Church names for boys in August. What names can be given to those born in August?

Choosing a name for a newborn is the first and very responsible task of a parent. In the future, the baby’s fate will depend on this choice.

There are a great many names; today parents have plenty to choose from. But one should not be guided only by fashion or religious views. At different times of the year, people are born with completely different character traits. Knowing the characteristics of a name, you can express the missing features with its help. Or, on the contrary, mute the unwanted ones.

Characteristics for names of boys born in August

Those born in August constantly feel the need to move forward, they are distinguished by curiosity, the desire to learn new things, create and invent, Leo children are insanely curious. Already from childhood, lion cubs show leadership qualities and demand recognition and increased attention to their person. They will achieve this by any means, parents need to be prepared for this and not relax! It is very important for little lions that all the people around them admire them, so they will demonstrate their good qualities with enviable tenacity. But even with such a love for attention, they like to remain independent. When making a decision, rely solely on oneself, may go against public opinion and do what they think is right themselves.

August boys are extremely charismatic and will be surrounded by girls like a magnet with paper clips. They instantly become the center of any company. True, with age, preference will lean towards the side of the family, love will be given to their loved ones.

Another positive trait of August people is decency and honesty. Lying and scheming is not their thing. It should be noted that they also do not accept people who engage in deception. Leos are ready to help even people they don’t know very well. Selfless, generous, prone to mercy and altruism.

Negative traits include excessive emotionality and impressionability, craving for unjustified risk, cowardice and pride. To compensate for these disadvantages, it is recommended that “summer” children be given firm names.

Every man should wear his name with dignity, be proud of it, boys dream of being brave and courageous, and they also want their name to sound bold and beautiful, emphasizing their masculinity.

The best names for boys born this month will be the following: Alexander, Anton, Denis, Gleb, Ivan, Ilya, Nikolay, Roman, Sergey, Stepan, Maxim, Leonid.

They will make excellent leaders, because the ability to far-sightedly develop an enterprise or division is in their blood. Assessing risks and foreseeing prospects, weighing and thoughtfully and at the same time boldly making decisions is their talent. At the same time, they will take care of their subordinates. In addition to leadership positions, they can be successful in the fields of politics and science. They are inclined towards art, so there is a chance for self-realization in painting or music. An inquisitive mind makes itself felt, so they grasp literally everything on the fly.

The birth of a child is a long-awaited event that requires maximum concentration and responsibility from new parents. Even when choosing a name for a baby, you should think carefully so as not to accidentally harm the baby with your frivolity.

There are a number of simple rules, following which you can choose a name for a newborn or newborn so that everyone is happy (see. Orthodox calendar of names as of August 2017 below).

1. Consonance. This is almost the main rule that must be taken into account when choosing a baby’s name. The name must match the surname and patronymic so that when heard, they harmoniously form a pleasant consonance. If you hear harshness or the combination of first name-last name-patronymic gives an unpleasant connotation, then you should think carefully about whether you should name your offspring that way.

2. Traditions. There are many ways to choose a name for your child. Some rely only on their own preferences, others want to honor famous person or a relative. But this practice does not always turn out to be positive. It may turn out that inexplicably some personal qualities mixed with some life events will be passed on to the child. And they may not always be good... It is better to create a new, special personality than to try to copy someone who has already lived.

3. Names according to the calendar. Orthodox Christians have the custom of naming a baby by the name of a saint revered on or close to the baby’s date of birth, that is, according to the calendar. This option is considered the most acceptable when choosing a name for a newborn, because in addition to the Russian, euphonious name, the child gains a heavenly patron who will protect him to the last.

Female and male names in August 2017 according to the church calendar

What to name your child in August 2017

Names for boys, name meanings:
Seraphim (“fiery angel”), Tikhon (“lucky”), Roman (“Roman”), Dmitry (“dedicated to Demeter”), Stepan (“crown”), Peter (“stone”), Feodor (“God’s gift” ), Konstantin ("constant"), Alexander ("protector"), Athanasius ("immortal"), Ivan (" given by God"), Nikolai (“conqueror of nations”), Sergei (“guardian”), George (“landowner”), Ilya (“my God is Jehovah”), Kuzma (“energetic”), Clement (“merciful”), Savva ("Sagittarius")

Names for girls, name meanings:
Karina (“impeccable”), Alina (“noble”), Maria (“stubborn”), Christina (“follower of Christ”), Anna (“grace”), Iraida (“hero’s daughter”), Anfisa (“blooming”) , Elena (“bright”), Anastasia (“resurrection”), Arina (“peace”).

Astrologers say that the name of a newborn determines his future destiny, health, professional skills and level of intelligence. You are tormented by the question - what to name a boy born in August? I want it to bring my son good luck in life. Please note that a grown-up son should be proud of his name. Therefore, when choosing a name, pay attention to the euphony, its meaning, fashion trends and your religious views.

How to name a boy born in August according to the church calendar

You can name your son after the saint on whose day he was born. The calendar offers the names of saints who are remembered in churches on certain days. Here are some of them:

  • August 1 – Gregory, Varlaam, Seraphim, Roman, Stepan;
  • August 5 – Vitaly, Apollo, Trofim;
  • August 10 – Moses, Prokhor, Pavel, Efim, Julian, Timon;
  • August 15 – Kirill, Vasily, Ivan, Taras, Nikodim;
  • August 20 – Gregory, Anastasius, Nikanor, Mitrofan, Theodosius;
  • August 25 – Panfil, Alexander, Vyacheslav, Stepan, Sergey, Photius;
  • August 31 – Sofron, Frol, Denis, Emelyan, Georgy, Ivan, Illarion.

These are not all names; check them out in the Orthodox calendar. If a boy was born on August 25, for example, but you didn’t like any of the names, don’t be upset. You can safely name your son after another saint from the August list. Your child will definitely be protected by this saint all his life.

How to name a boy born in August according to the signs of the Zodiac

Leo is the zodiac sign of boys born before August 23rd. These boys grow up to be brave and often become creative individuals. They strive for beauty, love life in all its manifestations, but can be naive. Despite their selfishness, they are kind and respectful of their family. The best names for boys according to the sign of Leo will be:

  • Artem, Abram, Alexey; Lion;
  • Zakhar, Bogdan, German, Ilya;
  • Roman, Nikolai, Rostislav, Zakhar, Yan.

If the baby was born after August 23, he is Virgo according to the zodiac sign. These are calculating, cold-blooded and rational individuals. But they are calm and do well at school. The child must be given a name corresponding to the zodiac sign:

  • Arnold, August, Boris, Valery;
  • Anton, Denis, Ivan, Leonid, Prokhor;
  • Maxim, Semyon, Savva, Valentin.

How to name a boy born in August in honor of famous people

If you want to name your son famous person, then in August the following celebrities were born:

  • artist Ilya Repin;
  • actor Robert De Niro;
  • President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko;
  • artist Oleg Tabakov;
  • boxer Nikolai Valuev.

Naming a boy born in August - useful tips

When choosing a name for your son, listen to these useful recommendations:

  • Do not call your baby an outdated church name. For example, the name Akaki. It is in the Orthodox calendar, but it is very old. In the future, they may laugh at the boy’s name at school and they will come up with an offensive nickname for him. Choose a different name according to the Orthodox calendar;
  • Do not call your baby an exotic name. For example, Ichthyander or Brooklyn. Maybe you want your son to become a champion swimmer in the future, or you want to name your son that because he was born in Brooklyn. But the name will bring only negative things to a growing child. Children with strange names more nervous and often find themselves in difficult situations. A unusual name makes them eccentric;
  • think about how the child’s name will combine with his middle name. Everything should be harmonious;
  • Psychologists do not recommend naming a son after his father. In the future, the child will experience mental discomfort, and he may receive all his father's character traits.

Name the child as your heart tells you. But the son’s name should be simple, euphonious and memorable, because he will live with it for the rest of his life. And when he has a child, the name will also become a beautiful middle name.


Psychologists do not advise naming babies with too exotic names. Such children, who do not always have the initial prerequisites that set them apart from the general mass, have a less stable nervous system, end up in different difficult situations. In addition, the unusual nature of the name often makes them much more eccentric.

You can follow Orthodox traditions and name the child depending on which saint is honored on the date of his birth or baptism. Moreover, they can receive the name of the saint closest to the date, because corresponding ones do not happen every day. Often a person has two names: the first “secular” one, given to him by his parents, and the second, received at baptism, known only to a narrow circle of relatives.

People born at the end of summer are constantly moving forward, striving for new knowledge, and want to be a leader in their field. They constantly need the admiration of others, recognition of their merits and achievements. They love to be the center of attention and try to achieve this in any way; they want others to have a good opinion of them. However, despite this, these people are independent and self-sufficient. They always do everything as they see fit.

August people are unusually charismatic, attractive to members of the opposite sex, and capable of becoming the center of attention in any company. But, despite everything, family occupies a special place in their lives. They are distinguished by decency and honesty, are not capable of intrigue and are always ready to help. Those born in August become excellent leaders who can soberly assess possible prospects and risks. They also make specialists in the fields of art, politics or science.

For boys born in August, names such as Alexander, Gleb, Nikolai, Zakhar, Prokhor, Boris, Evdokim, Ilya, Ivan, Sergey, Anton, Roman, Maxim, Leonid, Stepan, Denis are ideal. The following names will bring happiness to girls: Maria, Anna, Ulyana, Yulia, Christina, Anfisa, Margarita, Elizaveta, Tatyana, Tamara.

If a child was born before 23, then his zodiac sign is Leo. These are energetic, powerful people, they are bright and independent, sociable and active. Their names most often begin with the letter “A” and sound firm and short. Names that suit men well: Artyom, Alexey, Abram, Bogdan, German, Zakhar, Ilya, Nikolay, Roman, Rostislav, Yan. For women, Alla, Daria, Diana, Lydia, Lyubov, Regina, Ella, Elvira, Yulia would be appropriate.

A child born after August 23 is considered a zodiac Virgo. These are cold-blooded, calculating and rational people, they are distinguished by analytical abilities and increased concern for their health. Names for representatives of this sign sound more calm. For example, a Virgo can be called Valentin, Gleb, Gennady, Denis, Nikita, Stepan or Timofey. Ideal options for girls: Anastasia, Irina, Ksenia, Taisiya, Tamara or Tatyana.

Choosing a name for a newborn boy needs to be done with great responsibility, because the child’s character traits and, to some extent, his fate depend on the name. Parents should be especially responsible when choosing names for boys - for the successors of the family.

A man, having matured, should be proud of his name, he should wear it with dignity throughout his life. In childhood, every boy dreams of being successful, strong and dexterous; by choosing an appropriate name for him, you can emphasize the boy’s masculine strength and beauty, as well as influence his character traits.

On at the moment world name books offer a wide variety of names, thousands of options, but parents need to choose just one. When choosing the names of boys born in August, you need to take into account several nuances: the consonance of the name, its meaning, fashion trends, religious views, and even the time of year. It should be noted that in different times years, children are born with completely different personalities, even if they have the same names. Therefore, when choosing a name for boys born in August, you need to know the natural coloring of the name and select names that enhance positive qualities and mitigating negative ones.

Children born in August are kind, but often cowardly and spineless. And mostly they show their kindness to strangers, in particular animals. They are easy to influence, because they are very impressionable and emotional. Also, summer children love to take risks; they are distinguished by pride, courage and perseverance in achieving goals. Their hard work helps them achieve success in business. To enhance the positive qualities of August children, they need to be given “solid” names. Pay attention to the meaning of names. For example, summer Alexey is much weaker than winter one. If you give a December boy the name Alexey, then he will be stubborn and persistent, conflict-ridden. Will constantly fight for justice. Well, August Alexey, on the contrary, will be quiet and calm. He will constantly need the support of others. Summer Alexeis cannot realize their ideas, since modesty will interfere with them. As you can see for yourself, the same name gives different traits character depending on the time of birth.

Suitable names for boys born in August:





