A set of classes for the development of general physical fitness. GPT for Runners: 14 Simple and Effective Bodyweight Exercises

The right training program will help you get in shape to mobilize your body's energy reserves and increase your resistance to stress. This article is about how to improve health through physical activity. We'll cover workout programs, the "five pillars" of fitness, and more! Go.

Some iron sports enthusiasts strive to develop maximum strength and musculature; others are interested in muscle relief. But for most people, all this "does not matter." When asked to advise on a training program, I always ask the person about their goals. In 90% of cases, it all comes down to improving physical fitness.

Many coaches, myself included, are baffled by this answer. He's too vague. We need specifics. After all, how else can you develop an individual training program - for example, to lose 15 kg or to increase the result in deadlift by 25 kg?

The fact is that most people look at training a little easier. It's not uncommon for fitness instructors to assume that regular gym goers should take their workouts as seriously as possible. This is mistake.

We need to focus not on how people should train, but on how they train and what goals they set for themselves. And for most people, the goal is the same - to improve well-being, get in shape and improve health. Achieving this goal is facilitated by a comprehensive program of general physical training.

What is "general physical fitness"?

This question can be answered in different ways. For some people, this is the ability to run a cross-country race of at least 3 km. For others, press 100kg with perfect technique.

Any of these answers could be correct, but let's look at fitness from the point of view of an ordinary person: good physical shape is a level of development of strength that allows you to perform routine tasks. That is, you must be able to carry your suitcases at the airport or toss your hand luggage on the top bunk on the train.

Or you should have enough strength to carry packages from the supermarket to the car in your hands. A trained person will not puff like a steam locomotive after climbing several floors of stairs.

For people who are seriously involved in power sports, such indicators are not something outstanding. But this article is not aimed at serious "jocks", but at ordinary people who want to strengthen their body.

An effective training program will help you get in shape to mobilize your body's energy reserves and increase your resistance to stress. Moreover, properly selected exercises contribute to the production of serotonin (“happiness hormone”) - as a result, your well-being will improve significantly.

So, we got a general idea of ​​what will be discussed in this article. Now let's look at the five key elements of general fitness:

1. Strength

First of all, consider such an element as force. From the point of view of the modern way of life, the development of strength interests us for two reasons. First, to be able to lift objects from the ground: heavy boxes, water bottles, grocery bags, etc.

Secondly, to lift objects above your head: throw your bag on the top shelf in the train, put a heavy pan in the top compartment of the sideboard, etc. If a person cannot do such simple things, then the quality of his life leaves much to be desired.

The two main exercises that develop strength in these areas are and. Progress in these exercises indicates the development of muscle strength of the whole organism.

By mastering the deadlift technique, you will learn how to properly lift objects from the ground. You will learn how wide you need to put your feet in order to relieve the load from the lower back. In addition, you can strengthen your back muscles.

Next we have joint mobility, flexibility and balance. In the elite division, many lifters lift over 300kg on the bench press but can't reach their toes. From the point of view of general physical fitness, this situation is not normal.

Of course, no one requires you to stretch like a circus acrobat, but a certain level of balance, mobility and flexibility is necessary. The ability to reach the tips of your toes is a simple but effective way to determine flexibility.

Bottom line: If you can't reach your fingertips with your knees slightly bent, your muscles and joints are too stiff. If you can't stand on one leg for thirty seconds, you need to develop balance.

Finally, the ability to stay at the bottom of a deep squat (without a barbell) for thirty seconds indicates good joint mobility. These minimum standards of mobility, flexibility and balance are indicators of the general level of physical development of any person.

Some people need to work hard to learn how to fulfill these standards. And others have such innate flexibility, which can only be envied. In any case, I advise you to include stretching exercises in the general physical preparation program, as well as to perform them in the morning after getting out of bed.

Hindu squats are one of the best exercises for developing joint mobility. Exercise improves leg flexibility and circulation.

It is recommended to start the exercise with 25 repetitions. To get the most out of Hindu squats, try to breathe deeply: inhale intensely as you rise from the squat, and exhale as you lower yourself down. Deep breathing releases epinephrine, the "happiness hormone," which strengthens the lungs and relieves stress.

There is another good exercise to improve blood circulation and develop flexibility -. Take a light kettlebell with both hands; take it back between the legs and perform a sharp swing forward with a projectile raising above your head. Do 25 reps to warm up and. If you don't have a kettlebell, you can use a dumbbell.

Do these exercises regularly to have good flexibility. And it happens that a person gets out of bed, has breakfast (sitting), goes to work (sitting), and then spends the whole day in front of a computer (also sitting). Sounds familiar?

I often work at home, and my "path to the office" runs from the bedroom to the living room, where the laptop is. As a result, I came to the conclusion that in the morning you need to drink a couple of glasses of water, walk the dog, and then do some stretching exercises - then you feel cheerfulness and a desire to work all day. I do not accept when a person sleeps for eight hours in a row, wakes up, goes to work and sits there again all day in one place; you have to keep moving and doing something.

Mobility and aerobic exercises can be done in the morning. Strength training is a little different. As a rule, in the morning the muscles and joints are a little stiff - it is better to postpone power loads until a later time. Mobility exercises can also be done right before strength training.

What about stretching? I would recommend stretching after strength and aerobic training. Muscles will be warmed up, become more flexible. Stretching efficiency will increase and the risk of injury will decrease. At the end of the article are examples of stretching exercises that can be included in a general physical training program.

To develop balance, you need to stand on one leg (both on the right and on the left): at first, at least thirty seconds. Over time, the duration of the exercise must be increased, trying to reach one minute or more. After that, you can proceed to the exercise with your eyes closed: starting from thirty seconds and trying to reach ninety.

Undoubtedly, it is impossible to build a general physical training program on strength training alone (without cardio and flexibility / mobility exercises). We must focus not only on muscle strength, but also on the normal functioning of the heart / joints. However, the physical aspect of health is only part of the equation. Let's move on to the next "pillar" of fitness, i.e. to nutrition.

4. Nutrition

Training will never bring results if a person eats poorly. Of course, even the most inveterate sweet tooth can maintain a normal body weight if he spends half a day in the gym. But between "slim" and "healthy" you can not put an equal sign.

Accidental dietary violations are tolerated with the right strength training program in place. Joel Marion writes in his excellent book The Deceiver's Diet that breaking the diet once a week can increase the body's levels of leptin, a hormone that regulates energy metabolism.

Great news - to move away from the diet once a week is not only possible, but necessary! Remember, we are talking about one day, not all seven. For the remaining six days, we must follow the recommendations of Ori Hofmekler, author of The Anti-Estrogen Diet, to eat at the bottom of the food chain.

This means that you should lean on low fruits and vegetables: berries, etc. This means that we must get protein from beef and dairy products, legumes, nuts, seeds.

Finally, we must choose healthy fat sources such as buffalo butter, nuts and seeds. If you use such foods, the effectiveness of the training program will increase significantly. Once a week, you can eat whatever you want, without a twinge of conscience, since the importance of our relationship to food can hardly be exaggerated.

What about the number of meals? Five times a day, three times, once? There are many answers to this question. Some fitness instructors and nutritionists recommend eating five small meals a day. I cannot agree with this point of view for two reasons.

First, too much time will be spent on cooking. Most of us don't have time to go to the kitchen that often (just the thought of eating five meals a day can be irritating). Manufacturers are well aware of this, which is why there is a huge selection of protein mixes and bars on sale. But the use of products of dubious quality, which have undergone complex technological processing, carries a certain health risk.

Secondly, a five-time diet is ineffective, since it does not allow a person to get enough: every time you have to get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. You will constantly think about food, looking forward to the next meal (which again will not make you feel full). Let's be honest - we all love to eat well (this is not about stuffing our belly to the full; we are talking about the usual satisfaction of hunger).

In The Anti-Estrogen Diet and The Warrior Diet, Ori Hofmekler writes that the secret to proper nutrition is to have one large meal a day. It is better if it is dinner (when all problems and worries are left behind). After all, it's nice to come home and have a good dinner after a hard day's work.

But this does not mean that we have to sit on a starvation diet all day - it is unlikely that anyone will be able to withstand such a diet for a long time. On the contrary, throughout the day you need to organize regular snacks: smoothies, salads with nuts, fruits, vegetables - any products from the bottom of the food chain that are easily absorbed by the body. The process of digestion takes a lot of energy, which can cause fatigue and apathy.

A hearty breakfast can cause a decrease in performance. A hearty lunch is a good option ... if you could then take a nap for an hour or two. Only by experimentation can you determine the optimal diet for yourself. Some people tend to eat more often, others less often.

Try to plan your day so that your most nutritious meal is in the evening, ideally after your workout. Dinner should be a few hours before bedtime. Not for the prevention of excess weight (this is a myth), but in order not to have problems with insomnia.

5. Recovery

So, we come to the last "pillar" of the general physical training program - recovery. (Just in time, because you will certainly want to relax after reading such a long article.) We live in a society of busy people. The busier we are, the higher our social status.

We despise laziness, although the percentage of obese people in our country is growing. Work gives us a full life. But the ability to enjoy all its joys directly depends on the body's recovery program. Just as a car requires repair and maintenance, so our body needs periodic rest.

The most important component of the recovery program is proper sleep. The problem of lack of sleep is widespread in our country. No wonder there are coffee vending machines on every corner. In the hope of fooling nature, we steal sleep from ourselves using artificial stimulants - over time, this leads to problems with the adrenal glands.

The importance of deep sleep is due to several reasons: firstly, we see dreams, which are necessary for normal mental health and peace of mind; secondly, the body produces large amounts of anti-aging hormones (testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, pregnenolone and growth hormone); thirdly, during sleep, the processes of restoration and replenishment of forces take place in the body.

Lack of sleep literally accelerates the aging of the body (the less you sleep, the faster you age). Chronic sleep deprivation has a negative impact not only on our health, but also on the people around us, because we drive our aggression and discontent on them.

One of the reasons for the poor quality of sleep is the inability to deal with stress. The source of stress is not the events taking place in a person's life, but his attitude to these events. It's all about our perception.

You need to constantly work on yourself to learn how to overcome stress. Meditation is the best for this. There are various meditation techniques. You can, for example, practice qigong or tai chi. Or just walk around the city, watching your breath.

As the music plays, I take deep breaths through my nose. During such meditations, I almost always fall asleep, and when I wake up, I feel a surge of strength. Meditation is not a fad. Wise people have been practicing this technique for thousands of years. I recommend everyone to use meditation in their training program.

There is another effective component of the recovery program - massage. A weekly session of a good massage does wonders for our muscles and also improves overall well-being. If it’s too expensive for you to visit a massage parlor every week, you can do it once every two weeks. In extreme cases, you can go to the massage therapist once a month. If that's not an option for you, cut out your cable TV and cell phones... or find a better paying job.

The quality of the massage depends on the specialist who does it; you may have to visit several massage parlors until you find your massage therapist. A qualified specialist conducts a massage session, taking into account the characteristics and wishes of a particular client.

The final element of the recovery program—which doesn't cost a dime—is deep breathing. As soon as you feel the build-up of stress, start breathing deeply. Inhale through your nose for a count of five, hold your breath for ten seconds, then exhale for a count of five. Try to breathe slowly and intensely, holding your breath for as long as possible.

As the famous bodybuilder Steve Reeves said, deep breathing increases the level of the hormone of happiness - epinephrine. A person gets high without external stimulants. In animals, this is inherent at the level of instinct, they always breathe deeply.

As I write this, my dog ​​Mona is lying down on the floor and is having a “breath therapy session”; breathing is performed by the movement of the abdomen rather than the chest. Mona always breathes deeply. In stressful situations, a person holds his breath. It is not right. The level of stress in the body is only increasing. Always breathe deeply and freely.


So we briefly reviewed the program of general physical training! If someone you know ever expresses a desire to do fitness, give him / her to read this article. And remind you that water does not flow under a lying stone.

General physical training is not something complicated: the main thing is to know when to stop. The basis of a balanced training program is the "five pillars" of fitness. Pump muscles, strengthen your heart and lungs, develop mobility, eat healthy food and do not forget to fully relax. A fairy tale is easy to tell, but a military deed is not easy to do. Set a goal for yourself; and start moving towards it today.

The experience of sports practice and numerous studies (Matveev L.P., Verkhoshansky Yu.V., Ozolin M.G. and others) convince us that progress in sports feasible only on the basis of comprehensive development both physical and spiritual abilities.

This is due to the fact that the ultimate improvement of any quality is feasible only under the condition comprehensive, the overall enhancement of the comprehensive functionality of the human body. In addition, the wider the range of various motor skills mastered by an athlete, the more new forms of motor activity become available.

Athletic training of representatives of various sports

In this regard, special interest is shown to the content of general physical training. In particular, to the role and place of an athlete's athletic training (the term "athletic training" is used, since it is not only about developing and strengthening your strength and endurance, but also improving the external forms of the body).

Despite the fact that the material on the use of strength training in various sports, accumulated in foreign and domestic literature, is very large, it cannot be considered fundamental.

  • firstly, not all material is based on scientific data;
  • secondly, the regularities of development and adaptive capabilities of the body in the process of long-term development of sportsmanship are not always taken into account.

In practice, one often encounters the indecision of many coaches - whether to include athletic training in the training process during a certain period of training: competitive, preparatory or transitional. This point is further complicated by the fact that the optimal ratio of athletic training with other types of training does not remain constant, but changes at various stages of sports improvement. In addition, the methodological forms of using various exercises aimed at developing strength abilities corresponding to a particular sport have not been sufficiently studied.

Based on scientific analysis and taking into account the vast experience of sports practice, as well as the rich experience of foreign experts in the field of bodybuilding, it is possible to substantiate the methodological forms of athletic training in various training cycles for athletes of different sports. (The structure of the method was based on the publications of N. Kiriyenko in the newspaper "Sport abroad")

Means of athletic training should be selected on the basis of objective quantitative data on the motor specifics of a particular sport, so that they correspond to it in terms of the mode of operation of the body.

Without a doubt, it can be argued that athletic training is useful in all, without exception, sports.

In the preparatory period, the inclusion of bodybuilding elements should occur on the basis of a wide variety of forms of the motor regimen. A prerequisite in the selection of exercises is the involvement of all major muscle groups in the work. The weight is selected so that you can easily complete the required number of repetitions.

General physical training exercises for any sport

Such exercises for all sports can be:

  1. Bench press - 2 sets of 15 reps, 3 sets of 10 reps.
  2. Squats with a barbell in captivity - 2x15, 3x10.
  3. Lying on a bench, abduction of arms with a load, behind the head - (3-4) * 12.
  4. Standing torso forward - 2x30, 3x15.
  5. Hanging on the bar pull-ups with an extremely wide grip - 3 * (10-12).
  6. Standing barbell lifting until the chin touches - (3-4) * 12.
  7. Lying leg raises - 3 * (15-20).
  8. Lying body lifts with turns - 3 * 20.

A set of exercises is performed three times a week at an average pace.

Exercises may change. Especially if there is an opportunity to use simulators. For example, instead of squats with a barbell, you can perform the following exercises: sitting leg extension, sitting leg press, and other variations.

In training, the task of which is to eliminate shortcomings (lagging behind in the development of individual muscle groups), you can plan no more than three exercises for a lagging muscle group. At the same time, all other muscle groups are not left without attention.

If it is necessary to recover from an injury or illness, a large number of repetitions (30-50 or more) of exercises with a small (up to 30% of the maximum) weights should be a prerequisite.

For example, to restore the knee joint, the best exercise is leg extension with weights (sitting). In the first lesson, 15-20 repetitions are performed in one approach, in the second - 20-25. At each next lesson, you need to add 5 repetitions - and so on up to 50. After this, the exercise is performed in two approaches until a set of 50 repetitions. Then another approach is added, and so on. Be sure to do a workout. Warm-up movements should be performed until a feeling of warmth and noticeable fatigue appears. For warming up, it is desirable to use various ointments such as "Phenolgon".

Thus, the given set of exercises can be used in the transitional and partially in the preparatory periods by athletes of all sports.

At these stages, it is possible to use the method in the training process circuit training. The complex includes mainly technically simple exercises, in most cases general preparatory exercises or from the arsenal of bodybuilding tools. The number of exercises should be no more than 10, the number of repetitions - 10-15, they should be performed without pauses. Rest before the next round of exercises 1-5 minutes.

Each exercise works primarily on a specific muscle group.

These exercises can be:

push-ups lying down; pull-ups in the hang to the back of the head; squats with a barbell on the shoulders; torso inclinations; lying leg raises and body raises with turns; jumping.

With the growth of sports achievements, it is necessary to take into account the determinant of abilities that determine the success of sports activities.

Thus, it has been established that the energy supply of muscle work during training, for example, for maximum strength is fundamentally different from the processes inherent in endurance work. Therefore, if a long-distance runner uses exercises with a small number of repetitions and high weights, then this may even reduce endurance indicators - the leading quality in his sport.

General physical training exercises of a highly specialized plan

Athletic training in the second half of the preparatory and competitive periods should be special character, which takes into account the leading qualitative characteristic of the motor function.

Here it is necessary to remember certain requirements for athletic training:

  1. In the methodology and selection of exercises, it is necessary to take into account the most important motor characteristics of the sport. The selected exercises during the two-week training cycle remain unchanged.
  2. First of all, it is necessary to load the muscle groups that are directly involved in the competitive movement.
  3. When performing the exercise, it is necessary to maintain the mode of operation characteristic of the competitive movement. For example, shooters, skiers, etc. should include exercises in static mode. In speed-strength sports disciplines, it is recommended to perform exercises at a fast pace.
  4. The experience of weightlifters and powerlifters shows that the greatest training effect is achieved when working every other day. During daily classes on the remaining days, the technique is worked out, preventive exercises are performed, etc. Endurance and muscle building exercises are also done every other day.
  5. It is necessary to take into account the state of the athlete in which he performs the competitive movement. For example, football players, wrestlers, boxers are in a state of fatigue, while throwers perform a throw in a rested state.

A significant part of the methods that can be used in athletic training in other sports is given in the article "Load Control". They provide, basically, the improvement of the combined qualities of strength, as well as strength endurance. This chapter provides other training methods that can be applied to various sports.

The effectiveness of the methods depends on the exact observance of the number of approaches and repetitions in individual exercises, the number of which depends on the tasks set by the coach and the athlete.

Let's stop at specific methods of using physical exercises athletic training in various sports disciplines.

In high-speed sports, where the load lasts a short time (running for 100 m, 200 m, track cycling and others), it is recommended to perform exercises according to the following scheme:

The value of

visits, %





At 15-30% of the maximum capabilities, the athlete warms up, at 40-50% there is an improvement, mainly in speed-strength abilities. Exercises are performed at maximum speed. The number of repetitions can be from 3 to 6, the number of approaches - up to 9.

In sports with profiling combined physical qualities of speed strength - wrestling, boxing, etc. - the structure of the training construction method is as follows:

The value of

visits, %





By 40-50% - warm-up, by 65-85% - mainly speed-oil qualities are improved.

The number of repetitions can be up to 4, the maximum load is carried out in 9 sets.

In sports where speed endurance is of great importance - speed skating, cycling, etc. - the form of performing exercises is as follows.

I option

The value of

visits, %





At 30-40% there is a warm-up, at 50-80% - the combined physical qualities are improved, mainly speed endurance. The maximum number of repetitions is 12, approaches are 9.

II option

The value of

visits, %





to exhaustion

At 30-40% - warm-up, 55-85% - improved, mainly strength endurance.

The maximum number of repetitions is 12, approaches are 12.



weights, %





35-45% - warm-up, 50-65% - improvement of strength endurance. The maximum number of repetitions is 13, approaches are 9.

IV option

The value of

visits, %





35-45% - warm-up, 50-65% - improvement, mainly strength endurance. The maximum number of repetitions is 30, approaches are 10.

If the main task in a sport is to improve coordination abilities - acrobatics, figure skating, etc., then the method of performing exercises is as follows.

The value of

visits, %





40-60% - warm-up, 65% - improvement of coordination abilities with a power orientation. The maximum number of repetitions is 16, approaches are 12.

II option

The value of

visits, %





1a 15-25% - warm-up, 30% - improvement of coordination abilities with speed orientation.

The maximum number of repetitions is 9, approaches are 12.

The value of

visits, %





At 35-45% - warm-up, 50% - improvement of coordination abilities with a focus on endurance. The maximum number of repetitions is 32, approaches are 12.

In sports where flexibility is of great importance - artistic (sports) gymnastics, karate, etc. - the methodological forms of using various physical exercises are as follows.

I option

The value of

visits, %





15-25% - warm-up, 30% - improving flexibility with a speed focus. The maximum number of repetitions is 9, approaches are 12.

II option

The value of

visits, %





At 45-55% - warm-up, 50% - improving flexibility with a power orientation. The maximum number of repetitions is 32, approaches are 12.

III option

The value of

visits, %





35-45% - warm-up, 50% - improving flexibility with a focus on endurance. The maximum number of repetitions is 64, approaches are 12.

In the preparatory and part-competitive periods, a round-robin method can be used, which will be more specialized in contrast to the previously used during the transition period. For example, in sports where strength endurance occupies a leading place, you can use exercises such as barbell snatch without squatting, bench press, barbell push from the chest, tilts, semi-squats with a barbell bar on the shoulders, weight jumps (weight no more than 20 % own weight).

In circuit training, the structure of the exercise method will be as follows.

The value of

visits, %





The maximum number of repetitions is 15, circles - 6.

Here is an example of a training plan.

Consider sports where the leading physical quality is endurance (swimming, rowing, etc.). The task of training is to improve strength endurance. You need to choose exercises. These exercises can be:

  • sitting bench press from the chest;
  • pull-ups on the crossbar with a wide grip;
  • lying body lifts with rotations;
  • lying leg raise;
  • torso with weights;
  • standing lifting the bar with a wide grip on straight arms;
  • sitting traction to the chest on a block simulator;
  • squats with a barbell on the shoulders.

The main method of improving strength endurance will be repetition method with various weights in a mode close to the mode of the main sports activity (mentioned option II).

Having revealed the maximum result in each exercise, we will determine the load according to the form of the exercises (option II, the method of improving strength endurance). For example, in the barbell press from the chest, the maximum result is 70 kg, in the torso with a barbell - 80 kg, in lifting the barbell on straight arms - 70 kg, in the thrust to the chest on a block simulator - 70 kg, in pull-ups on the crossbar - 18 times, in lifting the torso - 50 times, in squats with a barbell on the shoulders - 140 kg competitions). Here is a training complex with calculated load.

  1. Sitting bench press from the chest: 20 kg - 12 reps, 30 kg - 10, 40 kg - 10, 50 kg - 8, 60 kg - 6, 45 kg - until fatigue (but not more than 6 approaches).
  2. Torso with a barbell: 25 kg - 12 repetitions, 35 kg - 10, 45 kg - 10, 60 kg - 8, 65 kg - 6, 55 kg - until fatigue (but not more than 3 approaches).
  3. Lifting the barbell on straight arms (broaching): 20 kg - 15-12 reps, 30 kg - 10, 40 kg - 10, 50 kg - 8, 60 kg - 6, 45 kg - 15 (3-5 sets).
  4. Sitting chest row on a block simulator: 20 kg - 12-13 reps, 30 kg - 10, 40 kg - 10, 50 kg - 8, 60 kg - 6, 40-45 kg - 15 (up to 6 sets).
  5. Pull-ups on the bar with a wide grip - 5 reps, 7, 9,12,15 (3 sets).
  6. Lying body raises with rotations - 15 reps, 20, 25, 30, 30 (up to 4 sets).
  7. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders: 45 kg - 12 reps, 55 kg - 10, 75 kg - 10, 100 kg - 8, 120 kg - 6, 90 kg - 6 reps (3-5 sets).

In exercises in which the result is determined mainly by number of repetitions(pulling up on the bar, lying down lifting the torso), weights can be used - the training effect will not decrease from this, but the exercise will be performed with fewer repetitions, which favorably affects the central nervous system.

Sports practice and experimental observations have shown that the use of the described methods of athletic training, aimed at improving one or another motor ability, can provide effective assistance in achieving high results for athletes of various sports.






General physical training is one of the main means of physical culture, aimed at developing flexibility, dexterity, endurance, and strength. Physical fitness exercises should be included in every lesson. Before the competition, it is necessary to reduce the load in order to prevent overwork of the pupils.

For the optimal implementation of the "Antre" program, various exercises are grouped into complexes according to the signs of functional impact: general physical training complex No. 1 - "General developmental exercises for the development of mobility in the joints"; OFP complex No. 2 - “General developmental exercises for the development of mobility in the joints; OFP complex No. 3 - “Exercises for the development of strength endurance for the muscles of the lower extremities; OFP complex No. 4 - "Exercises for the development of strength endurance for the muscles of the back"; complex OFP No. 5 - “Exercises for the development of strength endurance for the muscles of the upper limbs and pectoral muscles; OFP complex No. 6 - "Exercises for the development of strength endurance for the abdominal muscles."

Such a combination of exercises into complexes allows the teacher to plan and regulate the load on the body of pupils and ensure the continuity of the development of their basic physical qualities. The complexes are made taking into account age characteristics and are dosed individually, depending on the functional capabilities of the pupil's body.

ComplexOFP No.1

"General developmental exercises for the development of mobility in


For upper limbs: raising and lowering hands - forward, up, to the sides; circular movements of the arms in different planes, flexion and extension of the arms from various starting positions. From a standing position, hands up with a rubber bandage, twist, lowering your hands back behind your back and returning to the starting position; too, but with a skipping rope, arms up wider than shoulders.

For torso : turns, tilts to the side, forward from various starting positions.

For lower limbs: flexion and extension of the knee and ankle joints. Raising a straight leg forward, to the side (to the height of the belt, chest), back (above the knee), standing at the gymnastic wall and leaning on it with a hand, free hand on the belt: a) swing naked forward, backward, to the side, standing at the gymnastic walls and leaning on it with your hand (when swinging your foot, turn your foot outward, keep your body and head straight); b) stand facing (sideways) to the wall and put a straight leg on the rail at the height of the belt. Squat on the supporting leg, keep the straight leg on the rail; c) standing against the wall, raise the straight leg forward, to the side and back with the help of a trainer (avoid pain); d) Standing against the wall, lift the straight leg forward, backward, to the side with weights (sandbags weighing 1-2 kg).

OFP complex №2

"General developmental exercises for the development of mobility in the joints"

For lower limbs: from an emphasis lying legs apart (wider), socks turned outward, turning the torso to the right and left, exposing the arms to one side or the other. Turning to the left, strive to touch the floor with the right thigh, turning to the right - with the left thigh; standing facing the gymnastic wall, spread your legs apart (wider). Holding hands on the wall, strive to go down as low as possible; too, but stand on the 2 - 3 rail.

Lunges, splits.

For torso : Different types of "folds" in a sitting position.

When performing various types of “folds”, it is necessary to stretch as far forward as possible.

Option 1: the second leg is bent at the knee, heel inward at the groin area. Slowly lean forward until the body touches the front surface of the outstretched leg. Fix this position for 5 seconds. Then change the position of the legs and repeat the exercise.

Option 2: the second leg is bent at the knee, the lower leg is parallel to the extended leg, the sole of the foot is directed upwards. The execution technique is the same as in option 1. This exercise assumes good mobility in the knee joint, therefore, if pain occurs, then this is a signal that the exercise should be performed in a lightweight version.

OFP complex №3

For the muscles of the lower extremities


Equipment used: bodyweight, dumbbells, bodybar, medicine ball. Movement: I.p .: stance, legs apart (another option is a wide stance of the legs apart), the natural turn of the feet outward, the gaze is directed forward. While inhaling, perform a squat to an angle of 90 ° in the knee joint, while exhaling, return to I.p. Methodical instructions: the back is straightened (keep the natural curves of the spine), do not block the knee joint, the knee is projected onto the foot.


Exercise: multi-joint. Working joints: hip, knee, ankle. Impact on the main muscle groups: quadriceps femoris, gluteal muscles, muscles of the posterior thigh group.

Equipment used: bodyweight, dumbbells, bodybar, medicine ball. Movement: I.p.: leg stance apart, feet parallel, gaze directed forward. While inhaling, take a step back on the toe and bend the legs at the knee joints to an angle of 90 °, while exhaling, return to I.P.

Variations: lunges forward and to the sides in dynamics (with a change of legs and in static, when the legs do not change). The guidelines are the same: the back is straightened, the knee does not go beyond the foot, the angle of flexion in the knee joints is not less than 90 0.

"Tilts" (deadlift).

Exercise: single joint. Working joint: hip. Impact on the main muscle groups: muscles of the posterior thigh group, gluteal muscles, extensor muscles of the spine. Equipment: bodyweight, dumbbells, body bar, medicine ball. Movement: I.p.: leg stance apart, grip shoulder-width apart (if with a bodybar), gaze directed forward. While inhaling, perform flexion in the hip joint to an angle of 90 about the thigh-body, while exhaling, return to I.p. Guidelines: the back is straight (maintain the natural curves of the spine), the movement of the arms with or without weights along the thigh, do not block the knee joints.

OFP complex №4

"Exercises for the development of strength endurance"

For back muscles:

"Traction in the slope."

Impact on the main muscle groups: the latissimus dorsi, the muscles that adduct the scapula, the biceps of the shoulder. Equipment: no additional weights, dumbbells, body bar, stuffed balls.

Movement: I.p.: standing in an inclination, angle 90 about the thigh-to-body, grip of the bodybar at shoulder width, the gaze is directed forward. While exhaling, perform a thrust to the stomach, while inhaling - return to I.p. Methodical instructions: the back is straight (keep the natural curves of the spine), the exercise begins with the adduction of the shoulder blades, the elbows along the body, the movement of the bodybar (dumbbells, etc.) along the thigh.

"Extension of the back, lying on the stomach"(hyperextension). An exercise : single-joint. Working joint: hip. Impact on the main muscle groups: extensors of the spine, gluteal muscles, muscles of the posterior thigh group. Movement: I.p.: lying on the stomach. While inhaling, perform back extension, while exhaling, return to I.p. Methodical instructions: the abdominal muscles are tense, do not throw back the head, the pelvis is pressed to the floor (rug).

OFP complex No. 5

"Exercises for the development of strength endurance"

For the muscles of the upper limbs and pectoral muscles:

"Standing to the chest."

Exercise: multi-joint. Working joints: shoulder, elbow.

Impact on the main muscle groups: deltoid muscles, upper trapezius muscles. Movement: I.p.: standing, legs apart. On the exhale - perform the thrust of the bodybar (dumbbells) along the body to the level of the middle of the chest, on the inhale - return to I.p. Guidelines: the body is fixed, the back is straightened (keep the natural curves of the spine). While moving, point your elbows forward and up. The elbow joint is not higher than the shoulder joint.

"Bench press".

Exercise: multi-joint. Working joints: shoulder, elbow.

Impact on the main muscle groups: pectoralis major, anterior deltoid muscles, triceps brachii. Equipment: dumbbells, bodybar. Movement: I.p.: lying down, the grip of the bodybar is wider than the shoulders, the projection of the bodybar onto the shoulder joints. On inspiration - lower the bodybar (dumbbells) to the middle part of the chest, on exhalation - bench press in I.p. Guidelines: the shoulder blades are brought together, in the position of the shoulders parallel to the floor, the forearms are perpendicular to the floor and the angle in the elbow joint is 90 °, the angle of the shoulder - the body is 75-80 °; do not block the elbow joints.

"Flexion and extension of the arms in emphasis"

Exercise: multi-joint. Working joints: shoulder, elbow.

Impact on the main muscle groups: pectoralis major, anterior deltoid muscles, triceps brachii. Movement: I.p.: lying emphasis, wide stance. Lightweight I.p: emphasis from the knees or hands on the bench. On inspiration - bending your arms at the elbow joints, go down to the floor, on exhalation - return to I.p. Guidelines: the shoulder blades are brought together, in the position of the shoulders parallel to the floor, the forearms are perpendicular to the floor, the angle of the shoulder - the body is 75-80 °; do not block the elbow joints.

"Bench press".

Exercise: multi-joint. Working joints: shoulder, elbow.

Impact on the main muscle groups: deltoid muscles, triceps muscle of the shoulder. Movement: I.p.: standing, grip wider, bodybar (dumbbells) on the upper chest, elbows pointing to the floor. On the exhale - press the bodybar (dumbbells, medicine ball), on the inhale - return to I.p. Guidelines: the back is straight (maintain the natural curves of the spine), at the top point of the bodybar (dumbbells) in the projection on the shoulder joints, do not block the elbow joints.

OFP complex №6

"Exercises for the development of strength endurance"

"Diagonal twist".

Exercise: multi-joint. Working joints: intervertebral joints. Impact on the main muscle group: rectus abdominis and obliques. Movement: I.p.: lying on your back, arms behind your head, legs bent, feet on the floor. On exhalation, perform bending and at the same time turn the body, tearing the shoulder blades off the floor, while inhaling, return to I.p.

Guidelines: the lower back is pressed to the floor (mat), the pelvis is fixed, to exclude inertia and movement in the cervical spine.


Fulfillment: I.p.: emphasis lying on the forearm, holding I.p. Methodical instructions: do not bend in the lower back, the stomach is tucked up. Lightweight version - from the knees.

"Full seat".

Exercise: multi-joint. Working joints: intervertebral joints, hip joint. Impact on the main muscle group: rectus abdominis, hip flexors. Movement: I.p.: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor, while exhaling - perform a full sit-up, while inhaling, return to I.p. Methodical instructions: exclude inertia and movement in the cervical spine. Guidelines and dosage for performing exercises: Depending on the level of physical fitness and health status, the number of repetitions varies from 15 to 30 times in one series. When a high level of exercise performance is achieved (the exercise is performed freely 25-30 times in one series), it is necessary to change the starting position and / or use weights

In this article, I will briefly describe the principles of OFP using the example of working with my own weight. The article is intended mainly for beginners.

I am often asked questions - write me a training program for a week (month), both in running and in strength exercises. In general, remotely compiling programs is not a thankful task. Each organism is different, and one scheme will suit someone, and this scheme will not work for another. You need to personally monitor the progress of training and the results. But I will write down the basic principles of training.

Again, it all starts with a goal, why do you need OFP? Do you want to become stronger physically? Do you want to perform a certain number of pull-ups, push-ups? Do you need to submit your PHI? Or to make a relief body? All these points are closely related. But specifically here I will describe a scheme for improving the result, that is, increasing the number of times the exercise is performed.

Consider the basic exercises with your weight - pull-ups on the bar, push-ups from the floor, squats (jumping), press lying on your back, an exercise for the back muscles. This is the minimum necessary base to keep your body in good shape. The rest is optional.

We will not consider iron, since this is a specific type of power load and there is a higher risk of injury than anywhere else, so it is better to do iron with a knowledgeable trainer in the gym who will correctly vary the load and execution technique.

The most important element for improving the result in any physical activity is recovery, that is, rest. Yes, yes, the body does not get stronger during the exercise, but in the following days. The body experiences stress, micro muscle tears occur, the body begins to rebuild and prepare for the next load. That is why the number of training days per week is purely individual. There is no point in training if you have not had time to recover. Ideally, you should come to each training session fresh, with a feeling of cheerfulness and a desire to perform physical activity. This is an indicator that the body has recovered and is ready to digest a new portion of stress. Of course, I do not take into account depression, lack of sleep, and so on, when you just have to go to train :). If you perform the same exercises almost to the maximum every workout, then you need a good rest. Personally, only 2 strength training per week is enough for me to increase the result. But in my case, there are other physical training. Thus, doing a standard set of exercises - push-ups, pull-ups, squats, abs, back, I need 2-3 days to recover. It is possible more often, but it makes no sense if the result is growing anyway. I have seen cases where people stupidly try to train almost every day, but the result stands still. Remember - no matter how many days a week you train, it is important to have time to recover. Only after realizing the importance of rest did I get results both in GPP and in running. Another question is if you break exercises into muscle groups. For example, PN - arms (bench press), SR - press, back (deadlift), PT - squat (squat with a load). In this case, you can increase the number of times a week.

Now for the actual training itself. There are 2 main schemes for performing strength exercises - "ladder" and "repeated circular method". All of them are well known. Ladder, for example in pull-ups - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. In this case, we reach 6. The maximum number depends on the specific training of the athlete and can walk from 3x up to 10 or more. This is a good game look, it’s great to work with a colleague for a couple. The second option is repeated, where we break the exercise into series and determine the number of repetitions in the series. For example, for the test, I can pull myself up for the set 25 times, but it will be hard physically and emotionally. We break the series into approaches, for example, 4-5 x 10 times, or 3-4 x 15 (respectively, the amount is 40-50 times and 45-60 times). By doing the total amount in excess, in this case about 40-50 times, we accustom the body to overwork. And in the future, when approaching the maximum number of times, it will be easier for me to do these 25 times. Periodically, you need to check and pull yourself up to the maximum. With this scheme, you will always pull up several times more after 2-4 weeks. Then you can increase the number of approaches, while strength endurance will be developed. If you increase the number of times in the approach itself, for example, not 15 times, but 18 times, then the strength will increase directly. After a series of pull-ups, I go to the press, then push-ups, squats, back and then on the second circle. This is a circuit workout. Circuit training is intense when exercises are done without interruption to develop special endurance, and only a little rest between circles (the same crossfit). But personally, I take a short rest between each exercise and focus on the execution technique. And I develop special endurance by running and skiing.

During training, when performing extreme approaches, the muscles should burn a little, which means that “work” is going on, but the muscles should not be overworked. Once I played "ladder" and "driven" the body too much. There was also a break in training. As a result, my hands were very sore for probably a month and for several months the result generally fell. Therefore, after training, the muscles should be tired, but it should be a pleasant fatigue. You never have to work 100% - we are not professionals, nothing good will happen with this approach. 90% of the maximum is optimal.

Now consider an approximate training plan for a week using my example. From this you will be able to build your plan:

First, of course, a warm-up run for 10-15 minutes, then stretching for 3-5 minutes. Next circle:

  • pull-ups 15 times;
  • press - 50 times;
  • push-ups 50 times;
  • squats 50 times;
  • back 50 times;

And so 3-4 circles. The number of repetitions is individual and also depends on the current form. For example, after a long break, I do a series of pull-ups 10 times, the rest of the exercises 30 instead of 50. Then I go back to normal. And after a couple of months I can increase pull-ups, for example, up to 20, press up to 100, etc. by strength.

It makes no sense to increase the number of repetitions indefinitely. I personally set the bar for myself and if I fulfill it, then everything is fine. My level is pull-ups 25 reps, abs, push-ups and squats 100 reps. Further - it is possible, but I do not see the point for myself. I do not work on relief, my task is physical strength and general body tone, plus passing work standards. Such results come after several months of regular training according to the above scheme. In each individual case, it will naturally change a little, the main thing is to understand the principle. But, my results are the result of many years of training. If you start from scratch, of course you need to take a low bar and greatly reduce the number of times in the approach.

The scheme is simple, but working. The main thing is not to forget about the obligatory things:

  • smoothness - we gradually increase the load and listen to the body;
  • regularity. Only regular training gives results. A week of absenteeism forgives the body, and more the result will fall;
  • daily routine - necessarily a good sleep and nutrition;
  • periodically do a mini-offset. For example, once a month - you need to make each view to the maximum and, based on the results, adjust the program. This is the only way to really check whether the result is growing or not.
  • if you feel light, then you can increase the load or increase the number of workouts per week.
  • give the body recovery.

The list could go on, but this is the main one.

The same scheme, in principle, applies to working with weights with minor changes, but for certain reasons I do not give recommendations for working with iron.

Remember, we go in for sports to gain health, and not to lose it and get injured.

Good luck with your training!

The main goal of the program is the harmonious development of the student, the improvement of his motor abilities, and the promotion of health.

General physical education classes are a good school of physical culture and are held with the aim of:

Strengthening the health and hardening of those involved,

Achievement of comprehensive development,

Acquisition of skills and abilities to independently engage in physical culture,

Formation of moral and volitional qualities.



State budgetary professional educational institution of the Moscow region "Noginsk College"

Methodical development

subject: Physical culture

Subject: General physical exercises (GP) at the lessons of physical culture.

Performed by a physical education teacher

Morozova Elena Sergeevna

Noginsk 2016

Introduction ................................................ ................................................. ...3

Main part................................................ ............................................5

Conclusion................................................. ................................................eleven

Bibliography................................................ ....................................12


Physical training is the basis of any sport, a kind of foundation, the base on which technique and skill rest.

GPP - general physical training - is the strengthening of physical health, the acquisition of a wide range of motor skills, the development of basic motor qualities that serve as the basis for subsequent special training. General physical training classes are held in order to improve the health and harden the body of those involved, to achieve versatile physical development.

A teenager needs to move 2.5-3 hours daily. But it is not always possible to allocate enough time for walks, classes in sports sections or outdoor games, which as a result negatively affects both general well-being and behavior.

Anyone who has passed a medical examination and is admitted by a doctor to classes can engage in OFP.

The main goal of the program is the harmonious development of the student, the improvement of his motor abilities, and the promotion of health.

General physical education classes are a good school of physical culture and are held with the aim of:

Strengthening the health and hardening of those involved,

Achievement of comprehensive development,

Acquisition of skills and abilities to independently engage in physical culture,

Formation of moral and volitional qualities,


Educational tasks:

To educate moral-volitional and moral-aesthetic qualities,

Focus on a healthy lifestyle

To instill interest, the need for regular physical training.

To cultivate discipline, determination, determination, perseverance, perseverance, endurance, initiative.


Develop, consolidate and improve physical qualities (speed, agility, strength, flexibility, endurance, speed, coordination, expressiveness of movements).


The following learning tasks are solved in the group:

Teach proper running, throwing, jumping, etc.

To equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary in everyday life and work.

The OFP program is designed to develop the strength, endurance, agility and flexibility of the student. In the general physical training exercises, dosed physical activity is used, taking into account this age group.

Main part.

The main task is education, mastery of physical culture and improvement of personal relationships. The teacher, based on the study of the personal characteristics of each student, finds an individual approach that allows a positive impact on the physical and mental health of the student.

The program "General physical training" is based on the material that students study in physical education lessons. When drawing up the plan of training sessions, it was taken into account that the program is composed of separate independent sections of motor activity, which differ from each other in nature and volume. In this regard, when planning classes, individual characteristics were not taken into account. The initial study is carried out during a conversation with a student, in the process of a medical examination, in the process of pedagogical observations in the first classes, according to the results of control exercises. The teacher must systematically assess the student's reaction to the proposed load, monitor the well-being of students, notice signs of fatigue in time and prevent overstrain, and is also obliged to form the necessary skills in students in relation to sportswear, footwear, hygiene, daily routine, safety precautions and self-monitoring of health. For each age group involved in the program, theoretical and practical classes, the implementation of control standards, participation in competitions,

As a result of regular physical education classes, the student develops the following skills:

Increased endurance and strength;

Flexibility and elasticity of muscles and ligaments develops, which reduces the risk of injury;

The correct posture is formed, the development of scoliosis and flat feet is prevented;

Increased resistance to diseases;

Improves sleep and digestion;

Coordination and dexterity develop;

Regular physical activity will have a beneficial effect on behavior and emotional state.

OFP and methods of physical development

OPT classes (general physical training) are aimed at developing in the student such qualities as:







All these qualities are necessary for the harmonious development of physical qualities and human health. Particularly important are physical therapy classes in adolescence. For an adult, it is important to constantly maintain fitness at a certain level.

Exercises to develop the strength of various muscle groups

leg muscles

back muscles

Abdominal muscles

Muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle

To develop all these muscle groups, there are two main types of exercises: exercises with the weight of your own body and exercises with various devices.

Exercises to develop leg muscle strength:

Squats on two legs.

Squats on two legs with a load on the shoulders.

Squats on one leg (in the "pistol").

Fixing a semi-squat (90 °), pressing your back against the wall with an even back.

Exercises to develop the strength of the back muscles:

Raising the torso from a prone position (on the floor, on a gymnastic bench with legs fixed).

Raising the torso from a prone position (on the floor, on a gymnastic bench with legs fixed)

Raising the legs lying on the stomach.

Simultaneous lifting of the torso and legs with fixation of the “fish” pose

Lowering the torso to a horizontal standing position (shoulder blades are brought together, arms to the sides) with fixation of the pose.

Exercises to develop the strength of the abdominal muscles:

Raising the torso from a supine position (on the floor, on a gymnastic bench with legs fixed).

Raising legs while lying on your back.

Simultaneous lifting of the torso and legs with fixation of the “corner” position.

Raising the legs in a hanging position.

Hold the “corner” pose in the hanging position.

Exercise "birch" (simultaneously strengthens the lumbar muscles of the back).

Exercises for developing the strength of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle:

Push-ups - flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position.

Pull-ups - flexion and extension of the arms in the hang.

Hanging horizontal ladder climbing.

Dumbbell exercises:

Breeding straight arms to the sides at a slow pace,

Raising straight arms up from a horizontal position (quick lifting, slow lowering),

Raising straight arms forward (palms to the floor, palms up),

Bending at the elbows, pressing them to the body,

Bending the brush.

Chest press lying down,

Standing chest press

Flexion to the chest.

Endurance exercises

Exercises for general physical endurance involve the performance of simple cyclic movements for the longest possible period of time. For example, running long distances, skiing for a certain time. Endurance can be trained purposefully or indirectly, i.e. during training aimed at developing certain qualities, endurance is also trained.

Sharpening exercises

shuttle run

Rubber band exercises


Jumping exercises

Leaps onto the bench

Jump off the bench

Jumping over the bench with advancement along it

Multi-jumps: with advancement - on two legs, on one, with leg tuck, from a squat, from a squat with a tuck; without advancing - on two legs, on one, with a leg press, from a squat, from a squat with a press, with a turn of 180 and 360 degrees.

Rope exercises

Flexibility exercises

Distinguish between active and passive flexibility. Active flexibility is the ability to perform movements with a large amplitude due to the activity of the muscle groups surrounding the corresponding joint. Passive flexibility is the ability to achieve the highest mobility in the joints as a result of external forces. The term flexibility is acceptable for assessing the total mobility in the joints of the whole body. Flexibility largely depends on the structure of the joints, as well as on the plasticity of the ligaments and muscles that strengthen the joint. The structure of the joints is determined by congenital features, but constant work on increasing mobility has a positive effect on increasing the elasticity of the articular ligaments.

When choosing the means and methods of practical exercises, the teacher should keep in mind that each lesson should be interesting and exciting, therefore, complex lessons should be used for this purpose, the content of which includes exercises from different sports (athletics, gymnastics, sports games or gymnastics). , outdoor games, etc.).

Exercises are selected in accordance with the educational, educational and recreational goals of the lesson.

Complex 1. General developmental exercises on the spot:

1. I.P. - standing, legs apart, arms to the sides. Circular movements of the arms forward and backward, with a gradual increase in amplitude. Repeat 10-12 times.

2. I.P. - the same hands forward. 1-3 - springy squats on the entire foot. 4 - i. n. Repeat 10-12 times.

3. I.P. - wide stance: legs apart, hands behind the head. 1 - torso tilt to the left, 2 - and. n. 3-4 the same, in the other direction. 6-8 times.

4. I.P. - the same hands are lowered. 1-3 - springy forward bends until the hands touch the floor. 4 - i. n. Repeat 8-10 times.

5. I.P. - the main stance of the hand forward. 1 - swing the right foot forward, reach the fingers with the toe. 2 - i. p. 3 - the same, with a swing of the left. 4 - i. n. 6-8 times.

6. I.P. - lunge with the right foot forward, hands on the knee. 1-3 - springy swaying of the body. 4 - i. n. 5-8 - the same, with a left lunge. 6-8 times.

7. I.P. - emphasis, lying, 1 - bend your arms, 2 - unbend. 4-6 times.

8. I.P. - standing, legs apart. 1 - rise on toes, hands up (inhale). 2 - i. p. (exhale). 5-6 times.

9. I.P. - standing, legs apart, arms bent at the elbows, torso slightly tilted forward. Work with hands, as when running, with a gradual increase in amplitude and pace. 30-40 seconds.

10. I.P. - main stance, hands on the belt. Jumping on toes (do not bend your knees). 30-40 sec.

11. - Slow running on toes with high hips. 40-50 sec.

12. - With the restoration of breathing: hands up - a deep breath, with the lowering of the hands, a deep exhalation

Complex 2 Developmental exercises for girls

1. Stand up, legs together, hands on the belt. Sit on your toes, knees apart, return to the starting position. Close your socks, sit down on the whole foot, knees together, stand up, spread your socks. Repeat 5-10 times.

2. Stand up, legs wider than shoulders, hands on the belt. Lean to the right, return to the starting position. Then, lean to the left. Lean forward without bending your knees, touch the floor with your hands, return to and. n. Lean back, spreading your arms to the sides, return to ip. Repeat 8-16 times.

3. Stand up, leaning your hands on the table, swing your legs back, then with your right, then with your left foot. Repeat 8-16 times.

4. Stand up, legs together, arms down. Squat down, leaning on the floor with your hands, push off with your legs and gently kneel down. Then, also leaning on your hands, sit down again and stand in the sp. Repeat 6-12 times.

5. Stand up, leaning your hands on a support. Put your right foot to the side on the toe and turn the toe outward, accept and. n. Raise the right leg higher to the side, turn the toe outward, accept and. n. The same with the left foot. Repeat 6-12 times.

6. Lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body. Raise your right leg vertically, lower it, raise your left leg, lower it. Raise both straight legs 2 times, lower. Repeat 6-12 times.

7. Sit on the floor, resting your hands behind you. Then, leaning on your hands and heels, raise your torso to a slight arch, sit down again. Now you need to lie on your back, spreading your arms to the sides, without lifting your palms from the floor. Then sit down, leaning on the floor with your hands. Repeat 6-12 times.

8. Stand with your left side to the support and lean on your left hand. Put your right foot forward on the toe and turn the toe outward, accept and. n. Raise your right leg forward, turn the toe outward, accept and. n. The same with the left foot. Repeat 8-16 times.

9. Stand with your feet wider than your shoulders, hands on your belt. Lean forward, rest your hands on the floor and move on your hands until your torso is fully extended. Then, performing the same movements in reverse order, return to the starting position. Repeat 4-8 times.

10. Running in place and with advancement, jumping - legs apart and together. Do this for 45-90 seconds.

Complex 3. General developmental exercises for 32 counts.

I.p. - Heels together, socks apart, hands on the belt.
1. Tilt your head forward
2. Head tilt back
3. Head tilt to the right
4. Head tilt to the left
5-6. Hands to shoulders. Shoulder forward rotation
7-8. Shoulder back rotation
9. Hands in front of the chest. Jerk.
10. Hands to the sides. Jerk.
11. Hands in front of the chest. Jerk.
12. Turn the torso to the right, arms to the sides. Jerk.
13. Hands in front of the chest. Jerk.
14. Turn the body to the left, arms to the sides. Jerk.
15. Right hand above, left hand below. Jerk.
16. Left hand above, right hand below. Jerk.
17. Tilt to the toe of the right leg.
18. Tilt to the floor.
19. Tilt to the toe of the left leg.
20. Bending back.
21. I.p. Body tilt to the right.
22. I.p. Body tilt to the right.
23. Sit down.
24. Get up.
25. Deflection of the torso back, arms up to the lock, toe of the right leg set aside.
26. Deflection of the body back, arms up to the castle, the toe of the left leg is set aside.
27-28. Jumping on the right foot.
29-30. Jumping on the left leg.
31-32. Jumping on two legs.


In the course of general physical training, changes occur in the body that best prepare it for the upcoming physical work. If you neglect the warm-up, these changes will occur directly during the performance of the main activity, reducing its effectiveness. In addition, when working without a preliminary warm-up, the risk of injury is extremely high.

Performing daily a set of warm-up exercises, you can normalize blood circulation and strengthen joints, develop muscle strength and increase their tone.

As a result of the warm-up, the current working capacity of the body increases (that is, the ability to perform work of a certain amount at the moment).

Experimental studies have confirmed that without a preliminary warm-up, a person or an animal is able to perform much less work than after a well-executed warm-up.


1. Vilensky M. Ya., Zaitsev A. I., Ilyinich V. I. Physical culture for students: Textbook for universities. - M .: Gardariki, 2001 - 343 p.

2. Student sports and life. IN AND. Ilyinich. M. 2009 - 279s.

3. Physiological bases of N.A. Fomin, Yu.N. Vavilov. M., FIS. 2012 - 198s.

4.Physical culture in the life of a student. V.M. Reyzin, A.S. Ishchenko, Minsk, Higher School. 2008 - 125s.

5.Physical culture of the student. Ed. Ilinichina V.I. M. 2001 - 129s.