Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite a door or window? Feng Shui mirror: attracting positive energy into the house Feng Shui mirror shape.

The teachings of Feng Shui will help you create the energy of coziness and comfort in your home. To make your home a source of positive energy, hang mirrors correctly.

Mirrors have attracted people with their secrets since ancient times. According to many esotericists and feng shui specialists, they have exceptional power, capable of both harming and helping us. According to ancient Chinese teaching, mirrors are a link between the material and subtle worlds, as well as conductors of Qi energy. You can avoid troubles and fill your home with positive energy if you position the mirror correctly.

Where can't you hang mirrors?

Do not hang mirrors opposite entrance doors or windows. A mirror hanging in these places is not able to let in the streams of positive energy that rush into the house from the outside. It blocks its flow, depriving you of luck.

The bedroom is also a negative place for mirrors. Reflecting sleeping people can cause a lot of trouble. You may begin to experience problems with sleep, conflicts in your family will become more frequent, and your health will worsen. It is not without reason that many esotericists believe that in a dream a person is vulnerable. Taking into account the fact that mirrors are used to communicate with the world of the dead, it is strictly contraindicated for a person in a state of rest and sleep to be reflected in a mirror. Our ancestors believed that living souls could find themselves through the looking glass or that otherworldly forces could inhabit a person.

Don't place mirrors in places where they will reflect something negative. Unfinished renovations or fallen tiles in the bathroom, a mess in the room - all this enhances the negative energy that the mirror generously returns to the room.

Do not position the mirror so that it reflects your work area. Feng Shui practitioners believe that this way you increase the volume of work. Doubling is one of the hallmarks of mirrors, so rule out the possibility of falling under this influence.

Do not place mirrors opposite each other. This way you will create a corridor that can provoke negative emotions, scandals in the house and a deterioration in the well-being of all family members.

Pay attention to the shape of the mirror. Do not use chipped mirrors in your interior. Avoid newfangled trends that involve breaking mirrors into pieces. If a person is crushed in the mirror, his internal integrity is violated, which leads to problems with the biofield.

Remember to wipe down your mirrors frequently to keep them clear. Don't swear or think bad things in front of the mirror, otherwise you won't be able to avoid problems.

Where can you hang mirrors?

A good solution would be a mirror in the hallway. The Qi energy coming from the front door, reflected in the mirror, will circulate freely throughout the apartment. However, as mentioned above, you cannot hang it opposite the door.

To keep the positive energy flowing, hang a mirror on the outside of the bathroom. Then it will circulate evenly in the space of your home, “without leaking into the pipe.”

A mirror will bring good luck if it reflects a beautifully decorated and served table. The energy of abundance and prosperity will increase.

Use the teachings of Feng Shui to ensure that only positive energy has a place in your home. Talismans, which have been known since ancient times, will help attract happiness. Remember that broken mirrors must be thrown away immediately. When looking at your reflection, think and say only pleasant things, otherwise you can transfer double the negativity onto yourself. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.12.2017 01:00

A mirror is an integral part of the interior; hardly anyone can imagine life without this important thing. ...

Every home has such an interior item as a mirror. However, not all owners know how to properly position this structure. After all, it depends on how favorable the environment will be at home. Therefore, you should carefully consider whether you should hang the mirror opposite the door or window, or choose another location.

Masters of Chinese culture interpret their position of the mirror. In their opinion, an apartment or house should be as comfortable as possible for living and staying. To achieve this, you need to learn the basic aspects of Feng Shui and follow them.

Even in ancient times, it was believed that a mirror was a special, magical object. It was a talisman against evil spirits, a symbol of mystery. In Russian villages on Christmas Eve, girls used this attribute to tell fortunes. However, it should be borne in mind that such a magical element can contribute not only to the development of positive energy, but also to an increase in negative actions in a person’s life. Therefore, Feng Shui masters advise choosing a place to place it with caution.

According to Feng Shui, a mirror has special energy. It can increase or visually decrease the reflected space. Streams of positive Qi rays that hit the surface can be reflected from a different angle. Therefore, the mirror can correct and change the visible situation.

According to Feng Shui, all positive energy enters the house through the doors. Therefore, use the area opposite the opening with caution. After all, if you hang a mirror there, the energy can be reflected and evaporate back into the door.

This attribute is a strong element of the interior. According to Feng Shui, a mirror can change fate and correct this or that situation. Before you start interior design, you should pay special attention to this product.

After all, the right location can not only improve the living space, but also change the fate of its inhabitants.

Unfavorable zones according to Feng Shui indoors

According to Feng Shui, a mirror should not reflect the doors of bathrooms and entrances. In this case, positive energy will not accumulate in the house. And this can negatively affect the health of residents and their relationships. In addition, such an arrangement can create unpleasant situations in the financial sphere of homeowners.

The level at which the mirror is hung according to Feng Shui has a great influence. Residents should be comfortable looking at the object and their reflection. When looking at an attribute, a person should not bend over; his posture should be kept straight. Therefore, the shape and size should be comfortable for the owner of the room.

Special attention should be paid to those construction works when hanging a mirror in the bedroom. According to Feng Shui, it is not recommended to reflect sleeping people. That is, you should not place this item opposite the bed in the bedroom. Modern designers often suggest making mirrored ceilings. However, such an interior will contradict Feng Shui.

Opposite the bed you can place a small dressing table, which can be closed if necessary. Otherwise, this location can bring negative energy into the room. This can be expressed in poor health, conflict situations in the family, disagreements, and misunderstandings. There are separate areas in the bedroom where you can hang this attribute. Such places should not reflect sleeping people and should be located opposite the bed. It is necessary to take this fact into account when arranging the room.

In a children's room, as well as in a bedroom, you should carefully choose the location of the item. Feng Shui experts agree that it is recommended to reduce the number of products in a given room. It is enough to hang one small attribute that will reflect the opposite wall.

Excessive accumulation of mirrors will interfere with the child's restful sleep, cause anxiety and irritation. In addition, the mirror reflection of headlights or flashes can frighten the little owner of the room.

The window, just like the door, is a place where positive energy seeps in. And if you hang the attribute opposite the opening, then the Qi rays will not linger in the room for long. They will simply be reflected. In this case, the shape and size of the product do not play a big role. If a person wants to hang a product near a window, then it is better to choose side walls for this purpose. Such placement will not interfere with the circulation of positive energy inside the room and apartment.

There are many places in an apartment or house where the attribute will not only look beautiful, but will also bring a lot of positive energy to the inhabitants. According to Feng Shui, mirrors can multiply positive thoughts and events. Therefore, it is necessary that only favorable situations and objects are reflected in them.

It is believed that this accessory can be hung in the hallway. It visually increases the space of a cramped room. Thanks to the correct location, positive energy and hidden resources increase. However, in this room it should be remembered that it is recommended to fix the attribute to the side walls, but not opposite.

Another favorable place to place a mirror item is the kitchen or dining room. In Feng Shui, the table is the personification of wealth, prosperity and good spirits. Therefore, if you fix the product opposite it, your well-being will increase and multiply. In this way, the yin-yang relationship will be calm and harmonious. However, it is not recommended to hang a mirror in front of the stove or work area. It can reduce vital energy. As a result, the hostess will feel tired and exhausted.

The living room area has positive energy. A family gathers indoors at a common table. People relax and greet guests. Therefore, the product can be mounted in this area. It will increase the fun and positive mood of the gathered people. The shape of the attribute must be selected in such a way that people are reflected in full height.

Features of placement and care

Despite the fact that there are many unfavorable places for placement, according to Feng Shui, mirrors are a symbol of increasing good energy. It is necessary to take proper care of the products. And then they will become a faithful assistant and constant companion in life. After all, in the mirror a person sees his own reflection. Therefore, by taking care of the attribute, the owner takes care of himself and his home. Regular cleaning and washing will contribute to prosperity and well-being in the family. Removing dirt from the surface helps eliminate unpleasant situations in the apartment.

You can believe in different signs associated with accessories. Thus, it is believed that if you look into a broken product, a person will get into trouble. However, you should not panic. No need to look at the broken pieces. They can be washed under running water. Thus, all information that has been collected over many years will be erased from the fragments. After this procedure, the particles must be packed in thick paper or fabric so that they can no longer reflect any events. It is recommended to do this activity immediately after a breakdown.

A piece of furniture familiar to us has amazing properties that most of us are not even aware of.

Mirrors can amazingly adjust the surrounding space, making it harmonious, and they can also create chaos if they are placed incorrectly. In Feng Shui they are also used to attract additional energy, block and correct the movement of chi energy in rooms.

To begin with, let's denote taboo requirements for this item in Feng Shui.

It is important to remember that mirrors symbolically double everything that they reflect.
Therefore, there is no need to place mirrors where there is clutter and anything that looks unsightly. If the mirror reflects a street garbage dump or a shabby door to the next room, then consider that you also have a garbage dump at home, and there are two shabby doors in your apartment.

Under no circumstances should you use broken or cracked mirrors in your home. They must be thrown away immediately.

The same goes for mosaic mirrors and mirror tiles. If there are mirror tiles in your bathroom - this is bad, if the same thing is in the hallway - this is very bad, only mirror tiles in the bedroom can be worse.

Under no circumstances should mirrors be placed opposite the front door or opposite the bed. This taboo especially concerns the spouses' bedroom. It is believed that a mirror located opposite the marital bed can provoke infidelity.

And if the mirror is located opposite the front door, then the energy entering the house boomerangs back. And our main task is to attract beneficial energy into the house, and not block it.

It is very unfavorable to place mirrors opposite each other, since it is believed that the mirror corridor formed in this way takes away clarity of thinking, leads to rash actions and instills fears and depression in the inhabitants of the house.

If a large mirror is located opposite the workplace in the office, in which the desktop is reflected, then symbolically it doubles the amount of work. And if your office has such a workplace, then you should notice that its owner is more likely than others to stay late at work and finds it difficult to cope with all his responsibilities.

Mirrors are believed to have memory. Of course, this memory is different from ours, but it is much more powerful than any other object's ability to store information about the past. Therefore, you need to be very careful when handling antique and vintage mirrors. If you do not know the history of the mirror, treat it with great caution. Try to feel what emotions it evokes in you. And don’t be afraid to part with something that causes you negative emotions.

If you are the owner, for example, of an antique dressing table with an antique mirror, then replace the mirror itself with a new one. As a last resort, clean it with salt water and a candle flame.

In general, any mirror should be cleaned at least once a week. If there are often unpleasant people in your home or office, quarrels and conflicts are frequent, wash or wipe the mirror every day, as energy dirt sticks to it most quickly.

You can place a candle next to the mirror and light it periodically, taking into account the influence of the Flying Stars.

According to Slavic beliefs, a mirror located opposite the dining table is wrong, but in Feng Shui it is good, provided that a beautifully served and rich table is reflected there.

It is advisable that at least one mirror in the house is large enough so that all family members are reflected there at full height and without the need to bend over to see your reflection. But you don't need to have a lot of mirrors at home.

Traditionally, in Feng Shui, mirrors are used to symbolically complement the missing sector of the house when it has the shape of an incomplete rectangle.

In some cases, mirrors are powerful activators for attracting energy of the required quality to a particular sector of the house.

In long corridors where the chi energy accelerates and becomes aggressive, mirrors are used to slow down the flow of chi.

To change the trajectory of energy entering the room, mirrors are also used, placing them accordingly. In this case, you need to remember that the mirror in this case plays the role of an object that attracts a flow of energy and reflects it.

. In Feng Shui, in some cases they use Bagua mirror . This is a round mirror in a frame in which trigrams are depicted in a circle. This is a very powerful Feng Shui accessory, which is used to reflect an unfavorable external environment, for example, a cemetery, construction site, or any other object that carries sha energy.

But this item must be used very carefully, since the reflected energy can be redirected to places where it is not expected at all. For example, on a residential building, the residents of which will receive a portion of negative energy reflected from an unfavorable object.

The Bagua mirror can only be hung outside the house, but never inside, and the moral aspect of using this accessory must be observed.

However, it should be kept in mind that most Bagua mirrors sold in gift shops do not have the power attributed to them, since most of them are not even a mirror as such. It will be more effective to reflect negative qi using an ordinary mirror, especially a convex one, pointing it at the sha object.

There are many other ways to use the power of mirrors to achieve any goals, for example, very often mirrors are used for magical rituals and for predictive practices.

If you are not a magician or a medium, then it is enough to follow these simple rules to make mirrors your helpers, and not insidious destroyers.

It is difficult to imagine the home of a modern person without at least one mirror. In addition to their direct purpose, mirrors are a link between the real and subtle worlds, as well as a conductor and amplifier of positive and negative energy. When used skillfully, they can bring a lot of good, but when used incorrectly, they can cause a lot of trouble and even misfortune.

Mirrors can visually enlarge the space and enhance the energy of the sector in which they are located. They can redistribute and correct the flow of Qi energy. Therefore, according to Feng Shui, it is recommended to place mirrors in the house, according to certain rules.

Favorable places to place a mirror according to Feng Shui

In order for the aura in your home to be favorable, it is necessary for the Qi energy to smoothly go around the entire home in a circle, without bumping into obstacles and looking into all secluded places. Such barriers can be columns, corners or long narrow rooms.

It is beneficial to place a mirror in the hallway, since this room has an elongated shape and limited dimensions. The location in it will allow light. It is recommended to use large mirrors that will reflect the person at full height and leave some space above the head. Because in Feng Shui it is considered unfavorable if only certain parts of the body are visible. While a person who sees himself fully is filled with inner strength that contributes to the development of potentials.

It is good if the mirror reflects a beautifully served or rich dining table with food, so it can be hung in an appropriate place. This will contribute to the well-being and prosperity of the family.

A mirror placed on the outside of the bathroom door will help neutralize the outflow of positive energy from the house. It is considered favorable to install a large mirror in.

Feng Shui mirrors in the house allows you to symbolically restore missing sectors. It must be located in a place where the required area is missing.

A mirror located in the living room is considered a favorable sign. Especially if it reflects objects that are pleasing to the eye or beneficial. These can be beautiful paintings, flowers and photos of happy people.

Unfavorable places for mirrors

  • It is forbidden to install a mirror opposite a window or front door - this will interfere with the flow of positive energy into the house.
  • A mirror placed opposite the bed does not have the best effect on marital relationships.
  • If your desk is reflected in the mirror, the amount of work will increase, you will become tired and will not be able to cope with the workload.
  • Feng Shui does not recommend installing a mirror opposite a mirror. A corridor is formed that will contribute to inappropriate behavior, fears and depression among household members.
  • Do not leave dirty, cluttered places reflected in the mirror, for example, a garbage can or dirty dishes in the sink.

A mirror is a necessary thing in every person’s life. It accompanies us everywhere and always. In the teachings of Feng Shui, it is believed that a mirror is a connecting link between the subtle and real world; it is a kind of conductor and amplifier of any energies: both positive and negative. Therefore, the correct placement of a mirror normalizes the overall balance of all energies entering the room. Mirrors can not only confirm beauty and attractiveness, but also introduce new ideas into interior design, make the space around you more comfortable, cozy and harmonious, eliminate old negative energy from your home and attract love, prosperity, and good luck.

Feng Shui mirror size

Any house or apartment must have a large mirror in which all family members can see their reflections in their entirety, in full height. The best place is the bathroom; you can place something similar in the living room or dressing room. From the point of view of beauty, this is the only way you can evaluate yourself entirely, as a single image, and not separately your face, waist or legs, because beauty does not come in pieces, and those around us evaluate us exclusively as a whole. From the point of view of Chinese Feng Shui, the complete reflection of a person is especially important, because in this way his inner strength is always united, and his creative and energetic potentials are very high. It is especially good if the mirror leaves a free area above a person’s head, thereby providing people with the opportunity for “growth” where it is necessary: ​​physical, spiritual, career, financial. It is believed that if a person looking in the mirror does not see himself completely (up to the shoulders, for example), then this attracts illness into the house.

Mirror reflection in the interior according to Feng Shui

If you want mirrors to bring well-being and positive emotions to your home, then they should reflect only views that are pleasing to the eye. Place flowers, photographs that capture important and joyful moments in the lives of people dear to you, and other beautiful furnishings opposite or next to the mirrors. You can go to a Feng Shui store and buy special Feng Shui talismans of love, prosperity or others, and the mirror will enhance the energies that you need at that particular moment.

Where to hang a mirror according to Feng Shui

  • Mirrors in the kitchen and dining room. It is considered correct when the mirror reflects the table at which the family eats and the cozy atmosphere of the dining room - according to the teachings of Feng Shui, this increases the wealth of the home, and there will always be enough delicious food in it. In addition, this is useful for a woman who wants to lose weight and eats small portions - the amount of food thus visually increases, plus the woman really has a constant incentive to see herself more slender. Feng Shui also recommends hanging a mirror near the stove so that the housewife can see people entering the kitchen and communicate with them “eye to eye,” which is psychologically very comfortable.
  • Mirrors in the bedroom. According to Feng Shui experts, a mirror in the bedroom is a harmful thing, and it is better not to have it there. If a mirror is necessary, then the strict requirement of Feng Shui is that sleeping people should not be reflected in mirrors categorically. If it is impossible to hang it so that it does not reflect the bed and the people sleeping on it, you should put a screen between the bed and the mirror at night or cover the mirror with a cloth. And the point here is not only in Feng Shui - it is still not clear what sleep is and where our soul goes, where it dreams, and since ancient times a mirror has been considered a guide to other worlds or dimensions and it is still actively used by magic and fortune telling and generally esoteric, so it’s better not to experiment here. Feng Shui, in addition to this, sees another danger in the mirrors in the bedroom, called the “third party”. That is, someone else is added to the man and woman in their bed, as if reflected, and Feng Shui experts say that this can lead to the appearance of a third party in the life of one or both spouses/partners, that is, a mistress or lover. Do you need it? If not, remove or cover the mirror that looks at the bed. The so-called mirrored ceilings are especially unfavorable. If the mirror does not reflect the bed and the people sleeping on it, then this is quite acceptable.
  • No need to hang mirrors opposite the front door- then the beneficial energy of Qi, rushing into the house along with visitors, will invariably be reflected back and all the good things, instead of going into the house, will go back out into the street. And some believe that a mirror located in front of the entrance attracts uninvited guests. If there is a kitchen or room opposite the front door, then the Qi energy is directed there in a straight line, and only then, reluctantly, moves through other living rooms. In this case, the solution is to place the mirror so that the corridor is reflected in it, which will more rationally distribute the flow of energy.
  • Mirrors are not recommended to be placed opposite windows. Although if the landscape outside the window is favorable - a park or a river - then the positive energy will increase. But if the landscape leaves much to be desired, then placing a mirror opposite the window is unfavorable.
  • Favorable placement of the mirror In bathroom, which visually enlarges the room and contributes to the accumulation of positive energy. - if you keep the toilet and bathroom doors open, then your well-being invariably goes away along with the drain. In this case, it is recommended to hang a large mirror on the outside as well as on the inside of the toilet door, which in the first case will prevent the positive Qi energy from escaping into the toilet, and in the second case, the negative Sha energy from the toilet from penetrating into other rooms of the house
  • Standing mirrors opposite each other. According to Feng Shui, it is believed that such placement has an unfavorable effect on mental clarity, leading to rash actions and instilling fears and other dark emotions in the residents of the house.

How to look in the mirror according to Feng Shui

All esoteric sciences, including Feng Shui, are confident that the mirror remembers our images and even programs us with them. Conclusion - you should always look in the mirror in a good mood and with full confidence in your irresistibility. Then the mirror itself will launch the program of your attractiveness. But don’t overdo it, remember “am I the cutest thing in the world...” While rejoicing in your attractiveness, never envy others, do not extol yourself over others... When placing mirrors, do not forget - everything that they reflect is symbolically doubled - both good and and bad!