The origin of Russian words, information from various sources. On the origin of some familiar words and expressions

We don't often think about how the words we use originated and how their meanings may have changed over time. Meanwhile, words are quite living beings. New words appear literally every day. Some do not linger in the language, while others remain. If you know the etymology of Russian words, please add them. Words, like people, have their own history, their own destiny. They may have relatives, a rich pedigree, and, on the contrary, be orphans. A word can tell us about its nationality, its parents, its origin. An interesting science - etymology - studies the history of vocabulary and the origin of words.

Railway station The word comes from the name of the place "Vauxhall" - a small park and entertainment center near London. The Russian Tsar, who visited this place, fell in love with it - especially the railway. Subsequently, he commissioned British engineers to build a small railway from St. Petersburg to his country residence. One of the stations on this section of the railway was called "Vokzal", and this name later became the Russian word for any railway station.

Hooligan The word bully is of English origin. According to one version, the surname Houlihan was once borne by a famous London brawler who caused a lot of trouble for city residents and the police. The surname has become a common noun, and the word is international, characterizing a person who grossly violates public order.

Orange Until the 16th century, Europeans had no idea about oranges at all. Russians - even more so. Oranges don't grow here! And then Portuguese sailors brought these orange delicious balls from China. And they began to trade them with their neighbors. The Dutch word for apple is appel, and the Chinese word for apple is sien. The word appelsien, borrowed from the Dutch language, is a translation of the French phrase Pomme de Chine - “apple from China”.

Doctor It is known that in the old days they treated with various conspiracies and spells. The ancient healer said something like this to the patient: “Go away, disease, into the quicksand, into the dense forests...” And muttered various words over the sick person. The word doctor is originally Slavic and is derived from the word “vrati”, which means “to speak”, “to talk”. Interestingly, “to lie” comes from the same word, which for our ancestors also meant “to speak.” It turns out that in ancient times doctors lied? Yes, but this word initially did not contain a negative meaning.

Scammer Ancient Rus' did not know the Turkic word “pocket”, because money was then carried in special wallets - pouches. From the word “moshna” and produced “swindler” - a specialist in thefts from the moshon.

Restaurant The word "restaurant" means "strengthening" in French. This name was given to one of the Parisian taverns by its visitors in the 18th century after the owner of the establishment, Boulanger, introduced nutritious meat broth into the number of dishes offered.

Shit The word “shit” comes from the Proto-Slavic “govno”, which means “cow” and was originally associated only with cow “patties”. “Beef” means “cattle”, hence “beef”, “beef”. By the way, from the same Indo-European root is the English name for a cow - cow, as well as for the shepherd of these cows - cowboy. That is, the expression “fucking cowboy” is not accidental, it contains a deep family connection.

Heaven One version is that the Russian word "heaven" comes from "ne, no" and "besa, demons" - literally a place free of evil/demons. However, another interpretation is probably closer to the truth. Most Slavic languages ​​have words similar to "sky", and they most likely originate from the Latin word for "cloud" (nebula).

Slates In the Soviet Union, a famous manufacturer of rubber slippers was the Polymer plant in the city of Slantsy, Leningrad region. Many buyers believed that the word “Shales” embossed on the soles was the name of the shoes. Then the word entered the active vocabulary and became a synonym for the word “slippers.”

Nonsense At the end of the 17th century, French physician Gali Mathieu treated his patients with jokes. He gained such popularity that he did not have time for all the visits and sent his healing puns by mail. This is how the word “nonsense” arose, which at that time meant a healing joke, a pun. The doctor immortalized his name, but nowadays this concept has a completely different meaning.

Complete with words with interesting etymology. Let's learn Russian together.

We don’t often think about the origin of words and the change in their meaning over time. And words, by the way, are completely living beings. New words appear literally every day. Some of them do not stay in the language and are forgotten very quickly, others remain. The Word, like a living person, can tell us about its nationality, its parents and its origin.

1. Station

The word comes from the name of a small park and entertainment center near London, Vauxhall. Once Alexander I visited this place and loved it so much that he commissioned British engineers to build a small railway from St. Petersburg to his country residence. One of the stations on this section of the railway was called “Vokzal”, and this name later became the Russian word for any sufficiently large railway station.

2. Bully

The word bully is also of English origin. According to the most common version, the surname Houlihan was borne by everyone in London, a well-known brawler who caused a lot of trouble to the police and residents of the city. The surname has become a common noun, characterizing a person who grossly violates public order, and the word is international.

3. Orange

Europeans knew nothing about oranges until the 16th century. Russians - even longer. But Dutch sailors brought these sweet, juicy orange balls from China and began trading them with their neighbors. Since there were no analogues for the name of this fruit in European languages, they began to call it “apple from China.” In Dutch, “apple” is appel, and “Chinese” is sien, which means “orange”.

4. Doctor

In the old days they treated with various spells and spells. The ancient healer muttered various words over the sick person and sometimes gave herbal decoctions to drink. The word "doctor" is originally Slavic. It is formed from the word “vrati”, which means “to speak”, “to speak”. By the way, “to lie” comes from the same word, which for our ancestors also meant “to speak.”

5. Fraudster

In Ancient Rus', money was carried in special wallets - purses. From the word “moshna” comes “swindler” - “specialist” in thefts from moshons.

6. Restaurant

The word "restaurant" means "strengthening" in French. This was the name given to one of the Parisian taverns by its visitors in the 18th century after the owner of the establishment, Boulanger, introduced nutritious meat broth into the number of dishes offered.

7. Shit

“Shit” - from the Proto-Slavic “govno”, which means “cow”. It was originally associated only with cow patties. “Beef” means “cattle”, hence “beef”, “beef”. By the way, from the same Indo-European root is the English name for a cow - cow, and, accordingly, the shepherd of these cows - cowboy, and the popular American expression “fucking cowboy” is not accidental, but contains a deep family connection between the words that form it.

8. Heaven

One version says that the Russian word “heaven” comes from “ne, no” and “demon, demons” - literally a place free from evil/demons. But there is another interpretation, probably closer to the truth. Most Slavic languages ​​have words that sound similar to “sky,” and they most likely came from the Latin word for “cloud” (nebula).

9. Shales

The only manufacturer of rubber slippers in the Soviet Union was the Polymer plant, located in the city of Slantsy, Leningrad region. Many buyers thought that the word “Slides” embossed on the soles was the name of the shoes. So it turned into a synonym for the word “slippers.”

10. Nonsense

French doctor Gali Mathieu treated his patients with jokes. Having gained incredible popularity, he stopped having time to visit patients in person and sent out his healing puns by mail. “Nonsense” has come to mean a healing joke, a pun.
Nowadays, this concept has a completely different meaning, but even at the end of the 17th century, it is unlikely that everyone was cured with the help of his jokes.

Zakharov Vladimir

The Russian language is the soul of Russia, its shrine. Our destiny is in the words we speak. That is why it is necessary to emphasize the historical processes taking place in it; based on the similarities between the Old Church Slavonic and Russian languages, using material from historical grammar to illustrate linguistic phenomena. The enrichment of the spiritual world of students is facilitated by both a comprehensive analysis of the text, which includes key concepts of Orthodox culture: home, temple, family, duty, honor, love, humility, beauty, and work on the etymology of a single word.



Fascinating etymology or secrets of Russian words

Student's work

GBPOU RO PU No. 36 Zakharov Vladimir

Our orthography, being almost consistently etymological, provides the richest food for this. It forces you to decompose words into their component parts and look for related forms for them Sherba L.V.


The Russian language is the soul of Russia, its shrine. Our destiny is in the words we speak. That is why it is necessary to emphasize the historical processes taking place in it; based on the similarities between the Old Church Slavonic and Russian languages, using material from historical grammar to illustrate linguistic phenomena. The enrichment of the spiritual world of students is facilitated by both a comprehensive analysis of the text, which includes key concepts of Orthodox culture: home, temple, family, duty, honor, love, humility, beauty, and work on the etymology of a single word.

1.Science etymology

Etymology - (Greek ἐ τ ῠ μολογ ί α "true meaning of the word")

The subject of etymology as a branch of linguistics is the study of the sources and process of formation of the vocabulary of a language andreconstruction vocabulary of the language of the most ancient period (usually preliterate).

Semantics, as a branch of linguistics, answers the question of how a person, knowing the words and grammatical rules of any natural language, is able to convey with their help a wide variety of information about the world (including his own inner world), even if he encounters them for the first time with such a task, and to understand what information about the world contains any statement addressed to him, even if he hears it for the first time.

IN vocabulary Each language has a significant fund of words, the connection of which form with meaning is incomprehensible to native speakers, since the structure of the word cannot be explained on the basis of the word formation models existing in the language. Historical changes in words obscure the original form and meaning of a word, andiconic the nature of the word determines the difficulty of reconstructing the primary motivation, i.e. connection between the primary form and meaning of a word. The purpose of the etymological analysis of a word is to determine when, in what language, in whatword-formation models on the basis of what linguistic material, in what form and with what meaning the word arose, as well as what historical changes in its primary form and meaning determined the form and meaning known to the researcher.

Semantics emerged as an independent linguistic discipline relatively recently, at the end of the 19th century; the term “semantics” itself to denote a branch of science was first introduced in 1883 by the French linguist M. Breal, who was interested in the historical development of linguistic meanings. Until the end of the 1950s, the term “semasiology” was also widely used along with it, now preserved only as a not very common name for one of the branches of semantics. However, questions related to the management of semantics were raised and, one way or another, resolved in the oldest linguistic traditions known to us. After all, one of the main reasons that forces us to pay attention to language is a lack of understanding of what the oral or written statement (text) addressed to us or some part of it means. Therefore, in the study of language, the interpretation of individual signs or entire texts - one of the most important activities in the field of semantics - has long had an important place. Thus, in China, even in ancient times, dictionaries were created that contained interpretations of hieroglyphs. In Europe, ancient and medieval philologists compiled glosses, i.e. interpretation of incomprehensible words in written monuments. The truly rapid development of linguistic semantics began in the 1960s; Currently, it is one of the central sections of the science of language.

In the European scientific tradition, the question of the relationship between words and “things”, the objects to which they referred, was first posed by ancient Greek philosophers, but to this day various aspects of this relationship continue to be clarified. Let us consider the relationship of the word to the “thing” more carefully.

2.Origin of words

Asphalt. I wonder what this Greek word meant before there were paved sidewalks and highways. Let's open the ancient Greek dictionary. First syllable A – denial. Noun sfalma - fall, misfortune, failure. So the underlying meaning is bad. The prefix A turns the word into its opposite, giving it a good quality. Asfaleya means: confidence, reliability, safety. Exactly with that word asphaltos was named in Ancient Greece by the resin of coniferous plants. The name comes from the resin asphalt - tarred road.

Birch. From the word white in ancient times the words “birch”, “linen”, “squirrel” originated. Birch is a tree with white bark; white squirrel - a type of squirrel of a very rare and expensive breed, named after the color of its fur; “linen from white” of the type “junk from old” originally meant undyed white linen, then linen made from this linen, then linen in general.

Nonsense. When the first shipbuilders arrived in Russia under Peter I, they spoke mainly in German, accompanying their words with intense gestures, they explained the structure of the masts, their installation, purpose, while saying hier und da, which in German means here and there . In Russian pronunciation and awareness this has turned into nonsense , which means something obscure and unnecessary.

Shabby dress.Everyday, homely, everyday. After a meal in the last century, cheap fabric was called - after the name of Zatrapeznov, in whose factory it was produced.

Clumsy . In some Russian writers you can find the word clumsy

Okay, neat: “Okay, clumsy words come by themselves” (A. Kuprin). Writers use it from popular vernacular. It comes from the ancient word man - order, beauty.

Hence the sticky and clumsy – handsome, stately; clumsy - awkward, ungraceful.

It is forbidden. What is not – it’s clear, it’s important to establish what it is lzya . It once sounded lz and was the dative case of a noun lie - Liberty. Traces of the word's existence lie we see in our modern benefit, benefit ; it no longer occurs separately.

Education. They believe that this word is a copy of the German - a picture, an image, and the whole word means enlightenment. Word education can be found in Russian church books already in the 17th century, and German influences could hardly have penetrated into them. More likely, a direct connection with Old Church Slavonicto form - to create,compose, from Slavicimage - likeness.

Forgive. The etymology of this word may seem surprising. Old Russian simple, corresponding to our simple, it meant straight, unbent. I'm sorry therefore, it mattered to straighten, and then to allow the guilty person, who had bent in an apologetic bow, to straighten up. The cry of “Forgive me!” therefore meant: “Let me raise my guilty head, get up from my knees...”. To forgive means to liberate, to make free.

Rainbow. Word rainbow recorded in Russian language dictionaries only starting from the 18th century. This word is East Slavic in origin, derived from the adjective glad meaning cheerful. First the word rainbow referred to something cheerful, and later to something shiny, sparkling. Word meaning connection rainbow meaning cheerful is also confirmed by the fact that in some regional dialects rainbow called veselka, veselukha.

River. One of the most archaic, ancient words of our language. It is related to the ancient Indian rayas - stream, current, with the Celtic renos - river, from which the geographical name Rhine arose. Probably in the mists of time river it meant a stormy stream, rapids.

Child. Such a good, sweet word, but in origin it is associated with a disgusting slave . In Old Russian timidly meant little slave, child of a slave. But a slave, or rob, then meant an orphan. Gradually, the robe acquired the meaning of just a child, and it turned into a child under the influence of assimilation.

Day. Once existed days – collision. This is precisely how this word was originally understood, as the meeting of day and night, their totality.

Drawing. This word refers to the number of native Russians. It is an old derivative of the verb draw, which in the Proto-Slavic language had the meaning of cutting, chopping something. That is, initially drawing - this is cutting through, slicing, notching, as well as a forest clearing.

In the familiar sense: “an image of some objects on paper, a plan of something” the word drawing has been used in Russian for a long time. At least since the 16th century.


Etymological analysis allows you to instill interest in the Russian language through entertaining exercises, developing your linguistic sense, expanding your horizons and vocabulary. Mechanical memorization of words and text without understanding and comprehension is the most difficult and uninteresting form of acquiring knowledge.

The formation of coherent speech begins with work on the word; etymological analysis has an impact on spelling literacy.

We don't often think about how the words we use originated and how their meanings may have changed over time. Meanwhile, words are quite living beings. New words appear literally every day. Some do not linger in the language, while others remain. Words, like people, have their own history, their own destiny. They may have relatives, a rich pedigree, and, on the contrary, be orphans. A word can tell us about its nationality, its parents, its origin. An interesting science - etymology - studies the history of vocabulary and the origin of words.

Railway station

The word comes from the name of the place "Vauxhall" - a small park and entertainment center near London. The Russian Tsar, who visited this place, fell in love with it - especially the railway. Subsequently, he commissioned British engineers to build a small railway from St. Petersburg to his country residence. One of the stations on this section of the railway was called "Vokzal", and this name later became the Russian word for any railway station.


The word bully is of English origin. According to one version, the surname Houlihan was once borne by a famous London brawler who caused a lot of trouble for city residents and the police. The surname has become a common noun, and the word is international, characterizing a person who grossly violates public order.


Until the 16th century, Europeans had no idea about oranges at all. Russians - even more so. Oranges don't grow here! And then Portuguese sailors brought these orange delicious balls from China. And they began to trade them with their neighbors. The Dutch word for apple is appel, and the Chinese word for apple is sien. The word appelsien, borrowed from the Dutch language, is a translation of the French phrase Pomme de Chine - “apple from China”.


It is known that in the old days they treated with various conspiracies and spells. The ancient healer said something like this to the patient: “Go away, disease, into the quicksand, into the dense forests...” And muttered various words over the sick person. The word doctor is originally Slavic and is derived from the word “vrati”, which means “to speak”, “to talk”. Interestingly, “to lie” comes from the same word, which for our ancestors also meant “to speak.” It turns out that in ancient times doctors lied? Yes, but this word initially did not contain a negative meaning.


Ancient Rus' did not know the Turkic word “pocket”, because money was then carried in special wallets - purses. From the word “moshna” the word “swindler” is derived - a specialist in thefts from the purse.


The word "restaurant" means "strengthening" in French. This name was given to one of the Parisian taverns by its visitors in the 18th century after the owner of the establishment, Boulanger, introduced nutritious meat broth into the number of dishes offered.


The word “shit” comes from the Proto-Slavic “govno”, which means “cow” and was originally associated only with cow “patties”. “Beef” means “cattle”, hence “beef”, “beef”. By the way, from the same Indo-European root is the English name for a cow - cow, as well as for the shepherd of these cows - cowboy. That is, the expression “fucking cowboy” is not accidental, it contains a deep family connection.


One theory is that the Russian word "heaven" comes from "ne, no" and "besa, demons" - literally a place free of evil/demons. However, another interpretation is probably closer to the truth. Most Slavic languages ​​have words similar to "sky", and they most likely originate from the Latin word for "cloud" (nebula).


In the Soviet Union, a famous manufacturer of rubber slippers was the Polymer plant in the city of Slantsy, Leningrad region. Many buyers believed that the word “Shales” embossed on the soles was the name of the shoes. Then the word entered the active vocabulary and became a synonym for the word “slippers.”


At the end of the 17th century, French physician Gali Mathieu treated his patients with jokes.

He gained such popularity that he did not have time for all the visits and sent his healing puns by mail.
This is how the word “nonsense” arose, which at that time meant a healing joke, a pun.
The doctor immortalized his name, but nowadays this concept has a completely different meaning.

When we speak our own language, we rarely think about how the words we use originated and how their meanings may have changed over time. Etymology is the name given to the science of the history of vocabulary and the origin of words.

New words appear literally every day. Some do not linger in the language, while others remain. Words, like people, have their own history, their own destiny. They may have relatives, a rich pedigree, and, on the contrary, be orphans. A word can tell us about its nationality, its parents, its origin... So, another “portion” of words with a history of origin.


If today, when we say the word “money,” we first of all think of Western currencies, then money in Rus' definitely had eastern roots. This word could have entered the Russian language in two different ways. From Iranian traders and travelers, who then had silver coins called “tenge” (Middle Persian dāng “coin”) in use, or from the Tatar-Mongols, who a little later conquered the territory of present-day Russia for a long time.

Moreover, the source of this root in the Turkic languages, which includes the Mongol-Tatar dialect, could be three different things. Firstly, the supreme heavenly deity of the Turkic-Mongolian pantheon is Tengri. Secondly, the monetary collection from trade transactions is tamga (originally “stamp”, “seal”). By the way, our customs office also came from there. And thirdly, the Turkic coin tängä, the name of which, using a suffix, was formed from the word “tän”, meaning squirrel. In this case, we can draw an analogy with the Old Russian word “kuna” (marten), which was used to call 1/22 hryvnia. This reflects the functioning of furs as money in the early stages of social development.

Young woman

It would seem that everything is very simple: a girl is from a virgin. But if you dig deeper, it turns out that the Proto-Slavic *děva originates in the Proto-Indo-European word *dhē(i̯), which means “to suck, to feed with the help of the breast.” In this, by the way, she is close to children (children), who come from the same root. This is where the Old Russian verb “to reach” comes from - “to breastfeed.”


It's not so simple with guys either. This word most likely came from the Proto-Slavic *parę - a diminutive nickname from parobъkъ (here you can remember the Ukrainian lad), going back to “rob” (boy).

The original root here is *orbę, which also gave "child" and "slave", which developed from one of the meanings of the word "rob" - "orphan", since, according to some sources, it was originally orphans who did the most difficult housework.


Russian words denoting meals have a fairly transparent logic of formation. Breakfast comes from the combination “for the morning,” denoting a period of time - “during the morning.”

Lunch was formed from the ancient prefix *ob- and the root *ed- and meant, in general... “to overeat.” And indeed, according to the rules of normal nutrition in our latitudes, lunch should be the largest meal.

It may seem that dinner is when all the things have ALREADY been done and you can start eating. Dahl hints to us about this in his dictionary, but still the word “dinner” comes from the Old Russian “ug”, that is, “south”. And all because they sat down to dinner when the sun moved from east to south.


Scientists have been struggling with this word for several centuries. Dahl suggests that the pillow is something that is placed UNDER THE EAR. Vasmer, Shansky and Chernykh are sure that this is something that is filled with something (down, feathers, cotton wool and even holofiber, damn it). There are also less serious, but more emotional versions of the origin of this word: 1) what they cry into when they need to pour out their SOUL, and 2) what they STUFF with


They say that fools in their most common meaning today were born thanks to Archpriest Avvakum. So in the 17th century, in his writings, he called rhetoricians, philosophers, logicians and other “champions of demonic wisdom,” comparing them with buffoons.

However, the root from which this word comes was already ready to take on the corresponding meaning. Philologists believe that “fool” came from the Proto-Indo-European *dur (bite, sting) and at first meant “bitten”, “stung”, then transformed into “mad, crazy, sick” (from the bite) and only then turned into “bad, stupid." By the way, the ritual of initiation into buffoons also has something to do with this. According to one version, the candidate for jester had to survive a viper bite before starting his professional activity.


Who would have thought that a bee and a bull are relatives? And if from a biological point of view they are very far from each other, then philologically they are brother and sister.

The fact is that they come from the same Proto-Slavic root, which denoted a sound of a certain character. Hence, by the way, the outdated word “buchat” (buzz, buzz) and bug. The bee itself in Old Russian was written like this - bee, but after the fall of the reduced ones and the stunning of B before Ch, it acquired its current appearance.