The meaning of the name Alina. Name interpretation

Full name:

Similar names: Aline, Aliina

Church name: -

Meaning: noble, bright, alien

The meaning of the name Alina - interpretation

A name for a girl is a serious choice. You have to take into account many factors, how it will affect the future, and the interpretation, which may differ from the first expectations of the parents.

Until the 90s of the XX century, the name Alina was very exotic, which is hard to believe now, when girls are called that way quite often. The name has several theories of origin and interpretation:

  1. The name comes from an ancient Germanic word meaning "sunny". This interpretation has another origin - Greek.
  2. Alina is considered an abbreviation of more complex names (Albina, Adeline), which soon became independent. The Oxford Dictionary claims that the meaning of this name goes back to the Arabic word, translated as “noble”, “famous”.
  3. In Latin, the name means “alien”, while in Scotland it means “honest”.

Most linguists prefer to use the first option, since it is the oldest possible in this case.

Alina's name in other languages

Astrology named after Alina

Favorable day: Thursday

Years later

Little Alina is very restless and capricious - she does not give in to the full control of her parents. That is why there will often be quarrels and conflicts caused by the very freedom-loving nature of the child.

In order to instill obedience in Alina from an early age, she should be severely punished for serious offenses. Otherwise, this will lead to their frequent repetition and the complete loss of the girl out of control.

You should not warm up her excessive love for endless delights and praises. After all, very quickly the girl will begin to demonstrate a strong will and desire to focus everyone's attention on herself in order to feel the adoration and respect of the public.

At an older age, Alina will become a growing conqueror of hearts, as she loves to catch admiring glances and be in the center of male attention. This can interfere with learning, but here, too, parents should remember the severity so that the girl does not neglect important knowledge at the very beginning of her life.

Alina is diligent in her studies, if the people around her are able to appreciate her achievements. She will work hard enough until she achieves the desired result. But if the girl does not like something, she will immediately hint about it, and any pressure will be inappropriate - for this reason, she cannot be forced to attend circles and classes that she does not like.

Alina combines sometimes incompatible character traits - authoritativeness and friendliness.

Since Alina is very freedom-loving, capricious and peculiar, it may seem to many, especially men, that she was already born with an exact plan for her life, which she will embody without the consent and approval of others.

Being self-confident, a woman conquers any heights, whether they are professional or individual, relating to relationships with a loved one. Alina knows about the peculiarities of her character, seeks to compensate for negative qualities, struggles with their manifestations.

Often a woman hides her feelings, not allowing others to see her real emotions. She has good intuition, often helping to achieve a lot, including victories on the personal front.

Alina's character

Being self-confident, she will choose the most difficult profession and achieve unprecedented career heights in it. We can assume that self-confidence is the basis of Alina's character.

The love of freedom of a woman often leads to the fact that the tasks are solved exactly the way she wants. If you choose the right key to this lady and come to a compromise, then mutual success is inevitable. Her strength of will, caring for her neighbor, fearlessness and courage in mastering new things can only be applauded.

The desire to constantly be in the spotlight can be considered a manifestation of selfishness and capriciousness. Alina has a difficult character, which forces others to think twice before crossing her path. She can hold a grudge for a long time and will never forgive betrayal.

With someone, Alina will be strict on the verge of reason, she will allow others and forgive more than another person would forgive. She is characterized by contradictory behavior and emotionality with a negative connotation, which often leads to conflicts.

Alina's fate

Alina's character does not allow her to sit still, so she will definitely get a good education and find herself in an area that requires constant work on herself, reaching new heights and improving her skills.

Ali's first marriage, if it is early, will not bring her happiness and will fall apart over time. Subsequent relationships will be strong, as the woman gradually realizes what she needs for happiness. In this case, the partner should be a match for her - self-confident, well-groomed and purposeful, with a strong character that will not allow himself to be henpecked. Alina loves children with all her heart, which often leads to indulging their desires in everything.

Alina is unable to endure boredom and monotony. This becomes the reason for her constant craving for knowledge, so many are surprised to learn that she is erudite and loves to indulge herself with new information from various fields.

It is worth noting that Alina, who has built her family nest together with her loved one, can turn it into both a nightmare and a paradise on earth. She easily and willingly eliminates domestic problems, takes care of the household and children. But she will not tolerate a despotic attitude towards herself, will not listen to ultimatums and will immediately break off all relations if she feels oppressive control over herself.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Thanks to her confidence and unshakable faith, Alina is able to conquer any peaks. She is perfectly suited for a creative profession that can be directly related to art.

In the musical field, she will achieve success, which is determined by the desire to be in the spotlight, to receive admiring glances and enthusiastic applause.

Alina has leadership qualities, she often achieves career heights in order to perform the most difficult tasks on her own. She can choose both a creative and a more complex profession, becoming a doctor or a financier. Alya knows how to work to the limit of her abilities, jumping over her head in cases where her self-confidence is unshakable.

Marriage and family

Most often, Alina marries late. It is very difficult to build family relationships with her, but if a man meets her needs and meets her expectations, there is nothing impossible in this task.

Alina is sure that she is right and in the event of a conflict she will defend her to the last. Since in many cases she is completely sure that disagreement can be considered an attempt to control, it is wiser to avoid conflicts with her until the fire of the quarrel has flared up to its full potential.

Sex and love

Alina is selective and picky, she will not choose the first man she comes across, although she will very willingly accept compliments and admiration. In relationships, she has despotic inclinations - if a man is weaker than her in character, then it is better for him not to wait for a good one.

She will exploit her partner in every possible way, seeking obedience from him and indulging her whims. Therefore, the most suitable would be a confident man, well-groomed and looking after himself, able to put her in her place, if necessary. Having found a lover who fully satisfies her needs, Alina is able to be faithful in a relationship.


Alina's health is directly related to the season in which she was born. If this is a cold season, then diseases associated with the respiratory system (bronchitis) are not uncommon. It also happens that a girl suffers from scoliosis or eye diseases.

Born in the summer, Alina can be capricious in early childhood, refuse to eat, and later fall into depression and get sick with a minor cold for a long time.

To avoid the development of trifling diseases into a chronic stage, parents should strictly follow the doctor's instructions and force Alina to undergo therapy or treatment in a hospital, if necessary.

Interests and hobbies

Alina is fond of what brings her pleasure and makes her feel even more confident. She often associates her hobby with creative endeavors, succeeding in which she will gain greater confidence in her own strength.

To do this, she will show off a visual manifestation of her achievements, so you should not limit the girl in choosing activities in her free time.

They say a person's name is written in heaven. And if this is so, it is not given by chance. What does the name Alina mean, how does it affect the girl's fate? How is the life of women named Alina? Is it worth naming a born daughter by this name?

What does the name Alina mean, origin and meaning

It came to Russia only at the beginning of the 20th century, along with the fashion for everything Western. Whoever remembers "Scarlet Sails" by A. Green will immediately understand the associative connection. The bright red color of the panels on the masts of the ship in a romantic work symbolizes hope for a happy future. From here it becomes clear: what does the name Alina mean in Russian.
At baptism, Orthodox priests call the girl Angelina, Alla or Elena.
There are several versions of the origin of the name. It is first mentioned in the ancient German epic. In the language of the ready, it sounds like Adelheid, which means "noble family" in translation. Consonant with the names Adelaide, Adele. A similar word form is used in the Scandinavian languages, but in a slightly different meaning: “majestic” or “generous”.

According to another version, the name comes from Latin roots. In translation, it means “alien” or “other”. Arithmetically adding both versions, we get - a majestic, generous and noble woman.

Some onomatologists see the connection of the name in question with the Latin word albus, or “white”, “light”, “clean”.
There was another assumption: the meaning of the name Alina is Muslim, but it has not been reliably confirmed.

Alina, the meaning of the name character and fate

The bearers of the name are quite capricious. They are distinguished by willpower and perseverance, by any means they achieve their goal. Reach heights in their careers, working in different areas. The main thing for Alina is work, the ability to overcome obstacles and a busy work schedule. Despite the fatigue, the girls give their all one hundred percent. Universal recognition inspires them to new achievements.

Young ladies love to command and are impatient. In conflict situations, they defend a personal point of view to the last, not yielding to the opponent.

Born bosses and business women. They can become good professional actresses. But in pedagogy they have nothing to do: because of their innate impulsiveness, classes with other people's children seem tedious to them.

The character and destiny of a person are influenced by his name. Alina is one of the most popular female names. Translated into Russian, it means "noble", "immaculate". It feels euphony, simplicity and versatility, femininity and authority. The owners of this name are bright and extraordinary natures with a difficult character. Since childhood, Alina has been distinguished by her waywardness, but this does not prevent her from building relationships with people around her and achieving success in her professional field.

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      origin of the name Alina

      According to one version, the name has French-German roots. Alina is a shortened version of the German "Adeline", a diminutive of the ancient German "Adela".

      In the Arabic version, the meaning of the name Alina is “alien”, “other”. Since the 20th century, the name has been used and to this day the name is used in everyday life and is just as popular.

      • In Greek, the name means "solar", "radiant", and the distinguishing features are swiftness, positive, energy.

        Translated into Russian, the meaning of the name Alina is “noble”, “immaculate”, it is associated with a scarlet flower. There is an opinion that Alina is a derivative of Albin or Alexander, and is more often used among the Slavs.

        There is no name Alina in the church calendar, so girls get the names Alevtina, Angelina, and sometimes Elena or Alla. Alevtina of Caesarea (sometimes - Valentine) - the patroness of all Alins. Alina's autumn name days are celebrated on September 29, spring ones on March 23, April 26, May 29, and summer ones are celebrated on June 14, 16, July 2, August 4.

        For the name, such pseudonyms as Lina, Helen, Ellie, Eileen, Lana, Inna, Anila, Alinsia, Rina are used.

        Character and fate

        The name Alina is distinguished by a gentle sound, but its owner is a completely intractable nature. The secret of the name is revealed with a closer study of the character. Meekness and cockiness, objectivity and subjectivity, the ability to hide feelings and a tendency to leadership, embodied in one person - this is Alina's secret. Insolence, whims, stubbornness are some of the qualities from this set. She is intolerant of criticism and comments, does not know how to take advice. A girl with that name is prone to extremes and does not suspect that by showing a minimum of delicacy, she can resolve the situation in her favor.

        It is possible to convince her only with the help of patience, violence in this case will be harmful. Excessive excitability does not allow her to hide her emotions. But Alina knows how to prevail over herself if she herself is interested in the outcome of the situation. It should be noted its dependence on the opinions of others. Alina is able to make easy promises, which she usually cannot keep. With men, her communication succeeds better than with women, and a beautiful appearance, combined with a liberated one, plays an important role here.

        Purposefulness is a positive quality of Alina, she achieves her goal, as if there are no barriers. She has many creative hobbies that have every reason to turn into a life's work.

        Alina has impeccable taste, knows how to create stylish outfits. Money for her is always just a means, she is ready to spend it to improve her appearance and receive benefits in the present.

        Time of birth

        Alina, born in winter, are distinguished by quick thinking, forethought, determination. They show the highest degree of skill in building a strategy and achieving a goal.

        Spring birthday girls are sublime and romantic natures, prone to fantasies. Their other features are imbalance and nervousness. Photo model, stewardess, actress, art worker are the best professions where they can realize themselves.

        Those born in summer are characterized by irascibility, condescension, but such people are not vindictive. Autumn Alinas are practical and enterprising, they are born business women. Translator, accountant, economist - professions in which they excel.


        Most often, Alina is the name of a difficult child to raise, not subject to parental authority. The girl loves to manipulate people, give orders and almost never obey. Alina is touchy, but rarely shows tears. Studying is easy for her, but here it all depends on the desire. The girl has many talents: acting, good literary style, subtle aesthetic sense.

        It should be brought up in severity and with love. It is important for a girl to realize that she is needed by people. If you give Alina leniency when she deserves punishment, her character will become more complicated with age. It is good if there are pets in the house - they will help develop kindness and responsibility.


        Adult Alina is distinguished by enviable restraint, but in moments of crisis, aggression on her part is not ruled out, although infrequent. The woman adapts perfectly to the circumstances. People with different characters easily find a common language with her. She is able to be aware of her emotions, but she retains intolerance and the desire for extremes until the end of her life.

        Psychological stability and purposefulness make it seem as if this woman came into life with a ready plan, and everything revolves around her. For this, it is necessary that Alina believe and love, then her strength is inexhaustible. The propensity for insight protects the owner of the name from deception. Alina can be trusted with her problems and spiritual secrets. Sometimes, communication with her requires effort. But it more than pays off with what you can get from her in return.


        Little Alina has fragile health, unstable immunity and weak appetite. She needs a clear regimen, long sleep and mandatory outdoor recreation. It is often necessary to consult a neurologist. In childhood, scoliosis is not excluded, and at an older age there is a possibility of visual impairment. In maturity, the gastrointestinal tract is endangered, the microflora suffers, which is worth paying attention to.


        Alina is contraindicated only in pedagogical activity due to the nature of her character and indifference to children. In another area, great success awaits her. Secretary, philologist, journalist, translator, writer, artist, politician - professions in which she will show herself extraordinary. Of particular importance is her gift of persuasion. The pursuit of a career always goes ahead of her. Alina does not consider it necessary to pay tribute to tact and seek favor; to a greater extent, she relies on her despotism.


        Despite the number of admirers, Alina marries in maturity. Marriage for her is possible in a territory independent of her parents. When choosing a partner, Alina pays attention to a lot of data: the ability to dress, demeanor, intellectual indicators, life achievements, hobbies, income. Despite the careful choice of the second half, divorce and remarriage are possible.

        The tendency to dominate her husband will definitely manifest itself in Alina if the partner turns out to be weaker in spirit. This alignment is not very optimistic, because Alina will not respect a weaker man. Alina is hospitable, cooks well, although she is not an impeccable hostess. Friends prefer her house for warm meetings.

        Given the compatibility with male names, Alina may have a happy union with Victor, Alexander, Boris, Vladimir, Eugene, Mikhail, Peter, Yakov. A tense union is not excluded with Dmitry, Alexei, Nikolai, Igor, Anatoly.

        Alina's sexuality is most likely controlled by prudence or other qualities, such as aesthetics, and passion remains in the background. Men highly appreciate Alina's outward sexuality, but it will not be possible to quickly establish a relationship with her, as she needs attention, compliments and beautiful courtship. If Alina is in love, principles cease to exist for her.

        Esoteric description

        Description of the name according to the sign of the Zodiac:

        • Aries - impulsive, adventurous, with a minimum of sensuality, attracts flawed men, strong-willed, successful in business.
        • Taurus - gentle and adamant, following principles, pragmatism, skepticism. Appreciates luxury, only a wealthy man can seduce her.
        • Gemini - combines creativity and curiosity, openness to new information and male attention. Happiness is possible with a person who shares her craving for innovation.
        • Cancer - vulnerable, suspicious, controlled by mood swings, at times capricious and hysterical, not self-confident. The family is of paramount importance to her in the background of her career.
        • Leo - imperiousness and narcissism help her invest in creating her own image, pride and arrogance mask natural modesty. Marries by calculation, and often the marriage becomes strong.
        • Virgo is secretive and silent, prone to introspection. Self-doubt forces her to expect deceit and deceit from others. Smart, hardworking, conscientious, she is able to hide wild passions inside.
        • Libra - charming, kind, sociable, the creator of harmony, enjoys universal respect. But Libra does not know how to handle money, so it is better to entrust budget management to her husband, otherwise problems with debts cannot be avoided.
        • Scorpio is controversial and independent, she has a minimum of real friends, as she is intractable and therefore is lonely. Kind and sensitive to loved ones.
        • Sagittarius - light, lucky, fluttering. Selfless, sincere, fair, optimistic. In life, she needs a person only of a similar warehouse.
        • Capricorn is reasonable, ambitious, restrained, sensitive, kind and shy under the guise of icy indifference. Sincere, hardworking, prudent, needs the warmth of loved ones.
        • Aquarius is purposeful, assertive, kind, sympathetic, despising conventions, emotional and preferring everything non-standard.
        • Pisces - overly cautious, sympathetic, secretive, melancholic. She is led by a tendency to idealize a man, which makes her unhappy.

        Her talismans:

        • zodiac sign - Sagittarius;
        • name patron - elephant, dolphin, swallow;
        • the color of success is blue, cyan, crimson;
        • stone - jasper, topaz, sapphire, rose quartz.

        The sapphire talisman stone will remind Alina of the warmth of relations and protect her from the evil intentions of her enemies.

        • metal - tin;
        • season - spring;
        • a totem animal - a praying mantis, as a symbol of adaptability, lightness and delivering an accurate blow;
        • totem plant - maple, verbena, mint as symbols of protection and fertility;
        • successful day of the week - Thursday.

To date, there are a lot of not only various names, but also their forms. In order to better understand not only the character of Alina, but also her fate, find out all the secrets of this name.

The meaning and origin of the name

The name Alina has many meanings and origins, and they all complement and reveal each other. According to one version, it came to us from Latin and means “other”, “alien”. There is also an assumption that Alina is a variant of the name Albina, and in this case it means "light", "white". Being common in Scandinavia, it turns out to be related to the name Adelaide and derived from it, thereby acquiring new meanings to the existing interpretations: “noble”, “generous”.

Among other things, this name can have very pleasant associations with dreams, faith in a better and optimistic future. Indeed, in it you can hear the word “scarlet”, which will certainly remind you of a scarlet flower or Assol, waiting for a ship with scarlet sails.

It turns out that it is the bearer of this beautiful name who chooses how to understand it and with what to associate the features of her character.

The fate and character of Alina

Despite the softness of the sound of the name Alina, Fate endows these women with a capricious character and stubbornness. Of the positive qualities, they are characterized by an excellent memory and many talents, for the implementation of which you can direct all your heat and emotions. If Alina is gifted in some way, her natural inclination can become her strong point.

Usually, one can say about Alina "what's on the mind, then on the tongue", since they express all their thoughts quite openly. With this, Alina bribes the same open people, and also evokes the sympathy of strong personalities prone to straightforwardness. However, this character of Alina can go sideways, since it is often difficult for Alina to deal with vulnerable people.

Alina often turns out to be somewhat introverted representatives of the fair sex. Sometimes they even show the features of melancholic. It is important not to eradicate these traits in yourself, which are easy to turn into a highlight, and also pay attention to Alyn's developed intuition. For bearers of this name, the recommendation “listen to your inner voice more often” works one hundred percent.

Perseverance helps the owners of the name Alina to achieve success in their careers, but in love it can play a cruel joke. However, a strong and self-confident man is unlikely to be scared off by Alina's persistent character and her ability to persist and insist on her own.

It is worth saying a few words about the shortcomings of women with this name. Very often they find it difficult to get along with others, for example, with fellow students, with colleagues, or even with neighbors. Sometimes this affects the career: colleagues and superiors may find Alina intractable and notice the lack of flexibility in decision-making. Yes, these girls and women are quite selfish and have a tendency to control. But it is worth learning to keep yourself within the limits - and a good position will be provided to them soon after the start of their career.

The meaning of the name Alina for a child: we select a name for children

Since childhood, a conflicting and uncompromising character has been noticeable in Alina, so the first thing parents should do is show their daughter that the ability to control oneself is commendable. Already as a child, Alina does not like it when they interfere in her affairs and personal life, and with age this quality only progresses. Therefore, parents will need to be patient and help Alina develop her many talents, as well as allow the girl to have personal space, for example, teach her to keep a personal diary, which, of course, should be exclusively her thing.

Alina knows her own worth and, of course, will select a groom that matches her idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideal man. Perhaps everything will be very difficult, and parents may become worried that the daughter does not create her own family. Just do not rush Alina: her pickiness will allow her to find, if not the first time, but exactly the person who will spend her whole life hand in hand with her.

name energy

The name Alina has an extremely unstable energy. To fix it, you don’t need much: just learn to keep emotions under control and get rid of negativity, for example, with the help of meditation. Also, all energy can be directed into the mainstream of work and creativity.

name day Alina: March 23, April 26, May 29, June 14. This name is not indicated in the calendar, therefore, at baptism, girls are usually given the name Angelina.

Saint Angelina was the wife of the ruler of Serbia, and she herself had Albanian roots by origin. The couple lived in love and harmony, but there was a Turkish attack, and the family had to flee. Angelina survived the death of her husband and her four children, constantly contributed to the erection of churches. She died in the monastic cell of the temple, which she built together with the Russian ruler Vasily the Third. Throughout her life, Angelina was famous as a righteous woman who helped the poor and strengthened the Christian faith.

To which patronymic the name Alina fits: Arkadyevna, Vadimovna, Viktorovna, Igorevna, Markovna, Stanislavovna, Timurovna.

Characteristics of the name Alina: Often, the bearers of this name have an unstable type of nervous system, being choleric in temperament, or have the qualities of a melancholic. But still, the name Alina is quite multifaceted, and talismans can enhance his best characteristics.

Patron Animal: butterfly, a symbol of grace and at the same time a connection with different worlds.

Name element: temperamental fire will come in handy for the energy of the melancholic Alin.

Charm stone: amber or aquamarine, depends on personal preferences.

Metal: iron.

Colour: lilac and shades of purple, responsible for intuition and 6th sense.

Planet: Venus.

Plant: linen.

Number: 4.

Notable Representatives: Alina Kabaeva (rhythmic gymnast), Alina Dunaevskaya (singer and songwriter), Alina Kukushkina (voiced Masha in the cartoon "Masha and the Bear").

Numerology of the female name Alina

This is a person who strives for harmony with his inner world and with those around him, which is facilitated by the number four. Impressionability and emotionality distinguish her from the rest, giving a certain detachment, dreaminess, but at the same time Alina remains an excellent conversationalist. She has something to talk about, she has her own point of view on any question ... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is possible.

All names in alphabetical order:

Every day the Moon throws up new trials and joys. To meet the second month of spring successfully will help you ...

Adeline, born in winter

Winter Adeline is charming and sociable, and she finds a common language better with men (as a rule, she has very few female friends). She is a wonderful hostess who knows how and loves to cook delicious food. Peace and tranquility, an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding reign in her house. Adeline, born in winter, loves to receive guests at home. She is a reliable loyal friend who will help both in word and deed.

Adeline, born in spring

Spring Adeline is incredibly talented - she knows how to embroider, and sing, and dance, while she strives for self-development, mastering more and more new horizons. However, difficulties can unbalance her, because Adeline, born in the spring, rarely has a fighting character and leadership qualities. On the contrary, she is very vulnerable and susceptible to the opinions of others, indecisive and full of doubts.

Adeline, born in summer

Summer Adeline is quite difficult to converge with people, which is to blame for her excessive self-doubt. She is affectionate and kind, she will never defend her opinion to the “victory end”, because she is afraid to offend the interlocutor. Her subtle mental organization often plays a cruel joke with her, because others use her vulnerability for their own selfish interests.

Adeline, born in autumn

Autumn Adeline is prudent, reasonable, assertive, practical, serious and purposeful. She has a strong character, allowing her to achieve a lot in the professional field. But her rigidity and unwillingness to compromise often interfere with building a happy family life.

Stone - talisman

The name of Adeline is patronized by such mascot stones as pearls, amber and aquamarine.


Pearls are the only jewelry stone that does not need to be cut or processed, because each individual pearl is unique.

This stone is a symbol of love, fidelity, happiness, prosperity and wealth. Pearls strengthen marriage bonds, bringing love, peace and tranquility to family life.

The pearl symbolizes the human soul, illuminated by the divine spirit and possessing secret knowledge. However, this knowledge is revealed to a person only if he persistently seeks it, making a lot of effort for this.


It is a stone that brings happiness, health and love. According to beliefs, good spirits live in small amber bubbles, protecting a person from any misfortunes.

Amber is a source of creative power, self-confidence and optimism. This is a stone that enhances intuition and contributes to the implementation of plans.

In addition, amber is able to protect against the evil eye. This stone is also used in modern medicine, and all thanks to its ability to prevent the process of destruction of red blood cells.


It is a stone of innovators, dreamers and visionaries who are not afraid to show their uniqueness and peculiarity. It helps to understand the deep meaning of life and overcome uncertainty on the way to great achievements, gives courage and strength, suppresses all those impulses and qualities that can distort the postulates of morality and morality.

Aquamarine helps to resolve family problems, awaken love and passion in relationships.


Adeline's lucky colors are purple and blue (you can find a description of them in the article).





The symbol of the name Adeline is horse mackerel.


The zodiac sign that patronizes the bearers of the name Adeline is Pisces (more on the influence of the sign can be found in the article "The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of the name on a person's life").


Adelina's plants are lily, willow and flax.


It is a symbol of purity, peace, peace, fertility, resurrection and royalty.

In the Christian tradition, the lily symbolizes purity and innocence, while several lilies located on the same stem represent virginity, rebirth and, accordingly, immortality. The straight stem of the lily is the personification of the Divine mind, while the drooping leaves are a symbol of modesty. Lily, which is surrounded by thorns, symbolizes the Immaculate Conception, as well as purity among sins.

The interpretation of willow as a symbol is quite controversial.

So, in the European tradition, this tree is a symbol of humility, meekness, zeal and forbidden pleasures.

In the East, willow is the personification of spring and sexual desire, patience and perseverance.

For Freemasons, this tree symbolized immortality. For the Sumerians, the willow was the personification of triumph, fun and happiness, while for the Taoists it was strength in weakness.

But other meanings are also attributed to willow, among which:

  • sadness;
  • death;
  • grief;
  • unhappy love;
  • sorrow.

It is a symbol of fertility and motherhood, purity, light and fidelity.

Interesting fact! The Egyptian high priests could enter the temple only by dressing in linen (the mummies of the pharaohs were also wrapped in linen, and vessels filled with flax seeds were placed inside the tombs themselves).


Adeline's metal is iron, which often corresponds to the nature of the bearers of this name. After all, they are firm in their intentions, and do not give up before any obstacles that stand in their way.

Since ancient times, iron has been endowed with positive properties and was one of the strongest amulets, which is due to such qualities of this metal as strength, hardness, durability (due to these characteristics, iron was a symbol of good health).

auspicious day


Name Popularity

This very rare name experienced the peak of its popularity in 2009-2010. Today, this name is also widely used, which is associated with the victory at the Olympic Games of the Russian figure skater Adelina Sotnikova.

Origin of the name Adelina (Alina)

Name translation

From German, the name Adeline is translated as "noble", "important", "fragrant", "majestic".

The meaning of the name in Tatar

From the Tatar name Adelina is translated as "honest", "decent" and "conscientious."

Name history

The name Adeline has ancient Germanic roots. According to the requirements, among the ancient Germanic peoples, the name of the child was given in accordance with a clear indication, firstly, of gender, and secondly, of the qualities of character that a person would possess. The name Adeline is derived from Adela (it is this name that is the basis for certain female names).

This name is derived from the words "adal" and "heyd", which means "of the noble class".

The meaning of the name in Orthodoxy

Adelina is a Catholic name, it is absent in the Orthodox monenology, since there is no Christian saint bearing such a name.

Adeline is a Muslim name

The name Adeline is common in the Muslim world, but more often as the following derived names:

  • Adele - translated as "God-fearing";
  • Adl (one of the names of Allah).

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most popular forms of the name Adeline: Ada, Lina, Delya, Adele, Adeli, Adelya, Delya, Ida, Edel.

The secret of the name Adeline (Alina)

Angel Day (name day)

Famous people

Adele - British singer.

Adeline Adalis - Russian poetess and translator.

Adeline Juri - Soviet ballerina and teacher-choreographer.

Adeline Patti - Italian opera singer

Adeline Sotnikova - Russian figure skater who won gold in women's singles at the 2014 Olympics.

The meaning of the name Adelina (Alina)

For a child

From birth, Adeline shows her restless character, so parents should be patient. The girl grows up as a restless fidget and a mischievous girl who prefers fun activities with boys to playing with dolls. However, over time, Adele becomes more calm, while her character acquires strength and perseverance.

Adeline is very inquisitive: she has an early thirst for knowledge. Thanks to her sharp mind, excellent memory and the ability to quickly analyze information, she learns well (provided that she can overcome her shyness).

Among the negative qualities of Adeline are excessive touchiness, irritability and vindictiveness. It should also be noted that often her actions and noble impulses are guided by vanity (she will certainly put her good deeds on display so that everyone will appreciate her mind, kindness and responsiveness).

Little Adeline is a creative child who draws well, sings and dances, has a developed imagination.

In the company, she strives to be a leader, but because of her natural modesty, which can develop into stiffness, she often cannot take the reins of power into her own hands.

Adeline is very vulnerable and affectionate, she has a kind soul, which is open to everyone. But the more often she is offended, the more she withdraws into herself and shuns her peers. Therefore, she prefers to spend her free time not with friends, but with her family, whose support is very important to her.

For a girl

In her youth, Adele is still serious and independent, diplomatic and tactful, but at the same time incredibly kind and sensitive. She has a subtle artistic taste, which is manifested both in the decor of her apartment and in her appearance, which the girl follows very carefully.

However, excessive imagination can play a trick on Adeline, preventing her from seeing the real picture of the world.

The softness of character and modesty do not allow Adeline's fighting qualities to develop, which in adulthood can bring a lot of disappointment and trouble, especially considering the girl's vulnerability. But still, Adeline does not hold perseverance and iron willpower, so sooner or later she will achieve her goals.

In communication with the opposite sex, the feminine Adele is very modest, which can both attract the attention of a man and repel her. She likes to be in the center of attention, but at the same time she does not always know how to behave in the company of men. Her ideal man is a strong, reliable, independent and well-mannered person who will not only love, but also respect his other half.

Adelina does not get tired of developing, looking for herself in various fields of activity, meeting new people. She is prone to introspection, and she tends to do serious work on mistakes, which subsequently excludes the possibility of repeating certain situations.

For woman

Adult Adeline manages to cope with excessive shyness, which makes her more relaxed and sociable. Moreover, if necessary, she can show such qualities as assertiveness and even aggression. But still, Adele is a gentle and graceful creature who needs to be loved, cherished and cherished, indulged in her whims and admired her beauty.

Adeline appreciates beautiful and high-quality things that will distinguish her from all other representatives of the fair sex. In general, this is a whole person who knows how to think soberly and make informed and logically sound decisions.

This strong-willed, reasonable, fair and intelligent woman knows how to laugh at herself, which allows her to enlist the support and respect of her colleagues and friends, who appreciate her poise, reliability and great sense of humor.

Description of the name Adelina (Alina)


The nobility of the name itself simply obliges Adeline to truly dignified behavior and adherence to certain rules of decency. But Adeline does not always adhere to moral standards, because her imagination draws pictures from medieval novels for her, in which the main characters are cutesy, coquettish, capricious and slightly arrogant. But still, she rarely goes beyond playful looks, as she tries to avoid risky ventures or situations that can cast a shadow on her ideal moral character.


Weaknesses of Adeline:

  • bronchi and lungs;
  • head and blood vessels (often there are insomnia and headaches);
  • spine;
  • bones (possible fractures).


In love and choosing a partner, Adeline is extremely picky, so if you want to tie the knot with a girl with that name, then be patient.

To speed up the process, you can resort to a few tricks:

  • praise Adeline, but do not flatter, because she will instantly reveal naked lies, and then you can forget about her forever;
  • indulge in flowers and small signs of attention;
  • praise her cozy home.

Adeline's love is sacrificial and all-consuming: she is ready for a lot for the sake of her beloved man, but if he does not justify her hopes, she will not sacrifice herself to an untenable relationship, but will find a more worthy replacement.

Marriage and family relationships

Despite the fact that Adeline chooses a husband for a long time, this does not always lead to a happy and strong marriage, so she gets married more than once. At the same time, it is not everyday family difficulties that Adeline overcomes with dignity that often lead to divorce, but the lack of love and understanding in the family.

Adeline does not like noisy companies, so her husband should be a homebody, for whom the comfort and warmth of the house is more important than cheerful feasts with friends. At the same time, neither she, nor her husband, nor the children will be bored, because Adeline is a creative person who can diversify family life.

She will easily give up the reins of government to her man, because leadership is often not her priority (she likes to take care of her loved ones and protect them from all the vicissitudes of fate). Adele will protect her children like a tigress and will not let anyone offend. She will always support her husband, become a reliable support for him, a true friend and devoted wife.


In her youth, Adeline longs for romantic adventures, which are written about in novels, so she often makes mistakes, surrendering entirely to the first feeling. Over time, she correctly prioritizes and chooses her betrothed very carefully.

Femininity, defenselessness, softness, grace and elegance of Adeline cannot go unnoticed, so she always has a lot of fans. At the same time, her modesty is transformed into sexuality and looseness in the capable hands of a loving man (but this will take time, because nature created Adeline shy).

Adele will be able to fully open up in the intimate sphere only if she fully trusts her partner, feels his love and protection.

Mind (intelligence)

Adeline's sharp and critical mind helps to choose a social circle that will not be discordant with her mental organization and hinder her spiritual growth. Irony and love for analyzing one's own and other people's actions allow Adele to avoid many life's difficulties and overcome serious problems with dignity.

Adelina's only minus is self-doubt, because of which she often does not finish what she started, being afraid to hear criticism against her.

Profession (business)

Diligence, conscientiousness, discipline and diligence help Adeline to perfectly cope with her duties, and it does not matter whether she occupies a leadership position or is subordinate. Often, it is she who is entrusted with the most complex and routine work that requires endurance, patience, method and perseverance.

It should be noted that Adeline is not a careerist, despite the fact that she has all the qualities that contribute to rapid career advancement. She does not enter into conflicts at work (except in the role of a mediator trying to reconcile the warring parties).

She can truly find herself and find harmony only in a creative profession (this can be the work of a fashion designer, model, actress, singer, artist, designer, architect or advertising agent). But in general, she will be appreciated in any field for accuracy, responsibility and reliability.

If we talk about the development of her own business, then Adeline succeeds extremely rarely, since she focuses all her strength on her family, and business suffers from this. For this reason, she is recommended to conduct business in tandem with a reliable partner.


Character type

The bearers of the name Adeline are most often melancholic (more on this type of character can be found in the article "Elements, Planets and Numbers in Human Life").


Adeline is a cheerful person, although she also has bouts of anger and irritability. She is touchy and vindictive. Most of all, she is irritated in people by meanness, dishonesty, rudeness and betrayal.

Adele is most often subjective in her assessments, because she cannot be indifferent to what is happening around her. She does not know how to abstract, which is fraught with nervous breakdowns. Adele tries not to expose her emotions to the public, thereby protecting herself from the cruelty and slander of people. She has an unbending will and assertiveness, but she does not always know how to apply these qualities in life. She is afraid of drastic changes, so she often lives according to a well-defined plan.


Adele is very insightful. She has a truly strong intuition, which should be taken into account by those who plan to deceive her. Often she has prophetic dreams that tend to come true.

Horoscope named after Adelina (Alina)

Adeline - Aries

This is an impulsive and independent woman, prone to adventurism. There is no sensuality in her, since nature has endowed her with a strong masculine character, so men next to Adeline-Aries do not feel very comfortable. She is stubborn, but at the same time, there is a hope in her soul that sooner or later she will meet her strong knight who will be able to cope with her obstinate temper. But, unfortunately, most often it attracts weak men.

Adeline - Taurus

Despite the tenderness and good nature, Adeline, born under the sign of Taurus, has a strong character. She is a holistic nature who knows how to love and hate, trust and doubt. She is characterized by such qualities as adherence to principles, skepticism and pragmatism.

At the same time, Adeline-Taurus is an elegant, sensual and feminine nature, which is not alien to earthly pleasures. For her, material goods are important, thanks to which she makes her life comfortable and varied, therefore she chooses men who can afford to indulge her whims. At the same time, in men, she appreciates stability and reliability.

Adeline - Gemini

This is a creative person with a developed imagination and an inquisitive mind. She is curious and always open to communication with new and interesting people. Adelina-Gemini is a coquette who loves the attention of men and needs fans.

The dual nature of Adeline, born under the sign of Gemini, is manifested in everything: in work, in the family, and in hobbies. Today she will be immersed in a new project, and tomorrow she will be attracted by a completely different field of activity; today she will treat her family to a delicious dinner, and tomorrow she will spend the whole day reading her favorite book.

Her partner should be close to her, first of all, in spirit and share her hobbies.

Adeline - Cancer

This is a feminine, mysterious and charismatic nature, which is characterized by mood swings. Vulnerability and suspiciousness in her character border on capriciousness and hysteria. Adelina-Cancer is a rather insecure person who simply needs to be praised, otherwise she will close in on herself. Therefore, her partner must be sensitive and attentive.

She does not like adventures and prefers to live a calm and measured life, in which the main place is given to the family, and not to a career and enjoyment.

Adeline - Leo

Adeline, born under the sign of Leo, considers herself special, and those around her should sing odes to her beauty, intelligence and femininity. It is not surprising that she is ready to spend not only time, but also money on creating her image. Often the natural modesty and shyness of Adelina-Leo enter into an unequal battle with her pride and pride.

In love, she often fails, because she cannot fully reveal herself to a man, which is to blame for the mask of imperiousness and arrogance. In a man, he appreciates generosity and stability, therefore he often marries by calculation, and often this marriage can be called successful.

Adeline - Virgo

This is a rather hidden personality, which is characterized by introspection and the search for oneself and one's place in this world. Adeline-Virgo is insecure, which often negatively affects both her work and family life, because she constantly expects to be deceived and betrayed.

But what cannot be taken away from her is conscientiousness, diligence and the desire to do everything perfectly. Her sharp mind, backed up by developed intuition, helps to find solutions where others see a dead end.

In love, Adeline-Virgo is not looking for sentimentality and romance. On the contrary, she is pragmatic and clearly knows what she wants from her partner. But keep in mind that strong feelings can be hidden under the mask of pragmatism and coldness, which Adelina-Virgo will carefully protect from the encroachment of prying eyes.

Adeline - Libra

This is a charming, kind and sociable woman who lives in harmony with herself and the world around her. But Adeline-Libra tends to doubt herself, which is why she often does not fully reveal herself at work, because the adoption of a decision is fraught with pangs of conscience. But at home she is a full-fledged mistress, respected by her loved ones. Her husband and children love and appreciate her.

Adeline, who is patronized by this sign, easily parted with money, considering them just a means to enjoy life. Such extravagance leads to the fact that her family often experiences financial difficulties (unless, of course, the husband himself takes care of the distribution of the family budget).

Adeline - Scorpio

The contradictory, independent and tough character of Adeline-Scorpio often becomes the reason for her loneliness, because not everyone is ready to put up with the fact that there is only one correct opinion, and it belongs to Adeline.

But sensuality, kindness and responsiveness are not alien to her, only Adelina-Scorpio shows these qualities only in relation to the closest people, while for everyone else she remains an unbending iron lady, for whom there are no halftones.

In a relationship with a man, she is passionate and emotional. Only a strong partner with a strong character can get along next to her, to whom Adeline wants to obey.

Adeline - Sagittarius

This is a happy and lucky nature in life, to which everything is given with ease. But, despite this, such qualities as hypocrisy and vanity are alien to Adeline-Sagittarius. On the contrary, she reacts sharply to any injustice, does not accept lies, greed, rudeness and arrogance.

Her optimism is able to infect everyone around, so Adelina-Sagittarius always has many friends, it is easy to find a common language with her for both women and men, despite her straightforwardness.

Happiness in family life with her can only be built by a man who will easily relate to life and all its ups and downs.

Adeline - Capricorn

Quite restrained and ambitious Adelines with a sharp mind are often born under this sign. But behind the mask of coldness lies a sensitive, generous and even shy nature that needs to be appreciated and loved.

Adeline-Capricorn is hardworking, she does not tend to make rash decisions. This woman is respected by relatives, friends and colleagues for her devotion and ability to support in any situation. She is kind and sympathetic, while her help is always disinterested.

For family relationships, she needs a serious and faithful man, for whom the family will be a priority.

Adeline - Aquarius

Adeline, born under the sign of Aquarius, is smart, purposeful, assertive, sociable, kind and responsive. At the same time, she is characterized by the duality of nature, irritability and excessive emotionality. But if Adeline copes with her passions, she will be able to achieve a lot in life.

Adeline-Aquarius despises the cliches established by society, she is attracted by everything new, unusual and devoid of everyday life. Even in her partner, she must see an innovator, an extravagant and even eccentric personality who can easily rebel against the realities of the modern world.

Adeline - Pisces

Adelina-Pisces knows how to subtly feel people, so she rarely makes dubious acquaintances, which can bring trouble in the future. She is selfless, caring, and prone to empathy. However, she also has negative qualities, including melancholy, irritability and secrecy.

Adeline, born under the sign of Pisces, often idealizes her partner and relationships in general, so when she does not get what she expects, she begins to look for reasons for failure in herself and becomes depressed.

Adeline (Alina) name compatibility with male names

Adeline and Alexander

Jealousy, misunderstanding and betrayal are present in this union from the very beginning, so the marriage between Adeline and Alexander is rarely strong. Tired of constant battles and conflicts, Adeline leaves her unfaithful spouse.

Adeline and Dmitry

This union is successful and strong, because the partners in it look in the same direction, move towards the same goals, share each other's interests.

It is important for them to be not only wonderful lovers, but also best friends.

Adeline and Sergey

Sergey is always ready to support the insecure Adeline, he does not skimp on praises and compliments, which has a beneficial effect on Adele, who, next to her loving husband, turns into a beautiful flower, gives him warmth, care and immense love.

Adeline and Andrey

An explosion of emotions brings Adeline and Andrey together, but over time, passion becomes an unbearable burden for them. Adelina is jealous of her freedom-loving husband, and Andrei is not going to change his lifestyle.

Adelina and Alexey

This union can be both a role model and a guide on how to destroy your marriage. Only love and patience will help Adeline and Alexei overcome all the difficulties that may arise in marriage in the first years of marriage.

Adeline and Ivan

Both Adeline and Ivan carefully choose the person they want to spend the rest of their lives with. They do not rush into the pool with their heads, but, on the contrary, they look at the chosen one or the chosen one for a long time, so their marriage is often very successful.

Adeline and Eugene

This is a wonderful union in which spouses love each other with the pure love that is written about in novels. Adeline and Eugene, who live in perfect harmony, do not seek pleasure outside the family, they are disgusted even by the thought of betrayal.

Adeline and Maxim

In this alliance, partners are united more by common interests, rather than passion. They love each other, their relationship is stable and reliable, which suits both Adeline and Maxim. They live in the interests of their family.

Adeline and Vladimir

For Adelina and Vladimir, the main component of marriage is love, not material values ​​(although they love to live comfortably, they prefer to achieve everything together). They also share a love of travel.

Adeline and Denis

This couple complements each other: so, Adelina teaches Denis to be more restrained and economical, and he helps her to believe in herself, to become more relaxed. Their relationship sometimes comes to a standstill, but if at least one of the partners makes concessions, then such a union has a chance for a long and fruitful existence.

Adeline and Pavel

Even if Adeline and Pavel quarrel, they will undoubtedly reconcile, and their reconciliation will be hot and passionate. They cannot be together for a long time, but they cannot imagine life without each other. If this format of relations suits both partners, then their union will be bright and strong.

Adelina and Artem

The war of characters and the struggle for power are waiting for Adeline and Artem, if they decide to start a family. None of them wants to make concessions, which in the end often leads to scandals and quarrels, even over trifles. As a rule, this union does not last long.

Adeline and Anton

He is an ardent and passionate lover, dreamer and romantic. She is a shy and modest housewife who prefers to live a quiet life. At first, Anton is attracted by the tenderness and modesty of Adeline, but over time he becomes bored, which is fraught with betrayal. This union is fragile and unlikely.

Adeline and Michael

Mikhail surrounds his chosen one with care and warmth, to which she responds with affection and boundless love. This couple does not distribute family responsibilities, but does everything together, equality and understanding reign in their family.

Adeline and Roman

In this union, love coexists with violent showdowns. But both Adele and Roman quickly forget insults, and therefore they reconcile as quickly as they quarrel. Truth is often born in their dispute, so their union can be productive if partners, even in disputes, do not forget about respect for each other.

Adelina and Nikolay

Adeline and Nikolai can be called an ideal couple, because they have a lot in common: friendship, love, common interests and values. They always have something to talk about after dinner, they enjoy spending time together even after many years of marriage.

Adeline and Igor

Igor has a cheerful disposition, he is carefree and has an easy attitude to life (these are the qualities that Adeline lacks). On the other hand, Igor's certain irresponsibility can annoy Adeline. If the partner in this relationship can come to terms with this state of affairs, then the marriage can be strong.

Adeline and Ilya

Passion, romance, love and tenderness are present in these relationships. At the same time, all of these feelings only ignite over time, despite the cardinal differences in the character of Adeline and Ilya. Their life together can be bright and long.

Adeline and Nikita

In this union, vitality, optimism and lightness reign. Adeline and Nikita overcome difficulties together, both material and domestic. Adeline supports her chosen one in everything, who tries to make all her dreams come true.

Adelina and Murat

This is a very harmonious couple, the relationship in which is built on trust and understanding. Adelina and Murat do not quarrel over trifles; peace and love reign in their family. They subordinate their lives to the construction of family happiness.

Adeline and Cyril

In this pair, both partners are ambitious and thirsty for power, while Adeline (due to her modesty) is often inferior to Cyril. If the roles are not clearly assigned in this union, then the marriage is doomed to failure.

Adeline and Vitaly

Adelina seeks to create coziness and comfort, while for Vitaly it is important to satisfy his ambitions, both at work and in the family. There comes a time when Adeline gets tired of putting up with the fact that her beloved does not devote time to the family.

Adelina and Oleg

Oleg's inconstancy and irascibility infuriate the often balanced, but jealous Adele. Despite the fact that they are wonderful lovers, their flamboyant union is rarely lasting.

Adeline and Victor

People with such names rarely tie the knot, because they are too different. But still, an alliance between Adeline and Victor is possible if they compromise.

Adeline and David

This is an excellent union based on common interests, the desire for self-development and family values. Adele and David are attentive to each other, there are no secrets between them, they know how to solve problems peacefully, bypassing sharp corners.

Adelina and Stanislav

This passionate and vibrant union is based on rivalry between partners who do not want to give in to each other even in small things. Adeline does not fit the role of an unspoken leader, she wants recognition of her power, while Stanislav is not ready to part with the title of head of the family.

Adeline and Yuri

The joint life of Adelina and Yuri is full of conflicts and misunderstandings, although there is passion and love between them. But, unfortunately, love is not always enough to build a strong family, which Adele and Yura should not forget if they want to save their marriage.

Adelina and Vadim

This is a pretty successful tandem, based on sexual compatibility, a serious attitude to life and constancy. Adelina for Vadim is a driving force and a source of energy.

Adelina and Ruslan

Love, friendship and support are the whales on which this union rests, in which there is a place for passion, emotions, and tranquility. But Adeline and Ruslan should learn to reckon with each other's feelings and desires.