Definition of honesty. Lesson "What is Honesty?"

Lesson “What is Honesty?”

Target: Explain to children the true concept of the word “honesty.”


    Consider different options for demonstrating honesty in Everyday life.

    To instill in children the need to renounce deceit, to develop a sense of self-esteem not only in their own eyes, but also in the eyes of others.

    Enrich children's life experiences.

Equipment : on the poster there are proverbs: “Truth is brighter than the sun”, “Truth is purer than the clear sun”, etc.

Progress of the lesson

    Organizing time.


Exercise “Compliment”

(Children in a circle give their neighbor a compliment, passing a ball of thread. At the end of the exercise, the whole class is “sewn” together.)

Did you enjoy this exercise? Sometimes, in addition to good things, we say bad things to each other. Sometimes, bad things are even easier to say than good things. But it’s so important to express your positive feelings and emotions to each other. They encourage us and give us confidence. Let's give each other more compliments.

    Main part.

Educator: Today we will try to be sincere in exploring the concept of “honesty”. It would seem - what is simpler? However, so often we have to return to issues related to honesty in behavior in answering the questions posed.

Guys, how do you understand the meaning of the concept of “honesty”?


    Tell the truth, regardless of whether it makes your interlocutor happy or sad.

    Life presents different situations, and I don't always tell the truth.

    This is life with a clear conscience.

To be honest - this does not mean constantly throwing out everything that is on your mind. The naked truth can cause tension in friendly relations, and even generate anger.

Some perceive directness more easily, others more difficult. We offer you some practical advice how to be honest and not ruin relationships with people:

    Communicate with people in first person. Because honesty is about opening up and expressing your thoughts and feelings. For example, say: “I'm concerned about your problems,” instead of: “You're annoying me with your problems.”

    Don’t tell the whole truth at once, start small and gradually increase your speed. Prepare the person.

    Get rid of past lies as soon as possible. Admit to the other person that you are wrong, say that you value your relationship and want to preserve it.

How do you feel when people lie to you?




    Trust in a person disappears.

    A feeling of resentment appears.

What do you think it means to be honest with yourself?


    Always and everywhere tell the truth.

    Don't lie to yourself.

    This is when you don’t lie to yourself, your feelings, when your conscience is clear.

How then do we understand “self-deception”?


    This is when a person is dishonest with himself.

    When you deceive yourself.

    Wishful thinking.

Let's look at some situations.

Situation 1.

Educator: Classroom teacher collects your diaries to check if all the grades you received during the week are posted in the diary. And there are repeated cases when some of you say that you forgot in the hope that the teacher himself will forget about this fact tomorrow. How to evaluate this fact?

Situation 2.

Educator: Taking advantage of their good knowledge of the Internet, some manage to find solutions to written work there and calmly transfer what they find into a notebook. How to look at this?


    Well, I rewrote it and it’s good, the main thing is that they don’t scold me at home.

    It's embarrassing when the teacher notices.

    My conscience, of course, torments me, but I really want to get a good grade.

Situation 3.

Volodya copied the assignment from his neighbor at his desk and, raising his hand, answered it. The teacher noticed that the neighbor had the same thing written down. The girl was accused of cheating, but the boy remained silent. As a result, he received a 5, and the neighbor received a 2. Is this acceptable?

You have several questions. How would you answer them?

    You buy groceries and the cashier gives you extra money in the form of change. Will you return them?

    You spent the change from the money your mother gave you to buy groceries on some little thing, thinking that your mother wouldn’t notice anyway.

    You want to stay at a friend's house and come home later than your parents asked. “I'll just tell them that the buses aren't running well and we're stuck in traffic. They always trust me, and I’m not going to do anything bad, it’ll just make them feel safer.”

    You found a mobile phone. Will you be happy with the find and appropriate it, or will you try to find the owner?

Winged words about honesty.

    The closest thing to greatness is honesty. /Victor Hugo/

    An honest person is exalted in soul, therefore his happiness is deep and inescapable. All his deeds bear the stamp of freedom. /HongZichen/

    The only thing that every honest person should be guided in his actions is whether what he does is fair or unfair, and whether it is an act of good or evil man. /Socrates/

    The truly honest person is the one who always asks himself if he is honest enough. /Plavtus/

    Wisdom is more valuable than gold, but honesty, justice and dignity are more important than all wisdom. /Ali Absheroni/

Live examples.

1. Nizhneudinsk police praised schoolchildren for their honesty and decency.

The day before in high schoolNOn the 10th of the city of Nizhneudinsk an unusual solemn assembly took place. At it, employees of the local police department presented three students of grades 5 and 6, Sergei Borisov, Andrei Sidorov and Vadim Jafarov, with memorable gifts and letters of gratitude “For honesty, decency and civic consciousness.”
Shortly before these events, teenagers, walking in the park, found three cell phones. “Of course,” the guys say, “there was a great temptation to keep the mobile phones for ourselves, but we decided to do differently.”
Friends brought the phones to the police duty station of the Department of Internal Affairs in the Nizhneudinsky district of the Irkutsk region and told where and under what circumstances they were found. Soon the police identified the legitimate owners of the phones and handed over to them, as the owners believed, irretrievably lost expensive mobile devices. And three friends, having received gifts and certificates from the hands of police officers, felt like heroes of the day.

2. Two Austrian teenagers who handed over about ten thousand euros in cash to the lost and found were completely misunderstood by their peers.The schoolchildren discovered such a considerable amount during a class excursion. According to the workers of the Lost and Found Bureau, this is the first time in their practice that money has been brought to them. And if within a year the owner of the lost ten thousand does not show up, then young people with a pure soul will be able to take them for themselves. However, this example of selflessness pales in comparison to the act of a German soldier, who at about the same time found and returned to the collectors three suitcases containing a million euros that had been lost on the road.

So what is “honesty”?

It is the agreement between a person's thoughts and beliefs and his words and actions. Honesty of thought is the desire to follow the facts without hiding or distorting them, and without drawing conclusions based on false information. Honesty of actions includes accuracy in money matters and sincerity in relationships.

Here's how Wikipedia defines honesty:

“Honesty is the avoidance of deception, and in particular fraud, in relationships with other people. Compared to truthfulness, the concept of honesty emphasizes the absence of selfish motives for misinformation and, at the same time, is more lenient towards unintentional misrepresentation, i.e. a person can remain honest if he tells another a lie that he himself believes.

Honesty is an outstanding quality that penetrates to the very depths of human beings. Honesty (or lack thereof) will be clearly evident in your every word and action. Honesty, strength of character, integrity and respect are closely intertwined and go hand in hand on the path to outstanding success.”

Educator: So what is the advantage of honesty?

Children present their arguments.

3. Final part.

Let's summarize.

Honesty - This is one of the indispensable manifestations of a noble person.

Honesty – this is a serious reason for respect for a person.

Honesty - this is the belief that the interlocutor is so spiritually developed that he will be able to understand and accept the most bitter truth.

Honesty – surprisingly useful thing. It can free us from the heavy burden of stress and anxiety; it makes our sleep peaceful at night; it gives confidence in one’s own abilities; it improves our mental well-being; thanks to her, people value our opinion more.

Let honesty become your life companion and give you the opportunity to gain the respect and understanding of others and lead you to success.

Character property, because:

  1. Officially considered a positive attribute.
  2. It can be considered both a positive and a negative (unethical/rude) attribute if the people around the speaker (or the person to whom the truth is spoken) have ambivalent attitudes towards the subject of honesty.

Showing honesty is considered to be a uniquely positive act only if it evokes positive emotions in all listeners. In cases where there is no unanimously positive perception by the listeners, the attitude towards the manifestation of honesty can be very ambiguous and ambiguous.

Example 1. A couple is preparing for a celebration/wedding. A point of honesty - the groom doesn't like something in the bride's closet at the last minute. Honesty: to say or not. Depending on the upbringing, desires and momentary state of the bride, a manifestation of honesty can be perceived both positively and negatively.

Example 2: In a society of familiar people, a new person appears who clearly does not reach the intellectual level of this society. Showing honesty in this case (explaining to a person his stupidity) will be considered positive by more radical members of society, but negative (unethical) by more moderate ones.

Over time, humanity comes to a greater understanding of which elements of honesty are positive and which are negative.

Example of Attitude Change. The subject of honesty: a dying patient. Is it fair to tell a patient whether he is dying or not? Previously, when there was no clear attitude towards this manifestation of honesty, the decision about honesty stood before the doctor and depended on his understanding of the term “honesty”. The doctor, based on the best intentions (sparing the patient), could not inform the patient that he was dying. Now it is accepted that a person has the right to display honesty on the part of a doctor, regardless of whether this information will bring him positive or negative emotions.


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See what “Honesty” is in other dictionaries:

    Education * Greatness * Genius * Common sense* Ideal * Manners * Opinion * Morality * Help * Action * Habit * Reputation * Advice * Secret * Talent * Character ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    Conscientiousness, straightforwardness, incorruptibility, blamelessness, truthfulness, nobility. Cm … Synonym dictionary

    HONESTY, honesty, pl. no, female 1. abstract noun to honest in 1 value. Honesty of belief. Honesty of character. 2. An honest attitude towards something, honest behavior. There is no doubt about his honesty. “When he talks about high honesty, ... his eyes are in ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Honesty- Honesty ♦ Honnêteté Fairness in the first person, especially manifested in relations of property, exchange and contract. Respect not only for the rule of law accepted in a given country, but also for equality, at least legal, between everyone... ... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

    HONEST, oh, oh; ten, tna, tno, tnShy and tny. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    honesty- Absolute, impeccable, flawless, high, ideal, crystal, extraordinary, infallible, incorruptible, adamant, invulnerable, exemplary, knightly, one hundred percent (colloquial), scrupulous. Accounting, penny-pinching, hidden,... ... Dictionary of epithets

    Honesty- ■ Primarily characteristic of bureaucracy... Lexicon of common truths

    honesty- HONESTY1, integrity, integrity, decency, cleanliness colloquial. reduction HONESTLY, colloquial. reduction honest man HONEST, blameless, respectable, crystal, spotless, decent, clean, pure HONESTY2,... ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

    honesty- absolute honesty impeccable honesty great honesty amazing honesty exceptional honesty crystal honesty incredible honesty incredible honesty extraordinary honesty infallible honesty ... ... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

    honesty- noun Fast. ex: vernacular; inanimate; abstract; and. R.; 3 cl. LZ Sincerity, directness, truthfulness. Word-formation analysis, Morphemic analysis: To enlarge, click on the picture Nepost. ex: only units number; Them. n. Basis of word form: honesty... ... Morphemic-word-formation dictionary


  • Honesty, Liu Xiang, Xue Gang. Honesty is, of course, one of the main human values, important for both the West and the East. In China, it echoes both the traditional past and the socialist one...



adj., used Often

Morphology: honest, honest, Honestly, honest And honest; more honest; adv. Honestly, honestly

1. Honest They call a person who always tells the truth and is sincere in his interactions with other people.

3. Honest They call actions and actions of a person in which there is no deception.

Honest behavior. |


Act honestly, honestly.

4. If you do something like an honest person, this means that in your behavior you are guided by the rules of honor, protect your own and others’ dignity, etc.

He said that, as an honest man, he should get married.

5. Honest methods, ways of doing something mean methods and ways in which there is no deception.

How to make money honestly.

6. Honest words, books, etc. are words, books, etc. that truthfully, reliably present events, facts, and do not hide anything.

I just want to hear from you an honest story about everything that happened. | Thank you for your direct and honest answer.

7. You tell someone honestly when you promise him to act without deception or assure him that your words are true.

Honest noble word. | Give your word of honor to someone. | Take someone's word of honor. | Demand a word of honor from someone.

8. If you give something to someone, you are letting someone go. on parole, this means that you believe that this person will not deceive you, you do not require a deposit from him or any other guarantee of his honesty.

9. If something hangs, stays on his word of honor, then this means that this object is not firmly held, attached, or standing.

10. Honest are called a process, action, phenomenon that comply with the law and do not allow fraud.

Honest earnings. | Fair Trade. | Fair elections. | Fair rules of the game. | The President said that Russia is ready for fair competition in the international aviation market.

11. Honest it is called something that is not tainted, not defamed by anything reprehensible, something worthy, noble.

Honest family. | Honest name. | Live an honest life.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Dmitriev. D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.



See what “honest” is in other dictionaries:

    HONEST, honest, honest; honest, honest, honest. 1. Truthful, straightforward and conscientious, free from all guile. Fair man. Honest character. “It was hard and slow that the honest, poor writer was fading away.” Nekrasov. “You prepared for your homeland... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Conscientious, truthful, direct, straightforward, blameless, irreproachable, impeccable, incorruptible, conscientious, sincere; honestly, in good conscience. A man of honest rules. Aristide. Immaculate service. Wed. . See noble, gallant,... ... Synonym dictionary

    HONEST, oh, oh; ten, tna, tno, tny and tny. 1. Imbued with sincerity and directness, conscientious. H. person. Ch. labor. Act honestly (adv.). Honest intentions. Ch. look. 2. Respectable, impeccable. Honest life. Honest name. H... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    honest- honest, concise. f. honest, honest (acceptably honest), honestly, honest and honest; compare Art. more honest. Pronounced [honest]... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    honest- absolutely honest, impeccably honest, endlessly honest, deeply honest, terribly honest, extremely honest, extremely honest, crystal honest, extremely honest, incredibly honest, extremely honest, very honest... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

I want to talk to you about honesty. I don't want to speak in my own words. Why? Because she sometimes interferes with my life and I don’t want to admit it. It turns out that I'm being dishonest with myself. Okay, here's what I found on the internet

Every person dreams of a kind and honest friend, spouse, boss, co-worker. Is not it? Kindness and honesty are qualities that most people try to find in other people, forgetting that first of all they need to be like that themselves.

What is honesty? Let's talk about honesty. It is worth trying to define this rather difficult concept. Honesty is a character trait when a person always tells the truth and tries not to lie under any circumstances. He avoids lies and omissions. Honesty is the ability to always admit that you are wrong, it is the ability to never make excuses, to be sincere in any situation. An honest person has a conscience that never sleeps, which strictly controls all his actions and actions.

About types of honesty There are two types of honesty - honesty with other people and honesty with yourself. At first glance, it seems that being completely honest with yourself is very easy. However, it is not. Very often people fall into a network of illusions they themselves create and can remain in them for a long time. For example, there are cases when a person considers another person to be his most sincere friend, trusts him in everything, helps him, and years later it turns out that friendship as such did not exist. It’s just that the first one wanted to believe in this holy feeling, and the other simply skillfully took advantage of its principles. Therefore, it is very important to never deceive yourself. Now let's talk about honesty with others. What does this concept include? First of all, it is being true to your word. An honest person will always keep his promise and help in difficult times. You can trust him like yourself. He always speaks to the point and would rather remain silent than flatter and sing praises.

Is it easy to be honest? Unfortunately, to be honest modern world It’s very difficult, since deception, meanness and betrayal can be found at every step. In most cases, they love those people who can cheat, avoid answering, or lavish compliments. That is why man has an unbearably difficult mission to bring kindness and light to this world. Honesty is not only a quality of character, but also a duty of those people who consider themselves highly moral. There are several reasons why people choose to be honest. Those who believe in God will say that the seventh commandment says: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” And they will be completely right in living according to the Lord’s instructions. Others, non-believers, can also be no less honest, since they cannot live otherwise. Thus, we can conclude that honesty comes in different ways. Honesty of a person also lies in the eradication of lies. He will try with all his might to prevent the other from lying, and in any situation he will strive to ensure that justice prevails.

Laws of the Universe Honesty is living according to the laws of the Universe. It is worth noting that they are all honest. For example, the boomerang law. He did a good deed - it will definitely return in the future, he committed an evil deed and, it seems, has already forgotten about it, but no, he will return, and at the most inopportune moment. Honestly, isn't it?

A little about straightforwardness However, it is worth distinguishing between honesty and excessive straightforwardness, or even rudeness. An honest person is always correct, although he speaks the truth. A straightforward person says everything he thinks about, without even realizing that his words are not always appropriate and can hurt his neighbor. When speaking the truth, be, first of all, correct.

Be honest and sincere, and then your conscience will always remain calm. Also, do not forget that you need to be sincere to yourself. Good luck to you in this difficult but very necessary task!

I won’t ask you the question, are you even? just talk about honesty)

Question or no question) I googled quotes and aphorisms about honesty) choose any button)

and as always we poke - we don’t poke) we think - we don’t think) we speak - we don’t speak) we are kind and easy to communicate)

Lately I'm starting to feel like this site has become like Dictionary. In the last article I talked about that, and in this one I’ll talk about what is honesty and integrity. Is it good to be an honest and decent person in our time? In this article I will express my opinion, and you can continue your thoughts below in the comments.

What is honesty and integrity?

A question like this is fairly easy to answer. Honesty- This is the avoidance of fraud and deception in relationships with other people. Honesty doesn't only happen to other people. Honesty is the ability to admit that you are wrong, the ability not to make excuses or argue with other people. Honesty is a developed conscience that strictly controls a person.

Who is an honest person? Honest and decent person- this is a person who has developed that same conscience. This is the person who will never deceive or betray other people. You can 100% trust such people. An honest and decent person would rather remain silent than tell the truth. If he is sure that he will not cope with any task, then he will immediately say so in order to be honest.

Honesty can be external and internal. You can probably guess what I'm talking about. External honesty is honesty before people around you. Inner honesty is being honest with yourself. For many people, it is their inner honesty that is lacking. The one who makes excuses, tries to explain his wrong actions and actions in beautiful words, simply builds a big wall in front of himself. And what a relief comes when a person admits to himself his imperfection. It’s as if blocks of stones are falling off your shoulders. Being honest with yourself is much better than being honest with other people.

But is a person always honest? Unfortunately no. Even the most honest person in the world is bound to tell a lie somewhere. Read the article -. I want to add something here. Many people lie to appear cool to other people. There is nothing good in this, since sooner or later people will still find out who a person really is.

Our neighbors were like that. They always talked about how they would buy a new car, build a garage, fly to Miami on vacation, but they never bought anything, and they didn’t come back from vacation tanned. In such cases, people lie to themselves and others.

There is the opposite of such people - these are the people who become poor. That is, in fact, everything is wonderful with them, but they prefer to hide this "sweet" the truth from other people so that there is no envy. For example, a person earns 100,000 rubles a month, but tells others that he earns 25,000 rubles a month. And when they ask him about new car, that is, where he bought it, then he begins to come up with funny stories. In such cases, a person does not want to offend anyone with his achievements, so he is forced to lie. To be honest, many people feel that they live better than others because they have been given more in this life.

There is a third category of people - they say what is. I am one of them. I say what is, what I saw and what I think. This is good and bad at the same time. I offend many people with my straightforwardness. Lately I've started to keep a close eye on this. Sometimes it is better to remain silent than to tell the truth.

There was just one story recently. I decided to take a walk around the Sormovsky district of my city. If today is February 15, then it was January 28. I went to shopping mall "Ant" to see what's there. I went up to the second floor and saw a familiar face. This was my classmate with whom I studied from fifth to ninth grade. He sat and sold candies, sweets, lollipops and so on. I walked up, greeted him, and we started talking about business. I asked him: “Do you work here?”. He said that he and his partner had recently opened and that in another "Ant"(there are two shopping centers in our city "Ant") he’s sitting right there. Well, naturally, I realized that this was not his point at all, and that he was simply working there as a salesman. I told him about my affairs. He didn’t believe me, and then I showed him the evidence. Through his phone, I showed him my sites, my traffic statistics, and so on, after which he believed me.

So it turned out that I was honest with him, and he slightly exaggerated his achievements. One of the shopping centers "Ant" immediately visible if I look out the window. I live 500 meters from him. I was there on the fifth floor and didn't see any partner. There was a girl sitting there, also in the role of a salesperson. This is just one story where a man exaggerated about his achievements. Another classmate of mine, with whom I studied from 10th to 11th grade, also exaggerated about his achievements, saying that on his website he and his two partners earned enough money for three apartments. After looking at his website and his statistics, I quickly determined that he was not sincere. In September 2013, he met me again. He said he sold his share. By the way, you can take a look at his website - 459 people per month. This is not at all enough to earn money for three apartments.

Do you need to be an honest and decent person?

You can be honest with people. I mean don't talk about things that don't exist. It's better to say what it is. As a last resort, remain silent. In business and politics, being honest and decent is sometimes not worth it. I won’t take politics, everything is clear there, but I’ll take business as an example. In business, it is better to be honest with clients and partners. Otherwise, the company will lose face, authority, and, of course, profit.

While doing business, I noticed only one dishonesty of many companies - this is the exaggeration of the merits of their product. Many companies over-promote their products. For example, an information product. Now, if you buy this information product, your life will change 180 degrees. By purchasing such goods and studying them, life, as a rule, does not change. Everything remains the same.

Or take a new company - Winner Academy, headed by the respected Vladimir Dovgan. In each video message, he claims that if you attract 10 active participants to your team per day, then after 35 days $50,000 will appear in your account every week. He claims that WA is the first project in the world that is doing something that no one else in the world has done. After analyzing the project, I came to the conclusion that this is a mixture of a financial pyramid with an information business. The project is really good and environmentally friendly, but it will be difficult for beginners to succeed in it; middle-market people already have their own websites and their own audience and this project has no use for them. I’m generally silent about professionals.

That is, in business, many companies engage in exaggeration. In business this is acceptable; there is no place for absolute honesty and decency. Advertising is advertising, PR is PR. Everyone needs to earn money. And exaggeration is great for convincing people to make a purchase.

It is better to be honest with yourself and be cunning with others. I think I will be honest with you if I say that I managed to answer the question: “What is honesty and integrity?” and where it is worth being one, and where it is not worth it. Ciao.

If you want to know what will happen to you if you are always honest, then watch the film with Jim Carrey: "Liar Liar".

what is honesty and integrity
