How can you bewitch the girl you love. What to do to bewitch your girlfriend

IN modern society men are still perceived as breadwinners. It is believed that "chasing" girls below manhood and long courtship means delaying the inevitable rejection. However, this approach is destructive on all sides, because true love A person can only experience it once. That is why, if you are sure that this or that woman is your soul mate, it is important to do everything possible to achieve her, even a love spell that will definitely work.

The choice of bouquets, difficulties in choosing topics for conversation during a date, painful attempts to consider the presence of sympathy in the eyes - all this is sheer nonsense. Real problems begin when a girl completely refuses to reciprocate, explaining this with a thousand reasons, calculating the truth among which is not an activity for the faint of heart.

There are cases when such difficulties can be resolved by reassessing values ​​and revising the line of behavior. If you understand that a potential partner is not satisfied in a specific relationship and eliminate these shortcomings, then the situation will resolve itself. But, alas, this method does not always work, and rational thinking fails. It is being replaced by non-standard solutions, and with them magic.

Carrying out magical rituals is a fairly specific process. It requires not only certain knowledge and willpower, but also the presence of innate abilities. This love spell on a girl can be cast at home, without turning to magicians and sorcerers for help.

Men who do not have much practice in magical matters should turn to spells and village magic, which does not require anything from the practitioner except awareness. It is considered the least strong, soft and relatively safe. The most popular love spell on a girl is based on a photo. For it, any corresponding plot is taken, which is read exactly 4 times in all directions. In this case, you need to hold a photograph of your beloved in your hands, turning with her counterclockwise.

In general, any love spells on things are very effective. They will work quickly and effectively only if the item taken was really important to the girl. Exactly the same principle of a love spell works with your favorite delicacies - they are all common and well-known.

When turning to magic, it is important to know: the situation can also turn against the witch. If you are interested in the consequences of love spells, you can find cases where “victims”, complete with obsession with a specific person, received a whole bunch of illnesses and personal troubles. In case of violation basic rules the consequences can be very different.

Ensuring the safety of both parties is an important part of preparing for any of the above rituals. As you take care of yourself and your loved one, remember:

  • You cannot resort to “black” magic. It is very easy to recognize: in such conspiracies we are talking about the death or withering of a girl in the event of a breakup (“she will die, wither, dry up” - and everything like that);
  • You should not resort to love spells, whose action should be carried out. The place of calm for the dead has a very strong energy field, but it cannot be called pure.

Two powerful love spell texts for a girl

By candlelight

You will need 9 thin church candles and a photograph of your beloved. Before dawn, a circle is made of candles, then the candles are lit and a photograph is placed face up in the center. They step on the photo with their right heel and say the spell three times:

“As my heel presses you hard, so let you be drawn to me. It's joyful with me, hard without me. This is the lock, and the key is in the fish's mouth. Amen".

The ceremony is carried out 3 nights in a row.

Looking into your eyes

Midnight ritual. The man picks up a photo of his beloved, looks into her eyes and reads the text of the love spell 7 times:

“As much as I love you, God’s servant (girl’s name), so you cannot live without me, God’s servant (your name). So be it. My words are law. Amen".

After the conspiracy, the photo must be hidden in a place inaccessible to prying eyes.

  1. Rituals performed by men must be performed during the day. The ideal time is the very beginning of sunset. An appropriate place should be chosen for this. The criteria for it are: privacy, silence and the presence of open space. Magic, as an extremely subtle matter, does not accept unnecessary witnesses.
  2. You can only cast a spell on certain days of the week. For men it is Tuesday, Monday and Thursday.
  3. When casting a spell, repetition will not be superfluous. Duplicating your own words is like glue - the more of it, the more accurate the result. Reading the text from a piece of paper is the last thing. Words must be learned by heart.
  4. A man using a love spell must look good. We are talking about clean clothes, a clean body and clean thoughts. Everything in a person should be harmonious and holistic.
  5. And the last thing that should never be forgotten: do not start casting spells without learning how to defend yourself. Find ways to get out (if you have them), learn to block and recognize danger. This is the only way to protect both yourself and your loved one from possible difficulties.

A love spell works in such a way that favorable conditions are created in life for the creation of strong love relationships. With the help of ceremonies, rituals, prayers, you can attract your loved one and...


Features of love spells

At home, witchcraft has the same power as the work of a professional psychic. Therefore, it is worth carefully studying the rules necessary for performing magical rituals.

There are love conspiracies:

  • Christian();
  • love spells (love spell on a specific person);
  • pagan (using natural force, improvised means);
  • black magic (dryness, Voodoo).

White magic can make a man or woman fall in love. If a person is single, attract fans (fans) so that there is an opportunity to find half.

Features of love spells and prayers:

  1. Love conspiracies must be made with confidence that the man or woman is the only one, and that the feelings are real.
  2. Together with the ritual to attract love, the plot will also help to make right choice a person who has not yet found someone with whom he would be happy.
  3. It is necessary to decide on the end result, only then should you choose a love spell.
  4. The word has powerful power, so prayers should not be taken lightly.
  5. Prayers and conspiracies differ in that with the help of prayers a person turns to the Higher Powers for help in love affairs, and with conspiracies he creates a program to achieve what he wants.

Basics of preparing for the ritual

Preparation for rituals and ceremonies takes a little time:

  1. Before performing a love ritual, you need to purchase the materials you will need.
  2. You need to wear light-colored clothing.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to what time of day the ritual should be performed. If it requires candles, the magical action must take place at night.
  4. Before the ceremony, women need to take off their jewelry, trim their nails, remove makeup, and unbraid their hair. The man needs to take a shower.
  5. Even if the magical ritual has not been completed, you cannot tell anyone about it.
  6. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol before the ritual.
  7. In the room where the ceremony will be held, it is worth locking the doors and covering the windows with curtains.
  8. During a love ritual, no one should be near the person who is performing the magical act, including animals. It is better to take care of this in advance.

Rules for reading conspiracies

Basic rules for reading prayers and conspiracies that should be followed:

  1. Love spells are read on the new moon, full moon, and waxing moon. During the waning moon period, it is better to refrain from magic. You can find out what phase of the moon is today using the calendar.
  2. When it is necessary to use a person’s name in a conspiracy, then it is correct to use the one given at baptism.
  3. Frequent reading is not recommended.
  4. If the ritual does not indicate how many times the plot should be reread, it should be repeated three times.
  5. If the plot to attract love contains the word “Amen,” you must be baptized after it.
  6. A pregnant woman is not recommended to use love spells, since their magical effect can harm the unborn child.
  7. For women, love prayers and conspiracies should be read on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday - days are considered feminine and favorable for a man’s love spell.
  8. Men need to read the plot on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
  9. On Sunday and Orthodox holidays You should refrain from reading conspiracies to attract love, rites, and rituals.
  10. It is correct to read the spell words in a half-whisper, in a calm state and with the lights off, if the ritual is performed on the desired day in the evening or at night.
  11. The love plot should be written out on a separate piece of paper and memorized.

An important rule for reading a conspiracy is strong faith in the words and the result, since the thought, the word are material. What a person believes in unconditionally certainly comes true.

The most powerful love spells

A powerful love spell is capable of real magic and works immediately. Thanks to him, you can correct the case when your beloved man leaves for another woman or your beloved avoids the guy in every possible way. The words of the conspiracy change the biorhythms of another person’s aura, which causes him to have a positive attitude towards the one who resorts to magic.

Spell for husband's love at home

A love plot is suitable for the woman whose husband has lost interest. A magical sacrament will help improve the relationship between spouses, returning them to their former passion and love.

For the ritual you need:

The ritual is performed when the man is not at home:

  1. Attach the pin to your clothes and walk with it for three days.
  2. Take it off and light two candles. Whisper the words over the pin: “You wear a pin, you don’t forget me. If you lose the pin, you will suffer without me. Amen. Amen. Amen".
  3. Fasten the charmed pin to your husband’s clothes so that its head looks down.

Another magical ritual that will help return your husband’s love.

For it you will need:

  • large pink candle;
  • photograph of the spouse.

Sequence of the ritual:

  1. Get up at dawn before the sun rises.
  2. Go to the window on the east side and light a candle.
  3. Place a picture of a man next to you.
  4. Read the prayer three times: “The clear Sun walks across the sky, you, servant of God (name), think the same about me, you toil, you cannot find a place for yourself. When the sun sets, you will return home. My love for you illuminates your path, calls you to me. Amen".
  5. Blow out the candle. Hide the photo.

The ritual for the husband's love must be carried out within nine days after the first day of the full moon.

Spell for a guy's love on a ring

A ritual with a conspiracy on a guy kindles warm, tender feelings in him within a few months.

For the ritual take:

  • your ring;
  • photo of a guy;
  • red candle

The ceremony is performed on the full moon and consists of the following actions:

  1. Put a picture of the guy in front of you.
  2. Light a candle and take the ring in your right hand.
  3. Hold the ring over the candle while reading the words of the spell: “I fill the ring with the power of love. I make you want to be with me. Servant of God (name) you will follow me, not see the white light, not sleep, not drink, only admire me. Amen".
  4. Place the ring discreetly in your lover's pocket.

If a girl is alone, she can perform a ritual with a ring to attract love into her life.

For the ritual you need:

  • a copper ring (you can buy it at the market, don’t haggle when buying);
  • thin red candle.

Perform the ritual at midnight by doing the following:

  1. Thread a ring through the candle and light it.
  2. Read the following words: “I attract love to myself, I choose a husband for myself. When I, the servant of God (name), get up in the morning, braid my hair, I will meet my betrothed. Amen".
  3. Place the ring on any finger right hand, wear it until you get married.

Conspiracy for dew

A powerful magical rite is performed during the celebration of Ivan Kupala Day (July 7). You need to get up early in the morning, when the sun is not yet visible in the sky, and go to the field. There you need to collect the dew in a new dish.

When you get home, stand by the window:

  1. Wash your face, hands, and feet with the collected dew.
  2. Say the words: “I wash myself with dew, I attach God’s servant (name) to me. The servant of God (name) is drying up out of melancholy; he is reaching out to me, the servant of God (name). He knows neither sleep nor rest, he remembers me every hour. Amen".
  3. Take three small sips of morning dew.

The ritual can make a guy fall in love for many years.

Plot-drinking on a man

For the ceremony take:

  • a recent photograph of your beloved man;
  • a large red candle;
  • personal photograph.

A love spell on a loved one is done early in the morning:

  1. Place two photographs next to you: your lover and your personal one.
  2. Kneel before the rising Sun.
  3. Light a candle and place it to the left of you and the pictures.
  4. Closing your eyes, read the incantation: “Heavenly Body, you know everything, you see everything. I stand on my knees before You, asking for your love. Don’t leave me, help me, bring God’s servant (name) to me. So that he, the servant of God (name), without me, the servant of God (name), could not sleep, could not eat, thought day and night, could not find a place for himself. And when the servant of God (name) comes to me, the servant of God (name), he will forget the way back. Amen".

The witchcraft drying ritual must be performed three mornings in a row.

Conspiracy on the needle

The ritual is suitable for girls who want to attract a man and for guys who really want to make their chosen one love them.

For the ritual you will need:

  • new needle (never used);
  • photo of a loved one;
  • church candle.

The love spell ritual must be done on the new moon:

  1. Place the photo in front of you on the table.
  2. Light a church candle and place it in the photo.
  3. The candle should brightly illuminate the face in the image.
  4. Take a needle, whisper a spell over it: “As I cast a spell on a needle, so I attach God’s servant (name) to myself. God's servant (me) (name) will remember me, dream about me alone, and pray for love. So be it. Amen".
  5. Attach a needle to the door where your loved one lives.
  6. Go home without looking back.

Conspiracy for eternal blind love

A very strong conspiracy to love a person, which cannot be removed.

For the ritual you will need:

  • two thin church candles;
  • photograph of a loved one;
  • personal photo;
  • two new needles.

Sequence of the ritual for love:

  1. Place two photographs next to you: your loved one and your personal one.
  2. Connect two candles, weaving them, while repeating the words of the spell: “ Higher Powers, help me, servant of God (name). Unite our love with the servant of God (name), intertwine our bodies. Like two candles together, so the servant of God (name) and I together do not know grief. I call upon love forever, I bind and seal our Fates.”
  3. Stick two needles crosswise into the connected candles. Light them up. Let them burn for a minute and blow them out.
  4. Place candles with needles and photographs in a box and hide it.

The love spell ritual for eternal blind love will begin to work within a month.

Love plot for 12 years

The love spell must be repeated every twelve years. It is performed using a red apple.

The ritual is performed on the full moon:

  1. Whisper the words over the red apple: “I speak to the red apple. I evoke the love of the servant of God (name) for myself, the servant of God (name). Just as an apple dries up, so God’s servant (name) begins to dry up for me.”
  2. Place the apple in a warm place, perhaps behind a radiator, so that it dries faster.

Conspiracy to love a guy to ashes

A love ritual must be performed in the forest.

For the ritual you need:

  • a sheet of pink paper;
  • candle;
  • matches;
  • a pen with which a loved one wrote;
  • saucer.

Sequence of magical action:

  1. Find a place where no one will disturb you.
  2. Sit near any tree and write with a pen on a piece of paper: “As smoke scatters in the wind, so the love of God’s servant (name) grows stronger. Amen".
  3. Light the candle using matches, making sure that the fire does not go out.
  4. Burn a sheet of paper over a candle and a saucer so that the ashes fall on the saucer.
  5. Put out the candle and scatter the ashes to the wind.
  6. Leave the saucer, matches, candle and pen in the place where the ritual was performed.
  7. Leave without looking back.

Spell for the love of the chosen one on the smoke

The ritual must be performed as many times as possible until the loved one makes himself known.

The ritual is performed on the waxing moon:

  1. Light a candle, open the window.
  2. Make sure that the smoke from the candle goes outside.
  3. Imagine, closing your eyes, that smoke is the path to your loved one.
  4. Say the spell words: “Through rivers, fogs, mountains and forests, smoke comes to you, servant of God (name). Our love with you is strong, the connection is strong. Amen".
  5. Put out the candle and leave it outside for a minute.
  6. Close the window and go to bed.

Conspiracy in a photo of a loved one

The love ritual should be performed nine nights in a row.

The ritual is carried out in the photo of the chosen one, at a distance:

  1. Every day before going to bed, pick up a photograph.
  2. Over it, quietly say the words: “With you, servant of God (name), I fall asleep. With me, servant of God (name), you wake up. The love between us flares up, feelings grow stronger. Amen".
  3. Fall asleep with a charmed photo under your pillow.

Powerful candle ritual

The magical sacrament should be performed three nights in a row.

For a powerful ritual to attract love into your life you will need:

  • candle white;
  • pink candle;
  • red candle;
  • satin ribbon (white);
  • satin ribbon (pink and red).

Wait for the waxing moon and perform the ritual at midnight:

  1. On the first night, take a pink candle and a pink satin ribbon. Light a candle.
  2. Tie three knots with a ribbon around the burning candle.
  3. When you tie knots, read the spell: “I tie knots tightly, I attract love to myself. The candle is burning, flaring up, the angels of Love are helping me. Amen".
  4. Do the same on the second night with a white candle and a white ribbon.
  5. Repeat the ritual on the third night with a red candle and a red satin ribbon.

The video from the Vitaly Rozhkov channel tells how to attract love into life using the “Two Candles” technique.

Spell for a girl's love

The chosen one will want to see the person who performed the ceremony immediately the next day after receiving the gift.

To attract a girl’s attention, you should buy a gift for her - maybe some little thing, but it’s better if it’s decoration:

  1. Whisper the words over the gift: I give love to you, servant of God (name), and I receive love in return. I give you warmth, I receive warmth. I give tenderness and care, I receive them back from you, servant of God (name).
  2. Give the charmed gift to the girl.

Spell for a woman's love on the first snow

A ritual for a woman to fall in love is done when the first snow falls:

  1. Go outside.
  2. Look at the snow and say: “As the snow falls, the servant of God (name) is in a hurry to tell me about love. The snow is falling on the ground, the servant of God (name), will follow me, sigh for me. Amen".

If the ritual is performed correctly, then its effect will not keep you waiting.

Love spell for the waxing moon

A ritual to attract love is done only on the waxing moon at midnight:

  1. Open the window wide.
  2. Looking at the moon, say: “You, Moon, see everything and know everything. Draw love to me quickly. Just as you shine brightly, so my love will shine for me and make me happy every day.”
  3. Close the window and go to bed, imagining how you will meet love.

Spell for a wife's love for her husband

A love ritual must be used if the wife’s feelings for her husband have faded.

For the ceremony you will need:

  • church candle;
  • photograph of the wife;
  • a pinch of salt.

The sacrament is performed at night when no one is at home:

  1. Place a photograph of a woman in front of you.
  2. Light a candle and move it across the photo (clockwise).
  3. At the same time, say: “I call upon the Higher Powers to help me, the servant of God (name). I return the love of God’s servant (name), attaching it firmly to myself. As God’s servant (name) returns home, she will forget the way to another. Without me, the servant of God (name), the white light is not nice to her. Amen".
  4. Pour a pinch of salt into your palm and blow it onto the image of your wife.
  5. After that, put out the candle and hide the photo.

Many men who cannot find an approach to a lady secretly dream of winning her heart. Or take her away from another man. Since ancient times, men have come up with the most different ways seduction.

From singing serenades under the window to performing heroic deeds. They presented the ladies with the most expensive gifts and enlisted the support of her relatives. But sometimes, in order to attract beautiful lady, charm alone is not enough for this.

Then some people think about whether it is possible to bewitch a woman and turn to a fortune teller. But many of them turn out to be charlatans. In this article I will tell you how to bewitch the woman you love at home on your own.

But it is worth understanding that this requires at least some prerequisites for magical practice.

There are different conspiracies for this.

Plot for a gift

Beads and chains and bracelets are suitable for this. Anything a woman can wear, as if tying herself with them. Silver or gold is best because precious metals absorb energy better and store energy longer.

The gift should be purchased on the first day of the new moon. They read the plot, holding the decoration in their hands, light two candles. For two weeks the ritual should be repeated every night at midnight. On the day of the full moon, put the jewelry on your beloved with your own hands.

“I burn with fire, burn with flame, burn out the soul of (woman’s name) with heat. He won’t find water, won’t quench his thirst, won’t cool down without me (his name). He will be with me with all his soul or he will burn to gray ashes. I order and command - I dispose of (the woman’s name) the soul. Amen."

Food spells

One of the common methods of bewitchment is a love spell on food. This method can be different types, is made using a wide variety of dishes. But if you don’t want to bother with cooking, then the method of bewitching with an apple will suit you best.

To do this, take a large red apple and cut it into two parts during the full moon. Then cut out the core and write your name and the name of your loved one on the piece of paper. Then take her in left hand, and the apple to the right. Place the apple in the middle of the paper, fold the edges of the sheet and tie with thread. The cut out part of the apple must be eaten.

“As the apple dries, so dry you too for me.”

One more effective method is a way to give candy. Such a love spell on a woman for a man will not only be effective, but also pleasant. After all, they love sweets, and such a gift does not oblige them to anything.

Place the purchased box of sweets on the windowsill. Light two church candles nearby and read the plot. Put out the candles by hand and leave the box until the morning. They should then be eaten within a week.

“Just as a mother cannot live without a child, a dove cannot live without a dove, and a starling cannot live without a starling, so the servant of God (the woman’s name) cannot live without me. Only me, the servant of God (his name), will love, and only will he live with me. Amen!"

Candle plot

It's quite simple and effective way how you can bewitch a woman. Go to the temple and buy three church candles.

At midnight, when the moon begins to wax (you can see this in lunar calendar) take the candles and place them on a table covered with a white tablecloth. Relax and gaze into the fire. Your concentration is the most important element in any ritual.

Therefore, before starting it, it is best to practice meditation. Concentrate and imagine the object of your desire. Read the hex seven times while looking at the fire. After the candles go out, wrap them in a sheet of paper and bury them.

“The fire of the candle burns and glows, the flame flares up, Let the heart of the servant of God (name) flare up towards me, the servant of God (name). Let her feelings not fade away, let her miss me. So that she wouldn’t live or drink without me, but would only think about me and miss me. So that it will always be this way and no other way. I conjure. Amen!"

Conspiracy on a photograph

If you want to bewitch a woman greatly, then this method will suit you just right. But before you start, think about it, because after this she will fall madly in love with you, and you may not like you anymore after some time. By doing so, you will destroy your destiny and hers.

Before starting the ritual, take full responsibility for choosing a photo of your beloved. It must meet several requirements.

  1. The photo cannot be cropped with scissors;
  2. The eyes should be clearly visible on it;
  3. There should be no strangers;
  4. The photo must be taken no more than 5 years ago.

For action, take a photo, two candles and a red ribbon. At night, light candles and place them on the table. On the back of the photo, write names and draw a heart around it. Then read the hex. After this, wrap the photo in red ribbon and put it in a secret place.

“As this ribbon is tied, so our destinies are tied. Love will never leave us, and love will always be with us and in us. Just as a knot is tied and will never be untied, so my beloved will always be with me. Amen!"

Spell on coffee beans

Take a cloth bag, a spoon of coffee beans and a candle from the church. At midnight, turn off the lights everywhere and preferably all electrical appliances. Take the grains in the palm of your right hand and, with a lit candle, read the spell.

After this, do not throw away the grain, but put it in a prepared bag, tie it with a cord and carry it on you. Suitable for those who think « I want to bewitch a woman, but so that she definitely doesn’t know anything.”

“I will speak these grains and keep them with me, so I will turn the heart of God’s servant (name) in my direction and steal them, I will always keep them with me. So that she would be bored and sad without me. Amen!"

Full moon spell

This ritual has a powerful impact. If you are thinking about how to bewitch married woman, then it will fit perfectly. Since the moon has a strong energetic effect, and after the action the woman even loving her husband, will be able to go to you.

It is best to use running water, in the light of the moon. To do this, you need to perform the ritual outside on the river bank. Three days before the start of the ritual, preparations must begin. When going out at night, conduct various meditations and turn to the power of the moon.

It is necessary to recharge with its energy. On a full moon, stand under the light of the full moon and, touching the water in the river, thinking about your beloved, try to direct the powers of the moon to her.

“Moon power, light power, illuminate it and take it for yourself. Let my dear love for me grow, more and more every day. So that she doesn’t drink or eat without me, so that she doesn’t look away.”

White spell for love spell

Despite the fact that Orthodox Church denies any influences of a magical nature, equating them to black magic. Many sorcerers use church paraphernalia for so-called white love spells.

For this ritual you will need a personal item of the object of bewitchment; wrist watch, rings bracelets. The best ones are those that a person wears often. Pour holy water over it and cast a spell.

This conspiracy is best suited for those who are thinking about how to bewitch a woman without consequences.

“Just as my tears fall on my clothes, so (the woman’s name)’s heart does not know peace, it languishes and toils, and strives to unite with me (her name). Let the holy water help us unite. Amen!"

Love spell on a woman through her hair

This conspiracy applies to blacks. It is not recommended to be used without special training. This can be dangerous not only for the woman, but also for you. This plot is suitable for those who want to bewitch a woman as strongly as possible.

For it you will need your beloved's hair, two candles and a photograph of any of your deceased relatives. Place the photo on the table. Place candles on both sides of it. One of them should be black, and the second red.

In the photo, place your hair on top and forgive the plot. Then burn a hair over each of the candles. The next day, you need to light candles in the temple for the repose of whose photograph you used, and if possible, visit his grave.

“The spirit of the now deceased (name) calls on you! Come and hear me!
Fulfill my will and do as I want. Let the servant of God (name) languish without me like a wax candle melts.
Let him cry and suffer, be sad and freeze. And her affairs will not go well and her soul will suffer! Let it be as I said!”

Conspiracy on a piece of clothing

Usually fashionistas always have their favorite outfits, or those that they prefer to wear. Grab one of these things discreetly. Any piece of clothing will do, but it's better if it's a dress.

It is best to meditate before starting the ritual to direct your energy in the right direction. To create the mood, you can sprinkle your favorite perfume on the item.

Take the thing, and at midnight, having said a spell over it, put it in a secluded place. It is imperative that she puts it on first thing in the morning.

“As this thing is loved and dear to my (girlfriend, wife) (Name), so may I be loved for my wife (girlfriend’s name) forever, endlessly, Just as a child cannot live without mother’s milk and cries, so too will my wife (girlfriend’s name) ) can’t live without me, so that she would suffer without me, miss me, grieve, not know the white light, love, desire, hug, kiss. As soon as she puts on this dress (or the thing on which you are reciting a spell), she will immediately remember me. From now on and forever. Let it be as I want."

If necessary, you can always contact me for a quick and effective love spell on a woman!


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Men tend to use their own strength to achieve the love of their chosen one. They are, at their core, pragmatists and realists. And even when it is unbearably painful for them from the inability to be with the one who has eclipsed the whole world, they prefer to cope with this misfortune on their own.

Rituals for a love spell on a girl

The pressing question of how to bewitch the girl of your dreams is asked not only by young boys, but also by men. And there are very few who will admit this to anyone. However, it is this method that can help where all a man’s actions are absolutely powerless.

Ritual with photo

Getting a photo of a girl is not difficult at all. It's better if it's a fresh photo. All actions are carried out on the waxing moon.

For the plot you will need: a candle, a photograph of your beloved. At midnight, you should sit down at a clean and empty table, set it in front of you and light a candle. Pick up a photograph. Bring the photo from above to the candle flame, image down, but be careful not to inadvertently scorch the photo.

Move the photograph in circular, smooth movements over the fire, reading three times:

“The heat burns, the heart of (the girl’s name) fills with love, only directs it to me.”
“The heat is burning, (the girl’s name)’s mind is eclipsed, she only wants about me.”
“The heat is burning, (the girl’s name) is yearning for me and burning.”

Then put the photo near your bed, maybe under your pillow, and go to bed.

Repeat this ritual for three evenings in a row. Soon, the girl’s feelings will really become warmer. Photography conveys energy and also absorbs. Black magicians, sorcerers, and psychics often use this. Therefore, you should handle the photograph with care and precision.

Ritual on flowers and threads

It’s not difficult to do, just know the exact address where the girl lives. It is advisable for the guy to choose and pick the flowers himself. If it’s not the season outside, but you can’t wait to cast a love spell, you can buy flowers in the store. But it is better to choose simple, delicate and inexpensive flowers. The ritual must be performed before midnight. You need to prepare white silk threads in advance.

Wrap the collected flowers with thread, as if collecting them in a bundle, saying:

“My love is strong, like a silk thread, my love is pure, like a white thread, I will tie it in knots, I will tie (the girl’s name) to me forever.”

The tighter you wrap it, the stronger and stronger the love spell will be. Repeat the words until you get 12 circles of threads. Afterwards, collect all the petals from the bouquet and scatter them in front of the girl’s door (porch, yard). But only in such a way that she had to step over them.

Hang the stems tied with thread in an inconspicuous place. When they dry, put them in any convenient place where no one will find them or throw them away.

If everything turns out right, the love spell will begin to gain strength from that day on.

Magic rituals with hair

You can bewitch a girl using her hair. How to get it is another question, but there should be at least three hairs.

A strand of your hair must be tightly tied to the girl’s hair. All energy should be directed towards the desire to connect one’s destiny with one’s beloved. The words that must be pronounced do not have strict rules. You can think through them in advance or simply say what you want and feel most.

Example text:

“We will be connected tightly, tightly, for a long, long time. Don’t break it, don’t spill it with water, now you and I can be together.”

Wrap your hair in a clean scarf and hide it away. You can bury it somewhere in the garden.

Love spell on a pin

If a guy likes a girl from his close circle - a friend, colleague, former classmate, and she does not accept signs of attention, you can use a love spell on a pin.

What is needed for this:

  • new regular pins 7 pieces,
  • candle,
  • photo of a girl.

On a full moon, prepare all the necessary attributes and stay in a dark, empty room. Light a candle. Place a photo of a girl and pins on the table.

Visualize the image of your chosen one as clearly as possible. You can imagine some moments together: walks under the moon, gentle touches of hands or tight hugs. You need to take the first pin, attach it to the girl’s photo and fasten it.

The following words follow:

“The first castle is strong. You won’t recognize anyone’s love, you will give me your love. It will always be like this."

Then use the second pin, with similar words, only changing “first lock” to “second lock”, etc. Afterwards, place the photo with pins on the window so that moonlight falls on it.

And say the words:

“Bound by a lunar thread, forever tied.”

In the morning, unhook the seventh (last) pin and throw it to the girl when you meet. The best option is if the pin can be hidden in the girl’s room, discreetly attached to a curtain or placed under the mattress on which she sleeps.

The most powerful ritual that works at a distance

How to bewitch a girl if she is far away and there is no way to meet her in person. In this case, a love spell ritual with mirrors and salt will help.

Salt is a good conductor of energy, and mirrors have long been attributed magical properties.

Buy two small mirrors of any shape, preferably without a plastic frame. After waiting for the new moon, you can begin the ritual.

At midnight, set the table with a new white tablecloth. Place two mirrors opposite each other. Light candles near each mirror, on both sides.

The salt should be from a new pack that has not yet been opened and not a pinch has been taken from it. Heat 12 tablespoons of this salt in a frying pan, the hotter the better.

“(Girl’s name) has an ardent love for me, it burns with heat, it burns my heart, it bakes my soul. He won’t live a day without me.”

After reading three times, they collect every last grain of salt into a bowl and go to the room where the mirrors are prepared. Your state should be calm, your thoughts should be bright. The image of a girl should always be kept in mind. Sprinkle warm salt from one mirror to another in a continuous path.

At the same time, the words of the love spell are pronounced:

“Along the path, along the hot one, bring me to me (the girl’s name), she’s getting ready to set off, without me (the girl’s name) can’t live, can’t sleep or drink. As soon as she comes out on the threshold, (the girl’s name)’s heart yearns for me, she won’t turn to anyone else. With bare feet, through dense meadows, (girl’s name) hurries towards me. As soon as he recognizes me, he will not give himself to anyone. On another road, (girl’s name) legs don’t carry.”

Read it three times, slowly. Then collect the salt in a clean handkerchief and tie it tightly. Tie the candles with red woolen thread. Fold the mirrors with the displayed side facing inward. Place all the attributes of the love spell ritual in one place (box, casket) and put it away.

Soon, the girl should be overcome by longing for the young man. Wherever you are, you will want to see her. Now, the main thing is for the guy not to get confused and make every effort for the further successful development of events.

All these rituals will help to bewitch a girl in the fastest possible time. So that your efforts do not turn out to be in vain, and the consequences do not manifest themselves in the worst form, you should treat acquired love with care.

The most full description in every detail - how to make a strong love spell on a girl at home, read with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

For love spells, both black and white magic. You can understand what forces a magical ritual calls for help from a spell. For those who are encountering rituals for the first time, it is better to try yourself in white love spells, which are performed at home. They are also effective and give the relationship between two people a great chance to build a future together.

Love spell rituals can be used not only for young man, but also for a girl. The result and effectiveness will depend only on the strength of the desire to be together and faith in one’s own strength. For rituals performed at home, you can use ingredients that are always at hand. All manipulations must be kept secret. They are done completely alone.

Threshold for love spell

A fairly simple love spell at home. In order to bewitch, you need an ordinary broom, but not a new one. Two branches are taken out of it. Holding them in your hands, mentally evoke the image of a loved one or girl, concentrating all your attention. Thoughts and feelings should only be positive. Read the Lord's Prayer three times. After each reading, the name of the beloved is pronounced.

The love spell is performed after sunset. By midnight, the branches are taken to the threshold of a loved one and placed crosswise around him. The main condition is that the desired object must step over them. And in order to bewitch as quickly and effectively as possible, you need to catch the eye of your loved one as often as possible, after the love spell has been cast.

White magic for a love spell on liquid

A love spell at home can be done on a drink and offered to the desired object. Ideally, it is better to do the plot with warm milk. If this is not possible, you can bewitch using warm tea or water. The main condition is that there should be no alcohol in the drink.

Before serving a drink to a loved one, they whisper the following:

“Oh, Lord Jesus Christ, help the servant of God (your name). Give, Lord, the strength to inspire the servant of God (call his name) with love. Just as a baby cannot live without mother’s milk, so that the servant of God (the name of his beloved) cannot live without the servant of God (his name), so that he cannot sleep, drink, or eat while I am not next to him. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen."

The words are read with maximum positive energy. The ritual can be performed for three evenings in a row, but once is enough. The ritual is also perfect for bringing harmony into a relationship. It can be used by people already in a relationship.

How to cause melancholy?

Lovesickness can be compared to real torture. When a person is sad, the white light is not pleasant to him. It is no secret that many girls try to use love spells specifically for lovesickness and feelings in love spells. A love spell at home to induce melancholy can be done using a simple spell.

To do this, before going to bed, look out the open window and quietly say:

“Servant of God (say the name of your beloved), go to the porch, to my palace, to my vestibule, to my threshold, following my footsteps. I won't give you to anyone. Word, castle, language. Amen".

The most powerful love spells

Experienced magicians and healers cast some of the most powerful love spells on the personal belongings of the object of desire or take his hair, blood, and nails for rituals. You can be powerfully bewitched by the power of such rituals. But the inexperience of an amateur magician and mistakes made during the ritual can lead to dire consequences.

Often victims of incorrect love spells lose themselves. They change completely, become uninteresting, weak-willed, and lack a basic desire for life. It is also not easy to remove such a love spell. Therefore, without any experience, it is better not to do such things on your own.

A strong love spell at home can be done on the hair of your beloved young man or girl. It would be better, of course, if it were a whole strand.

  • The hair of the desired object is associated with one's own.
  • In the process I read the words of the conspiracy:

“I’m tying a knot, I’ll tie you to me, the knot will tighten, love will play out. I am tying a knot, I will bind God’s servant (the name of my beloved) with me forever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  • A hair knot is placed on top of a joint photo with your loved one. If it is not there, you can put it between two separate photographs: yours and the object of your love.
  • The photographs and the bundle are hidden in a safe place. A loved one or girlfriend should never discover it.

Love spell from a photo

A love spell at home from a photograph can rightfully be considered one of the most strong rituals. To complete this you need a single photo ( prerequisite) young man or girl, church candle.

  • The photo is placed face down.
  • The candle is lit and held over the photograph so that wax drips onto it.
  • During this they say the following:

“The servant of God (your name) is yearning for a friend, so let her servant of God (name of the beloved) also worry about her. Let love burn in his heart, like wax spreads in the soul of bliss. What is spoken will come to pass, Amen.”

  • After the ceremony, the photograph is burned. The remaining ashes are scattered to the wind. It is advisable to do the last action at an intersection. If this is not possible, the ashes are scattered through an open window. From the photo you can not only greatly bewitch, but also remove the love spell.

Ritual for mutual love

At home, you can both remove and make a fairly strong love spell. You can cast a spell only from a photograph good quality, with clear facial features, especially the eyes. The object of love should be completely alone on her.

At exactly midnight, a glass of water is placed next to the photograph. Look directly into the eyes of the person depicted in the photograph and read the following text:

“I bind the heart and soul of God’s servant (name) forever and ever and ever to me alone, God’s servant (name). Amen!".

Candles for ritual

Church candles are very effective not only in removing spells, but also in drying. A strong love spell on a guy at home can be done using church candles.

  • The ceremony takes place at midnight. To do this, take two church candles.
  • They are tied with white thread. Read the spelled words:

“As these two candles are connected, so the servant of God (name) will be attached to me forever. My word is law. Amen!".

  • The words of the ritual are repeated seven times in a row. The ritual is carried out over three consecutive evenings.

It is believed that repetitions help consolidate the result and increase the duration of the ritual.

In conclusion

Each ritual of magic, be it removing a love spell or drying, has its own nuances. In order for the ritual to be effective, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • The best time to cast love spells is when the moon is waxing. Feelings grow and get stronger. (It is better to remove a love spell on the waning moon);
  • during a love spell, the hair should be loose, the energy moves unhindered;
  • there must be at least some contact with the desired object. If separation occurs, then no more than a year should pass from that time.

Knowing how to shoot and make love spell at home, you can maintain relationships in complete harmony and protect yourself from ill-wishers.

A love spell for a girl's love that will definitely work: read at home

In modern society, men are still perceived as breadwinners. It is believed that “chasing” girls is beneath man’s dignity and long courtship is delaying the inevitable refusal. However, this approach is destructive on all sides, because a person can only experience true love once. That is why, if you are sure that this or that woman is your soul mate, it is important to do everything possible to achieve her, even a love spell that will definitely work.

The choice of bouquets, difficulties in choosing topics for conversation during a date, painful attempts to consider the presence of sympathy in the eyes - all this is sheer nonsense. Real problems begin when a girl completely refuses to reciprocate, explaining this with a thousand reasons, calculating the truth among which is not an activity for the faint of heart.

There are cases when such difficulties can be resolved by reassessing values ​​and revising the line of behavior. If you understand that a potential partner is not satisfied in a specific relationship and eliminate these shortcomings, then the situation will resolve itself. But alas, this method does not always work, and rational thinking fails. It is being replaced by non-standard solutions, and with them magic.

Carrying out magical rituals is a fairly specific process. It requires not only certain knowledge and willpower, but also the presence of innate abilities. This love spell on a girl can be cast at home, without turning to magicians and sorcerers for help.

How to make a love spell on a girl that will definitely work?

Men who do not have much practice in magical matters should turn to spells and village magic, which does not require anything from the practitioner except awareness. It is considered the least strong, soft and relatively safe. The most popular love spell on a girl is based on a photo. For it, any corresponding plot is taken, which is read exactly 4 times in all directions. In this case, you need to hold a photograph of your beloved in your hands, turning with her counterclockwise.

In general, any love spells on things are very effective. They will definitely work quickly and effectively, only if the item taken was really important to the girl. Exactly the same principle of a love spell works with hair spells and favorite treats - they are all common and well-known.

When turning to magic, it is important to know: the situation can also turn against the witch. If you are interested in the consequences of love spells, you can find cases where “victims”, complete with obsession with a specific person, received a whole bunch of illnesses and personal troubles. If basic rules are violated, the consequences can be very different.

Ensuring the safety of both parties is an important part of preparing for any of the above rituals. As you take care of yourself and your loved one, remember:

  • You cannot resort to “black” magic. It is very easy to recognize: in such conspiracies we are talking about the death or withering of a girl in the event of a breakup (“she will die, wither, dry up” - and everything like that);
  • You should not resort to love spells, whose effect should be performed in a cemetery. The place of peace of the dead has a very strong energy field, but it cannot be called pure

Two powerful love spell texts for a girl

You will need 9 thin church candles and a photograph of your beloved. Before dawn, a circle is made of candles, then the candles are lit and a photograph is placed face up in the center. With the right heel they step on the photo and say the plot three times:

“As my heel presses you hard, so let you be drawn to me. It's joyful with me, hard without me. This is the lock, and the key is in the fish's mouth. Amen".

The ceremony is carried out 3 nights in a row.

Looking into your eyes

Midnight ritual. The man picks up a photo of his beloved, looks into her eyes and reads the text of the love spell 7 times:

“As much as I love you, God’s servant (girl’s name), so you cannot live without me, God’s servant (your name). So be it. My words are law. Amen".

After the conspiracy, the photo must be hidden in a place inaccessible to prying eyes.

  1. Rituals performed by men must be performed during the day. The ideal time is the very beginning of sunset. An appropriate place should be chosen for this. The criteria for it are: privacy, silence and the presence of open space. Magic, as an extremely subtle matter, does not accept unnecessary witnesses.
  2. You can only cast a spell on certain days of the week. For men it is Tuesday, Monday and Thursday.
  3. When casting a spell, repetition will not be superfluous. Duplicating your own words is like glue - the more of it, the more accurate the result. Reading the text from a piece of paper is the last thing. Words must be learned by heart.
  4. A man using a love spell must look good. We are talking about clean clothes, a clean body and clean thoughts. Everything in a person should be harmonious and holistic.
  5. And the last thing that should never be forgotten: do not start casting spells without learning how to defend yourself. Find ways to get out (if you have them), learn to block and recognize danger. This is the only way to protect both yourself and your loved one from possible difficulties.

When reading such love spells at home, you must understand that you are taking on a huge responsibility. If everything works out, then it will be impossible to reverse the dryness.

Taking into account all the methods listed above, it must be said: no divination guarantees the successful development of interpersonal relationships. A love spell causes a person to be powerfully attracted to the initiator, but does not change his character, habits or behavior. We will have to achieve mutual understanding in the simplest, universal ways. Everything is in your hands!

A few words about love spells on girls from a famous parapsychologist:

Love spell for a girl or woman

How to attract a girl's attention? Beloved, the only one, the most wonderful, the one you dream about? Especially if she doesn't want to see you?

Or, even worse, perceives him as a friend? Sometimes passion comes out of hatred, but making a friend out of a beloved is much more difficult.

And then many guys wonder how to bewitch a girl? This is quite unusual, men rarely resort to divination or witchcraft at the behest of their hearts, but what can’t you do for the sake of love?

Casting a love spell on a girl is a delicate process, you need to be careful and follow some rules. Firstly, all magical actions in order to get your beloved must be taken on Friday - the so-called “Venus Day”. The strongest love spell on a girl is Friday.

Do not confuse love with sex - formulate your desires precisely and choose the appropriate ritual - otherwise problems will not be avoided! When casting a love spell on a girl from a photo, choose a photo in which she is captured alone, without her friends - also to avoid unexpected and not always pleasant consequences.

You need to read the words provided for this or that type of love spell quietly, but firmly and confidently, concentrating your thoughts on the girl, imagining a situation in which the goal of the love spell has been achieved. It is better to learn the words by heart and practice reading them.

A love spell for a girl's love is an extreme measure, a way for a desperate guy.

If you can approach her and start talking (a psychologist helps some people gain self-confidence), half the battle is already done. If you have something to talk about, consider that you are already ready to conquer a girl’s heart. It’s not so important for girls what a fan looks like; men are attracted by their charm, brutality, inner strength and confidence, which psychologists around the world never tire of repeating. This is especially important in our progressive age, when the stern macho has been replaced by the image of a refined, effeminate youth. At the same time, a woman’s need for protection has not gone away.

In any case, if a person is nothing of himself and cannot even speak to the girl he likes, a love spell will not help. She will not be able to leave, but there will be no happiness in this. Being next to a hated person whom you cannot leave is the worst punishment. Think about it, are you ready to doom your loved one to this? And is this love?

How to cast a love spell on a girl is a rare request in a search engine, but folk wisdom In matters of love spells, I also took care of guys. There are many ways to perform such a ritual, and you just need to choose the one that suits you - based on the availability of the necessary items, the method’s compliance with your moral and aesthetic principles, and other criteria.

Spelling a love spell on a girl from a photo is a very common way of finding love in the modern world. Social media and a color printer will help you in this matter. Before dawn, place nine candles in a circle, light them clockwise and place a photo of your loved one in the center of the circle.

With your right heel you need to step on the girl’s face, and at the same time read the words of the love spell three times.

By carrying out such a ritual three nights in a row, you can achieve a significant improvement in your relationship with a girl - in every sense. A love spell on a girl from a photo is an easy, so-called “white” love spell.

If you see a girl often enough and know her personally, you can try to cast a love spell on her hair. For this you need the girl's hair, your hair and a wax candle. At midnight, mix your hair together (this should be done in silence and solitude, by candlelight). Fill them with wax, roll them into a ball, and continue pouring wax until the hair is completely hidden. At the same time, read the words of the love spell continuously.

Carry the ball next to your body for a day, and then throw it into the fire, imagining how the smoke carried into the sky conveys your feelings to your loved one. If the love spell is successful, you yourself will understand this by the changed behavior of the object.

In the end, you can simply buy buns with cream (or open cakes), add your sperm to the cream or icing, read the spell and treat your favorite girl - the result is guaranteed!

Experts in the field of esotericism argue about the method of adding sperm - to collect it in advance and then add it, or to ejaculate directly on confectionery. It's a matter of taste, but there shouldn't be a problem with taste. If a girl finds out about your extravagant display of tenderness, the love spell will not work. And you will gain a reputation as a pervert.

Any love spell (including on a girl) is evil, and its consequences are always dire. There is no division into black and white love spells - it is conditional, but responsibility cannot be avoided. White love spells are those that have a weaker effect on the victim, but also do not hit the performer of the love spell as powerfully as black ones. Love spells with any biomaterials are definitely black, they very strongly suppress a person’s will, it is difficult to fight them, and, therefore, the retribution for using this method to attract a loved one will be quick and disproportionate.

Negative consequences arise for all sides of the love spell - even if the man was afraid to read the terrible words himself and ordered a love spell from a magician.

Such a coward responds as “the person who ordered the love spell” and may lose sleep, acquire alcohol, drug, toxic addiction, or chronic depression. Depending on the method of the love spell, it can result in nightmares, loss of appetite, and various health problems for the customer and the performer in one person and the victim.

Think a thousand times - is the game worth the candle? Isn’t it better to try to earn real love, and not to be content with a “surrogate” of feelings?

How can you really make a love spell on a girl's love?

In this article, we will talk about love and magic, about whether it is possible to make an independent love spell on the girl you like, and what the consequences of such an act may be for you and the woman you need.

How to make a love spell on a girl’s love on your own, and what do you need to know and be able to do for this?

You should not treat love witchcraft as an exclusively female activity. Women do not have a monopoly on magic and occult sciences, and therefore we will talk about a love spell for a girl’s love. How to make a young girl or a married woman not be proud, but run after you, forgetting about pride, social prejudices and prejudice? How to make sure that she doesn’t sleep at night, that she doesn’t find a place for herself, and that in her thoughts she only holds you, the man who loves her?

How to cast a love spell on a woman yourself - read, learn, practice.

And get results! I see you want to know about this. Yes, this is understandable. Intense love can only be compared to a chemical burn - the pain is unbearable. But it's sweet pain. This feeling cannot be confused with anything, it is special. Moreover, unrequited love is real torture. However, with the help of a strong love spell for your girlfriend’s love, you can turn everything in your direction. About the magic of love and black witchcraft, about the art of bewitching a woman yourself with instant results, and about possible consequences I'll tell you now. How you use this information is up to you. This is your business and your responsibility.

A man can be a very powerful magician, this is facilitated by the quality of male energy. You can entrust the solution to your love problems with a magical love spell for a girl’s love, which can be done at home, because this is the whole point of love witchcraft - the satisfaction of carnal desires, the realization of erotic fantasies, no matter how far they go. Energy love spell, or so-called. dryness for a girl's love can be done from a distance using a photograph. Will you achieve success in home magic? No one will give you a guarantee, but everything is in your hands, and this gives you hope.

Is it possible to make your own love spell to attract a girl’s love?

When you make a home love spell for a girl's love, determination will play a role. And also your belief in the expediency and correctness of what you are doing. You do your will, and therefore must be convinced of your own rightness. And stand firm on this, faith is our everything. Some are on par with love spells and magical rituals to harmonize relationships, they try to independently cast a strong love spell on a woman at a distance through cemetery land, or with the help of demonic Power. I am skeptical about such magical rituals performed by men who begin witchcraft, because not everything that an experienced magician is capable of is accessible to a beginner. And, since the topic of our conversation is an independent love spell on a girl from a photo that cannot be removed, I am ready to tell you how to cope with this task.

And on which Moon to cast love spells on a beautiful girl from a photo?

It is generally accepted (and many practitioners of love magic adhere to precisely this opinion) that effective love spells on a mistress should be done on the waxing Moon, or on the full moon, since a real love spell for a girl’s love is constructive, and is aimed at getting the object what the created binding can actually give him . However, powerful ways to bewitch a woman work great on both the waxing and waning Moon, just in different ways.

If the goal of a home love spell on an ex-girlfriend is to evoke love, attraction, a strong sensual attachment, then the ritual should be done on the waxing Moon. During this period, the energy of the night luminary is such that it contributes to the harmonization of relationships, a strong but soft influence. If the goal of a real magician is

- then the magical love spell works to suppress the woman, and, accordingly, is done on the waning Moon. So, when to bewitch, decide for yourself, it all depends on your goal.

Will love spells to harmonize relationships affect a girl’s feelings?

My task is to show you a way to effectively bewitch your wife that you can do yourself, which you can read from a distance. I’ll start with a simple one - a homemade plot to make a girl love you using her photo. Put on clean socks and put a photo of the girl you want in the right sock under the heel. Standing up and transferring all your weight to your right leg, read the text of the home love spell plot for a girl’s love three times:

“Just as my body crushes you (name), so love for me (your name) squeezes you, squeezes you, humbles you. Just as it’s hard for your face under my heel, so it will be hard for your heart without me. Amen".

Don't take the photo out of your sock. If you walk with it all day, the effect will be stronger. A witchcraft ritual to attract a girl’s love for a guy works on the man’s personal strength, and therefore no ransom is needed. Remember, you don’t just need to read the words of a conspiracy from a photo for a girl’s love, but when pronouncing the text, imagine a specific situation and certain experiences of the beloved girl you are attracting. Visualization is generated by your mental energy, you build a bridge from yourself to her, you give an instruction, an order that she cannot disobey.

A short remark. This one is independent love spell on a girl's feelings from a photo can work as a challenge, you can also use this love spell to weaken a woman before a stronger impact. In this case, it must be repeated for several days in a row on the waning Moon. If you don’t want to “bomb” the aura of your beloved woman with strong love spells of black magic, but dream of attracting her attention to you, then you can try to correct her behavior with love spells, and use this strong love spell for your wife as a way to quickly bewitch.

Here is an example of a simple love spell for a woman’s love at home

Here is another option for a safe love spell on a girl from a photograph, which you can read on your own. For the success of this venture, you need your personal strength and self-confidence, and sincere, truly bright love. Whatever you do, be confident in yourself, a timid, indecisive person, one whose love is unsteady, will not resist, will not go the way of the magician, since the path is associated with constant work on oneself.

But, let’s return to the male love spell on a girl without consequences based on the photo for the performer and the girl. I won’t say that this ritual is too energy-intensive. Some manage to work without any experience of black magic, and survive. True, there are undesirable consequences, we’ll talk about this a little later.

This version of an accurate love spell on a woman should be done on a full moon.

Wait until midnight, stand so that you can see the shining lunar disk, place a photo of your lover under your right heel and, looking at the Moon, read the love spell 7 times:

“Just as your face is with me, under my heel, so you (name) will live forever with me (your name), suffer for me, grieve, suffer, toil, be under me, love me. Word and deed. My tongue is a lock and a key.”

After a white love spell to love a girl at a distance, the photo should be removed. You can still work with it in the future if necessary.

How quickly will the effect of a white love spell on your beloved girl at home?

In itself, this love spell on a girl from a photo, made independently, at home (love magic experts usually call such energy effects as prisushki), is good, working. And it can give a great result, but let’s remember that love witchcraft consists of a million nuances! It all depends on the situation, on your strength and the strength of the object on which the love spell is applied to the girl you love.

What does the power of sacrifice mean? I think you yourself understand that it is much more difficult to entangle and tie a strong-willed person with a diamond core inside than a soft, driven woman? Strong man has enormous vital resources, and can successfully resist your influence.

If your beloved is strong and stubborn, you will have to read this sexual love spell on a girl from a photo yourself every lunar cycle until you achieve the desired behavior from her. Or you may even need a strong love spell on a woman using black magic methods. There is no need to do this work yourself; the best option is to seek help from a practicing magician.

What can prevent a guy from succeeding in casting a love spell on a woman from a photo?

I recommend remembering that there are forces greater than the power of your desire. Not every strong love spell on a woman’s photo will give a positive result. Your lover can be protected from the influences of others by magical protections installed by you yourself or by a practicing magician. Professional magical defenses are strong, keep that in mind. At best, your home love spell ex-girlfriend It simply won’t give results; at worst, you’ll get a return in the form in which it can manifest itself in your life. Reverse action (reverse action) can be compared to concepts such as vendetta or reward - it all depends on how the world reacts to your action. But, since I started talking about the failure of a home love spell on the desired woman, then you probably won’t have to wait for a reward.

Before making a love spell based on a girl’s photo yourself

Many people have ancestral protection, or another type of magical shield that gives a person strength. Is it possible to break or weaken magical protection? In theory, everything is possible. But, in practice... Enter into a duel with magical powers Only someone who does not realize what they are faced with can do so. Blessed is the ignorant. A professional magician who gives account of his every action and word will not go against the Forces, because the risks are great. And, perhaps, it’s a deadly thing.

What to do before casting a home love spell on a girl that cannot be removed?

Professional magicians will never perform a real love spell without a magical diagnosis. Diagnosis of the situation is done by magically, which is closer to the practicing sorcerer, i.e., to which he is accustomed, and there are good practices. Tarot cards, Lenormand and other oracles, runes, wax castings, etc. Any of these methods can show, before an effective love spell, whether a woman has protection and how strong it is.

If you are making a love spell on a rich woman yourself, you are certainly interested in the result. Otherwise there is no reason to do it. Therefore, find out whether the victim has witchcraft protections and try to remove them. Witchcraft protection is removed by purges or magical rituals to weaken the object of the love spell for eternal love. Keep in mind, this is not an easy matter, good protection is difficult to remove, especially without experience.