Scary stories of gypsies. The most beautiful gypsies (16 photos)

Despite the fact that the vast majority of gypsies live in Europe, their roots are from the north of Hindustan, this is indicated by scientific data, as well as by the self-names of the main gypsy groups. Most often, gypsies call themselves "Roma" or "Roma", for example, the famous Moscow gypsy theater is called "Romen". These names go back to the Indo-Aryan "d'om" with the first cerebral sound (a cross between the sounds "r", "d" and "l") and indicate relatives of the gypsies who now live in India and are called "houses" or " domba". Western European gypsies call themselves "sinti", which can be associated with the ancestral home of the gypsies - the Sindh region in modern Pakistan. The Gypsies of Spain and Portugal traditionally called themselves "kale", i.e. "black" (cf. the name of the Indian goddess Kali - "black").
According to linguistic and genetic studies, the ancestors of the Gypsies came out of India in a group of about 1 thousand people. Exact time the outcome is unknown, but not earlier than the 6th century AD. After spending several centuries in Persia, the ancestors of the Gypsies reached Byzantium, where they began to be called atzingans, i.e. untouchable. From the Byzantine name came the Russian name "gypsies", the Bulgarian "tsigani", etc. Gypsies entered Europe through the Balkans in the 12th century. It is in the Balkan countries that the percentage of the Roma population today is the highest. For example, in Bulgaria the Roma make up 4.9% of the population, in Romania - 3.3%, in Macedonia - 2.85%.
The Gypsies are one of the Aryan (by language) peoples, therefore they were mercilessly exterminated by the Nazis, who declared them to be corrupted Aryans, opposing the purity of the Aryan race. During the Second World War, up to 200 thousand gypsies were destroyed, of which about 30 thousand - in the occupied territory of the USSR.
Now there are up to 12 million gypsies in the world. In Russia, according to the 2010 census, there are about 220,000 Roma. For the first time, the presence of gypsies in Russia is recorded in written sources at the beginning of the 18th century. Do not confuse Russian gypsies (Russian Roma) and Central Asian gypsies, called "lyuli". The Luli are Muslims, while the Roma are Christians, their languages ​​and origins are also different, and the Luli are called gypsies only because of the similarity with the traditional way of life of European gypsies. Lyuli are not perceived by Russian gypsies as relatives, they are contemptuously called "lyuli".

Next - the most beautiful, in my opinion, gypsies. Most of them are Russian gypsies, there is also a Hungarian gypsy and a representative of the Spanish-Portuguese gypsies in the ranking. There is no Rita Hayworth in the ranking, because she, contrary to the erroneous opinion, does not have gypsy roots.

15th place. Rada Rai(real name - Elena Gribkova; born April 8, 1979, Magadan) - Russian singer, performer of Russian chanson. Father is a gypsy, mother is Russian. Official site -

14th place. Raya (Raisa) Udovikova(after marriage - Bielenberg) - Norwegian singer and actress. Born in 1934 in a gypsy camp near Kursk. In 1966 she married a Norwegian journalist and went abroad. Since 1967 he has been living in Norway (Oslo), working at the National Drama Theater, playing leading roles in Norwegian, touring in many countries of Europe, America and Asia, singing songs in Russian, Gypsy and Norwegian.

13th place. (born October 27, 1963) - film actress. For a long time she was an actress of the Romen Theater, whose artistic director is her father Nikolai Slichenko. Also, her mother, the wife of Nikolai Slichenko, Tamilla Agamirova, works at the Romen Theater.

12th place. Angela Lekareva (Batalova)- singer, dancer, artist of the Moscow musical and dramatic gypsy theater "Romen". She was born on July 28, 1984. On stage since two years. She received mastery lessons from an outstanding choreographer, her mother, Ganga Batalova.

11th place. Oksana Fandera(born November 7, 1967, Odessa) - Russian actress. Her father, Oleg Fandera, is an actor, half Ukrainian, half Gypsy, and her mother is Jewish. From an interview with the actress:

- Oksana, three bloods are mixed in you: Ukrainian, gypsy and Jewish. In what way do they appear?

- Probably because I cook like a Ukrainian, I love freedom like a gypsy, and I feel world sorrow like a Jewess.

– Who do you feel most like?

– Now I can equally feel like one, the other and the third.

10th place. Soledad Miranda/ Soledad Miranda (July 9, 1943, Seville, Spain - August 18, 1970) - Spanish actress, dancer and singer. Her parents are Portuguese gypsies.

9th place. Diana Savelyeva(born May 16, 1979, Lviv) - Russian actress and singer, performer of the role of Esmeralda in the musical "Notre Dame de Paris", the role of Gaide in the musical "Monte Cristo", the role of a gypsy in the musical "Count Orlov". Website - VKontakte page -

7th place. Lilya (Leoncia) Erdenko- singer, successor of the world-famous Moscow gypsy dynasty, daughter of the famous singer Nikolai Erdenko. The Berlin radio station Multikulti named Leoncia "The Queen of Russian Gypsy Music". Official website - VKontakte page -

Barefoot Sonya walked along the steppe path. Grasshoppers chirped in the spicy grass, the sun was pleasantly hot, my soul was light, as only nineteen years old can be.
- Hey beautiful! Where are you going on the road? Don't pass by! A hoarse male voice came from somewhere in the distance. The girl turned around. A stocky, shaggy gypsy stood two paces from her, holding a black horse by the bridle. “She said, mother, do not go to Pronkin Meadow. The camp showed up there, ”it immediately flashed through Sonya’s head. The girl turned sharply, finally throwing a burning glance at the stranger, and rushed to the house at a run. But for a long time I felt the gaze of the gypsy baron boring into my back. From that day on, Romala did not let Sonya pass.

In a pool with a head

The Anisimovs were a wealthy family: their large wooden house towered above all the others, showing with its size who was the boss here. Despite the post-war devastation, the Anisimovs did not need anything. In their Khlevensky district, they were known as enviable rich people. Stepanida Vasilievna did not have a soul in her daughter: Sofya was famous for her beauty throughout the district. A thick black plait, dark bottomless eyes, in which more than one heart of the youngsters who circled around the girl drowned. But Sonya, as if the wind was walking in her head, she had no time for suitors. She kept aloof, lived in some kind of her little world - for her wild temper and bright appearance, they called the beautiful Gypsy.

Mother, a domineering woman, more than once drove her boyfriends away from the windows with nettles. Fyodor Nikitich only sighed: “Wait, mother, Sonya will stay too long in the girls. You always dream of being richer ... ”Fyodor Anisimov himself was one of the farm laborers, so all his life he hunched his back and hunched first at his fists, then at his wife, who would not let him down.

It was rumored in the village that the gypsy baron Mai was hitting on Sonya. The girl at first shunned her boyfriend; as soon as she saw his squat silhouette in the distance, she ran away. But Mai showed perseverance and indulged in all tricks to win the heart of the beauty: he walked under the windows of the Anisimovs with a guitar on moonlit nights, sang with anguish about an unrequited feeling; he brought little gypsies and ordered them to dance until morning for his beloved; more than once called for a ride across the steppes on a dashing horse. And how much gold and painted handkerchiefs he threw at Sonya's feet - not to count. The girl trembled before such beautiful courtship and threw herself into the pool with her head, and a month after the stormy romance she became pregnant.

There was a noise in the Anisimovs' yard. Two gypsy women approached the house with abuse and, on top of that, cursed Sophia. Earth clods flew through the windows. Neighbors ran to scream. It turned out that they were the mother and ... the wife of the baron. In front of the onlookers, the chavels pounced on Sophia and clutched at her hair. Stepanida, who jumped out of the passage, barely dispersed the avengers with a poker.
- Destroyer! the gray-haired woman shouted, and finally threw it out in anger. - You will not be happy, we curse you!

These words echoed in Sonya's soul. Forbidden love was no longer a secret to anyone, but the girl carried a child under her heart, and this shame cannot be hidden.

After the scandal caused by the gypsies, the Anisimovs denied neighbor gossip for a long time. Tabor left these places and did not appear again. Sonya bandaged her already rounded belly, hid it under puffy skirts and fearfully waited for the hour when the child was to be born. Stepanida knew about her daughter's sin, and a plan was already ripening in her thoughts on how to get rid of the unwanted child. Meanwhile, Sonya's unhealthy fullness created fertile ground for rumors. The impending scandal had to be urgently prevented, otherwise it was possible to put an end to the young woman's personal life.

Sonya gave birth on a February evening right on the stove. The mother picked up the screaming baby, hastily shoved a piece of rag into his mouth so as not to strain. And at night, Sonya ran out of the house, holding a bag with a child with shaking hands, and, incited by her mother, went to the river.

How she tied a heavy stone to her son, how she threw him into the dark cold water, Sonya does not remember. Half delirious, she returned home, collapsed, exhausted, on the bed and fell asleep soundly. The next morning I was awakened by the quiet sobs of my father behind the stove. Fedor could not believe in any way that a wife and daughter could raise a hand against a child. For several years, at every opportunity, he reproached the women for this murder.

Consequences of the Curse

Sophia was well over thirty, and personal life didn't add up. “It can be seen that the old woman was right, I will not be happy,” Anisimova was already desperate. There were still many suitors, but no one offered a hand and a heart. Misfortune pursued Sonya on the heels: parents went to the grave early one after another, suitors either suddenly died, or shot because of the fatal beauty ... Therefore, when Ivan Larin met on the way, far from being handsome, but seemingly a good person, Sonya without hesitation married him. Soon she gave birth to a son - Dima. The only, long-awaited child, late marriage, and, as a result, an utterly spoiled child. Dimochka grew up, became addicted to alcohol, began to beat his elderly mother.

The pensioner was scared to death of gypsies. As she passed through the market stalls, it seemed to her that they were hissing their curses after her. The sins of youth haunted the old woman.

Sofya Fedorovna was already in her eighties. Going to bed, the woman rubbed her sore legs. Until now, the bruises have not gone away, and the head was noisy with every careless movement.

A dream that night made Sophia jump out of bed in a cold sweat. The old gypsy stood before her as if she were alive. In the utter silence, her diabolical, soul-chilling laughter was heard:
“You killed my grandson, and your son will kill you…”

Exactly one year later, tortured by beatings, Sofya Larina died in a bed at a local hospital. The poor woman did not reveal the name of the killer; for her, the monster remained her own beloved son. “I know what sin I am paying for,” the dying woman whispered. - I ruined one life, I don’t want to take another sin on my soul. There is God's court, he will judge everything, punish everyone. And I am not an enemy to my son, let him live in peace ... "

PS. Ivan Larin died a year later. He never got over the death of his wife. And Dima was found murdered in his own bed on his birthday a year later. The curse of the gypsy was more than fulfilled ...

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Why do gypsies need education. They don't study at all. The street and relatives teach them. Teaches those practical things with which they can survive in space. Study is useless. Just wasted time. And at the age of 12-13, a gypsy child becomes, if not a professional in his profession, then definitely a specialist. And a young gypsy woman can already get married or be sold by her parents at the “gypsy bride market” that takes place in Bulgaria twice a year. The locations are kept secret. But I have been there once. An interesting sight, I tell you.

George Soros once decided to help Bulgaria in the education of a growing gypsy. He built several camps, equipped with everything necessary for life and study. Gathered gypsies there. So what?. A week later, in all rooms there are no windows or doors, nothing more or less valuable. Everything is stolen and sold and school is over. Gypsy moms and dads are happy with such studies and unexpected earnings. They are waiting for someone else to try how Soros makes camps - communes for the assimilation of gypsies into society.

Magnals (Roma - Gypsies) and their lifestyle will never change!

Yes. Roma love to work. Only here in their specialties. Not requiring education. Only practice and experience of practice is needed. If with early childhood the brazier is engaged in theft and begging, and the girls are also prostitutes with the blessing of their dads and gypsy moms, then their life is good. Own life. Not understandable to a normal European person.

Gypsies are everywhere and their numbers are increasing.

Why are you in Bulgaria. Every village, every city has its own gypsy enclaves. They are everywhere. If there are more right-wing radicals in a populated area, then the barbecues sit quietly, do not stick out and raids on their sources of food and income - garbage bins- produced at night. If the village or locality in Bulgaria it is passive, but in the villages in general pensioners live, then the gypsy is on horseback here. Helpless Bulgarian pensioners are robbed and beaten, they steal and film everything they see. They do not take into account anything and sometimes there are reports in the press that in such and such a village the gypsies attacked an old woman, took away her pension and raped her. They sometimes catch them - braziers, but mostly they let them go. Type to not inflate racial discrimination. And when a Bulgarian is a normal gentile lover, he beats off a flock of murg braziers, so they sew an article for him because he squeezed them with his fists a little. So here, just like you have there - you have 282, but here everything is different.

Gypsy bride market.
If a brazier gives birth to girls, then he is rich and happy with life, because he will sell each one as a wife (slave) to some other brazier. And he will help out from 1,000 euros for one of his simple women to 20,000 euros for a fair and blue-eyed beauty and not very purring. And if he is a good producer of children and a woman shoots him every year at his daughter, until the body wears out, and gives birth for 8-10 years, then a simple barbecue becomes - the father of the family is respected and rich in his mahala.
Well, if the sons are obtained from the brazier - the manufacturer, then woe to him and only expenses and expenses. He tries to drive out his big family into free swimming and throw off his gypsy burden and grief from his shoulders - to feed and dress his offspring. So they get married and get married early. In the markets of gypsy brides, young people choose their second couple. They walk along the rows of brides, feel them, like they look into horses, force them to undress - animals in a word. But there is also love in gypsy places. Love is everywhere and is not subject to any influences and opinions. If true relationship.

Here is the European Union. This is the reality of gypsy life. As it was in the past, it is happening now - from the age of 11, gypsy girls can become a bride - according to their rules, and not according to the rules and laws of the country in which they live. Gypsies do not care about the laws - they have their own in their lives.

A little about the demographic situation in Bulgaria.

Population 7 million
The Bulgarian family has 1-2 children. Studying and leaving Bulgaria

The Mangal family has 8-10 children. They do not learn and breed from the age of 12-13.

Muslim refugees and immigrants flow is growing

Now imagine what will happen in 8-10 years, when you get permanent residence in Bulgaria. An interesting situation. You need it. If yes, then come and live in the country. You can find yourself anywhere. As many immigrants living here did.

A person always has freedom of choice. They want to make consumers out of us, someone is profiting from this. A dissatisfied person is always buying something, constantly shoving something into his mouth, a woman thinks that she lacks a handkerchief, a man thinks that cars. We are always in a state of deficit, but this is a relationship deficit, and we want to make up for it with things.

Good country Bulgaria.

- about the prophetic abilities of gypsies. And I remembered mine:

My friend, Valentina, working as a cashier-accountant in a small construction company back in the 90s, somehow went to the bank for a salary. By trolley. Since her boss, who is still fruit, at that time flatly refused to give her a car and an escort. Like, no, the car broke down. And the attendants are all gone. Not panna, they say, you can get there by public transport. Although the car was in order and people were hanging around, he was just not in the mood. Valentina, stupid, agreed, although she had to take a considerable amount from the bank at that time - about a hundred thousand. So what to do?

No one has been able to deceive fate yet. That's what my mother was convinced of this on her own experience.
I am the third child in the family, there is also a sister who is five years older than me, and the oldest brother died as a child, he was four years old at that time. His death was predicted or prophesied to his mother by a gypsy woman at the station when she asked for money, and her mother refused her for some reason. The gypsy was offended and, leaving, said: “You will not see the happiness of motherhood, your soul will root for your eldest son all your life.” Her mother was not married then and simply did not pay attention to her words, and only after giving birth to her son, she remembered. But, as she later said, she could not even think that the words of the gypsy would turn out to be prophetic.

A couple of days ago I was returning home from shopping center. The time was about 6 pm, but since it gets dark early in winter, the city had already begun to sink into dusk. Our winters are snowy and harsh, Siberia no matter how. After several days of snowfall, the city literally turned into one big snowdrift. If somewhere it was possible to pass, then with great difficulty, risking falling into the snow up to the waist. Local authorities they are not very concerned about the condition of the roads, so even busy streets are impassable. In one of these snowy days this story happened to me.
Usually my way from the mall runs along a busy and fairly wide road.

I saw one story on the site, very similar to the one that I am going to tell now. A friend of mine from Spain told me about it. You decide to believe or not to believe.
To begin with, gypsies are gypsies everywhere, in any country you should beware of them. In Spain, there are especially many gypsies in Andalusia. They act like this, they come up, give a branch of rosemary, they say like a gift. Then everyone, like ours, starts talking about damage and evil eye, promising to remove it right now. To begin with, they ask for a trifle, such as 5-10 euros, and then you won’t notice how you will be left without money. Just like in Russia, in Spain I tried to stay away from these gypsies.

This creepy story happened in 2000, when I was a freshman. I studied in Moscow, and lived in a small village 30 km from the Moscow Ring Road, from where I traveled by train.

Spring. Friday. By tradition, we, students, celebrated this day of the week until late with a large amount of beer with crackers and heart-to-heart conversations.

Too late. All conversations have been said, all money has been invested in drinks, and it's time for me to urgently say goodbye in order to catch the last train home.

Barely having time at the station to take a bottle of beer for the last money, I run into the closing doors. We started. Passengers - units. And I, having learned from one of them about the route, I understand that the train is long-distance, which means that there are only a few stops on the way.

Hello, dear readers. Now I will tell not a unique, but instructive story about the consequences of meeting with the gypsies.
More than ten years ago, I worked for a short time in a store as a salesperson. A girl worked in the next department, her name is Anfisa. Somehow we quickly became friends with her and often chatted, in the absence of buyers. Once two gypsy women came to our store, they offered an interesting cosmetic procedure - eyebrow correction in a gypsy way, with a thread. This is the first time I've heard of this and I'm intrigued. And Anfisa, in fear, quickly closed her department, grabbed my hand and dragged me into the back room. That's where she told me why she was so scared. For convenience, I will narrate in the first person.