Summary of the “Summer” lesson for the nursery group. Drawing with paints “Apple pouring”


in the middle correction group

on speech development

on the topic of:

"Summer is coming soon"

Educator: Sribnaya A.P.

GDOU kindergarten №100

Noginsk-9, Moscow region.

Program content:expand and clarify children's knowledge about the seasons. Enrich and activate the vocabulary on lexical topics: “Summer”, “Berries”, “Wild Animals”, “Insects”. Learn to compose a coherent story based on a diagram or picture. Consolidate use plural nouns in the genitive case, agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender and number as part of noun phrases. To consolidate knowledge about wild animals and their young, to clarify the names of wild animal dwellings. Develop coordination of movements. Cultivate a love for nature.

Equipment and materials:pictures by seasons; cards for the game “What is there a lot in summer?”; a picture of a forest; pictures of wild animals with babies; pictures of insects (dragonfly, mosquito, beetle, ant, etc.); game “Whose house?”; pictures with images of the houses of a squirrel, bear, hare, bee, ant, mouse, birds; pictures of forest berries; pictures for a deformed story (sun, grass, flowers, mushrooms, berries, leaves, birds, forest).

Progress of the lesson.

Educator (makes a riddle):

I am made of heat,

I carry the warmth with me

I warm the rivers.

“Swim” - I invite you.

And love for it

You all have me. I …


Yes, guys, today we will talk about summer.

Educator: Shows big pictures and says:

Guys, do you like summer?

Why do you love summer?

Why do you like summer?

Children: (Answer the questions asked)

Educator: - Now let's play.

The game “What (who) is there a lot in the summer?”

Educator: Displays pictures and asks:

What (who) is there a lot in the summer?


In summer there are a lot of flowers, mushrooms, butterflies, leaves, rain, etc.

Educator: - Name the summer months.

Name the first month of summer, the last.

Children: (Answer the questions asked):

Sensory development. Formation of ideas about the change of seasons. Pictures with seasons are displayed.

Educator: - The roast will come soon...

Children: (Answer - summer)

Educator: - And then the cool weather will come...

Children: (Answer - autumn)

Educator: - And after autumn the cold weather will come...

Children: (Answer - winter)

Educator: - And after winter the warm weather will come...

Children: (Answer - spring)

Didactic game “Which one, which one, which one?”

Educator: Calls natural phenomena, children must form phrases with the adjective “summer” by agreeing it with the noun in gender and number.

But summer will soon come, and it will be:

What day?

What kind of rain?

What kind of sun is it?

What morning?

What evening?

What sunset?

What is the sky like?

What days?

What evenings?


Children: (Answer - for example: day - summer, etc.)

Educator: - It's good in the summer. Let's go with you, take a walk through the summer forest. ...

Physical education minute

Poem and

Shows movements

We are walking along the road. walking;

The path is long, our home is far.

It's a hot day, let's sit in the shade. sit down;

We'll sit under the oak tree,

We'll lie under the oak tree. lie down;

Let's lie down and relax



picture and

speaks) : - Here we are in the forest.

What animals can we meet in the forest?

What are these animals called?

Who cares for wild animals?

Children: (Answer - for example: animals in the forest - wild. Who cares? –Nobody, they get their own food, build their own homes, take care of their young.)

Didactic game

“Complete the sentences with the names of the babies.”

The she-wolf has...? - wolf cubs;

The she-bear gave birth to two...? - bear cubs;

The squirrel got one...? - baby squirrel;

The hare gave birth to three...? - rabbits;

The fox got two...? - fox cubs;

The hedgehog gave birth to...? - hedgehog.

Work on the sound side of speech.

Educator: - And in the forest in summer you can find a lot of insects. Repeat the phrases:

For - for - for, here the dragonfly flutters.

Ry-ry-ry, mosquitoes have arrived.

Chock-chock-chock, a bug is crawling along the leaf.

Wey-wey-wey, an ant came running to us.

Children: (Repeat)

The teacher asks questions: The children answer:

Which insect flies?- mosquitoes;

Which insect crawls?- ants;

What insects jump?- grasshopper.

Didactic game

“Whose house?”

Educator: - It’s so nice in the summer: it’s warm, the sun is shining brightly, you can walk for a long time. So the forest dwellers were happy about the warm summer day and went out of their houses for a walk.

Keep pictures of forest inhabitants.

(Hands out pictures to children with images of forest inhabitants)

But then a large cloud covered the sun, thunder roared, and heavy rain began to fall.

Help the forest inhabitants find their houses.

(Lays out pictures of houses on the table)

Who is in your picture?

Where does... live?

Who lives in a hole?

Who lives in a hollow?

Children: (Answer)

Educator: - Guys, get up, let's go for a walk in the forest.

Physical education minute

The teacher reads. The children do the exercises:

the poem shows


We walked and walked through the forest. go;

We found strawberries. sit down, sit;

We walked and walked through the forest. go;

And they found raspberries. bend over;

Let's sit down in the clearing.

And we'll sing a song.

Formation of the genitive case

Educator: - We went to the forest and picked berries.

(Shows pictures with images of berries: strawberries, blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries, raspberries, blackberries, etc.)

The teacher asks: The children answer:

What kind of berries? - aromatic, fragrant, sweet, tasty;

Mom made raspberry jam.

What kind of jam did you make? - raspberry;

Strawberry jam. What jam? - strawberry;

Blueberry syrup. What syrup? - blueberry;

Blackberry jam. What kind of jam? - blackberry;

Lingonberry compote. What compote? - lingonberry;

Cranberry juice. What juice? - cranberry.

Educator: - Guys, we had a good walk in the forest. Now let's write a story together about our walk.

Reading a warped story

based on subject pictures.

Educator: Reads the story “In the Forest in Summer.”

Summer has come. It shines very brightly... ( Sun ). A green plant grows in a forest clearing... ( grass) and forest ... (flowers ). Many... appeared in the shade of the trees... ( mushrooms ). Ripened on the bushes... ( berries ). There are a lot of green ones on the trees... ( leaves ). They are chirping merrily in the forest... ( birds ). It's good in summer in... ( forest).

Children: (Name the word according to the meaning of the sentence read).

Conversation for preschoolers “So summer has come”

At the beginning of the lesson, ask the children what seasons of the year they know. (Spring, summer, autumn, winter.) Talk about the signs that characterize the four seasons. How do we know that winter or summer has come?.. Tell the children that different time Years, the Earth exposes its surface to the sun's rays in different ways. When the sun's rays fall more vertically, directly, the Sun heats up hotter. If the rays of the Sun fall on earth's surface at an angle, they heat less efficiently. This is what the change of seasons depends on.

Tell us that now you will get acquainted with a wonderful time of year - summer. Conduct conversations along these lines. At the end of the lesson, you can invite the children to draw a portrait of Red Summer.

Hello, red summer!

Spring is coming. People, plants, and animals were waiting for him. In the summer, the sun stands high in the sky during the day, shines brightly and warms - it becomes hot. The days are long, the nights are short and bright. Everything is blooming, smiling, enjoying the warmth. Now you can wear light clothes and shoes (or even barefoot) and take long walks. The water in the pond, river, lake is heated, so in the summer everyone enjoys swimming and sunbathing.

In summer there are thunderstorms and warm showers. The chicks begin to leave the nests and learn to fly. Dragonflies circle above the water, butterflies and bees above the flowers.

The gardens are filled with fruits and the juicy berries are ripening. In the meadows there is a lush carpet of herbs and flowers. There is a lot of work for people in the fields, meadows and summer cottages.

Explain the sayings: “In summer, dawn meets dawn,” “In summer, the sun is high, but from morning to evening it is far away” (Long daylight hours.) Why do they say: “In summer, every bush will let you spend the night”? (Because the nights are very warm in summer.)

Invite the children to think about what you can say “summer”? (Rain, day, haymaking, meadow, vegetable garden, garden, forest.) “Summer”? (Weather, cloud, thunderstorm.) “Summer”? (Cloud, mood, sun, sky, morning.) Ask them to come up with definitions for the word “summer.” What is it like? (Sunny, rainy, generous, affectionate...)

Ask the children to think about why they say “summer is red” about this time of year? In Rus' everything that was most beautiful was called “red” (the sun is red, the maiden is red, Red Square). Why is summer beautiful? And it is beautiful with golden sunrays and pearl clouds, silver rains and diamond dews, emerald grasses and seven-color rainbows. And countless more flowers blooming at this time of year.

All the fields, meadows are filled with flowers,

As if wearing colorful scarves.

We love it very much for this

Our sunny... (summer).

Rain and dew

Watch the warm summer rain with your children. Listen to how he makes noise. See how the puddles bubble. After the rain, draw their attention to how the foliage has turned green, how all the blades of grass and flowers sparkle and shimmer in the sun. Tell us that there are drizzling rains, blind rains, blanket rains, mushroom rains, sporid rains, stripes, slanting rains, heavy rolling rains and, finally, downpours (showers).

What is the difference between spore rain and mushroom rain? The word “sporey” means fast, fast. The stinging rain is pouring vertically and heavily. He usually approaches with a rushing noise. And a fine mushroom rain sleepily falls from the low clouds. The puddles from this rain are always warm. It's like he's whispering. Forest humus and moss absorb it slowly and thoroughly. Therefore, after it, mushrooms begin to grow quickly.

People say about blind rain falling in the sun: “The princess is crying.” The drops of this rain sparkling in the sun look like large tears.

You can spend a long time following the play of light during rain, the variety of sounds - from a measured knock on the roof and a liquid ringing on a drainpipe to a continuous intense roar when the rain pours like a wall.

Draw the children's attention to the morning dew. There is no rain, but the grass and leaves of plants growing close to the ground are wet. Let the children run their hands over the grass: their palms will become damp. Previously, peasant children loved to run barefoot through the dew. They thought it was an incomparable pleasure!

On warm summer days, the sun warms the earth well, but at night the air cools. Water vapor in the air settles on plants, which quickly cool down from the night cold, and turns into small water droplets - dew. Dew does not form on the ground or paths, as they retain moisture for a long time solar heat. In the morning the sun warms the earth again and the dew disappears. People have long noticed that if there is heavy dew and fog in the morning, then this means good weather.

summer thunderstorm

There are often thunderstorms in summer. Summer storm clouds consist of an infinite number of water droplets charged with electricity. Between two such clouds a high-power electric charge jumps. This is lightning. Sometimes lightning occurs between a thundercloud and the ground. Then a tree or haystack that was struck by lightning may catch fire. That's why during a summer thunderstorm you can't hide from the rain under a lonely standing trees. During the discharge of thunderclouds, we first see the flash of lightning, and then the peals of thunder reach us. This happens because sound travels through air more slowly than light. If there is a very long interval between lightning and thunder, then this means that the thunderstorm is happening somewhere far away.

Usually you can see in advance that a thunderstorm is brewing: the sun is hot, moisture accumulates in the air, it becomes quiet and stuffy. A cluster of powerful cumulus clouds is noticeable on the horizon. They quickly approach and soon occupy the entire sky, which begins to change in a special way and even a special pre-storm light is felt. The wind blows in gusts, abruptly changes direction, and then intensifies, raising clouds of dust, tearing off leaves and breaking tree branches, and can tear off the roofs of houses. Then a wall of torrential rain falls from above from an approaching cloud, sometimes with hail. Lightning flashes, deafening rumbles of thunder are heard. A dangerous, but very beautiful sight!

How dangerous is a thunderstorm? First of all, a lightning strike. Lightning can cause a fire. A direct lightning strike can cause death! Another danger is strong wind, breaking tree branches and damaging buildings. Trees falling from the wind often damage power lines. Because of them, people can get injured. And finally, heavy rain and hail. Hail destroys crops. If you don’t hide from it in time, you can’t avoid bruises and abrasions. Tell us about the sizes of hailstones, show them with examples!


After the rain, when the sun peeks through the thick curtain of clouds, a beautiful seven-color rainbow appears in the sky. She appears where the storm clouds go. A rainbow is visible as long as raindrops fall frequently and evenly on the ground. The larger the drops and the more often they fall, the brighter the rainbow.

If necessary, show the children a rainbow and ask them to look at it and name the order of the colors. Draw the children's attention to the fact that the rainbow lines are semicircular and unequal in length. Ask the children to identify what a rainbow looks like (a bridge). Tell us that in ancient times this is what they called a rainbow - a bridge spanning time, connecting heaven and earth. She is painted in seven colors, given to her by the rays of the sun. The colors of the rainbow are arranged in a strictly defined order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. These colors make up the white ray of sunlight, which when it rains is refracted in drops of rainwater. To remember this sequence, people came up with a sentence in which the first letter of each word is the same as the first letter of the name of the color: "Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits."

Usually we see a rainbow when the rain has not stopped yet, but the sun is shining in the sky. A rainbow can be seen not only in the sky, but also in a fountain, while swimming in a river, when a lot of splashes rise. The main thing is that the sun and water “work” together.

In winter in severe frost many ice crystals act together with the sun in the same way as droplets of water, but the rainbow turns out to be paler. Even the bright light of street lamps on a frosty evening creates a smoky glowing circle around them, in which faint shades of pink and yellow can sometimes be found.

Children love to pretend to be a rainbow. Combine stories on the topic and drawing activities.

Lesson on the topic “My memories of summer”

Goals: 1. Summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about the season - summer.

2. To develop children’s ability to work in the PervoLogo program with the Risovalka toolbar.

3. Expand and improve legal knowledge children.

4. Correct sensory perception using a visual aid on the topic “Summer”.

5. Cultivate love for the world around us, develop creative abilities.

Equipment: board, projector, computers, CD, pictures and illustrations.

Progress of the lesson

    Organizational moment


I'm glad our new meeting,

I'm interested in you, friends,

Your answers are interesting

I listen with pleasure.

Today we will watch

Draw conclusions and reason.

And so that the lesson benefits everyone,

Actively at work

Get involved buddy.

    Work on the topic of the lesson

Teacher : Now let's all smile at each other and give everyone a good mood.

(On the screen there are photos of summer, children's holidays)

Guys, you want to know what we are going to talk about today. (Children's answers.) Then you need to solve the riddle.

1. To the music of Tchaikovsky “The Seasons. August" reads the words:

A funny beetle flew by - w-w-w.

A mosquito suddenly rang - z-z-z.

The wind shook the branches - ooh-ooh.

The ball screamed loudly - rrrrr.

The reeds rustled in the water - sh-sh-sh.

And again there was silence - shhhh.

2. I am made of heat,

I carry the warmth with me.

I warm the rivers

“Swim” - I invite you.

And love for it

You all have me. I -

Children. Summer!

Teacher.Guys, what summer months do you know?

Children.June July August.

P.Which one is the first? summer month?

Children.The first summer month is June.

P.And the last month of summer?

Children.The last month of summer is August.

How did you spend your summer?

What do children do during the holidays?

What do you think we will do today? What kind of work will we do?

Finger gymnastics.

Gather your fingers together
And Marishka and Egorka,
Bend your index finger
And raise it a little.
Start knocking on them
And at the same time humming:
There is a fence above the city,
The animals came out beyond the fence,
We bragged all day!”
It's worth practicing
To control the mouse!

Teacher: And now our task is to create our own photo of last summer. For this we need what program? PervoLogo. Open it

Who (what) is our main assistant, guess?

A small ball is fumbling under the bench.

There's a cat hiding under the floor, afraid of it. (mouse)

Place your hand correctly on the mouse. To create a drawing, we work in the Tools panel. What team are we opening? I show them and they do it.

Using the background command we will select a background. Listen carefully to what background we choose.

Green, green everything is around today.

The green meadow rustles with green blades of grass.

The guys are running along the green paths into the forest.

Green grasshoppers sing songs to us.

What color is summer? Now we know it!

We all know that summer is green!

Teacher That's right, summer, clear and sunny weather, the grass turns green.

Now we need to copy the objects that we encountered in the summer and will remind us of it.


The cloud is hiding behind the forest,

The sun looks from the sky.

And so pure, kind, radiant!

If we could get him,

We would kiss him!

To do this, open the item command and look for a picture of a butterfly. How to copy? (hand, sun, insert into the picture).


Look, there are flowers here!

Wonderful beauty!

They just suddenly started to move,

All the flowers are spinning!

These wonderful “flowers” ​​- beautiful butterflies!

Butterflies' wings flicker quickly,

They curl and flutter smoothly in the air!

They circle over the flowers tirelessly!

They take “fragrant baths”!

Visual gymnastics

Oh, how long have we been searching?
The guys' eyes are tired.
(Blink your eyes)
Look all out the window
(Look left - right)
Oh, how high the sun is.
(Look up.)
We'll close our eyes now,
(Close your eyes with your palms)
Let's build a rainbow in class
Let's go up the rainbow
(Look in an arc up to the right and up to the left)
Let's turn right, left,
And then we'll slide down
(Look down)
Squint your eyes hard, but hold on.
(Close your eyes, open them and blink them)

Teacher: We continue to work on our photography. Your task is to add two or three items to it that would remind us of summer.


The green lawns look like they’re all covered in snow!

Beautiful daisies are turning white in the meadow!

White chamomile, yellow scarf,

Chamomile, chamomile! My favorite flower!

Remember, what do we like to do outside in the summer? (play ball, in the sandbox, jump rope, ride a bike)

For example, I select the picture “to ride a bike." Hand-picture- paste into the background. Now we choose the picture ourselves and insert it onto our sheet.

They complete their drawing independently (with the help of the teacher).

Task “Call me kindly.”

Teacher We have objects in our drawing. Look at them carefully and think of kind words for them.

Child. The sun is the sun. Etc.

Task “Choose a sign word.”

Match the object in the picture with words that indicate its characteristic.

Child. The sun is round, yellow...

Task “Choose an action word.”

Match the object in the picture with words that indicate its actions.

Child. The sun is shining, warming...

Now we will also name our picture. What title would you suggest? (My summer, Beautiful summer, etc.). Opening the text: which character should we hover over? A

Place the mouse in the center of A, click, move the cursor to the center of the picture and write the name. What will you call it? ("Beautiful Summer")

We print the name, do not forget about the space, capital letter

What right did we remember?

Visual gymnastics:

1-look at me

2-let's look out the window

3-looked to the left

A 4-eyes up

5-close your eyes very very,

And count 1-2-3

6-let's open our eyes.

Additional task: if you have time, you can sign all the objects and characters in the picture.

If you're ready, print out your drawing.

Demonstration of pictures.

Summary of the lesson.

What did we talk about today?

How will we remember this summer?

What did you like to do in class?

Whose work did you like?

Children's praise

Zakharova Lilia
Lesson summary “Summer is coming”

"Summer is coming soon"

1. Clarify your idea of ​​the coming summer.

2. Enhance knowledge about dangerous situations that can occur in everyday life and in nature, and ways to prevent them.

3. Encourage people to use summer holidays for health purposes.

Demonstration equipment: illustrations of the coming summer - meadow, field, forest, pictures - sun, leaves, flowers, mushrooms, grass, berries, birds, forest, mushroom models, symbols of green and red colors - circles, cubes or other objects; handout: pictures various situations of dangerous and safe behavior of children, silhouettes edible mushrooms and fly agarics.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher shows illustrations of the coming summer.

What time of year is it now?

What time of year is approaching?

Asks a riddle:

I am made of heat,

I carry the warmth with me.

I warm the rivers, I invite you to swim.

And love for it

You all have me. Ya (summer).

What makes you happy about summer?

Which summer games and do you like fun?

Who went for mushrooms (berries) in the summer?

Who looked after the garden?

Who went fishing?

The teacher draws the children's attention to illustrations of a forest, a flowering meadow, and asks questions about their content. Then he offers to help her write a story about summer: he starts the sentence, the children finish it. If there is a difficulty, the teacher shows the corresponding picture.

Summer has come. It shines very brightly. (sunshine). There are a lot of green ones on the trees. (leaves). Appeared in the shade of the trees. (mushrooms). Green mushrooms grow in a forest clearing. (grass) and forest ones. (flowers).Ripe on the bushes. (berries). They are chirping merrily in the forest. (birds).Good in summer. (forest).

The teacher shows dummies of mushrooms, recalls their names, draws attention to the similarity of name and appearance: white mushroom (white leg, chanterelle (orange color), boletus (oily surface of the cap). Explains that some mushrooms are named from the place where they grow (boletus, boletus ).He makes riddles about mushrooms and asks to show dummies of the answering mushrooms:

I'm wearing a red cap, growing among the aspen roots.

You will see me a mile away, my name is. (boletus)

A chocolate-brown mushroom with a leaf stuck to its slippery cap.

This is what they call an openwork thin-mushroom collar. (oil can).

They wear red berets, they bring autumn to the forest in summer

Very friendly golden sisters. (chanterelles).

I don’t argue - I’m not white, brothers, I’m simpler.

I usually grow in a birch grove. (Boletus).

The teacher warns the children that not all mushrooms are safe. Asks a riddle:

Even kids know

Red and white mushrooms,

Those who are not friends with flies.

Don't take them for dinner -

This mushroom is inedible

At least he looks handsome.

Called for a long time

That mushroom is red. (fly agaric).

Outdoor game "Collect edible mushrooms in a basket."

The teacher lays out silhouettes of mushrooms on the floor and asks the children to find one edible mushroom each.

The teacher reminds that with the onset of summer, children will walk outside more.

What dangers can you encounter on the street?

Is it okay to touch unfamiliar animals?

What can happen if you tease a dog?

The teacher offers to remember the rules, names them, accompanied by showing illustrations:

You cannot swing at a dog and run away from it.

You can't tease a dog.

Do not touch the dog while sleeping or eating.

You should not take away the object with which the dog is playing.

There is no need to approach a dog sitting on a leash.

Didactic game "Allowed and prohibited."

The teacher hands out pictures to the children and invites those with pictures of dangerous behavior of children to approach the red symbols, and those with pictures of the correct actions of the characters to go to the green symbols.

The teacher reminds children that for health it is necessary to spend more time in the fresh air, not to forget about exercise, ventilate the premises, play outdoor games, and help adults. All this is needed in order to grow up over the summer, become fast, agile, and therefore healthy. Quotes the proverb: “Health is the best wealth.”


Expand children's knowledge about summer.
Enrich children's vocabulary on the topic.
Form stable ideas about size, quantity, color, geometric shapes.
Continue to teach children to designate the number of objects with numbers and determine the position of an object in space.
Practice sculptural and bas-relief modeling, gluing, finger painting, stamps and pencils.
Develop the ability to repeat movements after the teacher.
Develop thinking, motor skills, visual and auditory concentration, coordination of movements.


Black pencils, a blank picture depicting a train on rails without sleepers, adhesive pencils, colored silhouette pictures of “flower”, “strawberry”, “pear”, “cucumber”, “mushroom”, “hare”.
A background picture depicting flowers of different colors, with plastic plugs in the middle of the same colors.
Blank picture “sunflower”, black plasticine, sunflower seeds.
Cardboard “pies” - triangles made of cardboard of different sizes folded in half, “strawberries” of different sizes.
Colored silhouette pictures of vegetables and fruits, a background picture with drawn boxes in the form of geometric shapes.
Finger paints in yellow and red, blank picture “apple”.
Stamps “apple”, red gouache, blank pictures “apple tree”.
Clothespins, rope, colored silhouette pictures of mushrooms.
Plasticine white, blank picture of a “fly agaric” without white spots on the cap.
A picture depicting four mushrooms, three of which are identical, and one is different from the others.
A background picture depicting mushroom legs of different sizes, mushroom caps, leaves, and snails cut out from colored cardboard of a suitable size.
Flat shells, pieces of glass, glue, blank picture “On the seashore”.
A background picture depicting three bears of different sizes, inflatable rings cut out of colored cardboard corresponding to the size of the bears.
A container with sand in which various pebbles are buried.
Audio recording: “This is our summer!”

Progress of the lesson:

Greeting game “Our smart heads”

Our smart heads
They will think a lot, cleverly.
Ears will listen
Mouth speak clearly.
Hands will clap
Feet will stomp.
The backs are straightened,
We smile at each other.

Reading a poem - Train "Gifts of Summer"

Summer is rushing by like a train,
All tickets sold out -
The summer train is coming to us
Through fields and forests.
The locomotive hums loudly -
A gray hare sits in it.
He is not a clown, not an artist -
He's a smart driver!

Drawing "Summer Train"

Draw with a black pencil the sleepers - short vertical stripes and the smoke from the chimney of the locomotive - curls.

Number one, I know for sure
There's a flower car on the train!
“The road to autumn is long!” –
Cornflower tells everyone.
And nods his head
field bell,
And the sunflower looks into the distance -
He's watching the sun!
It may be small, but still
He looks like the sun!

Didactic game “Pick the center of a flower”

Choose a center for each flower that is exactly the same color as the petals.

Handmade “Sunflower”

Let's make a sunflower like a real one: cover the middle with black plasticine, and put the seeds on top of the black plasticine.

And in carriage number two
Not flowers and not grass -
The berries in it are noble,
Very fragrant.
Strawberries and raspberries
Escaped from the basket -
They don't want to disappear
And get into the jam with us!

Didactic game “Pies with strawberries”

There are pies in front of you. Show the biggest pie, the medium one, the smallest one. Now you need to put the filling in the pies - strawberries. Just be careful, put the largest berries in the largest pie, medium berries in the middle pie, and small berries in the small pie.

At car number three
Only vegetables inside!
The carrot says: “Guys,
There is no better garden than ours!”
They immediately got into an argument with her.
Cucumber and tomato.

Didactic game “Place vegetables and fruits in boxes”

Place vegetables and fruits in suitable shaped boxes.

Modeling “Cucumber and Tomato Salad”

Children sculpt a cucumber from green plasticine by straight rolling, and tomatoes from red plasticine by circular rolling. Then the fashioned vegetables are cut into pieces and placed on a plate. Sprinkle the top with herbs - a green napkin torn into small pieces.

And in the fourth, to our gardens
Ripe fruits are coming!
The apple scares the pear
That everyone wants to eat it.
Pear is very timid
And the plum tree laughs at her.

Didactic game “Count the fruits in the vases”

Count the fruits in the vases and label them with a number.

Drawing with Apple Tree stamps

Dip the stamps into paint and leave imprints on the wood.

Drawing with paints “Apple pouring”

Look at this apple. One side of it is yellow and the other is red. Let's draw exactly the same apple with yellow and red barrels.

Dynamic pause “This is what it is, our summer”

Children, to the song of the same name, take rugs, lie on their stomachs, wave their legs, then their arms, turn over on their sides, then onto their backs, raise their legs and arms. They stand up, run in all directions with circular movements of their arms in front of their chest - “swim”.

And in the mushroom car - the fifth
Honey mushrooms are going to the summer forest.
And dream for a day
Take the stump before everyone else.
The porcini mushroom asked the fox:
“Where are you growing up, little sister?”
"I grow among the grass,
In other words, right where you are!”

Didactic game “Pick mushroom caps”

Choose a suitable size cap for each mushroom. and place a leaf on top of the cap. And plant snails underneath the mushrooms.

Bas-relief sculpture “Poisonous fly agaric mushroom”

Do poisonous mushroom fly agaric white dots made of plasticine.

Show me a mushroom that is not like all the other mushrooms.

Exercise “Hang mushrooms to dry”

Children hang the “mushrooms” on a string using clothespins.

From dusk to dawn
The train rushes through the summer.
The train sings a song
And he gives out gifts!

Application “Summer Train”

There is a big-eared driver sitting in the locomotive - stick the hare on the locomotive. In the first carriage there is a flower, in the second - a berry, in the third - a cucumber, in the fourth - a pear, and in the fifth - a mushroom.

Modeling “On the seashore”

Children tear off pieces of plasticine, stick them to the background picture and place them on top, pressing flat shells and pieces of ground sea ​​water pieces of glass

Didactic game “Give the bears inflatable rings”

The bears decided to swim in the warm sea, give them inflatable swimming rings. Choose circles that are the right size.

Didactic exercise “Find pebbles in the sand”

Try to find different beautiful pebbles in the sand.