The concept of natural features of man. Natural psychophysiological features

The development of the individual is determined by the gene structures that are inherent in man as a biological species. Genes influence the mental development of a person, his behavior and cognitive abilities.

The set of characteristics of an organism, due to a genetic factor, is called the genotype. The genotype is the basis for the development of new traits necessary for the existence of an organism in an increasingly complex environment. In the human genotype, signs are encoded that ensure existence in the natural and social environment.

The genotype determines the sensory, intellectual, emotional, volitional properties of the individual. All mental characteristics of a person, due to the genotype, have a natural basis and constitute the structure of the endopsyche.

Endopsychics are the main mental and psychophysiological functions set by innate biological mechanisms. These include: sensory, intellectual, emotional, volitional and other personality traits.

Human genotypic traits appear as the organism matures in the process of active interaction with the environment. These include:

Innate ability for articulate speech;

Innate signs of the bodily organization of a person;

The natural basis of physical and mental activity;

The manifestation of the properties of temperament;

The course of the simplest mental reactions;

Features of cognitive and mental activity.

The genotype affects the dynamics of the maturation of the brain and all body functions, determines the typical characteristics of each individual. In the genotype, there may be deviations for the better or for the worse, which have a great influence on the individual mental development of the child.

The normal development of the physical and mental properties of an individual is determined by the genotype and the influence of the environment. With age, the role of the genotype gradually decreases, the influence of the environment increases. A person develops by acquiring life experience.

As a result of the interaction of the genotype and the influence of the environment, the signs of the phenotype are formed.

A phenotype is any observable trait of an organism. The phenotype features include:

1. Morphological (anatomical) - general appearance of the figure, development of the musculoskeletal system, height, shoulder width, length of the torso, legs, development of the chest and muscles of the shoulder girdle.

2. Physical - body type, gender, age and racial characteristics.

3. Behavioral - look, posture, gestures, facial expressions, social forms of behavior.

Man is one of the 3 million biological species now known on Earth. Place in the system of the animal kingdom: class mammals, detachment primates, family hominids, genus Human, in which only one species has survived to our time - Homo sapiens(Homo sapiens).

Humanity is a global population biological kind , component ecosystems Earth. The human body develops according to the laws common to all living species. Ch. Darwin extended the main provisions of evolutionary theory to man and proved his origin from "lower standing animal species." The origin of man, his formation as a species is called anthropogenesis .

The most ancient human ancestors arose 5–8 million years ago. It happened in the south, probably East Africa. Therefore, the first of the now known hominids were called australopithecines(from lat. australis - southern). Among them, 2–3 million years ago, the genus Human(Homo). Its first representatives ancient people, including skilled man(Homo habilis) and Homo erectus(Homo erectus), to which Pithecanthropus and synanthropes(300 thousand - 2 million years ago). They have been replaced ancient people - Neanderthals (Homo neandertaliensis), which disappeared relatively recently - about 40 thousand years ago. At the same time (40–50 thousand years ago) Cro-Magnons - direct ancestors modern people, with which they form a single view reasonable man(Homo sapiens).

The driving forces of anthropogenesis are biological and social factors. Biological factors - these are heredity, variability, the struggle for existence and natural selection. Social factors - labor activity, social way of life, speech and thinking.

For a person, not only biological, but social adaptations to environmental conditions are characteristic. Outside of human society, the very formation of man is impossible.

Thus, a person has biosocial nature . It grows and develops under the influence of two programs. Biological program determines the structure and physiological characteristics of the human body. It was formed as a result of biological evolution, is inherited, its material carrier is chromosomes. Social program- the formation of a person's personality under the influence of his surrounding conditions. It was formed as a result of the development of human society, is not inherited. The social essence of a person is culture, education, morality, conscience, etc.

Species Homo sapiens, which includes modern people, is currently divided into 3 or 5 large races. In the first case, this caucasoid (Eurasian), Mongoloid (Asian American) and Australo-Negroid (equatorial), in the second - Caucasoid, Mongoloid, American, Australoid and Negroid race. Races appeared as a result of settlement and geographical isolation, apparently, of populations of neoanthropes living in different natural and climatic conditions. With the formation of social relationships and the weakening of the action of biological factors, the rate of evolution of man as a species has sharply decreased, and not one of the races has reached species isolation. Differences between races lie in morphological features: the color of the skin, hair, eyes, shape of the nose, lips, etc. These differences are most likely related to adaptation to environmental conditions. Thus, the dark skin of Negroids protected the body from bright sunlight, and air layers were created in the cap of curly hair that protected from heat. The light skin of Caucasians transmits ultraviolet rays and thus protects against rickets, a narrow protruding nose helps to warm the inhaled air. The Mongoloid race is characterized by straight coarse hair, a flattened face, which reduces the possibility of frostbite, strongly protruding cheekbones, the presence of epicanthus (folds in the corner of the eye) - adaptations to the harsh climate of Central Asia with frequent dust storms.

The unity of the Homo sapiens species is evidenced by the fact that all human races are biologically and psychologically equivalent and are at the same level of evolutionary development. Representatives of all races within the norm of reaction are capable of achieving great heights in the development of culture and civilization. Also, the unlimited possibilities of crossing with the formation of fertile offspring testify to species unity.

The same external conditions, the same environment can have different effects on a person.

The laws of the mental development of a young person are complex because mental development itself is a process of complex and contradictory changes, because the factors influencing this development are multifaceted and diverse.

Man, as you know, is a natural being. Natural, biological prerequisites are necessary for human development. A certain level of biological organization is required, the human brain, nervous system, in order to make it possible to form the mental characteristics of a person. The natural features of a person become important prerequisites for mental development, but only prerequisites, and not driving forces, factors of mental development. The brain as a biological formation is a prerequisite for the emergence of consciousness, but consciousness is a product of human social existence. The nervous system has innate organic foundations for reflecting the surrounding world. But only in activity, in the conditions of social life, the corresponding ability is formed. A natural prerequisite for the development of abilities is the presence of inclinations - some innate anatomical and physiological qualities of the brain and nervous system, but the presence of inclinations does not yet guarantee the development of abilities that are formed and developed under the influence of living conditions and activities, training and education of a person.

Natural features have a sufficient influence on the mental development of a person.

First, they determine different ways and means of development of mental properties. By themselves, they do not determine any mental properties. No child is naturally "disposed" to cowardice or boldness. On the basis of any type of nervous system, with the right education, you can develop the necessary qualities. Only in one case it will be more difficult to do than in the other.

Secondly, natural features can influence the level and height of human achievement in any area. For example, there are inborn individual differences in inclinations, in connection with which some people may have an advantage over others in terms of mastering any kind of activity. For example, a child who has favorable natural inclinations for the development of musical abilities will, all other things being equal, develop musically faster and achieve greater success than a child who does not have such inclinations.

The factors and conditions of the mental development of the personality were named.

  • Influence natural features on the mental development human influence on personality.

  • Influence natural features on the mental development human. The same external conditions, the same environment can have different influence on personality. Conditions mental development personality.

  • Influence natural features on the mental development human. The same external conditions, the same environment can have different

  • The environment is the second factor development human. Natural Wednesday affects on the mental development indirectly - through the types of labor activity and culture existing in this area.

  • Influence natural features on the mental development human.
    Primary in development human(and humanity) is not consciousness of people but their existence.

  • natural(biological) in man- this is what connects him with his ancestors, and through them - with the whole world, with the higher animals in peculiarities.
    Outside of human society spiritual, social, mental development cannot happen.

  • ... revolutionary theory development- for anyone human regardless of his natural anatomical and physiological features can form any
    This is perhaps the most compelling evidence for the essential influence environments on the mental development.

  • Psyche- aggregate mental phenomena that make up the inner world human(desires, knowledge, experiences, self-consciousness).
    And although species morphological peculiarities human stable for thousands of years development psyche human...

  • Psyche human and animals is in a constant state development. However character and sod.
    elementary, natural properties, usually called makings, are part of more complex, formed under influence external conditions mental functions...

  • Facts are the subject of psychology mental life, mechanisms and patterns psyche human and formation psychological features his personality as a conscious subject of activity and an active figure in the socio-historical development...

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« Psychodiagnostics»

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« Diagnosis of natural psychophysiological characteristics of a person»


Diagnosis of natural psychophysiological features




The natural psychophysiological characteristics of a person include the physiological properties of the nervous system, reflecting the features of the course of the nervous processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system. As the main properties of the nervous system, V.D. Nebylitsin singled out: strength, dynamism, lability and mobility of nervous processes.

Under strength of the nervous system is understood as endurance, performance of nerve cells, resistance either to a long-term action of a stimulus that gives a concentrated excitation concentrated in the same nerve centers and accumulating in them, or to a short-term action of superstrong stimuli. The weaker the nervous system, the earlier the nerve centers go into a state of fatigue or protective inhibition.

The dynamism of the nervous system- this is the rate of formation of conditioned reflexes or the ability of the nervous system to learn in the broad sense of the word. The main content of dynamism is the ease and speed with which nervous processes are generated in the brain structures during the formation of excitatory and inhibitory conditioned reflexes.

Lability- property of the nervous system associated with the rate of occurrence, flow and termination of the nervous process.

Mobility of the nervous system- speed of movement, distribution of nervous processes, their irradiation and concentration, as well as mutual transformation.

Determining the basic properties of the nervous system is of great importance in theoretical and applied research. Many of the laboratory methods for diagnosing the basic properties of the nervous system require special conditions and equipment. They are labor intensive. These shortcomings are devoid of express methods, which are proposed in our work.

Diagnosis of natural psychophysiological features

test subject - male, 22 years old, secondary technical education, working.

The following psychophysiological characteristics were studied : strength of the nervous system, balance of the nervous system, mobility of the nervous system and performance.

Methods 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 allow, by analyzing the answers to the questions of the questionnaire, to determine the severity of the properties of the nervous system (mobility, balance, strength).

Equipment for methods 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 : For the survey, you must have questionnaires (according to the number of subjects), pencils, sheets for registering answers.

Instructions for methods 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 : “You will be asked to answer a questionnaire. For each question, you must answer by choosing one of the four offered. On the handed out sheets, put a vertical column of question numbers (from 1 to 10), opposite the numbers, register the answers, putting down the letter corresponding to the option you have chosen.

Results processing all three methods are carried out in the same way. The total number of answers "C" and "D" is calculated, the score is determined according to the table, and in accordance with it the degree of severity of quality.

1.1 Methodology "Strength of the nervous system"

5 points - the strength of the nervous system prevails,

4 points - there is a strength of the nervous system,

2 points - there is weakness.

1 point - weakness prevails.

Survey results : the sum of the answers "C" and "G" for the subject is 3, which in translation on a scale of scoring corresponds to 2 points.

Conclusion : The subject has a weakness of the nervous system.

1.2 Methodology "Balance of the nervous system".

Scoring scale for the properties of the nervous system

The evaluation of the properties of the nervous system is carried out as follows:

5 points - balance prevails,

4 points - there is balance,

3 points - the property is indefinite,

2 points - there is an imbalance.

1 point - imbalance prevails.

Survey results : the sum of the answers "C" and "D" for the subject is 4, which in translation on a scale of scoring corresponds to 3 points.

Conclusion : It is impossible to speak definitely about the degree of balance of the nervous system in the subject.

1.3 Method "Mobility of the nervous system"

Scoring scale for the properties of the nervous system

The evaluation of the properties of the nervous system is carried out as follows:

5 points - mobility prevails,

4 points - there is mobility,

3 points - the property is indefinite,

2 points - there is inertia.

1 point - inertness prevails.

Survey results : the sum of the answers "C" and "D" for the subject is 7, which in translation on a scale of scoring corresponds to 4 points.

Conclusion : The subject has mobility of the nervous system.

1.4 Methodology "Determination of the properties of the nervous system by psychomotorindicators (Tapping test)"

Equipment : Standard forms, which are sheets of paper (203 * 283), divided into six (arranged three in a row) equal rectangles, a stopwatch, a pencil.

The experimenter gives the signal "Begin", and then every 5 seconds gives the command: "Go to another square." After 5 seconds of work in the sixth square, the experimenter gives the command: "Stop".

Instruction: “At the signal of the experimenter, you should begin to put dots in each square of the form. Within 5s it is necessary to put as many points as possible. The transition from one square to another is carried out at the command of the experimenter, without interrupting work and only in a clockwise direction. Work at your own pace all the time. Take a pencil in your hand and place it in front of the first square of the standard form.

Results processing includes the following procedures:

2) build a performance graph, for which put five-second time intervals on the abscissa axis, and the number of points in each square on the ordinate axis.

Analysis of results . The strength of nervous processes is an indicator of the performance of nerve cells and the nervous system as a whole. A strong nervous system can withstand a load greater in magnitude and duration than a weak one. The technique is based on determining the dynamics of the maximum rate of hand movement.

The resulting variants of the dynamics of the maximum rate can be conditionally divided into five types:

- Smooth type: the maximum rate is kept approximately at the same level during the entire time of work. This type of curve characterizes the subject's nervous system as a nervous system of medium strength;

- Downward type: the maximum pace decreases already from the second five-second segment and remains at a reduced level throughout the entire work. This type of curve indicates the weakness of the subject's nervous system;

- intermediate type: The pace of work decreases after the first 10-15s. This type is regarded as intermediate between medium and weak strength of the nervous system - medium-weak;

- concave type: the initial decrease in the maximum pace is followed by a short-term increase in the pace to the initial level. Due to the ability for short-term mobilization, such subjects also belong to the group of persons with a medium-weak nervous system.

The test is usually used in combination with others that measure different levels of personality characteristics. It is especially useful for career guidance and for psychological counseling to improve the individual style of activity. Testing is carried out individually, it takes no more than 2 minutes.

Survey results : based on the results obtained during the examination of the subject, we will build a graph. On the abscissa axis we plot five-second intervals of time, and on the ordinate axis - the number of points in each square.

Conclusion : The subject has a graph of the dynamics of the maximum rate of movement of the hands of a downward type, which indicates the weakness of the nervous system of the subject and, as a result, low performance.


After analyzing the results obtained during the study of the natural psychophysiological characteristics of the subject, we can draw the following conclusions:

1. In the subject, none of the main properties of the nervous system is expressed as strongly as possible, everything is within the average.

2. The subject has a weakness of the nervous system.

3. It is impossible to speak definitely about the degree of balance of the nervous system in the subject.

4. The subject has mobility of the nervous system.

5. The subject has a graph of the dynamics of the maximum rate of movement of the hands of a downward type, which indicates the weakness of the nervous system of the subject and, as a result, low performance.

Due to the relative weakness of the nervous system, the subject can be recommended to solve the most complex and significant tasks at the beginning of work, it is imperative to alternate periods of work with rest to restore working capacity. If possible, reduce the influence of any external distractions during work. It is possible during operation to switch from one type of activity to another without loss of quality.

nervous system psychophysiological balance

List literationss

1. Burlachuk L.F., Morozov S.M. Dictionary-reference book on psychological diagnostics. - Kyiv: Nauk, Dumka, 1989

2. Nikandrov V.V. Experimental psychology. - St. Petersburg, 2007

3. Workshop on experimental and applied psychology / Ed. A.A. Krylov. - L .: Publishing house of Leningrad State University, 1990

4. Rogov E. I. Handbook of a practical psychologist in education. - M.: Vlados, 1995

5. Shapar, V.B. Working book of a practical psychologist. - M.: AST, 2007

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