Engineering libraries for compass 3d. • Free libraries


KOMPAS-3D 16 64-bit

Release year: 2015
Genre: CAD
Developer: ASCON
Developer site:
Interface language: Russian
Assembly Type: Standard
Bit depth: 64-bit
Operating system: Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1
System requirements: A prerequisite for the operability of KOMPAS-3D and configurations is the support of SSE2 instructions by the central processor. In terms of other parameters, the minimum possible computer configuration for installing and running KOMPAS-3D corresponds to the minimum system requirements for the corresponding operating systems. RAM: 8 GB

Description: The main task solved by the KOMPAS-3D system is the modeling of products in order to significantly reduce the design period and put them into production as soon as possible.
These goals are achieved through the possibilities: quick receipt design and technological documentation necessary for the production of products (assembly drawings, specifications, detailing, etc.);
transferring the geometry of products to calculation packages; transfer of geometry to packages for the development of control programs for CNC equipment; creating additional product images
(for example, for compiling catalogs, creating illustrations for technical documentation, etc.).

Machine configuration V16
Installation of the Machine Building Configuration for KOMPAS-3D is possible only after KOMPAS-3D has been installed.
The mechanical configuration includes libraries used in mechanical design:
- Mechanics: Animation,
- Dimensional chains,
- Catalog: Reducers,
- Catalog: Electric motors,
- Catalogue: Couplings,
- Shafts and mechanical transmissions,
- Mechanics: Springs,
- Equipment: Pipelines,
- Equipment: Steel structures,
- 3D molds,
- Equipment: Reamers,
- Equipment: Welded joints.
In addition to applications, the Mechanical Engineering Configuration contains some service files required for using KOMPAS-3D in mechanical engineering design.

Building configuration V16
Installation of the Building Configuration V16 x64 (hereinafter referred to as the Building Configuration) is possible only after the installation of KOMPAS-3D V16 x64 (hereinafter referred to as KOMPAS-3D). As part of KOMPAS-3D, all 3 components from the "Basic Programs" section (KOMPAS-Graph, KOMPAS-3D, Specifications) must be installed.
The building configuration includes the following components used in
industrial and construction design:
Reinforced concrete structures: KZh;
Architecture: AC/AP;
Technology: TH;
Life support: OB;
Life support: VK;
Steel structures: KM;
SPDS-Helper Library;
Gas supply GOS;
Rubius Electric Suite: power lines 0.4-10 kV;
Rubius Electric Suite: MZ;
Construction site manager;
Library: Orientation.
Catalogue: Rolled metal products;
Catalogue: Construction machines;
Catalogue: OPS;
Catalogue: Machine tools;
Catalogue: SCS:
Catalogue: General plan and landscape;
Catalogue: PPR and POS;
Catalogue: Wooden structures;
Catalogue: Evacuation plans;
Catalogue: TechnoNIKOL;
Catalogue: SPDS.
Alphabet AS / AR;
Alphabet ES;
Alphabet KM;
Alphabet QOL;

Instrument configuration V16
Installation of the Instrument-Making Configuration for KOMPAS-3D is possible only after KOMPAS-3D has been installed.
Attention! The configuration version - 32-bit or 64-bit - must match the KOMPAS-3D version.
The instrument-making configuration includes applications used in the design of radio-electronic equipment, instruments and electrical equipment:
– Equipment: Cables and bundles
The application is designed to automate the process of 3D modeling of electrical cables and bundles, as well as to issue design documentation for these products.
– Converter eCAD-KOMPAS
The library is designed to form in KOMPAS-3D a three-dimensional model of a printed circuit board developed in ECAD systems.
– a text converter for obtaining in KOMPAS-Graph formats a list of elements and specifications for products developed in P-CAD, OrCAD, Protel and Altium systems
– reverse converter KOMPAS-3D-IDF for data transfer from KOMPAS-3D to specialized ECAD systems.
– Converter PdiF-KOMPAS
The library is designed to transfer to KOMPAS-Graph drawings of printed circuit assemblies developed in ECAD systems and saved in PDF format.

1. Reworked teaching materials for KOMPAS-3D. Now they are presented in two manuals:
- "ABC KOMPAS-3D" - designed for a user who does not have or has little experience in KOMPAS-3D;
- "Techniques of working in KOMPAS-3D" - designed for a fairly confident knowledge of KOMPAS-3D, the user's ability to independently study it.
Each lesson is accompanied by the files necessary for its implementation, as well as files with a sample result of the lesson.
The commands that launch the tutorials are in the Help - ABCs and tricks menu.
2. It became possible to use the document codes LU (Approval List) and UL (Information and Certification Sheet). These codes are located in the Additional Codes section of the Codes and Names dialog.
Comment. If the document must have two codes, for example, SB-LU, then the separator and the second code must be entered manually.

3D modeling
1. Now it is possible to insert into the assembly components that are mirror-symmetrical to the existing ones or symmetrically located relative to the existing ones.
- A mirror-symmetric component can be:
- a mirror version of the original, created in the source file,
- mirror model in a separate file,
- a mirrored insert of the original component.
Mirror execution and mirror model have left coordinate systems.
- The symmetrically positioned component is a new insert
source, located so that its defined point or plane is symmetrical to the corresponding point/plane in the source component. An additional placement option is available for groups of components that must maintain relative position.
To create mirrored and symmetrical components, use the Mirror Components command. After calling it, the initial components and the plane of symmetry are specified, as well as the reflection/placement parameters are configured.
Mirrored and symmetrical components are automatically linked to the original Symmetry and Dependent position mates (for component groups that preserve relative positions).
Note 1. Mirroring is one of the ways to add components to the model, so after its execution, new components and mates appear in the Model Tree (and not the Mirror Components operation).
Note 2. Creating a mirror version of the model, converting the right coordinate system to the left one and applying Symmetry or Dependent position to the mates components is also possible manually, i.e. without calling the Mirror Components command.
2. Expanded functionality for working with sheet bodies.
- The Shell command now has the ability to segment curved sections of the contour, i.e. replacing them with approximating broken lines. As a result of 1, each shell fold is replaced by a set of folds. Segmentation is available for circles, ellipses and their arcs. You can choose the segmentation method:
- By the number of segments - sets the number of segments of the polyline,
- By segment length - sets the maximum length of the polyline segment,
- By segment angle - sets the maximum central angle of the segment arc,
- By segment linear deviation - sets the maximum distance between the segment arc and the polyline segment. Segmentation is configured on the Segmentation tab of the Property Bar.
In addition, when constructing a shell with a slope, you can now specify what shape the automatically created bends in the corners of the contour should have - a cylinder or a cone. To do this, click the required switch: With constant radius or With variable radius in the group of switches Type on the Property bar.
- Added Ruled shell command - an analogue of a regular shell, but not in one, but in two bases. The bases must be specified by free-form sketches lying in different planes. An additional feature compared to a conventional shell is the setting of splitting the shell surface into faces, i.e.
building/deleting/moving edges as when building a ruled surface.
Comment. Segmentation of the folds of the ruled shell is not provided.
- Improved Fold command:
- Now you can choose the construction method: By distance, To vertex, To surface (the previous order of creating a bend corresponded to the option By distance).
- It became possible to set the length separately for each of the sides of the continuation of the fold. To switch to this construction option, enable the By 2 sides option on the Property Bar.
- Improved command Closing corners:
- The Common settings option appeared on the Properties panel, which allows you to apply the current closing parameters to all closed bends (previously changing the closing parameters was performed for each bend separately).
- The Circular option has been added to the Corner treatment list. This processing method involves the construction of a round hole at the junction of the closed bends. The user can specify the exact position of the hole and its diameter.
- Now you can copy properties between the same type of sheet elements when building/editing them. So, for example, you can copy the radius and angle values ​​​​from another, already existing, bend into the created bend. To do this, use the Copy Properties button on the Advanced Control Panel.
- In the input fields of linear and angular values ​​on the Properties panel, when constructing bends and holes in a sheet body, the menu of the geometric calculator is now available. It contains the following commands:
- when entering linear values:
- rib length,
- distance between objects,
- Diameter,
- Radius,
- when entering angular values:
- Direction of the object,
- arc solution,
- Between two objects.
In addition, this menu contains the Copy property command, which allows you to assign the same value to the edited parameter as in another element.
3. In the settings dialog that appears when saving an assembly as a part and when deleting the history of building a model, the following options appeared:
- Take into account hidden components - controls the processing of hidden components; if the option is disabled, then hidden components are considered missing,
- Merge bodies and components into one body - turns on the transformation option, in which all bodies and components that have common surfaces or volumes are merged into one. If the resulting body has cavities, they are filled with material. If bodies and components do not have common surfaces, then a body is created from parts.
4. Now you can quickly select components in an assembly based on their location relative to the dimensions of other components. To select components by size, you must first select the components that determine the size, and then call the Select - By size - Components inside the size or Select - By size - Components outside the size command.
5. In the assembly, the composition of the context menu of the selected primitive - an edge, a vertex or a face - belonging to the component insert has been changed. Operation-related commands (Edit Sketch, Edit Source Feature, etc.) are excluded from the menu, and component-related commands (Place Component, Change Load Type, etc.) are included. In this case, the commands act on the first-level component (despite the fact that the selected primitive may belong to a lower-level component). Thus, in the model window, you can now perform almost the same actions with the first-level components as in the Design Tree. This makes it more convenient to work with large assemblies.
6. Properties Designation, Name, Author and others (ie properties included in the report) became available for editing in the Properties window for the model as a whole (the root element of the Tree) and components, including those inserted from libraries. Library components may also have other editable options in the Properties window (if provided by the library).

Drawing. Making drawings
1. The Conic Curve command has appeared, which allows you to build conic curves by specifying the end points p1 and p2, tangents in them and a point on the curve or a coefficient. Tangents can be specified by specifying the point of their intersection - in this case they are constructed as straight lines passing through the specified point and points p1 and p2. Also, points p1 and p2 can be specified on existing objects - in this case, the tangent to the conic curve becomes the tangent to the object at the specified point.
2. When creating an associative view of a model in a drawing, which is a mirror version of another model already projected into this drawing, the following inscriptions are added to the views:
- for the type of original design: "[designation of the original design]",
- for the type of mirror version: “[designation of mirror version] - mirror image. For the rest, see [designation of the original design].”
The presence of such inscriptions is a requirement of the standard. The user can enable/disable their creation and configure their content on the Caption tab of the dialog called by the command Service - Options... - Current Drawing - Document Options - View (for new documents - Service - Options... - New Documents - Graphic Document - Document Options - View).
3. Now it is possible to set the length of the extension of dimension lines: in the dialog for setting parameters for drawing dimensions, the field of extension of dimension lines beyond the extension has been added.

Work with text
1. Now you can create mirrored text in graphic documents and sketches. To do this, use the Mirror reflection option on the Placement tab of the Property bar when creating an inscription. The appearance of text when executing the Symmetry command is controlled using the Flip texts option. When this option is enabled, the texts are mirrored, when disabled, they retain their appearance.
2. Now you can set the number and location of characteristic points for moving the inscription (displayed when it is selected) in the graphic document and sketch. There are three options available, including those with the location of dots at the corners and in the middle of the sides of the outline rectangle of the inscription. The setting is performed in the dialog called by the command Service - Options - System - Graphic editor - Characteristic points.

1. Now, to print a multi-sheet document from the main window (i.e. through the Print Document dialog, without entering the preview), it is enough that the sheets have the same size. Previously, the same orientation was also required.
2. In the print preview mode, the Scale by selected sheets command appeared. After calling it, the selected sheets are displayed in full at the maximum possible scale.
3. When auto-fitting, sheets of documents can now be automatically rotated 90° if necessary to perform the fitting, i.e. optimizing the placement of documents on paper. Previously, auto-fitting was performed only by changing the scale of the sheets.
4. Now, after performing operations in the preview that change the number of print pages, not all sheets are displayed on the screen, as before, but the same ones that were visible at the time the operation was started.

Working with a specification
1. Now, when opening a specification, it is not automatically updated, but only a check is made of the conformity between the specification and the documents connected to it. If a discrepancy is found, then the specification is displayed with dashed lines through it and a request is made to rebuild the specification. The user can:
- Confirm rebuild - BOM-related drawings and assemblies that are on this moment are not relevant, are rebuilt, after which the data from them is transferred to the specification.
- Refuse to rebuild - neither the specification nor the documents connected to it are changed; the specification remains crossed out, but this does not prevent its editing and printing. If necessary, the specification can be rebuilt later - using the View - Rebuild command. A request to rebuild a specification can appear not only when opening a specification, but also when working with it, if changes have occurred in the connected documents that require transfer to the specification.
2. Added settings that control automatic updating and saving of documents connected to the specification. These settings are made on the System tab of the general settings dialog, in the Specification Editor - Document Update Options section. This section contains two options (enabled by default):
- When rebuilding a specification, save connected documents opened in "blind" mode - if enabled, then documents connected to the specification that were opened in "blind" mode and rebuilt when rebuilding it, are written to disk immediately and unconditionally, and if disabled, then these documents are recorded only after
saving the specification and are not recorded in case of closing the specification without saving.
- When saving the specification, transfer data to connected documents - if enabled, then when saving the specification, data is automatically transferred from it to connected documents; if disabled, then the transfer is not performed either when saving the specification or when calling the Synchronization command.
3. Now it is possible to sort objects in specification sections by more than one column. The user can specify a list of columns by which sorting is performed, and the sorting type in each of them. Columns are sorted in the order in which they are listed in the list. This setting is made on the new Sorting tab of the specification section style editing dialog. This tab contains the option Objects in the sort section (moved from the Settings tab) and a list of columns indicating sort types.
4. Now you can control the sort order of specification objects by code in the Documentation section. To do this, the GRAPHIC.KDSP file was added to the Sys subfolder of the main folder of the system. It contains a list of document codes in the order in which they should follow in the Documentation section according to the standard. The file format is text, i.e., by editing given file, the user can change the default sort, for example, in the case of using a non-standard code. Previously, sorting by code was done according to the order of the codes in the GRAPHIC.KDS file.

1. The Service Tools library has been improved.
- Added Symbols Along Curve command. It allows you to arrange the entered characters (they must be separated by spaces) along the specified curve. The following settings are available:
- selection of a section of the curve,
- setting the offset - the distance between the curve and symbols,
- choice of direction,
- choice of orientation - each character at a certain angle to the tangent at the corresponding point on the curve, or all characters at the same angle to the horizontal.
- When constructing a hole associated with a curve, it became possible to set the angle of inclination of the hole axis to the horizontal (previously, the hole associated with a curve was located along the normal to it). To enter the angle value, the Angle field has been added to the Property Bar, and to return to the hole orientation along the normal to the curve, the Normal option has been added.
2. Improved library Standard products.
- Now you can insert structural elements with dimensions into the drawing.
- Added to the Fasteners catalog:
- Springs GOST 13766-86, GOST 13767-86, GOST 13768-86, GOST 13769-86, GOST 13770-86, GOST 13771-86, GOST 13772-86, GOST 13773-86, GOST 13774-86, GOST 13775- 86, GOST 13776-86.
- Added to the Parts, assemblies and structural elements catalog:
- ASME B 16.5 flanges,
- ASME B 16.9 pipe fittings,
- ASME B 16.11 fittings,
- Flanges GOST R 54432–2011,
- Gaskets GOST R 53561–2009, GOST R 52376–2005.
3. Commands have been added to the 3D Model Recognition application that allow you to delete some of its elements (for example, chamfers, fillets, small holes) before model recognition:
- Delete faces - is used to delete arbitrary faces. Before calling the command, one or more adjacent faces must be selected.
- Removal of small elements - is used for automatic search and removal of small elements. An element is considered small if its size does not exceed the size specified in the application settings (as a percentage of the diagonal of the overall model box). If it is possible to delete a part of the model containing the specified faces, or small elements found without violating the integrity of the model (i.e., adjacent faces can be modified so that the body remains intact), then they are deleted. The main purpose of the Face Delete and Small Element Delete commands is to simplify the model geometry for subsequent recognition or analysis using calculation programs.
4. The KOMPAS-3D document picker application has been improved: now you can manage adding copies of geometry and layout geometry to the set of source files. To do this, use the options Include copy geometry sources in the package and Include layout geometry sources in the package of the application dialog.
5. Improved APM FEM, strength analysis system for KOMPAS-3D.
- Added the ability to calculate eigenfrequencies for FE meshes of 10-node tetrahedra.
- Added a new object Normal Pinning.
- Implemented a mode for constructing color maps of results with the ability to display part of the model depending on the settings of a special additional scale (above, below or between two custom values).
- Implemented the mode of constructing a map of results in the form of a single isosurface.
- Added new calculation methods for:
- static calculation: MT_Frontal;
- calculation of stability: Lanczos, FEAST, Search for the roots of the determinant (Sparse);
- calculation of natural oscillations: Iterations of subspaces (Sparse) without orthogonalization, Lanczos.
6. The database of the Materials and Assortments library has been supplemented and updated.
- The total number of materials is more than 10,800 items. Including:
- 1470 domestic grades of steels and alloys;
- 2393 foreign grades of steels and alloys;
- 145 grades of cast iron;
- 1145 brands of non-ferrous metals and alloys;
- 263 names of alloying alloys;
- 449 brands of oils and lubricants;
- 225 brands of varnishes and paints;
- 602 brands of plastics;
- 474 brands of adhesives;
- 1400 items of welding materials;
- 612 types of wires and cables;
- 346 items building materials;
- 132 types of galvanic coatings;
- 196 items of composite materials.
- Replaced obsolete documents:
- document GOST 1050–88 Rolled section calibrated, with a special surface finish from high-quality carbon structural steel. Are common specifications replaced by the document GOST 1050–2013 Steel products from non-alloyed structural high-quality and special steels. General technical conditions;
- document GOST 19281–89 High-strength rolled steel was replaced by GOST 19281-2014 High-strength rolled steel (when replacing the document, 48 items of materials were added).
- New documents and materials have been added to the database, the requirements for which are regulated by them. These are the following documents:
- GOST 28378–89 Structural powder materials based on iron. Stamps (36 types of materials);
- GOST 26802–86 Antifriction powder materials based on iron. Stamps (33 items of materials);
- GOST 1415–93 Ferrosilicon. Technical requirements and terms of delivery (21 items of materials);
- GOST 4756–91 Ferrosilicomanganese. Technical requirements and terms of delivery (18 items of materials);
- GOST 4757–91 Ferrochrome. Technical requirements and terms of delivery (42 items of materials).

Import and export
1. In the settings dialog for reading files in DXF or DWG format, on the Data tab, the option Viewport boundaries by dimensions has been added. If it is enabled, then the form of viewports of the imported document is simplified to dimensional rectangles. As a result, if the viewports are not rectangular, the KOMPAS document may contain "extra" objects that were not displayed in the source document because they were outside the viewports. When this option is disabled, the form of viewports is not simplified, but document processing may take longer.
2. It is now possible to import Parasolid files up to the 25th version of the format inclusive.
3. The possibility of writing KOMPAS-documents in the WMF format is excluded.

1. Install the Base part KOMPAS-3D V16 x64. Run Setup.exe from the KOMPAS-3D_V16_x64 folder, select "Custom installation" and select the necessary components ("Protection key programs" leave as it was). We continue the installation of KOMPAS-3D V16 x64. The base part Compass V16 is installed.

2. Install the Machine Building Configuration for KOMPAS-3D V16 x64. Run Setup.exe from the KOMPAS-3D_V16_MCAD_x64 folder, select "Custom Installation" and select the necessary components. We continue to install the Machine Building Configuration for KOMPAS-3D V16 x64. The machine building configuration for KOMPAS-3D V16 x64 is installed.

3. Install the Building configuration for KOMPAS-3D V16 x64. Run Setup.exe from the KOMPAS-3D_V16_AEC_x64 folder, select "Custom Installation" and select the necessary components. We continue installation of the Building configuration for KOMPAS-3D V16 x64. Building configuration for KOMPAS-3D V16 x64 is installed.

4. Install the Instrumentation configuration for KOMPAS-3D V16 x64. Run Setup.exe from the KOMPAS-3D_V16_ECAD_x64 folder, select "Custom installation" and select the required components. We continue the installation of the Instrument-Making Configuration for KOMPAS-3D V16 x64. Instrumentation configuration for KOMPAS-3D V16 x64 is installed.

P.S. From points No. 2,3 and 4, you can choose only those in which you will work, it is not necessary to set everything.

Copy the bin and Libs folders from the KOMPAS-3D_V16_x64_noHASP folder to the C: Program FilesASCONKOMPAS-3D V16 folder with file replacement. Run KOMPAS-3D V16 x64 and in Tools - Options - System - General - System Management check the box "Automatically obtain a license to work with KOMPAS-3D", also check if the Service checkbox is checked for "Obtain a license for KOMPAS-3D".


Alexander, Chelyabinsk


05-12-2017 15:22:04


Alexander, Chelyabinsk


05-12-2017 15:43:32


Alexander, Chelyabinsk


06-12-2017 04:11:48


Max, Perm


22-04-2018 17:54:13


KOMPAS-3D 16.0.1 RePack by KpoJIuK 32/64-bit

Release year: 2015
Genre: CAD
Developer: ASCON

Interface language: Russian
Assembly type: Repack
Bit depth: 32/64-bit
System requirements: Compass-3D 16 is designed for IBM PC type computers running MS Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1 32- or 64-bit versions. Minimum system requirements meet the requirements of the above operating systems. Required amount of free hard disk space: to install the Basic package - 2 GB (for x86), 2.1 GB (for...


KOMPAS-3D 16.0.2 RePack by KpoJIuK 32/64-bit

Release year: 2015
Genre: CAD
Developer: ASCON
Developer website:
Interface language: Russian
Assembly type: Repack
Bit depth: 32/64-bit
, 8, 8.1
System requirements: Required free hard disk space: for installing the Basic package - 2 GB (for x86), 2.1 GB (for x64) for installing the Machine Configuration - an additional 800 MB (for x86), 1 GB (for x64) , to install the Building configuration - an additional 2.1 GB (for x86), 2 GB (for x64). for installation of the Instrumentation configuration - in addition...


KOMPAS 3D 13 32/64-bit

Release year: 2011
Genre: CAD
Developer: ASCON

Interface language: Russian
Assembly Type: Standard
Bit depth: 32/64-bit
Operating system: Windows XP, Vista, 7
Description: KOMPAS-3D is a three-dimensional modeling system that has become the standard for thousands of enterprises due to the successful combination of ease of learning and ease of use with powerful functionality of solid and surface modeling. The key feature of the product is the use of its own, developed by ASCON specialists, mathematical core and parametric technologies...


KOMPAS 3D 13 SP1 32-bit

Release year: 2012
Genre: CAD
Developer: ASCON
Developer site:
Interface language: Russian
Assembly Type: Standard
Bit depth: 32-bit
Operating system: Windows XP, Vista, 7
Description: KOMPAS-3D is a three-dimensional modeling system that has become the standard for thousands of enterprises due to the successful combination of ease of learning and ease of use with powerful functionality of solid and surface modeling. The key feature of the product is the use of its own mathematical core and parametric technologies developed by ASCON specialists. O...


Raxco PerfectDisk Pro 11.0.185 + Patch 32-bit/64-bit + RUS 32-bit/64-bit

Release year: 2011
Genre: Defragmenter
Developer: Raxco Software, Inc.
Developer site:
Interface language: Russian + English

Description: PerfectDisk is a program designed to defragment hard drive. Raxco PerfectDisk optimizes the paging file, MFT table, as well as the physical location of files and directories on the hard disk. In order to start defragmenting a disk, you need to select, in fact, the disk itself and click the start button. Everything is elementary. During your work...


CCleaner 3.16.1666 + Portable 32/64-bit

Release year: 2012
Genre: Optimization, system cleaning
Developer: Piriform Ltd.
Developer site:

Build Type: Standard + Portable
Bit depth: 32/64-bit
Operating system: Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8
System requirements: 10 MB free disk space
Description: CCleaner is a utility for cleaning the system of a variety of "garbage" - cookies, browsing history, temporary files (including those produced by web browsers and programs eMule, Google Toolbar, Office, Kazaa, Nero, Adobe Acrobat, WinRAR, Real P ...

but I


Release year: 2008
Genre: CAD
Developer: ASCON
Developer website:
Interface language: Russian
Operating system: Windows 2000, XP
System requirements: 800 MHz Pentium III processor 512 MB RAM SVGA graphics adapter with 32 MB video memory DVD-ROM drive At least 500 MB free hard disk space Mouse
Due to the possibilities: - quick receipt of design and technological documentation necessary for the production of products (assembly drawings, specifications, detailing, etc.); - transfer of the geometry of products in the calculation packages ...



Release year: 2007
Genre: CAD
Developer: ASCON
Developer website:
Interface language: Russian
Operating system: Windows 2000, XP, Vista Minimum system requirements: 450 MHz Pentium II processor; 128 MB RAM; SVGA graphics adapter with 4 MB video memory; DVD-ROM drive; At least 100 MB free hard disk space; Mouse.
Description: An indispensable program for engineers, designers, techies. System capabilities provide a solution to all major tasks industrial enterprises and design organizations in the field of node modeling, ...



Release year: 2005
Genre: CAD
Developer: ASCON
Developer website:
Interface language: Russian
Operating system: Windows 2000, XP Minimum system requirements: 450 MHz Pentium II processor; 128 MB RAM; SVGA graphics adapter with 4 MB video memory; CD-ROM drive; At least 100 MB free hard disk space; Mouse
Description: The KOMPAS-3D system is designed to create three-dimensional associative models of individual parts and assembly units containing both original and standardized structural elements. Parametric tech...


Photomatix Pro 4.0.1 32-bit/64-bit

Release year: 2010
Genre: Graphic editor
Developer: HDRsoft
Developer site:
Interface language: English
Platform: Windows XP, XP x64, Vista, Vista x64, 2008, 2008 x64, 7, 7 x64
Description: Photomatix Pro is a very useful program for professional photographers and advanced hobbyists. Photomatix Pro combines any number of different frames in a high contrast scene into a single image with details and all the shadows. Photomatix Pro is a standalone system that expands the dynamic range of photographers. The product allows users to mix frames and restore...

but I

IVT BlueSoleil 6.4.275 32-bit/64-bit

Release year: 2009
Genre: Bluetooth Manager, Bluetooth Drivers
Developer: IVT Corporation
Developer website:
Interface language: Russian
Platform: Windows XP, XP x64, Vista, Vista x64, 7, 7 x64
Description: Drivers and software for controlling Bluetooth devices and pairing them with a desktop computer or laptop BlueSoleil 6 allows you to transfer files, photos, music, videos and any other data wirelessly. This version adds two new features, namely the management of the phone book and messages on the mobile phone. You can view...


MediaInfo 0.7.44 Final 32-bit/64-bit

Release year: 2011
Genre: Media Info
Developer: SARL
Developer site:
Interface language: Multilingual (Russian is present)
Platform: Windows 98, 2000, XP, XP x64, Vista, Vista x64, 7, 7 x64
Description: MediaInfo is a program that provides detailed information about audio and video files. The program shows what codec the video is compressed with, what bitrate, what aspect ratio it has and the number of frames per second. For an audio file, MediaInfo shows the codec used, bit rate, language, number of channels, sample rate, etc...


Linux Mint 9 "Rosinka" Standard 32 bit/64 bit

Release year: 2010
Genre: Operating system
Developer: Company "Ros"X"
Developer website:
Interface language: Multilingual (Russian is present)
Platform: Linux
System requirements: Processor 1GHz, Memory = 512MB, HDD=10Gb
Description: Linux Mint "Rosinka" - a free Russified distribution of the most popular Linux Mint, contains the entire possible set of translations of programs into Russian, multimedia codecs, fixes noticed during the localization process and pre-installed additional software designed for the average user. ...


UltraMon 3.0.10 Final 32-bit/64-bit

Release year: 2010
Genre: Multi-monitor control
Developer: Realtime Soft Ltd.
Developer site:
Interface language: Russian + English
Platform: Windows XP, XP x64, Vista, Vista x64, 7, 7 x64
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Puran Defrag 7.1+RUS 32-bit/64-bit

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Lesson Objectives:

· to master the techniques of automated construction of drawings of threaded connections using the Design Library.

· master the methods of automated construction of drawings of parts using the KOMPAS library Shaft 2 D .

There are a huge number of parts and assemblies similar in shape and differing only in their parameters - sizes. To simplify and speed up the development of drawings containing typical and standardized parts (fasteners, springs, bearings, threaded holes, grooves, electrical circuits, building structures, etc.), it is very convenient to use ready-made libraries.

The library is a software module, an application created to expand the standard capabilities of the KOMPAS-3D system. The library is a task-oriented subsystem of computer-aided design, which, after performing design calculations, generates ready-made design documents or their sets.

Fig.119 Library Manager

Typical examples of applications are libraries for automatically generating images of common geometric shapes, smooth and threaded holes, libraries of standard engineering elements and fasteners, which significantly speed up the design of assembly models and assembly drawings.

KOMPAS-3D has a special system for working with libraries - the Library Manager.

Connecting Libraries

To connect the library to KOMPAS-3D, do the following.

1. Click the Library Manager button (Fig.119). The Library Manager window will appear on the screen, in the left part of which a list of sections of the Library Manager is displayed. To view the contents of a section, click on its title; the section structure will be displayed in the right part of the window.

2. Select the required library and double click on the library name. A red "tick" appears in the rectangular field next to the name of the library - a sign that the library is connected. If the section has connected libraries, then its icon is displayed in gray, if not, it is blue.

Figure 119 shows the KOMPAS system libraries in the left part of the window, and the contents of the Mechanical Engineering library in the right part.


When assembling machines, machine tools, devices, individual parts are in most cases connected to each other by threaded fasteners: bolts, studs and screws.

All fastener threaded products are made in our country with large pitch metric threads and are manufactured in accordance with relevant standards that establish requirements for the material, coating and other conditions for the manufacture of these parts. When designating such a thread in the drawings, the pitch is not indicated, only the letter designation of the thread type M (metric) and the nominal (outer) thread diameter are recorded, for example: M24.

For automated drawing of threaded connections, you should:

1. In the control menu bar in the top line of the screen, select the Library Manager button;

2. In the window that opens, double-click to open the Mechanical engineering folder;

3. Double-click to launch the Design Library (Fig. 119). The Design Library (Fig. 120) contains data grouped into sections: bolts, nuts, washers, etc. To open a section, you need to left-click on the plus sign (+) located to the left of the section heading, which opens submenu lines: various types of bolts, nuts, etc. To collapse a section, click the minus sign that appears in place of the plus sign after the section has expanded. If you select a section element in the list, its image will appear in the right part of the window.

3. To design threaded connections in the Design Library, you need to select the section: Fastener (Fig. 120). In the window that opens (Fig. 121), select the All elements tab. Working in this section, you can make various sets of threaded connections, for example, bolt + nut + washer, stud + nut + washer, screw + washer, etc.

Fig.120 Configuration of the Design Library


Bolt selection

The Fastener window (Fig. 121) presents data on various types of fasteners, for example, bolts of various shapes and sizes. After choosing the bolt standard (GOST 7798-70 for all variants), it is necessary to set the nominal diameter (d) of its thread, selecting it from the database of standard values. The row is opened by clicking on the small black triangle located on the right side of the diameter d window. In addition, you need to fix the thickness of the package of clamped parts by entering this value from the keyboard. You can not fix the thickness of the package, while the bolt in the drawing will be "rubber", it can be stretched to the desired length. Choose a large bolt thread pitch.

Fig.121 Selecting a bolt in the windowFastener

Finish the bolt selection by pressing the black upper window arrow pointing to the right. In this case, the image of the first element of the set - the bolt - appears in the right window. If you want to exclude some element from the set, you need to highlight its name in the middle window with color and click on the Delete keyboard key or click on the left arrow.

We will draw the specification for the assembly drawing of the bolted connection not in automatic mode, but manually, so the Create Specification Object button does not need to be enabled.

In the drawing, a bolted connection can be drawn without a middle part if the parts to be connected are drawn without a cut, and with a middle part if the parts are cut (bolt, nut, washer in assembly drawings are considered not cut).

In the laboratory work, the use of a section is provided, so you need to select the image of both the upper and the middle, lower part of the bolted connection.

In the same window, you can also select the view: main, top, left, etc. In the lab, you will create a front view and a top view of a bolted connection in section. First, the front view is built, then you need to return to the library again to build the top view. To build a top view, you need to click, i.e. enable the circled checkbox to the left of the line View from above .

To draw a contour of a hole in parts for a bolt, enable the checkbox in the window Hole(rice . 122).

The choice of a washer is carried out similarly to the choice of a bolt. For all variants of individual tasks, we choose flat washers in accordance with GOST 11373-78. The program is built in such a way that the required size of the washer and nut is selected automatically depending on the diameter of the bolt thread. A washer image appears in the lower part of the window, you need to click on the upper arrow to the right, and the washer image will be superimposed on the bolt image (Fig. 122).

Fig.122 Washer selection


In laboratory work, it is necessary to choose hex nuts, normal according to GOST 5915-78.The system will automatically select all sizes of the nut depending on the size of the bolt. By clicking on the black bottom arrow, we thereby add it to the created set of elements (Fig. 123). The created set of elements, if necessary, can be saved in memory for further use, to do this, go to the Set elements tab and click the button FROM guard set.

Fig.123 Nut selection


After creating a set of connection elements, you need to click the button OK . The system on the drawing field will form a phantom image of the connection, which moves along the drawing along with the cursor. In the right place, by clicking the left button, fix the position of the first anchor point of the object, rotate the image at the desired angle and finally fix the image on the drawing. Finish building then the top view, remove all extra lines using the button on the toolbar page in the Edit menu At cut the curve between two points. Shade the connected parts.


On assembly drawings, a small number of basic dimensions (overall, installation, installation, etc.) are applied, since parts are not made according to these drawings. On the drawing of a bolted connection, only the overall dimensions of the parts to be connected (package) should be applied, the remaining dimensions of the parts do not need to be applied, they are used only to build an image of the parts connected by a bolted set. A sample drawing of a bolted connection is shown in Fig. 128.


A bolted connection drawing is an assembly drawing that shows several parts connected to each other. According to assembly drawings, you can imagine the design of the product, the nature of the connection of parts. Assembly drawings are accompanied by a text document - specification.

Specification is a text document that lists the numbered parts included in the product. Rooms ( positions ) parts are placed on the same horizontal or vertical. The first numbers are assigned to the largest parts, the last to standard products. Position leader lines cannot be crossed by dimension lines and oriented parallel to hatching.

To plot positions follow on the Compact Toolbar Notation select button Position designations(Fig. 124).

Fig.124 Designation of positions

After turning on the buttonPosition designationsindicate on the drawing the point to which the leader shelf will point. Then click with the mouse in the place where the shelf with the position number will be located. To fix (remember) the position of positions in the drawing, press the button FROM create object located to the left of the button Stop .

The first numbers are assigned to the connected parts, and then in alphabetical order standard items are numbered.

The system automatically numbers the positions sequentially, however, it is possible to manually enter numbers and use a multi-tiered leader shelf for standard products. For this mode, click in the field Text (text input) in the Properties panel at the bottom of the screen (Fig. 125).

Fig.125 Command properties panelPosition designations

In the window that appears AT enter the text (Fig. 126) using the keyboard, sequentially enter the position numbers for each shelf, pressing each time after entering the number the key Enter .

Fig.126 Entering position numbers for a multi-tiered shelf

To change the numbers or location of positions in the drawing, select them by clicking the left button when the button is off Stop . In this case, the position will be highlighted in green, control black knots will appear, for which you can move the position. To delete a position, select it with a mouse click and press the key Delete.

To make changes to the numbers, you need to double-click on the position with the key disabled Stop , the position will be highlighted pink, and the text input box will become available in the options bar at the bottom of the screen.


Positions in the drawing must be located either vertically on the same line one below the other, or horizontally. To align the built positions, you need to select them all at once with the button disabled Stop clicks of the left button while holding down the button Shift on keyboard. Then opening the buttonPosition designations, select line AT align positions horizontally or Align positions vertically (Fig. 124). Clicking on the desired point ends the alignment of positions.


Creation of specifications in the KOMPAS program is possible in manual and automated mode. In lab #6, due to the lack of time for a detailed study of the program, the specification can be created by in a simple way in manual mode. To do this, in the command menu Service select the line Parameters , then in the opened window from the item Sheet options select Appearance (Fig. 127). In the window that opens, various options for designing drawings are presented, we should select the line:

Specification. First sheet. GOST 2.106-96 F1

A standard graphed table will appear on the screen (Fig. 129), to enterfilling mode should double click left mouse buttonon any specification line.

Fig.127 Design of drawings

In accordance with the standard, the content of the bolted connection specification is divided into sections:



- Standard products.

The title of each section is written in the middle of the Name column and underlined with a thin line. The header is separated from the specification objects by an empty line. At the end of the section, 1-2 empty spare lines are left.

Each fastener has a symbol that is recorded in the specification, which reflects: the shape, the main dimensions of the part, the strength class and coating. In the training drawings of this laboratory work recommended:

  • use all threaded products of the first execution, which is not reflected in symbol;
  • in the symbol of the product, do not reflect the strength class and type of coating that protects the product from corrosion.

Techniques for automated construction of drawings of parts of the VAL type will be considered using the example of using the KOMPAS library - Shaft 2D . With its help, we will build drawings and solid models of the shaft and nut (Fig. 130 and 131). Since the built models will be used in lesson No. 7 to build an assembly drawing, they must be saved in the computer's memory.

Fig.131 Drawing and model of the nut


Double-click to open the Calculation and construction folder (Fig. 132), in which we will open the KOMPAS-Shaft 2D and then select the Shaft Construction section (Fig. 133).

Fig.132 Library Calculation and construction

Fig.133 Selecting the Shaft construction section

In the window that opens (Fig. 134), click on the New Shaft button. The Select shaft rendering type window will open (Fig. 135). Both parts that we have to build have through holes, so we select the line Shaft in the section.

Fig.134 Building a new shaft

Fig.135 Selecting the type of rendering of the shaft

A cursor in the form of a crosshair will appear on the screen, the computer is waiting for the leftmost point of the shaft in the drawing to be fixed with this crosshair. Further construction of the shaft will be carried out to the right of the specified point. If the point is indicated unsuccessfully, then later the drawing of the part can be selected and moved to the desired location. After the extreme left position of the shaft is specified, a window will open on the screen (Fig. 136) for constructing the outer surface of the shaft (the External contour field) and holes in the shaft of various shapes (the Internal contour field).

Fig.136 Construction of the outer and inner contours of the shaft

The outer contour of the part is created in succession by separate steps, which can have a cylindrical, conical, hexagonal, square or spherical shape. For the first part - the Shaft, we will start the construction with a cylindrical step, its diameter is 40 mm and the length is 60 mm in the window that opens (Fig. 137). If necessary, it is possible to make a blunting in the form of chamfers at the ends of the steps. The construction of the step ends when the button is pressed OK . A cylindrical shaft step is automatically drawn on the drawing field.

Fig.137 Construction of a cylindrical stage of the shaft

If necessary, then on the constructed cylindrical step using the button An additional element (Fig. 138) can be drawn:

1. Grooves;

2. Thread;

3. Slots;

4. Keyways;

5. Bearings;

6. Ring grooves;

7. Lysky.

Fig.138 Additional elements of steps

The next stage of the shaft has a hexagonal shape, its construction is shown in Fig. 139.

Fig.139 Building a hexagonal stage of the shaft

The inner contour of the part can be of various shapes. Figure 140 shows the possible hole shapes.

Fig.140 Construction of the internal contour of parts

For a given shaft, the internal contour is a through square hole 80 mm long and with a square side of 20 mm, the construction of which is shown in Fig. 141.

Fig.141 Construction of a through square hole

In the drawing, only one front view with a section is automatically built; to build a view on the left, from the menu of the Additional constructions button (Fig. 142) select the line Create view on the left. If the outline of the hole is not displayed on the rendered view on the left, it must be completed manually.

To automatically build a solid model, use the Generate button 3- D models (Fig. 142).

The construction ends by clicking on the Save shaft and exit button.

On the constructed drawing of the shaft, apply axial lines, dimensions, fill in the main inscription. Save the drawing and model in the computer's memory.

Fig.142 Creating a left view and a solid model of a part

For the second given part - the nut - the outer contour is a hexagon 40 mm long and with a turnkey size of 55 mm. The construction of the outer contour of the nut is shown in Fig. 143.

Fig.143 Construction of the external hexagonal contour of the nut

The inner contour of the nut is a cylindrical hole with a diameter of 40 mm and a length of 40 mm, the construction of a hole in the nut is shown in Fig. 144.

Fig.144 Construction of a cylindrical hole of a nut

Just as for the shaft, using the Additional constructions button, we will create a left view and a solid model of the nut, save the completed drawing and the model in the computer's memory.

Site 2013-03-20

KOMPAS-3D modeling system

Software KOMPAS-3D allows you to quickly and effortlessly perform three-dimensional modeling of solid objects. The system makes it possible to create and calculate a product specification. Moreover, it is possible to work directly with CNC programs of machine tools, actually transferring the product to development, immediately after designing. Excellent functionality and ease of development have made the KOMPAS-3D program mandatory at any manufacturing or design enterprise. The KOMPAS-3D system consists of several programs, download which you can for free on our website. In addition to the universal modeling system KOMPAS-Graph, the basic package includes a program for calculating specifications, as well as a text editor. There are also specialized packages, for example, KOMPAS-Electric is used to work with electrical products or circuits, and the KOMPAS-Object program makes it possible to create projects for construction projects. All KOMPAS-3D software products have a Russian-language interface, which greatly simplifies training and reduces the entry threshold for employees. A detailed help system, also made in Russian, will allow you to independently resolve most of the questions on any aspects of the KOMPAS-3D system. On the Internet, you can download the 64 bit compass for 64-bit operating systems.

The main advantage of the KOMPAS-3D modeling system is its strong link with the drawing. For example, when changing the parameters of a cut, section or gap in a three-dimensional model, the drawing automatically changes as well. Synchronization is achieved not only by geometric correspondences, but by all inscriptions, names, and even by recalculating the mass of the product model. If necessary, you can activate the specification program, it is also calculated automatically, following any changes in the model. The built-in libraries greatly facilitate the design process itself. Most standard products can be taken from there without spending time on their design. The KOMPAS-3D software product allows you to solve any engineering and design tasks with minimal labor, which is why many people want to download the free Compass 3D torrent. In fact, the system makes it possible to create documentation that meets the standards of SPDS and ESKD in a practically automated mode. Most of the tables, specifications, drawings, all this will be automatically synchronized with the product model, which gives a huge savings in time and resources. You can download the compass free version directly on the site.

In December 2012, beta testing of the new version of the Compass 3D program ended, and now you can free download Compass 3D v14. Of the innovations, it is worth noting that the set and composition of toolbars have been significantly changed and it has become possible to combine the Properties window and the Property Panel into one window. As for 3D modeling, there are many options for working with models by changing the size and tolerances, layers and the ability to enter technical requirements. Try this program and you will be pleasantly surprised by the improved interface and enhanced security of your projects. If you want to quickly get the desired version of the Compass, then type compass 3d download torrent and get the file download at maximum speed.

In the spring of 2014 Ascon presented its new product Compass-3D latest version 15. The computer-aided design system Compass-3D appears before the user with an updated and improved interface. With the advent of the new interactive manipulator, work in the editor has been simplified. As for innovations, we can say that the company took the path of revolution and presented a completely new concept design and simulation. The new philosophy behind KOMPAS-3D V15, relies on the "Layout Geometry", "Collections" and "Copy Geometry" commands, the complex use of which is aimed at optimizing the process of teamwork. You take download Compass-3D v15 free and in addition to new commands to support the design of complex and large-scale products, you will also receive a whole layer of additional tools aimed at improving the overall convenience and efficiency of 3D design - these are Zones, Layers and Model Section. MinD intelligent design technology has undergone fundamental changes in KOMPAS-3D V15 in terms of convenience and quality of work, so click download Compass-3D and get an indispensable and most modern design tool completely in Russian for free and quickly.

As usual, in May 2015, Ascon presented its new product in the field of modeling and design Compass 3D V16, embodying all modern innovations in it and reflecting the professional needs of a modern engineer. The most anticipated and significant novelty is “mirroring”, which radically changes approaches to 3D design and allows you to spend just a few clicks to model a symmetrical part of any product or object, which incredibly speeds up the workflow and saves valuable time. Among other innovations that will be of interest to any engineer is the preservation of the assembly unit as a body, which makes it much lighter and makes subsequent operations faster and easier. Significant changes have affected all configurations of the Compass 3D software package, whether it is mechanical engineering or instrumentation or construction. It was also mentioned in the early stages of the announcement of the new version of Compass 3D, about a significant increase in the speed of both the interface itself and the designer that processes and creates three-dimensional models. You can get this flagship product of Ascon for free by simply clicking on download Compass 3D V16.

Need a smaller version that can be run from any media?

Portable version of Compass 3D - does not require installation, you can use it on any device, run the project immediately from a flash drive or other media.

We present you the configurations (modules) for the Compass 3D program (can be installed only if Compass 3D is installed - see above)

AES- building configuration, includes libraries for industrial and building design.

ECAD- instrument-making configuration, includes libraries for the design of radio-electronic equipment, instruments and electrical equipment.

MCAD- machine-building configuration, includes libraries used in machine-building design.

KOMPAS-3D is a 3D modeling system that has become the standard for thousands of businesses, thanks to the successful combination of ease of learning and ease of use with powerful solid and surface modeling functionality that solves all the main user tasks.
The main components of KOMPAS-3D are the 3D solid modeling system itself, the universal computer-aided design system KOMPAS-Graph and the specification design module. All of them are easy to learn, have a Russian-language interface and a help system.


The KOMPAS-3D installation package consists of three parts:
- The basic part of the KOMPAS-3D installation package (hereinafter referred to as the "Basic package")
- Machine-building configuration for KOMPAS-3D (hereinafter referred to as "Machine-building configuration")
- Building configuration for KOMPAS-3D (hereinafter - "Building configuration").

The composition of the Basic package:
- Main modules:
- KOMPAS-Graph
- Specification Design System
- Text editor
- Tutorial"ABC KOMPAS"
- Guidelines for working in KOMPAS-3D
- Drawing fonts
- Software protection systems against unauthorized copying and use HASP SRM
- Development Tools (SDK)
- Libraries:
- Text converter eCAD-KOMPAC
- Library of data converters eCAD-KOMPAS
- Function Graphing Library
- Application library KOMPAS
- Template manager
- 3D model recognition system
- KOMPAS-Macro
- Document check
- Library Materials and Assortments
- Units Library
- Library package "Welds"
- Libraries for importing formats:
- model (CATIA 4.x)
- .dwg
- Export libraries in formats:
- .dwg
- Sample Libraries

Composition of the Machine Building Configuration:
- Animation library
- Library of grooves for KOMPAS-3D
- Library of workshop layouts
- Library for calculating dimensional chains
- Library of gearboxes
- Library of standard fasteners for KOMPAS-3D
- Library of Standard Products: Fasteners (includes 2D and 3D fasteners according to GOST, OST 92, ISO, DIN)
- Library of Standard Products: Parts, assemblies and structural elements (includes 2D and 3D: bearings and machine parts, pipeline parts and fittings, parts of pneumatic and hydraulic systems, parts and assemblies of vessels and apparatuses, elements of machine tools, as well as electrical apparatus and fittings 3D)
- Library of electric motors
- Library of elements of hydraulic and pneumatic circuits
- Library of elements of kinematic schemes
- Library of elements of machine tools
- Cables and harnesses 3D
- Design library
- Metal structures 3D
- Aerospace Libraries Pack
- System for modeling bodies of revolution KOMPAS-Shaft 3D
- Design system for bodies of revolution KOMPAS-Shaft 2D
- Spring design system KOMPAS-Spring
- Piping 3D

Composition of the building configuration:
- Library for constructing sweeps of duct and pipeline elements
- Library for the design of reinforced concrete structures: KZh
- Library for the design of buildings and structures: AS / AR
- Design Library engineering systems: TX
- Engineering Systems Design Library: OB
- Engineering systems design library: VK
- Metal support design library
- Steel Structures Design Library: KM
- Library for the design of electric lighting systems: EO
- Library of SPDS designations
- Library of pipeline fittings
- Catalog: Architectural and building elements
- Catalogue: Reinforced concrete structures
- Catalog: Assortments of rolled metal products
- Catalog: Typical metal structures
- Catalog: Metal structure units
- Catalog: Construction machines and mechanisms
- Catalogue: Technological equipment and communications
- Catalog: Elements of heating and ventilation systems
- Catalog: Elements of water supply and sewerage systems
- Catalog: Elements of power supply systems
- Catalog: Elements of vessels and apparatuses
- Catalog: Elements of chemical production
- Catalog: Elements of fire and security alarms
- Catalog: Elements of structured cabling systems
- Catalog: Objects of the general plan and landscaping
- Catalogue: POS/PPR objects
- Catalogue: Wooden structures
- Catalog: Evacuation plans
- KOMPAS-Object
- Editor KOMPAS-Objects
- Construction site manager

Min. system requirements:
CPU: Pentium III, 800 MHz or higher
Memory: 512 MB and above
Video card: 32 bit

Name: Compass-3D V12 (RU) x32/x64 + Add. packages (construction, engineering)
Year of issue: 2010
Platform: Windows XP/Vista/7
Interface language: Russian
Activation|reg code: Present
Added 5% archive recovery
files are interchangeable

In a previous article, we talked about the importance of application libraries in the development modern systems modeling. In particular, the readers learned about the capabilities of the KOMPAS-3D design libraries and could evaluate the extent to which the use of such applications facilitates the daily work of an engineer.
This article provides a general overview of how to start building your own libraries to make your design decisions more accurate and design faster, easier, and more convenient.

As already noted, no set of libraries for a graphics system can cover all the many different areas and industries and fully satisfy the requirements of all categories of users. The range of tasks of design and technological preparation of production has become so wide that the solution of some of them with both standard and application tools provided by the software developer company can take too much time and be irrational, and in rare cases even impossible.

A huge list of CAD application areas is the first reason why any of the modern CAD systems should be as open as possible and must contain tools for creating a package of user libraries. The second reason is customer orientation. If, for example, the vast majority of enterprises using a particular system work in mechanical engineering, and a few in the field of medical equipment, then developers of applied libraries are forced to adapt to the first category. But for KOMPAS customers there will be no problems they can create libraries on their own.

We list the main ways to create libraries:

Creation of a library of fragments (sketches) or models based on the basic capabilities of the KOMPAS-3D system;

Creating a template library using the Template Manager;

Use of a special macro environment KOMPAS-Macro for preparing a user application;

The use of KOMPAS-Master tools, that is, the actual writing (programming) of libraries.

Which of these options to choose? It all depends on the goals set and on your idea of ​​the future library: what it should be, what it will do (create, edit, perform any other actions), how powerful and flexible its functions should be. Of great importance is the level of your preparation as a developer. Simple libraries require almost no special knowledge, but they provide few opportunities. Creating more complex modules is impossible without some skills and experience (sometimes from a completely different subject area, in particular from programming), while the more complex the library being designed, the more in-depth knowledge is needed. The complexity of the library here should be understood as the level of automation of those design solutions that will be implemented in the application being created. But do not think that the most automated library is always best solution. Overly automated applications leave no room for initiative and no room for variation.

Creating Fragment and Model Libraries

To create libraries of this type, you do not need any special skills, except for the ability to work in KOMPAS-Graph or KOMPAS-3D. With the help of such libraries, each designer can organize his set of the most frequently used elements in order to facilitate access to them when developing new drawings or models.

Creating your own library of fragments is not difficult at all. To do this, in the window library manager use the context menu command add description > Document Libraries. In the dialog box that appears, open the library, select the file type: KOMPAS-Libraries of fragments(*.lfr) if you are creating a repository for drawings or sketches, or KOMPAS-Model Libraries(*.l3d) for filling the future library with 3D models. As a result, your library should appear in the Library Manager window, still empty. Once launched, fragments and models can be added to it using the context menu commands.

The main advantage of fragment libraries is that they are easy to create and use. A big advantage of such applications is that when new versions of KOMPAS appear, there is no need to adjust or change their structure for the newly released release. Just load the old library file into the Library Manager and you can be sure that everything will work.

The disadvantage of such libraries is their limited functionality. Automation of such libraries is achieved only by parameterizing the objects with which you fill the application, and the library only speeds up the process of finding and inserting the desired graphic element into the document and provides Better conditions for their storage (not in separate files scattered across the hard disk, but in an orderly manner, in a single library file).

KOMPAS-3D template libraries have wider capabilities compared to fragment libraries.

Creating Template Libraries

Template Library is an application library that consists of a basic parameterized drawing or 3D model, a table of variables typed in accordance with certain rules in the MS Excel spreadsheet editor, and a scheme of a KOMPAS-3D document or a picture containing variable names. The library is a file with the *.tlm extension, with the help of which the variables of a parameterized fragment or part are assigned the values ​​entered in an Excel spreadsheet. To create template libraries, there is a special application called Template Manager.

The development of a template should begin with the creation of its prototype (fragment or part), using the standard tools KOMPAS-Graph or KOMPAS-3D. Then you need to parameterize the drawn fragment or sketches of the model and assign external variables to all that you plan to enter (type) in the Excel spreadsheet. next step is to create a table of values. Such a table is formed in the Excel editor and includes the names of external parametrized variables, flags for the visibility of value columns in the Template Manager, specific values ​​or their interval for each variable, etc. You can familiarize yourself with the rules for filling tables for templates in detail in the help file and examples supplied along with the template library. The formation of another component of the template parameter schema will not cause any particular difficulties. A diagram can be any graphic file of the KOMPAS-3D system or a drawing file in *.bmp, *.gif or *.jpg format.

When all three components discussed above are prepared, they need to be assembled into a single application. To do this, using the command New Library, you should specify the name of the future library and the folder where it will be placed. Next, you need to arrange the internal tree structure of the library, that is, the sections and subsections that will contain the templates you have prepared.

The final stage of preparing the library is filling the sections with the appropriate templates, for which you should use the command Create Template. After calling it, a small window will appear in which for each template you need to enter a name, specify a file with a parameterized fragment or model, an Excel parameter table file and a splash screen (optional). Upon completion of all these steps, the template library is completely ready to go. You can load a specific template, enter variable values, and insert a finished part or fragment into a document.

What are the essential differences between template libraries and fragment libraries? First of all, this is the ability to insert into the document not the entire fragment, but its individual layers, as well as the presence of a number of discrete values ​​for the variable, which eliminates the user entering or selecting erroneous values. In addition, template variables can be of various types, including logical and string ones, and it is easy to reserve variables for text substitutions in the dimensional inscriptions of a blank fragment (they should be marked on both sides with a # sign). The main advantage of template libraries is that when using a template, you do not have to manually change parameterized variables, as you would when inserting a fragment or model from a fragment library. When inserting an object into an active document, the Template Manager will take care of substituting the required values ​​from the row selected by the user.

Of course, it takes more time to develop templates, and at the same time, the skills of working with KOMPAS alone will no longer be enough you will have to learn the principles of the Library Manager. But the use of templates makes it possible to automate the creation of typical elements quite flexibly and at the same time does not prohibit dynamically managing the process of forming a library element.

Couplings generated using an application developed in the KOMPAS-Master environment

Creating custom libraries using KOMPAS-Macro

KOMPAS-Macro is a development environment for design applications integrated into the KOMPAS-3D system based on the Python programming language. Why was Python chosen as the basis? First, Python is distributed free of charge and, as a result, does not impose any restrictions on the use and distribution of programs written in it. Secondly, today Python is one of the simplest and most understandable programming languages, however, for all its simplicity, it is not much inferior to such "whales" of object-oriented programming as C ++ and Object Pascal (Delphi).

At its core, KOMPAS-Macro is a regular library connected to KOMPAS, only with b about more possibilities. When creating applications in KOMPAS-Macro, you can use both KOMPAS-Master functions (we will talk about them later) and special macro-environment functions that facilitate the development of application libraries. Among the special functions of KOMPAS-Macro, one should note the functions of setting angular, linear and radial dimensions, the function of inserting a fragment into a document, drawing a leader line, etc. The syntax of these methods is much simpler than their counterparts implemented in KOMPAS-Master (for example, instead of calling one - the only function for creating a linear dimension in KOMPAS-Macro, when working with the API functions of the KOMPAS-Master environment, you have to declare and initialize as many as three interfaces).

If you are familiar with the basics of object-oriented programming firsthand and you have a desire to develop the most powerful libraries based on KOMPAS-3D, then you can use KOMPAS-Master.


KOMPAS-Master… Agree, it sounds somewhat mysterious. Reminds me of a utility like the Windows CD Burner. But it turns out, everything is much more serious.

KOMPAS-Master is a very powerful tool for developing applications (libraries) of unlimited complexity that operate in the KOMPAS-3D environment. With the help of KOMPAS-Master, the application programmer gets access to all system functions without exception. That is, absolutely everything that the user can do manually, be it creating or editing a graphic document, opening and closing files, working with specifications, creating tables, designing drawings, saving files in various formats, inserting drawings, etc. etc. all this can be automated using KOMPAS-Master.

Access to internal functions KOMPAS-Graph and KOMPAS-3D are provided in two ways:

Through export functions designed as dll-modules that the developer connects to his program, when creating flat drawings; through the use of COM-objects in the program formation of solid models;

With the help of Automation technology implemented through the API (Application Programming Interface application programming interface) of the KOMPAS system. Management and interaction with the system is formalized through the IDispatch interfaces.

The use of IDispatch interfaces is possible in any of today's most common programming environments (Visual C++, Delphi, C++Builder, Visual Basic). Integration with such powerful software packages allows, in addition to using KOMPAS graphical tools, to use all the advantages of modern object-oriented programming in the modules being created.

The last figure shows three-dimensional assemblies of four different types of couplings (toothed, elastic pin-sleeve, toroidal with rubber sheath and longitudinally rolled), which at first glance are not unusual. Nothing, except that all these couplings are completely generated by software using the design library developed in the KOMPAS-Master environment. Their creation consisted only in selecting the diameter of the connected shafts by the user and pressing the "Build" button. All other operations are hidden inside the program.

But KOMPAS-Master has to pay for all this power. Unlike libraries of fragments or templates, in this case you can't do without knowing only KOMPAS. To program libraries, you need to be able to clearly formulate the task: what will be solved with the help of the application being created, to imagine everything possible ways its solutions (to draw up the correct algorithm), as well as to master the techniques of working with one of the above programming environments in order to program everything correctly. A CAD application developer must be both an engineer and a programmer, with a lot of patience. You need to be prepared to spend time and nerves on the difficult debugging of programs. Even if you are a high-class professional, errors are not excluded, and their search and elimination can be no less long and tedious than the process of writing a library.

But, having overcome all these difficulties, you will get a convenient and flexible application with functionality and interface that fully meet your requirements. The program can be made to “think” independently select, analyze and process the necessary data, perform certain actions depending on the values ​​read, make complex calculations and conclusions based on their results, etc. And all this in order to make the work of the engineer as easy as possible, save him from routine operations.


We have finished the story about a set of various applications for the KOMPAS-3D system. The main goal of this review is to show the importance of applied libraries for improving the quality and speeding up design in general and using KOMPAS-3D in particular. Given that the standard libraries may not always satisfy all users, the articles discussed various ways to create custom applications with the designer from simple utilities to complex modules with powerful functionality.

Surely sophisticated users of KOMPAS-3D know and actively use these features. This material will help to systematize their knowledge about the system and its applications. This article will also be useful for young specialists in design and technology departments, who are often experts in the selection and implementation of CAD. We hope that the above information will be taken into account when making important decisions and generation of new ideas and ultimately will improve the quality of the designed products.