The most scandalous actors in Hollywood. The loudest star scandals

Still true to this day. We do not see the truth behind jealousy happy girl or revenge for a pretty face. Celebrities are no exception either. The main difference between an ordinary person and celebrity lies in media attention. Since they are always in the public eye, even the small mistakes that scandalous celebrities make can turn out to be a huge disaster.

Most celebrities don't do this on purpose; some still deliberately create scandals for the sake of cheap publicity stunts. They behave this way because they always want to be the center of media attention and attract attention ordinary people. Unfortunately, this is the most popular trend among current Hollywood celebrities. They believe that if you need to gain popularity, you need to create controversy. They get into scandals, mainly related to drugs, alcohol, relationships with their colleagues, and so on. Their favorite places to do this have long been on Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and other social sites.

Charlie Sheen

Cocaine, overdose, relationships with various actresses, arrested on December 25, 2009 for beating his wife and much more. For these reasons, he was known as the king of scandals. He recently used obscene language against the director of the TV series “Two and a Half Men.” In fact, the makers of the series paid him a large sum, but he did not take it seriously. In an open conversation with one of the magazines, he insulted Chuck Lorre, the creator of the TV series Two and a Half Men. Let's hope that his new projects will do him good and restore his tarnished reputation.

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay is the queen of contradictions. It has long been known about her addiction to drugs, alcohol and even committing petty thefts. This year, by court order, she was required to spend some time in rehabilitation center in New York. But she chose Southern California. There was speculation that she would not be allowed to smoke during the New York program. Let's hope she gets rid of her bad image and soon starts working on restoring her image as the most charming and attractive.

Kim Kardashian

She would be a nobody now if videos of her having sex with Ray J had not become public in 2007. This 37-minute video landed her a $3 million project. She then appeared on the cover of Cosmopolitan magazine, posed nude for PlayBoy and advertised toilet paper. Her most recent publicity stunt was her split from husband Kris Humphries, a basketball player. Their marriage lasted only 72 days. Everyone knows perfectly well that every step Kim takes is aimed only at increasing her so-called popularity.

Britney Spears

Her contributions to the scandals included the cover of Rolling Stone magazine (April 1999), the tight suit and snake dance on MTV and the video for the song Baby One More Time. She wasn't very lucky personal life. She split from her first boyfriend Justin Timberlake in 2002 after three years of dating. Then her second betrothed was Jason Trawick, who was also her husband and manager until recently. Despite all the scandals, her popularity remains unchanged, as was proven after the release of her new album Femme Fatale.

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga's life is full of scandals. If you want to read about scandals related to clothing style, breaking up with a boyfriend, bisexuality and so on, sooner or later you will come across the name Lady Gaga. One of the most famous American stars in the music industry was unable to receive the Artist of the Year award in 2012 due to her scandalous fame. Would you like to know about the recent scandals associated with her? Ice cream maker Covent Garden has unveiled new scent, which was called Baby Gaga. This ice cream is made from vanilla beans, lemon and breast milk. Lady Gaga sued the company, threatening a lengthy lawsuit.

Miley Cyrus

Since the release of her debut album Who Owns My Heart in 2010, she has often been involved in scandalous stories. Most of the time, she did things in inappropriate places and talked too much about her older and more experienced colleagues in the music industry. Now her name is flashing on the pages of newspapers in connection with the release of her new album We can’t stop. The lyrics on the album are said to glorify drug use. Let's hope she finds more this year nice way attract the attention of the public, and her lawyer will do his job perfectly.

Justin Bieber

For this young billionaire singer, scandals have become quite commonplace. In most cases, his messages on Twitter become the cause of a new scandal. Last April, he posted a drawing that showed a naked guy sleeping on a girl's bare chest. He named the cartoon character Justine and the female character Belieber. Belieber is usually called by his female fans. Soon after this picture was posted online, his fans began leaving comments declaring that they were the girl in the picture. In addition, several girls in different countries world claim that Justin is the father of their child. Let's hope they're doing this to get attention. Despite these publicity stunts, his image remained untarnished among young girls who bought his latest album, released in March last year, in huge numbers.

Ashton Kutcher

Do you want to know what other scandal this young actor got into recently? A commercial was filmed for PopChips, in which Ashton played the role of a Hindu man named Raj. He was made up to match his skin tone and spoke with the wrong accent. This caused great discontent among the Indian community, and management was forced to give in to the protestors' complaints and remove the character named Raj from the advertising campaign. In addition, he was also caught cheating on his wife, and the public is waiting for the results of this case. For these reasons, the "Two Stars and Half a Man" star has avoided the press as much as possible. But lately this has become no longer possible.


While filming the video for the song We Found Love, she was asked to leave her private farm property. The reason was that she had to run through the field topless, which the Irish farmer who owned the land considered inappropriate and offensive to his Christian feelings. This is not the only time the singer got into scandalous stories. Over the course of a year, she was accused of smoking soft drugs, inappropriate behavior, walking around naked and using obscene language. Although she still has not solved these problems, she has not given up her bad habits. In fact, some of her fans have always loved Rihanna for her controversial actions. It can be assumed that she loves contradictions. At the same time, let's not forget her beautiful songs, to which you just want to dance.

Paris Hilton

She has always been known for her sexuality and attractiveness. Paris is a model, businesswoman, sitcom actress and singer. She has worked with many great brands as a model. She got into a major scandal after the publication of an erotic video with her participation. Interestingly, it appeared just before the premiere of her first reality show in 2003. She then developed a drug problem and was charged with possession of illegal drugs. Since then, Paris has found it difficult to maintain her modeling career. She was sentenced to a year in 2011. No matter how many scandals she gets into, Paris always attracts attention with her style and attractive voice. Let's hope she gets out of trouble this year and does something more worthwhile.

Many of us cannot imagine that even the rich, beautiful and very famous people periodically go crazy. Many Hollywood stars had a difficult period in their lives, but our today's heroes really had serious problems. We will tell you about the most high-profile scandals with the participation of Hollywood stars.

WITH Lindsay Lohan there are many scandals involved. She was repeatedly treated for drug addiction and alcoholism. In 2007 Lindsey was the first time she was sent for compulsory treatment to a clinic, which, unfortunately, did not help her much. The actress was given a special bracelet that reads alcohol fumes from the surface of the skin and gives a signal if the person wearing it has consumed alcohol or removed the bracelet. During your stay Lohan on Cannes Film Festival the bracelet worked, and the actress was summoned to court, which fined her $200 thousand and ordered her to appear at the clinic weekly Los Angeles for blood alcohol tests, and to attend alcohol school. Lohan, naturally, skipped classes and was sent to jail for three months.

She also threatened to hang herself when she didn't get a first class seat on the plane.

Roman Polanski (82)

In 1997 Polanski was arrested on charges of raping a 13-year-old girl, an underage fashion model whom the director invited to a photo shoot. According to her testimony, Polanski convinced her to take drugs and abused her “in a perverted manner.” The rape happened in the house Jack Nicholson, who that day handed over the keys to his mansion Polanski. The director's lawyers managed to agree to drop most of the charges against him on the condition that he plead guilty. When it became known that the judge could send the director to prison, Polanski fled to France.

U Jolie I always had a difficult relationship with my mother. When Angelina just born, her mother, Marcheline Bertrand, even refused to see her: the girl reminded her too much of the man who had just abandoned her Jon Voight. The climax family drama became a scandal: at some point Bertrand discovered that a 16-year-old Angelina sleeps with her boyfriend.

After Angelina I got into different stories more than once. Firstly, she had been taking heroin for a long time. In the late 1990s, a recording published by a drug dealer was leaked to the tabloids. Jolie: It is impossible not to notice the presence of hard drugs in the actress’s life on this film. The actress also planned to commit suicide twice. At 19, she changed her mind, and at 22, she was talked out of suicide by a killer, whom she tried to order herself... I can’t believe it, right?

Woody Allen (79)

In 1980, director Woody Allen entered into a romantic relationship with an actress Mia Farrow. They were not married and lived in different houses, but otherwise their union was a full-fledged family, Allen spent a lot of time with his children and with his children Farrow from his first marriage. In 1992 Farrow found it at Allen intimate photos of his 20-year-old adopted daughter Soon-Yi Previn. By that time, the director and the girl had been sleeping together for about a year.

Previn was not an official adopted daughter Allen, and he was not her guardian, but the girl grew up before his eyes and in his family. The director was 56 years old at the time. Mia Farrow accused the director of seducing their underage adopted daughter Dylan, but was unable to fully prove these accusations in court. In 1997 Allen And Previn got married. They now have two adopted children.

Winona Ryder (44)

On December 12, 2001, the actress was arrested for stealing $5,000 worth of clothing and accessories from a luxury boutique in what was likely an episode of kleptomania. Despite the best efforts of her lawyers and full compensation for the damage caused, prosecutors ensured that Rider sentenced to 480 hours public works, a large fine and three years probationary period. For several years after the trial Rider almost never filmed. But not of their own free will, Hollywood insurance companies they refused to issue her the insurance policy necessary to participate in the filming.

Rob Lowe (51)

In 1988, the actor Rob Lowe arrived in Atlanta to participate in Democratic National Convention. On July 17, he met two girls in a nightclub, and when Lowe returned to the hotel, he had sex with them in front of a video camera. After this, the girls ran away with the film. They circulated it, the parents of one of them found out about it and filed a lawsuit against the actor, since the girl turned out to be 16 years old. The incident became a national scandal. Lowe continued acting, but his hopes for a stellar career were destroyed.

A few years ago Mel Gibson was stopped by traffic police for speeding and driving while drunk with an open bottle of alcohol (this is illegal in many states America). During the preparation of the protocol, he began to insult the police and threaten them, and then suddenly began to say that all the troubles and all the wars in the world are because of the Jews. All his words were recorded on film and entered into the arrest report. When the press found out about this, Gibson There was a barrage of reproaches and criticism.

In addition, the public has not forgotten about the scandal with Oksana Grigorieva, who accused the actor of physical violence and forbade him from approaching their common daughter.

Charlie Sheen (50)

Tire repeatedly detained for drug use. At the beginning of 2011 the studio Warner suspended filming of the series "Two and a Half Men" for a while until Shin once again tried to recover from drug addiction. However, the actor used the break to participate in a radio show Alex Jones and express everything he thinks about the producer of the series Chuck Lorry. In particular, he called him a "piece of crap" and a "little fool." Soon after this Lorrie fired Tire. Statements Tire and his dismissal made the actor a universal laughing stock and the hero of numerous Internet memes. Nevertheless Shin soon received main role in a sitcom "Anger Management", which stayed on the air for two years.

Most actors always try to please the public so that people are happy to come to film shows with their participation. However, it also happens that for some reason the audience does not favor some stars, no matter what they do. As a result, this affects not only the artists’ fees, but can also deprive them of work. It doesn’t matter whether the public’s disapproval depends on some events in the personal lives of celebrities, or on simply bad game, hated actors often deserve their reputation for a reason. But who are these red carpet heroes who are attracting so much negative attention? Here is a selection of 25 special Hollywood celebrities for whom the public does not have the warmest feelings.

25. Zac Efron

Zac Efron's career started with his participation in High School Musical, and since then he has become the idol of millions of teenagers. Naturally, with such fame it is very easy to make enemies. Many viewers began to dislike his image of a sugary boy too much. In addition, Canadian actor and screenwriter Seth Rogen admitted in an on-camera interview that he hated Efron even before he had the chance to work with this Hollywood handsome man in the film “Neighbors.” On the warpath" (Neighbors, 2014).

24. Jonah Hill

Photo: Josh Jensen

Jonah Hill became famous for his participation in many comedy films before the actor decided to try himself in a more serious role. But in Hollywood he is still considered a very unpleasant type. If someone sees Jonah Hill on the street and asks him for an autograph, he gives business card instead of a normal signature. Very unpleasant!

23. John Travolta

Photo: Georges Biard

No one really knows how it all started, but the fact remains that for some time now John Travolta has been considered something of an eccentric guy. People stopped loving this one famous actor for a variety of reasons - from mispronouncing a nominee's name during the Oscars to inappropriate touching. As a result, films with Travolta's participation began to attract fewer and fewer viewers, and he was no longer offered major roles in expensive films. In addition, the public is confused by the fact that Travolta is an influential member of the international Scientology movement, about whom there are controversial rumors.

22. Hulk Hogan

Photo: Wikipedia

It would be a stretch to call Hulk Hogan an actor, although once upon a time he did play in several Hollywood films. However, the dislike for this American wrestler is not connected at all with his acting in films or his skills in the ring, but rather with his arrogance, inconstancy and racist remarks.

21. Lindsay Lohan

Photo: Toglenn

Ever since Lindsay stopped being a naughty little girl playing in family films and became an adult woman, she has repeatedly disappointed fans of her child characters. Lohan confidently gained a reputation as an irresponsible lady who was always late, let her colleagues down and absolutely failed at her job. Due to constant scandals and hysterics, directors stopped inviting Lohan to film, because working with her was too risky. As a result, today Lindsay Lohan has practically no work, and her film career has long since faded away.

20. Tyler Perry

Photo: Wikipedia

Tyler Perry loves money very much and is ready to make money on anything. He doesn't care about reputation and art, he just makes films with similar plots and produces unsuccessful sequels. But Perry has his own film studio, and he is not too worried about disapproving public reviews.

19. Miley Cyrus

Photo: İremneval1

Once upon a time, Miley Cyrus was an adored girl with huge eyes and a funny character, but the young film actress has matured and changed a lot. Miley tried with all her might to get rid of her former glory as a proper girl, and for this, for several years she behaved as provocatively as possible and constantly found herself in the spotlight due to scandalous performances in a half-naked state. It is not surprising that now few people love this girl.

18. Jaden Smith

Photo: Harrywad derivative work: Atia

Maybe the whole point is that Jaden was born into a wealthy family of a famous film actor, or that he is considered a pompous and pretentious youth. One way or another, Jaden is not very welcome in Hollywood. His acting career began with the fantastic action film After Earth, but since then it has not been filmed anywhere else. The public's rejection is constantly fueled by the boy's strange costumes and crazy words.

17. Kristen Stewart

Photo: Georges Biard

When Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson started dating, it became a dream come true for all fans of the famous Twilight saga. However, as soon as enthusiastic fans of this couple and the vampire film learned that Kristen had cheated on Robert with Rupert Sanders, their love turned into real hatred. Stewart's career did not end with this episode, but she stopped appearing in films from famous film studios, and instead starred in independent films with small budgets.

16. Alec Baldwin

Photo: David Shankbone

Recently, he has been rehabilitated in the eyes of the public, but before Alec Baldwin was a very controversial artist with a controversial reputation. The actor is known for scandalous statements on Twitter, and the public did not like it when the famous American openly called his 11-year-old daughter a rude and headless pig.

15. Hayden Christensen

Photo: MarcoKraus / German language Wikipedia

Of all the possible possible reasons Why people hate Hayden Christensen is his role in the prequel Star Wars. Inept and whiny acting spoiled the image of Anakin Skywalker, adored by fans, and since then, in the eyes of fans of the legendary saga, Christensen has been enemy number 1.

14. Shia LaBeouf

Photo: DoD News Features

Like many other former child stars, Shia LaBeouf grew up and began an independent search for himself, for which he was eventually hated. The guy was disliked for his pretentious antics (for example, for marching along the red carpet with a paper bag on his head), musical experiments, being reported to the police, and much more. The actor is hated so much that there is a known case where a stranger and innocent person was insulted because of his resemblance to LaBeouf.

13. Anne Hathaway

Photo: Mireille Ampilhac

There are no objective reasons for hatred towards Anne Hathaway. However, people still find some fictitious arguments against the actress, including even the expression on her face. Some people think that she has no talent at all, although Hathaway is a nominee for many awards, including an Emmy, a Golden Globe, a Screen Actors Guild Award and even an Oscar. Maybe it's time to stop criticizing this beautiful lady?

12. Gwyneth Paltrow

Photo: MingleMediaTVNetwork

There was a time when Gwyneth Paltrow was called the most despised actress in Hollywood, and she could not understand the reason for this attitude towards her. Many explain their dislike of this celebrity by her elitist views (the theory of an elite controlling everyone and other “biomass”). In addition, the actress has her own online clothing and accessories store, Goop, and some netizens accuse the owner of making her products inaccessible to the middle class. And after 11 years of marriage, Gwyneth Paltrow divorced the beloved leader of Coldplay, Chris Martin.

11. Pauly Shore

Photo: Nate “Igor” Smith / Brooklyn, NY, USA –

Pauly Shore was a famous comedian of the 90s, but somewhere in the middle of his path to Olympus, the American suddenly acquired haters. It’s difficult to say exactly why audiences stopped accepting Pauly Shore. Maybe everyone just realized he was a bad comedian and a terrible actor? It's unlikely that anyone will want to see him on screen again.

10. Katherine Heigl


While playing on Grey's Anatomy, Katherine was a rising star, and invitations to participate in many other Hollywood projects turned the girl's head, amusing her enormous ego. The actress allowed herself unflattering statements about the series with which her career began, and this act very quickly spread throughout the glossy media. The consequences for the ungrateful woman were simply disastrous - since then she has hardly appeared on movie screens, and very soon this beauty will be completely forgotten.

9. Stacey Dash

Photo: Gage Skidmore/Peoria, AZ, USA

Stacey Dash became famous primarily for her performance in the American comedy Clueless. However, the future future of the actress was determined by her short work on the Fox News channel, where Stacey shared with viewers her conservative views on political topics. The girl’s position turned out to be so unpopular that she was even fired for her outrageous statements.

8. Charlie Sheen

Photo: Joella Marano

It's amazing how quickly Charlie Sheen went from being the most loved to the most hated actor. Sheen's acting and wit in the popular series Two and a Half Men literally charmed the audience, but it all ended very sadly... The actor made a series of wrong decisions that led to his divorce and dismissal from the series. Shin started drinking, started taking drugs and became infected with HIV. The media is always happy to cover the social scandals that occur around celebrities, and all this played a role in generating the notoriety of a Hollywood artist.

7. Casey Affleck

Photo: Bex Walton/London, England

Few were happy when Casey Affleck won the Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Actor in 2017. Why? Yes, because just recently he was accused twice of sexual harassment. Both times the case never came to trial, and it is rumored that Affleck paid off the plaintiffs with millions of dollars.

6. Stephen Collins

Photo: Mis4930 (derivative) / Greg Hernandez

Stephen Collins is a great example of how not to confuse the character an actor plays with the actor himself. Collins' most famous work was his participation in the television series 7th Heaven, where he played a loving, wise and caring father. However, fans of the star were shocked when it turned out that Collins had been molesting young girls for years. It is clear that the actor was immediately hated by the whole world.

5. Woody Allen

Photo: Adam Bielawski

He's boring and awkward, he thinks he's funny, but he's not. But all this is nonsense compared to the rumors that Woody Allen is a real pervert, known to have relationships with underage girls. In addition, he married his 19-year-old stepdaughter.

4. Sean Penn

Photo: Casa Rosada (Argentina Presidency of the Nation)

Despite his charitable activities and acting awards, Sean Penn managed to acquire a lot of haters. It’s all because of his communication with drug lords and dictators...

3. Adam Sandler

Photo: Angela George

Adam Sandler's finest hour is long past. He is best known for his roles in the comedies Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, The Wedding Singer, which were extremely popular films in their time. But since then, the actor has not been able to repeat his achievements. Instead, he starred in a whole bunch of bad comedies, and now the public is confusedly waiting to see what his new contract with Netflix will turn out to be.

2. Mel Gibson

Photo: Georges Biard

Mel Gibson was a respected director and actor, but his fan recognition and love left him after inappropriate remarks, racist comments and insults to his ex-girlfriend. The actor has been blacklisted by Hollywood for over 10 years, and although some viewers still love him, it is unlikely that the public and producers will be able to forgive the artist completely.

1. Bill Cosby

Photo: The World Affairs Council of Philadelphia

Once upon a time, everyone loved Bill Cosby. His show surpassed all other television programs in the ratings for many years, and his stand-up performances were incredibly popular. However, all this fell into oblivion when a 35-year-old woman accused the celebrity of sexual harassment and rape. The comedian's reputation and success vanished instantly and forever.