What is tomato sauce? Homemade tomato sauce for the winter: prepare it simply, quickly and tastefully

Without the aromatic spicy tomato sauce! Meatballs, for example, will be dry without the right tomato sauce. And an ordinary piece of meat or fish, flavored with tomato sauce cooked with your own hands, will seem much tastier.

Making tomato sauce is not difficult, but some rules still need to be followed. The basis of tomato sauce is tomatoes. They should be ripe, fleshy, preferably ground. The skins of tomatoes can be removed in advance by scalding the fruits with boiling water and cooling in ice water, or you can cook tomato sauce from unpeeled fruits, but in this case the finished sauce must be rubbed through a sieve. If you don’t have suitable tomatoes on hand, use tomato paste, only choose the highest quality concentrate, without any starch or soy impurities. Tomato sauce is unthinkable without spices. They can be very different: black and red ground pepper, hot or allspice, coriander, cumin, cinnamon, cloves, ginger (fresh or dried), sweet or hot pepper, herbs - to your taste! For thickness, flour sauté is used, which can be diluted with either water or a broth suitable to taste (meat, fish or vegetable). Flour for tomato sauce should be fried until golden brown.

We bring to your attention several recipes for tomato sauce, both simple, quick, and delicious, “with a twist.” Choose!

1 tbsp. flour,
1 tbsp. butter or margarine,
350 ml broth (meat or fish),
1 carrot,
1 onion,
1 parsley root,
1 stack tomato paste,
1 bay leaf,
salt, sugar, spices, black, white or red ground pepper - to taste.

Chop the roots and onions, sauté in vegetable oil until soft, add flour and fry everything together until golden brown. Add tomato paste, stir and dilute with broth. Boil for 5 minutes, then rub through a sieve, add salt, sugar (a little), spices and butter. Stir and serve.

200 g tomato paste,
4-5 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tbsp. dried garlic,

1 bay leaf,
1 stack water,
salt, dried herbs - to taste.

Bring water to a boil, add sugar, garlic, bay leaf, herbs and pepper and simmer for 5 minutes at a low simmer. Remove the bay leaf, add tomato paste, stir and cook covered for 5-7 minutes over low heat. Remove from heat and cool.

200 g tomato paste,
1-2 tbsp. fat sour cream,
a pinch of salt,
lemon juice, pepper - to taste.

Mix tomato paste with 1 tablespoon of water, add salt and simmer over low heat for 1-2 minutes. Add sour cream, pepper and lemon juice and blend with a blender.

600 g ripe tomatoes,
½ tsp. salt,
2-3 cloves of garlic,
30 ml olive oil,
2 tsp Sahara,
½ tsp. dried oregano,
2-3 sprigs of cilantro,
1 sprig of basil.


Peel and chop the tomatoes using a blender and rub through a sieve. Cook the tomato mixture over low heat, stirring frequently, for 15-20 minutes. Add salt, sugar and olive oil. Stir, boil for another 5 minutes and add chopped herbs and garlic, passed through a press. Cook a little more and remove from heat.

1.2 kg tomatoes,
400 g tomatoes in their own juice,
2-5 cloves of garlic,
4-6 tbsp. olive oil,
1 bunch of basil leaves,
salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Cut fresh tomatoes crosswise, scald with boiling water and immediately cool in ice water. Remove the skin. Fry the garlic slices over low heat for 1-2 minutes, add the peeled tomatoes, bring to a boil, add the canned tomatoes along with the liquid and simmer over low heat for 1.5 hours. Then mash the tomatoes with a fork, add salt and pepper, and add a little sugar if necessary. Add the chopped basil leaves and cook for another 30 minutes on low heat. Transfer to a clean jar and store in the refrigerator.

1 stack milk,
1 stack cream,
1 stack tomato paste,
2 tsp flour,
2 tbsp. butter,
salt, spices, pepper - to taste.

Boil half the amount of milk. Mix the remaining milk with flour so that there are no lumps, and pour in a thin stream, stirring, into the boiling milk. When the mixture boils and thickens, add cream, tomato paste, oil and salt. Heat through, stirring, but do not boil.

4 tomatoes
1 onion,
1 tbsp. flour,
1 tbsp. dried herbs,
250 ml water,
150-200 g sour cream,
salt, pepper, spices - to taste.

Finely chop the onion, fry in vegetable oil, add chopped tomatoes and simmer for 10 minutes. Add flour, dried herbs, spices, water and sour cream, stir and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.

250 ml meat broth,
25 g butter,
½ carrot
½ parsley root
1 tbsp. flour,
½ onion,
250 g tomato paste,
1 tsp Sahara,
1-2 bay leaves,
salt, black peppercorns, a pinch of citric acid.

Saute the flour in butter until golden brown and dilute it with strained broth so that there are no lumps. Separately, boil the tomato paste with chopped onions, carrots and parsley root. Mix the flour sauté with tomato paste, add sugar, citric acid, bay leaf, salt and black peppercorns and cook for 30 minutes, stirring. Strain the finished sauce, heat it again and season with oil.

1 kg ripe tomatoes,
1 kg apples,
4 onions,
4 hot red peppers,
250 g sugar,
300 ml 9% vinegar,
25 g ginger root,
25 g salt,
24 black peppercorns,
16 buds of cloves.

Peel the tomatoes and cut into pieces. Peel the apples, remove the core and chop them too. Cut the onion into small cubes. Place everything in a saucepan, add a little water and simmer, covered, over low heat for 30 minutes. Add salt, sugar, spices, hot pepper and simmer for another 30 minutes. Rub through a sieve and boil until thick.

1 kg of tomatoes,
400 g sour apples,
300 g sweet pepper,
100 g sugar,
1-2 tbsp. salt,
50 ml vegetable oil,
40 ml 70% vinegar (for preservation),
1-4 cloves of garlic,
ground red hot pepper - to taste.

Remove the skins from the tomatoes, peel and core the apples, and remove the seeds from the peppers. Pass all the vegetables through a meat grinder or chop using a blender. Transfer to a saucepan, add vegetable oil, stir and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer the sauce for an hour. Then add sugar, salt, pepper, chopped garlic to the sauce and cook for another 15 minutes. If you plan to store the sauce for a long time, pour in vinegar, boil for 5 minutes and pour into sterilized jars. If the sauce will be consumed immediately after preparation, you can add lemon juice or citric acid to taste.

1 kg of tomatoes,
500 g apples,
1 tbsp. salt,
⅓ stack. Sahara,
1 tsp ground red pepper,
1 tsp ground black pepper,
½ tsp. ground cinnamon,
a pinch of nutmeg.

Pass the peeled apples and tomatoes through a meat grinder, place the resulting mass in an enamel pan, add salt and sugar and bring to a boil. Then reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 2 hours. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add all the spices, boil the tomato mass and rub through a sieve.

500 g tomatoes,
250 g plums,
1 onion,
1-2 cloves of garlic,
1-2 tsp. salt,
½ cup Sahara,
ground red and black pepper, spices - to taste.

Grind the tomatoes using a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Cut the onion into small cubes. Bring the tomato-onion mixture to a boil, reduce heat to medium and cook, stirring, until thickened. Rub the tomato mass through a sieve. While the tomatoes are cooking, peel and pit the plums, puree in a blender, and boil over medium heat. Combine the tomato and plum mass, add salt, sugar, chopped garlic and spices and cook until desired thickness.

400 g tomatoes in their own juice,
400 g cranberries,
1 onion,
200 g sugar,
100 ml 6% vinegar,
100 ml water,
75 g raisins,
salt, ground black pepper, cloves, allspice, ginger - to taste.

Place cranberries, raisins, chopped onion in a saucepan, add water and simmer for 15 minutes. Add tomatoes and vinegar and simmer for 5-7 minutes. Then add sugar, salt and spices and cook, stirring, for another 10 minutes.

1 kg of tomatoes,
3-4 onions,
1 bunch of parsley,
⅓ stack. 6% vinegar,
1-2 tsp. salt,
¼ cup Sahara,
2-4 cloves of garlic,
½ tsp. ground black pepper,
½ tsp. ground red pepper,
spices - to taste.

Grind the tomatoes using a blender, add finely chopped onion, chopped parsley and put on fire. Bring to a boil, add salt, sugar, pepper, chopped garlic and vinegar and cook, stirring, until thickened, about 2 hours.

2 cans of tomatoes in their own juice (800 g),
450 g bacon
2 tbsp. flour,
2 tsp salt,
100 g cream cheese,
½ cup heavy cream,
1 tbsp. ground black pepper.

Fry the bacon in a deep skillet over medium heat for 10 minutes until golden brown, then remove and drain on paper towels to remove excess grease. Add the flour to the bacon grease and fry it, stirring constantly, for 2-3 minutes. Then add the tomatoes, crush them with a spatula into small pieces and simmer, seasoning with salt and pepper, for about 10 minutes. Add soft cream cheese and cream, reduce the heat and simmer for another 10 minutes, stirring, until thickened.

Sweet tomato sauce with ginger

800-900 g tomatoes,
50 g fresh ginger,
300 g sugar,
50 ml lemon juice,
salt - to taste.

Remove the skins from the tomatoes, after scalding them with boiling water, and cut into cubes. Peel the ginger root and grate it on a fine grater. Combine tomatoes, ginger and salt, cover with cling film and refrigerate overnight. Pour the juice formed overnight into a separate bowl, add sugar and put on fire. After boiling, simmer for 7-8 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved and the tomato juice becomes syrupy. Add tomatoes and lemon juice, stir and cook for another 10 minutes, stirring. This sauce is especially good with lamb or pork.

6 tomatoes
3 tbsp. butter,
1 tbsp. honey,
1 chili pepper,
1 stack water,
1 tsp salt,
2-3 cm of ginger root,
½ bunch of greens,
spices (ground coriander, ground cumin) - to taste.

Place the herbs, chopped ginger, hot pepper and 30 ml of water in a blender bowl and blend until smooth. Add 1 tsp. salt, honey and spices to taste. Cut the tomatoes crosswise, scald with boiling water and immediately cool in ice water. Remove the skin, cut into pieces, place in a saucepan, add water and simmer covered for 15 minutes. Rub the tomato mass through a sieve. Melt the butter, pour in the tomato mass and mixture from the blender. Cook, without closing the lid, over moderate heat for 25-30 minutes, stirring.

Indian tomato sauce with ginger and cheese


100 g melted butter,
300 g tomato paste,
400 g Adyghe cheese,
200 g 20% ​​sour cream,
5-7 cm of ginger root,
1 tsp coriander seeds,
½ hot chili pepper,
1.5-2 tbsp. Sahara,
½ tbsp. salt.

Remove seeds from hot peppers and cut into small pieces. Grind the coriander seeds in a mortar. Melt half the amount of butter in a saucepan and fry the coriander and hot pepper on it over low heat for 1-2 minutes. Grate the ginger on a fine grater, add to the spices and fry for another 5 minutes. Then add the remaining oil, tomato paste and 1 glass of water. Add salt and sugar, stir and continue to simmer for 5 minutes. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and add to the sauce along with sour cream. Boil for 10 minutes and remove from heat.

You can find even more sauce recipes in our recipes. Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

How to make tomato sauce for the winter, what recipes to choose? Any housewife makes preparations from available products. The main ingredient of tomato ketchup is tomatoes. Vegetables are chopped using a blender. Those who like chunky sauce may not need to strain the vegetable pulp through a sieve. To add a piquant taste to the tomatoes, add chopped apples, peppers, onions, and carrots. Mandatory components of all twists for the winter are salt and sugar.

Tomatoes grown in the garden or purchased during the height of the summer season can be used to make sauce. In addition to tomatoes, this dish includes other ingredients.

What you need to buy to make homemade ketchup:

  • tomatoes;
  • a variety of vegetables or fruits, according to the recipe (peppers, apples, carrots, onions);
  • jars, tin lids or twist offs;
  • enamel bowl and pan;
  • spices;
  • greenery;
  • crystal sugar;
  • coarse salt (not iodized);
  • acetic acid solution (9 percent);
  • vegetable oil (sunflower or olive).

What you need to know to make tomato ketchup:

  • Peel tomatoes by pouring boiling water over them;
  • vegetables are chopped using a blender;
  • so that there are no pieces or seeds in the sauce, grind the chopped vegetable pulp through a sieve;
  • so that the mass becomes thick, it is boiled over low heat for 25-60 minutes;
  • salt and sugar are added when the vegetable pulp has boiled down by a third;
  • at the end, pour in a solution of acetic acid;
  • the hot mass is poured into jars;
  • containers are pre-washed and sterilized;
  • twists prepared for the winter are pasteurized;
  • After pasteurization, the jars are turned over and left to cool in this position.

Selection and preparation of tomatoes

For the sauce, buy ripe tomatoes with fleshy, juicy pulp. You can make twists for the winter from yellow, red and green tomatoes. Vegetables must be whole, free from rot or damage.

Greenhouse varieties are not suitable for making ketchup - they do not have the taste or aroma of garden tomatoes.

Tomatoes intended for twisting are carefully inspected and washed. Then a cross-shaped cut is made on each one at the top, dipped in boiling water for a minute and quickly cooled in cold liquid. After this procedure, the skin is easily cleaned. Peeled tomatoes are crushed in a blender and rubbed through a sieve.

How to prepare containers?

For tomato sauce, use not very large glass jars: 0.3-liter and 0.5-liter. Carefully inspect the necks: there should be no cracks or chips on them. The container is washed with water and soda, dried and sterilized.

There are several ways to sterilize jars: over steam, in boiling water, in a microwave or electric oven. Sterile containers are filled with hot sauce and pasteurized for several minutes or immediately rolled up with lids. 0.5-liter jars with vegetable mass are pasteurized in a container with boiling water for 10-16 minutes.

The most delicious recipes

Any housewife has many recipes for making tomato sauce or ketchup at home. It's never too late to try something new. The technology for preparing pasta for the winter is the same. Any preparation is made from chopped tomatoes. Only the additional ingredients of the sauce (apples, onions, spices) and their quantity change.

The vegetables are ground into a pulp and boiled over low heat (the mass should become thicker). Finally, the mass is salted, honey, sugar, spices and vinegar are added. The hot pulp is immediately poured into jars. The containers are pasteurized for 10-16 minutes.

Universal tomato sauce “Satsebeli”

Ingredients for the easy-to-prepare classic Satsebeli sauce:

  • tomatoes - 2.95 kilograms;
  • sweet pepper - 8-9 large pods;
  • hot pepper pod;
  • garlic - 6-8 cloves;
  • khmeli-suneli seasoning - 1 teaspoon;
  • cilantro, basil, parsley - a few sprigs;
  • spices;
  • salt, sugar - 25 grams each;
  • acetic acid solution - a quarter cup.

The tomatoes are washed, doused with boiling water, peeled, and chopped using a blender. Greens and vegetables are ground into pulp. The vegetable mass is poured into a saucepan, placed on low heat, and brought to a boil. The mixture is boiled for 20-35 minutes. The mass should decrease in volume by a third.

Then add garlic and spices, after which the mixture is salted and boiled for another 4-9 minutes. Finally, add vinegar. The hot mixture is poured into jars and covered with lids. The jars are pasteurized for 9-16 minutes.

Without vinegar

How to make ketchup without adding vinegar:

  • tomatoes - 1.95 kilograms;
  • bell pepper - 1.95 kilograms;
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • salt, sugar, spices - to taste.

Vegetables are peeled and seeds removed, chopped, and the pulp is poured into a saucepan. The mass is boiled for 15-25 minutes. At the end, salt the pulp, add chopped garlic and spices to taste, then boil the mixture for another 9 minutes. The hot mass is poured into glass bottles or jars.

In Krasnodar

How to make spicy ketchup in Krasnodar:

  • tomatoes - 2.95 kilograms;
  • sour apples - 3-4 pieces;
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • hot red pepper - half a pod;
  • spices;
  • nutmeg;
  • cinnamon;
  • salt, sugar - 25 grams each;
  • vinegar - 45 milliliters.

Spicy tomato sauce “Finger lickin’ good”

How to make delicious ketchup for the winter:

  • tomatoes - 3.45 kilograms;
  • chili pepper - 1 piece;
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves;
  • salt, sugar - 35 grams each;
  • vegetable oil - 35 milliliters.

With horseradish

Preparation of tomatoes with horseradish:

  • tomatoes - 2.95 kilograms;
  • horseradish root - 105 grams;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • salt, sugar, pepper - to taste.

With plums

How to make tomato preparation with plums:

  • tomatoes - 1.95 kilograms;
  • plums (Hungarian) - 905 grams;
  • onions - 2 pieces;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • hot pepper - pod;
  • greens - several branches;
  • salt, sugar - 35 grams each;
  • vinegar - 40 milliliters;
  • spices.

With cranberries

Sweet ketchup with cranberries:

  • tomatoes - 1.95 kilograms;
  • cranberries - 2 cups;
  • raisins - half a glass;
  • honey - half a glass;
  • salt - half a tablespoon;
  • nutmeg.

With pepper

How to make sour ketchup with bell pepper:

  • tomatoes - 2.95 kilograms;
  • sweet pepper - 8 pieces;
  • garlic - 4-6 cloves;
  • hot pepper - 1 pod;
  • vegetable oil - 106 milliliters;
  • salt, sugar - 36 grams each;
  • acetic acid solution - 56 milliliters.

With starch

Appetizing tomato ketchup with starch:

  • tomatoes - 1.95 kilograms;
  • onions - 2 pieces;
  • paprika - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt, sugar - a tablespoon;
  • corn starch - 2 tablespoons (diluted in 100 milliliters of water);
  • acetic acid solution - 50 milliliters.

Grind the vegetables using a blender. Boil the mixture for 40 minutes, rub through a sieve. Add spices, vinegar, salt to the resulting juice, then boil for another 9 minutes. Dilute the starch with cold water so that there are no lumps, add to the sauce. Cook the mixture for another 6 minutes. Pour hot ketchup into bottles or jars.

With garlic and basil

Tomato ketchup with basil:

  • tomatoes - 1.95 kilograms;
  • bell pepper - 495 grams;
  • red hot pepper - 1 pod;
  • garlic - 4-6 cloves;
  • basil - several branches;
  • salt, sugar - 35 grams each;
  • vegetable oil - 40 milliliters;
  • vinegar - 40 milliliters.

With onion

How to make tomato sauce for the winter with onions:

  • tomatoes - 1.95 kilograms;
  • onions - 5 pieces;
  • salt, sugar - 36 grams each;
  • vinegar - 40 milliliters;
  • pepper mixture.

In Italian

Tomato ketchup for the winter:

  • tomatoes - 1.95 kilograms;
  • shallots - 495 grams;
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • oregano, basil - several sprigs;
  • olive oil - 40 milliliters;
  • salt, sugar - 36 grams each.

With carrots

Tomato preparation with carrots:

  • tomatoes - 2.95 kilograms;
  • carrots - 495 grams;
  • onions - 4-6 pieces;
  • bell pepper - 6 pieces;
  • vegetable oil - 95 milliliters;
  • salt, sugar - 45 grams each;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • greens - a couple of sprigs;
  • vinegar - 45 milliliters.


What products will you need:

  • tomatoes - 1.95 kilograms;
  • onion - 495 grams;
  • chili pepper - 1 pod;
  • celery - 4 sprigs;
  • dry paprika - a pinch;
  • salt, sugar - 35 grams each;
  • lemon juice - 45 milliliters.

In Kuban

How to prepare Cuban sauce:

  • tomatoes - 2.95 kilograms;
  • onions - 3 pieces;
  • garlic - 4-6 cloves;
  • salt - 36 grams;
  • honey - half a glass;
  • acetic acid solution - 56 milliliters;
  • spices;
  • cinnamon, cloves, mustard seeds.

Without sterilization

What products are needed for ketchup without pasteurization:

  • tomatoes - 2.95 kilograms;
  • onions - 3 pieces;
  • garlic - 4-6 cloves;
  • salt - 36 grams;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • vinegar - 56 milliliters;
  • spices.

In a slow cooker

What you will need:

  • tomatoes - 1.95 kilograms;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • sugar - a quarter glass;
  • salt - 25 grams;
  • basil - several sprigs;
  • spices;
  • citric acid.

Finely chop all the vegetables, pour into the multicooker bowl, and simmer for 35 minutes. Rub the completely prepared pulp through a sieve, add spices and salt. Then simmer for another 2 minutes. Pour the hot mixture into jars, add a few crystals of citric acid to each container.

Rules for storing finished sauce

Tomato sauce can be stored for one or two years in a cool, dark cellar, at a temperature of 0-3 degrees Celsius. Pasteurized twists that contain vinegar can even be kept in an apartment.

If the jar is opened, the sauce should be used within 3 days. The opened twist is stored in the refrigerator.

Krasnodar tomato sauce is ready! This preparation is stored very well, so it can easily stand in your pantry all winter. Good luck with your preparations and a delicious winter!

Homemade tomato sauce for the winter

The prepared tomato sauce will surprise you with its bright color, rich and balanced taste, elegant aroma and ease of preparation. The natural tomato product can be used as a gravy for a side dish; it makes very tasty homemade pizza, as well as juicy and appetizing meat. Try to prepare tomato sauce for the winter right in your kitchen, and you will see that its taste cannot be compared to store-bought.


  • Tomatoes – 6 kg.
  • Onions – 600 g.
  • Vinegar 9% – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt – 1.5 tsp.
  • Bay leaf – 3 pcs.
  • Peppercorns – 8 pcs.
  • Cloves – 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. We wash the tomatoes in cold water and cut out the bad parts from the fruit. Grind vegetables using a meat grinder.
  2. We remove the skins from the onions and also turn them into pulp using a meat grinder.
  3. Take a large saucepan and transfer the resulting tomato mass into it. To them we add onions, peppers, bay leaves and cloves.
  4. Place the dishes on low heat and cook for about 30 minutes, occasionally stirring the contents so that they do not burn, thereby not spoiling the taste of the preparation.
  5. After the time has passed, we pass the softened onions and tomatoes through a sieve, leaving pepper, cloves and bay leaves in it, since they have already completely given their taste to the future sauce.
  6. We put the resulting liquid tomato mass back on the stove to boil it to the required thickness. This will take about 2 hours. Don't forget to stir the sauce periodically. During cooking, add sugar and salt to the pan.
  7. When the sauce reaches the desired thickness, pour vinegar into it and mix well. Taste and add sugar and salt again if necessary.

Tip: in preparing tomato sauce for this recipe, you can use 3%, 6% vinegar. The lower the number, the more you will need. You can also take wine or apple product.

  1. Place the hot sauce into pre-sterilized jars, seal them tightly with boiled lids and turn them upside down. Wrap the glass containers with the sauce in a warm blanket or rug and let them cool completely, then store them in a cool place.

Tip: to quickly complete the sterilization process, use a microwave oven. To do this, pour 100 ml of water into half-liter jars and put them in the microwave for 5 minutes, selecting full power.

From these ingredients you get 1.5 liters. aromatic and thick tomato sauce. If you reduce the cooking time, you can get 2 liters, but it will be more liquid. Eat for your health!

Tomato sauce for the winter without vinegar

If you are not a fan of adding vinegar to preparations, then you will definitely like this recipe. The prepared tomato sauce is very tasty and healthy. Thanks to long boiling (about 40 minutes), homemade tomato preparation is stored for quite a long time, which is why vinegar is not used in it. It is believed that it is not correct to cook pizza with tomato sauce, which contains vinegar essence, as it burns when baked. With a prepared bright jar, on the contrary, you can make delicious and unforgettable pizza.


  • Tomatoes – 3 kg.
  • Onions – 3 pcs.
  • Tomato paste – 4 tbsp. l.
  • Oregano - to taste.
  • Ground red pepper - to taste.
  • Ground black pepper - to taste.
  • Cinnamon - to taste.
  • Garlic - to taste.
  • Rosemary - to taste.
  • Sugar – 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt – 2 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. We remove the washed tomatoes from the skin and seeds. Then we pass them through a grater or juicer. Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan with a thick bottom and walls, which are needed to prevent the sauce from burning.
  2. Place the pan on the fire and wait for the tomato mass to boil, then set it aside for 10 minutes. Boil the contents by about 10%.
  3. At this time, peel the onions and cut them into quarters, which are then added to the pan.
  4. Next we add cinnamon, tomato paste, garlic, rosemary, red and black peppers, and oregano.

Tip: in order not to oversaturate the dish with the aroma of cinnamon, it is best to use this spice in sticks and remove them at the end of cooking. If you use ground cinnamon, you need to add very little of it. And for good thickness and bright color of the sauce you will need good and high-quality tomato paste.

  1. Let the sauce simmer for 15 minutes, uncovered. Then add sugar and salt, taste the contents and add a little more spices if necessary.
  2. After the time has passed, remove the pan from the heat and plunge the blender into the prepared mixture. Beat until we achieve a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Place the prepared tomato sauce into pre-sterilized glass containers and seal tightly with boiled lids.

Tomato sauce is ready for the winter! The workpiece is stored well in a cool, dark place for a long time. After opening, the jar should be kept in the refrigerator for no more than 14 days. Good luck with your preparations and bon appetit!

Mexican tomato sauce "Salsa" for the winter

Mexican tomato sauce is famous for its heat and spiciness. It goes great with fish and meat dishes, and will also be a good pair for eggs, beans and cauliflower. Try preparing a spicy “seasoning” according to our recipe and diversify your dishes with new Mexican notes!


  • Tomatoes – 1 kg.
  • Bell pepper – 2 pcs.
  • Onions – 2 pcs.
  • Garlic cloves – 6 pcs.
  • Green chili – 200 g.
  • Vinegar 9% – 5 tbsp. l.
  • Dried oregano – 1 tsp.
  • Cumin - to taste.
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil – 5 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the green chilies well and cut them in half, removing the stem and seeds. Cut into thin pieces.

Tip: if you want to make a less spicy sauce, then place the green chilies in the oven for 10 minutes, then peel off the skin, which gives it its piquancy.

  1. Cut the washed bell pepper into two parts and cut out the stalk with seeds. Cut into random small pieces.
  2. We peel the onions and chop them in the same way as the previous vegetables.
  3. We remove the skins from the washed tomatoes and cut off the hard part. Cut into cubes 2-3 cm in size.

Tip: to quickly and easily remove the skin from tomatoes, pour boiling water over them, after making a cross-shaped cut at the base.

  1. Place the chopped tomatoes, onions and peppers into a large saucepan, add vinegar, garlic, dried oregano and cumin. Mix the ingredients well and put the sauce on medium heat, bringing to a boil and stirring constantly.
  2. When the vegetables boil, reduce the heat to low and cook for another 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  3. After the time has passed, transfer the Mexican sauce into pre-sterilized jars and seal tightly with boiled lids. Turn it upside down, if desired, wrap it in something thick and warm and leave it until it cools completely.

Mexican tomato sauce “Salsa” is ready to delight your loved ones and guests! Sharp and pleasant sensations for you!

The most delicious tomato sauce for the winter

Tomato sauce prepared according to the proposed recipe is liked by everyone without exception. Once you try this amazing addition to dishes, you will no longer be able to resist another spoonful of this tomato masterpiece. That is why the indicated ingredients are designed for a large amount of “seasoning” at once. At the exit you will receive 6 liters. the most delicious tomato sauce for the winter.


  • Overripe tomatoes – 7 kg.
  • Garlic – 1 head.
  • Onions – 1 kg.
  • Basil – 100 g.
  • Parsley – 100 g.
  • Tomato paste – 400 g.
  • Olive oil – 70 ml.
  • Cane brown sugar – 200 g.
  • Red wine vinegar – 150 ml.
  • Salt – 90 g.
  • Dry oregano – 1 package.
  • Ground black pepper – 1 tsp.
  • Hot red pepper – 1 tsp.
  • Ground paprika – 30 g.

Cooking method:

  1. We wash the tomatoes well under running water and make a small cross-shaped cut on the skin at the base. Then, using a slotted spoon, place the vegetables in boiling water for 30 seconds, after which we move them under cold water. So, we can peel the tomatoes without much difficulty.
  2. We cut the peeled tomatoes into small pieces, which we then transfer to the pan. We, in turn, put it on medium heat.
  3. Keep the pan on the fire for about 2 hours, stirring its contents from time to time. After time, the mass should decrease by 1/3.
  4. At this time, peel the onions and chop them finely. Then heat the frying pan, pour olive oil on it and fry the vegetable until it turns golden brown.
  5. Peel the garlic and repeat the same procedures as with the onions.
  6. We dilute the tomato paste with the same amount of tomato juice that formed in the pan. This is necessary so that the first ingredient does not sink to the bottom and burn, thereby spoiling the taste of the entire preparation.
  7. Add the diluted tomato paste to a common saucepan and mix everything well.
  8. Pour salt and sugar into the total mass in portions. After each part, let the sauce simmer for about 1-2 minutes.
  9. We also add oregano, peppers and paprika in portions, letting the sauce simmer for several minutes.
  10. When all the spices have been added, add the onion and garlic to the pan.
  11. Lastly, add the vinegar, then let the sauce boil for about 3 minutes.
  12. Pour the hot sauce into pre-sterilized jars, close tightly with boiled lids and let the glass containers cool completely.

Juicy, spicy and the most delicious tomato sauce is ready! Have a delicious winter and bon appetit!

A good tomato sauce is naturally made from fresh tomatoes. However, this is rather a wish, but not a dogma. If you are preparing this sauce out of season, you can easily use tomato puree or tomato paste.

So, if we have fresh tomatoes, then we remove the skin from them (how to easily do this is written in). Grind the tomato pulp in a blender (the blender can be replaced with a food processor or meat grinder, or you can simply rub the tomatoes through a sieve).

Cook the resulting tomato puree over very low heat. This puree needs to be stirred constantly because it starts to stick to the bottom very quickly. In principle, nothing wrong, but the purity of taste will be lost. Tomato puree needs to be boiled for about 15-20 minutes so that it acquires a uniform consistency and becomes quite thick.

During the cooking process, add salt to taste, a little sugar and olive oil to the pan. In principle, vegetable oil can be anything, it’s just that using olive oil is considered a classic approach to making sauces.

Separately, I would like to say that it is best to cook tomato sauce in a deep saucepan, because it may splash during cooking.

While the puree is cooking, prepare the herbs and spices. In the list of ingredients, I wrote a basic set and a very approximate amount of greens used. In reality, you adjust the recipe to your taste, choosing only your favorite herbs. I took dill and parsley, which are familiar to the Slavs, and added purple basil, because, in my opinion, the combination of tomatoes and basil is the most correct.

So, you need to chop the greens, finely chop the garlic cloves. You can add any spices to your taste; for example, I always add a little dried oregano.

Place the herbs, herbs and spices into a saucepan in a gently simmering sauce. Boil a little more and the sauce is ready.

The finished sauce can be poured into small glass jars and stored in the refrigerator. This sauce is great on pizza crust, poured over hot pasta, or added to stews.

I am sure that you will figure out how to use natural, flavorful, healthy and fresh tomato sauce.

Tomato sauce for the winter is an excellent addition to meat and fish dishes. There is tomato sauce made only from tomatoes and spices, but many recipes contain additional ingredients that make the sauce unusual. Below are the best canned tomato sauce recipes.

This simple tomato sauce recipe can be easily prepared at home. In winter, this sauce is suitable for the main dish, but if desired, it can be used as a basis for more complex recipes.

Photo of homemade tomato sauce for the winter


  • Tomatoes – 3 kg;
  • Garlic – 3-4 large cloves;
  • Black pepper beans – 5-6 pcs.;
  • Cloves – 5-6 pcs.;
  • Sugar – 0.2 kg;
  • Salt – 1.5 tbsp. l;
  • Vinegar essence – 3 tsp;
  • Ground cinnamon - on the tip of a knife.


  1. Cut the tomatoes into slices, place them in a large container and boil for 5-10 minutes until soft. The peel can be removed first, but it will not interfere much with the sauce and will even make it more healthy, because the peel contains most of the vitamins.


While cooking the tomato sauce, it is very important to stir the mixture with a wooden spoon, otherwise it may burn.

  1. After the tomatoes are boiled, they are ground through a sieve to obtain a homogeneous mass. Then the tomato is poured into the same container where it was boiled, salt and sugar are poured in and boiled by 2 times. This usually takes about 20 minutes.
  2. Place cloves and peppercorns in a gauze bag and immerse them in the tomato while it boils. You also need to add cinnamon to the total mass.
  3. When the sauce has boiled down, take out the bag with pepper and cloves, and add vinegar essence to the sauce.
  4. Cans for preservation are sterilized and then the finished sauce is poured into them before it has time to cool.

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Tomato sauce is rarely made without sterilization, but the preparation for tomato sauce does not need to be sterilized. A simple and quick recipe for tomato sauce for the winter is described below.

Photo of tomato sauce


  • Tomatoes – 3 kg;
  • Salt – 1 tsp.


  1. The tomatoes are sorted out - all spoiled fruits are thrown away, the tails are removed, if any, and then the fruits are washed several times. To do this, you can use a shower or several basins of water.
  2. Clean tomatoes are dried a little so that the water drains, then cut into halves and quarters and placed in a food processor. Instead of a food processor, you can use a blender, meat grinder, or sieve, but this usually takes longer. The tomatoes must be thoroughly crushed to obtain something like tomato puree.
  3. Chopped tomatoes are poured into a large stainless steel or enameled container, and then salted. Tomato puree is brought to a boil and then simmered over low heat for 45 minutes.
  4. That's it, the sauce preparation is ready, it can be poured into jars and rolled up. It is advisable to wash the jars with laundry soap or baking soda before doing this.

In winter, by opening such a jar you can make absolutely any sauce due to the fact that it contains only tomatoes and a little salt. The tomato preparation is simply poured into a saucepan, seasonings, herbs, additional vegetables, and other ingredients are added and boiled as needed.

Tomato sauce can have a pleasant sweetness and sourness, but often it is the spicy version of the sauce that is served with meat dishes. The degree of spiciness is adjusted during cooking. Here, as they say, it’s not for everyone.

Photo of spicy tomato sauce with chili


  • Tomatoes – 4 kg;
  • Garlic – 30 cloves;
  • Chili – 3-5 pcs.;
  • Salt – 40 g;
  • Vinegar 9% – 70 ml;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Sugar - to taste.


  1. The garlic is peeled and placed in a blender bowl. The tail of the chili is cut off; if you want a less hot taste, you can also remove the seeds. It must be cut into pieces and also added to the bowl with the garlic. Both ingredients are ground until smooth.
  2. Now the tomatoes are chopped. First they are washed, then cut into pieces (small) and crushed. To do this, you can use a blender or a meat grinder - whatever you like. And when the tomatoes are crushed into puree, add garlic and chili to them and mix well.
  3. Next you need to add salt and mix again.
  4. The sauce is poured into a cooking container and brought to a boil over low heat. Now the sauce is reduced by 2 times. Although here a lot depends on how much density is needed. In any case, the sauce is constantly stirred and tasted to ensure it tastes good. If necessary, add pepper and salt. Boiling may take 20-40 minutes - depending on many factors (fire strength, type of stove, juiciness of tomatoes, desired consistency).
  5. When the sauce has reduced, add vinegar, stir, and taste. If necessary, you can add salt, pepper, vinegar or sugar - the main thing is that you like the taste.
  6. The finished sauce is poured into sterilized, hot jars before it begins to cool, and sealed with lids.
  7. Containers with tomato sauce are turned upside down and covered with a warm blanket for a day. Then you can transfer the preservation to the pantry with the rest of the preparations.

This tomato sauce recipe is usually adjusted as it cooks. The proportions of ingredients depend on personal preference. So, to get a hot sauce, you can put 5 chili pods along with seeds, and if you need a light spice, then add 3 pods without seeds. In addition, the amount of salt may vary among different housewives. Sugar and black pepper are added as desired and in such quantities that the balance of taste is not upset.

Spicy tomato sauce can turn a simple dish into a culinary masterpiece. But to make the sauce, you need to choose the right ingredients and follow the cooking instructions exactly.

Photo of homemade tomato sauce with celery


  • Tomatoes – 4.5 kg;
  • Carrots – 2 medium;
  • Onions – 1 pc.;
  • Garlic – 1 head;
  • Celery stalk – 2 pcs.;
  • Basil leaves – 1 bunch;
  • Olive oil – 50 ml;
  • Salt – 30 g.


  1. The celery stalk is washed under running water and cut into cubes. Peeled onions and carrots are chopped in the same way, and the garlic is squeezed through a crusher.
  2. The tomatoes are washed and cut into slices. There is no need to remove the peel.
  3. Heat olive oil in a large saute pan. Place chopped vegetables in it and fry over low heat for 5 minutes.


To diversify the taste of the sauce, you can add unusual spices or some of your favorite herbs to it.

  1. After 5 minutes, tomatoes and salt are added to the pan, and the vegetables are stewed for 60 minutes.
  2. Now you need to make sure that the stewed pieces of vegetables become a homogeneous sauce. To do this, turn off the heat under the frying pan, and grind the resulting mass through a sieve. You can also use a food processor or blender instead of a sieve.
  3. The homogeneous, mixed mass is poured into the frying pan again, the heat is turned on low and the sauce is simmered for about 2 hours.
  4. Jars for this sauce must be sterilized in advance. Then, place several basil leaves in still hot containers and distribute the sauce. The jars can be immediately sealed, turned over and wrapped to cool for a day.

For the winter, tomato sauce is often used at home, as it is natural and does not contain preservatives or other chemicals. It is best to make it from fresh tomatoes - summer is best suited for such preservation. There are a lot of tomato sauce recipes, so there is a wide choice. Over time, you can choose the best option that all relatives like and is suitable for family meals.