Great delusions of mankind. The most common myths and misconceptions that people mistakenly believe Bats are blind

The world is not what we see around us, but what we feel. Our life is full of virus programs that live in our minds. You need to get rid of them, and as soon as possible.

Society, upbringing, religion and morality distort the correct view of the world. Viruses of consciousness and attitudes block the energy of a person, breaking the channel of communication with the Universe. There are both private viral programs and global ones that live in the minds of 99% of people throughout the history of mankind. They prevent us from developing and moving forward, not only as a species, but also for each individual. In this life, many things seem to us completely different from what they really are.

7 viruses of human consciousness

All the delusions of humanity float on the surface - you don't need to analyze yourself for months. To understand that the Universe has leveled everything. Everything is in perfect harmony, and this harmony is broken only in the minds of people, forming a different reality, because everything in this world is material.

Virus first. Disease is anathema to our world, a curse that has no end. Incurable diseases are God's message, as well as a tool to prove the omnipotence of God and the boundlessness of his will.

In fact, diseases can be conquered. The world is mired in lies and cravings for satiety. Some are so rich that they have nowhere to put their money, while others are so poor that they have nothing to eat. The world is becoming more and more contrasting and polar. One great scientist said that if instead of the Second World War people spent all their money on a good cause, then it would be possible to build a house for every family. If pharmaceutical companies wanted to beat cancer and other serious diseases, they would have done it a long time ago. Diseases and high mortality are the personification and consequence of human weaknesses, the God complex.

The second virus In our world, the number of resources is limited and not everyone can use them.

This is a complete fallacy, as electricity can only be made available through the wind, the sun and water. The remaining minerals such as oil are always renewable, so you can simply use them carefully. Our planet is a rabble of greedy people who want to snatch a piece of the pie without sharing it with anyone. Ideally, our world can be stable and all people can be rich - it's just that the rich don't need it. It's all about vanity and pride. When each person wins this in himself, then the world will become a better place.

Virus three. The world is good and evil.

In reality, our existence is a distorted representation of the struggle between good and evil. If you are honest with yourself, you can understand that good and evil do not exist. There are only wrong motives and corrupted perceptions. Previously, there was no concept of evil and good, because all people walked with sticks and killed animals in order to get their own food. It is the same with animals – there are no good and bad animals. Everyone just wants to survive.

Virus four. Our life is limited by birth and death. After death, nothing exists.

No one knows what will happen after death, but the presence of God in any hypostasis is confirmed. Religions and divisions are the work of the universe and God himself. Energy processes tell us that God exists, but we will never get close to him and will not know his plan.

Virus five. To make your life more pleasant, you need to work hard, you must be lucky or you need to break the law.

No need to take the lollipop from the child - you need to wait until you have it. The universe will find ways to give us what we want. This is one of the most important laws of the Universe - all our thoughts are material and they always become a reality. Just think more about what you want - then you will have it. Enough happiness for everyone.

Virus six. Without a fight, it will not be possible to defend your interests.

Why do you need to prove something to someone? When wars stop and people are allowed to think about what is important to them, then the world will be perfect. Fighting for your interests is superfluous. Say what you think about the world. Those who understand you will accept your side. For the rest, this path is closed, and any actions aimed at attracting these people will be called mind control.

Virus seven. Someone else's love does not concern me.

Love is what will save the world from all troubles. It cannot help us become equal, but it can help us move closer to that ideal. With its help, you can defeat any curse of the modern world. Someone else's love really touches us all, because only if everyone can know this feeling and give it the opportunity to control consciousness, we will become happier.

We are all children of the universe. Humans are made from stardust formed several billion years ago. WE are one. Get rid of the negative thoughts and fatal delusions of humanity that live in you, which make success and happiness impossible. Think more about light, about high. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.09.2016 01:20

Every person needs to achieve inner harmony. This is an essential condition for success and...

Topic status: Closed.

  1. Great delusions of mankind

    1. Adam and Eve.

    There is a belief that Eve bit the apple of knowledge in the Garden of Eden. So they write in books, draw on canvases, so everyone says. However, the Bible itself did not say that the fruit of knowledge is an apple. Moreover, in the Middle East, apple trees did not grow at all. Scientists suggest that Eve tasted the fruit of a fig tree, the leaves of which Adam and Eve covered themselves after they tasted the fruit.
    There is another common misconception that Eve was created from Adam's rib. What prevented the creation of the first woman from clay, as they did with Adam, is not clear. This misunderstanding arose as a result of a common misunderstanding. There was a similar belief in Mesopotamia. According to cuneiform tablets found on the ruins of Babylon, it became known that according to one Sumerian myth, the god Enki had a rib. To cure the deity of this disease, the goddess Ninti was called to help. The word "ti" means "rib". Thus the name of the goddess could be deciphered as "a woman from the rib", but the word "ninti" can also mean "to give life." The ancient Hebrew tribes replaced Ninti with Eve, the foremother of mankind, "the woman who gives life." But it turned out that the second meaning - "a woman from the rib" - also did not lose its meaning, remaining in the memory of the tribes. And it was because of this play on words that the legend began about the creation of Eve from Adam's rib.

    2. Mice are crazy about cheese

    This stereotype was brought up in us by many generations of cartoons and books, which showed that cheese is one of the most favorite delicacies of gray rodents. In fact, mice are absolutely omnivores and they, in principle, also love cheese, but much less than the same cereals or jam.

    3. Napoleon Bonaparte was short

    Napoleon's height was as much as 5 feet 7 inches, which is equal to 168 cm - even higher than the average Frenchman of that era. Where did the legend about the shorty come from? It is not known for certain, but today there are at least two of the most common versions. The first is based on the fact that Napoleon was called short because of his initial small military rank (corporal), and over time this nickname has remained. The second version says that one of the historians who studied the life of Napoleon simply made a mistake in the calculations and incorrectly translated feet into centimeters.

    4. Van Gogh cut off his ear

    In fact, this great artist (by the way, during his lifetime he sold only one painting and was very poor), in a quarrel with his friend Gauguin, cut off not his entire ear, but only part of it - a small piece of his left lobe. This, of course, is also unpleasant, but not fatal at all - look at the same goths (or whatever they are called there), who make giant holes in their lobes.

    5 Walt Disney Created Mickey Mouse

    It is a very popular misconception that Walt Disney personally drew Mickey Mouse. In fact, this beautiful mouse was created by Ub Iwerks - one of the animators of the Disney studio, who was known primarily for his speed. And Walt Disney only voiced Mickey when the first sound cartoon came out.

    6. Einstein was a loser

    The fact is that since the time of Einstein's training, the grading system in Germany has been changed and “fours” have become “twos”. Accordingly, Einstein, of course, was a loser, but at the same time he studied very well, and especially in mathematics and natural science.

    7 America Gained Its Independence July 4, 1776

    This is not entirely true. The founding fathers of America did indeed sign the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, but the war for this very independence lasted another 7 years and ended only on September 3, 1783 with the signing of a peace treaty between America and the English King George III.

    8. Marie Antoinette said: “Let them eat cake!”

    Jean Jacques Rousseau wrote about this event in 1776: when Marie Antoinette learned that in one of the French villages there was a catastrophic lack of food, and first of all bread, she was surprised to offer people to eat cakes. The mismatch is that at that time Mary was only 12 years old and she lived in England, in her historical homeland. And the words about the cakes were most likely spread by the revolutionaries in order to discredit the government and show how far it is from the people.

    9 Edison Invented The Light Bulb

    Edison was certainly a brilliant scientist, but most of the inventions were made by his little-known laboratory staff. It was not Edison who invented the electric light bulb, but a certain Englishman Joseph Swain. Edison later only bought out the patent for this invention.

    10 Columbus Thought The Earth Was Flat

    According to The Times, many people think that Columbus thought the earth was flat, but in this case it is not clear why he took a circuitous route to India.

    According to various sources

    Misconception: Austrians are champion coffee drinkers.
    Of course, in a good Viennese coffee house, you can be served up to 15 varieties of coffee. But still, it is not the Austrians who drink the most coffee. Here, the Swedes and Finns take the first place - 11 kilograms of coffee beans per person per year. They are followed by the Dutch, Norwegians and Danes - 10 kilograms per capita. And then - the Germans and Austrians, where coffee consumption is 8 kilograms per person.
    Misconception: Aggressive aspirations are very dangerous.
    According to the Nobel Prize winner Konrad Lorenz, aggression should not be perceived as a fundamentally negative trait. If we consider aggression as a desire to fight with its own kind, then it becomes a useful mechanism for the survival of the genus: if an animal protects its territory from others, it will be able to keep its living space under control and make optimal use of the natural resources of its range (which is important not only for individual, but also for all representatives of this species). Zoologists believe that if it were not for aggression, many animal species would have become extinct long ago. Aggression in one form or another is characteristic of all animal species, and, therefore, it is natural. And no matter how negatively we evaluate the aggressiveness of a person, it is obvious that without it the species "homo sapiens" would have died out long ago.
    Misconception: The main occupation of lawyers is litigation.
    Only 20% of their working time lawyers spend on court cases (often they lose them, losing money on this). 80% of a lawyer's working time is spent on consultations and drafting contracts.
    Misconception: The Acropolis is located in Athens.
    The word "acropolis" in Greek means a place located on a hill. This word was often called a fortress within the city wall. There were dozens of these in ancient Greece, but the Acropolis of Athens is the most famous of them all.
    Misconception: Sharks attack humans.
    A shark attacks a person only if it is irritated or very hungry. At the same time, only about 10-12 varieties of the existing 350 species of sharks are known to attack humans unprovoked. Most people are content with smaller meals. Between 1916 and 1969, there were 32 recorded attacks on humans by white sharks, the largest and most dangerous species in the world. 13 of them were fatal, i.e. less than one case per year. If you add other sharks, such as tiger and blue sharks, then the number of victims will increase, but still not enough to compare with the number of people who die every year from dog attacks.
    ALCOHOL (1)
    Misconception: Alcohol is bad for health.
    First of all, we don't want to be misunderstood - in large quantities, alcohol is naturally harmful. But the same can be said about most other things (after all, you can even get poisoned by mineral water). The great Paracelsus once said: Ask me what is poison? Everything can become him, without him - not a step. It's all about the dose, just one example: Everything that we drink or eat in excess - All this can turn into poison ... If we put the question this way: is alcohol harmful in principle? - then the answer will be: quite the opposite.
    "One or two glasses of wine (beer) a day support a failing memory," says Dr. Joe Christian of the American University of Indiana. "Moderate alcohol consumption improves short-term memory by 17%, a person remembers what happened better, thinks more logically. The fact is that in small doses, alcohol improves metabolism and blood circulation." Other researchers find other positive effects. “Alcohol improves bone composition. Moderate alcohol consumption clearly increases bone density and possibly reduces the risk of osteoporosis (softening of the bone). This is evidenced by population statistics in California, where a study compared alcohol habit and bone condition,” so writes one of the popular daily newspapers. But scientific research agrees. Harvard physicians analyzed the health status of 50,000 men and found that the risk of coronary artery disease was higher in non-drinkers compared to those who regularly consume alcohol. Moreover, the risk of narrowing of the coronary arteries decreased in direct proportion to the amount of alcohol consumed (not taking into account other factors such as nutrition, blood pressure, age, etc.). We see that with daily alcohol consumption, the risk of heart disease is reduced, and not only that - with the exception of fatal heart attacks - the more we drink, the lower the risk of heart damage. True, in another study, Danish scientists showed that one glass of alcohol is not like another. More precisely, it is very important what we drink - wine, beer or spirits. The statistics are given for 6 thousand men and 7 thousand women, and she says that, first of all, it is wine that prolongs human life. Men and women who drank three to five glasses of wine halved the risk of heart disease compared to non-drinkers (of course, this is only a risk reduction, but not its prevention - someday heavy drinkers also die). As for beer and vodka, they helped little in the fight against heart disease. Of course, there are ambiguities here - in particular, how were individuals selected for examination? How much can you trust the words of a person who claims that he does not drink or, on the contrary, likes to pawn behind his collar? Is an increase in alcohol consumption always accompanied by a decrease in the risk of heart disease, or does the curve turn in the opposite direction at some point? However, for all that, it should be emphasized that these results are constantly being confirmed and we have no right to speak of them as pure chance.
    ALCOHOL (2)
    Misconception: Alcohol makes you warm.
    After we have unexpectedly discovered the positive properties of alcohol, it is time to turn our attention to the quality that well-wishers willingly attribute to it, but which it does not actually possess. Even if, after a good glass of hot grog taken on a cold January evening, we begin to believe in the warming qualities of alcohol, in fact it is not - alcohol does not warm the body. True, subjectively we feel the warmth that spreads so pleasantly from the stomach throughout the body. But what actually happens is that alcohol dilates the blood vessels that are closer to the surface of the body, the blood rushes there and cools, as a result of which the body temperature drops. Thus, in severe frost, it is alcohol that can cause frostbite.
    Misconception: The altar is an invention of Christianity.
    If today the altar is the gathering place for the faithful, then the early Christians did not have any special place where they would worship. Moreover, precisely because they did not know the altars, representatives of other religions considered them barbarians. The altar as a place where sacrifices are offered to the gods existed in almost all religions long before the advent of Christianity.
    Misconception: The best orange juice comes from a freshly squeezed orange.
    It is believed that the most useful juice is obtained from a freshly squeezed orange (lemon, grapefruit). Meanwhile, this is not necessarily the case. The fact is that the best manufacturers install their presses for squeezing juice right next to the orange plantations. The resulting juice is absolutely fresh and complete and reaches the consumer without losing anything either in taste or in vitamins. The oranges we get in Europe may have come from afar. They are plucked immature and matured on the road, sometimes using chemicals. So the juice squeezed from such an orange is not necessarily better than what is sold in bags.
    Misconception: Arabic numerals were invented by the Arabs.
    The Arabic numerals 1,2,3,4,5... were not invented by the Arabs at all, they came to us from India. It's just that the Arabs brought this form of writing numbers from there, which then spread through North Africa and Spain to Europe. The true advantage of Arabic numerals over Roman numerals is not in their writing, but in a brilliant invention - a positional number system, in which the "weight" of a digit is determined by its position. So, 5 in the number 15 means only five, and in the number 2523 - five hundred (after all, 2523 is 2 times a thousand, 5 times a hundred, 2 times ten and 3). This idea is as ingenious as the taming of fire and the invention of the wheel. Without it, we would still have to, multiplying 27 by 115, recalculate XXVII by CXV. Without this idea, as simple as it is brilliant, there would be neither modern physics nor chemistry, people would not fly into space and would not invent the atomic bomb.
    Misconception: There has never been a continent or island called Atlantis. The legend of Atlantis is a pure invention of the Greek philosopher Plato, who in his work Critias described a mighty state called Atlantis on the other side of the Pillars of Hercules (i.e. across the Strait of Gibraltar). This state, according to Plato, is located in the middle of the ocean, much larger in size than all of North Africa and Asia Minor. The inhabitants of Atlantis lived happily ever after, but then they began to degrade morally and decided to conquer the whole Earth. To punish the Atlanteans for their pride, Zeus sent an earthquake to the continent, and he plunged, along with all his inhabitants and buildings, into the abyss of the sea. Although Plato repeatedly assures that this is a true story that he heard from a major statesman Solon, and he heard from the Egyptian priests, in fact this event, which the historian attributes to the 9th millennium BC, could not have happened. After all, Plato tells about the plans of the Atlanteans to conquer Athens and Greece, and 9 thousand years before Plato, an uninhabited steppe stretched on the site of Athens. And in later times there are no hints of the existence of a huge vanished empire. Of course, humanity has experienced many catastrophes during this time: earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions that buried flourishing civilizations, for example, on Crete or the island of Santorin, but with all the desire, these states cannot be called gigantic empires, and besides, all these catastrophic events did not happen in the Atlantic Ocean. And today you can find followers of Plato, who indicate that indeed some continents plunged into the abyss of water and that there was once a firmament in place of the Atlantic Ocean. But that was 200 million years ago, when Africa, Europe and America were combined into a supercontinent, and no people on earth existed at all. Huge masses of land parted, giving way to the Atlantic Ocean, 70 million years ago, i.e. 69 million years before the appearance of man.



  3. George Washington was the first President of the United States

    Everyone knows that George Washington was the first of 43 US presidents. But no! The first was Peyton Randolph - it was he who was chosen by the revolutionary Congress. His first step in high office was the creation of the Continental Army to protect against British troops and the appointment of the commander in chief ... General Washington! Randolph was succeeded in 1781 by John Hanson, who sent a letter of congratulations to George Washington after his victory at the Battle of Yorktown and signed "I, John Hancock, President of America". And Washington became the first popularly elected president of the United States - but the fifteenth in a row.
    Jesus was born on December 25

    December 25 - Christmas. But there is no evidence in the Bible or anywhere else that Jesus was born on this particular day. But why was December 25th the birthday of Jesus? Maybe because on this day the Hellenes celebrated the day of the god Mitros, born of a virgin, and at the same time it was the Shepherd's Day?
    Gandhi liberated India

    This is the most famous leader of the Indian independence movement. He urged the country to renounce violence. He was 16 years old (in 1885) when the Indian National Congress was formed. But, even without the participation of Gandhi, India would have achieved independence by other, more effective methods than non-resistance to violence, and perhaps even earlier if it had followed the path indicated by Netahi Chandra Bose.
    America gained independence on July 4, 1776

    This is not true. Yes, the Founding Fathers of America signed the Declaration of Independence on this day. But the war for this independence went on for another 7 years, and only on September 3, 1783, a peace treaty was finally signed between America and the English King George III.
    Shakespeare wrote the story of Hamlet himself

    William Shakespeare is known as the greatest playwright in human history. However, most of his plays were not his own creations, but rather imaginative adaptations of stories, stories, and lore. The play "The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark", according to historians, was based on an ancient Scandinavian tradition.
    Captain Cook discovered Australia

    Of course, the Australians do not even want to think so. Many years before 1770, the Dutch Abel Tasman and Dirk Hartog, and the English pirate William Dampier visited here. And this continent was discovered 50,000 years ago by its indigenous inhabitants - the Australians. The only thing for which Cook can be called the "discoverer" of Australia, and even then in quotation marks, is the discovery of new lands, which later became the reason for the arrival of white settlers here.
    Emperor Nero played the violin while Rome, set on fire by him, burned

    This story is known to all: 64 BC. Rome is on fire and Nero is playing the violin. But this is impossible. First, the violin was invented after 1600 years. But even if there was a violin, Nero could only play it at a distance of 30 miles from burning Rome, since at the time of the fire he was not in the Eternal City, but in his villa in the suburbs.
    Magellan traveled around the world

    Everyone knows two things about Magellan: that he made a trip around the world, and that during this trip he was killed in the Philippines. One excludes the other. In fact, Magellan went exactly half the way: Juan Sebastian Elcano, his deputy, completed the journey.
    Walter Reilly brought potatoes and tobacco to England

    Sir Walter Reilly is an explorer, ladies' man and one of the most mysterious and mythological figures in English history. In modern portraits, he is portrayed as exceptionally handsome, although no real portraits of him have been found. He was considered a ladies' man, and allegedly liked the English Queen Elizabeth I. Is it true that he threw his cloak into a puddle so that the queen could cross it? Not true. It is true that he did not return from his trip to America with the first potatoes and tobacco in the history of England. Although it is claimed that Reilly introduced the potato in 1586, in fact the first potato crop was harvested in Spain in 1585, after which it quickly spread throughout Europe and even "crossed" the English Channel. Tobacco was introduced to France in 1560 by Jean Nicot (nicotine got its name from his last name). So smokers all over the world are wrong to accuse Sir Walter Reilly of spreading a bad habit.
    King John Landless signed the Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta limited the power of the King of England and marked the beginning of democracy. Paintings from that time show King John reluctantly signing the Charter in a meadow near Windsor in 1215. This is ridiculous, because John the Landless was most likely illiterate - look at the archives of the four surviving originals of the Charter - all have a seal. No signatures.
    Witches burned in Salem

    In Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692, 150 people were arrested during a witch trial, 31 people were sentenced, 20 of them were killed. Of these 31 people, not all were women, 6 of them were men. At the same time, they were not burned at the stake - this is not scary for witches, they were first stoned to death, then the bodies were hung on a rope.
    Van Gogh cut off his ear

    The semi-impoverished great artist Van Gogh (who sold only one painting in his entire life), shortly before his suicide, in a quarrel with his friend Gauguin, who was more successful in selling his works, cut off his ear - a piece of his left lobe. It hurts, but not as bad as it might seem.
    Walt Disney drew Mickey Mouse

    It is believed that the most famous cartoon character - Mickey Mouse - was drawn by Walt Disney himself. But it's not. Mickey was drawn by Disney's No. 1 animator, Ub Iwerks, who was famous for being incredibly fast at drawing. The first Mickey movie (it required 700 drawings a day) was made in just two weeks. But later, when sound cartoons appeared, Disney was rehabilitated - it was in his voice that Mickey Mouse began to speak.

    Pictures are clickable.
  4. Selenia said:

    In his school years, Einstein was not a loser - on the contrary, he did well with the program, especially in science and mathematics. The misconception is explained by the fact that over the past period the grading system in Germany has been reformed, and the "fours" began to be perceived as "twos".

    Click to reveal...

    the excuse is gone .... but in general it is very interesting)

  5. 19 Popular Science Myths

    Most are false, but some are true

    The American popular magazine Live Science conducted a survey among its readers to find out which scientific myths are most popular. After identifying a list of the most popular curiosity questions, the magazine asked scientists to comment on these myths. Most of the statements turned out to be completely unfounded.
    1. A chicken can live without a head - true
    Indeed, a couple of minutes after the chicken is cut off its head, it “lives”. She can run and even try to fly. This is because sometimes, losing its head, the chicken retains the brain stem, which is responsible for most reflexes. A confirmed fact is known that one strong individual lived without a head for a year and a half. So now it’s clear where the expression “brainless chicken” came from - this “non-bird” does not need a head for life.
    2. The water funnel in the southern hemisphere of the Earth rotates in a different direction than in the northern - a lie
    The speed of the Earth's rotation is not enough to affect the direction of water flow even in the smallest shell. As you can see from personal experience, the movement and shape of the water funnel in the sink depends only on the features of the "relief", and certainly not on global causes. Life and real science are very prosaic.
    3. The human brain only works at 10% - a lie
    This misconception has been around for almost a century. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, this is not the case. The data of magnetic resonance studies of the brain clearly demonstrate that a large part of the cerebral cortex is actively involved in human life. Our head works even when we sleep. So it is not worth believing in the promises of false prophets that in the future a person will be able to use the brain completely and then happiness will come to everyone and at once, it is not worth it. It's better to think with your head.
    4. There is no gravity in space - a lie
    The popular expressions "zero gravity" and "weightlessness" seem to be to blame for this misconception. Gravity is everywhere, the force of attraction equally affects all people. Astronauts in orbit hover in zero gravity only because they constantly fall with their ship to Earth. They only do it in a horizontal plane. Gravity decreases with distance, but never completely disappears. And by the way, the misconception that there is a vacuum in space is also not true. In fact, interstellar space is filled with all sorts of atoms and particles, just the distance between them is somewhat greater than on Earth.
    5. Eating a poppy seed bun is almost the same as smoking opium - almost true
    Oddly enough, there is some truth in this statement. While a poppy seed bun won't give you those happy moments of peaceful euphoria that opium smokers get, drug control problems can arise. If some time later, after a person has eaten two poppy seed buns, a blood test is taken from him, the test for opiates is likely to be positive.
    6. A coin thrown from a skyscraper will kill a person - a lie

    An ordinary coin is not the most advanced weapon in terms of aerodynamics. Due to the wind and air resistance, which for such an unfortunate shape will be very large, a coin, even thrown from the Empire State skyscraper, which is almost 380 meters, will not be able to cause any significant injury to a person. So, if you decide to deal with your ill-wisher in such an exotic way, it is better to spend a change on buying a brick.
    7 Adult Brain Growth Stops - False
    Although the human brain grows most actively and goes through the main stages of formation precisely at an early age, cell division does not stop in adults either. Research shows that neurons successfully grow and change until death. So the nerves are restored, and everyone has a chance to grow wiser.
    8. Chicken broth can cure a cold - almost true
    It is, of course, impossible to cure a cold with chicken broth. But scientists still support adults who force their sick children to consume chicken broth. Studies show that it contains substances with anti-inflammatory properties that help stop the spread of the disease. So whatever you think, Mom was right.
    9. Yawning is "contagious" - rather true
    It is known from experience that when one person begins to yawn, he "infects" everyone around him with it. It's hard to say how scientifically true this is, but some anthropologists believe that the reflex to repeat the neighbor's yawns has remained with us from monkeys. Chimpanzees are known to be very fond of mimicking each other's yawns. That is, yawning after a neighbor, we just subconsciously mimic him.
    10 Lightning Never Hits The Same Place Twice - A Dangerous Lie
    In fact, just the opposite. Lightning just has its "preferences". Everyone knows that lightning strikes high places more often. So hiding from lightning under a tree that has just been struck by lightning is not worth it. For example, the Empire State skyscraper is struck by lightning an average of 25 times a year.
    11. Men think about sex every 7 seconds - rather a lie
    Of course, thinking about reproduction is an instinct inherent in human nature. But it is, of course, impossible to scientifically verify how often such thoughts visit a man. But judging by sociological research, every 7 seconds is still an exaggeration.
    12. Hair and nails continue to grow after death - a lie
    After death, all processes in the human body stop almost immediately. Including the growth of hair and nails. This misconception is caused by a simple optical illusion. After death, the human body loses a lot of fluid, the skin shrinks, the nails are exposed, the hair seems longer.
    13. A dog's mouth is cleaner than a human's mouth - you can't compare.
    Despite the fact that dogs love to stick their nose and tongue into places that are not clean, it is believed that the dog's mouth is more sterile than the human mouth. In fact, the set of bacteria living in the mouth of different species is so different that it is simply impossible to compare. So the dog is not cleaner, it's just different.
    14. If you run in the rain, then you get wet less - mathematical truth
    A number of mathematical equations developed specifically to describe this process prove that this is rather true. When running, you run a much greater risk of ruining the suit, because the front of the torso gets wet the most. Walking in urban acid rain is the most risky for your hair, because it is the head that suffers the most with this method of movement.
    15. Lifted for five seconds does not count as falling - an absurd lie
    This is so absurd that few people seriously believe in it, but just in case, we recall that the tests carried out show that harmful bacteria fall on any object that falls to the ground immediately upon first contact.
    16. Animals can predict natural disasters - rather a lie
    There is no reliable evidence that animals have a "sixth sense". But excellent sense of smell, hearing and vision, as well as innate instincts, developed better than humans, allow animals to quickly determine the danger. In addition, animals will never stare out of curiosity at a hurricane or an impending tsunami. And yet, during natural disasters, many animals die. So, even if animals have a “sixth sense”, it does not bring them much benefit. (However, there were very few dead animals during the last tsunami).
    17. The Great Wall of China is the only man-made object visible from space - a lie
    There are different variations of this statement, but they are all equally false. Astronauts can see many man-made objects from low orbit. For example, the Egyptian pyramids, or even the runways of major airports. In fact, seeing the Chinese wall without knowing exactly where it is is much more difficult than many other objects. And it’s definitely impossible to see the wall from the moon.
    18. The change of seasons occurs due to a change in the distance of the Earth from the Sun - a lie
    The change in the distance from the Earth to the Sun, which occurs with the movement of the planet in orbit, has little effect on the temperature on Earth. It's all about the angle of inclination of the Earth's axis with respect to the sun, which, changing, affects the change of seasons. Everything is simple, but still incomprehensible.
    19. Chewing gum is digested in the stomach for 7 years - an adult lie
    Of course, chewing gum is somewhat more difficult to process than organic food, but nothing is impossible for our body. So chewing sweets are digested and excreted from the body just like regular food. Apparently, this delusion appeared with the light hand of strict adults.

  6. Selenia, very interesting, very.

    Selenia said:

    The human brain only works at 10% - a lie

    Click to reveal...

    I actually read that the brain only works at 3%. Maybe not 10%, but not all people use their brains 100%.

    Selenia said:

    Lightning never strikes the same place twice - a dangerous lie

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    Is this something similar to a shell that does not fall twice in one funnel !?

    Selenia said:

    Hair and nails continue to grow after death - false

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    I have heard about it many times, and all the time I said that it was a lie!

    Selenia said:

    Chewing gum is digested in the stomach for 7 years - an adult lie

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    Oh, I remember it sooo well, they scared me so that they would not swallow it.

The tongue has different taste zones. In fact, there are no zones responsible for distinguishing a particular taste - bitter, sweet, salty, monosodium glutamate and GMOs.

The head gets cold first. Only newborns lose heat through the head. For adults, this is true to some extent, unless the head remains the only uncovered part of the body.

You can't swim on a full stomach. In fact, it is much more dangerous to swim while intoxicated. A full stomach can only cause slight shortness of breath.

Shaving makes hair thicker. The hair that regrows after shaving does not become thicker, coarser or darker at all; it only seems so compared to the familiar smooth skin.

Alcohol is warm. Dilated blood vessels create a sensation of warmth. In fact, body temperature can drop when drinking alcohol.

Caffeine dehydrates. The diuretic effect of caffeine is neutralized by the amount of water in the caffeinated drink.

Alcohol kills brain cells. This is true only for people suffering from alcoholism, whose daily diet is almost entirely alcohol.

Hair care products can heal hair. Damaged hair cannot be repaired with shampoo or conditioner. Although some may prevent damage.

Hair and nails grow even after death. In fact, the growth effect is created by the dehydration of the dead body, which makes the nails and hair begin to appear longer.

Personality traits are determined by genes. No, there is no gene for nerdiness or gene for homosexuality.

Cracking your knuckles increases your risk of arthritis. Recent research suggests that this is not true. Crunch on health.

Myths about food

Salt water boils faster. No matter how much salt you throw into the pan, it will not affect the speed at which the boiling point is reached.

Sushi is raw fish."Sushi" means "vinegar rice" in Japanese; the presence of fish in sushi is not necessary at all.

Alcohol is removed from food during heat treatment. No, not all. So even your favorite fish in white wine sauce contains alcohol.

Gluten-free food is healthier. Despite the claims of your fitness trainer, it all depends on the specific needs of your body.

What is quickly raised is not considered to be fallen. Yes, the bacterium will have time to crawl onto the piece of cheese you dropped, even if you picked it up in just one second.

Historical misconceptions

In ancient Rome, there were vomitori-voshnilovki. Contrary to popular belief, a vomitorium is not a room for bacchanalia and relief after a hearty meal (from the English to vomit - to experience nausea, vomiting). Vomitories called passages to the stadium.

Napoleon was short. Napoleon's height was about 167 cm, which is the average height of men of that time.

Einstein didn't understand mathematics. Einstein failed the entrance exam in mathematics, but was a brilliant mathematician.

The iron maiden as an instrument of death. Such an instrument of torture and execution was never used in the Middle Ages. "Iron Maidens" were created only in the 17th century, and then for demonstration in circuses.

The Pilgrim Fathers wore black clothes. Not true. The first American settlers allowed themselves red, and yellow, and blue, and green clothes. And they didn't have hats.

Elementary Watson! This phrase was not in the book. For the first time it sounded in the film adaptation of 1929.

Gladiators fought to the death. The most valuable gladiator fighters cost a fortune, so many of them lived long and comfortably.

Existence of King Arthur. Yes, at the end of the 5th - beginning of the 6th century AD. there lived someone named Arthur, but it is still unknown whether he was actually a king.

Misconceptions about the brain

You can't wake up sleepwalkers. If you wake up a sleepwalker during his night walk, he will be embarrassed, but nothing terrible will happen.

Vaccines lead to autism. No serious study has found a link between the occurrence of autism and the vaccination.

We only use 10% of our brain. This is just a misunderstood metaphor. The work of the brain depends on the tasks being solved, and absolutely all cells are important for its functioning.

Right and left hemisphere. There is no clear division of abilities between hemispheres; the left hemisphere can easily perform the functions of the right and vice versa.

Schizophrenia is many personalities in one. Technically, the word "schizophrenia" means "split personality" in translation, but this disease is different from multiple personality.

Sugar leads to hyperactivity. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder also occurs in children who do not consume sugar at all.

Some people have a photographic memory. Some people just have a good memory. And to have a memory that can recreate events with photographic accuracy is impossible.

Misconceptions about nature

Bulls run on red. Bulls do not distinguish colors. The color of the rag in the hands of the bullfighter does not matter - the bull only reacts to his movements.

Sharks don't get cancer. They actually get sick, especially skin cancer.

Bananas grow on trees. In fact, they grow on bushes, just very large ones.

Chicks must not be touched. The sense of smell of birds is very limited, so they will not smell a person; you don't have to worry about the chicks.

Goldfish memory lasts 3 seconds. Goldfish are not the smartest creatures in the world, but their memory duration is 3 months.

We have 5 senses. In fact, about 20, including a sense of balance, pain, movement, hunger, thirst, and others.

Glass is a liquid. Glass is actually an amorphous solid.

Bats are blind. Bats not only have vision, but also use echolocation.

Humans once lived with dinosaurs. Surprisingly, 41% of Americans are sure that this is the case. We appeared on the planet about 63 million years later than the dinosaurs.

The great Wall of China. No, it is not visible from space.

The change of seasons depends on the distance of the Earth from the Sun. In fact, the change of seasons is associated with the tilt of the earth's axis.

Dogs sweat with saliva. In fact, they secrete sweat through their paws, and regulate body temperature with the help of rapid breathing.

Flies live 24 hours. No. Their life cycle is a month.

Lightning doesn't strike twice. The Empire State Building receives 100 lightning strikes a year.

The oceans are blue because they reflect the sky. The blue color is caused by the absorption and scattering of light.

The quacking of a duck creates no echo. It's just stupidity.

Euphorbia is deadly poisonous. This is an urban legend.

Tomatoes are vegetables. No, they are still berries.

Chameleons change their color according to the environment. Yes, but in this way they only regulate body temperature.

Misconceptions about religion

Hell is ruled by Satan. There is not a single mention of this in the Bible.

72 virgins are waiting for Muslim martyrs in paradise. The exact number of "full-breasted virgins" is not indicated in the Qur'an, but there are other sources that claim this. In general, this issue has not yet been resolved.

"Jihad" means "Holy War". In fact, this word is translated simply as "struggle."

Three Biblical Wise Men. In fact, the New Testament does not say exactly how many there were.

Misconceptions about science

Evolution is just a "theory". In science, a theory is not just a guess. A scientific theory is an idea that has been confirmed by numerous studies and combines data from many observations.

A penny falling from a height can kill. The final speed of a 50-kopeck coin that has fallen from the fifth floor is 50-80 km/h, which is absolutely not enough to punch a random passerby in the head. Although it will hurt.

There is blue blood. Blue blood only appears on anatomy posters showing the difference between arteries and veins.

A person needs to consume 8 glasses of water daily. Not everyone. The need for water depends on the weight and environmental conditions.

LSD remains in the cerebrospinal fluid for several years. The drug is completely eliminated from the body after 10 hours.

Chewing gum takes 7 years to digest. In fact, the chewing base is not digested at all and is passed out with natural bowel movements. The rest is absorbed into the blood.

If a person is thrown into outer space without a spacesuit, he will explode. Meteorites fall to Earth hot. Red color irritates bulls. A coin dropped from a skyscraper can kill a person. These and other misconceptions are very popular and even have "scientific" explanations.


The human body in space explodes

In science fiction films, a scene often appears when one of the heroes finds himself in outer space without a spacesuit. In this case, the victim will certainly burst (always with a characteristic pop, although sound waves do not propagate in a vacuum, since there are no particles that could transmit vibrations), and its insides beautifully scatter in different directions. This outcome seems logical: in order to withstand the weight of many kilometers of air, pressure inside our body is maintained equal to that which we experience outside. That is a pressure of one atmosphere. In interstellar space, any kind of molecules are very rare, which means that nothing presses on a person who finds himself without any protection and he should be torn apart from the inside. Actually it is not. The human body is a very resistant structure, at least to this kind of damage. Even if people do not have a solid exoskeleton, like, for example, insects, but the skin, the walls of blood vessels and bones will not allow the organs to move from their places. Although, left without an equalizing external pressure, the internal organs will swell somewhat and their "swelling" can break some of the capillaries. The lungs and organs of the digestive system will especially increase in size, as they are filled with gases, which a second ago were coolly compressed by pressure from the outside. The "liberated" oxygen will quickly leave the lungs and circulatory system, and the body will begin to suffer from hypoxia. A person thrown into space will lose consciousness, but before turning off, he may have time to feel something boiling inside him: with a significant decrease in pressure, the liquids contained inside turn into a gaseous state. But the resulting gas will not be able to break a person from the inside - if only because there are too many holes and crevices in the body through which it will seep out. In total, a person who mistakenly went into outer space without a spacesuit has about 90 seconds to return to the ship (although, given the rapid loss of consciousness, this time is reduced to 15 seconds). After a minute and a half, the blood will begin to boil in the unfortunate person, in addition, the brain damaged by hypoxia will never be able to fully restore its working capacity.

Hair and nails grow for some time after death

The belief that after death the hair and nails of the dead still grow for some time is very common. Proponents of this hypothesis explain this by the fact that some physiological processes in the body of the deceased continue after death. In fact, the elongated nails of the deceased are a visual illusion. After death, the body begins to rapidly lose fluid, and the skin of the corpse dries out and shrinks. In particular, the pads of the fingers are compressed, which makes the nails appear longer. Those who believe in the life of nails after death can be comforted by the fact that there is some truth in their beliefs. Most cells are less sensitive to lack of oxygen than brain cells, so there is still a hypothetical possibility that nails continue to grow for several minutes after a cardiac arrest.

Bats are blind

Bats navigate in the dark using echolocation, the same mechanism used by submarines. Animals emit sounds in the high frequency range (ultrasound) and "catch" their reflection from surrounding objects. If the sound returned quickly, then the obstacle is nearby, but if he traveled for a long time or did not return at all, the space nearby is free. By sending out a lot of these impulses and analyzing them carefully, mice can very accurately determine what is around them. Many people believe that the owners of such a perfect "navigator" do not need ordinary eyes and their vision is almost completely atrophied. This is not true. First, not all bats use echolocation. Secondly, even those animals that actively use this mechanism are quite tolerably oriented with the help of vision. Moreover, in fruit-eating bats, the eyes are very well developed and take up no less space on the muzzle than the eyes of comparable nocturnal rodents. The organs of vision of insectivorous bats are noticeably smaller, but they are also quite functional: with the help of their eyes, animals determine their height relative to the ground, estimate the size of large obstacles, and look for a way, focusing on large objects. In addition, by assessing the level of illumination with the help of their eyes, the mice determine that it is night and it is time for them to fly out to hunt.

Red color irritates bulls

Another typical misconception about the peculiarities of vision in animals, which became popular thanks to the bloodthirsty Spanish bullfight. It is believed that the matador "turns on" the bull with a red cape, which he waves in front of the animal's nose. Bearing in mind this feature of the bulls, many people avoid appearing near the herd in red clothes. They need not worry: bulls, like most other mammals (with the exception of primates), have dichromatic vision, that is, they are simply not able to distinguish between red and green colors. The ability to see colors is determined by special light-sensitive cells called cones, or rather, by how many types of opsin proteins these cones contain. For example, in the eyes of humans and monkeys of the Old World, there are three types of opsins, thanks to which we distinguish several thousand shades (according to some sources, up to one hundred thousand). Bird cones carry four types of opsins, so from a feathered point of view, all humans are colorblind. The color vision of bulls is very poorly developed, so the matador's cape does not stand out for them. And the sharp movements of a person and the pricks of a sword infuriate animals.

Chameleons change color to camouflage their environment

The ability of chameleons to change color is often the only thing people know about these tropical lizards. And most are firmly convinced that funny reptiles turn green, blue or black in order to better camouflage themselves under the surrounding conditions. For a long time, this belief also existed among scientists, but recently experts have come to the conclusion that mimicry for nearby twigs and flowers is the last reason why chameleons change the color of their covers. Lizards change the color of the integument due to special cells - chromatophores, which contain granules of various pigments. Chromatophores have a complex branched shape, and pigments can be located both in processes and in the center of the cell. This or that color appears when the pigments of the corresponding shade are located in the "branches". In order to "drive" the pigments there, the chromatophore relaxes. If it is necessary to collect granules of the coloring matter in the center of the cell, on the contrary, it shrinks. Observations of lizards in nature and laboratory experiments have shown that repainting in different colors is necessary for them, first of all, for thermoregulation and interaction with each other. Chameleons, like other reptiles, are not good at maintaining a constant body temperature: it can vary over a fairly wide range depending on the temperature of the environment (scientists call this property the compound word poikilothermy). This or that color is manifested due to the corresponding pigments, which, in particular, include melanin. This pigment is responsible for the darker color of the lizard's integument, and since dark surfaces absorb more sunlight than light ones, chameleons turn brown when they are cold. In addition, with the help of skin color, reptiles inform their relatives about their mood. If the chameleon is ready for a romantic date, he chooses one shade, and his intention to immediately attack his neighbor is proclaimed by another. Recently, scientists have found that the more complex the social structure of a particular species of chameleon, the more often the animals change color and the less it correlates with the color of the surrounding surfaces.


If you drop a coin from a skyscraper, it can kill a person

Everyone knows that walking around a construction site without a helmet is dangerous - something not even very heavy can fall from above and pierce your head. As long as a small bolt or nut is flying from, say, the 15th floor, it will accelerate to such a speed that it will begin to pose a real danger. There is an opinion that the same applies to very light objects - for example, coins, if you drop them from a sufficient height, say, from the Ostankino tower. In fact, you can throw coins from skyscrapers without fear for the lives of other people. Due to air resistance, a coin can only accelerate up to a certain threshold value (for example, skydivers, who, of course, are larger than coins, accelerate up to 40 meters per second with a stable flat free fall, and up to 50 meters with an unstable one, that is, tumbling). per second). And this is without taking into account the gusts of wind, which are very significant for a small coin. The second thing to remember is that because of the shape, when assessing the danger from a coin, only its kinetic energy should be taken into account. It is calculated according to the well-known formula E=m*v2/2, where m is the mass of the object, and v is its speed. When the street is calm, a coin dropped from the observation deck of the Ostankino TV tower, at best, will pick up a speed of 70 kilometers per hour (about 19 meters per second). For a coin of 50 kopecks, this corresponds to an energy of 26.6 Joules. By comparison, a 9mm pistol bullet has an energy of about 350 Joules.

Lightning never strikes the same place twice

This belief certainly cost the life of more than one person. Lightning not only strikes the same place several times: some objects are downright favorite lightning targets. This especially applies to high metal objects that "attract" lightning discharges - in fact, it is on this fact that the action of lightning rods is based, which, logically, should be called lightning rods. The spire of the same Ostankino tower is struck by 40 to 50 lightning strikes every year. Even in the absence of "traps" for lightning, their single hit, say, in a tree does not turn it into a guarantor of safety. If there is a thunderstorm over a particular area, then all places in this area can be "attacked" with equal probability. A lightning strike in one place or another does not affect the probability in any way, although such a conclusion seems to be intuitively wrong: this delusion even has a special name "player's error".

In different hemispheres, a funnel of water (for example, in a sink) twists in different directions

Theoretically, it is possible to conduct an experiment proving that the Coriolis force really affects the movement of any liquids on Earth. To do this, it is necessary to fill a sufficiently capacious round container with water, exactly in the middle of which there is a tiny hole plugged with a cork, and always from below (so that manipulations with the cork do not lead to perturbation of the liquid). After a week, when even the smallest fluctuations in the water subside, you need to carefully remove the plug and wait a few hours until the weak Coriolis force manifests itself. Such an experiment was carried out, and its results coincided with the expected ones: the water in the tank swirled in the same direction as the cyclones in a particular hemisphere. "Be sure to look when you wash your face in which direction the water is swirling," - everyone who went on vacation to Australia, New Zealand or South Africa must have heard this phrase from their friends. The belief that in different hemispheres any fluid flows circulate in opposite directions has been in the minds of a huge number of people since school - alas, teachers often mention the example of a shell when they talk about the rotation of the Earth and the Coriolis force. The force of inertia, named after the French scientist Gustave Gaspard Coriolis who described it, is indeed associated with the rotation of our planet and affects the movement of large masses of air and water: flows in storms and cyclones of the southern hemisphere twist clockwise, and in the northern hemisphere - against. However, compared to the rotational processes that we observe in ordinary life (that same water funnel in a sink), the Earth turns around its axis very slowly, and in order of magnitude, the Coriolis force is much less than any of the forces that control the processes of rotation of objects around us. Therefore, under normal conditions, it is impossible to notice the influence of the Coriolis force on the behavior of water in the sink, and the direction in which the liquid is sucked into the drain depends primarily on how the sink was filled and on its shape.


Meteorites falling to Earth are heated to very high temperatures

In many cartoons and science fiction films, meteorites that have fallen to Earth are red-hot and even smoke. The scriptwriters of such films and most of their viewers believe that the celestial body is heated due to friction with the air. This process really takes place: already at an altitude of about 100 kilometers above the Earth, a meteorite, which had previously traveled in the vacuum of space, collides with a huge number of gas molecules. Collisions with them heat up the outer layer of stone to enormous temperatures, turning solid rock into gas, which is immediately carried away into the atmosphere. Most (about 90 percent) of the meteorites that fall to Earth are stone, and stone has very poor thermal conductivity. As a result, if the meteorite is large enough, then the heat from the outer layers does not have time to be transferred to the inside of the stone in a few seconds (on average, 19 seconds) that the body spends in the atmosphere. If it was still cold enough initially, then the center of the meteorite can generally be frozen. At an altitude of 10-15 kilometers, such a meteorite usually slows down and begins to fall without significant friction against the atmosphere, then it has a lot of time for the cold center to cool the surface layer. As a result, a meteorite that has just fallen will not be red-hot at all, but warm or, at best, hot. That is, no fire, for example, he can not arrange. These considerations, however, apply only to bodies of medium mass - large meteorites crash into the surface with tremendous speed and explode, so they are cold or hot - it does not matter.

The change of seasons is associated with the approach of the Earth to the Sun.

This is perhaps one of the most persistent misconceptions. At first glance, it seems logical: the closer the Earth is to the Sun, the more heat and light enters the planet. Why, at the same time, winter and summer exist in different hemispheres at the same time, although both of them are on the same planet, supporters of this point of view can no longer explain. The true reason for the change of seasons is less obvious: the Earth has several seasons due to the fact that the axis of its rotation around the axis is not parallel to the axis of the Earth's orbit around the Sun. The angle of inclination between them is constant and is 23.5 degrees. One can imagine that the earth's axis is a needle piercing the planet through and through so that its tip comes out of the North Pole and looks conditionally "up", and the blunt end sticks out of the South Pole and is directed "down". When the tip of the needle points to a star, it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere. The sun rises high above the horizon, and its rays fall on the territory north of the equator at smaller angles: that is, they do not slide over the surface, but seem to "rest" against it. The maximum amount of solar energy reaches the Earth when the rays fall vertically, and that is why it is warmer in summer than in winter. At equatorial latitudes, the rays fall perpendicularly all year round, so the seasons are not distinguished there. Summer in the southern hemisphere comes when the tip of the needle points away from the Sun.

Every person is inclined to make assumptions; this is an integral “work” of our mind. As individuals, we have built our daily lives around specific beliefs, assumptions, and different ideas about things. And it is these things that now govern how we live, how we interact with our fellow human beings, and so on. While many of these assumptions are true, some are actually misconceptions people have about themselves and others, built on the basis of incorrect information received in the past.

Often people don't even know that they have formed a false opinion or based a belief on something that is not right. And now it is really important to convey to everyone that he is engaged in self-deception. In this article, we will look at the most common misconceptions people have about themselves and the things around them in general, to highlight the most significant of them.

The more we sleep, the healthier we are

This is perhaps one of the most common misconceptions people have about themselves. As a rule, many people assume that the longer they sleep, the healthier they will look when they wake up. This is not true, because the longer we rest, the more harm we do to our body. Have you ever gone to bed very early and got up late in the morning? Did you feel great? Most likely, you were overwhelmed and depressed, as if you had not rested for several days.

Larks are more productive than owls

The first misconception is that there are only two kinds of people: those who get up early (they are called larks) and those who sleep long and stay up late (owls). The second and more common misconception people have about themselves is that early birds are more productive than night owls who start their day late. This is all complete nonsense. First, there are quite a few variations of the sleep cycle. Second, people who are used to waking up early are not necessarily more productive, more successful, or more determined. Everything is purely individual.

You need to be an avid fan of social networks and media to have an interesting and fulfilling life.

These days, social media is something that is especially important, and many people, especially teenagers and young adults, find that life without social media and constant online interactions is boring, anti-social and empty. This is perhaps one of the biggest misconceptions in people's lives and in general today. Social networks are a virtual connection and nothing more. And chances are, it will even be easier for you to have a great, fun life offline.

Success depends on the level of education you have achieved

This is one big misconception people have about themselves and life in general. If you graduated from one of the most prestigious universities, this does not guarantee that you will have great success in life. Just check the list of billionaires and see how many of them have college degrees.

Detox is the result of your diet

This assumption is erroneous, fundamentally wrong. In fact, diet has little effect on detoxification. Organs such as the liver and kidneys are responsible for this.

Girls don't like nice guys

Definitely, this is one of the most stupid common misconceptions people have about themselves and those around them. The idea that guys have to be bad and rude to get a girl's attention is not only untrue, it's stupid. Girls like good, kind and loving guys. Well, here, again, everything is individual, since each person has his own taste and preferences.

Man has five senses

Definitely one of the biggest misconceptions people have about themselves. Humans have many more senses, not just five. In fact, research results have shown that a person can have up to 20 feelings, and their number really varies, it is different for everyone.

Love does not exist, it's all a myth

Well, this is much more difficult. There is love, and people fall in love every day. It is sad that some people think this way, such thoughts are harmful to a healthy lifestyle.

People have sex more than you

It's all media fiction. These misconceptions people get from various movies and TV shows that constantly show that everyone is having regular healthy sex and everyone is in a relationship. But this is not true. Many people, and their number is even much larger than you think, do not actually have sex or, and many do not even have a serious relationship.

Humans only use 10% of their brains

This is by far the biggest misconception people have about themselves. This is a common belief that is completely unfounded. Although the fact is that a person uses an active small part of the brain (10% or less), but we also use other passive areas that are just as important as this 10%.

And that was the last misconception on our list. We hope, looking at this list, you will slightly change your ideas about yourself, your abilities, opportunities and will trust only true facts that do not harm your personal life and health.