Signs of death. How a family of cannibals lived among people

The Baksheevs are suspected of having killed, butchered and eaten 30 people since the late 90s, Lifenews reports.

In one of the offices of the police department of the Prikubansky district of Krasnodar, criminal investigation detectives and their colleagues from the local department of the Investigative Committee are sitting. In front of him sits a thin man in handcuffs, who calmly explains how he got photographs of human remains on his phone. His name is Dmitry Baksheev. Even experienced operatives wince at his story.

On September 10, I woke up at 9 am, took my head out of the bucket and scalped it. I put the head and hand in bags and took them to the trash can, which is located behind the hostel. Well, he threw the scalp somewhere under the bushes on the territory of the military school,” the man tells his shocking story.

Why did you do this? - one of the detectives asks him. He shrugs his shoulders and calmly says that he just did something stupid.
This shocking story began on September 11, 2017, when workers of the Krasnodar company Energoprompostavka were repairing the road at the intersection of Gastello and Dzerzhinsky streets. This is just opposite the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School named after Hero Soviet Union Serova. As reported by the public Mash, one of the workers noticed in the road dust mobile phone, which, apparently, was dropped by one of the passers-by. He twirled the receiver in his hands. Nothing valuable: an old Samsung, especially with a broken display. The guy opened the gallery on his phone and literally recoiled - there were photographs of a severed human head and hand. In other photographs, an unknown man put these remains to his mouth, simulating eating them. The worker showed the pictures to his colleagues, after which they decided to definitely hand over the phone to the police. At that moment, a man with a dog approached the workers and began to ask if they had accidentally found a mobile phone here? The guys were dumbfounded: it was the same “cannibal” from the pictures. They replied that they had found nothing, which greatly upset the man. When he left, they went with the phone to the Prikubansky District police station.

The operatives rang through the phone number and quickly found out that it was registered to 35-year-old Dmitry Baksheev, who lives in a dormitory on the territory of a military school on Dzerzhinsky Street with his wife. A few minutes later, the police had a photograph from Baksheev’s passport, which they showed to the workers of Energoprompostavka. They all unambiguously identified him as the same passerby with a dog who was looking for his mobile phone and approached them.
The police rushed to the hostel. Baksheev already guessed that they would come for him. He barricaded himself in the room and the operatives had to knock down the door. Bakshaev tried to fight the police, but they quickly subdued him. His wife, 42-year-old Natalya, surrendered herself. She works at the school as a nurse. The operatives examined the couple’s room and found a bucket of water with brown stains on the walls, very similar to blood. Both were taken to the department, where they were placed in different rooms.

Baksheev did not deny it and told the story about the pictures on the phone. Late in the evening of September 8, he was walking his dog in the area of ​​Gastello and Dzerzhinsky streets. In a local forest belt, he allegedly came across a terrible find - a woman's head and hand. He put these remains in his backpack and brought them home. Already in the room he did a photo shoot with his head and hand. He then placed the remains in a plastic bucket and poured cold water and calmly went to bed. The next morning, Baksheev had to go to work - he was doing renovations in one of the apartments of the building on Pyotr Melnikov Street. He told the police that he took the remains out of the bucket, put them back in his backpack and went to work on a regular bus. Already in another apartment, he took several photographs, putting the remains to his mouth. The maniac approached the matter creatively: he cut off several fingers from his hand with a stationery knife and began to take photographs, putting them in his nose. After working a shift in the apartment, Baksheev took the human remains back to the hostel, where he put them in a bucket of water. And again he calmly went to bed as if nothing had happened.

The maniac claimed that he parted with the remains only on September 10: in the morning he took the scalp from the dead head, put the head and hand in bags and threw them out on the school grounds.
According to the Mash public website, after cross-examining the spouses, a terrible secret was revealed: since about 1999, they have been engaged in cannibalism - killing, butchering and eating people. In addition, they marinated some parts and stored them in the refrigerator. The couple don't even remember how many people they killed and ate, but they say about 30.

The operatives went back to the hostel, where they actually found a terrible find in the couple’s refrigerator - several cans and bags with frozen pieces of meat and skin flaps. Experts determined that these were human remains. Preliminarily, the fragments belong to the seven victims. However, no tattoos or birthmarks not on the remains, so their identities will now be established using DNA analysis. The police will collect the data of all missing people in Krasnodar and look for their relatives.

The maniac's story was partially confirmed: one photograph was found, dated 1999, which depicts a terrible dish - a human head surrounded by oranges.

The police, together with the cadets, combed the territory of the school and found the human scalp that the maniac had told them about. Other remains have already been removed by scavengers.

Neighbors of the Baksheevs said that they repeatedly tried to evict them from the hostel. flight school. The reason for this was the constant unpleasant smell from the couple's room. As the telegram channel Mash quotes the residents, the room constantly smelled of corvalol and homeless people. However, attempts to find out the cause of the unpleasant smell always resulted in scandals in the house.
“Every time we wanted to go into their room, a wild howl and screams began. Nata is a scandalous, mad woman, so we didn’t take any risks,” said the cannibals’ neighbors.

Now the most people have been deployed to investigate this case. experienced experts, criminal investigation detectives and investigators of the Krasnodar region. A criminal case has been opened under the article “Murder”, but so far there is only one episode in it - about the discovery of the remains of a female body. Apparently, they will have many more terrible discoveries. Now the police are checking whether the spouses had access to the military school canteen and cooking.

The Ministry of Defense told Life that the dormitory in which the family of cannibals lived has long had nothing to do with the school, because it was transferred to the balance of the Krasnodar administration.

This term refers to an unexpected reaction to an emergency situation. “In all other respects, this is an absolutely healthy, adequate person, aware of his actions,” the Mash Telegram channel quotes the words of the psychiatrist who examined the cannibal.


According to journalists, Natalya was examined in a psychiatric clinic immediately after her arrest. A few days later she was discharged without finding any obvious abnormalities. There is no information yet about a possible examination of the behavior of her lover, Dmitry.

Let us remind you that in Krasnodar a married couple was detained on suspicion of murder. During interrogation, the couple admitted that since 1999 they had killed and eaten 30 people. It was possible to get on the trail of the cannibals by pure chance: road workers brought a phone found on the street to the police.

On the device, police found a bloody photoset: a man posed with the head of a dead girl, with a fragment of a brush in his mouth and a human scalp in his hands. Law enforcement officers were able to identify the owner of the phone.

At first, Dmitry assured investigators that he had come across the already dismembered body of a woman on the territory of a military aviation school. He tried to prove that he only took a photo with the remains of the deceased. However, later the man stopped making excuses and confessed. And not even one, as the police assumed, but 30 murders at once. “Lena began to pester me. But I love my Natasha, I am a faithful husband! I pushed her, she fell and hit her head. I didn’t know what to do, I dragged the body to our home,” Dmitry’s Telegram channel Mash quotes as saying.

Law enforcement officials identified only one victim of the maniacs. “The identity of the deceased has been established; she is a 35-year-old local resident,” said Natalya Smyatskaya, senior assistant to the head of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory.

Investigators have yet to determine who owned the remains found among the cannibals. Let us remind you that, according to media reports, 19 “skin flaps” and seven bags with frozen fragments of bodies, as well as canned meat from the dead, were found in the couple’s house.

Neighbors of Krasnodar maniacs have complained for many years about the smell from their room in the dormitory of the flight school of the Ministry of Defense. “They constantly stank of corvalol and homeless people!” – the Mash Telegram channel conveys their words.

Natalya and Dmitry were going to be evicted for a long time, but they never did. “Every time we wanted to go into their room, a wild howl and screams began. Nata is a scandalous, mad woman, so we didn’t take any risks,” say the hostel employees.

Investigators believe the couple first put their victims to sleep with sedatives and then skinned them while they were still alive. After that, police say, they ate some of the meat and either froze the rest or put it in jars and filled it with saline.

From time to time, this married couple tried to turn the soldiers of the military academy where they worked into unwitting cannibals by mixing “canned human meat” into their food.

And the residents of Krasnodar might never have known about this if not for the lost phone that workers accidentally found.

Police have arrested the couple - Natalya Baksheeva and her 35-year-old husband Dmitry Baksheev - who may be responsible for the deaths and disappearances of at least 30 residents of Krasnodar, a city of 750,000 people located in southwest Russia, about five hours drive from Sochi. So far, Baksheev has only been charged with one murder, but the investigation continues.

If the investigation manages to confirm that all the murders were committed by the Baksheevs, this couple will take first place in the terrible ranking of Russian serial killers.

The investigation began on September 11, according to the Moscow Times, when a group of workers repairing the road surface accidentally discovered a mobile phone. The phone was turned on, so the workers decided to look at the photos.

What they saw made them immediately go to the police. In the phone gallery they found “photos of a man with various parts dismembered human body,” as stated in a statement published on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

While investigators were looking for the owner of this phone, police discovered the dismembered corpse of a 35-year-old woman near the flight school dormitory building where the couple lived.

Investigators were able to identify the owner of the phone “as a result of special technical measures,” after which, as reported in the statement, they arrested Baksheev.

According to the BBC, Baksheev told police investigators that over the past 20 years, he and his wife had eaten at least 30 people.

So far, investigators have quite a bit of material and evidence, but this story has already spread all over the world.

Judging by the dates on photographs found in the couple's apartment, they most likely committed their first murder in 1999.

For many years, according to the BBC, the Baksheevs lived in a dormitory that previously belonged to a military flight school. They both worked in the kitchen at this school in the past.

Investigators have not yet said how they believe the Baksheevs chose their victims. It is only reported how they euthanized the victims and what happened afterwards.

“In the suspects’ apartment, investigators found fragments of a human body immersed in a saline solution... Frozen pieces of meat were found in the kitchen unknown origin“, CBS News reports the words of investigators.

According to CNN, one police source said law enforcement officials "found a glass jar containing a preserved human hand."

Unofficially, officials have already called the Baksheevs a “family of cannibals,” but so far they have not disclosed the details of the case.

Russian television channels showed a video made, apparently, during a search of the Baksheevs’ apartment. It shows a dirty, untidy room, in which everything is littered with garbage, old things and clothes. Also visible are many photographs lying on the bed and a wig on a small refrigerator.

According to investigators, photographs found in the apartment turned out to be very revealing. One of the photographs, dated December 28, 1999, shows the severed head of a man on a platter decorated with fruit.

Earlier this year, a former police officer from Siberia named Mikhail Popkov, nicknamed for his brutal murders“Siberian werewolf”, confessed to killing 81 people.

As Fred Barbash of the Washington Post wrote, Popkov's victims ranged in age from 17 to 38. He offered women a ride home, took them to deserted places, where he raped and killed them.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively from foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.

A terrible story happened in the Krasnodar region. A married couple of psycho-cannibals were detained here. Cannibals didn't just eat human flesh. They stocked up on it for future use, making canned food from their victims. What helped solve the crime was... a selfie of cannibals with pieces of “food”. ATTENTION! Photos can harm your psyche.

An accident helped solve the terrible crimes. Road workers found a phone on the street and found horrific photographs in it: a man calmly posed with a corpse, taking a photo with a severed human hand, while putting it in his mouth.

The same selfie...

The workers handed over the terrible discovery to the police. The security forces managed to identify the hero of the photographs and detain him. 35-year-old Dmitry turned out to be a lover of extreme selfies. It turned out that the man, together with his wife Natalya, was involved in dozens of murders. They kidnapped local residents, dismembered them and ate them.

Moreover, investigators found in the suspects’ apartment processed fragments of human bodies, from which the cannibals made canned food.

The identity of one of the victims, a 35-year-old resident of Krasnodar, has already been established. Information has emerged that investigators have identified seven more victims who became dinners for a family of psychos. However, this information has not yet been officially confirmed.

So far, a case has been opened under the article “Murder”. The circumstances of this terrible crime will have to be sorted out by investigators who, quite by accident (!), discovered that such a horror was happening right next door.

Presumably, the passport of one of the victims

At first, the detainees denied their guilt. But later the couple admitted during interrogation that they had been engaged in cannibalism since 1999. During this time, according to their confession, they ate more than 30 people. Dmitry developed a taste for human flesh at the age of 17... And all this time, the cannibals calmly ate Krasnodar residents, without attracting the attention of law enforcement agencies. If the cannibal had not lost his cell phone with photographs or had not had the habit of taking pictures with food at all, the family’s feasts would have continued further.

P.S. On the collage there is a photo of Dmitry and one of his victims. Photo of the cannibal's wife - in the article

Photo: operdrain/ and

In one of the offices of the police department of the Prikubansky district of Krasnodar, criminal investigation detectives and their colleagues from the local department of the Investigative Committee are sitting. In front of him sits a thin man in handcuffs, who calmly explains how he got photographs of human remains on his phone. His name is Dmitry Baksheev. Even experienced operatives wince at his story.

On September 10, I woke up at 9 am, took my head out of the bucket and scalped it. I put the head and hand in bags and took them to the trash can, which is located behind the hostel. Well, he threw the scalp somewhere under the bushes on the territory of the military school,” the man tells his shocking story.

Why did you do this? - one of the detectives asks him. He shrugs his shoulders and calmly says that he just did something stupid.

This shocking story began on September 11, 2017, when workers of the Krasnodar company Energoprompostavka were repairing the road at the intersection of Gastello and Dzerzhinsky streets. This is just opposite the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots named after Hero of the Soviet Union Serov. As the public Mash reports, one of the workers noticed a mobile phone in the road dust, which, apparently, was dropped by one of the passers-by. He twirled the receiver in his hands. Nothing valuable: an old Samsung, especially with a broken display. The guy opened the gallery on his phone and literally recoiled - there were photographs of a severed human head and hand. In other photographs, an unknown man put these remains to his mouth, simulating eating them. The worker showed the pictures to his colleagues, after which they decided to definitely hand over the phone to the police. At that moment, a man with a dog approached the workers and began to ask if they had accidentally found a mobile phone here? The guys were dumbfounded: it was the same “cannibal” from the pictures. They replied that they had found nothing, which greatly upset the man. When he left, they went with the phone to the Prikubansky District police station.

The operatives rang through the phone number and quickly found out that it was registered to 35-year-old Dmitry Baksheev, who lives in a dormitory on the territory of a military school on Dzerzhinsky Street with his wife. A few minutes later, the police had a photograph from Baksheev’s passport, which they showed to the workers of Energoprompostavka. They all unambiguously identified him as the same passerby with a dog who was looking for his mobile phone and approached them.

The police rushed to the hostel. Baksheev already guessed that they would come for him. He barricaded himself in the room and the operatives had to knock down the door. Bakshaev tried to fight the police, but they quickly subdued him. His wife, 42-year-old Natalya, surrendered herself. She works at the school as a nurse. The operatives examined the couple’s room and found a bucket of water with brown stains on the walls, very similar to blood. Both were taken to the department, where they were placed in different rooms.

Baksheev did not deny it and told the story about the pictures on the phone. Late in the evening of September 8, he was walking his dog in the area of ​​Gastello and Dzerzhinsky streets. In a local forest belt, he allegedly came across a terrible find - a woman's head and hand. He put these remains in his backpack and brought them home. Already in the room he did a photo shoot with his head and hand. Then he put the remains in a plastic bucket, poured cold water into it and calmly went to bed. The next morning, Baksheev had to go to work - he was doing repairs in one of the apartments of the building on Pyotr Melnikov Street. He told the police that he took the remains out of the bucket, put them back in his backpack and went to work on a regular bus. Already in another apartment, he took several photographs, putting the remains to his mouth. The maniac approached the matter creatively: he cut off several fingers from his hand with a stationery knife and began to take photographs, putting them in his nose. After working a shift in the apartment, Baksheev took the human remains back to the hostel, where he put them in a bucket of water. And again he calmly went to bed as if nothing had happened.

The maniac claimed that he parted with the remains only on September 10: in the morning he took the scalp from the dead head, put the head and hand in bags and threw them out on the school grounds.

A family of cannibals from Krasnodar. Photo © Mash

According to the Mash public website, after cross-examining the spouses, a terrible secret was revealed: since about 1999, they have been engaged in cannibalism - killing, butchering and eating people. In addition, they marinated some parts and stored them in the refrigerator. The couple don't even remember how many people they killed and ate, but they say about 30.

The operatives went back to the hostel, where they actually found a terrible find in the couple’s refrigerator - several cans and bags with frozen pieces of meat and skin flaps. Experts determined that these were human remains. Preliminarily, the fragments belong to the seven victims. However, there are no tattoos or birthmarks on the remains, so their identities will now be determined using DNA analysis. The police will collect the data of all missing people in Krasnodar and look for their relatives.

The maniac's story was partially confirmed: one photograph was found, dated 1999, which depicts a terrible dish - a human head surrounded by oranges.

Neighbors of the Baksheevs said that they had repeatedly tried to evict them from the flight school dormitory. The reason for this was the constant unpleasant smell from the couple's room. As the telegram channel Mash quotes the residents, the room constantly smelled of corvalol and homeless people. However, attempts to find out the cause of the unpleasant smell always resulted in scandals in the house.

Photo © Mash

Every time we wanted to go into their room, a wild howl and screams began. Nata is a scandalous, mad woman, so we didn’t take any risks,” said the cannibals’ neighbors.

Now the most experienced experts, criminal investigators and investigators from the Krasnodar Territory have been deployed to investigate this case. A criminal case has been opened under the article “Murder”, but so far there is only one episode in it - about the discovery of the remains of a female body. Apparently, they will have many more terrible discoveries. Now the police are checking whether the couple had access to the military school canteen and cooking.