Running: What are the benefits of jogging? Should you rush to get in shape: how to choose your jogging speed? Average jogging speed.

Jogging or jogging (from the English jogging - “shuffling” running) is a slow run at a speed slightly higher than the pace of a fast walk, about 7-9 km/h. The word “jogging” itself came into use in the 60s of the last century, largely thanks to the popularization activities of Arthur Lydiard. It was during these years that a real running boom began in the United States.

Features of jogging

The characteristic differences between jogging and regular running are a shorter, almost imperceptible, leg flight phase, “slapping” with a relaxed foot and a low pace.

Jogging is popular not only among fans of healthy lifestyle. Professional athletes widely use jogging or light running when warming up, cooling down, and also for recovery after hard training or for rehabilitation after injuries.

The advantages of jogging, compared to regular running, are a significant reduction in the load on the knee and ankle joints, as well as a reduced risk of injury. In addition, with prolonged jogging, “happiness hormones” are synthesized in the runners’ body in significant quantities, causing an emotional uplift and even a state of mild euphoria.

Jogging technique

Jogging puts quite an intense load on the leg muscles and also uses other muscles of the body. At the same time, the jogging technique can significantly reduce the load on musculoskeletal system, ligaments and joints.

  1. The push-off occurs with the entire foot, the leg is almost completely straightened at the knee.
  2. The stride is not wide, lengthens a little if it is necessary to increase the pace.
  3. The body is slightly tilted forward, the shoulders are straightened.
  4. The arms are bent at the elbows and move freely.
  5. Breathe freely, inhale through your nose. The pace of jogging should allow you to breathe and carry on a conversation without shortness of breath. If there is not enough air and you want to breathe through your mouth, then the pace is too high, it needs to be reduced.

In addition, you need to control your pulse; it should not exceed 120 beats per minute, even for those who practice jogging to lose weight.

Video of the correct jogging technique:

The benefits of jogging

Only regular training will allow you to achieve a significant positive effect from jogging. The number and schedule of training will be individual for everyone. For beginners, a jogging program can be based on a guideline of three workouts per week for 30-40 minutes. It must be adjusted taking into account the level of training, the presence of injuries or chronic diseases/contraindications. For example, at the beginning you can combine fast walking with light running.

The main advantages of jogging

Positive effect on the brain

Excess fat is burned

We’ll talk about how jogging helps burn extra calories below.

Leg muscles are trained

During jogging, the muscles of the legs are mainly used. In addition, jogging allows you to use the muscles of the core, arms, and neck, keeping them in good shape.

However, unlike simple walking, jogging is characterized by the presence of a flight-landing phase. At the same time, additional stress is placed on the spine and knee joints. Factors that increase impact force are running on asphalt and excess weight.

Thus, jogging can provoke the development of a number of pathologies of the spine (protrusion, hernia), as well as the hip and knee joints (for example, arthrosis).

There will be a significant risk of these pathologies if:

  • the presence of bad heredity (radiculitis, arthritis or arthrosis in parents);
  • flat feet, curvature of the foot, etc.;
  • with scoliosis;
  • spinal injuries;
  • overweight;
  • diseases of the leg joints;
  • injuries of the lower extremities.

It should also be noted that the microshocks that occur during jogging do not have a very beneficial effect on the pelvic organs. Restrictions on running training are recommended for patients who have:

  • chronic pain in the pelvic area;
  • cystitis;
  • colon diseases.
  • gynecological pathologies for women;
  • prostatitis for men;

Therefore, those who have problems with the spine or joints should consult with specialists before starting training to select the correct level of load. If your knees hurt after jogging, you should stop training for a while and replace jogging with walks or Nordic walking.

During pregnancy, even for expectant mothers who have previously jogged, it is recommended to replace jogging with a calm one with a soft foot position. You can alternate light jogging with vigorous walking. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor your pulse and well-being.

Jogging for weight loss

At first glance, jogging as a type of physical activity does not provide enough exercise to get rid of excess calories and is significantly inferior to more intense types of running (sprinting, interval running, marathon running). But why in 90% of cases will experts recommend jogging for weight loss?

In fact, those who need to get rid of excess weight, in most cases, have poor physical fitness. Or - untrained at all. For such people, intense running exercises with a high load on the body are highly likely to lead only to injuries, without accelerating the fat burning process at all. At the same time, jogging, by reducing the load on the joints and cardiovascular system, allows you to run long time and without injury, and also gradually prepare the body for subsequent more intense loads.

In addition, it is long running loads of 30 minutes at low intensity that allow you to start the process of burning fat reserves. After all, before the body begins to use fat as an energy source, it will use glucose, which is in the blood or stored in the muscles and liver in the form of glycogen. Only after the glycogen is used does the reconfiguration of metabolism begin, and fats will be used to produce energy.

Peter Schnohr: “If your goal is to reduce your risk of death and improve your life expectancy, running several times a week at a moderate pace is a good strategy. Anything else is not just unnecessary, it can be harmful.”

On average, the liver and muscles of an adult contain about 100-120 grams of glycogen. How long should you jog to burn that many calories? On average at least 40 minutes.

Thus, short-term, high-intensity aerobic exercise, during which the body uses glycogen, and weight loss and temporary weight loss occurs simply due to the loss of water released through sweat, is not suitable for burning excess calories. After all, fat reserves remain practically untouched, water balance will be restored, and the extra pounds will not go away. You must first use free glucose, as well as stored glycogen, and start the fat burning process

And of course, jogging will give a long-term positive effect on weight loss only in combination with the right diet. An unbalanced diet (fast food, fatty foods, foods high in “empty” calories), lack of a diet, eating at night - all this can negate the effect of any training.

When and where is the best time to jog?

The popularity of jogging is largely due to the fact that these easy runs require a minimum of equipment and skills. You can also exercise on a treadmill, in an arena, at a stadium, as well as in a park, or run along the street or around the block. Jogging training will be beneficial for both men and women, regardless of age. Jogging can be done in the mornings or evenings; this does not diminish its positive effects.

At the same time, it should be understood that jogging, for all its benefits, is not a “panacea” for all diseases and problems. Moreover, if you have certain diseases, it is recommended to limit jogging or replace it with alternative aerobic exercise. Therefore, before you start training, you should consult your doctor. Jogging, like any sport, requires a reasonable approach and will only be effective with regular training.

Jogging (in English – jogging)- running for health. It is very similar to walking, because one leg is always on the surface. Moving forward occurs quite slowly - at a speed of 6–8 km/h. In this case, the technique is almost the same as for high-intensity running. Knowing how to jog correctly will help you run at any pace and for long distances. Let's take a closer look at what jogging is, why it is needed and why it is so popular among professional athletes.

If you don't know how to run properly at a slow pace, you won't learn to run fast. Therefore, jogging is ideal for beginner athletes. Such light aerobic exercise increases endurance; with the correct technique, it does not harm the joints or overload the heart and lungs.

Jogging improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, increases muscle tone, and increases the strength of the bones of the lower body. Jogging can be practiced by overweight people who are unable to do interval jogging.

This type of running activates the body's regenerative functions. Even competitive athletes are encouraged to jog several times a week to avoid muscle tightness.

What is the difference between jogging and walking, regular running and interval running?

  • It differs from fast walking by springy movements.
  • Unlike other types of running, there is no flight phase.
  • When running fast with incorrect technique, there is an impact phase that is dangerous for the joints, which cannot be the case when jogging.
  • Burns less fat than interval running.
  • The pulse does not exceed 120 beats per minute, while when running fast, the pulse rises to 160–180 beats per minute.

Jogging technique

Progress is long-term work on oneself. Do preparatory exercises and choose adequate distances, then running will not bring you pain and disappointment. Over time, knowledge will turn into reflexes, and you won’t have to control yourself. Learn to run correctly, enjoy it and make sports your hobby!

Jogging is the most accessible form of running. It almost completely repeats the movements of regular running and does much more good than harm. It is practiced by beginners, amateurs, overweight people, elderly and even professional athletes. What attracts many people to jogging (jogging)?

Almost everyone can go for a short jog.

The average jogging speed does not exceed 8-9 km/h.

Any person from the youngest to the elderly, with any level of physical and special training, can safely start running with jogging. Many people call it an alternative to regular running. You can’t argue with them, but despite the similarity with regular running, there are a number of distinctive features between them.

Jogging translated from in English means shuffling run. When you look at a person jogging, you can immediately understand why such running is called shuffling. Unlike conventional running technique, in which the most important role occupied by the flight phase, due to which the step width increases, and hence the speed, then in jogging there is practically no flight phase as such. Because of its absence, it seems that the runner is “shuffling” his feet on the ground.

To be more precise, the flight phase of jogging ends almost at the same moment as it begins. Due to the fact that jogging is low-intensity running, the stride becomes very short, and with it the flight phase. It is also shortened due to the fact that the push of the foot is either completely absent or its power is very low. Therefore, as soon as one leg leaves the surface, the second one immediately stands on it.

In an ideal jogging technique, the entire foot should push forward. If the push is carried out with the heel, this will lead to leg injuries. If you wear it with a toe, the load on the foot will increase, which should practically not exist. The knee should be fully straightened at the moment of the push. The arms should move synchronously with the legs and be bent at the elbows at a right angle (90°).

Particular attention should be paid to the correct position of the body.

The back should be straight and the chest should be straightened. This will allow you to inhale and exhale completely. There should be a slight tilt of the whole body in the lumbar region. Running without bending will be more energy-consuming, and with a strong bend forward it will put too much strain on the lower back. Less common are people who, on the contrary, lean back. This will greatly affect running speed and the health of ligaments and joints. The best way look at your jogging technique - video. Working on your running by analyzing video recordings of your technique is very effective method work on bugs.

This video clearly describes the basics of proper jogging technique.

Perhaps the most important aspect of the jogging technique is the pulse or heart rate. Many runners, especially recreational ones, do not pay enough attention to their heart rate while running. Jogging is aerobic exercise. The threshold for aerobic metabolism is different for each person, but regardless of the level physical training, the pulse while jogging should not exceed 140-150 beats per minute maximum.

Professional athletes can “cowardly” with a pulse of about 100 beats per minute, but for untrained people, a heart rate (heart rate) of 140 beats per minute will be the norm. It should be noted that as you train, your heart rate will decrease. If this does not happen, then this may serve as a good reason to contact a cardiologist and reduce the volume of training.

What are the benefits of jogging?

Scientists have proven that jogging is healthy and one of the most useful species sports It has a positive effect on almost all muscle groups, including the myocardium. The only muscles that are least used when jogging are the arm muscles. With systematic jogging, they may even begin to decrease, but their overall endurance will practically not decrease.

The leg muscles work first. It should be noted that jogging uses the same muscles as regular running, just to a lesser extent. This is another reason why jogging is called an alternative to regular running. The main thing is not to forget about correct technique running, which was described above, so that the muscles are loaded correctly and avoid injury.

On the body, the abdominal and back muscles are most involved. They keep the body level and slightly tilted. This load is better in a certain part simple exercises on the abs and back. The fact is that jogging is a long and at the same time light load. Because of it, the muscles are always toned and strengthened.

It is under such a load that fats are burned best. Jogging is recommended for those people who want to lose weight. For 1 hour of work for a person with overweight You will be able to burn up to 900 kilocalories. To lose weight, it is recommended to run for at least 30 minutes. If you can’t run without stopping for even half an hour, then it’s better to start with Nordic walking.

Jogging also has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Thanks to prolonged work in the aerobic zone, the walls of blood vessels and the heart are strengthened. During such a run, blood circulates much better, which improves oxygen saturation of all organs and tissues. The nervous system also benefits from jogging. This is primarily due to oxygen saturation of the brain. And when running, it begins to produce the hormone endorphin, thanks to which runners can often feel a sense of euphoria. Many consider running to be the best antidepressant.

There are also harms to jogging

Every coin has two sides and jogging is no exception. The benefits of jogging are, of course, invaluable to our body, but with the wrong approach, it can cause considerable harm. Jogging itself is practically harmless. It is contraindicated for people with serious heart disease. Moreover, in many cases, the cardiologist may, on the contrary, prescribe jogging, but if a strict taboo has been imposed on running in any form, then it should be followed unquestioningly. Otherwise, you can seriously harm your heart.

Using the wrong jogging technique can seriously harm your joints, ligaments and muscles. First of all, this concerns the legs. Avoid running on your heels to reduce the impact on your legs and knees in particular. If the feet do not stand parallel to each other, then the periosteum and knees will suffer.

Systematic running in high heart rate zones can no longer be called jogging. Such running will only cause harm to the heart and the entire body as a whole. You should not train if you are very tired or overtrained. Even a professional athlete will not go jogging late at night after a hard day at work. In this case, it is better to take a rest day and get some sleep. All workouts should be completed before 20:30 and start no earlier than 6:30. During this period of time, the body must rest.


Jogging is a universal sport that is suitable for almost everyone. It will only be beneficial if you follow a number of simple rules and monitor your technique. It should be practiced by people who have problems with health, excess weight and immunity. It's never too late to start running. Even older people are actively involved in jogging, because everyone knows that movement is life.

Running training does not always involve maximum effort and high speed. Jogging is also one of the types of exercise. What is meant by jogging, what are its specifics and what you need to pay attention to when going for a run, read in this article.

What is jogging

Jogging or jogging formally differs from regular running in pace: 7 minutes per kilometer and slower is more likely to be jogging than running. True, there is a difference in other moments: during jogging, the so-called “flight phase,” that is, the moment when both legs do not touch the ground, is minimal, but in running it increases with increasing speed.

During jogging, there is barely any forward lean angle, and it is more common to land on the heel rather than the front of the foot (although from a biomechanical point of view this is not correct). But, perhaps, the speed of jogging also depends on the physical form of a particular person and is individual for everyone. The main criterion is the sensations during this type of physical activity: when jogging, the load is low, there is no severe shortness of breath and tension in the muscles. This is the pace at which it seems that you can move forever.

Who is jogging suitable for?

It is quite correct to say that jogging is suitable for everyone: it is useful for both beginners and experienced athletes. However, while for “experienced” runners training at a very low pace will be pure, for beginners it can become quite a big load. At the same time, you should start your journey into the world of running with jogging - after all, it is less dangerous than running, and it will be easier for a new athlete to cope with jogging than with running.

Thus, the main category of people who are suitable for jogging are beginner runners. True, jogging is no less useful for people who are at increased risk of injury: overweight people, older people or athletes recovering from injuries.

Benefits of jogging

Jogging is a type of cycling aerobic exercise. This means that the body produces energy by oxidizing fats or carbohydrates.

Such loads develop the cardiovascular system well: the heart muscle is trained and the vascular network improves in order to better deliver blood (and with it oxygen) to the muscles. As your training increases, shortness of breath disappears, and many everyday tasks become easier to do. Ufastened musculoskeletal system: muscles and joints gradually develop; ligaments and tendons also adapt to the load.

Finally, jogging promotes additional and, as a result, weight loss. Moreover, at this level of load, energy supply occurs mainly from fat.

How to jog correctly

Jogging differs from regular running in that the pace is low and the flight phase is minimal. Due to the low speed, often when jogging people begin to move their hips forward and land on their heels: the lower the forward lean of the body, the more difficult it is to run with the correct technique.

However, the least traumatic one does not change depending on the pace. Landing when jogging should be on the front surface of the foot, under the pelvis, without moving the hip forward. It is also worth remembering to respect the slope of the body in the direction of movement. But it is important to understand that bending the lower back or tilting the head forward shifts the center of gravity, so the tilt should be done with the whole body.

Warm up before jogging

Jogging itself is a low-intensity exercise, so it does not require a long warm-up. But making a short joint would not be a bad idea. You can start from the top (with head turns) and gradually stretch the main joints a little: for this, rotation of the shoulders, pelvis, hips, knees and ankles will be enough.

Breathing and heart rate while jogging

Jogging does not involve strong accelerations, the body works in an aerobic mode, and this load should be felt in this way: there is practically no shortness of breath, you can calmly carry on a conversation while jogging. If you start to feel out of breath and it seems that there is not enough oxygen, you are running too fast and you need to slow down the pace or even take a step.

You should breathe through your mouth and nose, without specifically concentrating on inhalation - after all, this is a natural process that does not require awareness.

Jogging for weight loss

Since at a moderate level of exercise the body uses mainly fats for energy, jogging is an excellent way to lose weight. , we talked about on our website.

It is important to understand that weight loss occurs solely due to the negative delta of calories: that is, when you consume less energy than you expend. The average energy consumption of jogging is 100 kcal for 10 minutes. Therefore, by adding jogging to your daily routine, without increasing your food intake, you will lose weight. However, you should not expect immediate results. If you increase your caloric intake while jogging, weight loss will be unlikely.

How to start jogging

The main principle of starting any sport, and jogging is no exception, isThis is the smoothness of the load. At first, the load should remain atwithin comfortable limits. You can start with 20 minutes and gradually increase the timeworkouts, doing them every other day. If jogging for 20 minutes is difficult, thenyou can do intervals of jogging and walking, gradually lengthening the first and shortening the last ones.

If running is still very difficult for you, try it at the initial stage.

Training plan for beginners

Week 1

  • Monday: 5 minutes of intense walking, then alternating a minute of jogging andminutes of walking (10 repetitions).
  • Wednesday: 5 minutes vigorous walking, 2 minutesjogging, 2 minutes of walking (5 repetitions).
  • Friday: 5 minutes of vigorous walking, 2minutes of jogging, 1 minute of walking (7 repetitions).

Week 2

  • Monday: 5 minutes intensewalking, 3 minutes jogging, 2 minutes walking (5 reps).
  • Wednesday: 5 minutes intensive walking, 4 minutes of jogging, 2 minutes of walking (4 repetitions).
  • Friday: 5 minutes of vigorous walking, 5 minutes of jogging, 2 minutes of walking (4 repetitions).

Week 3

  • Monday: 5 minutes of vigorous walking, 7 minutes of jogging, 3 minutes of walking (3 repetitions).
  • Wednesday: 5 minutes vigorous walking, 10 minutes jogging, 3 minutes
    walking (2 reps).
  • Friday: 5 minutes of intense walking, 10 minutes of jogging, 3minutes of walking (3 repetitions).

But, of course, we must not forget that a plan that suits you individually maymake up a coach. The diagram above is just general advice to get you started. training.

In the 70s of the twentieth century, almost the entire civilized world was passionate about jogging. Gradually its popularity subsided, but jogging (jogging) remains one of the most effective and available ways losing weight and strengthening the cardiovascular system. Let's look at how it differs from other types of running, how it affects the body, and how to exercise correctly to lose weight, increase endurance, and strengthen the heart and blood vessels.

Jogging is a universal type of exercise; it is used by both champions and people far from sports who for the first time decided to take up their physical fitness. Many people, starting with small daily runs, get so involved that they completely change their lifestyle and start running marathons.

What it is?

In Rus', jogging has long been called the running of horses as a leisurely trot. Jogging is a slow, relaxed run that saves maximum energy and requires minimal energy expenditure compared to other types of running exercise. Its speed should be about 7-9 km/hour. An alternative name is jogging (from the English “jogging”).

It differs from jogging by the presence of a period of separation from the surface of both legs, the so-called flight phase. Jogging differs from regular running in that the flight phase is minimal - as soon as the supporting foot pushes off the ground, the second one immediately lands, reducing the time the body is without support to the smallest values.

Jogging technique

You can master jogging by observing the following conditions:

  • the upper body should be as relaxed as possible;
  • the spine is straight, the body is slightly tilted forward;
  • arms relaxed and bent at the elbows move freely in antiphase to the legs in the belt area;
  • steps are not long, their length increases as speed increases;
  • feet and knees should not be raised high;
  • at the moment of pushing off the ground, the leg should be straightened at the knee;
  • landing is performed on the entire sole, however, professionals recommend mastering landing on the forefoot (running on the toes), as this reduces the impact load on the joints of the legs and spine;
  • breathing is free, without shortness of breath; if shortness of breath occurs, it is recommended to reduce speed or start walking.

When jogging, all muscles that are not involved in moving the body should be relaxed. This also applies to the leg muscles, which should be relaxed for the short time while the lift-off phase lasts. Thanks to low intensity and economical movements, it is possible to delay the onset of fatigue as much as possible and minimize the risk of injury.

Here are the muscles that work when jogging:

  • The maximum load falls on the muscles of the thighs, legs, feet, and buttocks.
  • The iliopsoas, intercostal, latissimus dorsi muscles, abs, biceps, and triceps are less loaded.

Benefit for health

Jogging is an aerobic activity that, when practiced regularly, has a powerful healing effect on the body:

  • The heart muscle is trained, its work becomes more efficient: the heart rate at rest decreases, and the release of blood per contraction increases.
  • The muscles that provide breathing are trained, and the volume of the lungs increases.
  • Accelerated burning of fat deposits occurs. Aerobic exercise, in particular jogging, is the most effective remedy losing weight.
  • The risk of developing diabetes mellitus is reduced.
  • Thanks to improved blood circulation, blood pressure normalizes.
  • All muscles are toned.
  • The level of hemoglobin increases, the supply of oxygen to tissues improves.
  • The neuropsychic state improves, sleep normalizes, and the risk of depression decreases.

An additional benefit of jogging is that it is usually done on fresh air. This helps to further enrich the blood with oxygen, strengthen the body, and provide emotional uplift.

New Zealand running coach Arthur Lydiard first told the world about the benefits of jogging in 1961. Later, he wrote several books popularizing jogging. Thanks to these books, as well as the dedication of another popularizer of jogging, American Jim Fix, jogging gained immense popularity throughout the world in the 70s.

Hundreds of thousands of people began jogging in the 70s in order to improve their health and increase their life expectancy. This activity is popularly called running for a heart attack. The boom in popularity of joggers began to subside only in the mid-80s, this was greatly facilitated by the death of its popularizer Jim Fix at the age of 52 from a heart attack that occurred during a morning jog. During the autopsy, it was discovered that the athlete’s vessels had undergone severe sclerotic changes.

However, this case should not raise doubts about the benefits of jogging. After all, until the age of 35, Jim Fix was about 30 kg overweight and smoked 2 packs of cigarettes a day. Most likely, by the time he started running, his arteries were already in poor condition, and if he had not changed his lifestyle, they would have broken even earlier.

The discoverer of the benefits of jogging, Arthur Lydiard, lived to be 87 years old. last day giving lectures on health-improving running. In the USSR, the famous cardiac surgeon Academician N.M. was an active supporter and popularizer of regular aerobic training. Amosov. He also lived a long (89 years) fruitful life, maintaining mental clarity and physical activity to the end.

Impact on the psyche

Systematic jogging strengthens nervous system and has a positive effect on the psyche. In addition, there is also such a phenomenon as runner's euphoria - feelings of causeless joy and happiness, similar to the effect of taking alcohol or drugs, that appear after a long run.

When runner's euphoria appears, in addition to bursts of joy and happiness, athletes feel a dulling of pain, decreased fatigue, self-confidence and admiration for the world around them. Although this effect is similar to the effect of drugs, unlike them, the euphoria from running does not bring any harm to the body.

Runner's euphoria, like drugs, is characterized by an addiction syndrome. That is, with regular long runs, an increasingly longer duration of continuous running is required to achieve euphoria. There is an opinion that this is what motivates athletes to run long and ultra-long distance races, participate in marathons and ultramarathons.

How to exercise correctly?

It is extremely important to choose a place for running, because your safety will largely depend on it. It is strictly not recommended to run:

  • on the sides of highways;
  • along paths with bumps, stones, and depressions;
  • on roads with sharp ups and downs.

To reap the benefits of jogging, you must follow these guidelines:

  • Before jogging, you need to warm up your joints by performing a warm-up that includes rotations in both directions of all large joints.
  • Buy a heart rate monitor and wear it while jogging, making sure your heart rate is in the aerobic zone when jogging. To determine the optimal heart rate when jogging, you need to subtract age from 220 and multiply the resulting value by 0.7. For example, for a 28-year-old, the optimal heart rate during aerobic exercise will be (220 - 28) x 0.7 = 134 beats/min.
  • The duration of the run should be at least 20-30 minutes, but no longer than an hour and a half, in order to avoid overwork. The number of workouts per week is at least 3.
  • It is advisable to breathe through your nose, especially when jogging outside in the cold season.
  • If there is insufficient nasal breathing or shortness of breath, you need to switch to brisk walking until normal breathing resumes, and then return to jogging. During the first workouts, walking may be predominant; this is normal; increase the running load gradually, based on your breathing, heart rate and well-being.
  • Finish your run with muscle stretching exercises.

To reduce the impact load on your joints, you must:

  • choose high-quality running shoes with thick shock-absorbing soles;
  • It is best to run on dirt paths or in a stadium, asphalt is less preferable, concrete tiles are even worse;
  • The best version of the running technique is to land on the forefoot; you need to master running on your toes gradually and carefully so as not to get injured.

Clothing should be made of hygroscopic, breathable materials that do not restrict movement. Women need a sports bra to prevent bust sagging.

If you practice jogging to lose weight, then you need to limit yourself in nutrition in order to achieve a daily calorie deficit. If you take in as many calories from food as you burn, or more, you won’t be able to lose weight.

The time interval between eating and jogging should be at least 1.5-2 hours. If you feel thirsty while running, you can drink a little water; during long distances, you can refresh yourself with chocolate and dried fruits.


Jogging is contraindicated for the following categories of people:

  • those suffering from severe cardiovascular diseases;
  • patients with arthritis or arthrosis of the joints of the legs and pelvis;
  • having severe spinal diseases;
  • with severe diseases of the respiratory system;
  • with diseases of the visual organs: glaucoma, myopia;
  • during the period of exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • for diseases accompanied by fever.