, but it’s still not worth taking unnecessary risks. Be consistent, then even minor troubles will not arise.

✓ Sheep-goats

1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

You will be at the epicenter of events. Whatever happens, do not lose your sense of common sense. And don't give in to general sentiments. Work hard, and at the end of the year your financial situation will improve significantly.

✓ Pigs

1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

Finally, you can relax and not worry about business. But in personal relationships, conflicts are likely, and your character is to blame. If you want to keep the peace, bite your tongue and don't judge anyone. It will be easier for you.

Children's horoscope

It is almost impossible to come to an agreement with a child; there is no point in putting pressure. At the beginning of spring, he may have some minor problems, and he will come to you for help.

Hang in there, there will be changes mid-summer. In the fall, your authority will increase, and the child will turn to you more and more often.

On February 16, 2018, according to the Chinese calendar, the Fire Rooster, which has completed its reign, will give way to the Yellow Earth Dog. For representatives of the Taurus sign who have worked well, the time will come to reap the fruits of their labors; the stars promise a successful, busy year. The new talisman also belongs to the element of earth and will gladly give you protection and support in all your endeavors.

General forecast for 2018 for Taurus

Patron Venus endows Taurus with a lot of creative talents, and the coming period is excellent for their development. Whatever direction you choose, the Dog will make sure that success accompanies you, and you can’t count all the available options - music, dancing, drawing, writing, manual labor... By doing what you love and trying yourself in something new, you will succeed not only beat all competitors, expand the boundaries of perception and get incomparable pleasure, but also strengthen your financial situation.

By listening to your own intuition and the tips of your new assistant, you will gain financial stability and be able to get rich in any field. Don’t skimp on gifts for your loved ones and household needs, this will significantly improve family relationships. The year promises marriages and the birth of babies.

Love horoscope

You are not deprived of attention, but you shouldn’t particularly find fault with every minor flaw of a fan

Forecasts for the coming year sound more than encouraging - the horoscope predicts a sea of ​​romance, love and other deep feelings. You are truly ready for a serious relationship, and thanks to your active social life, the chances of meeting your soulmate are extremely high. Be more careful when meeting people, without trying to discover the traits of your future husband or wife in every new person. And, of course, do not ignore the voice of your heart.

This year's mistress is especially sensitive to family ties, which is something we should learn from her. Try to focus on your partner’s strengths, without attaching much importance to the shortcomings, which in their essence are just difficult-to-perceive features. Tenderness and trust can take relationships to a new level and protect them from conflicts; there are no compelling reasons for jealousy or resentment. Make an effort on yourself and get rid of the habit of controlling other people's lives. The key to family happiness will be wisdom, the ability to listen and weigh every word. Pleasant surprises, gifts and other forms of attention will be appreciated and will contribute to strengthening relationships.


In the flow of ideas, weed out dubious ones - there is no need for monetary risk in 2018

Taurus are practical by nature, and in the coming year this quality will acquire exceptional value; the thrifty Dog will appreciate a rational approach to spending. Financial well-being will reach a level that will allow drastic changes to enter your life painlessly - we are talking about buying a home and a car, changing your place of residence and expanding your family.

Do not rush to invest in risky enterprises; overestimating opportunities threatens with large losses. Your task is to take advantage of your knowledge and experience, because they are more than enough to increase profits and gain additional sources of income. The stability of the financial situation will allow you to complete the projects you have started and focus your energy on developing new ideas, which, in turn, will also become a profitable enterprise.

But you shouldn’t relax, relying only on support from above - a lot also depends on your efforts. The secret to success is not just making enough money; An important role is also played by how you will manage the benefits received. When showering the object of your adoration with expensive gifts, do not go beyond what is reasonable - if you lose your head, you risk nullifying your achievements and losing all your savings.

Work, career, business

To get a career promotion, you will have to work hard, fortunately, Taurus have always been able to do this

There are also exciting changes coming in the business sphere. Do not allow the slightest doubt in your own strengths and competence - the time has come to pursue your goal without looking back. The path will not be lined with rose petals, but a systematic and confident movement will undoubtedly lead to success. There is a high probability of a business trip abroad, from which you will be able to gain invaluable experience - not only professional, but also personal.

A responsible attitude to job responsibilities will be rewarded with bonuses or a new position. It is better to stay away from intrigue and gossip - an honest Dog encourages kindness and sincerity, thanks to which relationships with colleagues and management will remain at the proper level.

It is recommended that owners of their own business focus on expanding their business and reaching the national and foreign level. Patience and restraint will help you establish strong relationships with new partners, cooperation with whom will bring amounts incomparable to past profits. With due effort, you can reach unprecedented heights and strengthen your position. Please take into account that you should open a new business and launch large-scale work on new major projects in the second half of the year.


Moderate and regular physical activity in the fresh air is an excellent solution in the Year of the Dog

By following the recommendations below, you will forget about your health problems. First of all, take care of achieving spiritual harmony. An optimistic outlook on life can cure any illness and protect against new diseases. Having learned to find a reason to smile in any situation, you will become absolutely not vulnerable to negative emotions and any manifestations of ill health.

Carefully monitor your condition and rest on time; physical and mental overload pose a great danger. Take the trouble to regularly introduce hardening and moderate physical activity into your schedule. The diet also needs to be adjusted - vegetables, herbs and fruits should become an invariable element of any meal.

The emotional component should not be neglected. The more often you spend time in the fresh air, the stronger your immune system will become - communication with nature has a truly amazing effect on our health. Listening to high-quality music will have an equally beneficial effect on your well-being and mood.

It goes without saying that bad habits should be broken immediately. If you previously managed to avoid the disastrous consequences of addictions, this time their results will soon make themselves felt.

Horoscope for 2018 for Taurus women

Take care of your partner and do not criticize him “for prevention”

In the coming year, the personal life of Taurus women may change dramatically. Upcoming events will indicate the need to bring complete clarity to your relationship with your partner and will test their strength. You should not rely on the advice of even the most authoritative people; your own intuition should become your main adviser. Families where love and harmony reign, expect the most pleasant news and changes.

What awaits men

It is not surprising that at the beginning of the year, Taurus men can be overwhelmed by an abundance of unexpected troubles. Be that as it may, keep faith in the best - the difficult period will soon come to an end, when happiness and success will become your faithful companions. Fate will give you the opportunity to test yourself in a new field. Give due attention to family members and spend more time together.

Horoscope for Taurus according to all signs of the Chinese calendar

In the general prediction for the year, take into account the influence of the year of birth


The key to great success for those born in the year of the Rat will be the ability to keep their plans secret. Get ready to accept lucrative offers and climb the career ladder. In the love sphere, everything will also turn out extremely well - the fans and admirers lining up will only be able to pacify the news about the upcoming wedding.


By focusing on perseverance and consistency, you can achieve incredible results. The stars recommend paying special attention to strengthening your financial situation - having found solid ground under your feet, you will be able to double your confidence in yourself and your future. Love relationships will benefit from romantic surprises and joint travel.


Even the mistress of the year cannot resist your irresistible charm; she promises to brighten your life with fantastic novels and obscenely expensive acquisitions that you can afford. However, it is worth knowing when to stop in everything: opportunities are opportunities, but healthy prudence has never harmed anyone. When you receive in abundance, do not forget to give.

Cat (Rabbit)

Your natural delicacy will come in handy when solving problems and resolving conflicts

The coming year will bring many wonderful surprises, but be prepared to use your ability to overcome difficult situations with inimitable grace. By maintaining confidence in your abilities, it will not be difficult for you to cope with your competitors and reduce the results of their machinations to zero. Tenderness and attentiveness will have an amazing effect on love relationships.

The Dragon

It is unlikely that you will have the opportunity to demonstrate the power of the jets of flame you emit. The ability to notice little things and nuances will be useful for those born in the year of the Dragon - having fully mastered these skills, you will eliminate the possibility of failure and significantly improve your relationships with others. Just don't let yourself be manipulated!


A dog will help you completely forget about what failures and financial troubles are. Your innate resourcefulness, coupled with high intelligence, will help you calculate possible scenarios several steps ahead, winning every time. Do not violate your moral principles and pay attention to the signs sent by fate.


You know how to plow like a horse, so the Dog will not leave you without a tasty morsel and significant profit

The purity and spontaneity of Taurus-Horses will win the favor of everyone without exception. Financial affairs will begin to develop simply fabulously, opening up surprisingly tempting prospects and allowing you to make any desire come true. Please note that the Dog will need some time to get used to your original manners.

Goat (Sheep)

Your material well-being can withstand any onslaught. This period is conducive to developing your own business and complete dedication to your work, the reward for which will be fabulous profits and the opportunity to financially help those who really need it. You will be allowed even what is strictly prohibited for others.


Incredible luck awaits those born in the year of the Monkey. Exciting travel, true love, stability of financial situation, rapid career growth... If you need something else in addition to the above for happiness, the Dog will take care of this too, you can rest assured. Purity of intentions and selflessness will increase the chances of success.


Forget about fanfare - it’s clearly useless this year

Give free rein to your imagination and remember the dreams that you no longer expected to come true - the patroness of the New Year will give you the fulfillment of all your desires. Prudence and loyalty to the rule of the golden mean will help increase your ship’s resistance to storms and adversity, and conscientious work will help you get rid of illusions about yourself and test your strength.


You will have all the resources and tools at your disposal to build your ideal reality. It's time to honestly answer the question of what exactly you want, because dreams will come true regardless of whether they were born in your heart or were adopted from someone else. The future is permeated with calm, harmonious energies, which will have the best effect on love relationships.

Boar (Pig)

Your 2018 promises to be marked by prosperity and luxury. The prepared changes will help you achieve a new level of emotional maturity, getting rid of excessive impulsiveness and dependence on your own emotions. A calm, measured period awaits you, when primary needs will be fully satisfied, allowing you to focus on things of a different order.

The Dog will bring many unforgettable impressions, fateful meetings and important changes into the life of Taurus; there will also be no shortage of opportunities and benefits. All you need to do is remain true to yourself and make an effort to achieve your goals, not forgetting to take care of yourself and your loved ones.

The Yellow Dog will bring Taurus a period of calm, when they can take a little rest and recuperate. These representatives of the zodiac circle have two important tasks - to maintain their own health and to strengthen their family.

In 2018, the health of Taurus will be extremely changeable, so special attention and health monitoring will be required. Personal life will come first, and career will be left a little behind. Lonely individuals will do everything possible to win the attention of the person they like, and family Taurus will begin to devote more time to their significant other and children.

In January, Taurus will face minor troubles. There is a possibility of unsuccessfully spending a large sum of money, or a quarrel with a loved one or colleague at work. Most likely, this will happen due to self-love and lack of consideration for others.

But even stress will not prevent Taurus from having a good rest during the holidays. It is better to devote your free days to communicating with your loved one, which will help significantly improve relationships and restore mutual understanding.

The stars advise Taurus to pay more attention to their own health in winter. If you “close your eyes” to being unwell in February, the disease may soon become chronic and in the spring your health will sharply worsen.

Taurus Horoscope

To prevent gloomy everyday life from driving you into depression, Taurus will go on a trip. In 2018, overseas countries and unexplored regions will begin to attract visitors. A great option would be to go on a sea cruise or spend a week on the snow-white beach of the Mediterranean.

Already in the summer, Taurus will have a very pleasant surprise, which will determine their future. The stars advise you to be more careful and attentive while on vacation or on a business trip. July and August are the times when Taurus can be robbed or deceived. It is better to avoid large expenses and unplanned purchases until the beginning of autumn. Astrologers believe that during this period the risk of losing a large amount of money is highest.

For Taurus, autumn promises to be not the easiest period in life. At this time, there will be quarrels in the family, nervous shocks and conflicts at work, which will not stop until November. Now you will need to show your character and natural stubbornness, trying to maintain both family and business ties at any cost, because relationships in the future depend on this.

In late autumn there will be great success in the field of finance. Taurus will be able to pay enough attention to their health, which has suffered due to frequent exposure to stressful situations. An excellent solution would be to follow a proper and balanced diet, completely quit smoking and other bad habits. It is useful to join a gym or swimming pool.

December is a period of calm, when there will be time to improve your qualifications and professional skills. You can also engage in your favorite hobby, which will help you take your mind off problems at work and restore damaged emotional balance.

Taurus business horoscope for 2018

Throughout 2018, Taurus will strive to earn more income, so they will be interested in any part-time jobs. Representatives of this sign are very hardworking and persistent, so they will be able to master a completely new business in a relatively short period of time.

Already in the spring, management will pay attention to the efforts of Taurus, and the most purposeful individuals will receive an offer to take a higher leadership position. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that the new position will bring more responsibilities. If such a prospect does not inspire, it is better to refuse immediately, otherwise there is a risk of losing the respect of your superiors and soon getting laid off.

Don’t forget about your own health, especially psychological, because this is much more important than a successful career. Taurus may also attract the attention of other companies that want to lure away a diligent and hardworking employee. However, the main condition for the transition may be moving to another city or country, and the decision made may lead to a radical change in usual life.

Taurus financial horoscope for 2018

During the first few months of 2018, Taurus may experience a lack of finances. You will get the impression that the salary you receive literally melts in your hands and dissolves in the first week. That is why the stars advise all representatives of this zodiac sign to try to find an additional source of income.

Closer to the second half of the year, the financial situation will stabilize. Many Taurus will receive a tempting offer to move to a new job with great prospects and a high salary. However, many individuals will not dare to take such a drastic step, because Taurus are very afraid of changes in their own lives, which could lead to not the most pleasant consequences.

An acute shortage of funds can become a rather serious problem, which is why Taurus risks getting into debt or taking out a bank loan at a high interest rate. To avoid this, you need to start saving from the first days of 2018 and material difficulties will bypass you.

Taurus health horoscope for 2018

As 2018 begins, most Taurus people will enjoy excellent health and well-being. You don’t have to worry about ailments if your diet contains healthy and completely natural products. If at the moment your daily menu is far from ideal, you should think about a radical change in your usual approach to life. Those individuals who disregard this advice risk soon ending up in a hospital bed.

Taurus health horoscope

In 2018, special attention must be paid to the state of the cardiovascular system, since its functioning may be negatively affected by the bad habits Taurus has, which it was time to get rid of long ago.

2018 will be a turning point for representatives of this zodiac sign, especially in the summer, when they will need to gather all their willpower and take care of their own health. With the onset of autumn, it is worth paying attention to your teeth, since a trip to the dentist simply cannot be avoided. After all, an advanced disease will not only bring many problems, but will also require longer and more expensive treatment.

Taurus love horoscope for 2018

In 2018, the most important thing in the life of Taurus will be relationships with their soulmate. In the name of love, these individuals will decide to take brave and reckless actions, but most importantly, you cannot go too far, so as not to get the opposite effect. Haste and pressure can alienate your loved one.

With the onset of spring, love passions will subside a little. Single individuals will be able to make successful acquaintances, and those who have been in a relationship for a long time will be able to overcome their own jealousy and begin to trust their significant other more. In the summer, Taurus will be able to become very close to their chosen ones, so they will begin to literally guess their partner’s desires.

Taurus will show care and incredible tenderness for their loved one in August. Even from the outside, the radiance in the eyes of loving representatives of this zodiac sign will be noticeable. This harmony will be destroyed with the onset of autumn. Taurus may encounter betrayal from their significant other, which will happen under the influence of Uranus. This event can unsettle Taurus, so they risk succumbing to depression.

The emotional shock experienced will negatively affect your overall health, and mental wounds will take a very long time to heal. At first, Taurus will become despondent, after which they will decide to break off the relationship that brings so much pain. At the end of the year, representatives of the opposite sex will often begin to flirt and make advances towards Taurus, but they are unlikely to reciprocate. However, the stars advise paying attention to fans, because your destiny may be among them.

2018, which will take place under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Dog, will be a successful period for Taurus, who have long been planning to formalize their relationship with their loved one. Many representatives of the sign themselves will not dare to make an offer, but will happily accept it from their significant other and will certainly become attentive and faithful life partners. But they will demand the same behavior from their other half. At first, Taurus will show increased severity and exactingness towards the chosen one.

The ideal time to formalize a relationship is considered to be the end of spring and the beginning of summer, as well as the first month of autumn. The stars do not advise getting married between January and April, as this will not be the best time.

Taurus man horoscope for 2018

For Taurus men, this is simply the perfect time when they can take care of themselves. For strong representatives of this sign, planning their own future is important. They will be able to achieve almost all points of this plan without making any special efforts. This result can only be achieved if you do not deviate from your own principles and continue to move towards your dream, not paying attention to the obstacles and problems that arise.

Taurus man horoscope

The stars do not advise going overboard to achieve your goal, because as a result you can lose a good friend. Only a reliable rear will help Taurus men resist ill-wishers and envious people, who will be missed.

In the middle of the year, the financial situation of Taurus may be slightly shaken due to several incorrect decisions. This result will have a negative impact on love relationships, but a truly loving person will never leave Taurus.

Taurus woman horoscope for 2018

Women who were born under the sign of Taurus will feel inspired and have an unprecedented emotional upsurge throughout 2018. This condition will have a positive impact on your personal life. Single representatives of the sign will meet an interesting and extraordinary man. Only time and the plans of the partners will show who he will become, a husband or will only perform the role of a lover.

The energy of Taurus women will literally go off scale throughout the entire 12 months. As a result, men will pay attention to them, and single representatives of the sign will be able to meet their soulmate. They will meet interesting people who will become true friends. A Taurus woman can go on vacation with a new friend. Since these individuals are very malleable, it will be quite easy to win their attention.

Towards the end of the year, Taurus women will be literally covered by a wave of sobering reality. The time is coming when you have to do household chores and pay attention to the children. Some Taurus will make an important decision to quit their job in order to spend more time with their family and friends. But you shouldn’t worry that such actions will lead to serious consequences, because your significant other will take care of your material well-being, and your feelings will become stronger.

Taurus horoscope 2018 by year of birth

Taurus – Rat

(born 1936, 1948,1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

In the Year of the Dog, the imagination of Taurus-Rats will simply go off scale, which they must definitely take advantage of. The combination of a creative approach to solving simple questions and brilliant ideas will help these individuals conquer the whole world. In addition, Taurus-Rats are very hardworking and will receive a lot of business offers, so they will be able to choose. Personal life will be no less intense; single representatives of the sign will have no end to fans.

Taurus – Ox

(born 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

Taurus-Ox is incredibly stubborn, so he is ready to move mountains on the way to his goal. Thanks to this approach, these individuals will be able to achieve whatever they want. The stars advise you to direct your own energy into the financial sector in 2018, because now the most important thing is to choose the right password for a safe with jewelry. With a little patience and not stopping in the face of difficulties, Taurus-Ox will be able to earn almost all the money in the world. Don’t forget to pay attention to your other half, arranging romantic dates and a second honeymoon.

Taurus – Tiger

(born 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

These personalities are very bright and extraordinary, and even the Yellow Dog, who will happily carry out all their commands, cannot resist their charm. Taurus-Tigers can easily get not only a new position, but also an apartment in the city center, a rich admirer, or go on a trip around the world. However, in order not to lose the favor of the mistress of the year, you need to know when to stop in time, otherwise there is a risk of ending up with nothing, as in the fairy tale about the goldfish.

Taurus – Cat

(born 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987,1999, 2011)

Taurus-Cats not only resemble these cute, fluffy animals in their behavior, but also in their appearance. They are very agile and affectionate, so they can get out of almost any situation quite easily and quickly and, as always, land on soft paws. It will be very difficult to unbalance these individuals or evoke strong emotions, and all attempts by competitors will be completely useless. Taurus-Rabbits should be tougher with their rivals, but show more attention and affection to their chosen ones.

Taurus – Dragon

(born 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

In 2018, Taurus-Dragons will extremely rarely show their fiery temper, since they can achieve much more with the help of polite conversations. These are very cute and quite sweet personalities who can sometimes show sternness and spew out flames if their enemies do not give them peace. In communicating with the opposite sex, Taurus-Dragons will begin to show their character, because fans will try to literally sit on their heads and demand a manifestation of love and romance.

Taurus – Snake

(born 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

Throughout 2018, these individuals will achieve stunning success in any business they undertake. Taurus-Snakes will be able to forget for a long time such a word as crisis or failure. The stars advise you to listen carefully to your own intuition; it will tell you how to act correctly in a given situation. You can safely play the lottery, luck will definitely be on the side of these individuals and they will be able to hit the jackpot. However, the horoscope does not advise being luxurious throughout 2018, since big money tends to run out, so it is better to take care of your own future.

Taurus – Horse

(born 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

In the Year of the Dog, Taurus will begin to resemble young foals rather than brave Horses. Representatives of this sign are very playful, playful and captivate those around them with their spontaneity. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that there are many fans and rivals nearby who are trying to find out the secret of such popularity. Those Taurus who are already in a relationship may face the uncontrollable jealousy of their chosen one, who wants to prohibit them from going out into the world. The financial situation will be stable, Taurus will be able to make a good profit, so they will behave as they themselves want.

Taurus – Goat

(born 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

In the year of the Dog, favorable conditions will develop for Taurus-Goats, so they will be able to achieve almost all their goals. Many representatives of the sign will decide to open their own business, which promises to be much more successful than they could have imagined. They have natural talent and excellent taste; they will have the opportunity to enroll in financier courses, because good profits await them.

Taurus – Monkey

(born 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

Those people who were lucky enough to be born in the year of the playful Monkey under the constellation Taurus can clap their hands joyfully, as throughout the year they will feel truly lucky. A period of rapid career growth will begin, and there will be no envious people surrounded by Taurus-Monkeys, because not only the mistress of the year helped in this, but also the favorable location of the planets. In 2018, you can simply enjoy life and periodically monitor the work of your subordinates, because there will be quite a lot of them.

Taurus – Rooster

(born 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

Taurus-Roosters love to dream a lot, and in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, all dreams will gradually begin to come true. But in 2018, it’s still worth changing your boring wardrobe, because the Dog loves rich and bright colors. Just by their appearance, Taurus-Roosters will attract good luck and will be able to benefit from even the most unpromising enterprise. That is why you need to act as quickly as possible before your competitors have time to come to their senses.

Taurus – Dog

(born 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

Taurus-Dogs will have excellent friendly relations with the mistress of the year. The dog never abandons its own and will always be on guard of peace. Taurus-Dogs are selfless and kind individuals, so no competitor will dare to cross their path. The family will be delighted, because in 2018, the renovation will finally be completed or a good bank account will be opened, and a long-awaited trip to the sea will appear on the horizon.

Taurus – Pig

(born 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

Taurus-Pigs will have complete order in all matters and areas of life. This applies not only to work, but also at home - the other half will become ideal, and the children will turn into real angels, besides, all the relatives who have been very busy lately will go about their business. You can also set aside time to meet with friends and start planning new achievements.