Lyubov Aksyonova - Biography, personal life, photo, Maxim magazine. Lyubov Aksenova: height, weight and parameters of the figure of the actress Lyubov Aksenova personal life

Biography and personal life young talented actress Lyubov Aksenova is very rich. Despite the fact that the girl is not yet thirty years old, she already has about 40 roles in films and TV shows. Many directors are happy to invite this energetic beauty to participate in their projects. And all because the actress is famous for her hard work and full dedication on the set.

Lyubov Aksenova is a native of Moscow. She was born at the very beginning of spring - March 15, 1990. Her parents were far from creative activity, dad was a military man, and mom was a medical worker and pharmacist.

Where the daughter has such a passion for the acting profession is unknown. But the main thing is that close people always supported the girl in all her aspirations and undertakings.

Love on set

The school years of the actress passed in the same way as most children of that time. She attended a grammar school with in-depth study of English language, studied music and painting, was interested in art. But she especially liked to perform at creative events. The girl gladly demonstrated her acting skills, improvised and captivated the audience.

Studying was easy for Lyuba. Her grades made her parents happy. But even more they admired the determination, perseverance and perseverance of their daughter. Perhaps it was these qualities that helped Lyubov Aksenova to enter GITIS the first time and without any connections. She got on the course to Alexei Sheinin.

Shooting of the film "Beyond Reality"

One of the most vivid memories from her student years, which the actress willingly shares, was her coming to the lesson at the very beginning of her studies. Entering the room, the girl saw a strange picture - several dozen people lay on the floor and mumbled at the same time. Shocked, Love jumped out of the classroom and immediately called her mother. Her first thought was that she had fallen into a sect. But the wise parent was able to reassure her daughter, saying that there is nothing to be afraid of, and if the dream is strong, then you need to go to her, no matter what.

After a couple of days, Lyubov Aksenova realized that what she saw was just an exercise in overcoming stiffness.

So, forgetting about sleep, rest and personal life, the future actress walked along the chosen path. Studying at GITIS was not easy, but the experience that Aksenova gained in the process of studying, she still remembers with gratitude.

Love and Pavel Tabakov. The series "Mutiny"


The actress received her first role in 2010, immediately after graduation. It was a short film "Rosehip", in which the girl got the main role. Love was very happy with this start. The next small step towards a great acting future was a modest work in the TV series Our Neighbors. But the girl took her seriously. And then the most important thing happened - Lyubov Aksenova was noticed!

In 2011, the cult TV series "Closed School" was released, which became the launching pad for many of the actors who took part in it. For example, for Pavel Priluchny, Agatha Muceniece and Yulia Agafonova. In the same 2011, two more films were released, where Lyubov Aksenova played - “The Man in Me” and “The Blue Sea Does Not End”. It just so happened that all the roles were of the second plan.

Shot from the series "Major - 2"

But 2012 and the melodrama "Stories", directed by Mikhail Segala, brought the actress long-awaited popularity.

Interesting: Pavel Priluchny: biography

Perhaps this happened due to the fact that Lyubov Aksenova decided to discover a new role for herself and starred naked in the frame.

The following projects only helped Aksenova's acting career gain momentum. In 2013, the youth series "Studio 17" saw the light. Another significant work was the role of the girl Marina in the fantastic action-packed film "Survive After".

Shot from the series "Night Watchmen"

In 2014, Lyubov took part in seven projects at once. And over the next three years, the actress starred in another 15 films and TV shows. The most popular of them were: “These eyes are opposite”, “Major-2”, “Walk, Vasya”, “Selfie”, “Night guards”.

Personal life

Despite the biography, in which there seemed to be no place for personal life, actress Lyubov Aksenova has a husband. This is producer Pavel Aksenov. Young people met at the premiere of the film "Rosehip", where Lyuba invited her old friend Peter. It was he who brought with him a friend for company, who later became Aksenova's chosen one.

Love with husband

Officially, Pavel and Lyuba began dating a week after they met. Fateful meeting was not accidental - at the request of Pavel, Peter invited Lyubov Aksenova to a restaurant. Since that evening, the lovers no longer parted.

Three months later, the man made a marriage proposal to the girl.

The wedding was modest. In one cozy restaurant in Moscow, the closest friends and relatives gathered to congratulate the young family. The apogee of the party was a walk through the city at night.

Couple on vacation

Today Pavel and Lyubov Aksenov are as happy as on the first day family life. They support each other in creativity, give advice, share ideas among themselves, willingly take joint photos.

  • Lyubov Aksenova loves to experiment with her diet. She had already tried fasting, raw food and other types of strict diets;
  • the height of the actress is 175 cm, and the weight is only 55 kg;
  • the most important principle of the actress is not to quit what she started halfway, but to bring any business to the end;
  • maiden name Aksenova - Novikova;
  • in the series "Major - 2" Aksenova starred with Priluchny in a candid scene;
  • Pavel allows the actress to appear naked;
  • let everything be fine in the personal life of Lyubov Aksenova with her husband, they have no children yet. This is due to the fact that young people are completely devoted to career development.

Milos Bikovich, Lyubov Aksenova and Aristarkh Venes at the premiere of the film

Lyubov Aksenova today

From latest news it is known about the creative biography of the artist that in 2018 she will star in the continuation of the detective series "Major". In addition to this, another large-scale work awaits many fans - the drama "Former", where Denis Shvedov will be Aksenova's partner in the film.

Lyubov Aksenova and Denis Shvedov

Today, Lyubov Aksenova can confidently be considered an accomplished actress, whose biography proves that she achieves everything solely through her work, and the girl’s successful personal life is another reason to admire her.

An army of thousands of admirers of the beauty every day follows her life and successes through social media. The artist's game is liked by both the ordinary viewer and the critics. Lyubov Aksenova is an example of the fact that happiness and success are absolutely achievable. The main thing is to believe and persevere towards your goal!

Who is Lyubov Aksyonova?

Real name— Lyubov Aksyonova

Native city- Moscow

Activity— Actress

Family status- Married

Height — 175

The weight– 55 kg

Lyubov Aksyonova is a very popular Russian theater and film actress.

Lyubov Aksyonova in childhood

Aksyonova (Novikova) Lyubov Pavlovna, a famous Russian film actress, was born on March 15, 1990 in the capital of Russia, the city of Moscow. The girl's parents were never interested in art. Mom worked all her life in medicine, and my father was a soldier and defended his homeland.

AT school years, while still a child, Lyuba devoted herself to knowledge and lessons. It is for this reason that parents never worried about their daughter's academic performance. During these years, the future film actress is interested in theatrical life, and tries to participate in all activities that were associated with amateur art. It was then that Aksyonova decided who she wanted to become in adulthood. After successful delivery school exams, the girl went to study at GITIS.

First lesson in educational institution Love was very frightened, and she called her mother. And she reminded her daughter that big cities built for a very long time. And the same rule applies to the acting career. It takes a lot of effort in study and work to gain fame and popular love.

Perhaps thanks to such parting words, Aksyonova never had a desire to quit her studies, and later quit acting career. Remembering her student years, the actress told reporters about how she constantly thanked the higher powers for what they intended for her in the future.

Lyubov Aksyonova actress

For the first time, the young actress appeared on Russian television screens in 2010, immediately after she successfully passed her final exams at a theater school. She was offered a role in the television series Our Neighbors. After a short break, the girl received one of the main roles in the film "Closed School". After this project minor roles followed in films unnoticed by the Russian viewer.

Lyubov Aksyonova and

Three years after the debut, Lyubov received an invitation to participate in the filming of a motion picture called "The Best Girl of the Caucasus". A little later, the film actress is working on such television series as Studio 17 and Survive After. It was the last motion picture that brought fame to the girl.

In 2016, a film screening of the fantastic action movie "Night Guards" took place, in the filming of which Lyubov Aksyonova also participated, playing the role of the leader of the vampires. In the same year, the actress received another leading role, this time in a motion picture called "Run, Catch, Fall in Love." But on this creative way does not end in 2016. The television series Major-2 appears on television, on which Lyubov worked together with Pavel Priluchny. It was in this project that for the first time in her career Aksyonova starred in a bed scene, in the nude.

A little later, the actress worked on such films as "Drunk Firm" and "Selfie#Selfie".

Lyubov Aksyonova personal life

Lyubov Aksyonova and her husband

Despite her young age, the film actress is officially married. Her husband was Pavel Aksenov, who devoted his entire life to producing. Love accidentally met her husband at the cinema, inviting a friend to the premiere of the short film "Rosehip". It was an acquaintance who brought Pavel to the premiere.

That evening, young people practically did not communicate. Moreover, the girl did not pay attention to her future chosen one. But a week later, the next meeting took place, during which a spark slipped between the young people. It was from that very meeting that the fates of the lovers were inextricably linked with each other, later they had an official wedding.

Love is not shy about her personal life, posting joint photo shoots with her husband on Instagram.

Lyubov Aksyonova now

In 2017, the film actress suddenly receives an invitation to star in a comedy called “Walk, Vasya!”, Where she was to play the role of a bitchy girl named Vasilisa.

Lyubov Aksyonova film Beyond Reality

In the same year, the shooting of the Russian science fiction action movie " Beyond reality", in which the film actress received one of the main roles with the participation famous actors. It is worth mentioning the fact that on the set the girl had to work together with the famous Spanish film actor Antonio Banderas.

Love will also receive a leading role in her next film project, called "Mutiny", where she was to take on the role of Lisa Zhuravleva. In parallel with this, Aksyonova is working on such television series as “ Major"and" Vocal-Criminal Ensemble ".

At the end of 2017, the premiere of the film "Former" took place, on which Aksyonova was also lucky to work.

Talking about her future projects, Lyubov said that she was filming in such films as Salyut-7 and Coma, which are scheduled to premiere in 2018. The first film tells about the history of the development of the Soviet space program, and the second film is a fantastic action movie that, with its story, echoes the idea of ​​the film "The Matrix" by the Wachowski brothers.

Wikipedia also gives a fairly complete picture of the life and work of the actress.

- a famous Russian actress, whose fame was brought by the film "Stories" and the TV series "Survive After", "Hugging the Sky". She plays the most difficult and daring roles, which earned her great respect from viewers and directors.

Parameters of the figure of Lyubov Aksenova:

  • Age: 28 years (as of July 2018)
  • Height: 175 cm
  • The weight: 56 kg
  • Dimensions: 89/62/91
  • Foot size: 38
  • Eye color: hazel
  • Hair color: dark brown

Aksenova's age is 28 years old, she has a slim body and a pretty face. Brown eyes are in perfect harmony with dark blond hair. The color of the girl's hair was not always exactly like that. Love likes to change her image and experiment.

Actress Lyubov Aksenova

According to Aksenova, her hair color was constantly changing, it was probably not only green. She dyed bright yellow, went with oblique bangs like emo, was blonde and red, wore dreadlocks and pigtails, did various highlights. The actress has always had gorgeous hair.

Lyuba often changes the style and color of her hair

For the sake of one of the roles in the movie, she said goodbye to curls and made an asymmetrical haircut. Despite the constant image changes, Lyubov does not do hair procedures in the salon, she prefers only natural cosmetics in caring for them.

At photo shoots, Love uses a minimum of makeup.

AT Everyday life almost does not wear makeup, even does not make up for auditions. If he goes to a meeting with friends or in a cafe, then he highlights his eyebrows, evens out his skin and applies blush. Aksenova's height is 175 cm, and the parameters are close to the ideal 90-60-90.

Love at the Winter Theater at the premiere

The weight of the girl is 56 kg. All her life, the actress maintains a figure in excellent shape, so complexes about excess weight It never happened.

Lyubov tries to visit the fitness center every day and believes that everyone needs sports.

She loves running and jumping rope. Also, once a week, the girl conducts power loads. The personal trainer of the actress is her husband. Although he is not a professional, he can correctly paint the nutrition system and choose the right exercises.

Aksenova is engaged in fitness

If there is no time for the gym, Aksenova works out at home. At every opportunity, he lies on the floor and shakes the press. Love tries not to miss classes and always finds time for training.

When asked what helps a girl look great, she answers: “a good sleep.” It is he who is the key to beauty and good mood.

The popular actress is a supporter of a balanced diet. She read books about PP to find information about what is good and bad. In the end, I chose a vegetable diet.

"Durian is my king:^)"

As for sweets, Love loves honey and prefers natural sweets, such as dried fruit candies. The girl also loves chocolate very much, but wants to completely remove it from the diet.

Lyubov Aksenova - gentle and incredibly beautiful girl. Despite the constant shooting, she manages to look well-groomed and have a perfect figure.

Lyubov Aksyonova is a Russian actress who, with her appearance and ability to organically stay in the frame, confirms the words of the classic "beauty will save the world." The actress has become a favorite of viewers interested in melodramatic stories. But Love quite easily embodies on the screen and roles in projects of other genres, including detective stories, crime films and science fiction.

Childhood and youth

Lyubov Pavlovna Aksenova (nee Novikova) was born on March 15, 1990 in Moscow. The parents of the future actress have nothing to do with cinema and theater, her mother is a pharmacist, and her father is a military man, Russian by nationality.

In 2016, the actress played the main role in the fantasy thriller Night Watchmen. The heroine of actress Dana is a vampire princess. Among the paintings in which Aksyonova embodied the images of the main characters, the films "Former" and "Walk, Vasya" also appear, and in the biographical drama "" she reincarnated as the wife of one of the astronauts.

Personal life

Lyubov Aksyonova is married. The producer became the chosen one of the girl. Lyuba met her future husband at the cinema thanks to a mutual friend. A week later, Aksyonova and her future husband met again, and a spark ran between them.

The actress says that she gladly agreed to change her passport and take her husband's surname after the wedding. Pavel for a girl - best friend. The husband knows everything about the artist, understands the intricacies of her profession, and therefore supports her beloved in everything.


While there are no children in the family, young people are busy with their careers. Rumors periodically appear on the Web that Lyuba is pregnant, but each time the information turns out to be an invention of reporters or fans. The actress acquaints fans with the events of her life from the page " Instagram”, where he uploads photos and videos with family and colleagues.

In 2015, Aksyonova posed for the men's magazine Maxim, the photo shoot turned out to be discreet, but no less sexy. More often in the frame, she appeared in a bathing suit, and the actress did not demonstrate frank body parts.