"bliss" in books. Washing gel Laska - important points in using Sensual bliss of stone therapy

Weasel - a brave little robber

Weasel, or common weasel(from Latin Mustela nivalis) - carnivorous mammal of the weasel family, a species of the genus weasel and ferret (Mustela). In the CIS there are 8 subspecies of the common weasel:

Northern weasel Mustela nivalis nivalis - lives in the northern and middle parts of Eastern Europe, in the steppes Western Siberia and from southern Siberia to the Pacific Ocean.

Southern weasel M. n. vulgaris is common in Western Europe and the southern part former USSR, with the exception of Crimea.

Crimean weasel M. n. nikolskii inhabits Crimea and adjacent parts of Ukraine.

Greater Caucasian weasel M. n. dinniki and the lesser Caucasian weasel M. n. caucasica - characteristic of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia.

Turkestan weasel M. n. pallida lives in the mountains Central Asia, in the Tien Shan, Pamir and Kopet-Dag.

Siberian (tundra) weasel M. n. pygmaea - inhabits Far East Russia. It is very small in size with a short tail. The summer fur of the back is pale brownish, with a dull rusty tint.

From Latin weasel is translated as “snowy”. Comes from the Slavic laska “love, affection”. Related to lasy - “affectionate, flattering, greedy, greedy for delicacies.” Further here is the lat. Lasc-vus - “playful, playful; unbridled, voluptuous."

It lives on all continents of the Northern Hemisphere. Area Europe, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Asia Minor, northern Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Mongolia, China, Korean Peninsula, Japan, North America, Australia. Lives in fields and forests, in mountainous and lowland areas, without avoiding populated areas. Settles under stones, in hollows, ruins, burrows, barns.

Weasel is the smallest representative of the order of carnivores. Body length is 10-25 cm, tail about 5 cm. Weasel weighs 50-100 grams. The body of the weasel is thin, flexible, elongated, with very short legs armed with sharp claws. On a long powerful neck, an oblong narrow head, with small rounded ears. The weasel has a cute, blunt muzzle, a sharp, mustachioed nose at the end that is blunt and slightly forked, and shiny, beady eyes. The tail is short, at the base there are musk glands that secrete bad smell. The structure of the long, flexible body and the color of the fur are very similar to the ermine, but it differs in its small size and shorter, monochromatic tail; it does not have a black tassel on the tail.

The weasel's fur is short and close-fitting. The density of the fur is the same in summer and winter, but the summer coat is shorter and thinner than the winter coat. Summer weasel fur is dark brown to the color of baked milk. The throat, chest, belly, edge of the upper lip and the inner surface of the paws are pure white. Behind the corners of the mouth there is a sharp border of dark spots. In autumn, in cold areas, the weasel changes its brown summer outfit to snow-white winter fur; only the eyes and nose remain black. Only in the southern regions of its habitat, where there is very little snow, does the animal not change the color of its coat.

The fur of the weasel, unlike many other mustelids, has no industrial or hunting value, so it is not currently hunted. Weasels only accidentally fall into traps or snares when hunting other animals - stoats, polecats, minks, moles. Previously, in the post-war period of the 20th century, the weasel was considered a valuable fur-bearing animal; from 3 to 20 thousand weasel skins were harvested every year.

The weasel is very dexterous and agile, runs fast, climbs and swims well, is distinguished by great courage and bloodthirstiness and is dangerous enemy for all small animals. In the ability to get through the most narrow gaps and the hole lies its main strength.

Weasel is an extraordinary pet

Today, the relationship between weasels and people is quite complex. On the one hand, she is disliked for her penchant for brazen robberies and robberies, on the other hand, she is respected for her ability to quickly exterminate rodents. It is curious that if she settles next to a person, she never causes damage to her immediate “owner”. But all the neighbors in the area suffer from her daring pranks. However, if the poultry houses are sufficiently well protected (there are no cracks, holes or windows in them), then the weasel switches to house mice and rats, which greatly helps the local residents.

They drive the weasel away from the farm plot by introducing a goat or buck into the barnyard. Like any underground animal, the weasel reacts sensitively to earthquakes. Therefore, it is enough to install a couple of windmills that transmit vibrations to the ground through a pole. Along the way, such a device will protect the area from moles, shrews, the same rats and mice. In summer, you can also stick mole repellers and all sorts of vibrators into the ground.

The weasel is a very aggressive animal, known for its bloodthirstiness and daring robberies in human households. It is interesting that nature has endowed such courage in a tiny and cute animal. Despite small size, the weasel has earned the reputation of a robber. Weasels have many enemies: wolves, foxes, badgers, raccoon dogs, hawks, golden eagles, owls and eagle owls - they all dream of feasting on the nimble animal. However, the agile and toothy beauty does not give up without a fight: she is capable of tearing out the throat of her offender, deftly escaping from his clutches at the last second.

When meeting a person, the weasel is not at all afraid, but rather takes an aggressive stance. If you approach her, she will attack without hesitation. More than once, the weasel itself attacked a person, and freeing oneself from the sharp teeth of this small animal is not so easy. It seems that the weasel holds the record for hooligan antics among animals. In a word, the weasel is a real robber who attacks everyone he meets.

Weasels are quite easy to tame, especially in early age. Unfortunately, most of them die in captivity. But there are cases when weasels live 4-6 years. Tame weasels, unlike their wild relatives, fully live up to their name. They are very curious, affectionate and faithful friends. They sleep with people, play with cats and dogs, and some of them never leave their owner’s side. One Englishman was even forced to take his weasel to work with him, because, you see, she did not want to be left alone. She is such a sweet, cunning, kind and very cute little animal, quite living up to her name.

IN Ancient Rome and early medieval Europe, the weasel was a domestic animal because it hunted mice. The weasel is very dexterous and agile, runs fast, climbs trees and swims well, is distinguished by great courage and aggressiveness, and is a dangerous enemy for all small animals. Weasels in huge quantities, up to 2-3 thousand per year, exterminate mouse-like rodents, thereby bringing great benefits to nature and humans. However, due to the poor tameability of the weasel and, to a greater extent, the appearance in Europe of the gray rat, which was difficult for the weasel to cope with, it was replaced as a protector of reserves in this role by other animals - ferrets (ferrets), cats and genets.

Weasel is an amazing affectionate animal

In the old days, many superstitions and prejudices were associated with affection. In some places it was believed that she brought happiness to the house, while in others she was treated very poorly. Among many Slavic and other peoples, weasel is revered as the guardian of the home:

“There is a little weasel in every house. She loves animals very much, and comes to the house precisely because of them. She braids the manes of horses and runs on the backs of cows. However, if he doesn’t like the animal, he’ll tickle him.”

“The weasel, the little weasel, or the vixen is a mythical beast, a brownie. In the old days they believed that the weasel is the same brownie who also takes care of the cattle.”

Also in Sicily they ask the weasel living next door not to strangle the chickens: “Little weasel, little weasel, don’t touch the hens, and I’ll marry you as soon as I have the opportunity.” If you are a woman, I will give you the king’s son, if you are a peasant, I will give you the king’s daughter.”

Among many Slavic and other peoples, the weasel is highly revered as a guardian of the home. Montenegrins, in order to lure the weasel, bring a nest with its cubs into the house. In Bosnia they believe that if a weasel leaves a house where it has lived for many years, it means bad luck for the house.

According to some beliefs, the soul of the mistress is embodied in the weasel, and the soul of the owner is embodied in the snake. Therefore, no one should kill them. Among the Slavs of the Zile Valley, the most feared thing is to kill the white weasel. For Estonians, affection is a sign of happiness. “Each farm has its own weasel.” Among the many beliefs about weasel, there are those in which it helps a person become rich. The Poles of Old Sącz believe that if you call “Mistress Weasel” several times, she will appear, fawn over the person and show the treasure. The Greeks believe that as a reward for treating her well, the weasel finds enchanted money and takes it into the house. Polish Jews have a belief that whoever has a weasel on their bed will be rich.

Weasel is the patroness of livestock, especially horses. In eastern Polesie there is a custom on Maundy Thursday to go with a blessed Thursday candle to the barn to see the weasel there and, by its color, determine what color the cattle should be kept. In Ukraine, Belarus and Poland they believe that cattle breed in the same color as the weasel. “It’s lassi, it’s bad behavior there,” say the Rusyns of Galicia. Finding a dead weasel among Estonians means bad luck with livestock. In the Minsk region it was believed that weasels protected livestock from witches. They tell how in one village all the livestock died because a weasel was being chased there.

Ukrainians of Pokuttya believe that “a caress will bring happiness if it comes to the house for the winter.” The Poles and French believe that the weasel brings only happiness to the house, and if it is killed, the weasel's brood will eat all the hats in the house and poison the food. Among all the animals, no one kills weasels and swallows, say the Hutsuls. The Hutsuls also do not kill weasels, fearing revenge from their relatives.

Weasels cannot be beaten, but the way a person breathes on them can cause them to die, they say in the Lviv region. Lasochka is such a little mouse, a little black animal, and little white below, say the Belarusians. Lasochka is like a kitten, they say in the Zhytomyr region. “Lasochka is God’s mitten with right hand, the little weasel is a goddamn little ticket.”

In ancient beliefs, a woman often appears under the guise of affection - a fairy, sorceress, witch or seductress, bride or young married woman depending on the circumstances. The word itself literally conveys the nature of female charms used to distract attention and achieve the desired result.

Aesop's fable tells how Aphrodite turned a weasel into a girl in love with a boy so that they could get married. But during the wedding, the bride saw a mouse, chased it and turned back into a weasel. In Spain, in Catalonia, there is a belief that if you see a weasel and tell it “you are beautiful,” it puffs up, bulges, turning into a human, thereby showing its joy in every possible way. A kind word, as they say, is pleasant to caress.

The Greeks, in order to protect their daughter’s dowry from affection, persuade her: “Lasochka, we will give you gold and silver, we will give you a husband so that you can get married, have your own house and become a housewife.” The Greeks put a spindle with yarn in the house where the weasel settled, since “she loved to spin while she was still a girl.” Greek legend says that a girl who loved to spin turned into a weasel.

Among the Hutsuls, weasel is dedicated to St. Catherine's Day - November 25 (old style), because weasel is the patroness of spinners and marriages. It is believed that the appearance of affection helps a woman giving birth. As you know, a weasel ran past Alcmene, who could not give birth, and caused the birth of Hercules. According to another belief, Hera turned the servant of Hercules’ mother into a weasel because she helped the future hero give birth successfully.

Serbs believe that if you don’t give a pregnant woman what she asks for, the weasel will gnaw through that person’s clothes. It is believed that a child under whose cradle a caress ran will be healthy.

The southern and western Slavs have this epic: mowers, plowmen and reapers, while working in the field, find a weasel nest, and in order not to damage it, they move it to another place. The weasel, not finding its cubs, pours poisonous saliva into vessels with water, but when it learns that the mowers are moving the nest to its original place, it overturns all these vessels so as not to poison people. She never does evil in vain.

In European fairy tales, a treacherous woman appears in the form of a fluffy weasel, trying to seduce or throw off the hunter's scent. In Serbia they say that if a hunter shoots a weasel, the bullet will turn around and hit him. It is also said to protect people from snake bites.

Weasels should not be offended; they may gnaw off eyebrows or hair at night. If you tease a weasel, it will spit in your eyes and the person will go blind. In some parts of Europe, there is a rooted belief that the bite of a weasel is considered paralyzing.

Weasel is a kind brownie. What color she is - that’s how they choose the cattle, the dog, the cat, and sometimes the bride. They address her: “Welcome, my sweetheart, welcome, my daughter-in-law.”

Weasel is a symbol of intuition; it helps to easily distinguish between lies and truth, and to understand people’s actions. Weasel is chosen as a mascot by those who lack attentiveness, acuity of sensations and reaction.

Among other things, weasels are a famous mouse killer. In different regions of Bulgaria, when they want to get rid of rodents in the house, they invite weasels “to the wedding.” Serbs believe that the weasel can exterminate mice in an original way - it inflates them and they burst. Among Estonians, those people are happy that they saw affection. In Thebes, the weasel was revered as a sacred animal.

In the old days, there was a legend that at night the brownie tormented the horses standing in the stable - he braided their manes, and sometimes brought them into a “white sweat.” They fought with the brownie: in the stable they kept a goat, which supposedly was afraid of evil spirits. It turned out that the brownie is none other than a weasel. Weasels are often found near human habitation if there is food for it there. She runs on the necks and backs of horses, who are terrified of her, try to throw her off and sweat a lot as a result. The weasel, clinging to the mane so as not to fall, licks off the sweat, receiving the necessary mineral salts. There is a belief that a weasel can get into an elk's ear and bite it to death.

affectionate attitude

Alternative descriptions


Bliss, pleasant state

Passionate languor, caress

Complete contentment

. "Poetic" thrill

. "Swimming" in contentment

Absolute contentment

Blissful state


The bliss of a child's sleep

Bliss and sweet languor

Bliss, as well as passionate longing, caress

Bliss, passionate longing, caress

Father's will, ... mother's will

Another name for pleasant languor

G. a state of complete contentment, delight, for all sensory needs. He lives in luxury and bliss; all his whims are fulfilled, all sensual pleasures are at his service. His cattle are kept in bliss, in the field, in care, in contentment. Rapture, sweet peace, spiritual, moral, calm pleasure; dreamy oblivion. I love to be in the bliss of twilight. Drive away the girlish bliss (the friend lashes the goal cross with a whip). Thank you on the little one, on the red dress (daughter to father)! The will of the father, the bliss of the mother (to say the bride). We live in bliss, but we travel in a cart. He who does not live in bliss also rides a cart. To indignate someone, undead, to pamper; keep in bliss, protect, cherish, cherish. We need to pamper him. -sya, to be cherished; to be indignant, to be in bliss. Negligence cf. valid according to verb. Nego(u)sha, negushka vol. an affectionate nickname expressing love and tenderness, hello. You are the light. my darling! song. Unloving, loving peace, all comforts and pleasures, unloving m. -bitsa

Life without need and worries

Exceptional Contentment

Exhaustion after a pleasant job

The poet's languor

Exhaustion with a sense of accomplishment

Kaif (obsolete)

High through the eyes of a poet

High relaxation

When they pamper and cherish

Bathing in Contentment

Lazy bliss



Complete bliss

Complete contentment

Total pleasure

Pleasant languor

Pleasant relaxation

Pleasant relaxation

Pleasant fatigue

Pleasant condition

Relaxed state


Synonym for bliss, pleasant state

Sweet languor

Sweet languor, bliss

Sweet relaxation

State of bliss

Passionate yearning

Passion in the gaze

Longing in the eye

Rapture in contentment

Delightful languor

Feeling pleasantly relaxed

. "swimming" in contentment

. "poetic" thrill

Pleasant relaxation

Sweet "relaxation"

Blissful state in one word

Pleasant relaxation, languor

Dictionary of Russian synonyms:

Nega - see caring || keep in bliss

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by D.N. Ushakov:

Nega, bliss, many. no, w. 1. Affection, affectionate attitude, careful care. Father's will, mother's bliss. Proverb. Ѓ Contentment, being in contentment, without need and worries. His mother was a rich woman, and from childhood he was accustomed to bliss. A. Ostrvsky. Life in bliss and comfort. 2. Bliss, rapture (poetic). Blessed. . . who, having calmed his cool mind, rests in heartfelt bliss. Pushkin. You were born for languid languor, for the intoxication of passions. Pushkin. - What a night! What bliss there is in everything! Fet.

New dictionary of the Russian language edited by T.F. Efremova:

1) A state of complete contentment; life without need and worries.
2) Bliss, rapture.
3) Tenderness, affection.

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by V.I. Dahl:

NEGA w. a state of complete contentment, delight, for all sensory needs. He lives in luxury and bliss; all his whims are fulfilled, all sensual pleasures are at his service. His cattle are kept in bliss, comfort, care, and contentment. | Rapture, sweet peace, spiritual, moral, calm pleasure; dreamy oblivion. I love to be in the bliss of twilight. Drive away the girlish bliss (the friend lashes the goal cross with a whip). Thank you on the little one, on the red dress (daughter to father)! The will of the father, the bliss of the mother (to say the bride). We live in bliss, but we travel in a cart. He who does not live in bliss also rides a cart. To indignate someone, undead, to pamper; keep in bliss, protect, cherish, cherish. We need to pamper him. -sya, to be cherished; to be indignant, to be in bliss. Negligence cf. valid according to verb. Nego(u)sha, negushka vol. an affectionate nickname expressing love and tenderness, hello. You are the light. my darling! song. Unloving, loving peace, all comforts and pleasures, unloving m. -bitsa.

Affectionate attitude. What is a 4 letter word?

    I think the word is NEGA. After all, judging by the interpretation of various dictionaries, one can assume just that.

    Ushakov's explanatory dictionary: affectionate attitude, careful care; bliss, rapture.

    Wiktionary: a state of complete contentment, a life without needs or worries; pleasure, enjoyment, bliss, rapture; tenderness, affection, tenderness.

    Slovopedia: a state of complete contentment, delight, for all sensory needs.

    I'll try to guess what it is bliss. True, I’m not sure that this is really the word that is needed, but one of the meanings of this word is rapture, which expresses tenderness, which in fact is very close to affection.

    The four-letter word for this question is very suitable bliss. Check, if the letters match, then the word is correct! Nega is more of a test of bliss and affection in my understanding, but it can also be interpreted with the phrase affectionate attitude.

    There is a word that can be used to define an affectionate attitude. It describes affection, warmth, mutual understanding and much more. This word - bliss, and given the question and the indicated number of letters, it seems to me that only this will fit here.

    I think the correct answer would be the word NEGA. If you look in the dictionary for its meaning, it indicates: life without any worries, pleasure, pleasure, affection, bliss and rapture. Just right in meaning and number of letters.

    Of the four words, there will be only one affectionate attitude: BLESSING - and ecstasy from affection, relaxation from feelings, an experience of bliss and complete pleasure. Poets will talk about this feeling better than me, but I completely agree with the desired person - NEGA.

    In another way, tenderness and affectionate attitude can be called NICE. Therefore, answer NEGA if you are looking for the correct answer in the game Guess the words for the Android platform. Personally, I couldn’t remember this word for a long time, but then it dawned on me.

    This word consists of four letters. Therefore, after a short search, I settled on the word bliss. although I usually solve crossword puzzles myself, or look at the answers so that in the future I know the answer to this or that question.

    I think the four letter affectionate attitude would be NEGA. You can immediately guess what this word means. Means complete contentment. Live in bliss. Bliss, as well as passionate longing and caress.

    A four letter word is absolutely NEGA. In Dal's dictionary, Nega is defined as a state of complete contentment, pleasure, for all sensory needs. For example: He lives in luxury and bliss, all his whims are fulfilled;

    The hidden word consists of four letters. So this makes it much easier to find the answer. Well, as everyone has already guessed, the correct answer to the question is the word NEGA. This word means tenderness, affection. Well, if you look into the Russian language, a word consists of a root and an ending, where the ending is the letter a, but this is so for self-development.