That there is a pregnancy and the test is negative. The test does not show pregnancy - can it be? Problems with the genitals

Many women dream of pregnancy so much that they listen to the slightest changes in their body. A delay in menstruation for at least one day already encourages them to run to the pharmacy for a miracle test that allows you to determine pregnancy at home at an early stage. And what a disappointment when, instead of the cherished two strips, the test shows a negative result. It turns out that one strip cannot guarantee a 100% absence of pregnancy. That is why, in addition to the test, it is necessary to pay attention to other symptoms and indicators that indicate that pregnancy is possible.

How does a pregnancy test work?

Even in ancient times, women noticed that a delay in menstruation can be directly related to pregnancy. In 1350 B.C. came up with a way to confirm or deny the onset of pregnancy. Women urinated on wheat and barley seeds and evaluated the results after a while. If the seeds did not germinate, then pregnancy did not occur. If the seeds sprouted, then one could talk not only about the onset of pregnancy, but also about the field of the future baby (sprouted wheat promised a girl, and barley promised a boy).

In 1963, scientists, after conducting their research, found that such a diagnosis works, and the seeds really germinate faster due to the increased level of estrogen in the urine of a pregnant woman. At the same time, the development of modern tests began.

The first test strips, which allow you to get results relatively quickly, appeared in 1988. Over time, they improved and today they allow to determine the onset of pregnancy with high accuracy within 5 - 10 seconds.

The principle of operation of pregnancy tests is simple. The test reacts to the hCG hormone, which begins to be actively produced in the woman's body from the first hours after fertilization.

On the 12th - 15th day after fertilization, the concentration of this hormone in the urine reaches the level at which the test system is able to determine it.

Just by this time, the woman is already experiencing a delay in menstruation. To carry out the test, it is necessary to make contact of the test strip with urine, collecting it in a separate container or urinating directly on the test system and evaluate the result after a certain time. The instructions say that two strips mean a positive result, and one strip indicates the absence of pregnancy.

Causes of a false negative pregnancy test

The accuracy of readings obtained after using a pregnancy test ranges from 75 - 97%. Thus, the manufacturer himself admits the possibility of both a false positive and a false negative result.

There are various reasons why a woman may get a negative pregnancy test:

The main symptoms of pregnancy

The main symptom that women and doctors mostly associate with the onset of pregnancy is the delay in menstruation. But there are others that may appear even before the expected date of menstruation.

Pregnancy diagnostics

If a woman has a delay in menstruation, other symptoms appear that indicate a possible pregnancy, but despite this, the test stubbornly shows a negative result, then you need to see a doctor and find out why such changes have occurred.

Medicine owns more accurate methods of early diagnosis of pregnancy, which include:

  • Blood test for hCG. The fact is that the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood is much higher than in the urine. In addition, this hormone can be determined in the blood even before the delay, starting from the first day after fertilization. Therefore, it happens that the concentration of hCG in the urine is not enough for a pregnancy test to determine it, while a blood test shows a positive result.
  • Ultrasound examination of the uterus. According to the results of an ultrasound scan performed by a transvaginal sensor, it is possible not only to determine the presence of pregnancy, but also to establish its duration and features of development.

A negative pregnancy test is not always a reason to completely exclude it. Women who are not pregnant for the first time may suspect their position much earlier than even the most accurate test determines it. Therefore, you need to take care of your health. Not only the delay in menstruation, but also other visible symptoms, should be suspicious. If you have any doubts, you should consult a doctor, since a false negative pregnancy test can be a signal indicating any abnormalities in the woman's health or the development of pregnancy.

Is pregnancy possible with a negative test result

A negative pregnancy test is quite common.

Many women planning a child, when conducting a mini-study, received one band as a result. But in fact, they have already developed a new life. So, the test is negative, is pregnancy possible? Yes, it can be. The following are typical examples of such situations.

When Mistakes Happen

There are a number of reasons why a pregnancy test, if it is actually present, can show one line. Here is a list of the most common cases.

Features of the female body. This rather “vague” formulation implies that the body, after conception and in the initial periods of fetal development, produces a very small amount of the hCG hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin), an increased level of which directly indicates the presence of pregnancy. As a result, an insufficiently sensitive test cannot distinguish between a normal and an “interesting” position.

Broken test. If you are embarrassed by a negative test result during pregnancy, but you are almost sure of its presence, it is recommended to make another attempt at an express analysis, or donate blood to determine the level of the hCG hormone. Even if you buy tests in a large trusted pharmacy, there is a chance that the product has been damaged, the terms and conditions of storage have been violated. With a high degree of probability, a poor-quality test will show an unreliable result.

Wrong conduct. A negative test with a delay in menstruation can also be in the case when it was not carried out according to the instructions. Read the manual carefully. If necessary, repeat the home diagnostics again.

Too early. As a rule, tests show a negative result until the moment when the fetus is not fully implanted in the uterine wall. The implantation time can be from 6 to 12 days. There may be some bleeding, which is often mistaken for the onset of menstruation.

Inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs. The presence of tumors, either malignant or benign, can affect the results of the test. Also, inflammatory processes in the ovaries often cause a delay in menstruation. In this case, you may rightly think that you are pregnant, but the test will show a negative result.

The presence of a number of diseases. Malfunctions of the hypothalamus or serious problems with the thyroid gland also affect the results.

How to dispel doubts

Your test is negative, but there is a pregnancy, and you are one hundred percent sure of this. To remove all doubts, it is recommended to visit a doctor. After carrying out simple tests, namely blood sampling to determine the level of the hCG hormone, you can be sure of your situation. After that, in the hospital you will have an ultrasound scan, where on the monitor screen (of course, if you are really pregnant) the fetal egg is clearly visible. And with a period of 4.5 or more weeks, even the embryo and its heartbeat.

Next, the doctor will determine why the test is negative in the presence of pregnancy, and, if necessary, prescribe a number of procedures in order to preserve and normal development of the child. Please note that in most cases this phenomenon is not a cause for concern. It is enough for you to contact a specialist for advice in time.

If there is a delay, and the test is negative, then what should I do? Does this necessarily mean the emergence of serious diseases? It is quite possible that the whole problem lies only in the test or its use. However, it is still desirable to be aware of the possible risks, as well as what to do with them.

Delay in the absence of pregnancy - causes

1. Irregular cycle

Normally, the cycle lasts up to 35 days inclusive. In women with irregular cycles, small delays usually do not cause panic. But if menstruation does not occur even 7-10 days after the expected date, something will have to be done. In this case, it makes sense to try to find the objective reasons for such a failure.

Pretexts for a long absence of menstruation can be listed below.

2. Stress

The female body is quite sensitive to stress. It is known that during the war times, many women completely stopped menstruating for several months. This is a kind of defensive reaction. Danger is not the best time for bearing a child, so the body excludes the ability to become pregnant.

The war times are over, but modern women still have enough reasons to worry. Therefore, fear, anxiety, constant tension, and even anger or euphoria can trigger a delay.

3. Bad habits

If you take alcohol in moderation or smoke infrequently, then there should not be a delay. But if you sharply increase the dose of harmful substances or, conversely, suddenly quit a bad habit, this may well affect the cycle. Crashes in the monthly schedule also happen when women try something harmful for the first time.

It is vain to think that food has no effect on menstruation.

  • First, there are foods that provoke the production of certain hormones. For example, an over-indulgence in oysters, avocados, or asparagus can lead to higher testosterone levels.
  • Secondly, too spicy, fatty, salty food clutters up the body and negatively affects the functioning of all its systems.

4. Taking hormonal drugs

Most women know that oral contraceptives are hormonal drugs. However, not everyone is aware of the extent of the impact of such substances. Properly selected OK will only benefit, but their use will change the normal functioning of the body. So that this does not become a “surprise”, such drugs cannot be chosen independently. You will definitely need a detailed consultation with a gynecologist.

In addition, gynecology is not the only area using hormonal treatment. It is better to ask doctors about the effects of the drugs they prescribe. It does not hurt to also check the composition of the drugs that were taken during the previous two cycles.

5. Inflammatory process

Even a simple cold with a mild fever can delay the onset of menstruation. Any disease is another form of stress for the body.

Should we talk about chronic diseases? If there is a long-term, periodically disturbing disease, then here is a “sign from above” - it's time to be treated. Otherwise, the situation will only get worse. For example, severe kidney problems can lead to infertility.

6. Intense loads

Reinforced study or work on the verge of possibilities causes hormonal failure. It, in turn, makes the cycle irregular.

Strength training, attempts sharp lose weight also adversely affect the reproductive system. An example is female weightlifters. You can see that they have a massive upper body, but the pelvis is not so well expressed. In general, their physique is similar to that of a man. One of the reasons is the male hormone testosterone, the amount of which increases with intense strength training. This is not a call to give up sports, this is a reason to do everything gradually, carefully, in moderation.

Climate change, sudden changes in activity, even a different diet can also affect the cycle.

7. Natural hormonal changes

There are only three main reasons.

  1. puberty. Adolescence is one of the most sensitive. This is a time of radical restructuring of the body. For some girls, the schedule stabilizes only after a few months or even years after the onset of menstruation.
  2. Climax. Another critical period when the hormonal background changes dramatically. Menopause does not occur in one day, but comes gradually, so the cycle begins to fluctuate greatly.
  3. Lactation. In non-breastfeeding mothers, periods are restored on average 2 months after childbirth. But for women who have chosen breastfeeding, menstruation will go only after they stop it. However, no later than one year after birth.

8. Weight problems

Weight, even with a slight deviation from the norm, is already fraught with danger. It provokes problems with the bearing and development of the fetus.

In patients with obesity, the chances of conception are markedly reduced and the risk of infertility increases. And in anorexics, periods can generally disappear forever. This will lead not only to the inability to have a child, but also to serious diseases of the whole organism.

9. Problems with the genitals

This category includes fibroids, various cysts, polycystic diseases and other similar diseases. They may well be asymptomatic. In rare cases, a woman immediately begins to feel pain or heaviness in the lower abdomen, fever, nausea. If there is inflammation, then atypical discharge will also appear.

It is better not to postpone the visit to the doctor. In addition, if detected early, most of these diagnoses do not require surgical intervention.

What to do next?

1. Recheck the result

First of all, it is better to check the test itself.

  • Has it expired?
  • Is there any damage on it?
  • Are storage rules followed?
  • Has it been used in accordance with the instructions?

If there are no problems with these items, you can try to repeat the procedure in 2-3 days with other probes. Sometimes it is very useful to ask relatives or friends to determine the result. The woman herself can be very nervous and “think out” or “ignore” the second strip.

2. Analyze other symptoms

The test is negative, and the delay is still there? It's time to analyze your feelings.

  • Does your head hurt? Do you have dizziness or blackouts in your eyes?
  • Are there any painful or pulling sensations in the lower abdomen? Are there any highlights?
  • What are the indicators of temperature (including basal), blood pressure, pulse?
  • Is there any nausea, vomiting, or toilet problems?
  • Does the condition worsen when moving or taking a certain position?
  • Has your weight changed drastically recently?
  • Has your appearance changed (color, condition of skin, hair, nails, etc.)?

Having gathered the answers to these questions, it's time to move on to the next step as soon as possible.

3. Consult a doctor

After an external examination, the gynecologist may prescribe:

  • a laboratory test for hCG (perhaps its concentration is too low in the urine, and a blood test is needed);
  • Ultrasound of the genitourinary system;
  • CT and / or MRI of the brain (to exclude certain types of tumors).

He can also refer you to another specialist for additional examination. More often it is an endocrinologist, a nephrologist, a therapist, less often a cardiologist, a psychotherapist.

Poor health, a long delay, a negative test - all together, without the help of a doctor, this can turn into a serious problem. It is better not to risk your health and immediately contact a specialist for help. Even if everything is in order with the body, the advice of a gynecologist will relieve you of worries and help eliminate discomfort.

As the long-term practice of using tests to determine pregnancy shows, false negative results are quite common , i.e. during pregnancy, the tests stubbornly show a negative result. And the point is not at all that this or that company produces “defective” or low-quality tests - other factors also influence the determination of the most truthful result, in particular, the conditions of use. But, let's take it all in order.

Women's opinion:


Once it was that I was deceived by a test, which, in general, I trusted more than others - "BIOCARD". With a delay of 4 days, he showed bright two stripes, and I went to my doctor. As it turned out, there was no pregnancy - this was confirmed by ultrasound, and a blood test for hCG, and menstruation that came later ...


Since I live with my boyfriend, I somehow decided to buy several VERA tests at once so that they would be at home. I'll tell you right away. That I never used pregnancy tests, since we were protected with condoms. And then curiosity pulled me to use the test three days before the onset of menstruation. I did a test - and almost fainted, as he clearly showed two stripes! Children were not planned yet, so what happened was a bolt from the blue for my boyfriend. The next day I bought the Evitest test - one strip, hurray! And my period came the next day.


And I came across a defective Ministrip test. After carrying out the procedure, I saw on the test not one strip ... and not two strips ... But a dirty pink spot that spread over the entire surface of the stick. I immediately realized that the test was not up to par, but before the control test, I still felt a chill from fear - what if pregnancy?