What to do if the cat choked. How can you tell if a cat is choking? Diagnosis and treatment

If a cat coughs, as if it is choking and wants to vomit, this is not a reason to panic. You should not start treating the animal yourself. It is better to pay attention to what other symptoms are observed. You can make a video recording of your pet coughing and visit the veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

Types of symptoms

A cough means one thing - the cat’s body is trying to get rid of something. The muscles of the respiratory organs contract and push, at which point the cat coughs. Such attacks are accompanied by other symptoms. The cat is sneezing or wheezing, breathing heavily, and his eyes are watering.

The natural microflora of the throat, esophagus and lungs is disrupted, so the cat develops a cough reflex. The immune system increases the secretion of secretions, directing white blood cells to fight symptoms. Cough has different causes:

  • microbes;
  • foreign bodies;
  • viruses;
  • wounds.

But the essence is the same - discharge accumulates, and you need to get rid of it. The cat's body is designed in such a way that when it coughs strongly, it looks like the animal is about to vomit.

When your pet coughs, symptoms vary by:

  1. 1. Duration: sometimes the condition develops in attacks, in other cases it constantly torments the animal.
  2. 2. Intensity: mild coughing or coughing so strong that it hurts to look at the cat. The condition may be accompanied by vomiting and snot.
  3. 3. Sound: the cough can be painful and muffled or loud. In other situations, the cat is constantly breathing heavily.
  4. 4. Discharge from the mouth and nose: dry coughing is dangerous, but worse when purulent and bloody traces are noticeable.
  5. 5. Time of manifestation: respiratory disorders worsen either at night or after sleep. For diagnosis, it is important what time of year the cat got sick. Behavior also varies - the animal coughs after hissing or stretching out and pressing itself to the floor. All these points are important for diagnosis.

Causes of cough and how it manifests itself

When a cat coughs as if it wants to vomit, this indicates the following conditions:

If a cat develops such symptoms and coughs as if it is choking, there is no need to try to determine the reasons yourself - you could harm your pet.


If it's a foreign body or hairballs, the cat will usually cough them up. Sometimes they pass through the digestive system and are passed through a bowel movement. But if the object is stuck in the throat or esophagus, surgery will be required.

  • use phytomines for distilling wool;
  • try to pull out the foreign body yourself with tweezers (if it is really visible in the throat) - it is important not to rush, not to panic and not to make sudden movements;
  • try to help the cat vomit - you need to lightly press your finger on the root of the pet’s tongue.

If attacks occur frequently, consult your doctor.

So that the doctor understands what the problem is, film the cat coughing in advance. Just by the sounds, a professional will determine in which direction to look for the source of the disease. So, if there is a strangled cough and wheezing, the cat will be sent for a cardiological check.

The veterinarian will also pay attention to whether there is purulent, mucous and bloody discharge in order to rule out infectious inflammation of the respiratory tract. The necessary smears and tests will be prescribed to determine the type of pathogenic microorganisms.

Medications may also be prescribed to treat a coughing cat. Such drugs are needed so that an animal that is sneezing and coughing gets rid of excess mucus in the throat. Prescribed for dry coughing or weak natural expectoration. They will also suppress an allergic reaction, reduce swelling, and clear the airways. If you are concerned about asthma, the main emphasis on treatment is in the spring and autumn. Medicines correctly selected by the doctor effectively suppress the inflammatory process.

If the prescription has not been received, do not purchase such medications yourself. They are selected only after careful analysis. For antibiotic treatment to be successful, you need to understand what type of microorganism caused the infection so as not to harm the cat’s health.

We know very little about the time of the appearance of the first domestic animals; there is practically no confirmed information about them. There are no legends or chronicles preserved about that period of human life when we were able to tame wild animals. It is believed that already in the Stone Age, ancient people had domesticated animals, the ancestors of today's domestic animals. The time when man got modern domestic animals remains unknown to science, and the formation of today's domestic animals as a species is also unknown.

Scientists assume that every domestic animal has its wild ancestor. Proof of this is archaeological excavations carried out on the ruins of ancient human settlements. During excavations, bones were found belonging to domestic animals of the ancient world. So it can be argued that even in such a distant era of human life, domesticated animals accompanied us. Today there are species of domestic animals that are no longer found in the wild.

Many of today's wild animals are feral animals caused by humans. For example, let's take America or Australia as clear evidence of this theory. Almost all domestic animals were brought to these continents from Europe. These animals have found fertile soil for life and development. An example of this is hares or rabbits in Australia. Due to the fact that there are no natural predators dangerous for this species on this continent, they multiplied in huge numbers and went wild. Since all rabbits were domesticated and brought by Europeans for their needs. Therefore, we can say with confidence that more than half of wild domesticated animals are former domestic animals. For example, wild city cats and dogs.

Be that as it may, the question of the origin of domestic animals should be considered open. As for our pets. The first confirmations in chronicles and legends we meet are a dog and a cat. In Egypt, the cat was a sacred animal, and dogs were actively used by humanity in the ancient era. There is plenty of evidence for this. In Europe, the cat appeared in large numbers after the Crusade, but firmly and quickly occupied the niche of a pet and mouse hunter. Before them, Europeans used various animals to catch mice, such as weasels or genets.

Domestic animals are divided into two unequal species.

The first type of domestic animal is farm animals that directly benefit humans. Meat, wool, fur and many other useful things, goods, and are also used by us for food. But they do not live directly in the same room with a person.

The second type is pet animals (companions), which we see every day in our houses or apartments. They brighten up our leisure time, entertain us and give us pleasure. And most of them are almost useless for practical purposes in the modern world, such as hamsters, guinea pigs, parrots and many others.

Animals of the same species can often belong to both species, both farm animals and pets. A prime example of this is that rabbits and ferrets are kept at home as pets, but are also bred for their meat and fur. Also, some waste from pets can be used, for example, the hair of cats and dogs for knitting various items or as insulation. For example, belts made of dog hair.

Many doctors note the positive impact of pets on human health and well-being. We can notice that many families who keep animals at home note that these animals create comfort, calm, and relieve stress.

This encyclopedia was created by us to help pet lovers. We hope that our encyclopedia will help you in choosing a pet and caring for it.

If you have interesting observations of your pet’s behavior or would like to share information about some pet. Or you have a nursery, veterinary clinic, or animal hotel near your home, write to us about them at , so that we can add this information to the database on our website.

The article was prepared with the support of specialists from the online store of goods for animals Zooservice.

What to do if a cat chokes on a bone

Every owner of a four-legged friend should be prepared for any surprises, including knowing what to do if the cat chokes on a bone. This most often occurs when animals are fed large, unprocessed pieces of food, or when fed hard, fragile foods. Kittens and young cats also often choke, as they greedily grab large pieces of food and quickly swallow them. The presence of bones in the diet, be they fish, chicken, or others, significantly increases the risk of such a danger.

How to fix the problem

First of all, if there is a suspicion that your pet is choking, you should rule out other problems with similar symptoms. Under no circumstances should you panic or hesitate. If an animal has a rare urge to vomit, cough, hoarseness, suffocation, these may well be symptoms of diseases of the respiratory system, digestive system, allergies, infectious diseases, and abnormal development of internal organs. The owner needs to learn to distinguish symptoms and respond correctly.

If a cat chokes on a bone, the following signs are observed:

Intense vomiting;
hypersalivation (increased salivation);
actually, vomiting, and quite intense;
impaired swallowing (the pet is unable to drink water or swallow saliva);
anxiety, panic;
in serious cases - acute respiratory distress.

If a cat chokes on a fish bone, the symptoms may be accompanied by the presence of blood in the mouth and saliva, since fish bones are sharper than chicken bones and can injure the mucous membranes of the animal. You need to find out what the pet did and what it ate. The owner’s actions must be precise and confident.

What should the owner do if a cat chokes on a bone?

Of course, it is better to consult a veterinarian. But, if for some reason this fails, the owner himself must provide assistance.

A cat choked on a chicken bone or other bones, what should the owner of the victim do? The first step is to evaluate the animal's breathing. If there are no problems with this, then most likely the foreign object is located shallow and can be removed independently.

It is important to examine your pet's mouth and throat. It is very difficult to carry out such manipulations alone; it is better if someone helps to hold the injured cat. A frightened animal may struggle, scratch, and it will be difficult to open and hold its mouth. We must not forget about our safety - you can wrap your fingers in a thick cloth so that the cat cannot bite your hand. The mouth can be held open by means of a thick stick or similar object carefully inserted into the mouth on one side and secured between the back teeth of the upper and lower jaws.

It is necessary to provide bright light so that it is possible to clearly see the pet’s throat. An important point is that you need to talk to the cat calmly in a gentle tone, say his name, and under no circumstances raise your voice. At the same time, manipulations should be carried out accurately, carefully and boldly. The animal is already scared, it needs to be shown as much as possible that the owner is not causing harm.

How to help

When a cat chokes on a bone, specialists and experienced owners know what to do. Here are some ways to solve the problem:

The simplest and most accurate - pull out the bone using tweezers. This tool is a must have in your first aid kit. If a foreign object is visible, it must be firmly grasped and quickly pulled out with a precise, careful movement. It is important to assess how badly the bone is stuck so as not to injure the cat even more with your actions.
Sometimes owners shake the bone out of the cat's throat (just as when helping children). Pet turned upside down and hit sharply on the chest from the back. It is important to control the force and correctly determine the location of the clap.
Can pour some vegetable oil into the mouth. This will help the bone slide and move out.
You can also try artificially induce vomiting. This reflex sometimes helps to independently push the bone out of the pharynx.

Under no circumstances should you give laxatives or drink alcohol.

What to do if the bone cannot be removed

The problem cannot be left to chance. There is a danger of injury to the mucous membranes of the pharynx and esophagus from sharp parts of the bone. In the future, inflammation may arise and develop, and infections may occur. This has serious consequences, including death.

In addition, a cat with a bone stuck in its throat cannot eat or drink water normally. Exhaustion and dehydration occur – the whole body suffers. Therefore, in case of unsuccessful attempts to remove a foreign object on your own, you need to take your pet to an appointment at a veterinary clinic.

Particularly dangerous is the complete or partial closure of the respiratory tract. This may be evidenced by:

Heavy, labored breathing;
cough, wheezing;
cyanosis (blueness) of the tongue, gums;
bulging eyes;
the cat works intensively with its paws - trying to pull out the interfering object;
shock, loss of consciousness.

In such a situation, the animal requires emergency help. You need to contact your veterinarian immediately!

Unfortunately, if a cat chokes on a large chicken bone, sometimes you have to resort to surgical treatment. The same method is used if a sharp fish bone has penetrated deeply into the tissues of the animal and is securely stuck. It is important not to delay providing assistance in order to avoid complications.

What to do after bone removal

If the bone extraction was painless, no special care is required after the incident. We need to review our pet menu. At first, give him more gentle and soft food, after a while you can pamper him with treats for cats. Immediately after providing assistance, you need to give the cat a rest. Calm and praise your pet. It is necessary to provide drink, but it is better to feed after a while.

If a cat chokes on a sharp fish bone, you should put him on a gentle diet of liquid and soft food for a couple of days. The mucous membranes quickly recover from injuries, but it is worth keeping an eye on your pet during this period. Puncture and cut wounds caused by sharp parts of the bone can sometimes become inflamed and tear. It is important to pay attention to any changes in your pet's condition.

If surgical intervention was not necessary, you must strictly adhere to all the recommendations of the attending veterinarian and bring the cat for examinations on time. Don't be shy about asking your veterinarian questions.

How to avoid such situations

Preventing danger is always smarter and easier than dealing with the consequences. To avoid unpleasant situations associated with improper feeding, you need to exclude river fish from the diet (it contains a lot of bones of different sizes, it is almost impossible to remove everything), and carefully handle the fed products. It is necessary to provide your pet with freely available fresh water so that the cat can always drink.

You need to carefully monitor your pet and periodically examine the oral cavity. It is better to accustom your cat to various manipulations from childhood. Then it will be easier to provide help if necessary.

Do not neglect preventive examinations by a veterinarian. Proper diet and attentive care are the key to successfully keeping a healthy, cheerful pet.

Coughing is a protective reflex that helps animals clear their airways. As soon as the kitten is born, it begins to cough in order to start breathing. Should you be wary and what should you do if your cat coughs as if she’s choking for no apparent reason? You need to worry if attacks recur frequently. The owner’s first task will be to identify the cause of the cough; we’ll look at it in more detail below.

How to identify the causes of cough and what may cause attacks? This question is very complex and to fully answer it you will have to read tons of veterinary literature. is a symptom of many ailments. However, a characteristic expectorant cough occurs for only one reason - the nerve endings of the respiratory tract are irritated by something. The brain receives a signal that the airways need to be cleared and the cat begins to cough. Below are most common causes of seizures, they need to be confirmed or refuted first.

The first reason to consider is. Most owners believe that a cat cannot catch a cold or that this illness is very rare. This statement is far from the truth, since your pet's body is protected by an immune system that can work normally or malfunction. Moreover, a normally functioning immune system cannot cope with the combination of several risk factors:

  • Freezing or being in a draft after swimming.
  • when walking in frosty weather.
  • Hypothermia against the background of a secretive illness.
  • Cold against the background of defeat.

Note! The cat must receive warm food and water! Drinking food or water that is too cold can lead to inflammation of the throat and tonsils. In hot weather, the water should be slightly cool and fresh.

Let's return to the last point of the above list - cold symptoms against the background of a virus infection. Ailments caused by bacteria are treated symptomatically and, in severe cases, with antibiotics. Viral diseases need to be treated as quickly as possible and with the use of antiviral drugs and agents to increase the body's immune defense. If you treat a viral cold, firstly, you will waste time, and secondly, you will very soon notice a deterioration in your pet’s condition.

Note! With a characteristic expectorant cough, medications that increase the outflow of sputum are prescribed for symptomatic treatment.

A cat suffering from a cold should be seen by a doctor, but can be treated at home. The animal will recover faster if all irritating factors are eliminated; the cat needs to be provided with maximum care, peace and comfort. During treatment, your pet's food should be crushed and kneaded so that it does not scratch the throat and cause even more irritation. The diet should be high in calories, rich in proteins and easy to digest. The drink is exceptionally warm and fresh.

Advice: If you are treating a cat for a bacterial cold and using antibiotics, it is advisable to immediately introduce drugs with. Antibiotics kill all bacteria: both friendly and enemy, and this can lead to dysbacteriosis.

With a viral infection, the course of the disease is usually more severe. Almost always there is a very high temperature and subsequent intoxication. Very common symptoms are purulent discharge from and, weakness, apathy, with - ulcerative lesions of the nasal passages and mouth. Viral diseases cannot be ignored and self-medication is not recommended.

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It is impossible to rule out infection by the virus, even if your ward does not walk outside. The source of infection can be you, items of clothing, or anything brought from the street. Many viral agents are resistant to the external environment and can survive in sputum and feces. The risk increases significantly if the animal has not received timely vaccination, suffers from disease, has access to places where waste accumulates, hunts and eats wild rodents and birds.

Important! The immune system of animals is less resistant to viruses if the cat is less than 1 year old, or if the pet is under constant stress or suffers from lack of sleep, or has undergone long-term treatment or surgery.

If you are sure that your patient has not contracted the virus, you need to consider other causes of coughing attacks. Many owners dress cats collars for decoration or identification. If your pet is also the proud owner of a collar, make sure that when fastened, a finger fits freely between the strap and the cat's neck. It is especially important to track the degree of tension during the autumn molt. It is not recommended to wear a collar on a cat on walks, as it increases flight risk and suffocation followed by coughing.

Are the coughing attacks related to your recent return from the street? If the answer is yes, your cat is most likely suffering from a non-food problem. In case of food intolerance, it is not difficult to identify the allergen; it is enough to put the cat on a strict diet and add foods one at a time. If the allergy is non-food, the situation is much more complicated. Coughing after a walk can be a reaction to dust, fumes, pollen, grass or soil chemicals.

Non-food allergies are most common seasonal nature, that is, it is related to air temperature and humidity. In some modern clinics, animals are tested to identify reactions to popular allergens. If this procedure is not available to you for some reason, you can either guess the reason or refrain from walking during dangerous seasons of the year. You need to understand that it is unreasonable to make a conclusion about allergies without the presence of additional symptoms. Usually the disease is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes, lacrimation, copious mucus discharge from the nose and itching.

Important! Closely monitor your pet on walks out of curiosity or necessity; the cat may drink water from a puddle or eat a poisonous plant. The first is fraught with bacterial infection, the second with poisoning and an allergic reaction with swelling of the throat.

Another very common cause of cough is accumulation of fur in the pet's stomach. Cats groom themselves and clean their fur with their tongue. Some hair is inevitably swallowed. If the cat has long hair or receives an unbalanced diet, the hair that gets into the stomach becomes a ball. Some of the hairs stick to the esophagus, which provokes discomfort very similar to what a cat experiences when choking.

Read also: Cat training: where to start?

To prevent fur from clumping in the stomach, it is recommended to give cats a special gel. After entering the stomach, the product changes the structure of the hair and the cat can digest it. For all cats living in apartments without exception, it is recommended to plant grass . When a cat eats vegetation, it cleanses its stomach and receives vitamins. Don’t be afraid of what follows after eating grass – this is a natural process.

It should be carried out regularly, optimally once every 3 months, but at least once every six months. If your pet has not received prophylactic medications for a long time and the infestation is severe, a few hours after administration, it is recommended to give the cat a laxative. The fact is that dead worms can form a ball and linger in the intestines. In this case, the animal’s well-being will sharply deteriorate due to poisoning by decay products.

Important! If you pick up a cat on the street and suspect a severe parasite infestation, it is better to contact a veterinarian who will carry out measures to stimulate the immune system before deworming.

  • Didn’t steal bird bones or oilcloth from sausage, frankfurters, crab sticks, etc. from the trash can.
  • I didn’t eat fish, especially those with a lot of small bones.
  • Didn't play with small objects.
  • I didn’t play with threads or New Year’s tinsel.