Who lives in the apartment of Daniil Kharms a century later. "I do not like children, old men, old women and prudent old

The apartment in which Daniil Kharms lived from 1925 to 1941 is located at the address: St. Petersburg, st. Mayakovsky, 11. Currently, the artist Nikolai Kotlyarevsky (69 years old) lives here.

I have been living here since 1976 - since I got married. My wife was the daughter of the art historian Vsevolod Petrov, who was a friend of Kharms. My favorite Kharms work is about Susanin, who chews his beard while the entrecote is waiting in the tavern: it is dedicated to my father-in-law. In 1941, a bomb hit this house, and after the war the whole house was settled in order to carry out major repairs. The overhaul took an incredibly long time. During this time, my father-in-law, in his own words, went 42 times to the chairman of the Union of Artists Anikushin - to ask for an apartment: he really wanted to live in a friend's apartment. And got it.

After overhaul Kharms' apartment was divided into two apartments. I live in one, and in the other - a Canadian and some other man. But Kharms' room went to our apartment - there is now a living room. My wife died four years ago and I lived here all alone. Last year I had a woman. I also have a son, but many years ago he went on business to Siberia, accidentally got a wife and children there and got stuck.

AT Soviet years Kharms was semi-forbidden, no one knew about it, it was quiet, but with perestroika, a lot of Kharms scholars got divorced, and it became sickening: they attack, the intercom beeps endlessly. Fortunately, I know little, more than my wife answered their questions. They wondered if there was anything left of Kharms here. Only a few of his lifetime photographs remain: Kharms with a pipe, Kharms with someone else. They lie in my envelope, I sometimes give them to exhibitions, with a return.

What does a typical harmsologist look like? They are different. There was one stout, pronounced Jew, with a head of hair. He spoke for a long time, then asked a question, wrote something down and spoke again. Sitting for hours and talking. Why he needed me and my wife, I don't know. He wrote a book and died.

Then there was a tall, thin, rather gloomy man. Gloomy, but enthusiastic: he pulled me out of the apartment onto the stairs and solemnly announced: “Can you imagine that Kharms himself climbed these steps!” A completely faded type - no hat, no pipe, I just remember dark-haired and short-haired. At least that Jew had interesting hair. Alyosha is walking now. He is under 40 years old. He is a slender, well-mannered, extremely polite young man. A little bald. Smokes. I'm not sure that any of them would have liked Kharms.

I myself am an artist. A thousand years ago he graduated from the Academy of Arts. I am not a member of the Union of Artists: when it was necessary to act, I drank heavily and did not enter, and then it became just laziness. In the Soviet years, I was sold abroad. While it was difficult to take out the work, it was in demand there, and I was actively selling, although I drank. Now, with the open market, it's harder to sell.

Therefore, now it is more and more necessary to do what the public likes. Sweet birch trees, candy Christmas trees - everything that evokes a feeling of tenderness and standard, I emphasize, standard delight. Now you can’t just write a field - you definitely need to shove cornflowers, daisies there.

I have never seen old women fall from the window, and thank God. I don't like old women. Neither the living nor the dead, especially. Most of all I dislike the type of old women who are indignant in the store. I paid at the checkout, and she shouted to me from the queue: “Put the basket back.” - "No, I won't, my hands are busy." - “Look what a gentleman you are! Hands busy! Old woman, what's your fucking business?

True, as an artist, I find it interesting to look at an old woman. When wrinkles have furrowed the entire face and it is shriveled like a baked apple - this, of course, is not aesthetically pleasing, but it is convenient for drawing. The old woman's eye is both a shadow and a penumbra: there is something to work with. You can watch for hours how the senile eyelid covers the orbit of the eye, how one wrinkle flows into another. Skinny old women are especially good for drawing: their skull is clearly visible. Fat old women are less quoted by artists. Let fat old women bake pies, take care of their grandchildren.

I don't think Kharms would have liked me. I don't know much, but he was an erudite man. He was fond of mathematics, astronomy, knew music well, played the harmonium himself. I don't even have interesting oddities. I'm just lazy. Too lazy to work. I lie with a book all day long. When it becomes too lazy to lie down, I stand at the window, I smoke. One night I was standing at the window and noticed that a car was being stolen downstairs. The kid was in a hood, he put something in the car door, went out into the gateway, came back, looked around. I thought to shout something, but it was autumn, it was cold, I imagined how it would blow me if I opened the window, and I became too lazy to open the window and drive the thief away. I finished my cigarette and lay back on the couch.

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Cases Daniil Kharms

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Daniil Kharms was one of the brightest representatives of Russian literature in the first half of the 20th century. It is very accurately described in one popular online encyclopedia:

"A self-authored character, a super-fiction writer, an absurd man, a master of rhymed nonsense, a delusional genius, an apotheosis of the inadequate, a model of a countercultural hero, and so on, so on, so on."

Who was this person really?

Daniil Ivanovich Yuvachev, later Daniil Kharms, was born on December 17 (30), 1905 in St. Petersburg. As a child, he came up with a pseudonym for himself, which later acquired the status of an official name. In fact, Kharms had several dozen pseudonyms: Harmonius, Charms, Shardam, Karl Ivanovich Shusterling, Daniil Zatochnik, etc. Even in this variety of names, the writer's lively, many-sided nature was manifested.

Creativity Kharms entirely consistent with the concept of OBERIU (Association of Real Art) - a group of cultural figures, founded in the late 20's. in Leningrad. Representatives of this movement preached the rejection of traditions in art, the grotesque and the aesthetics of the absurd. On the part of the authorities, the Oberiuts did not enjoy recognition, semi-official critics called their work "poetry of the class enemy." Therefore, the works of Daniil Kharms were not published, and he could realize himself only in the niche of children's literature.

Daniil Ivanovich Kharms

“I do not like children, old men, old women and prudent old people. I respect only young, healthy and curvaceous women. I am suspicious of other representatives of humanity ... Poisoning children is cruel, but you have to do something with them ... I always leave where there are children.

It is noteworthy that Kharms positioned himself as child hater. A character in one of his stories suggested throwing children into a pit, throwing lime on top. At the same time, he said that "the propensity for children" is almost the same as the propensity for the fetus, and this is almost the same as the propensity to defecate.

Most likely, this was just part of the outrageous image that distinguished the writer. After all, the children themselves were very fond of the poems and public speeches of Daniil Kharms, which delighted the children.

While reading his poem, this eccentric could suddenly pull out of his pocket a tiny cannon that suddenly fired, or take out multi-colored tennis balls from his mouth. Tricks with them were one of his favorite pastimes, and he juggled balls masterfully!

The balls fluttered in his hands, disappeared in his pockets, boots, mouth, ears, appeared at the most unexpected moments, and multiplied before his eyes. Often the “performance” ended with only one ball left in Daniil’s hands, which turned out to be ... a hard-boiled egg. To prove that this is not a ball, Kharms peeled the egg and ate it right there, sprinkled with salt, which he took out of his pocket ...

Mikhail Pavlosky

Another hobby of Kharms was drawing. The walls of his room, even the lamp shade, were painted. In addition, the writer adored classical music - Handel, Bach, Mozart, Shostakovich ... As for literature, Kharms literally bowed to the geniuses of Mayakovsky and Gogol, with whom he was, of course, creatively connected. The writer also liked the humor of Kozma Prutkov.

Daniil Kharms was, as already noted above, a master of shocking. This was also shown in his passions. For example, Harms adored small dogs, especially dachshunds. On walks with him there was always one of them. The high growth of the writer contrasted sharply with the dog. Kharms gave extremely original nicknames to his dogs, for example "The Brandenburg Concerto" or "Commemorate the Day of the Battle of Thermopylae".

Daniil Kharms on the balcony of the House of Books. Photo by G. Levin. Mid 1930s

The appearance of Daniil Kharms was also unusual, the choice of which was dictated by the image of Sherlock Holmes. The eccentric poet dressed in a checkered frock coat, wore gray stockings and a large gray cap. Following the image of the famous literary hero was complemented by a cane and an invariable smoking pipe.

The theme of Sherlock Holmes worried Kharms not only with the external style of the detective. Apparently, inspired by Arthur Conan Doyle's story "The Dancing Men", while still a young man, Harms created his own cipher, which at first resembled mysterious figures from a detective story. Later, the writer came up with special system icons representing all the letters of the alphabet. With their help, Kharms encrypted his diaries, fearing that strangers could read them. Moreover, in his notes he often spoke ill of the Soviet regime.

Original in all its manifestations, Kharms was very fond of practical jokes that he prepared in advance. Once at a party, despite the presence of ladies, he suddenly began to pull off his trousers. Everyone was dumbfounded. But the embarrassment never happened, there were one more under the top pants! In general, Harms loved shocking situations. Sometimes he could approach the window completely undressed. The writer responded to the indignation of the neighbors as follows:

“What is more pleasing to the eye: an old woman in one shirt or a young man, completely naked? And who, in his form, is not allowed to appear before people?

Daniil Kharms and Alisa Poret pose for the "home movie" "Unequal Marriage"

Despite all his eccentricities, and perhaps thanks to them, Daniil Kharms was accompanied by great success with women. The second wife of the writer Marina Malich, whom the poet often cheated on with attractive ladies, jealousy almost led to suicide.

“I was tired of his betrayals and decided to commit suicide. Like Anna Karenina. I went to Tsarskoe Selo, sat on a bench on the platform and waited for the train. One train passed. I thought no, I’ll throw myself under the next one. ”

She did not dare to carry out what she had planned. Harms understood his weakness, in his diaries there is the following entry:

"God! What is being done! I am mired in poverty and debauchery. I killed Marina. God save her! God save my poor dear Marina.
“For some reason, everyone looks at me with surprise. Whatever I do, everyone finds it amazing. And I don't even try. Everything works out by itself.”

Frame from the film "Kharms". Photo: kinopoisk.ru

Perhaps, thanks to sincere faith, Daniil Kharms was given foresight . It is known that the writer predicted the blockade of Leningrad. That is why several of his friends left the city ahead of time and avoided starvation. Kharms also foresaw that during the first bombing his home would be destroyed.

“The Soviet Union lost the war on the very first day, Leningrad will now either be besieged or starve to death, or bombed, leaving no stone unturned ...”

As a writer, Daniil Kharms was interested in the origins of evil in man. But in his creepy stories, he did not moralize, but mercilessly ridiculed the cruelty, indifference and stupidity of the surrounding reality. Apparently, it was precisely this that those in power could not forgive Kharms. The writer was arrested three times. The latest arrest was prompted by a denunciation accusing Kharms of the following statement: "It is more pleasant for me to be with the Germans in concentration camps than to live under Soviet power."

Daniil Kharms and Alisa Poret. Early 1930s

The poet was imprisoned in the psychiatric hospital of the prison, where he died of starvation on February 2, 1942. He was 37 years old - a mystical age in Russian poetry!

Aphorisms of Daniil Kharms:

Women have always interested me. I have always been worried about women's legs, especially above the knees. Many consider women to be vicious creatures. And I don't! On the contrary, I even consider them something very pleasant.

If I say something, then it is right. I do not advise anyone to argue with me, anyway, he will remain in the cold, because I will outguess everyone. Yes, and you do not compete with me. Haven't tried that yet either. Got everyone! It’s for nothing that I don’t even know how to speak, but once I start it, you won’t stop it.

Old women who carry prudent thoughts in themselves would be good to catch with a lasso.

Better to be healthy but rich than poor but sick.

There is no prophet without vice.

Poems should be written in such a way that if you throw a poem through a window, the glass will break.

When a person says: "I'm bored," there is always a sexual question hidden in it.

First of all, a woman loves not to be noticed. Let her stand in front of you or moan, and you pretend that you do not hear or see anything, and behave as if there is no one in the room. This terribly kindles female curiosity. A curious woman is capable of anything. Another time I will purposely reach into my pocket with a mysterious look, and the woman will stare with her eyes, they say, what is it? And I will take and take out of my pocket on purpose some coaster. The woman will startle with curiosity. Well, it means that the fish got into the net!

They say that soon all the women will cut off their asses and let them walk along Volodarskaya. This is not true! Women's asses will not be cut.

A nasty scream of boys is heard from the street. I lie and invent their execution. My favorite thing is to give them tetanus to make them suddenly stop moving. Parents take them home. They lie in their beds and can't even eat because their mouths won't open. They are fed artificially. In a week the tetanus goes away, but the children are so weak that they have to lie in bed for another month. Then they begin to gradually recover, but I give them a second tetanus, and they all die.

What is difficult for others is easy for me! I can even fly. But I won’t talk about it, because no one will believe it anyway.

My phone is simple - 32-08. It is easy to remember: thirty-two teeth and eight fingers.

People see support in me, repeat my words, are surprised at my actions, but they don’t pay me money. Stupid people! Bring me more money and you will see how pleased I am with it.

Listen friends! You really can't bow before me like that. I'm just like you all, only better.

Create a pose for yourself and have the character to hold it. Once I had an Indian pose, then Sherlock Holmes, then a yogi, and now an irritable neurotic. I wouldn't want to hold onto the last pose. Gotta come up with a new pose

I have every data to consider myself a great man. Yes, but that's how I see myself. Daniel Kharms.

Daniil Ivanovich Kharms(real name Yuvachev; December 1, 1905, St. Petersburg - February 2, 1942, Leningrad) - Russian writer and poet. Association member OBERIU .

Daniil Yuvachev was born into the family of Ivan Yuvachev, a Narodnaya Volya member, who was once sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment, who served a link to Far East and left the revolution for religion. Daniil was born after the release of his father, when Yuvachev returned to St. Petersburg. He graduated from "Petershule" - a privileged German school in St. Petersburg. The pseudonym Kharms Daniil came up with himself precisely in school years, raising it both to the French "charme" - "charm, charm", and to the English "harm" - "harm". However, believing that the unchanging name brings misfortune, Kharms for a long time inventively varied it.

Kharms the writer was formed in the 1920s, having experienced the influence of Khlebnikov, Trufanov and Kruchenykh. The earliest surviving poem by Daniil Kharms is dated 1922. Kharms was first published in 1926, in the almanac "Collected Poems" of the All-Russian Union of Poets, where he was accepted in March of the same year on the basis of the submitted poetic works, at the same time the pseudonym Kharms was fixed.

Since 1926, Kharms has been actively trying to organize the forces of the "left" writers and artists of Leningrad, creating the short-lived organizations "Radiks", "Left Flank". Since 1928 Kharms has been writing for the children's magazine Chizh. Then he became one of the founders of the avant-garde poetic and artistic group"Association of Real Art" (OBERIU), which in 1928 held the famous "Three Left Hours" evening, where Harms' absurdist "piessa" "Elizaveta Bam" was also presented. In April 1930, the newspaper "Change" regarded the works of the Oberiuts as "the poetry of a class enemy", and since 1932 the activities of the OBERIU in the previous composition have actually ceased.

In December 1931, along with other Oberiuts, he was arrested, accused of anti-Soviet activities and sentenced on March 21, 1932 by the OGPU collegium to three years in correctional camps. However, the sentence was replaced on May 23 of the same year by deportation, and on June 18 Kharms went to Kursk, where he stayed until November, then he managed to return to Leningrad.

Upon returning from exile, Kharms continues to communicate with like-minded people, collaborates in the children's magazines "Hedgehog", "Cricket" and "October", prints about 20 children's books, which they wrote solely for earnings and Kharms did not attach much importance to them. After the publication in 1937 in a children's magazine of the poem "A man with a club and a sack came out of the house", which "disappeared since then", Kharms was not published for some time, which puts him and his wife Marina Malich on the verge of starvation.

Later, Harms moved away from poetry, he writes many short stories, theatrical skits and poems for adults, which were not published during his lifetime. During this period, a cycle of miniatures "Cases", "Scenes", the story "The Old Woman" are created.

In August 1941, Kharms was again arrested for "defeatist remarks." Passed through the torture chamber. To avoid being shot, he feigned insanity. Daniil Kharms died on February 2, 1942, during the siege of Leningrad, from starvation in the psychiatry department of the prison hospital. In 1956 he was rehabilitated, and his poems began to gradually return to readers.

Selected editions

  • Kharms D. Collection of works / D. Kharms; ed. M. Meilakh and Vl. Erl. - Bremen: K-Press, 1978-1988. - Prince. 1-4.
  • Kharms D. Flight to the Sky: Poems. Prose. Drama. Letters / D. Kharms; intro. Art., comp., prepared. text and notes. A. A. Aleksandrova; artistic L. Yatsenko. - L .: Owls. writer, 1988. - 558 p., ill. - (Heritage) - 50,000 copies.
  • Kharms D. Old Woman: Stories. scenes. Tale / D. Kharms; comp. V. Glotser; artistic L. Tishkov. - M .: Yunona, 1991. - 126 p. : ill. - 125,000 copies.
  • Kharms D. They call me a capuchin. Some works of Daniil Ivanovich Kharms / D. Kharms; artistic G. Muryshkin, S. Georgieva, M. Muryshkina; comp. and prepare. texts by A. Gerasimov. - M .: Karavento: Pikment, 1993. - 352 p., ill.
  • “To me, an amateur, all the achievements of these directors seem squalid.” From Kharms' notebooks / Publ. int. Art. and comment. Y. Girba // Mnemosyne. Documents and facts from the history of the Russian theater of the twentieth century / Ed.-comp. V. V. Ivanov. M.: GITIS, 1996. S.111-123.
  • Kharms D. Complete Works: in 3 volumes / D. Kharms; [under the general ed. V. N. Sazhina]. - St. Petersburg. : Academic project, 1997. - 5,000 copies.
  • Kharms D. Full composition of writings. T. 4. Unpublished D. Kharms. Treatises and articles. Letters. Additions to v. 1-3 / D. Kharms; comp. and note. V. N. Sazhina. - St. Petersburg. : Academic project, 2001. - 319 p. — 3,500 copies.
  • Kharms D. Full composition of writings. Notebooks. Diary: in 2 books. / D. Kharms; prepared text by J.-F. Jacquard and V.N. Sazhin. - St. Petersburg. : Academic project, 2002. - 3,000 copies.
  • Kharms D. Circus Shardam: collection / D. Kharms; comp., prepared. text, preface, notes. and general ed. V. N. Sazhina. - St. Petersburg. : Crystal, 1999. - 1118 p. : portrait - (B-ka world lit.: BML). — 10,000 copies.
  • Kharms D. Days katybr: Fav. poems. Poems. Drama. works / D. Kharms; comp., intro. Art. and note. M. Meilakh; prepared text by M. Meilakh and Vl. Erl; prepared text of "Elizabeth Bam" Vl. Erl. — M.; Cayenne: Gilea, 1999. - 638 p., ill., fax. - (Government of Poets) - 3,000 copies.
  • Kharms D. Daniil Kharms: collection / D. Kharms; intro. Art. V. Glotsera. - M .: Eksmo, 2003. - 493 p., ill. - (Anthology of Satire and Humor of Russia of the XX century; Vol. 23). — 10,000 copies.
  • Kharms D. Small collected works / D. Kharms; comp., intro. Art. and comment. V. Sazhina. - St. Petersburg. : ABC Classics, 2003. - 863 p. - (ABC-classic). — 7,000 copies.
  • Kharms D. Cases and things / D. Kharms; comp. and note. A. Dmitrenko and V. Erl; prepared texts by W. Erl; illustrations by Y. Shtapakov. - St. Petersburg. : Vita Nova, 2004. - 494 p. : ill. — (Manuscripts). — 1,500 copies.
  • Kharms D. About women and about myself: diary entries, poetry, prose / D. Kharms. - M .: Alta-Print, 2006. - 319 p., ill. - (Phallosophic monuments). — 5,000 copies.
  • Kharms drawings/ comp. Yu. S. Alexandrov. - St. Petersburg. : Ivan Limbakh Publishing House, 2006. - 336 p.
  • Kharms D. Poems. Dramatic works / D. Kharms; intro. Art., comp., prepared. text and notes. V. N. Sazhina. - St. Petersburg. : Academic project: DNA, 2007. - 440 p., ill. — (New Poet's Library. Small series). — 1,000 copies.