Czech phrasebook audio. Funny Czech language

They say that living in Russia today is not fashionable and expensive. Many brave and desperate people go to live and work abroad in distant countries, but many of us, having a certain sentimentality and fearing nostalgia, prefer to leave, but not far. Where? That's right, Europe! They choose a country closer, and preferably a Slavic one. One of these is the Czech Republic.

Do they need to know

Arriving here, you need to say something, but how? Is it difficult to learn at least from Czech phrases? By the way, Czech is one of the richest Slavic languages ​​in the world. For comparison, there are about 130 thousand words in Russian today, and more than 250 thousand in Czech. Phrases in the Czech language are intuitive for us Slavs, although many words have a certain cunning. For example, Russian word“beautiful” sounds like “terrible” in Czech, the word “fresh” sounds like “stale” and the like.

But not only those who left their homeland will have to pore over a Czech textbook. Today learning this language has become easy fashion trend at the Russians. For those who know some other Slavic language, it will be even easier to understand Czechs and learn a few phrases in Czech.

Many go to the Czech Republic for education. This is one of the few countries in Europe where you can study free of charge, and the quality of the knowledge gained will be at the highest level within the global scale. Therefore, future students are required to know the basic phrases like no one else.

Where useful

Czech will be needed by everyone who deals with translations - guides, diplomats, translators working both in the country and abroad.

For tourists, learning a few phrases in Czech will not be difficult. Both the service staff in the hotel and the waiter in the restaurant will be pleased to hear the phrase in mother tongue. And if, God forbid, you get lost in the city, common phrases will help you understand how to get to the right address, because the language will bring you to Kyiv. And the Czech language is not difficult at all, and learning it is not only easy, but also fun, especially in a friendly company!

For those who go on vacation to the Czech capital, it will be very useful to familiarize yourself with our detailed manual, available at the link, which details how to properly organize your trip to Prague so that it is interesting, safe and does not go beyond your budget. In the few minutes it takes to read this article, you will learn how to save a significant amount of money without straining at all.

Will Czechs understand Russian?

The Czech Republic is one of the most popular destinations for Russians, and most Czechs living in tourist areas will understand us perfectly. Yes, and in other cities there should be no problems ... Opening borders after the collapse Soviet Union contributed to the influx of emigrants to the Czech Republic, and many Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians left to live in this country. So Russians will be understood in a restaurant, in a store, and on the street. The main thing when communicating is not to forget that goodwill and a smile on your face are a disarming tool for starting absolutely any communication.

In a Czech lesson:

What is the Czech word for "cow"?

— Krava.

- And how will the "road"?

— Dredge.

- And what about the "forty"?

— …(!!!)

"Strch prst skrz krk"normal person hardly survive. Do you think I'm thinking? This phrase really exists in the Czech language and is translated as “put your finger through your throat” ... So I say, a normal person would not even think of such a thing.

Terrible pritelkinya

The first year of my stay in Prague was especially difficult for me. If only because my friends called me exclusively "pritelkinya" - a girlfriend. The Slav brothers were unaware of how insulting and even indecent this word sounds in the Russian manner. And when they asked me where my redneck was, I was completely speechless. “No, guys, this is too much. I can still be a chick, but what’s with the redneck?” If you are asked about the "cattle" or, even worse, about the "cattle" - know that we are talking about the place of residence. And if they say that you live in a nice “barrack”, all the more you should not be offended, because in Czech “barrack” is a house. Among the Czechs, in general, the highest degree of praise is one capacious word. When a guy wants to give a girl a compliment, he says: “Oh, how terrible you are!” Have you already imagined a terrible little girl who lives with cattle in a barracks?

Meat-packing plant Pisek

Being Russian in Prague is generally very difficult. You seem to buy vegetables, and they give you fruit (“ovotse” in Czech means fruit). Instead of a side dish, you can get a "toadstool". Try to eat! And although the green sticky mass is actually buckwheat, Czech buckwheat really looks like a toadstool. In general, it’s better not to go to grocery stores: is it possible to buy food in Potravini? Namely, this is what Czech grocery stores are called. Moreover, the bread there is still “stale” (fresh in Czech), and sausages are mainly produced at the “Pisek meat processing plant”. The apotheosis of Czech cuisine is the “salad of sour cigarette butts” (“butts” are cucumbers). Well, already salivating?

And how will jam?

Words such as “mydlo” (that is, soap), “letadlo” (airplane), “hodidlo” (foot), “washer” (sink), “sedadlo” (seat, what did you think?), turned out to be flowers in comparison with what I had to hear in the first year of my life in Prague. By the way, I wonder how it will be "jam" in Czech? Once, peacefully riding a catamaran, I heard hoarse cries: “Shame! Bastard!“ A boat was sailing right at us with a catamaran, and the helmsman was yelling obscene words at the top of his voice. Well, who would not be offended if they called him a bastard, and even shameful? Wow! I remembered these words and held a grudge against all Czechs. When the right moment came (I was just cheated in a restaurant), I decided to take revenge, and at the same time show my updated vocabulary. Well, I gave it to the waiter, shaking his head reproachfully: “Shame, bastard ...” He looked at me for a long time in bewilderment. It turned out that “bastard” is just an oar, and “shame” is attention. The man in the boat was yelling “Watch out for the oars!” to keep me from getting hit by the oar.


What are you?!

The Czech language in general is fraught with many surprises. For example, English-speaking tourists get into a fight because a courteous Czech salesman thanked them for their purchase. “Thank you very much” in Czech sounds something like “Dike mouts”, which, when pronounced quickly, gives the English “Dicke mouse”. And a simple clarification “What are you doing?” Sounds deadly for an Englishman in general, because “Fact yo?”. What is good for a Czech is a red rag for an English speaker. Another "masterpiece" of the Czech language is Vietnamese Czech. There are a lot of Asians in Prague, and everyone, of course, has their own pronunciation. So, leaving their store, you will hear “nassano” as parting - “goodbye”, that is. In Czech, “goodbye” is “nassledanou”, but what can you do with the Vietnamese? Nassano, so nassano.

Smelly perfume and funny "oddpad"

“The lady is all fragrant. They say it stinks. Linguistic note: in the Czech Republic, spirits are “stinky,” Boris Goldberg writes about the Czech language. And I confirm his observation. When wishing to praise the aroma of food, for example, do not rush to compliment “how delicious it smells.” “Stink” is very pleasant for the Czech sense of smell, but “smell” is associated with something rotten and disgusting. Therefore, all girls in the Czech Republic stink of perfume, and garbage bins smell. By the way, garbage cans (well, since they smell delicious) are called accordingly - “odd”. ), "palivo" (fuel), "sranda" (no-no, it's a joke), "scum" (frost) and "rebate" (fee). And many of our tourists still cannot forget the advertising slogan on the Coca billboard -cola: “Finished the creature” (this is not what you thought, it means “perfect creation”).

Super-Vaclav to the rescue

Cosmopolitan readers probably got the impression that in the Czech Republic live, or rather live, incomprehensible gop-style people. But that's not the case at all! Czechs are very friendly and well-mannered people. She herself was convinced of this when she took the dog out for a walk. It is customary in Europe to collect “dog waste” in a special bag and put it in the trash (you and I remember that trash cans in the Czech Republic are “okpad”). A superhero, more precisely Super-Vaclav (we are in the Czech Republic) is watching the violators of this rule ). He makes the owners pick up "weapons mass destruction"hands and carry home. And those who do not do this are coated with this very weapon, while smiling friendly and saying" Dike mouts "," Dike mouse "," Fact yo?
Walking around Prague, choose expressions! And "Shame! Varue police” (“Attention! The police warns”).

The Czech Republic is a state with a long history. On the territory of the republic there are more than 2 thousand ancient castles and all kinds of medieval buildings that attract tourists from all over the world. After another fascinating excursion, you will be able to drink a glass of the best beer in the world, which the Czech Republic is famous for. Also in this country are excellent ski resorts and mineral springs, the water of Karlovy Vary is especially popular with tourists. The people here are very kind and responsive, and having a phrase book at hand, you can easily talk with passers-by and learn a lot of interesting things about the Czech Republic from them.

You can download such a phrase book on our website. It consists of several topics, with translations of the most common words and phrases.

Necessary phrases and expressions - a topic that includes words and phrases that are important for the tourist.


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
hello (good afternoon)Dobry dendobri dan
Good eveningDobry eveninggood evening
Hello, good morning)Good earlygood early
Good nightDobrow nocgood night
Good luckMete se hezkymeyte se gesky

Common phrases

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Thanks a lotMockrat dekujimozkrat decuy
I apologizeOmlouvam seomlowam se
Do you speak Russian?Mluvite rusky (anglicky, cesky)?mluvite russians (English, Czech)?
Unfortunately I don't speak CzechBohuzel, nemluvim ceskyboguzhel neluvim chesky
I do not understandNerozumimunreasonable
Where is…?Kde je…?where is it...?
Where are...?Kde jsou…?Where is Ysou...?
What is your name?Jak se jmenujes?how do you name it?
What is your name?Jak se jmenujete?how do you name it?
My name is …Jmenuji se …yemenui se
This is Mr NovakTo je pan Novaki.e. Mr. Novak
Very niceTesi meplease me
You are very kind (kind)Jste velmi laskav (laskava)iste valmi laskav (weasel)
This is Mrs Novak.To je pani Novakovai.e. Mrs. Novakova
Where were you born (where are you from)?Kde jste se narodil(a)?where ste se people (a)?
I was born in RussiaNarodil(a) jsem se v Ruskupeopled (a) ysem se in ruska
Where are you from?Odkud jste?odkud iste)?
I'm from RussiaJsem z Ruskaysem z russian
Very well. And you?Velmi dobre. Avy?good valmy. and you?
How are you doing?Jak se mas?yak se mash?
How are you?Jak se mate?yak se mate?
How old are you?Kolik je ti let?colic e ti let?
How old are you?Kolik je Vam let?how old are you?
Do you speak Russian?Mluvite rusky?mluvite russians?
You speak English?Mluvite anglicky?mluvite english?
I understandRozumimlet's understand
I do not understandNerozumimunreasonable
You understand?Rozumite?rozumite?
Does anyone here speak English?Mluvi tady nekdo anglicky?mluvi tady nowhere to speak english?
Could you speak more slowly?Muzete mluvit pomaleji?muzhete mluvt grow smaller?
Please repeat one more time(Zopakujte to) jeste jednou, prosim(zopakuite that) eat one thing please
Could you write it to me?Muzete mi to prosim napsat?muzhete mi then ask napsat?
Give me please...Prosim vas, podejte mi…please give me
Could you give us...?Nemohl(a) byste dat nam, prosim…?Couldn't we ask for a quick date?
Show me please …Ukazte mi, prosim …please indicate...
Could you tell me...?Muzete mi, prosim rici…?muzhete we ask for rye?
Could you help me?Muzete mi, prosim pomoci?muzhete we ask for help?
I would like to…Chteel bych..htel would be
We would like…Chteli bychom..drunk byhom
Give me please…Dejte mi, prosim…date mi please
Give it to me pleaseDejte mi to, prosimdate mi then please
Show me…Ukazte mi…specify mi

At customs

In public places

In transport

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Where can I get a taxi?Kde muzu sehnat taxi?where is the taxi segnat for my husband?
How much will it cost to get to the airport (to the metro station, to the city center)?Kolik bude stat cesta na letiste (k metru, do centra mesta)?colic bude stat cesta on latishte (to the master, to the center of the place)?
Here is the address where I needTady je adresa, kam potrebujiTady e adresses kam potrshebuy
Take me to the airport (train station, hotel)Zavezte me na letiste (na nadrazi, k hotelu)zavezte me in latishte (for nadrazhi, to gotel)
Stop here pleaseZastavte tady, prosimmake it then, please
Could you please wait for me?Nemohli byste pockat, prosim?Couldn't you pochkat, please?

In hotel

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Do you have rooms available?Mate volne pokoje?mate wave peace
How much is a room with a shower per night?Kolik stoji pokoj se sprchou za den?colic stand calm se sprou for dan
Unfortunately, we are all busy.Lituji, mame vsechno obsazenolitui, mame vshehno obsazeno
I would like to reserve a room for two in the name of PavlovChtel bych zarezervovat dvouluzkovy pokoj na jmeno Pavlovhtel would be zarezervovat dvuluzhkovy rest on ymeno Pavlov
number for onejednoluzkovy pokojednoluzhkovy rest
cheaper numberlevnejsi pokojlatest peace
not very expensivene moc drahene motz drage
For how many days?Na jak dlouho?how long?
for two days (per week)na dva dny (na jeden tyden)for two days (for one tyden)
I want to cancel the orderChci zrusit objednavkuxci destroys the united forces
It is far?Je to daleko?is that far?
It's very closeJe to docela blizkothat's pretty close
What time is breakfast served?Vkolik se podava snidane?in colic se giving snidane?
Where is the restaraunt?Kde je restaurace?where is restaurace
Please prepare an invoice for me.Pripravte mi ucet, prosimprshippravte mi accounting please
Call me a taxi pleaseZavolejte mi taxi, prosimplease ask me taxi



In the shop

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Could you give me this?Muzete mi prosim dat tohle?muzhete mi ask dat togle?
Please show me thisUkazte mi prosim tohleindicate me please togle
I would like to…Chtel bych…htel would…
Give it to me pleaseDejte mi to, prosimdate mi then please
show it to meUkazte mi tohleindicate my togle
How much does it cost?Kolik to stoji?when do you stand?
I need…Need…potrchebuy
I'm looking for…Hledam…khladam
You have… ?Mate...?mate...?
It's a pitySkodaSkoda
It's allJe to vsechnothat's vshekhno
I don't have changeNemam fractionnemam fractional
Please write itWrite to prosimplease write it
Too expensivePrilis draheprshilish drage
SaleVyprodejyou sell
I would like a size...Potreboval(a) bych velikost …used a great cost
My size is XXLMam Velikost XXLMam Velikost X-X-L
Do you have another color?Nemate to v jine barve?nemate to in yine barve
Can I measure this?Muzu si to zkusit?will it bite your husband?
Where is the dressing room located?Kde je prevlekaci kabina?where is the cabin
What do you desire?Co si prejete, prosim?tso si psheete please
Thanks, I'm just lookingDekuji, jen se divamdekui, yong se divam


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
0 nulazero
1 jedenyeden
2 dvatwo
3 tritrshi
4 ctyrichtyrzhi
5 petdrinks
6 sestshest
7 sedmsadm
8 osmosum
9 devetdaviet
10 desetdeset
11 jedenactedenatst
12 dvanactdwarvenest
13 trinacttrsinact
14 ctrnactchtyrnast
15 patnactpatronage
16 sestnactshestnast
17 sedmnactsadumnast
18 osmnactosumnast
19 devatenactdevathenazt
20 dvacetdvuetset
21 dvacet jednadvatset edna
22 dvacet dvadvacet dva
30 tricettrshicet
40 ctyricetchtyrzhitset
50 padesatpadesat
60 sedesatshedesat
70 semdesatsedumdesat
80 osmdesatosumdesat
90 devadesatdevadesat
100 stoone hundred
101 sto jedenone hundred eden
200 dvestedvieste
300 tristathree hundred
400 ctyristachirzhista
500 pet setdrinking a set
600 sestsetshestset
700 sedmsetsadmset
800 osmsetossumset
900 devetsetdevetset
1 000 tisicyew
1 100 tisic stoone hundred yew
2 000 two tisicetwo tisse
10 000 deset tisicdeset tiss
100 000 sto tisicone hundred thousand
1 000 000 (jeden) million(one) million

With this theme, you will find the right words to call someone for help, ask how to get to a place you are interested in, apologize, thank, and much more.

Greetings and politeness formulas - thanks to this theme, you can start a conversation with a passerby, ask where this or that person is from, say where you are from, and also politely answer any question.

Search for mutual understanding - words that will help you in communicating with the locals. You can ask to speak more slowly, ask if the person speaks Russian or English, and similar words and phrases.

Standard requests - translation of the most common requests and their pronunciation.

Passport control and customs - answers to the most common questions during passport control and customs.

Hotel - words and answers to frequently asked questions when checking into a hotel. In addition, with the help of this theme you can order food in the room, ask to clean the room, etc.

Taxi - a list of phrases that will be useful to you in a taxi. By opening this topic, you can order a taxi, explain where you need to go and find out how much the fare will cost.

Shopping - no tourist can spend their vacation without buying something to remember. But in order to buy something, you need to know what it is and how much it costs. This list of questions and phrases will help you deal with the purchase of any product, from food to souvenirs.

Inscriptions - translation of frequently encountered signs, signs, inscriptions and the like.