How to make a title page. How to design a title page for a report at school if you don’t know how to do it

Good day, dear reader! Many students, especially first-year students, have many questions related to the design of their educational works. Sometimes it happens that a teacher gives his students the task of writing, say, an essay on a certain topic. At the same time, he usually talks about how this work should be formatted.

However, it often happens that the teacher’s explanations regarding the design of the work are either unclear or incomplete. Therefore, you can often hear freshmen asking, for example, the following question: “ How to format the title page of an abstract?“We decided that it would be useful for students to know how to properly format the title page of an essay, which is why this article was written.

Rules for designing the title page of an abstract using an example

What is abstract title page? This is a regular A4 sheet. To better understand its structure, let’s conditionally divide it into 4 blocks:

1) top (which contains the name of your educational institution);

2) central (which contains the name of the type of work and its name);

3) right (which contains the required details: full name of the author of the work (student or group of students) and supervisor, course, grade for the work and places for signatures of the student and teacher);

4) lower (which contains the name of the city where you are studying and the year the work was written)

For clarity, here are 4 pictures where all these elements are shown as an example:

Regarding alignment and bolding of individual sections of text title page of the abstract, then this formatting is regulated by the corresponding GOST. However, everything is not so simple here.

In addition to GOSTs, which are developed by the state, the university has the right to modify some aspects, in particular those related to the design of title pages of student works. However, the whole humor lies in the fact that at each faculty and even at each department other relevant provisions or other regulations, which may also affect the appearance of the title page of the abstract, course work etc.

Therefore, it is difficult to say anything definite in terms of title page design. Moreover, our state does not stand still and is constantly updating its regulatory documents, incl. and GOSTs.

Therefore, our advice to you is to always take a sample title page from your department - and you will be happy! And best of all - directly from the teacher who gives you the task of writing an essay. This will be even more correct and reliable, because Some teachers often neglect modern standards and work “according to the old proven scheme.”

If you have disagreements with your teacher about the standards for the design of the title page or other parts of the essay, then it is better not to argue, but to accept all the requirements of your teacher. Why do you need unnecessary problems and difficulties? It's better to spend your time writing a paper rather than sorting things out.

However, let us return directly to the title page of the abstract. Still, although standards are constantly changing, and there is no end to these changes, we decided to give the basic requirements that apply almost everywhere. We repeat once again, always check the requirements for design of the title page of the abstract at your department or teacher!

Rules for the design of the title page of an abstract

1. Upper block. As of January 29, 2012 (the date of writing this article), in all universities in the country you should write the top of any student scientific work(essay, course work, course project, etc.) like this:

As you can see from the picture, all text must be typed in Times New Roman font 14 point (size), and the text must be highlighted in bold (Ctrl+B), centered (Ctrl+E), line spacing equal to 1. Regarding the size and font type, then these rules further apply to the entire title page of the abstract.

In addition, almost all text must be written in CAPITAL LETTERS, with the exception of the phrase “Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation"and the city where you are studying. In theory, the phrase “Ministry of...” should be written in capital letters, but the margins of the title page of the abstract do not allow this.

Speaking of fields. They should be as follows: top and bottom - 2 cm each, left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm. These requirements, naturally, extend further to the entire work. However, this is just an example. Your university department has probably adopted different field size requirements than these. From experience, fields are the most frequently changed standard across all universities.

2. Central block. It consists of several elements. Let's look at them in more detail.

But first, we should talk about the positioning of this block on the title page. It is positioned as follows: from the bottom edge of the top block (where the city is written), you step down the distance of two presses of the Enter key. This is the optimal plan distance appearance title page.

Then you write the name of your faculty and department. In our case, only the name of the department is written, which is also allowed, but it is best to write the names in full, as expected. By the way, the name of the faculty is often written at the very top of the title page. Here again, check with your teachers for information.

After you write the name of the department, step back two times by pressing the Enter key. Write the phrase in capital letters: ABSTRACT. This word is the most important word on the title page, so it is allowed to be written in 16 font to make it stand out from the total mass of the text.

Then, step back one press Enter, write the key phrase: By discipline: (name of discipline). Step back one press Enter down and write another keyword: Subject: (name of the topic of your essay). We're done with this block, let's move on to the next one.

3. Right block.

Step back from the central block a distance equal to pressing the Enter key twice and write the text as shown in the figure. At the same time, there are again discrepancies among the standards: somewhere this block is aligned to the right edge, somewhere - to the left.

Just understand correctly: left alignment is alignment within the red frame in the figure, and not within the size of the entire title page of the abstract. Otherwise, some students, having heard the phrase “left alignment,” do this very alignment precisely on the left side of the page. However, you shouldn’t do this - it’s a mistake! Besides, it looks kind of ugly.

Some people have a question: how can you make lined graphs for ratings, dates, etc.? The easiest way is to make some indents with spaces, and then highlight your indents and apply an underscore (Ctrl+U) to them.

4. Bottom block.

You should make 7-8 indents from the right block using the Enter key. Then apply center alignment (Ctrl+E) and write: at the top - the name of the city where you are studying, at the bottom - the year the essay was written.

Download the title page of the abstract

However, everything that was described above was done only so that at least once in your life you would go over in detail the main points of the design of the title page of the abstract. IN real life Nobody ever remembers these rules. All students simply take a word file with a sample title page and insert it into their work, customizing it according to the topic of their assignment.

Therefore, we have specially prepared for you a sample title page of an abstract in .doc format in order to make your life easier.

Conclusion: In this article we examined in detail the structure of the title page of the abstract. We conditionally divided the entire title page into 4 parts (blocks): top, central, right and bottom. We described each of the blocks to the extent necessary for the student. At the end of the article we have given you a link to download a sample title page of the abstract in .doc format

Now you know, how to design the title page of an essay.

Pupils at school or students at college periodically perform various written works. They present various interesting ideas and development. They turn out to be interesting, meaningful and, of course, it is important that they are properly designed.

This is what teachers pay a lot of attention to. Let's look at how to design a project title page so that it meets the most stringent requirements.

The title page is drawn up according to certain rules.

This is done as follows:

Sample design for a university

The correct design of the cover for a project can be seen in a specific example:

  • State educational institution
  • Higher professional education
  • "Orenburg State University"

This information is located at the top, right in the center, written in size 16 letters. Further:

  • Science project (size 24).
  • In the discipline “Fundamentals of design and construction of electronic equipment. Development of the design of an electronic device" (font 23). Author (bold 16th font): student of group 14 Petrov A.I. Supervisor (bold 16th font): Associate Professor N.N. Sidorov

Sample for school

In general education institutions, students are very often forced to deal with the implementation of projects. This is a very correct approach - having learned to draw up such work at school, students will not experience any difficulties.

Important! The cover does not contain a lot of information; rather, the most important thing here is to correctly place what little sentence space there is, using the right letter size.

A sample project for an eleventh-grader in a regular school looks something like this:

  1. Municipal budgetary educational institution gymnasium No. 9 of the city of Tolyatti (15 mm from the top, 16 point).
  2. Research paper in mathematics (bold, 24, in the very center).
  3. Mathematics: an exact science or a humanities subject? (the title of the work itself, without quotes, periods, 28).
  4. Author (bold, 16): students of grade 11B Ivanova A. (simple, 16). Mathematics teacher: Nikolaeva N.R.
  5. 2018 (bottom, center, 16, no dot).

Environment project

In elementary school, students are increasingly being asked to complete a project on a topic as an additional assignment.

Children willingly take on such a task. Firstly, it’s interesting, and secondly, a good grade is guaranteed.

Of course, the teacher may reduce it somewhat for the correct design of the title page, but children quickly learn to do everything accurately in terms of its design.

It's not difficult at all, you just need to follow these instructions:

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 27"

city ​​of Chelyabinsk

(top 20 mm from the top, bottom edge, 30 mm on the left, 10 mm on the right - parameters specifically for primary school, 12th point).

around the world

"Birds, animals of the Far North"

(the first word is bold, 16, subsequent words are bold, 16).

Completed by: 4th grade student Sergeev A.

Checked by: teacher Nikonova A.K.

(16th point, “performed” and “checked” - bold).

(bottom, center).

The text itself is typed Times New Roman, 14.

Important! In elementary school, the requirements for the design of the title page are not as strict as in high school, so students can use suitable pictures if they wish.

The main cover of the project on the topic My family for an elementary school student is no different from any other work on the world around us. The same indentation and font selection options that are intended for elementary school are used here.

The only thing you need to do is to approach the name of the topic correctly and individually. After all, if the task is given to the whole class, it will not be very good if the name is the same.

Project in English

Design of a title page for work on English language is no different from similar actions in Russian:

  1. The name is typed at the top of the page educational institution exclusively in English. It is important to do this very carefully and not make mistakes - detailed information can be found on the Internet.
  2. Next comes the name of the faculty itself and the student’s specialty.
  3. Then, right in the center, the words Report on the course (discipline message) are typed, followed by the name of the discipline itself. Then immediately the title of the work. All this is in English and is highlighted in bold, large font.
  4. The lower part is a place for information about the student himself: III year student (3rd year student), JJKK-8 group (student group), Ivanov Stepan (student’s last and first name).

We design the cover of the project

Evaluation of a project or any other work, regardless of the degree of complexity, begins from the moment the teacher sees the title page. It is important to do everything flawlessly competently and correctly - the final grade will largely depend on this.

  • The title page is a separate page, but it does not need to be numbered.
  • Top and bottom margins must be present; their size is 3 cm.
  • The name of the educational institution without abbreviations and acronyms is located at the top, right in the center. If this is a university, then the faculty and department should be indicated. All letters are capital letters.
    Name educational organization It is necessary to clarify, because it may change periodically. It would be very bad if the old name of the educational institution was present on the new project.
  • There is 8 cm between information about the educational institution and the subsequent topic.
  • The type of work and its subject must be indicated. Quotes and the actual word “Subject” are not allowed in the title.
  • In the lower right corner are the surname and initials of the performer, his status, and then the position of the scientific supervisor along with his surname and initials.
  • The year should be indicated at the bottom of the page, and just numbers, without the word “year”.
  • All characters are printed in Times New Roman, 12–14 point. The exception is the topic of the work, for which a larger font is provided.

The cover of a creative project has some features:

  • Done on A4 sheet. Any work is carried out in this format, both in schools and in higher institutions.
  • The margins are standard: left – 20 mm, right – 10 mm, top and bottom – 15 mm each.
  • Line spacing is 1.5.
  • The title page is not numbered. Further numbering is located at the bottom center.
  • In more serious works, the ministry of the country to which it is related is printed at the top of the page. educational institution student.
  • At the top of the page is the name of the educational institution in font size 16.
  • In the middle - " Creative project"(24th).
  • Next is the title of the work without the word “Topic”, quotation marks and a period at the end of the sentence. The name is highlighted with the largest font size - 28. It should be succinct, clearly reflect the content, and not include abbreviations.
  • The lower right corner is intended for information about the author and his supervisor.
  • Below is the city and year.

Useful video

Let's sum it up

Hoping to receive only an excellent grade for your work, you should not neglect the design of the title page. Just as a person is greeted by his clothes, the first impression of a teacher is based on the correctness of his design.

While studying first at school and then at a higher educational institution, pupils and students constantly have to deal with writing assignments of varying degrees of complexity.

Therefore, having remembered certain rules, they will complete the design of the title page for any project without any problems. All these actions will eventually become automatic, and the student will be able to concentrate on the content of the work itself.

A sample design of the coursework title page can be downloaded for free from the Internet, but to avoid misunderstandings, it is safer to ask the alma mater staff for tips. Laboratory assistants or methodologists of the department will issue a single form; you can also ask the teacher for a template.

Each higher education institution develops its own standards for maintaining research documentation, based on uniform national standards established by GOSTs. If you make your own title in Word in accordance with federal regulations, even the most picky reviewers of any university will not have any complaints.

GOSTs of the title page for coursework

The requirements for the form are stated:

  • in GOST 2.105-95, valid since July 1996;
  • GOST 21.101.97;
  • GOST 7.32-2001.

GOST 2.105-95 ESKD has interstate status, which means that it is valid in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.

How to register according to GOST standards

The page size of the title page must be A4 format. Font type state standards are not strictly regulated, but most often Times New Roman 14th point is used, less often 12th point.

The title page of the course work is considered the first, but the numbers on the sheets are written starting from the “Introduction” chapter.

Standard fields:

  • upper - from 1.5 to 2 cm;
  • bottom and left - 3 cm;
  • right - from 1 to 1.5 cm.

The indentation values ​​are set in MS Word 2010 at the top of the file in the “Page Layout” section - “Margins” - line at the bottom of the “Custom Margins” drop-down window.

The title page for course work must contain the following information:

  1. Full (without abbreviations) name of the university.
  2. Name of the faculty and department.
  3. Item.
  4. Subject.
  5. Author's full name.
  6. Number of course, group.
  7. Full name, teaching position.
  8. City.

It is acceptable to use uppercase (capital) and lowercase (small) letters. As a rule, the names of ministries, educational organizations and the topic are typed in capitals (capslock), other information - in lowercase. It is best to consult an example of a title page for a term paper from the department manual.

How to fill out the title page of a term paper

All information is located on the sheet in three blocks.

Upper (“hat”)

Formatting in the center of the page. There are no periods at the end of lines. Capital letters are preferable, a combination of uppercase and lowercase is allowed, the use of bold font:

There is double spacing between the lines with the names of faculties and departments.


Located slightly above the middle of the title page. The type of research is written in a font from 16 to 24, and you can use bold font for additional emphasis.

Be careful: there are no periods at the end of phrases. Alignment is central.

Below, indented by two or three lines and shifted to the right, information about the student and his supervisor is indicated.

Completed (option – “Student”):

course, group.

Checked (“Leader”): title, scientific degree, position, full name of the reviewer (supervisor).

It is easier to place this part in the right place if you do not shift each line using the spacebar, but use the functionality of the Word ruler - its icon is located in the upper right corner of the page. After clicking on the icon on the left and at the top, markings appear. Move the cursor to the left edge of the upper scale, to the location of two triangles connected at the vertices, wait for the window with the inscription “Left indent” to appear, hold down the left mouse button, grab the square at the base and move the block to the desired distance.-

Lower (“basement”)

St. Petersburg 2017

Which universities, specialties and subjects is the sample suitable for?

The title page for the course work presented in the article is universal and suitable for all higher educational institutions and organizations in Russia and countries participating in the Interstate Council for Standardization.


Abstract text. The most important thing is to comply with the page margin sizes (left 35 mm, right - 10 mm, top and bottom - 20 mm each), line spacing (one and a half) and font (Times New Roman, 14). Do not start new paragraphs on a new page; it is better that they follow each other without interruption.

Also, do not capitalize paragraph titles as they should be written in a normal manner. Never put a period at the end of the title.

Semantic and conclusions. It is necessary to highlight the main concepts in bold, italics or underlining to make the text easier to understand. Conclusions are drawn up at the end of each paragraph with a generalizing paragraph, which should begin with the words: “Thus...”, “Summarizing what has been said...”, “That is, we can say that...”, “Summarizing, it should be noted , that...”, “So, we came to the conclusion that...”.


  • Rules for writing a school essay

Those who study in any educational institutions are faced with the fact that from time to time they need to take exams. This good way demonstrate your knowledge. It is very important that the one who writes it knows how to format it correctly. The assessment of the student’s knowledge and skills depends on this.


Create a title page. At the top you must write the name of the educational organization. In the middle of the page, write the word “Abstract” in large letters. On the next line is the full name of the topic that will be covered in it. A little lower to the right is the surname and initials of the work being performed, below is the surname of the teacher who will check this essay. On the very last line in the middle you need to indicate the city and year the work was performed. Write a table of contents on the next page. It must indicate the page numbers by individual chapters.

Justify the choice of this topic in the introduction. This is the next page. It is necessary to prove the correctness of the chosen topic, as well as the theoretical and applied significance of this issue. It is important to explain why the author decided to choose this particular topic.

Present the main part according to the plan. This must be done consistently and in your own words. Typically the main part consists of 12-15 pages. In this section it is necessary to reflect your attitude to the issue raised and ways to solve it. This section should contain several chapters. And each next chapter must begin on a new page, no matter where the previous one ended.

Justify good quality your work in conclusions. This is also called the final part. In this part of the essay, it is necessary to briefly summarize the material presented, draw attention to the importance of the raised problem, and encourage the adoption of measures to solve it.

On a separate page you must indicate references to the literature that was used to prepare this abstract. Encyclopedias and reference books are mentioned first, then books on the topic of the abstract are mentioned, and newspaper and magazine articles are written last.

There is a lot of information about writing coursework. In this article, let's take a closer look at the design of the title page.

What is a title page

The title page of a course project is the first page of the work, which precedes its content. Title pages are drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.32-2001 “Report on research work. Structure and design rules" and GOST 2.105-95 "Unified system of design documentation". This standard has been in force in the Russian Federation since July 1, 1996. It has also been adopted in Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

GOST does not regulate the type of font in any way, but for typing the text of the title page it is customary to use Times New Roman with the size of the characters (point size) 14 pt. In this case, you can use both lowercase and uppercase (capital) letters.

The words “MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION” (or any other country), the name of the educational institution and the topic of the work are typed in capital letters, the rest of the information – in lowercase letters. However, requirements for title pages may vary depending on the university, so you need to be careful.

For example, here is a sample design of the title page of a practical work, where there are no words “Ministry of Education and Science...”.

Design of title pages in practical work 2016

The indication of certain words depends not so much on GOSTs, but on the requirements of individual educational institutions. So be sure to familiarize yourself with the manual before taking on the design of the title page of a practical work or any other project.

The examples of title page design from other years given in this article are also suitable for the design requirements in 2019!

Rules for the design of title pages according to GOST

Despite these differences, there are certain rules for the design of title pages that are the same for all educational institutions. Any “title book” of a course project must contain the following information:

  • full name of the educational institution;
  • name of the department;
  • name of the academic discipline;
  • topic of work;
  • FULL NAME. author of the work;
  • course or class number;
  • type of education (full-time, part-time, evening);
  • group serial number;
  • FULL NAME. teacher indicating his position;
  • locality;
  • year of writing the work.

You also need to take into account that even though the page numbering of the work begins on the title page, there is no need to put a serial number on it.

Procedure for designing a title page

The registration process looks something like this:

  1. In capital letters we type the name of the university with all the “caps” at the top of the page. Make it bold and center aligned (remember, Times New Roman font, single spacing).
  2. We indicate the type of student work (coursework, diploma, test, essay, etc.).
  3. We are writing the topic of the work.
  4. Next, we indicate the author and teacher (usually using the words “completed” and “checked”).
  5. At the very bottom we write down the city in which the educational institution is located and the current year.
  6. We set the size of the margins of the title page (margin size for the title page: left - 30 mm, right - 10 mm, top and bottom - 20 mm).

By the way! It doesn’t matter, you only need to draw up a title page for practical work college or write an entire university thesis from scratch. For our readers there is now a 10% discount on

The result should be something like this title:

Sample 1 Cover page samples may vary significantly depending on methodological recommendations compiled at different universities. However, if you format your title page according to the above model, no one should find fault with you, because This will be done strictly according to GOST standards.

Title page of the thesis

Here is an example of a thesis title page:

There is only one thing left to add. If you don’t want to bother with the “title page” yourself, download a thesis title page template, in which all the basic design rules are already taken into account.

Title page of term paper

Below is just an example of what the title page of a term paper might look like.

Sample 3

Can download the term paper title page template and just enter your personal data into it.