Read about the brownie real stories in the Second World War. Scary and mystical stories from life

Brownie - the spirit of the house (semi-spirit). Lives in the house, in the yard of the house. It can take the form of the owner of the house and in this form be shown to people. Ideas about his appearance are very diverse. He was represented as a small gray-haired old man dressed in a white shirt, and as an old man covered with wool. Somewhere it was believed that he was black, shaggy and healthy, like a bear, but he could take the form of a dog, and more often a cat. It may also appear as a shadow.
They tried in every possible way to appease the brownie, they left food for him. It was believed that in the house where the brownie fell in love with the owners and especially the owner, there he would protect both the whole house and the household themselves, feed and care for the livestock, comb the tails and manes of the horses. In this case, he takes care of everything, including combing the owner's beard and braiding it into braids. If some kind of misfortune is foreseen, then, in order to warn the owners, he will moan in a bass voice in the front corner in the underground. To whom he loves, he curls his hair and beards into braids, and to whom he does not love, he pinches him to bruises at night. Some kind of trouble is judged by these bruises, especially if the bruise hurts. It also leans on the sleeping person during the night and crushes him, so that at this time it is impossible to move or say a word.
If the brownie does not fall in love with the house or the owners, then it ruins the entire economy to the root. Tortures cattle and translates it. It does not give rest to the owners, disturbs and disturbs them at night, makes noise and breaks everything in the house, yells in bad voices, stomps, beats the dishes.

From an early age, I believed in such stories because I myself encountered him.
When I was 10-11 years old, I stayed at home alone. I fell asleep and at first I had a normal dream about the past day, but then I felt anxious and tried to wake up, I didn’t succeed and I started looking for a way out in a dream. After walking around for a bit, I found myself in a dimly lit room. The room had a window through which the moon was visible. There was only one chair in the room and it was covered with a blanket, it was not visible who was under it. I went up to this chair, I lifted the cover and looked in there. At first I didn’t see anything, but then a half-dark physiognomy with luminous eyes looked at me and grabbed my leg with its shaggy hands. I fell and was pulled under a chair, I could neither wake up nor free myself. Then, when they dragged me under a chair, I saw a cat in front of me, which, looking at me, spoke to me: "Call the walruses to the north tomorrow at one o'clock in the afternoon and go to them if the first thing you hear on the phone is chr ... ." I did not immediately understand what she was talking about, but when I woke up and walked away, I understood. Relatives have the surname Morzhina and they live in the north. Without saying anything to my parents, I waited for one in the afternoon and called them. I really heard xp on the phone ... not understanding what, I gave the phone to my parents who, without hesitation, guessed that something had happened to a relative who was also left at home alone (his wife went to another city to her daughter and grandson). We lived 15-20 minutes walk from them, and it was faster on bikes. Grandfather went to him, we waited a long time for him to call and say what happened. An hour passed, the bell rang and the grandfather’s strange voice said: “I come to him, I go into the house, and he lies on the floor clutching his heart. ambulance and when they arrived, they said that if they had found him 5 minutes later, he would have died. I went with him to the hospital, the doctors said it was a heart attack."
Then they asked me for a long time why I suddenly called without telling them anything, but I did not say anything.
The second incident happened to me in November of that 2016. It was often said that if the brownie fell in love with the owners, he would not harm him, but if he disliked him, he would begin to harm, climbing onto his chest at night.
I spent the night with a friend, we slept in different rooms. Not having time to fall asleep, I felt someone's presence near me, but I did not betray any significance, because there is a cat. Then I fell asleep, but began to wake up from the fact that I began to choke. When I opened my eyes, I didn’t see anyone, but I felt that hairy hands were choking me. I tried to get up but couldn't, as if a huge stone had been placed on top of me. I couldn't move or speak. But fortunately for me, a friend came to me and scared him away.
At home, I notice his presence in different ways. As I understood the brownie, I liked it. Sometimes, having lost something, I find it on my bed, or, for example, when a light starts flashing in a chandelier and the meter turns off. Although I don’t ask anyone, everyone says that this can’t turn off the power.
All this real stories. Did you have something similar?

A story about a brownie for younger students

Children of different school ages about the brownie

Brownie - a talisman and amulet of the house

Egorova Galina Vasilievna
Position and place of work: homeschooling teacher, KGBOU "Motyginskaya comprehensive school- boarding school", village Motygino, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Material Description: This story is written for children of primary school age 8 - 12 years. This material may be useful and interesting for teachers primary school, mid-level. This story can be used on thematic classroom hours for children in grades 2 - 5, for reading in the family circle at your leisure. The story briefly provides information about the brownie.
Target: Formation of ideas about useful qualities brownie through the story.
- educational: talk about the useful abilities of the brownie;
- developing: develop attention, memory, imagination, speech, vocabulary, curiosity;
- educational: to cultivate interest in the history of brownies, in the world around them.
Probably every house has its own brownie. And I also have my favorite keepers of peace and good atmosphere in the house.

When people hear about him, the image of a small, shaggy and funny creature necessarily appears in their heads. Who is he really?
AT modern world It is believed that the brownie represents a special energy about a meter high. Over time, it becomes like its residents, who live together for a long time. Some magicians believe that the age of the brownie can reach 500-600 years.
This is surprising, but it is believed that brownies, like people, have their own holiday. For them New Year on the night of February 10-11. At this time, it is advisable to congratulate your brownie and his family on the holiday. They also write that all brownies sleep in winter and only on New Year's Eve wake up for a walk and have fun.
No one will be able to see a brownie, and it’s not worth wishing for. They say it's not good.
And the brownie can feel the approach of damage to the house. As soon as a person with bad intentions enters your house, the brownie begins to worry and tell you about the evil intentions of the guest. If you don't feel these cues, then he's getting your attention in other ways: maybe a plate breaks, or clothes rip, or something spills on the table. So the brownie calls for your vigilance - pay attention to this person!
Brownie can destroy bad energy in the house. But it can also fool around. Probably, everyone in their life put something in a prominent place, and then could not find this thing. At the same time, the brownie does not bring much harm. You need to kindly and respectfully ask him to put the thing in its place. And he will definitely return!
It is believed that if you have a good relationship with your brownie, then he will protect you and your house from evil spirits, damage and all kinds of misfortune.
The brownie is very accustomed to his home and it is very difficult to relocate him to a new place. When moving, it is very important and necessary to lure the brownie to a new home. Otherwise, he will remain in the old place, he will be sad and yearn. And the owner himself will not be able to be happy in a new house without his brownie.
Don't forget these funny but very defenseless fairy tale friends!

Hello! I heard this story hundreds of times from my beloved grandmother. As children, we came to visit her and looked forward to the evening, so that it would be even scarier to listen to her stories!
Grandma had three children eldest daughter Julia enlisted and went to Irkutsk to work on a construction site. Grandmother made a living sewing clothes and stayed up until late at night. Just on one of these late evenings, my grandmother put aside the product that she had not finished, but was very tired, and decided to go to bed.
The door was closed with a cast-iron hook, suddenly the door opened and a tall man came in. He was wearing all black and a hat. …

Almost 3 years ago I started dating a young man. Everything somehow quickly spun, spun, that after 3 months we began to live together. We were very interested in how “adults” live. Everything went like clockwork, we rarely quarreled. I’ll make a correction right away, we didn’t rent an apartment, the apartment once belonged to his grandmother on my father’s side. It's been about half a year since we lived together.
The work schedule that the martyr has, that I have a shift (morning, evening, night). We work at different enterprises, but our schedules did not always coincide, in principle, as on that night ... My dear worked then on the night shift, I arrived after ...

About 10 years ago I got acquainted with the work of Rammstein. :) I listened to them all the time, learned German phrases and constantly poured them. This is the preamble.
Mom comes home. The door opens with his key, i.e. no one is at home. Suddenly from my room a voiced “Guten tag!!!” Well, my mother thought that I was still at home, just for some reason it was closed with a key. And in response, too, “guten tag!”, And then continues to say something. But no one answers her anymore. Well, my mother came into my room to see what I was so busy with that I didn’t answer ... That’s right, I’m not at home!
When a little later I returned from school, my mother ...

House with "dowry".

I bought a house in the village. The grandfather who sold it said:

I want to warn: Love the owner and do not offend, leave him goodies, say hello, wish good night!

Whom? - I did not understand.

My grandmother gave it to me with an old hut. When I new house lined up, called him there with him! Take care and honor it and everything in your house will be fine!

Grandpa looked at me like I was sick in the head.

Brownie! He does not like being called by his name, but he responds when they call him the Master.

I agreed with the old man, although there was a desire to twist my finger at my temple...

After some time, my daughter and I became the happy owners of a village house. When they cleaned the house, they found in the pantry cardboard box, carefully pasted over with colored paper: inside lay a mattress, pillows and an embroidered blanket.

Hmm... does the grandfather seem to have a grandson already an adult?

I think this is the brownie's bedroom, - I answered Katya. Let her stay where she was. Just shake out the dust, it’s not good for the Master to sleep in such.

Mom? Haven't you overheated for an hour ... that ... in the sun?

I myself knew that I was talking nonsense. But ... grandfather advised not in vain to make friends with the brownie. What, is it difficult for me? The pantry was prepared for future conservation, so there was nothing in it except shelves and ... a brownie's house. I must admit that sometimes some strange sounds were heard at night: rustling, creaking of floorboards, rustling, sighs ....

That day, Katya left for a city apartment, while my grandson Misha and I stayed in the countryside. Shortly before that, I bought a kilogram of sugar, sprinkled raspberries in a bowl, and left the bag on the table. I rushed to cook compote - it is nowhere to be found! Rummaged everything in the kitchen! Disappeared without a trace! "What the hell is this? I left it here. Yesterday. Then Mishutka and I went to bed. Where did the sugar go? Stop, see Katka took it to the city! There you go, you bastard! After all, there is a store nearby, I could buy it for myself, and not pick it up from here. And I’m far and long to stomp with my grandson to the store. ” I was angry, but at first I didn’t say anything to my daughter.

The search for sugar turned into a manic state. It was a matter of principle! I looked into all the drawers, lockers, into the refrigerator, looked at the bookshelves - you never know where I could mechanically put it?! No results!

Kat, have you seen sugar? I put it on the table,” she asked her daughter, not hinting that she could take it with her.

No, I thought you just forgot to buy it!

Yes! And what did I sprinkle the berries with? Sand? I left the package on the table.

The search for a bag of sugar in the house continued, but the loss was not found. I've already started freaking out.

Call from Katya:

Mom, they advised me here take a clean glass, turn it upside down on the table and say the ancient conspiracy three times: “The owner played and give it back!”

Do you think I'm out of my mind? I won't do it! - I was indignant, but as you know, I did it anyway ....

Kuma Natashka, to whom I complained about the loss, advised:

Put a bowl of water in front of you, take matches out of the box, set fire to them, and when they burn out, throw them into the water and say: “The devil jokes, brings darkness, he is a big master of games. Stop, stop, roll over, loss come back! May it be so!"... Anka!... Believe me, it really works!

I again answered in the negative, but ... still burned matches and muttered a plot ....

Neighbor Baba Zina issued:

You should stand on the threshold of the room in which the item was lost, take a ball of red thread in left hand, and wrap the end well around the index finger of the left. Throw a ball in front of you and read the plot: “You tell me a ball, show me even better where my thing was hidden, all the merit will be yours!”... I can give you threads if you don't have any of your own.

“Slowly but surely I am turning into a mentally ill person,” I thought, throwing my grandmother’s ball in front of me ...

Grandson found the culprit.

In her hearts she asked her grandson where almost a kilogram of sugar had gone, to which she heard:

“Uh-huh, thanks Mishan. I understood everything: under the cover of night, an intruder made his way into the house, he is an unknown uncle who ate all the sugar, because it is delicious! - she laughed to herself and led the baby to put to bed. Mishka stared at the pantry door and muttered:

Uncle... yum yum...

“So, sir, he needs to turn on cartoons less often!” - I concluded.

In the morning, many things that were lost during the move were found: a curling iron, a clothes brush, a flashlight, even rubber boots. But, alas, no sugar! It turns out that the old rituals still work!

After breakfast, Misha, after drinking unsweetened compote, pulled me towards the pantry, muttering the same phrase:

Uncle... love... yum yum... kusna!

I opened the door and was stunned: a chair was pulled up to one of the shelves, next to the brownie's bed lies the desired package of sugar and a teaspoon. And the Master's bed is lightly sprinkled with sugar...

I still rack my brains: either the brownie himself put the sugar on his shelf, or the compassionate Misha did it ?! Shared, so to speak, with the owner. The nephew has been found! Brownie! Or maybe the grandson, as a future zealous owner, simply hid him from his grandmother ?! Be that as it may, but since then I have left the Host a treat: either a lollipop, or a cookie, or something else tasty, let him enjoy it, because he is protecting us! Peace and harmony in the house keeps!

(mystical stories about brownies)

Once the parents went to their friends, for the birthday of Uncle Vasya - my father's friend. They took me with them too. As I remember now, the house we arrived at was not bad, with a very good repair. To be honest, I didn't feel like it, it was scary. We sat at the table for a lot of time ... I was bored. I hoped that soon we will return home and everything will be fine. It turned out the opposite, this friend persuaded us to stay overnight at his house. I was against the whole idea, but who will listen to the opinion of the child? There was nothing to do...

I was given a separate room. The room was small, the bed narrow, the floor was dirty, there were cobwebs at the corners of the ceiling. There was a feeling that no one had lived in this room for a long time, it was abandoned.

Before going to bed, I locked myself in the lock (all bedrooms had their own key), so I was calmer. I could not sleep for a long time, I turned over from side to side. When I started to fall asleep a little, something strange happened in the corridor. Someone walked and grumbled. I didn't pay attention to it, you know. Soon everything was quiet.

An hour later, my door began to burst with such force! Clearly they weren't parents. I was seized with fear, I wanted to squeal and ask for help! But my voice seemed to be gone, I could not even utter a word. Tears ran down her cheeks. I crawled under the covers like it could save me. Under this noise and uproar I fell asleep.

I woke up in the morning with a severe headache. It's good that I had a couple of head pills in my purse. I went to the kitchen to take my medicine. When I left the room, the door was covered in black marks and scratches. I was in a panic. I ran into my parents' bedroom. When I told them everything, showed them the door, they ordered me to collect all my things.

When I returned to my "closet" to collect things, I saw a furry black creature hanging over my head, its eyes were white, they looked directly at me. The mouth of this creature was all bloody, with huge fangs. It flew up to me, as I yelled: "Get down, evil spirits!". My parents and Uncle Vasya and Aunt Nadia came running to my cry, they asked me who I was yelling at. I told them everything, about the door, about the creature and about what I don’t like about this house and in general, my foot will not be here.

After my tantrum, we immediately left for our home. And on the way, my mother told me that the room in which I slept was the Brownie's room. He does not like it when someone is in charge of it, so Aunt Nadia rarely cleans it. Initially, the Brownie made itself felt. When new residents appeared in his house, he began to arrange a concert. Some kind of grief, not Brownie.