In a dream, a bat bit me. Why do you dream about a black bat? You dreamed about a bat.

Surely each of us in the twilight had the opportunity to watch the flight bats. Scary, disgusting, people associate them with something demonic and mystical. What if these animals appeared in a dream? The dream book will answer this question for us.

Bats: seeing bats in a dream - why?

If married people dreamed of a bat, then this is not a very favorable sign. Spouses should be wary of the appearance of a worthy opponent. The dream book advises to give in to each other and not waste your happy time on petty scandals and quarrels. Otherwise, a rupture cannot be avoided.

What does such a vision mean before starting a serious business? What does the dream book say about this? Bats in this case represent failure, failure and serious loss of money. If you dreamed about this creepy animal before the end of the case, then you should not count on its successful completion.

If a working person saw a bat in a dream, then this indicates that the activity “sucked” all the juices out of the dreamer. The dream book recommends taking a vacation and resting a little.

Did a man have a similar dream? The dream book says that you should not risk your honest name. The least that lies ahead is monetary debts. Otherwise, you will be held accountable to the law. Don't take risks.

For women, seeing bats in a dream means that they will soon face a serious test. You may have to experience the loss or loss of a loved one. This night vision also suggests that troubles and problems will soon consume the dreamer.

Flying mouse in a dream

In your dream, did you see these animals in motion? What will the dream book tell you about this? Bats in this case mean receiving bad news that will bring you a lot of problems and troubles. Also, such a dream speaks of the influence of evil forces on you. Be careful, keep an eye out for suspicious characters!

Also, such dreams indicate the possibility of insulting or humiliating a person who is related to witchcraft or magic. Before it's too late, apologize. Go to church for communion and confession of sins.

The meaning of dreams about a bat is almost always negative. So be careful. For example, if in your dreams you saw a mouse flying over your head, this means that your enemies are building a trap for you. The Dream Interpretation advises not to enter into dubious deals and not to participate in untested projects.

If this animal flies over you in daylight, and you can clearly distinguish it, the danger will bypass you. Does it fly at night? Rest assured: you are in serious danger.

Is the bat floating far in the air? All troubles and problems will soon leave the dreamer. Surely, this will happen thanks to your endurance and persistent character.

Bat color

The meaning of dreams in which a bat appears depends on many little details and surrounding factors. The color of the animal plays a particularly important role in interpretation.

What does a dream mean in which there is a bat? white? Unfortunately, such dreams mean death. Perhaps this is not a physical death, but a spiritual one. The dream book says that in this case this animal can represent your rebirth and transition to new stage life.

If you dreamed of gray harbingers of a disaster, then this means various troubles, misfortunes, wounds, injuries (both psychological and physical). Unfortunately, in this situation, troubles can await not only the dreamer, but also his loved ones.

A black bat seen in a dream indicates that your mood lately has been gloomy and depressing. The dream book advises you to step away from business for a while and relax.

Such a dream (a black bat) can also mean that something mystical, occult, and devilish is happening around you. The only way out of this situation is to attend church. And the more often you turn to God, the more chances that you will not become a victim of witchcraft.

Sleeping bat

If you watch this animal sleep, know that your intuition will tell you which direction to go. The dream book advises you to listen to it more often, then you will be able to avoid serious problems and difficulties.

Did you see the bat hanging upside down with its eyes closed? This means that your ingenuity and self-confidence will allow you to achieve what you want. Did the animal suddenly wake up? Don't expect anything good.

This dream also means that you should look at the problem from a different angle. Perhaps this will allow a difficult situation to be resolved more quickly.

Dreamer's emotions

If in your dream you feel fear at the sight of this animal, it means that the danger comes from your friends. Don't blindly trust them.

Do you feel any fear? This suggests that you are much stronger than those who are trying to harm you. It is thanks to this quality that you will be able to bypass all difficulties and troubles.

Animal attack on dreamer

Did you dream about a bat landing on your head? Be careful in reality. Terrible changes will occur in your life. The dream book advises not to lose heart and not make rash decisions.

Did you dream that an animal sat on your head and started pulling out your hair? What will the dream book tell you? Bats in this case symbolize an elderly woman who has great influence on you. Perhaps she is working witchcraft on you. Be careful!

Does an animal bite you in a dream? This means fear gripping you, absorption in your own problems and bad thoughts. Perhaps an event will really happen in your life soon that will bring you a lot of problems.

Are bats attacking you in the dark? This suggests that you are consumed by fear of reality. This feeling is stopping you from living for a long time.

Seeing your body being walked around bats, means your fall down, the path to the abyss.

To cause harm, to kill a bat - why such a dream?

Do you throw a stone at a mouse? This means that you will be the only witness to the fire, so be sure to take your phone with you to call the fire department.

Killing a bat in a dream means that you will conquer all your fears, overcome all problems and enter a new stage of life.

Various situations in night vision

Bats in the house mean that you will experience joy from the fact that your sworn enemy is suffering from the troubles that have befallen him.

If you dreamed that you were marrying a bat, then this means that you will marry the very the best woman in the world.

Have you observed these five dangerous animals? This speaks of happiness, luck, profit, success.

If you dreamed that you were fluttering next to bats, then this means that you are walking on the edge of a knife. Be careful!

Have you been chased by a bat? A fire is expected in the house. Remember to turn off all electrical appliances before leaving.

Do you see in a dream a huge number of mice that are trying to attack you? There will be a lot of complaints against you. This will happen at work and at home, and in the process of communicating with friends. The dream book advises not to pay attention to this.

Watching the flight of a flock of bats? All your secrets will soon be realized.

A small bat in a dream means minor difficulties that will later turn into insoluble problems.

Sweet dreams!

Often we dream of something completely surreal, something that came from out of nowhere, curious or frightening - strange places, incomprehensible events, beautiful or nightmarish creatures. And sometimes in dreams they appear completely For example, Unfortunately, this is not best sleep. There are many interpretations, but the meaning of such a dream is either alarming or negative.

If a small or large one suddenly appears in a dream, you need to try to remember all the circumstances and little things that were present in the dream, in addition to the unpleasant animal. If we approach the problem as a whole, then this is what bats dream about: the dream warns that frivolity and ill-considered behavior can have unpleasant consequences, and you should think about your actions much more carefully. Ordinary manners and habits may suddenly not please others and cause censure.

Usually, as the dream book says, bats seem to hint that there will be significant problems ahead. You should not take any important steps the next day, because bad events, negative changes, misfortunes along the way and even death are quite possible. Especially if they attack, bite or otherwise harm.

The place where the animal was dreamed also matters. For example, if you dreamed of volatiles, this is considered a sign of future changes, more negative than positive. A mouse in flight is a sign of sadness, disasters, and severe disasters, even losses and betrayals. Dreaming of flying creatures in any other place foreshadows disasters, anxieties and troubles. You need to be persistent and careful to turn a negative dream to your advantage.

Why do you dream about bats if they are also white? Most often this is a sign of impending death. But here you need to take into account which dream book to interpret the dream you had. For example, Zhou Gong's dream book claims that a flock of bats symbolizes the success of secret events and affairs. But in the Old Russian dream book, a bat fluttering around the room warns of a sudden and unexpected departure.

The esoteric collection is more optimistic in its interpretations. Speaking about why bats dream, he warns that such a dream is just a premonition that you should not rely on, and you should not be afraid of it. But the French dream book in this case threatens with sorrows and suffering. But marrying a bat in a dream means that in reality a person will marry the most beautiful woman in the whole world.

Miller's dream book gives only a negative assessment of dreams about bats. These are sorrows, disasters, even deaths and illnesses of loved ones, especially children. You need to be on your guard and protect your loved ones and yourself. And then a disturbing dream can turn into a useful warning.

By the way, all the old dream books say only one thing: a dream about bats, no matter what colors, sizes, no matter in what place, symbolizes only misfortunes, sudden disasters, negative news and consequences, disastrous meetings. Modern dream books are not so categorical, but in general this animal, no matter what benefits it brings in nature, only brings misfortune in a dream.

To find out what a bat is dreaming about 🦇, the dream book recommends paying attention to the details. So, in a dream, she can warn about upcoming problems, deteriorating health, and the machinations of ill-wishers. But some stories promise victory over enemies, overcoming difficulties, and career growth 😉.

Meaning according to the dream books of Enigma and Miller

Did you dream about a bat? The Enigma dream book suggests: if you have not experienced fear or disgust, this means that this is an indication of how to solve an important problem. Consider it from a different point of view 🧐.

Have you experienced any unpleasant sensations or even horror? Then the meaning of the vision is somewhat different: you will soon receive some sad news.

Miller believes that this animal in a dream carries an unfavorable message. After such a dream, a person should be wary of disasters, and possibly serious injuries.

Interpretation from other dream books

Why do you dream about a bat attack 🦇? According to Vanga, this is a warning of impending troubles. You should be vigilant and careful.

The Islamic dream book gives the following interpretation to the vision: an adverse effect is produced on the sleeper, perhaps even magical.

Freud points out: the plot with the bat foreshadows the interference of his enemies in the affairs of the dreamer. Ill-wishers will spread gossip and slander 🤦🏻‍♀️. A person must exercise caution and prepare for unpleasant conversations.

Why do you dream about seeing her?

A bat in a dream represents the intuition of the sleeper, but at the same time the dark sides of his character, features that everyone tries to hide.

Why do you dream about seeing her? The dreamer is facing some kind of danger or negative situation. The vision warns against unseemly actions ☝🏻.

Also, in a night dream, this animal promises troubles and suffering that will be brought to a person by those whom he does not know at all, says the dream book.

Such a dream should not be ignored; it is better to protect yourself from possible dangers. Refrain from new beginnings, projects, or any serious matters. At this time, you should sit at home and relax in silence.

Where did you see the bat:

  • on the street - failures in ordinary affairs will begin;
  • in a cemetery - you will lose someone close to you;
  • above your head - enemies become more active;
  • in flight - you will overcome minor problems and difficulties.

Did you see them flying in the yard in front of you in your dream 🦇? Spiteful critics are plotting. Try not to give rise to gossip.

Why do you dream about her sitting on your head? The dream book explains: you often have unpleasant thoughts that make you not want to live. Don't get depressed, fight destructive feelings.

If there were a lot of them in the attic, in a difficult situation you will have to struggle to control yourself. Don't give up, even if it seems like you can't stand it anymore.

On the street

Did you dream about a mouse with wings flying overhead at night? There is danger hanging over you 😬. Did you fly during the day? Gossip and petty intrigues of envious people will annoy you.

The mouse was flying overhead in a dream, but the sky was bright and you clearly saw all its movements? You will unravel the insidious plans of your enemies and find in time what to oppose them.

At home

Why dream of seeing her at home? The dream book explains: leaving home is ahead. A business trip, travel or even moving is possible 🚗.

Did a bat fly into your apartment? A trip to another country is coming up. Perhaps a business trip or a tourist trip ✈️.

She flew into your room in a dream and sleeps here? Get ready for a difficult period, trials and troubles.

Did you dream of a flock of bats?

Did you dream of a flock of these animals in a cave, watching you? The dream book says: you will be drawn into an adventure. It is advisable to get out of it as soon as possible, otherwise there is a risk of losing your reputation.

Why do you dream about a flock of bats flying around you and attacking? You will soon be faced with a lot of claims. They may be justified or groundless, but they will rain down from everywhere.

Also, the attack of many of these animals, their pursuit indicates the sleeper’s strong fear of reality, which prevents him from living a normal life.

What they were like in the dream:

  • white - you can get seriously ill;
  • black - bereavement;
  • dead - fear of the unknown;
  • pursuing you - listen to the clues of fate;
  • aggressive - beware of gossips.

A black bat in a night dream indicates: the sleeper is overcome by feelings of anger, envy, and resentment, which push him to plans for revenge. But it won’t bring satisfaction, so it’s better to get rid of the negativity inside 😎.

Did you see a beautiful bat? The dream book says: now you shouldn’t trust your intuition - it will deceive ☝️. Focus on reason.

Seeing this terrifying and beautiful animal in a dream suggests: certain relationships are draining energy from the dreamer. It's time to stop this.

Why do you dream that she is big? There are troubles and troubles ahead. Pay more attention to various little things.

What do the bat's actions mean?

Is the bat sleeping in a night dream 🦇? In reality, new difficulties and troubles will begin. Moreover, they will appear with enviable consistency.

Did you see her hanging upside down? The dream book explains: you are in vain ignoring minor troubles. Without proper attention, these minor problems can grow to enormous proportions and bring disastrous consequences.

Did she attack you in your sleep? This means: you should be careful and avoid dangerous activities, as there is a high risk of serious injury.

Got tangled in my hair

Why do you dream that a bat is tangled in your hair? A wise woman will appear in your life who will earn respect with her prudence and experience. Listen to her advice 😉 - they will help you avoid actions that could harm your reputation.

This plot also suggests: try to be less emotional and more careful.

She bit

Does she bite in a dream? Previous adversities have affected your mood, now everything is seen in a gloomy light. Such views can lead to depression 🤔.

Did a bat bite you in a dream? This is a harbinger possible problems, which will interfere with your plans and projects.

Don't give in to depressive moods, keep moving forward. Remember: except you, no one will carry out your plans or achieve your intended goal. Therefore, you should not relax, even if you have to overcome obstacles. With persistence and determination, you will succeed.

What does a bat bite mean?

Why do you dream about her bite? The dream book suggests: you too often focus on troubles - real or perceived. Don’t program yourself for failure, look at the world more cheerfully, and be more often distracted by pleasant things 😉.

A bat bite 🦇 in a night dream also indicates: soon a dark streak will begin in the sleeper’s life. Problems, conflicts, difficult situations will replace each other. However, courage and perseverance will help overcome this period 🙌🏼.

Have you ever experienced its bite in a dream? This means that you have offended someone and will not be able to live in peace until you ask the person for forgiveness, says the dream book.

Did you bite your finger or hand until it bled? A close relative will cause a very strong offense. Take it philosophically, don't get hung up on negative emotions, because not everything in life goes smoothly.

What did you do with this animal:

  • drove away - fight back the ill-wishers 💪🏼;
  • beat - destroy the plans of the enemies;
  • ironed - you will overcome difficulties and obstacles 👏🏼;
  • fed - you will find a way out of a difficult situation;
  • ran away - defeat unfavorable circumstances 😉.

Why do you dream of catching and holding a mouse in your hands for a long time? Soon you will suffer severe psychological trauma that will disrupt your inner harmony.

Did the man dream of running her over? In reality, the dreamer should avoid communication and generally contact with grumpy, angry women. Otherwise, he may suffer greatly, although he will be completely right.

Did you hold it in your hands? You will soon hear unpleasant news. The main thing is to maintain restraint, patience, and do not panic. Then you can avoid complications.


Did you catch a bat in your dream 🦇? You will be able to achieve great success and make excellent profits 💵. Career growth is possible.

Did you catch it in a dream, but the mouse resisted strongly? This plot promises great success. You will be able to complete your endeavors, and their results will be very successful.

Did you manage to catch it with your bare hands? The dream book promises: secret knowledge will become available to you or you will learn information hidden from the majority.

They won, they killed

Why dream of defeating a bat that attacked you? This plot shows your willpower, determination, positive mood, determination. You are ready to overcome difficulties, so everything will work out 🙌🏼.

Did they kill her in a night dream? Interpretation of the dream: you will be able to finally prove that you are right, even to those who still doubted it.

Such a vision in a dream portends: get rid of the heavy responsibilities that oppressed you, you will gain good mood and inner harmony ☯️.

Other interpretations

Dream books sometimes interpret the vision of a bat quite positively. So, if she flies to you, pleasant changes are coming in reality 😉. However, you should be more careful at night and in the twilight.

If in a dream you managed to fight off an attacking animal - in real life you will be able to repel your ill-wishers, put gossipers in their place.

Watching her float in the air far away from you is a harbinger of a positive ending to an unpleasant situation. In addition, all difficulties and minor adversities will soon disappear 🤗.

Now let's find out together whether your dream will come true? 🔮 Which I dreamed about today. Exactly this night️ 🌃.

The likes are spinning 😍⭐️

Questions to the author


    18-Feb-2020 Inga:

    Hello! Please tell me why you dream of a bat as a gift? In my dream close person was in the form of a vampire, and he gave me a gift. It was a small, white with black speckled, beautiful bat. The dream itself seemed very bright, beautiful and joyful.

    17-Feb-2020 Valentina:

    Hello, I dreamed that we went as a group on some kind of excursion to a cave. And everyone passed, but a bat flew in front of me and I didn’t seem to go any further. Then something else started, I don’t remember exactly. What could this mean?

    8-Feb-2020 Daria:

    Good afternoon 🌞 I dreamed that the bat was tame and very kind. The girl put it on my neck and she hugged me with her wings. At first I was a little afraid, but then I really liked it and was no longer afraid. Why such a dream?

    There was a frozen bird on the balcony of the apartment, and when they warmed it up there was a white and black bat. They tried to let her go, but she came back, and the house cat caught her and apparently killed her.

    Hello, I dreamed that there were some white stripes in the sky, and I watched a mouse fly, then it flew at me, I covered it with my hands and that’s it, then I woke up. Strange dream :)

    And if the bat was my boyfriend, I understood it, but I was still afraid. And then she brought me a cute little kitten in her paws?

    I dreamed that she chose me herself, I stroked her, and left her with me. She was very small, and really beautiful. She accidentally scratched me several times, and in the dream I scolded her for it, and she looked at me with a guilty look, as if apologizing.

    I dreamed that I called a mouse and it flew to me and sat in my arms, so small, soft, light-colored, like a baby. In the dream I was not afraid, but on the contrary there were such warm and pleasant feelings. Such not good interpretations have been written, is my dream really a bad one?

    • Not at all! On the contrary, you will fight negativity and defeat it. But remember that dream books do not recommend showing pity for your enemies. Be strong and unshakable 💪.

      29-Sep-2019 ELENA:

      In a dream vision on the way home, I saw a man catching someone with a butterfly net and a stick in his other hand. I was surprised. When I passed him, I heard a knock behind me... like a stick hitting something. It turned out that the man had hit a bat with a stick. And she, wounded, rushed low to the ground. And when I was walking, it got between my leg and my slipper. And so as not to step on it, I began to shake it out of the slipper. When I shook it out, the man caught it with this butterfly net.

      • You will most likely witness something outrageous that will make you angry. But not everything is so simple. Then you realize that the unpleasant situation was not at all what it seemed.

        22-Sep-2019 Alexandra:

        I dreamed that a beautiful, kind, sweet bat with dark blue fur landed on my hand. I stroked her, the fur was nice and soft.

        19-Sep-2019 Anonymous:

        What does it mean to see in a dream: my son and I saw a small pink bat sitting upside down on the bushes. It was a hungry and cute cub. I picked it up, she wanted to bite me, not out of malice, but to get drunk, but she didn’t have the strength to bite through the skin. Son found clean water. And I gave her something to drink.

        7-Sep-2019 Dianna:

        And if in a dream, before my eyes, a bat bit another bird, causing injuries, but not killing it. There was no danger for me.

        6-Sep-2019 Lyudmila:

        I dreamed of a beautiful big bat. She was in my arms, I stroked her, she was black and gray, she tried to fly away, but when she flew away, she crashed into a tree. It was winter and she was very weak, but very fluffy and kind. Why is this dream?

        Small white fluffy bats flew and got tangled in my hair, there were about 5 of them, but I pulled them out of my hair, started stroking them and left them with me.

        Hello! I dreamed of a bat, after which all the people present in the dream were running and trying to kill it. I felt sorry for her, I took her in my arms, but she did not resist, on the contrary, she became very affectionate, like a cat, and obedient.

        Hello! Tell me, please, what does the dream mean in which a bat gave birth to many little pipistrelle bats? I wasn’t afraid of them, I stroked them, fed them and gave them water, just like their mother :) Thank you.

        I dreamed that a bat saw me through the window and flew into the window during the day. I ran away from her into another room, while feeling fear. She found me and flew into the room, sat on my shoulder, I was scared at first, and then calmed down. And she just sat on my shoulder.

        26-Sep-2018 Julia:

        I dreamed that I was sent to a “flying whirlwind”. I approached the building, and there was a flock of bats, they began to fly in a circle and create not just a whirlwind, but almost a hurricane, I even remembered this building. But there was no anger from these animals. After some time, one of the bats began to send me home, saying that it was time, and the “flying whirlwind” began to lift me into the air, and she also told me how to stay in the “wind” and fly home calmly , told me to be careful and stuff like that. All this happened, in my opinion, at night, and the mice themselves were all black too. Tell me, please, what is this dream for?

        I dreamed of 2 small bats that flew in the entrance of my house and attacked me. I was afraid and tried to get away from them.

        I dreamed that something suddenly began to flutter in a small room; after looking closely, I realized that it was a small dark bat, it seemed like it was doing nothing wrong, flashing in front of the chandelier, from which there was already little light. It became creepy, and I plucked up the courage to catch the unpleasant one with a towel without touching it, I was afraid that she would bite my hands, but I did it anyway and kicked her out of the room through the window. But in fact, I drank for a long time alcoholic drinks every day, and it was on this day that I mustered up the will and stopped it in one fell swoop and overcame this adversity. Here's the story.

        And I had a dream that I was in a room and a lot of small, cute bats were playing football! I threw the ball to them, and they took turns hitting them with their heads on the fly, but I wasn’t afraid of them, and for some reason I still wanted to kill them all later, but I woke up.

        15-Sep-2017 Artyom:

        Please answer my dream. I dreamed that I was carrying a box, putting it on the table, opening it and a big black bat looking at me. It was day in the dream. She takes my hand with her paws and holds on, I partially held her. Then I put it back in the box. The dream was almost real that I wanted to stroke her, but I didn’t. I was afraid. Can you really pet such a big mouse? No. Today I dreamed about September 15, 2017.

        15-Sep-2017 Leona:

        In the dream, I was going to do magic. And from somewhere, a flock of bats without fur wanted to attack me through the window. I killed one. The windows were closed. They climbed through the cracks and screamed. Another nightmare.

        2-Sep-2017 Anonymous:

        I walked with my bat like rich ladies walk with their dogs. At first I was scared when she grabbed my finger with her paws, but then I looked at her and it was such a cute creature. She lay on my arm like a lapdog, and we went everywhere with her. The size is also like a lap dog.

        I had a strange dream. I walk into my yard, and on the fence that separates us from our neighbors, there are many bats of different sizes sitting along the fence. I walk along the fence and choose a mouse that I like, choose what seems suitable to me, as if I were choosing a toy in a store, and go into the house. Afterwards I don’t remember anything, whether I dreamed about anything, but the dream with the mouse continued, as if some part of the dream had been torn out. The continuation is generally strange - I give someone in my house a bundle of money, small change and a dried bat!

        I helped the bats be born, and when they were born we went home, and I was very happy with their birth, and they knew exactly who I was and trusted me. So strange.

        I dreamed that a large bat flew up to my husband, he began to stretch out his hand to it, I told him not to do this, that it wanted to bite him, he said that it would not bite him. After which it completely swallowed his hand, we did not know how to unhook it. Then I started to choke her, and she freed his hand.

        I also dreamed of a bat, a dream from Friday to Saturday. At first she was small from afar, but she flew into my arms and became a big white blue eyes, I photographed her.

        I dreamed that I opened the closet, and there were two pieces. One is bigger, the other is smaller. I took the small one in my hands. It turned out to be a small dark bat. I fed her, it’s like I have a lot of small animals and birds. Well, other than that, I adore animals. Then I couldn’t find the second one, I was upset, I even woke up.

        And I dreamed that they gave me a bald bat, my grandmother bathed it, kissed it, and forced me to kiss it, and I kissed it with such disgust.

        I dreamed of a flock of bats hanging on a window, from the inside of the house and in the light of the sun. In the dream they told me that this is normal, they are just like fruit flies and will soon disappear.

        I dreamed of a white bat. I tried to catch her, from time to time she sat on me. But in the dream I felt joy.

        And I dreamed that I turned into a bat like a vampire and we found some ancient snake and took it, dug it up, and then it crawled after me and wanted to eat me!!! What does it mean?

        In my dream, “it was night, the lights were turned off in the room, and the whole family went to bed, when suddenly in the darkness I saw the flickering silhouette of a bat, not a big one, hovering in the air. Turning on my light, my brother tried to catch her or slam her with something, and she jumped out from under the closet and rushed at him like a cat that had been teased. She then rushed, then flew away... the dream ended with the fact that I swung a fly swatter at this mouse, and it turned out to be somehow light, like cardboard, and I never hit it...” A terrible dream, of course...

        I dreamed of a bat on a leash. Some scientist kept her and looked after her, but did not allow her to fly without a leash. And I came to him, took her with me to walk on the street. At first he held her in his hands and stroked her. Were without a leash. She was afraid of various cats and dogs, as if she was seeing them for the first time. Then the passer-by took the leash off his dog and gave it to me. I put it on loosely and we went on for a walk, but no longer holding it in our hands.

        Hi all! I know it’s stupid to write this letter because no one will answer it, but I will write it. I dreamed that, how can I say this, bats flew to the smell of perfume. As soon as the perfume was smeared, it flew in, and as soon as you wiped it off, it flew away. And what does this mean?

        Something connected with the university and school, when it got dark and my friend and I went to the first floor, there was no light and there was a double corridor and it was impossible to find a way out, there are these locker room bars everywhere, and there is some kind of grinding noise in them, even when We couldn’t see anything with a flashlight, then some kind woman found us and was going to take us to the exit, a friend had some kind of bottle, well, like with chemical reagents, so the blue liquid was dull in color, darkish and told us to drink everything, that All that was left was to see what was there, I drank, began to look into these bars and images of fluttering black bats began to appear, trying to fly somewhere up, fluttering in place.

        I dreamed of a flock of bats at dusk, I excitedly ran closer to see them, they were flying high. One flew lower and I was able to get a better look at it, and then they flew away. In many dream books it is believed that a bat is a vile monster that symbolizes something terrible, but I have neither fear nor anxiety from them, but on the contrary, I repeat, delight.

        3-Mar-2013 Irina:

        And I dreamed of a little bat, she was crawling somewhere on the bed, periodically biting me, but I treated her with such love :) I even gave her a piece of cheese to eat, because I wanted to feed her. There was some kind of warm feeling for this mouse, as if it was something dear, despite the fact that it was biting me 🙂 I felt like I wasn’t biting on purpose 🙂 I picked it up periodically and stroked it. Why such a dream? 🙂

        • This dream suggests that you good man and you will be fine.

          Hello, today I dreamed of bats, they clung to the hem of my dress and hid there, but there were a lot of them! Why such a dream?

Bats symbolize intuition in many cultures. If a person saw such an animal in his dream, perhaps he should listen more carefully to his own inner voice. Other interpretations of what a bat dreams about are published in our material.

In popular dream books, the bat is considered a very important symbol that cannot be ignored. Often it turns out to be a significant warning for a person, which allows him to avoid serious problems in real life. But there are also other meanings of the discussed plot.

According to modern dream books

The first thing you should do is study the information from Nina Grishina’s dream book. The interpreter notes that the bat turns out to be a harbinger of bad news. The information received will greatly upset the sleeping person and deprive him of a good mood for a long time.

In French dream book the animal in question is a symbol of the suffering that other people cause to the dreamer. He needs to be careful in choosing acquaintances for his inner circle. Interestingly, in the same dream book, a wedding with a bat in night dreams turns out to be a positive sign. This strange plot suggests that the person has chosen a very worthy partner for himself. It is with him that you can safely connect your life.

And in the Gypsy dream book, the bat turned out to be a good harbinger. If you managed to see her in a dream, it means that all the minor troubles that bother a man or woman so much will soon disappear by themselves.

In Miller's work, the most negative symbol is the white bat. It always turns out to be a harbinger of death, which can overtake both the sleeping person and the people close to him.

Esoteric dream books

The most famous exoteric dream book is the book by Elena Anopova. This work helps a person penetrate into his own inner world and understand it.

If a bat lands on a person’s shoulder in a dream, such a plot suggests that in the near future one should not rely on intuition. She is capable of deceiving a man or woman. Before making each decision, you need to weigh all the pros and cons, assessing them as soberly and rationally as possible. It’s better to ask an uninterested outsider to express a truthful opinion about him.

An animal flying into the dreamer's house from a closed window is a bad omen. It symbolizes the sorrows that will enter the sleeping person’s home along with some stranger. Guests you don't know well should be treated with extreme caution.

According to psychological dream books

If the dreamer himself turns into a bat in the plot, this indicates his internal discord with himself. A person understands that in order to achieve his goal, he needs to step over his own principles. The dream suggests that such deals with conscience do not end well.

In Ushakov’s well-known psychological dream book, it is noted that a bat looking straight into the eyes of a sleeping person symbolizes his own fears. The larger the animal, the stronger they are. You shouldn’t try to push away your existing fears and hide them far away. You definitely need to fight them. Perhaps even with the help of a professional, competent psychologist.

If a bat painfully bites a sleeping person, it means that it portends depression for the person in real life. At the moment, the dreamer is very tired and depressed. Perhaps he is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Rest and positive emotions will help cope with this condition.

Lots of bats

If there is a large number of discussed animals in a sleeping person’s room, it means that he cannot come to terms with the position that he has recently occupied in society. Probably, the person is dissatisfied with his material well-being or the social step that he managed to achieve.

It happens that in a dream several animals become entangled in the dreamer’s hair. This is a clear sign that a period of troubles and misfortunes awaits the latter. It will be quite long and exhausting. It is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid troubles that suddenly arise. Therefore, it is worth at least mentally preparing for them in advance. There is no need to be shy about asking family, friends and even colleagues for help in solving emerging problems.

If a large number of bats move around the sleeping person's room in daylight during the daytime, this is a positive sign. The dreamer will be able to learn about the insidious plans of his ill-wishers in advance and competently prepare for the attack. As a result, enemies will not be able to harm the man or woman in any way. They will only waste their own energy.

  • If the bat turns out to be not the usual gray color, but an unexpected white color, this is a very important warning for a person. It suggests that the sleeper faces a very serious danger, which can even lead him to death. True, in some dream books it is interpreted as spiritual death - a kind of rebirth and the beginning of a completely new life.
  • The black animal symbolizes darkness in thoughts and soul. Most likely, a man or woman is simply very jealous of someone he knows – his achievements, his merits. Or perhaps he even feels hatred. If the dreamer is planning revenge or some other bad act, before committing it, you need to carefully analyze possible consequences for yourself.

I often dream of animals of other colors. Thus, gray ones promise injury, bright scarlet ones - an unpleasant conflict with a completely strangers. It is important at the moment of awakening to understand the sensations that the dream brought.

Death. But this dream is a warning, encouraging you to persevere and be careful.

Collection of dream books

Bat- fear of the unknown.

Bat- a symbol of the ability to sense the hidden forces of nature.

Bat- a symbol of fear, death and night.

In Central American and Brazilian mythology, the bat- a powerful deity of the underworld, sometimes depicted as devouring the sun.

In China, a bat- a symbol of good luck, and two bats on greeting card mean a wish for fertility, health, longevity and a dignified death.

Dreamed bat- portends sadness and suffering that will be caused to you by people unknown to you.

If in a dream you marry a bat- the dream promises that you will marry the most beautiful woman in the world.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Bat- to death; see how it flies around the room- sudden departure.

Esoteric dream book

Bat- a strange premonition that you should not rely on.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

bat- foreshadows night orgies.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Bat- sadness, bad news, misfortune / to participate in a night orgy.

Watch their flight in the dark, feel as if everything around you is filled with them- vague clairvoyance awakens in you.

Bats chase you, they bump into you in the dark- a symbol of your fear of the world of reality, which prevents you from living.

See sleeping bats- image of the power of darkness and evil force / bad time.

Seeing a wide variety of bats outside the window looking in- touch with your thoughts the kingdom of primordial chaos / the invasion of phenomena of an alien world into your life.

Seeing bats walking around your body- to be possessed by a demon, to go to the abyss / to feel one’s own vampirism.

Dream book of a gypsy

Bat flying in the air- all minor troubles will quickly and easily disappear.

If the bat is hanging upside down- this means that minor troubles can turn into big problems.

Modern universal dream book

It is natural for a bat to hang upside down. If you dreamed of a bat- you should look at what is happening from the other side or from a different angle.

Perhaps a bat in a dream- warns you that you should be more careful and less emotional, because when you hang upside down, blood rushes to your head. Do you feel like your whole world has turned upside down? Perhaps you want to turn your world upside down?

Bats- usually associated with vampires. Perhaps something or some relationship in your life is draining energy from you, and it’s time for you to step into the game and dot the i’s.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Bat- image of evil force; unkind activities; someone's death; sadness, disappointment.

Chinese dream book

For American Indians bat- was a symbol of shamanic intuition and rebirth.

The bat disappears into the darkness of a cave resembling a womb and appears again- this sign may appear to you before you decide to explore the deepest fears and the unknown that lives within you. After symbolic death, you will experience the joy of rebirth and renewal.

General dream book

I dreamed about a bat- your neighbors will have a fire. Don’t be lazy, stop by your neighbors in the morning before work and notify them about a possible disaster - maybe they will be able to prevent trouble.

You dreamed that you were throwing a stone at a bat- you will soon witness a fire. Don't forget your mobile phone or city payphone card at home this day - you may be the only passerby able to contact the fire department.

If you dreamed that you were being chased by a bat- soon there may be a fire at your home. Prevent a fire in your own home- exclusively in your hands.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Bat- unnecessary worries and troubles.

Complete dream book of the New Era

If they attack you in a dream- this is a warning that a serious test awaits you soon, perhaps some losses and losses.

If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday- failures await you, which will “fall” on your head like snow.

If you dream of a lot of mice flying around you and trying to attack- they will “get you” from all sides, both at work and at home. And the best thing you can do is ignore the complaints.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Bats in a dream- this is a harbinger of serious troubles for which you may not be ready. Usually such a dream is a sign of an extremely depressed state of mind, which can result in illness, nervous breakdowns and severe psychological trauma.

Often also the image of a bat- is a reflection of your vague premonitions about the approach of some kind of trouble. In general, after such a dream, it will be useful for you to stock up on courage, and even better, try to look at life from the bright side.

After all, bats are in dreams- this is primarily a consequence of the darkness that lurks in the depths of your soul.
When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.