Effective black magic spells for all occasions. How to independently learn witchcraft and magic How to practice black magic

Black magic. Many of those who take the Dark Path abandon this matter in the very first months for the reason that they immediately take up the practical side of magic, without studying basic theoretical knowledge. After performing a couple of rituals, the novice black magician sees that his actions have no effect, and gives up a new hobby (precisely a hobby, since real magic is not a hobby, but life. It is impossible to get carried away with magic, you need to LIVE it). The more persistent ones continue to move on, over time simple rituals begin to emerge, but Death overtakes them, because due to stupidity they harm themselves without even realizing it. But there are also those who stop at nothing, continue to follow this difficult path and, in the end, achieve some success - a few who are GIVEN this from birth.

Unfortunately, the reality is that in order to study magic (any kind), you will most likely have to pay your future teacher a considerable amount of money (but this is not always the Magician’s fault). So is it possible to study and subsequently practice magic if, for some reason, you currently do not have the means to pay for training, but you have the desire (or it seems that you have it)?

Yes, it’s possible! But you should prepare for the fact that at first your life will constantly hang by a thread, since there will be no one next to you who can help if necessary, or give advice.

Dark Forces are a very, very dangerous thing, mistakes when working with them are often fatal or very painful, and these are not just words, but our own experience...

It is easier for those who follow the Light Path, since this Path is much softer and easier. You can pray to God, and he will come to the rescue, he will always forgive, but Satan, on the contrary, teaches harshly, even cruelly. If you decide to become a black Mage and save your life at the same time, you should prepare for the fact that pain at the first stage will become your traveling companion, you will receive bumps and abrasions in abundance until you learn to control the Force perfectly, but this is also necessary, without it no way, it will harden you and make you stronger and more resilient. You may have to rethink everything again, destroy it and start over, and so on more than once.

The novice black magician notices with surprise that everything is completely different from how it was presented to him; his worldview begins to radically change and restructure. At the first stage, for the unprepared, there may be some shock from what you have learned, but over time it will pass, and you will feel free from everything that has prevented you from developing until now.

If you still feel afraid of black magic, you should think: is it yours? Perhaps you don't need this? Perhaps you should look for yourself in other, brighter directions of magic? There should be no fear, you should feel that this is your Path, your life views should coincide with the philosophy of the chosen Path. Fear speaks of your uncertainty, and uncertainty is dangerous! But fear (here we are not talking about the fear of black magic as a philosophy of life, but, for example, about any ritual) cannot be avoided even by experienced practitioners. Fear is also your assistant, which will help you avoid many unwanted mistakes. Sometimes you should listen to yourself, as one of my good friends said: “If you are afraid of something, it is better not to do it.” There is no such person who would not be afraid of anything, fear is inherent in all of us, the one who ignores his fear is like a kamikaze: he knows that he is going to certain death, but nevertheless does not stop.

You should also know that it will no longer be possible to renounce this (and, most likely, you will not have such a desire), this is a one-way path. You will have to take and give energy, you become its conductor, you will constantly perform various rituals in order to give energy, but if you stop practicing, everything can end very, very sadly for you.

You can draw energy from various sources: stones, trees, elements, other people (which I don’t recommend doing, but sometimes you have to), or directly from the egregor to which you are connected (or from other egregors, which is also not bad), etc.

Why is black magic so attractive?
1. Whites are fixated on the concepts of good, light and love, black and evil. Blacks are beyond these concepts. It was man who came up with the idea of ​​dividing any actions into good and bad, but in nature such concepts do not exist; remember the saying: “What is good for a Russian is death for a German.”
2. Whites for the most part recognize the dominance of certain Higher Powers (various gods) over man. Black people are their own gods. Following Satan does not mean worshiping him as a god; following Satan means following the Path of Freedom and Knowledge. We ourselves create the gods, and they do not create us; bowing before our creation is stupid.
May the Force be with you!
Simnist, black magician, Nergal (student of Simnist)

  • I do not advise you to practice black magic. VERY! Dangerous for life and soul! Once you start, there may be no return - there will be no one to help! It will be very difficult to return to God - but He is merciful and can forgive betrayal on the condition that you go to a monastery and serve Him sincerely - then you can wash away your betrayal. Serving Satan ALWAYS ends in tears for a person and his family. No matter how much you gain by contacting him, you need to remember - if God rewards you in full for mercy to the beggar, for the small good done by you in His name, then Satan demands the most valuable thing for you for the slightest reward. And if life now seems like a nightmare to you, then don’t think that later with Satan it will become paradise - it’s not so. Yes, you will gain strength - but you can only invest this strength in evil, and this will not bring happiness. You can take revenge on your enemies, on your loved one who abandoned you, on your annoying parents who don’t understand you, but won’t love you anymore! Your only friend will be those who will always be there from the moment you take up black magic - those who can be driven out by believers, saints... Evil, of course. From my own experience I know HOW DANGEROUS it is for yourself to get involved with Satan - there will be no happiness and harmony in your life.

    And one more thing - don’t get involved in magic, especially black magic, out of simple curiosity “I wonder what will come of it”!!! IT WILL WORK! This ancient art and those who master it knew how effective it was - you are entering into a spiritual area about which you know practically nothing and do not know about those who live there. If you think that dead people simply disappear into oblivion, then explain - how can mediums contact those who do not exist at all?! The souls of the dead, light and dark spirits are not a fairy tale. But the dark ones do not know what pity, love, forgiveness are. Everything they do is done with one goal - to get what they need - you all along with your soul. They are evil, and it is no coincidence that magicians say that if they fail to cope with this power, a person will die. These are not just words - this is ancient knowledge. By signing a contract with Satan, you will receive power, but you will lose your life, you will receive power here on earth, but you will give up peace of mind, if you do not end up in a mental hospital at all. Having received what you want here, you will remain with Satan There.

    What satisfaction the conspiracies and rituals brought at first, because these seemingly simple words and actions had power - they always worked! If you want to attract your loved one to you, get it - he’s nearby! Just not happy - because with a love spell I subjugated his will to myself, although a person is born with free will, choice. And naturally, he tried to break free, because I took away his freedom of choice and forcibly tied him to me. He drank himself to death. An attempt to turn away a persistent boyfriend from a friend resulted in her still not being able to find a guy - they are avoiding her, although it would seem that I turned only one away from her. All the conspiracies and love spells worked, even despite the fact that sometimes she even did them lazily, all she had to do was just look at the photo or imagine his face. And they still do. Damage, the evil eye... You just have to think and direct your energy in the right direction - and here you go - life becomes not pleasant for a person. Yes, everything works out, I can take revenge on my enemies, bring death, curse and it will work, but it does not bring me happiness. After all, I want to be loved sincerely and of my own free will, I want to live simply and in harmony with nature and the world around me, but black magic took this away from me and upset the balance in my soul. Forced to serve Satan.

    I am no longer surprised at why and where this strength came from. I didn’t sign a contract with Satan, something else led me to this. From childhood until the end of my studies at school, I was a sleepwalker, I even began to be afraid of my thoughts, because I knew that in a state of somnambulism I could cause harm (this happened) or even kill. As soon as I got offended or angry, I grabbed a knife in a dream - it was scary. After school, this passed, but something else came - I began to see prophetic dreams, especially those that foreshadowed the death of loved ones and friends. And at first it was shocking. You see a dream and the next day it comes true - it's scary. I accidentally stole books on esotericism from one of my friends, took them to read, and took up magic - I still regret it, and I thank God that I didn’t leave with “them.” Prophetic dreams, heightened intuition, spells with rituals that always work - yes, I am a real witch. I only paid for it by the fact that now I was left alone, without friends, in disharmony with myself and the world. Suicide would not have helped, it would only have brought me closer to meeting the one with whom I “came together.”

Black magic, or as it is better and more correctly called Aggressive magic, arose at the very moment when people realized their place in the world and began to distinguish the concept of their own dignity. At different times, people showed different attitudes towards magic, including towards magic and witches. During the Great Inquisition, using Black Magic was considered an unforgivable sin. In those days, those who realized and felt the presence of the gift did not even think about how to learn black magic. This meant death for the magician. Later, attitudes towards magic changed and magicians began to be revered as healers and people endowed with gifts. White magic at home began to be reduced to rituals for happiness and luck. And Black magic at home has been reduced to household curses and damage.

White magic for beginners does not require self-sacrifice, unlike Black magic

Magic training

Learning magic and witchcraft is not an easy task, especially if your choice comes down to engaging in aggressive rituals. White magic for beginners does not require self-sacrifice, unlike Black magic. Engaging in aggressive rituals and also studying the real world of damage and curses is much more difficult than learning the magic of water, earth and other elements.

What is the meaning of Black Magic

Many novice practitioners think that learning magic on their own at home is very simple. But here it is important not only to know and understand the rituals, but also to realize your strength. Despite the fact that Black magic is aggressive, among dark practitioners the rule “Do no harm!” also applies, but this rule has its exceptions. If the rituals are aimed at punishing the offender, or taking revenge on the enemy, it is the rituals of Black Magic that will come to the rescue. The only problem is that not everyone can use aggressive magic, but only those who know when to stop and are aware of their responsibility. And learning magic at home is not so easy. Rarely does anyone think about how to learn White magic, how to use White magic. Most practitioners want to learn how to use Black magic.

Independent study of Black Magic begins not with rituals, but with the learning to control energy flows, distinguish between them and give them the right charge.

It is not for nothing that Black Magic is called aggressive, the whole point is that it is based on complex rituals and some of them can not only harm, but also destroy. At the same time, only such witchcraft can guarantee maximum effect.

Rituals of Black Magic

Among the rituals of Black Magic, it is especially worth highlighting:

  • love spells;
  • damage;
  • evil eyes;
  • curses.

As you can see, even love magic is associated with dark rituals.

Black Magic Love Spells

The peculiarity of Black Magic love spells is that such rituals are aimed not just at attracting a specific loved one, but at enslaving him, depriving him of his will and instilling the necessary thoughts. The person who is affected by the love spell does not truly love, he is simply affected by a special force that binds him to the one who performs the love spell ritual. Speaking about the significance of such an impact, this is the same law that refutes the rule “You won’t be nice by force!” As a black magician, I will not hide the other side of the love spell from you. Such a cruel attachment does not evoke tender feelings in the bewitched person towards the one who bewitches. To instill love, you need to try hard. Here you won’t get away with just one ritual or one love spell.

The peculiarities of love spells using Black magic are that they are aimed at enslaving a person

Most love spells are based on the sexual attachment of one person to another. That is, the influence is aimed at generating in the bewitched an irresistible craving for the one who bewitched him, but the craving is based on sexual attraction. If a love spell is not done professionally, its effect practically disappears in the first minutes of orgasm after sexual intercourse, that is, the victim of the love spell for some time realizes the absurdity of what is happening. But then the action resumes.

But don't be afraid. Not everything is as bad as it might seem at first glance. Any person is very sensitive to the manifestation of kindness, love and care. And if the one who makes the love spell has truly strong feelings for his victim, he will be able, with his love and care, to generate real feelings in the soul of the bewitched person, that is, love, the most real human love. If a love spell is performed by a professional magician, he acts so carefully and gently on the subconscious of his victim that it will not cause him much harm.


Teaching White magic says that you cannot use damage as a weapon of revenge. But at the same time, I always say that the choice of weapons in the world of magic is dictated by the situation. There are certain situations in which there is no other solution than to use damage.

A feature of damage is an aggressive influence on a person with the aim of causing harm to him. There are a variety of damage, the blow can be aimed at:

  • family;
  • business;
  • appearance;
  • family;
  • personal relationships;
  • life.

The most terrible and heaviest damage will rightfully be cemetery damage to death. With such rituals, the goal is precisely punishment by destruction, the physical destruction of the enemy, that is, his death. If the damage is caused by a professional magician, then the victim may not even realize that magic is affecting him. Also, an unprofessional magician will not immediately see the work with the energy of the victim, and if he does, he will not be able to remove the damage quickly enough to save the damaged person from death.

But at the same time, influencing any area of ​​life can lead a person to suicide. Which is also not little. If you are afraid that you will have to answer for such work, you may not even begin; fear and doubts can only harm the magician himself in the worst case; in the best case, the work simply will not give the expected effect.

Evil eye

In principle, speaking about the power of influence, a purposefully made evil eye is no easier than a purposefully made damage. Basically, the evil eye can be divided into two categories:

  • the evil eye is involuntary;
  • the evil eye is intentional.

An involuntary evil eye is a rather mild effect, since there is no deliberate work of the magician put into it. Such an evil eye is both induced quickly and imperceptibly, and often passes quickly and without any special consequences.

An involuntary evil eye is a rather mild effect

A deliberately made evil eye is classified as light damage. The work of a magician is also present here, but more often such an effect does not carry enough force to cause significant harm. When it comes to beauty, the evil eye will temporarily bring problems with appearance. This may be the appearance of inflammation on the skin, hair loss, sometimes conjunctivitis, and so on. People who are affected by such an influence rarely turn to a magician, more often they look for solutions in the use of medications. The evil eye gradually loses its power on its own, and the person thinks that specialized drugs helped him. If we compare the evil eye and damage with physical impact, we say that damage is a blow, and the evil eye is a push.

A curse

The category of curse should be given a special place in the hierarchy of negative magical effects. A curse is a conscious influence, under the influence of anger or weakness, it is damage, but a special one. This influence is based not on the ritual of causing damage through magical instruments, but on the influence through words. With words and the anger that is present in these words, a person charges a certain flow of energy and directs it towards his enemy. Sometimes this flow is formed consciously, sometimes unconsciously. Removing an unconscious curse is much easier and faster than a conscious one. But even an unconscious blow can become an impetus for a person’s self-destruction. The most terrible thing is a mother’s curse directed at a child (this happens) or a woman’s curse directed at a man who bore him a child. In my practice, I have more than once met people who became victims of just such an unconscious, but very strong curse.

The fact is that demonic entities are absolute evil, they obey only under duress, they are not at all inclined to help the human race, but are only capable of causing harm and destruction - this is their purpose and essence. Therefore, opinions regarding the use of demonic forces in magical practice are divided: some argue that their use is simply impossible for fear of being attacked by evil spirits, others are more optimistic and even strongly advise turning to the help of evil spirits (in certain cases), arguing this the fact that spirits aimed at good are not able to subjugate what evil ones can.

For those who are not afraid of such reasoning, we offer a detailed list of names, signatures, the external appearance of the manifestation of demons, attributed to the magical tradition, as well as the essence of the influence of each demon, taken from the widespread medieval book The Lesser Key of Solomon or, as it is also called, Lemegeton. This book captures the innermost secrets of the Goetia
(Goetia - the art of summoning and controlling the spirits of darkness)

Will any reasoning about good and evil, about the need for humility and forgiveness calm you down at a moment of extreme resentment and humiliation? All you need is the immediate return to your offender of his harmful energy and strength that hangs over you and does not allow you to breathe freely, think and move. Of course, forgiveness is the best way to cleanse your soul and body from the defilement brought upon you, but it does not imply returning the harm caused to you to the one who committed it, and this is not always true. Evil and injustice, left unpunished, tend to be repeated, and repeated with greater scope and force. Evil seeks weakness and, having found it, enjoys its invincibility. Therefore, by forgiving over and over again, you can sentence yourself to an endless repetition of what happened.

Let me note right away that the following recommendations should be considered only as ways of retaliating for the grief and harm caused to you. Of course, they can be used as a first strike, but without additional skills and knowledge, you risk turning this magic against yourself. The decision about whether to take the following actions should depend on the specific situation, the extent and consequences of the harm caused to you. If a normal life conflict occurs between you and someone, then it is wrong to immediately turn to harmful magic. The best way out of many acute situations is to increase and develop your own capabilities and strengths, which will help you emerge victorious from this situation. If direct pressure, coercion, persecution or violence is applied to you, when there is a real danger to your health and life, complete inaction can be extremely destructive for you.

Black magic: return witchcraft

When someone has caused you irreparable harm and cannot be forgiven, then perform return witchcraft. Take two sewing needles, one thick and long, the other short and thin. Insert a smaller needle into the eye of a thick needle. Wrap black thread around the junction of the needles so that they hold tightly, and say:

Your needle is long, mine is short,

Your work is evil, mine is good.

I pierce your evil and return it to you

everything he prepared for me,

everything he did for me,

I got everything back

now, this minute and forever and ever!

Stick a large needle into the door or doorframe of your offender’s house so that “your” needle is pointing to the right, and repeat the spell.

The magic of denigration

Place a photograph of your opponent on the ground, and if you don’t have one, take a piece of paper instead and write his name, patronymic and surname on it. Pour some ink into the center of your right palm, look closely at it and say:

This is my strength.

Then open your palm, pour ink from it directly onto the card and complete your spell:

Through this I command you.

After this, wash your hands thoroughly.

Black magic: condemned water

If someone wants to harm you or is plotting against you, then do the following. Pour clean spring water into a glass jar. Place a mirror on the table, place the Bible in front of it and place a bowl of water on it. Place a candle between the book and the mirror. Sit at the table and look through the water in the mirror. Say at this moment:

He who is with good will remain with good,

whoever has evil will receive this evil,

someone with a nasty word,

he will choke on the same word.

Pour water near the house of your ill-wisher, and all his plans will be in vain, and the evil committed will be turned against him.

Black magic to drown out lies

If someone is gossiping about you, place white flower petals in a small wooden or cardboard box. Light a red candle and burn on its flame a photograph of the deceitful person or a paper on which his name and surname are written. As you do this, say these words:

Now all your lies will be drowned out,

only truth and truth

will be on your tongue and in your words.

Throw the ashes into a box of petals, mix it all and store for three days in a secret place. Then go out into an open field, scatter the petals and ashes in the wind and repeat the spell.

Black magic to punish the offender

To eliminate malicious gossip and punish the offender, light a brown candle, imagining that this candle is the person bothering you. Use a needle to write his name on this candle. Write the forbidden words on a small piece of paper: “ZAMU-WEGOR.” Place a drop of honey in the middle of the paper and roll into a ball. Make a cut on the candle with a sharp knife, imagining that it is the offender’s mouth. Place crumpled paper in it and burn the candle until it burns out. Throw the cinder into the water or bury it in the ground in the place where your ill-wisher usually passes.

Black magic to counter enemies

In order to resist the machinations of enemies and ill-wishers, place a small flat pebble on the table in front of you and take a large nail in one hand and a hammer in the other. Place the point of the nail in the center of the pebble, strike its head three times with a hammer and say the following words:

Iron versus stone, sharp versus dull,

standing versus lying down, strength in iron,

weakness in stone, one to command,

to grovel to another,

everything is in my hands, everything is in my power.

You should not hit the hammer too hard so as not to split the stone, but at the same time, your blows should not be weak either: a mark from the tip of the nail should remain on the stone. Throw this stone to your ill-wisher, and keep the nail as a talisman of strength and superiority. If you have several enemies, then use several pebbles and the same nail for the ritual.

Restraining evil thoughts and harmful actions

If they are making false accusations against you, are hatching evil plans against you, or are already committing any injustice against you, write down on a piece of paper the name, surname, patronymic, and also, if you know, the date of birth of your offender. Look at this paper and imagine the face of an ill-wisher. Pour water into a small jar. Roll the paper with the data into a tube, tie it with black thread and throw it into the water. Place the jar with water and the note in the refrigerator. Say:

Deratum marauz farmaon!

With the eyes of a dragon and the wings of an angel

I conjure and fix

what is determined against me,

something that will not find its place in the world.

Having done this, be sure that the ice reliably holds the evil thoughts and actions of the one whose name it has imprisoned. Such black magic should be performed on the new moon.

Magic gag

When someone starts saying something indecent or unnecessary in your presence, mentally imagine that the gossiper has white cotton wool in his mouth.

Black magic: pressing

Light a black candle, write the name, patronymic and surname of your enemy on paper. Place this paper on the floor and stand on it with your bare feet, holding a candle in your hand. Say the secret words:

I conjure with the ghosts of the north, the demons of the west,

shadows of the east and spirits of the south

you, who are under my heel,

always stay under it.

This is my word, so be it.

Return Witchcraft

In order for the damage to return to the one who created it, perform return witchcraft. Take the liver or heart of some animal and stick nine sharp splinters or needles into it. As you insert the first needle, say:

This is for the one who had his eye on it!

The second needle should pierce the heart at the moment when you say:

This is for the one who caused the damage!

When you insert the third needle, your words should be:

This is for the one who committed evil!

Insert the fourth needle and continue the spell:

This needle will pierce his heart (liver)!


This needle will pin his tongue!

And pierce the heart with the fifth needle. When using the sixth needle you should say:

This needle will tame his evil thoughts!

When the turn of the seventh needle comes, say:

Evil thought, come back!

Insert the eighth needle with the words:

Mortal force, return!

Stick the last, ninth one, saying:

Black eye, close!

After this, wrap the heart in linen, bury it in a dung pit or hide it near the offender’s home.

Black magic: magical execution

To punish the person who harmed you, cut off a dried nut branch that does not bear fruit. Do this in the morning before sunrise, saying these words:

I cut this branch in the name of punishing the slave (name).

Returning home, cover the table with a white tablecloth, hit it with a cut branch, imagining that you are striking your offender and say:

I don't break the tablecloth

and I beat the slave (name).

So that all my blows are reflected on him,

so that my suffering and pain would go away to him.

All this can be done even when the debt is not returned to you. In this case, you should say the following words:

I don't break the tablecloth

and I beat and will beat the slave (name),

until he pays me back.

Black magic: imposition

Get the hair of the person who offended you. For nine days, tie one knot on it, then wrap this hair with knots in a handkerchief, place it on the table and, striking this handkerchief with a rod, say:

How does this hair get blows and pain now?

so his owner will receive blows and pain.

How this hair is tied in knots,

so his master will be tied in a knot.

This witchcraft should only be used when you have actually been mortally wronged or suffered irreparable harm.

Neutralization of harm

When you need to nullify the efforts of a person trying to harm you, or eliminate unwanted gossip, write the name of your ill-wisher on a piece of paper, roll this paper into a tube, tie it with a red thread and put this letter in a dark glass bottle. Combine sea salt, oakmoss, magnetic metal filings and psyllium seeds in a bowl. Fill the bottle almost to the top with this mixture and seal it with a wax stopper, that is, drip melted red candle wax directly into the neck until it completely covers the hole. Bury this bottle in a deserted place, and as long as it is kept secret and inviolable, your enemy will not be able to harm you.

Black Magic: Conclusion

Pour sunflower oil into a glass and place it on the table in front of you. Place two candles on opposite sides of the glass - red on the right, black on the left. Move the candles around the glass counterclockwise - take the red one in your right hand and the black one in your left hand and rearrange them so that the black candle is in front of you and the red one behind the glass. Then take the black candle with your right hand, and the red one with your left hand and rearrange them again - red in front of you, black behind the glass, and so on. Imagine at this moment a luminous sphere, in the middle of the sphere imagine your ill-wisher trying to get out of it. Feel his confusion and horror at the futility of his attempts. Realize that he will also be incapacitated in his dirty deeds. After completing the ritual, go to the house of the one who is hatching dangerous plans against you, and pour the oil under his threshold.

Black magic: retribution

To give justice to all your envious people, enemies and ill-wishers, buy a red rose and place a small glass vessel in front of you on the table. Cut off all the thorns from the rose and throw them into the vessel one at a time, saying the same words each time:

Every thorn for every evil tongue,

for every injustice.

Then pick all the petals from the rose and place them one by one in a vessel with thorns. In this case, say:

Lay softly, sleep hard,

think about your own, forget about someone else’s,

put everything in its place.

Fill the petals and thorns with salt water, seal the vessel with a cork, wrap it in a dark cloth and tie it with a red thread, which is secured with nine knots. If you know your ill-wisher, hide this amulet in his apartment or leave it at his doorstep. If you do not know who is sowing evil, bury the vessel in the ground near your home so that it protects you from future accusations and slander.

Black magic for gaining power

To have power over someone, you need to write the name of the person you are interested in on paper, burn it and rub the resulting ashes on the soles of your shoes. Instead of paper with a name on it, you can use a photo.

Black magic: sewing up the mouth

If you know for certain who exactly is spreading false rumors about you, and you have a photograph of the slanderer, thread a gray thread through a needle and use it to sew up the mouth of your offender depicted on the paper. If you don't have a photo, draw his face as best you can on plain paper. Write the gossiper’s name above the face, his last name below, and do the same manipulation with the image.

Black magic: freezing

To prevent false rumors from spreading, cut a circle out of paper, write the name of the slanderer on it and place this paper on the bottom of the cup (the size of the circle should match the size of the bottom of the cup). Place an ice cube on top of the paper. Then break a chicken egg, pour the white and yolk on top of this cube and onto the paper and place the cup with all its contents in a cold basement.

Suppression Magic

Write on a piece of paper the first and last name of the person over whom you want to have power. On top of these inscriptions, write your full first and last name. Wrap this piece of paper around a long nail and tie it with red thread to keep the paper from unraveling. Go to a deserted place and drive an “enchanted” nail into the ground there. When returning home after this, do not greet or talk to anyone.

Compulsion magic

In order for a person to change his mind and act in a way that is beneficial to you, hold his photograph between your palms and walk with it in a circle backwards, repeating the following words:

Back to front, it's the other way around

you will walk, you will think,

you will do everything in my favor,

everything is as I say.

If you do not have a photo of the person you need, use a piece of paper on which to write his first, middle and last name.

Black magic to rule

To have the upper hand over someone, write their name on a piece of paper nine times. Cross out each word three times, saying the following words each time you cross out:

Triple sign, triple law

I restrain and imprison you in the chains of deeds and thoughts.

Then roll the paper into a tube and place it in a glass bottle. Fill the bottle with vinegar and seal it with a stopper. Go to a deserted place, stand facing west, take the bottle in your right hand and say:

You will always be behind me,

in any business, in any process.

All awards and honors for me,

gnawed bones for you."

Immediately after these words, throw the bottle back over your left shoulder. Return home in a roundabout way and do not greet or talk to anyone until you cross your own threshold.

Black magic: drowning

To successfully resist your detractors and enemies, place a small red candle in a cup and fill the cup with water so that it does not reach the top end of the candle by about half an inch. Light the candle and watch it burn. The candle will shrink and at some point the water will extinguish its flame. During this ritual, you must associate yourself with water, and your opponent with a candle, and understand that in this situation water is stronger than fire and that you also have an advantage over your competitor. After completing this action, you can drink all the water - this will give you the additional strength necessary to implement your plans. You can also spill all the water where you do business, and throw away the candle where your competitor works. This magic is performed on the waning moon.

Know the enemy by sight

To find out who your secret ill-wisher is, closer to midnight, cover the table with a black tablecloth and place a large mirror on it, in front of which place a black candle. Light the candle wick with the third match - light the first two and immediately put it out. Sit on a chair with your back to the mirror and the candle. Take another small mirror in your right hand, hold it above your left shoulder and look at the reflection of the mirror standing on the table in it. While doing this, repeat the spell:

At this hour, on this night, between two mirrors,

show yourself between two worlds,

my enemy, for true words.

When the vision appears, add at the end of the plot:

There is no way for you, there are no roads for you

and in all places, and on my doorstep.

Then spit in the mirror, break the glass with a stone and throw the fragments in a deserted place.

Suppression Magic

To suppress a specific person, find a small flat pebble and think that this is that same person. Write his name on the stone with waterproof ink or paint. Carry this stone with you and squeeze it in your left fist from time to time, imagining that by doing so you are influencing a specific person, constraining his actions and forcing him to act the way you want.

Black magic: pickling

Light a red candle and place a photo of your enemy on the table in front of you. Pour fine salt onto the mouth depicted on the paper and repeat the following words:

You can't drink water,

you won't get enough food,

day and night and night and day.

Shadow Magic

When you meet your ill-wisher, step on his shadow and mentally say the following words:

Anderatum vira, kas verom.

Black magic: locking

If your ill-wisher is spreading false rumors against you and weaving intrigues, then throw a bag made of blue fabric into his house or bury next to him, in which put a closed padlock and three bay leaves. Keep the key to the castle with you.

Black magic to gain an advantage

In order to have an advantage over an enemy or competitor, write his name on the black ground and throw an ax into the air so that, when it falls to the ground, its tip enters directly into the inscription. Then walk around the ax three times in a clockwise direction, remove it from the ground and keep it in your house in secret and inviolability. You can also use a knife instead of an ax.

Since then, humanity has been obsessed with power. Man tried to subjugate the environment, the creatures inhabiting the earth, and most importantly his own kind in all possible and impossible ways. That's when black magic appeared. Magic became one of the most effective tools with the help of which man tried to put himself on the same level as Almighty God.

Back in biblical times, the first representative of black magic became known - it was a serpent who entered the Garden of Eden in order to seduce Adam and Eve. He predicted that people who dared to break the ban would be able to learn something that would elevate them above other creatures of God and turn them into Gods, whom all living things would worship.

The roots of black magic originate in the depths of human consciousness, which yearns to constantly learn something new, unknown to anyone, and in fact are its nature. This played a decisive role in the appearance of the serpent in the Garden of Eden.

There are many products of black magic and its representatives. Here are some of them: occultism, spiritualism, followers of Christian Science, as well as the authors of ancient books and manuals of ceremonial both black and white magic, since ancient times called grimoires.

In magic books one could find spells, conspiracies and love spells that could help a person in any situation, specifically related to black magic. With the help of calling spirits, dead ancestors from the other world, killing and encroaching on happiness and breaking a person’s will in the name of his own benefit, a person could achieve what he wanted. In books on black magic one could find prayers addressed to God.

Representatives of these teachings zealously rejected and reject their direct relationship to black magic. They explain their activities by the desire to unravel the unknown and unknown to others. It was believed that with the help of spells, love spells, conspiracies and prayers, a representative of humanity would be able to achieve his goal, in other words, become the owner of the coveted power over others in a given situation.

Many of the most famous black magicians of our time use bloody rituals in their practice using sexual perversions and atrocities, which in no way satisfy society’s ideas and judgments about white magic. This causes severe disapproval and frantic fear of such representatives of humanity, if they can still be called such.

One of the widely known black magicians of our time is Aleister Crowley. He had a very negative attitude towards followers of black magic, considering himself a follower of white magic. Despite this, he mainly used bloody rituals in his practice, contrary to its principles.

Black and white magic mutually penetrate each other, so the existence of one without the other is simply unthinkable. It is impossible to know good without knowing what evil is!

Magic and Witchcraft

Dark witchcraft has always worried humanity. The veil of secrecy shrouding sorcery confirmed and warned of the dangers posed by black magic. However, the witchcraft of dark forces gives people hope to solve vital problems.

People do not have all the information about the world around them, which is literally saturated with mystery and magic, because man himself, as a miracle of nature, is a mystery. For example, no one has yet been able to thoroughly study the capabilities of the human brain, therefore, the fact remains inexplicable that a large number of people, more and more often, say that they have the gift of clairvoyance, prediction, and also thanks to a voice from the outside, they find a way out from a difficult situation. Is this really the notorious intuition? Or maybe angelic protection? But, unfortunately, an ordinary person is not able to find the answer to such questions. After all, it is quite obvious that these inexplicable things are subject only to special knowledge, which is inherent only in magic.

Magical sorcery is a special human ability that cannot be studied. In addition, not all people have such a unique gift to control magic, but only those who can use it to change the surrounding reality. Think about why there is a “sideways” look that gives you goosebumps? Or why are some people losers, although not stupid, while others are lucky, for no apparent reason? Why are families destroyed? Why does death suddenly take away young, full of strength people? Why do inexplicable cases with unhappy endings happen? Basically, people are accustomed to writing off everything simply as accidents, although there is another explanation for this, which is not understandable to everyone, such as black magic.

Modern science is not able to interpret the incomprehensible things happening around us, and there is no need for this, because magic explains them. White and black magic - this is how it is customary to call what interprets most of the unclear things happening in our world.

A dark force possessing mysterious power, carrying not only help to a person in solving his problems, but also embodying true evil - represents the ideals of black magic. Bright, sparkling with good thoughts, mysterious forces that help a person and not harm him - this is white magic. In essence, there is no special division, because there are higher knowledge and forces that control all spheres of human life, from the soul to society. This is the basic magic rule. After all, it depends on the person and his thoughts which side he chose - dark or light. If a person wishes death to an enemy, then the influence of force directed towards the enemy is destructive in nature, therefore it is called dark, in other words, it is black magic.

Black magic is very powerful and in demand. The fact is that the consequences of the influence of dark laws are immediately visible to a person, so people more often turn to a black magician for help. But the influence of dark forces does not always lead to negative consequences; usually, with the help of black magic, a person achieves a specific goal.

Driving Force of Black Magic

Do you know what is the driving force behind black magic? That's right, the desire to control reality. More precisely, the main goal of the magicians was formulated by the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Remember what the tempter said to the frightened Adam and Eve, who were afraid that if they ate the forbidden fruit they would die? He opened their eyes:

“You will live. Try the apple, don't be afraid. The fruit will only open your eyes. God does not want you to become gods who know good and evil.” According to occultists, the tempter of Adam and Eve symbolizes a deep mind based on life experience, therefore, throughout their lives, magicians look for the fruit that gives the power and strength promised by the serpent. Becoming God is what magicians strive for.

Black magic attracts with its mystery, its roots are the unknown depths of human consciousness. It is a great misconception to believe that adherents of black magic chose this teaching out of love for evil and other stereotypes living in people’s minds. If we discard all misconceptions and try to understand the essence of black magic, it will become clear that it makes it possible to become on the same level with God, which ordinary religions do not allow, considering a person to be a servant of God. It is this idea of ​​identity with God that elevates black magic above everything with which they smear it, attributing to it all the worst features and images. Why do few people today call themselves a black magician? Let's remember Aleister Crowley. He considered himself a white magician. Is it possible to call this great man white if he performed rituals of a sexual nature, involving sacrifices in them? Surprisingly, the great magician had a negative attitude towards black magicians and despised them. (It is curious that black magicians, in his opinion, included representatives of Christianity and some of his acquaintances, occultists, who gave very cool reviews regarding Crowley’s activities).

Also, the writers of ancient grimoires (books on summoning spirits, manuals on love spells, hexes) did not count themselves among the ranks of black magicians. These books contain many prayers calling for fasting and remaining humble.

Black magic. Introduction

Any desire must be confirmed by action - this is the main postulate in black magic. Will alone (whether good or evil) is not enough.

According to this axiom, any action must be identical to desire. That is, if you want to fall in love with yourself, you need to perform an act of love, if you harm someone, you need to hate. Like attracts like. It’s like a magnet: force will attract force, life will attract life, and the same is true with health. These axioms do not require proof. Everything operates according to the rules of nature.

What is witchcraft? This is a hidden action aimed at harming a person. In this case, the victim cannot resist or defend himself, because they cast spells, as a rule, without the consent of those people on whom the negative action is concentrated.

This word is filled with strong energy, and its meaning is “to bewitch” - that is, to break the will and force it to perform the actions of a sorcerer. A person completely loses control over his mind if he falls under the spell of witchcraft.

For successful implementation, you need to clearly formulate a thought, then support the thought form with words. In other words, materially realize it with the help of a set of sounds, figures, signs, thereby creating an imprint in another subtle world, through which the desired will be reflected on the intended person. From which it follows that without material realization, desire will melt like snow in spring, the attack will not be carried out, and the plan will not come true. Thought + verbal reinforcement + implementation through actions = changing the layer of the world of the person being attacked.

A sorcerer, as a rule, does not do good deeds, since black magic itself involves committing evil deeds.

How do sorcerers influence other people without their knowledge? One of the ways is to charge certain things that a person encounters constantly or from time to time with negative energy. In black magic there is a law - “you have to pay for everything”, so you should act carefully, since the harm caused to a person can return tenfold to the sorcerer who caused it. The effectiveness of influence depends on the strength of the sorcerer, the clarity of the formulation of the goal, his will and determination.

The main and inalienable law of high magicians is interaction with natural forces. As for black magicians, they are also guided by this law, but the only difference is in receiving negativity, destroying a person’s will. (not a constructive goal, but a destructive one). Any object can be magical, so it is simply impossible for an ordinary ordinary person to always be protected.

For any defense there is a destructive force. Everyone knows the so-called psychic attacks (have you ever felt anger, rage, negativity from another person? This is called an energy blow, psychic attack). The target is a person, after such an energy blow from a black magician, becomes disoriented, loses his sense of reality, is on the edge of worlds, weakens, giving up his energy, experiences terrible sensations: weakness, apathy, fear. The fact is that in such cases, foreign energy is directed at a person, which penetrates the body of the target object and literally takes away the energy of the person on whom the impact is directed.

Now let's talk about black magic in detail.

Black magic is not a one-time fun, but a choice for the entire life path. It is done only once. There is no way back. In the old days they used to say: “a deal with the devil.”

Both the black magician and the white one undergo initiation. For white, this is 3 exams (have you heard about “fire, water and copper pipes”? If you are very interested in this question, refer to the next volume - “Course of the Encyclopedia of Occultism” by the famous G.O.M.), and for black – as many as four. The difference is in the “bonus” for black – “a pact with the devil” (a voluntary expression of will to cause evil, expressed at least once.)

This is the true essence of black magic, formulated in ancient times many centuries ago in the tomes of grimoires, albeit expressed in different terminology. Therefore, when you hear from a so-called magician that the difference between black and white magic is not significant: the difference is in the methods of spells and the means by which the goal is achieved, know that you are being deceived and do not know that they are making a mistake due to ignorance of this subject.

A most curious incident once happened to me. I came to visit a black magician I knew. Not for the sake of learning something new or getting advice, but to relax in the company of a good friend over a bottle of beer. Moreover, this person is an extremely interesting person, the time spent with whom for some reason takes place to imperceptibly accelerate its pace. We chatted about this and that, and we started talking about a magical little thing. I needed a candle. I asked the owner for it. Great was my horror when he said that only black candles remained in the house. (Black candles are made from the remains of the dead: bones, skin, etc.). My fear and immediate desire to refuse the offered candles subsided when a friend explained that these candles were made of ordinary material, simply painted with ink, that is, they did not pose any danger.

Alas, the previously used material of ancient magicians is no longer so relevant today due to its scarcity. That is why, at present, many pseudo-black magicians do not pose any threat and simply hang noodles on the ears of their clients, and they give their money to charlatans for lying, believing the fake magical attributes and magical passes of the false magician. There are many methods of deception and “magicians”, as a rule, are happy to share their work with “colleagues”.

But I have one acquaintance - a real magician who went through the initiation of a black magician - three exams with the bonus described above (“a deal with the devil”), for which he bears the punishment of the cosmos. I won’t say what kind of punishment, because I respect the personal space of my friend, and I don’t want to plunge readers into the abyss of bottomless fear. But I want to assure you that he bears responsibility for his “contract with the devil.”

It is amazing with what persistence and pressure many people today ask to initiate and direct on the path of a black magician. Why are they attracted to black magic? Being an astrologer, I don't know the answer. Which stars influenced their choice remains a mystery to me. If we think like a psychologist and try to answer this question, then an obvious answer arises: people strive to get rid of their own complexes and dissatisfaction with others. Various personal failures: the “ugly duckling” appearance, poor academic performance, low income, and simply banal envy pushes you to take a rash step.

You can teach black magic, but that would be a good idea. The fact is that no matter how many exams a student passes, it is of little use. What's the main thing? Work on your personality. In addition, it is difficult for anyone to master magic, since he absorbs information like a sponge.

As for the “path of the chosen,” open your eyes, dear ones. This is all fiction. You need to start with the elementary basics, which are now easy to obtain in the League of Independent Astrologers, the Academy of Man, NCGA, the “New Acropolis”, the School of Classical Astrology, the Russian Astrological Society, and finally, in other religions: Buddhism, etc. All this will become an excellent foundation on which you can build something. Therefore, only having mastered the beginning of the beginning, one can already see whether the student is able to go further.

There is an opinion among ordinary people or the curious that supposedly black magic is much stronger than white magic, I’m afraid that now I will upset you with my statement that this is an erroneous opinion. The means to achieve the goal are the same, and the bonus is no less fateful than the well-known fifth column in the standard questionnaires of the USSR.

I did my job - I informed you of the consequences, then the choice is yours.

If we consider the water element from the perspective of black magic, then Feng Shui will undoubtedly be a favorite here. The relentless flow of black water, behold and contemplate the flow of water - let's turn to the poetry of the great Chikamatsu.

Look how the water leaves without a trace

Everything will be clear to you, the door will open...

Did you know that black is considered a mournful color by the will of Western culture, but in the East it’s the other way around: white is the color of grief and mourning? Why is this so and for what reason? Perhaps because the black color is convenient in view of economy, it does not get dirty like other colors, and it does not cause annoyance to wear to the cemetery.

But let's talk about water again.

In order to get rid of impending problems, such as a quarrel with your spouse, illness of a relative, borrowed money, use the help of the water element. She will take care of everything and relieve you of headaches.

The main thing is that you can use not living water, but regular water from the tap. The power of water will work well when taking a shower. Ask water to take away all sorrows and problems, and it will fulfill your wish.

Another great option is to visualize the seashore before going to bed, how you walk and listen to the roar of sea waves, or calm, a light breath of wind caressing your tired body. Believe me, you will feel the changes yourself.

Enjoy visualizing nature. Imagine the splashing of waves on your feet, look at the beauty around you: the seashore strewn with shells, the music of sea water. The relaxation process will be so long that you will want to go further. You will begin to see small details. Don't be afraid to experiment! Indulge your mental messages! Explore an imaginary world. You will discover many interesting things that you have never paid attention to before.

One of my clients returned to a happy life thanks to such visualizations of the sea. Once, during another walk by the seashore, she found a gold chain with a medallion in the shape of a sun. Since then, life has improved.

Water does good because it loves to help people, because we ourselves are made of water (remember, 80% of our body is water)

Surround yourself with water, do not forget to water the plants in your house, hang pictures that depict the water element: a river, a stream in the forest, the sea, as all this will emphasize the presence of water in your fortress-house. I give these tips according to Feng Shui.

Undoubtedly, water magic gives remarkable power. Don't forget that water stimulates intuition. By taking such walks through your inner world, your ocean will eventually begin to guide you on the right path and will open the gates for your own realization. You want to know why you came to the planet? What is your goal? Water will provide answers to these questions. Protect and cherish your ocean within you.

Black magic, spells, rituals, training, techniques

There are periods in life when big troubles roll over a person in waves, interspersed with smaller troubles. Melancholy overwhelms the soul, leaving no hope for a turn for the better. And not a single remedy helps to get out of this gray timelessness, full of despair and hopelessness. Black magic facilitates the opening of other roads that are invisible from this state. It should be used with extreme caution at home. Let's talk about this.

When to turn to magic?

All kinds of rites and rituals help correct mistakes made in this and past lives. After all, the complete collapse that a person faces from time to time is just a lesson for his soul. The task sent from above must be completed using talents and abilities, actively thinking and acting. A person chooses methods at his own discretion. One of them is black magic. At home, practice does not seem difficult. However, it requires some preliminary preparation. The fact is that black magic spells cannot be cast out of the blue, whenever you want. You need to create the appropriate conditions, gather yourself and tune in internally. After all, you will have to communicate not with the kindest forces - with the dark ones. Most often they are associated with the devil. You understand that this entity will not come to your aid out of altruistic motives. It should be appeased by demonstrating an understanding of its essence. Then practical black magic will be successful and will not lead to further deterioration of life circumstances.

Preparing decorations for rituals

You've probably read or watched films about witches and wizards. These sources are slightly Black magic at home is not dangerous or scary. Everything is simpler and more ordinary. To create the appropriate atmosphere, purchase the following attributes:

  • black candles;
  • crystal ball;
  • image of the devil or imitation of a skull.

In the room, hang mirrors opposite each other. This is done to protect against the threats of dark forces. You can always send those who came uninvited into such a corridor with a special word. Of course, other things will be needed for rituals. You will select them as needed. Try to arrange a witchcraft corner for yourself in a secret place. Practical black magic does not tolerate publicity. Not only will people start talking about your name in gossip, but they will also bring troubles with their thought forms. There will clearly be no admiration or respect in them.

Daily exercises are the key to success in magical practice

You know, witchcraft requires constant concentration from a person. It is difficult to maintain the usual rhythm of life, only occasionally diving into practice. The forces must be with you all the time. Then the black magic spells will not fail. Rituals will become effective. And over time, there will be no need for conspiracies. Circumstances themselves will line up the way you want. It is for this purpose that a witchcraft corner is created. The magician at any moment has the opportunity to “touch” the forces and be imbued with energy from them. Black magic at home is a constant work. To begin, take common Orthodox prayers and rewrite their texts backwards. They are used in a large number of rituals to activate assistants. They often act as independent conspiracies. Take a closer look at your outfits and toilets. Black magic spells cast in an uncontrolled environment can turn against the performer. Choose clothes in dark colors. She protects from attack. Be sure to wear a magic amulet. For example, a star of David or a pendant in the form of a black cat. And it is advisable to keep this animal in the house. It, like no other, contributes to the creation of a portal for the entities needed in your business.

Black magic: damage

Let's look at methods of harming another person. Damages and curses are common in witchcraft practice. They are made using cemetery paraphernalia, water, earth, salt and other means. One of the most powerful means is the ropes used to tie the legs of the deceased. They are simply thrown to a person, mentally forming a task. This is done to death. If you just want to make a person’s life difficult, then find a photo or create a doll of the victim. Such attributes are typical for rituals recommended by black magic. Conspiracies are usually pronounced in Latin. But now they are being translated. The effectiveness of Russian-language texts is no less than that of the ancients. Here it is important to rely not on words, but on thought forms created by the magician. To cause damage, you can take soil from the grave of the victim’s namesake and add it under the threshold. If you don’t know the special formula, read the “Our Father” backwards. This conspiracy is called “Shanechto”. Another ritual is performed with water and thistle. By the way, this herb is witchcraft. It draws strength out of a person and makes holes in his energy. You need to collect flowers (or buy dried ones at a pharmacy) and make a decoction. Salt, pepper, and black cat excrement are poured into it. After seven days of infusion, the decoction is poured under the victim’s threshold.

How do you fix problems in your personal life?

If you delve into the subject, you will understand: black magic provides many ways to attract the attention of a desired person, to completely take possession of it. A love spell performed using her methods gives an almost one hundred percent guarantee of success. After all, the ritual leads to the enslavement of the victim. This person becomes completely dependent on the customer and voluntarily gives up his own desires and goals. This fact also contains danger. After all, you have to answer for it before the Creator. It turns out that the person who ordered the love spell lives for two. But this, by the way, stops few people. In any case, people who are fascinated by black magic. A love spell is best performed on blood. Do you remember what ink was used to sign the contract with the devil? Intention must be brought into the ritual itself. After all, bindings are different. The victim is attracted sexually or emotionally. This is determined by the magician. However, it should be remembered that the effect on the soul is most complete and powerful.

Black magic: conspiracies

There is an opinion that it is best for a real sorcerer to read his formulas in Latin. This is true only in one case, if you know this language. Otherwise, you have to trust the sources from which you obtained the information. And this, to put it mildly, is dangerous. Black magic, the conspiracies of which are spread openly, is replete with traps. A novice sorcerer cannot solve them and eliminate them. It turns out that a person, pronouncing the formula and activating the process, gives most of his energy to the unknown well-wisher who slipped the conspiracy. This can lead to damage, loss of control over your life and other undesirable consequences. So it’s easier and safer to use clear texts. After all, their words can be independently analyzed, tested and changed if you don’t like something. In general, it is considered good luck for any sorcerer to own ancient tomes written at a time when mass manipulation of foreign energy was not yet thought about.

How to tune in to rituals

Let's touch on the emotional state of people who are attracted to magic. You should understand that you will have to interact with very powerful and ruthless entities. They do not respond to requests or tears. Imagine that you are climbing into a jar of poisonous spiders. It's every man for himself. You need to be very strong, active, fast, arrogant to survive in this world. These are the laws of black magic. If you are not sure that you can handle it, then do not start studying it, much less practice it. Devilish energies absorb hundreds and thousands of people. These are the features of today's world. You should consider whether you can go through life in the cloak of a lonely warrior, always fighting with enemies. A black magician has no friends, no comrades either, only random fellow travelers.

How to protect yourself

This is the main point for the novice sorcerer. At first, dangers will lurk at every step. It is necessary to take care of the amulet of strength. It is made by hand. It is not allowed to involve another specialist in the process. It is best if it is a natural precious mineral. It is selected individually, based on a detailed horoscope and personal feelings. It must be activated with blood. Black magic is the way of the strong. Think about this before you start practicing.

In the minds of modern people, such phenomena as magic and witchcraft seem to be something fantastic. Most people believe that learning witchcraft and magic is something beyond belief. However, in reality everything is somewhat different. And today you can learn magic, become a fortuneteller or clairvoyant, and master the basics of witchcraft very easily. The only thing it is advisable to have for this is the right mentor. The role of a mentor can be anyone or anything: from a competent literary guide or an innate great talent for magic to a wise, experienced teacher.

The mysterious sphere of witchcraft is, in essence, the same everyday practice, profession or specialty as other traditional types of human activity, but the aura of mystery around it is much higher. This is due to the fact that traditional society does not recognize such activities. Many consider it a banal fraud and impose such a view on all modern people.

For individuals dedicated to or simply interested in all aspects of this sphere, it becomes clear that magic is just a special work with nature (both spiritual and material), carried out on a subtle level. This is why not everyone can undergo training in witchcraft and magic, but only those who have at least a minimum set of inclinations to work with these matters.

Of course, some rituals can be performed purely mechanically, without talent for working with subtle spheres, but the number of such rituals is very limited, and the quality of the act decreases sharply if the individual performing it is not involved in the process with his whole being. What does a future magician need to become a professional in the field of witchcraft?

Hereditary Gift

As you know, the best sorcerers, clairvoyants, fortune tellers and magicians come from those who inherited a gift of this kind from their parents. With each generation, the power of the gift becomes greater, especially if the child is correctly and carefully taught all the necessary basics, helping him at every stage of development.

This applies to both white magic and such areas as black witchcraft. Innate strength, multiplied by the correct development of abilities and competent training in magic and witchcraft, gives a colossal effect. It turns a person with the beginnings of magical energy into a powerful sorcerer or magician (both white and black).

Of course, one cannot say that a magician should only be hereditary, because since there is no continuity, then he simply has nothing to do in magic. There are self-taught wizards who independently go to master complex witchcraft technologies. They search the Internet for rare videos of rituals, collect and learn incantations and whispers used by various healers in all corners of the country. They also practice all sorts of techniques for transforming reality, etc.

If an individual has a strong desire, which becomes meaning and purpose for him, then he is able to change even an unshakable destiny and, without any special talent for magic, become a good wizard.

If you have never understood how to cast a spell, and magic itself seemed only an invention of science fiction writers, not to mention the fact that magic was treated with contempt in your family, this is not yet a reason to claim that the minimum magical spark or the beginnings of witchcraft you have no talent.

Perhaps the force is present in a person, but sleeps, since there are no prerequisites for its awakening. How to establish its presence or, on the contrary, absence? This can also be done at home, since basic tests are usually used (however, they cannot be carried out independently; you will need the help of a third party).

Usually, the future magician is asked to find a magnet and feel its attraction, with his eyes closed. You can try to guess the images on special Zener cards (designed specifically for the purpose of establishing magical abilities). There is also an option to distinguish in photographs people who are now living and have already passed on to a better world, to consider the information shell of a thing or place.

Of course, ideally, such testing should be carried out by a person with experience. After all, he will be able to stop in time or, on the contrary, increase the complexity of tasks. Only a true Master can easily say whether the test results were a mere coincidence or a manifestation of the true gift of clairvoyance.

Teacher of magic and witchcraft

The importance of a teacher on the path to becoming a sorcerer is almost impossible to overestimate. It is from person to person that secret information and special energy are transferred. The mentor invests part of himself, part of his own knowledge and experience, in the student.

Every magician can attest to the fact that when we undergo training in witchcraft and magic, we usually rely not only on the knowledge we gain from books, but also on the experiences that other people have had. In fact, any novice sorcerer needs a good mentor who could dilute the book information with his own comments from practice. Only in this way can dry words and numbers come to life and turn into the background for the future magical practice of today's student.

Of course, in the context of the topic about teachers of magicians, one immediately remembers horror stories about how a young man becomes an apprentice to an evil warlock and finds himself locked in a trap, forced to give strength and energy to his master. In turn, such a warlock uses witchcraft for all sorts of dirty deeds - committing crimes, enriching himself and other unpleasant things.

At present, such stories are not completely excluded, but given the rarity of the magician’s profession, they, in their general mass, have moved into the section of fairy tales and legends. Therefore, in the real world there is no reason to be afraid.

Books on magic and witchcraft

You can start learning witchcraft and magic on your own by going to a book market or an esoteric store. There you can find a whole sea of ​​literature on the topic of how to learn to conjure, how to master the magical craft, how to become a good magician, etc.

In the era of freethinking, a lot of such books were published, but with them the number of absolutely useless manuals, which seem to be written purely as a distraction, has increased.

Agree, there is a difference between a book about witchcraft spells, written in the 19th century by a hereditary sorceress, published in the form of an ancient tome, and a manual for novice magicians, which is written in the 20th century by some scientist who shows interest in this field of activity. The difference between the levels of knowledge gained is simply colossal.

Magician's book

The saddest thing in such a situation is that it will be difficult for a magician without experience and experience to choose the right artifact and source of information. Either teachers and mentors (if any) or your own gift can come to the rescue here. To use the latter, you should concentrate on the problem, set yourself the task of finding “your book” and hit the road. If the stars are favorable and the desire is strong enough, finding the right thing will be very simple.

A true book of magic is a thing, most often handwritten with a pen on ancient paper, and its pages sewn together with black thread, it is both a powerful source of information (providing true knowledge) and a powerful artifact.

But why is there so much talk around the “correct magician’s book”? The secret here is that she is capable of miracles. If you have a real book of witchcraft, this is already a claim to success, since such a thing is not only of literary and historical value, but is also a powerful artifact.

Usually, when sorcerers and magicians work with such things, they leave their energetic imprint on them, enhancing the effect of the book, giving weight and color to the words and rituals that are given in it. As a result, a collection of handwritten pages ceases to be just an information carrier, but also becomes a strong assistant in the process of mastering and implementing any magical actions.

Witchcraft practice

One of the prerequisites for acquiring witchcraft is witchcraft practice. Proper training in witchcraft and magic with an attentive teacher, long-term work on oneself (in particular, on memorizing spells, magical texts and the features of certain rituals) is only an extremely small part of the most complex and time-consuming process of mastering the basics of the witchcraft craft, since teaching is one side of the coin, but practice is completely different.

Without scrupulous practice, honing the methodology for carrying out magical processes to the point of filigree, without constant exercise in magic, it is impossible to achieve even the slightest decent result.

In witchcraft, as in any other profession, you need to work hard for something to start working out as it should. And given the specifics of the craft, one cannot make mistakes here, because such negligence can lead to the most unexpected effects, as a result of which not only the client whose problem is being solved may suffer, but also the unfortunate magician himself, who has not coped with his work.

First witchcraft

In order to practice primary magical skills, usually for young magicians, older and more experienced ones offer special witchcraft for beginners, which does not have any risks, but allows you to practice well in this difficult task. There can be many varieties of such a ritual, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the individual to whom it is attached.

For example, you can train using a universal spell. It must be done in the dark, with extreme concentration on the object. The sequence of actions should be as follows:

  • Collect rainwater (or snow) and bring it home.
  • Light two candles and turn off the lights.

After this, you need to say the following words to the water:

“Water, water, help me learn. What I tell you will be woven into the fabric of the day. Let me tomorrow (say an event that is about to happen). You are the connection between heaven and earth. Let it be so. Amen".

If you have already mastered how to cast a spell with your hands, you can help yourself in the process of casting a spell by making circular passes over the water. This will enhance the effect of what was said.

A rigorous approach to learning

Important! Carefully approach the choice of your first witchcraft technique, as it can set the pace for all future magical activities!

For example, you can practice various spells for food and water. It is especially good if they carry a positive energy message, for example, wishing for recovery or well-being. This is not only good from the point of view of developing your own practical skills, but also from the point of view of starting a witchcraft career.

If you figure it out, how to cast water, then it will be possible to master many witchcraft techniques at once in one fell swoop. After all, water is a strong energy concentrator. Using this concentrator, you can record and transmit any information and energy to the noosphere.

The simpler, kinder and more positive your first spell, the better. The more spiritual its focus, the stronger and more significant the effect. It is advisable not to do witchcraft with money, jewelry or material objects (unless, of course, you have special abilities for this).

Experts also advise starting magical exercises with the most authentic rituals for humans: for example,

  • Russian witchcraft and magic or Slavic slander - must be done by a Russian (or Slav),
  • German magical rituals will be the ideal beginning for a German,
  • the Irish must practice local magic, the Hindus must perform rituals according to their traditions, etc.

This state of affairs is necessary in order for the effect of indigenous, primordial knowledge to break through the armor of individual perception and enhance the effect of magical influence.

These actions significantly worsen karma. They can break all the magical developments that a sorcerer has developed at a specific point in time, putting an end to his career.