Useful substances for the brain. Useful products for brain function

For the development of the brain and its functioning, a constant supply of nutrients is necessary. They consume all the same substances that the body as a whole needs: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, water and vitamins.

Proteins make it possible to synthesize amino acids, which help transmit impulses from one nerve cell to another. Carbohydrates are needed primarily for energy production. Fats are involved in metabolic processes. Vitamins and minerals regulate the activity of the brain, the reactions of its metabolism. Proper nutrition for the brain involves the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and for this you should combine different food groups.


The main functions of the central nervous system (motor, emotional, sensations of pain and pleasure) are controlled by special brain hormones - neurotransmitters synthesized by amino acids. They are also responsible for sleep activity, control the center of appetite, influence intellectual activity, mnestic, improve mood. Food rich in protein promotes the intake of amino acids in the body: meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, legumes, nuts, seeds, leafy green vegetables.

Amino acids

Here are some amino acids found in protein foods that are especially beneficial for the central nervous system.

  1. Glutamic acid. Together with a special enzyme, it forms gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which is consumed by neurons as an energy source. GABA is especially indicated in cases where brain vessels are affected, memory, attention, speech suffer, dizziness is noted. Also has a calming effect. It is found in both vegetable and animal products, but is destroyed during heating, so it is useful to choose those that do not require processing: spinach, cabbage, parsley, seeds.
  2. Tryptophan. Participates in the formation of serotonin - one of the main hormones-mediators of the brain. The lack leads to a decrease in mood, the development of depression, sleep disturbance, feelings of tension and fear, obsessive-compulsive disorders. Especially rich in tryptophan are soybeans and peas, Dutch cheese, chicken, rabbit, beef, horse mackerel and herring, cottage cheese.
  3. Glycine. A well-known neurotransmitter acid, which is ubiquitous in parts of the central nervous system, has an inhibitory effect on motor neurons, and increases the production of GABA. It improves memory, concentration and distribution of attention, has a positive effect on blood vessels and blood circulation, and has a sedative effect. A large amount is found in beef, liver, soy, sesame, peanuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, almonds, buckwheat, lentils.
  4. Taurine. Plays a huge role in the development of brain cells and retina of the child, which he consumes from breast milk or formula.
  5. Lysine. Its deficiency affects the synthesis of proteins, which is expressed in increased fatigue, fatigue, irritability. The work of cognitive processes is disrupted: attention and memory suffer. Sources of lysine include legumes (also vasodilating) eggs, red meat, pork, poultry, cheese, cod and sardines.

If a person is a vegetarian, he must calculate his menu so that protein food is regularly present in it: unlike meat, one plant product does not contain the entire range of amino acids, they must be “taken” from different ones.


Proper nutrition in order for the brain to work effectively is impossible without glucose, which enters the bloodstream after the breakdown of carbohydrates. It is the main source of energy for the central nervous system, and also contributes to the production of insulin, which is necessary for the rapid transmission of impulses in neurons.

Food poor in carbohydrates can lead to negative consequences for the state of the brain: memory worsens, concentration is lost, mood swings appear, drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness, and developmental delays in children.

“Healthy” carbohydrates are complex. Frequent intake of monosaccharides is harmful to the brain: due to the fact that blood sugar is regularly elevated, the pancreas can hardly cope with the production of insulin. Lipid metabolism is disturbed, which negatively affects the vessels: their walls become thinner. In addition, a person may experience chronic fatigue and drowsiness.

Complex carbohydrates are absorbed more slowly, sugar comes in gradually. Food with their presence: cereals (buckwheat, raw rice and millet, oatmeal), wholemeal bread, durum wheat pasta, legumes, vegetables.

You should not refuse simple carbohydrates, since foods containing them can have beneficial substances for the brain: vitamins, minerals, and water (for example, fruits). In addition, sometimes there are situations when the work of the brain must be strengthened, and memory activated (during mental stress), then periodic intake of something sweet is possible.


What fats are needed for the brain?

Omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids are essential for brain development and function. A person begins to consume them from birth - through breastfeeding or a mixture. The body does not produce them on its own. In an adult, a lack of fat increases the likelihood of depression. Food that contains fatty acids improves brain functions: speech, memory, attention, perception, as well as cerebral circulation. However, saturated fats are also necessary for the central nervous system - the risk of dementia with their moderate use is reduced by more than a third.

The human brain is 60% saturated fat. They are the main component of its cells.

Foods for the brain that are sources of fat: fish, meat, eggs, nuts, cheese, vegetable oils, avocados, coconut oil, peanuts.


When they talk about vitamins that are useful for brain activity and the proper development of the central nervous system, they mean, first of all, B vitamins.

They are involved in the direct synthesis of neurotransmitters. Each of them to some extent affects the activity of the brain: improves memory, attention, helps relieve fatigue and mental stress. Positively affect the vessels of the brain and blood circulation by reducing blood clotting

Which B vitamins are the most important:

  • B1 is the main vitamin that activates the brain. Without its presence, lactic acid begins to accumulate, which leads to severe fatigue, disruption of the heart. As a result, blood circulation worsens and blood vessels become thinner. Foods that are completely deficient in this vitamin can lead to paralysis. When heated, the vitamin is destroyed, it is better to give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • B3 is a vitamin that can increase energy at the intracellular level. Foods that stimulate brain activity: buckwheat, meat, eggs, nuts, milk, legumes and fish.
  • B6 is involved in the synthesis of serotonin and norepinephrine. Its reception is useful as an auxiliary measure in the fight against depressive disorders. They are rich in: bananas, legumes, milk, liver, cereals, cabbage, walnuts.
  • Lack of B12 contributes to the disruption of the formation of nerve sheaths, which can gradually lead to: decreased vision, memory, dizziness, chronic fatigue, irritability. It is also involved in the regulation of daily human activity. Contained in meat, milk, cheese, seaweed.

All of these vitamins are absorbed by the body thanks to vitamin C, which is found in citrus fruits, black currants, cabbage, rose hips, mint, sea buckthorn, tomatoes, apples, apricots, bell peppers, kiwi.

Vitamins D, E and bioflavonoids, which dilate the vessels of the brain, prevent hemorrhages. Vitamin D is found in butter, dairy products, egg yolk, fish oil. Vitamin E - in vegetable oils, milk, nuts, eggs, liver, seeds, legumes. Bioflavonoids - in fresh berries and fruits, green tea.

trace elements

Proper nutrition for the brain is impossible without the presence of trace elements. We list the most useful for him.

  1. When the body lacks magnesium, neurons fire easily, but do not go through the relaxation stage. A person may experience irritability, insomnia, emotional lability. Magnesium promotes relaxation of nerve endings. An identical effect occurs on blood circulation: the vessels of the brain get rid of spasm, relieve headaches. Contained in buckwheat, leafy greens, legumes, rice.
  2. Support the functioning of cell walls potassium. In addition, it maintains the concentration of magnesium in the body, contributes to the normalization of the heart rhythm, relieves blood vessels of sodium, and supplies the brain with oxygen. It is found in large quantities in dried apricots, bananas, celery root, mushrooms, soybeans, and bran.
  3. Zinc enhances intellectual abilities and memory, fights depression, stress, plays an important role in the control of epileptic seizures. Food depleted of it allows you to contract

It is known that in order for the brain to work, it must be trained, as well as eat right. Every day he does a great job, being responsible not only for thoughts and memory, but also for any of our movements. In addition to memorizing poems, solving crossword puzzles and puzzles, our body needs products that are useful for the brain.

You can help your brain do its job better if you know the features of a “smart” diet. The editors of the site have compiled for you a selection of the 12 most useful foods for the brain.

What are the best foods for the adult brain?

Scientists are still far from unraveling all the secrets associated with the work of the human brain. But they unanimously agree on one thing - he has an amazing device and must be handled with care. And this means loading it with spiritual food and regularly consuming foods that are good for the brain.

It is not difficult to make a healthy diet for the most important organ of the human body. The main thing is to know that there are foods that stimulate the brain. They will help him work more efficiently and keep a good memory for many years.

12 Foods to Improve Memory and Concentration

1. Sea fish: herring, salmon, salmon, tuna

Any fish contains phosphorus, which is good for the brain. And sea fish also has omega-3 fatty acids, which improve memory, increase concentration, and increase efficiency. In addition, omega-3s improve mood and prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease.

2 eggs

If you are engaged in intense mental work, then a couple of eggs a day will definitely not hurt you. Choline, which is found in the yolk, is called the building material for brain cells. This amino acid contributes to better memory, good mood, and lecithin slows down the aging process.

3. Blueberries

Blueberries are recommended to be included in the diet for those who want to think quickly at any age. It is useful with antioxidants that fight forgetfulness and help to absorb new knowledge. Any berries improve brain performance, but blueberries, raspberries and blackberries are recognized as leaders.

4. Dried apricots

Dried apricots are not only a source of glucose, which is important for the normal functioning of the brain, but also iron and vitamin C. Dried apricots help fight fatigue, stress and improve analytical thinking.

5. Cabbage, spinach, greens

These foods are one of the most affordable ways to fight memory decline and age-related diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia. They contain so many nutrients and vitamins (beta-carotene, folic acid, lutein) that contribute to the rejuvenation of the brain.

6. Seeds and nuts

All types of nuts and seeds contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, magnesium, iron, zinc, and copper. All of these nutrients are essential for the nutrition and functioning of the brain. They act as natural antidepressants, improve mood and help solve complex problems.

7. Bitter chocolate and cocoa

A cup of cocoa or a bar of dark chocolate helps to better cope with intellectual tasks and remember information. Flavonoids and antioxidants contained in cocoa beans are needed for good memory, quick wits and good mood. Unfortunately, any other type of chocolate other than black, sweets and cakes contain more sugar than cocoa. Therefore, there is almost no benefit to the brain from them.

8. Green tea

Green tea gently stimulates the nervous system and helps the brain work faster and more efficiently. It is also rich in antioxidants that protect against the development of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

9. Oatmeal

Oatmeal and other whole grains (wheat, barley, bran, brown rice) stimulate blood circulation in the brain and saturate it with oxygen. Healthy cereals in the diet are necessary for good memory and are especially useful for older people.

10. Oranges

Sunny oranges contain vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that protects the brain from age-related changes. One orange a day will greatly improve mental performance and memory. Kiwi works the same way.

11. Carrot

Carrots can slow down the aging process of the brain and memory impairment. And all thanks to beta-carotene, which it is rich in and which prevents the destruction of cells.

12. Turmeric

Turmeric contains a substance - curcumin, which is recognized as one of the useful products for brain function. It improves memory, helps fight depression, bad mood and age-related changes in the brain.

What foods are good for a child's brain

The right diet will help your child learn and remember information better, restore energy faster and work productively. Schoolchildren without allergies are suitable for all those products that are recommended for adults. However, parents should follow the correct ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats that the child receives every day:

    50% proteins (legumes, poultry, fish, cereals, hard cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, nuts);

    15% fat (meat, heart, liver, eggs, chocolate, nuts, fish, vegetable oil);

    35% carbohydrates (buckwheat, oatmeal, carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, beets, brown rice, fruits).

Useful foods for the brain. How to improve memory and keep youth without much hassle?

It is already known that regular and proper nutrition is necessary to maintain a healthy state of the body as a whole. It seems that everything is clear and not difficult - squat every day, eat more live foods and be healthy.

But if everything is so simple with the body, why is it that a fairly young generation, including athletes, is increasingly suffering from memory impairment and a decrease in brain activity. Let's see what the brain lacks?

What are useful foods that dilate blood vessels, improve memory and brain function?

  • Improves mood
  • Reduces conflict, aggressiveness
  • Improves psycho-emotional condition
  • Facilitates falling asleep, normalizes sleep
  • Reduces the toxic effect of alcohol

Of course, it is advisable to take it only after being prescribed by a doctor. Even though it's completely harmless on its own. This is confirmed by frequent prescriptions for children as a preventive measure for emotional excitability and anxiety.

Do coffee, chocolate, walnuts improve memory?

Dark chocolate, a special brain stimulant that dilates blood vessels, is involved in the supply of oxygen to the brain. Helps to keep alert during sleep deprivation by helping the brain to produce endorphin- the hormone of happiness. Contains phosphorus to nourish brain cells and magnesium, improving cellular balance .

. Especially walnuts. There is a belief that in ancient Egypt it was forbidden to eat nuts to common people in order to avoid the "wit" of the crowd. All thanks beneficial fatty acids, phosphorus and gland. And a large amount of easily digestible protein helps the brain to receive the necessary energy without energy consumption for splitting.

invigorates brain activity due to mild vasodilation. Actually it is not a stimulant. And they shouldn't get involved. It is better to drink a cup of strong black tea. 2. useful for the brain due to antioxidants and is able to increase blood pressure, increase heart contraction, fight stressful situations.

3 . Ginseng- stimulator of cell energy. It has a great effect on memory, reduces general weakness, fatigue, and increases blood pressure.

What are not useful products with vasoconstrictor action on the brain?

memory can be taken as a vitamin supplement for mild memory impairment.

Tanakan- contains ginkgo biloba. Assign in case of impossibility of assimilation of information or gaps in memory, with signs of anxiety or fear.

Picamilon- prescribed if there is the slightest deviation in blood circulation, memory impairment or inducement to fear. Improves the assimilation of educational material in children.

IMPORTANT: All drugs must be prescribed by a doctor and require careful attention to the reception!

The brain is one of the most complex organized substances of the human body. It is impossible to imagine a process of vital activity in the origin or regulation of which he would not take part. The sensation of temperature, taste, pain, thirst, hunger provides a person with a brain.

Receiving signals from the outside world, the brain analyzes them and transmits impulses to the appropriate organs. It regulates the intellectual, emotional, sexual sphere, and in general our whole life and health.

Every day, the nervous system receives a tremendous load. For the optimal functioning of all life processes, it is necessary to provide proper nutrition for the brain.

Nutrients Needed by the Brain

Practically all the same substances are useful for the brain as for the whole organism: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, water.

Protein is one of the most important components for brain nutrition. It is the building material of our body. In the process of digestion, the protein breaks down into amino acids, ensuring the transmission of nerve impulses to all internal organs.

Complete nutrition for the brain can provide animal products (meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, milk) and plant origin (beans, whole grains, leafy vegetables). It is necessary to consume such food at least three times a week. With a long-term protein deficiency, the speed of reaction, the IQ decreases, and disturbances in the psycho-emotional sphere are observed.

Fats play a special role in ensuring the productive work of the nervous system. They provide a protective function of the cell, maintain its integrity. Therefore, eating fatty foods is essential. But these should be only “healthy” fats containing Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids contained in trout, salmon, salmon varieties, and herring.

Vegetable sources of proper fats are considered olive, sesame oil, pumpkin and flax seeds, seafood. Including them in the diet has a positive effect on our memory and performance.

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The deficiency of these nutrients often leads to serious consequences, deep stress for the nervous system.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy that contributes to the production of insulin, which ensures the flow of metabolic processes in the body. It is useful to eat complex carbohydrates: various types of cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, barley, oatmeal), durum wheat pasta, vegetables, fruits.

The process of digestion of these products requires a sufficiently large amount of time, due to which glucose enters the body in uniform portions. Thus, the cell's need for energy is replenished, which contributes to productive intellectual activity.

What vitamins are good for the brain?

Firstly, these are B vitamins, which have a positive effect on memory, intellectual activity, and help relieve fatigue. With a properly organized diet, the necessary need for B vitamins enters the body with food.

With increased mental activity, frequent stress, an additional intake of vitamins is recommended.

IN 1- activates the work of the brain. At least one seasonal fruit or vegetable should be eaten daily.

IN 3- Helps to increase energy at the intracellular level. To do this, you need to eat foods that contain protein that is useful to our body.

AT 6- stimulates metabolic processes in cells, is a kind of antidepressant. Its content is high in bananas, beans, milk-containing products, liver, cereals, nuts.

AT 12- coordinates visual activity, memory, regulates the periods of wakefulness of a person. They are rich in food of animal origin. Vitamin B12 deficiency is often seen in vegetarians.

Vitamin C- found in blackcurrant, citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, bell pepper.

Iron- we get when we include green apples, liver, beans, grain products in the diet.

The principles of proper nutrition

It is important not only what the brain eats, but also how this process is carried out. Meals should be regular. Active work requires a constant supply of nutrients that provide a stable level of energy. To do this, every 2-3 hours, the intake of protein or fiber is desirable.

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Do not under any circumstances overeat. Excess calories lead to a decrease in mental activity. Overeating accelerates the aging process of cells and leads to their destruction.

Eliminate fasting. The brain needs regular food enriched with a sufficient supply of useful substances.

Control the intake of protein foods rich in fats. Meat and dairy products consumed in large quantities contribute to the production of cholesterol, blockage of blood vessels, memory impairment, and also to the development of Alzheimer's disease.

  1. eat several types of protein foods at the same time (eggs and meat);
  2. combine proteins and fats (butter and cheese);
  3. eat protein foods in combination with acid (meat and fruits);
  4. a combination of sugar and starch (bread and jam);
  5. combine 2 or more types of foods containing starch (potatoes and bread).

The simpler the process of digestion of food, the more efficient the work of the body, especially the brain.

Be sure to make time for physical activity. Walking, skiing, cycling, dancing - take your pick. It is enough to allocate 30 minutes daily for 5 days a week.

Physical activity helps to saturate the brain with oxygen, improve blood supply. The brain will certainly thank you with good performance.

harmful products

It is not recommended to consume a lot of sweets, confectionery. Instead of candy, it is better to eat some grapes, sweet berries, dried fruits. Chocolate is only bitter. They will be digested longer, which means that the brain will work more efficiently for a longer time. Too fatty foods, convenience foods, fast food, smoked products also belong to the category of harmful foods that must be excluded from the diet.

It is not recommended to drink alcohol, it leads to aging and death of cells, disrupts memory function, provokes blockage of blood vessels. The exception is natural dry red wine in moderation, as it is rich in antioxidants. We minimize the consumption of instant coffee and tea bags.

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Coffee - exclusively grain, tea - from leaf tea leaves. Natural drinks create a charge of vivacity, activate brain activity, and help strengthen blood vessels.

Salinity and marinade contribute to fluid retention in the body, which can cause people to increase blood pressure, vascular problems, and even a stroke. Edema can provoke an increase in blood pressure, problems with blood vessels, and even a stroke.

We all want our heads to be clear and easy to think about, and interesting ideas to come to our heads as often as possible. When any problem puts us in a stupor, we tend to blame it on our mental abilities. Do not worry, but rather eat a piece of fish: perhaps you just do not have enough fatty acids?

1. Eat a balanced diet

We all sometimes want to eat something very fatty and salty, especially if we do not have time to eat properly. But it's better not to turn it into a lifestyle. In a recent study, scientists from the Medical University of South Carolina set out to trace the relationship between cognitive function and memory and diet. To do this, they fed a group of mice a high-fat diet for 16 weeks. The authors observed in these rodents a serious deterioration in memory compared with the control group, whose diet was balanced. Obese mice had difficulty distinguishing objects and poorly oriented in space. Fortunately, when the researchers started feeding the mice a balanced diet, their cognitive abilities gradually recovered.

2. Don't be afraid of cholesterol

One-fifth of the weight of the brain is the same cholesterol, fatty alcohol, which many are afraid of. Indeed, certain types of lipoproteins are highly correlated with atherosclerotic disorders in the body. They are poorly soluble, precipitate and form atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels. But the role of cholesterol in the body is very high. It forms cell membranes, allows cells to communicate with each other and protects the brain from the damaging effects of free radicals.

So the brain needs fats to function. Monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids are your best friends. They are required for the normal functioning of the brain, as they provide an influx of energy necessary for the transmission of impulses that transmit a signal from cell to cell. This allows you to increase mental abilities and improve memory.

3. Watch your glucose

Experts from the University of Washington bind elevated blood glucosewith high with the development of dementia- a sharp decrease in cognitive abilities. However, low glucose levels also cause worseningbrain activity.

The glycemic index (GI) shows how different foods affect blood glucose levels. Carbohydrates in low GI foods are broken down into glucose molecules more slowly, thus providing a more reliable supply of energy to the brain. Our favorite pretzels and rolls have a very high glycemic index, while raw carrots hardly change blood glucose levels.

A sharp rise in blood sugar can be slowed down by eating fats or proteins with carbohydrate-rich foods. For example, white bread has a high index, is quickly digested and creates a sharp jump in blood glucose, but if you eat it with a piece of meat, the flow of glucose will be uniform.

3. Vitamin D will protect your brain

The fat-soluble steroid hormone we know as vitamin D is extremely important for our brains. Our central nervous system contains vitamin D receptors. It regulates enzymes that are involved in the production of neurotransmitters and stimulate neuronal growth, and also protects neurons from the harmful effects of free radicals. Vitamin D is found in fish from cold seas, cheese, butter.

4. Drink red wine - in reasonable amounts

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages leads to disturbances in the functioning of the brain. However, in an article published in PLoS One, there is evidence that red wine in small quantities has a beneficial effect on cognitive function. The authors of the article investigated the neurobiological effects of the natural flavonoid resveratrol (RVTL) found in grapes. They found that resveratrol improved neuronal plasticity in the hippocampus and cognitive function in rodents.

5. Eat the foods on this list

Include the following foods in your diet. Many of them contain omega-3 fatty acids, which provide the energy needed to transmit impulses between neurons. Vitamin E maintains the elasticity of cerebral vessels and prevents oxygen starvation. But everything needs a measure. Scientists from the National Cancer Center in Ohio, US have found a link between excessive consumption of foods with unsaturated fatty acids and the occurrence of prostate cancer in men.

Beet. According to a Wake Forest University study, the natural nitrates in beets increase blood flow to the brain, improving mental performance.

Fish. Fish is laced with omega-3 acids (DHA+EPA), which support communication between neurons and help regulate the neurotransmitters responsible for mental focus. You can also take fish oil. Omega-3 acids are also found in flaxseed oil.

Walnuts and cereals. Yes, these high-calorie hemisphere-like things really help you think. Scientists from Tufts University in Boston found that a diet rich in walnuts can improve brain function: antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids help in this. In addition, nuts and grains contain vitamin E. Don't like walnuts - try hazelnuts or cashews!

Avocado and spinach. Avocados are high in protein and unsaturated fats, while dark green leafy vegetables are high in iron and vitamin E.

Coffee and tea. They are rich in antioxidants and reduce reaction time, improve attention and logical thinking, and have a beneficial effect on our memory abilities.

Red meat. Beef contains iron, which is part of red blood cells and plays an important role in supplying oxygen to brain tissues.