The diet of a child at 7 months is on artificial. Baby nutrition at seven months: what foods to give? Porridge and dairy products

The diet of a 7-month-old baby no longer consists only of mother’s milk and some adapted formula, but it is important to remember that many foods are not yet suitable for the little one. When feeding, you should consider what the baby can eat and in what quantity, and what he cannot. The products that are included in the baby’s daily menu should saturate his body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, but at the same time his still weak digestive system should not be overloaded.

What can a 7 month old baby eat?

It is important that your 7-month-old baby eats at the same time every day. As soon as the baby wakes up, he usually eats mother's milk or formula if he is bottle-fed. After 4-5 hours, you need to give the child porridge, while it is preferable to feed the baby with dairy-free porridge, but if you prepare it yourself, then it is best to do it with water.

From 7 months, a child can be slowly introduced to cereals, but not all of them at once - you need to start with porridges made from gluten-free rice, buckwheat or oatmeal. Immediately after the porridge, you can give your child a small amount of fruit puree. However, it is important to know that at this age green apples, pears, and bananas are very useful for children. But you need to wait with citrus fruits, as they can cause an allergic reaction. When it comes to vegetables, a child at 7 months should already be able to eat almost everything, with the exception of regular cabbage. Don't forget about meat - a seven-month-old baby should eat at least 30 g of this product every day.

Many pediatricians recommend starting to give children egg yolk at seven months, but it is advisable to give preference to quail eggs, and you need to start with half a yolk a day. It is impossible to give yolk every day, since a small child may develop an allergy to it, 3 times a week is the most optimal amount of yolk consumed for a baby of seven months. At 7 months, the child should receive a sufficient amount of fluid per day; therefore, in addition to mother’s milk, it is recommended that the baby be given warm boiled water and fruit juices.

Menu for a 7 month old baby

Menu for a 7 month old baby:

  1. Meat. Meat is a nutritional element that must be included in the daily diet of a 7-month-old baby, as this product is rich in all necessary vitamins and minerals. It is advisable to give meat at such an early age in the form of ready-made canned food, which undergoes a very large number of tests and meets all quality standards, or prepare it yourself. For small children, only dietary varieties of meat are used, namely: veal, rabbit, beef, turkey and chicken. Fish is still prohibited for a seven-month-old baby.
  2. Porridge. Your baby should eat porridge every day. You should not give him porridge from the same product every day; it is advisable to alternate them. For variety, you can add pumpkin to the porridge, which will not only saturate it with vitamins, but also give it a rich taste and color.
  3. Eggs. Despite the fact that eggs can cause allergies in children, they should be included in the menu of a 7-month-old baby, due to the fact that this product is rich in vitamins and polyunsaturated acids.
  4. Fruits. A baby aged seven months can be given apple, banana and pear puree.
  5. Dairy products. Cottage cheese and kefir are the most necessary fermented milk products that the baby should consume daily. Cottage cheese is a source of calcium, which children need for proper physical development, and kefir is responsible for normalizing the baby’s digestion.
  6. Beverages. You can diversify your baby’s drinking diet with dried fruit compote, and in the summer you can cook it from apples. As the child gets used to it, you can gradually add prunes, pears and plums to the compote. When cooking compotes for small children, sugar cannot be added to them, but if this is necessary, then sugar should be added in small quantities.

How much should a baby eat at 7 months?

At 6 o'clock in the morning the child should drink 500 ml of breast milk or formula. After four hours, the baby should be given 170 g of porridge, adding a small piece of butter, and 70-80 g of fruit puree.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the child should eat 170 g of vegetable puree with 30 g of meat and half an yolk and drink fruit juice. At 18:00 - 40 g of cottage cheese and the same amount of fruit juice, two pieces of baby biscuits and breast milk. At 22:00 it is recommended to feed the baby only breast milk.

By the age of seven months, your beloved baby begins to sit and becomes more mobile. His mental and physical development became much higher than immediately after birth. In order for the baby to continue to develop fully, it is important to create a competent diet. The mother must understand well what the child’s nutrition should be like at 7 months, what dishes are needed, and which ones are too early to give.

According to WHO, the first complementary foods are best introduced at 6 months. This means that the child is now familiar with some new products. It's time to expand its menu.

During this period, most women continue full lactation. The baby receives its main nutrition through breast milk. If an infant is bottle-fed, the basis of his diet is adapted formulas.

Now it is important to correctly gradually reduce the percentage of breast milk or formula and increase the amount of food usual for an adult. An important place should now be occupied by porridge, protein products, fermented milk and those containing fiber.

Although the child should already have his first milk teeth by this period, this does not mean that he can be transferred completely to the adult table. The digestive system is still incomplete, so it is worth taking this into account when planning your menu.

Feeding a seven-month-old baby should be done gradually. For example, in the first week of the seventh month of life, it is necessary to give the baby vegetable purees, after another 7 days - porridge, then pureed meat, egg yolks and cottage cheese. At the very end of the seventh month, you can give your baby kefir.

When the baby is 7 months old, development and nutrition should include the following foods:

  • you can add carrots, broccoli, peas, beans and zucchini to pureed vegetables;
  • you can season dishes with a teaspoon of vegetable oil;
  • Among the porridges, the diet should include buckwheat, oatmeal, risk and corn grits; sugar should not be added to the cooking process;
  • if the child is allergic, then give quail eggs, if not, then chicken eggs;
  • Meat products allowed include beef, rabbit, chicken, and turkey;
  • for fruit puree use bananas, peaches, pears, apples, apricots and cherries;
  • give cottage cheese, diluting it with kefir.

Preparing food for a newborn is still carried out separately. Meat products are blended with a blender, and porridge is pureed. There should be no pieces in a homogeneous mass so that the child does not choke.

To understand what to feed a baby at this age, you should familiarize yourself with the tables below. These are some feeding plans for babies on different types of feeding that will help parents organize their meals properly.

Menu for a 7 month old breastfed baby:

  • mother's milk;
  • porridge, fruit puree or juice;
  • vegetable and meat puree or half an yolk, compote;
  • cottage cheese, mother's milk or kefir;
  • The last feeding is mother's milk.

The diet should consist of 5 meals. Gradually, the newborn gets used to the established routine and his reflexes develop.

The menu of a 7-month-old baby on artificial feeding does not differ too much from the diet of a baby on breast milk. Two meals a day are replaced by formula instead of breastfeeding. Otherwise, each parent makes up the menu on their own.

What foods can be introduced to a child at 7 months depends on the moment at which the first complementary foods were introduced. Sometimes, due to a lack of mother's milk, the mother is forced to give other products from 4-5 months. In this case, the digestive system matures faster and by 7 months, children can be given crackers, cookies, and porridge can be cooked not with water, but with milk.

How much should a baby eat?

Even if a mother understands well what to feed her baby at 7 months, she may worry whether the number of foods the baby has is enough. To dispel worries, it is worth calculating the daily food requirement for the child.

To calculate how much a newborn baby should normally be fed, it is worth dividing his body weight by 8-9. The resulting range is the number of necessary products per day.

A bottle-fed baby should always receive a little more food than a breastfed baby. Along with food, he does not always receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, and this deficiency must be compensated for by their quantity.

The child's body, regardless of the type of feeding, develops very quickly. To ensure that nothing interferes with the flow of normal processes, it is important to help the baby through proper nutrition and daily routine.


When organizing a feeding schedule for a seven-month-old baby, it is worth considering how to correctly distribute all the necessary products, when and what is best to give.

In order for food to be well absorbed by the child’s body, breaks between meals should be 4 hours. The first feeding is carried out immediately after a night's sleep. In most cases, this is the mother's breast or the use of an adapted formula to which the child is accustomed.

The mode might be something like this:

  • first meal 6 am;
  • second breakfast – 10 am;
  • 2 pm – lunch;
  • 6 pm – dinner;
  • 10 pm - last supper, mother's milk.

The most nutritious foods should be given to your child during lunch. You can drink unlimited amounts of water between meals.

It is important to stick to a set schedule. This will help avoid problems with weak appetite and unnecessary whims. You can deviate from the regime for no more than 15-30 minutes.

When drawing up a life schedule, it is worth taking into account the child’s biological clock. This way you will be able to maintain not only your physical but also your mental health.

With the help of attentiveness and kindness, parents will be able to provide the child with everything necessary for full growth and development.

The feeding pattern for a 7-month-old child requires a fairly strict meal schedule if the mother wants to raise an emotionally stable and healthy child. – an important thing, it should not be underestimated. By showing rigor and integrity, you lay the foundations for the good health of your beloved baby. As for, it also directly depends on what the baby ate before.

Feeding pattern for a 7 month old baby: infants and artificial babies

It is no secret that up to 6 months, a child fed on mother's milk does not need anything other than it. Artificial babies have to start complementary feeding earlier, since formula does not contain everything that is in breast milk. It is not surprising that the feeding patterns of 7-month-old children on different feedings are somewhat different from each other.

6 a.m

At the first feeding he receives what he is most accustomed to. Infants - mother's milk, and artificial babies - an adapted formula, fresh or fermented milk. The serving size depends on the baby’s appetite, but at this age it rarely exceeds 200-220 ml.

10 a.m

The second feeding has no fundamental differences. Offer your baby 170 grams of milk porridge with a teaspoon of butter, and for dessert give a 70-80 gram portion of fruit puree. The difference can be observed in the choice of fruits - the artificial ones probably managed to try more of them than the infants.

2 p.m.

Lunch feeding is the best time to feed your baby vegetables (170 grams), seasoned with a spoon of vegetable oil and drink fruit juice (30 ml). If your baby is already familiar with egg yolk, give him half. Artificial producers can already add a 50-gram portion of meat puree to this.

6 p.m.

At the fourth feeding, infants receive milk (150 grams), 40 grams of cottage cheese, 40 ml of fruit juice and 2-3 cookies as a snack. Artificial babies eat formula instead of milk, but everything else is the same.

10 p.m.

At bedtime, babies eat their mother again or receive 180-220 grams of baby kefir, while artificial babies get the usual mixture or the same kefir. The serving size is the same.

As you can see, there are differences in the feeding pattern of a 7-month-old bottle-fed baby and an infant. The nutrition of an artificial baby is somewhat more varied, but the benefits of mother's milk should not be underestimated.

If a child has a food allergy, the allergen product must be removed from his diet. It’s good if a reaction occurs to fruits or certain vegetables - everything is simple, but often you have to deal with an allergy to cow protein. This allergy makes significant adjustments to the baby’s diet. With her, the feeding scheme for a 7-month-old baby looks like this.

6 a.m

During the first feeding, the baby should be fed breast milk, a fermented milk product from the children's kitchen, a formula based on protein hydrolyzate or soy. Serving size – 180-220 ml.

10 a.m

Children without allergies receive milk porridge for second breakfast, and those with allergies receive dairy-free porridge with a small addition of breast milk or a product that usually replaces it. The serving size is 170 grams, there is no point in giving up butter and fruit puree.

2 p.m.

The third feeding menu, recommended for children at this age, does not involve the use of dairy products, and therefore the feeding scheme for a 7-month-old child with an allergy to milk protein does not change here. Vegetables with vegetable oil, meat and fruits, excluding allergens - everything is standard.

6 p.m.

Evening milk feeding for allergy sufferers is replaced with fully grown-up food: 170 grams of porridge with vegetables and vegetable oil, 20-30 grams of meat puree and 30 grams of fruit puree as dessert.

10 p.m.

The last feeding of a child with allergies before bedtime should consist of breast milk or a formula that replaces it - for example, kefir, soy formula and other special products.

Remember that allergies are not a death sentence. If your child is not allowed to do something, this does not mean that he will grow up sick and unhappy because of it. In the end, everyone's culinary preferences are different - and that's great!

The introduction of complementary foods is one of the important stages in the life of every child. The child's body begins to switch from mother's milk or formula to regular adult food. This process is gradual and usually extends over months.

Gradually, the baby should get acquainted with adult food - this is why complementary foods are needed

When introducing complementary foods, parents should carefully select each new product for the baby and monitor his reaction, since some of them can cause allergies in children or cause problems with digestion and stool. The timing is also important when you should start introducing your baby to food that is unfamiliar to him. Usually this is 6 months - this is the age set by the World Health Organization to start introducing complementary foods. It is also followed in Russia.

There are cases when the time frame for a number of reasons can shift to either an earlier or a later period. For example, pediatricians recommend starting to feed a baby at 5 months if he is not gaining weight well, and sometimes, on the contrary, you have to move the start of complementary feeding closer to 7 months.

Reasons for starting complementary feeding at 7 months

There are a number of reasons why the introduction of complementary foods begins later than the generally accepted date. These include:

  1. Mixed feeding. By the age of six months, the enzymatic system partially matures in children who are exclusively breastfed. This circumstance makes it possible for them to independently digest some products from the adult diet. In the case of artificial or mixed feeding, this process takes longer. As a result, for children on a mixed diet, it is advisable to postpone the start of complementary feeding for a month and continue to fully breastfeed them until this point.
  2. Disease. Due to digestive problems or due to teething or an acute respiratory viral infection, it is worth delaying the introduction of new foods until the child is completely healthy. Quite often it takes the body about a month to fully recover.
  3. Stress. In cases where the atmosphere in the family is turbulent and there is emotional tension, it is better to wait about a month after reaching 6 months, since the body can adapt normally only in its usual conditions of calm and peace.

If your child is teething, it is better to wait until this painful process is complete.

There is an opinion that complementary feeding at 7 months is an ideal option for babies who are weak, have had a difficult birth, or were born by caesarean section. For them, breast milk is more valuable than adding new products to the menu.

Basic principles of introducing complementary foods

Complementary feeding is a supplement to the main diet and its purpose is to introduce the child to adult food, since complementary feeding is a very small part of the daily menu. From the moment complementary feeding is introduced, the baby should continue to be fed breast milk in the usual amount on demand, including night feedings. Formula-fed babies should also receive formula as before, depending on their appetite.

Another task of the products that supplement the baby is to provide him with energy. Due to the fact that the volume of a child's stomach is still small, it needs food, small quantities of which have high energy value. Liquid soups and cereals do not meet this requirement. They are more likely to lead to a poor diet, in particular if they become a replacement for one full breastfeeding or formula feeding.

With natural feeding

By 7 months, the introduction of complementary foods in breastfeeding children largely depends on the health of the baby. With proper development, it is quite possible to add new foods to the baby’s diet, although the World Health Organization states that until the age of eight months, a baby’s energy needs are fully met by breast milk. So, if your toddler is sick or has poor perception of unfamiliar food, it is better to hold off on introducing new foods.

Also at this age it is important to adhere to certain rules:

  • Mother's milk should remain the main source of food for the baby, and complementary foods should be introduced in small portions. In no case should you force things and replace one breastfeeding with adult food.
  • Familiar products. Preference should be given to those products that are regularly present in the mother’s diet. The baby’s digestive system already knows them.
  • It is better to offer a new product before breastfeeding, since it is unlikely that a well-fed baby will eat vegetable puree or porridge. However, many breastfeeding specialists recommend doing the opposite, as this promotes lactation.
  • Two options for complementary feeding at the request of parents. The first is pedagogical. The child receives foods recommended for his age in quantities that correspond to the norm. The second is pedagogical. It consists in the fact that the baby is offered a variety of food in small volumes, which is on the family menu, in its usual form without chopping. This is how the baby gets to know adult food more effectively. At the same time, breastfeeding on demand allows you to avoid digestive disorders or allergic reactions to a new product.

The principles of pedagogical complementary feeding allow the child to try adult food at his request

With artificial feeding

The principles of introducing complementary foods during artificial feeding remain virtually unchanged. Only the feeding pattern is different. A pedagogical approach with an artificial child is simply impossible due to the peculiarities in the development of his digestive system. Since he does not receive food enzymes from breast milk, the diet should include adapted foods - mixtures, homogenized purees and cereals.

Up to a year, the adapted milk formula should remain the main source of nutrients. This is explained by the fact that the mixtures contain the required amount of vitamins and minerals and have a more balanced composition compared to any other products. For example, although red meat and liver are rich in iron, its availability in them is only 10%, and in vegetables and fruits it is even less - only 5%. In mixtures this figure reaches 20%. Manufacturers deliberately saturate their products with iron in order to meet the needs of the child’s body for this microelement.

At 7 months, the baby’s diet already consists of 5 formula feedings. The new product is also given before feeding, preferably in the afternoon or morning. You can offer it several times a day.

When choosing complementary foods for IV, it is necessary to focus on the weight and functioning of the child’s digestive system. For problems with constipation and excess weight, it is better to feed vegetables; for diarrhea and low weight, porridge is ideal.

If the baby suffers from constipation, it is better to introduce complementary foods with vegetables

What products should be introduced, in what quantity and how?

Below is a table of norms for those products that may already be present on the menu of a 7-month-old baby:
(we recommend reading:)

The given norms represent the upper limit of how much a baby can eat. It is not recommended to exceed it. However, mothers whose children are breastfed do not have time to introduce all of the listed products by the age of seven months, much less give them in such a volume. Most often, a baby's diet at 7 months is not yet so varied and includes only some vegetables and cereals.

The consistency of the dishes should be moderately thick so that the child can swallow comfortably. You can already trust him with a spoon so that he can try to eat on his own. He will be much more willing to eat in the company of someone than alone.

If the child is already eating on his own, you need to trust him with a spoon and let him do it

Vegetables and fruits

At the age of 7 months, a child can already safely try zucchini, pumpkin, beets, green peas, potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower and white cabbage, and carrots. The cooked vegetable is either mashed with a fork or blended with a blender. A new vegetable should be introduced over a period of 1 week, starting with ½ teaspoon, mixing it with the already introduced products.

Fruits should only be introduced that are seasonal and those that grew in the region where the baby lives. In winter and spring, preference should be given to apples, in the summer months - plums, apricots, grapes, pears and peaches. You can make puree from them and it is advisable to give it to your baby as a separate independent dish, and not as a dessert after the main meal.

Porridge and dairy products

As for porridge, there are two options. The first is to buy store-bought products and prepare them according to the instructions. The second is to make the mixture yourself at home. To do this, the selected grain must be ground in a coffee grinder until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, and then simply boil it in water with a ratio of 1:4.

You should start complementary feeding with buckwheat, rice or corn grits. Also, at 7 months, you can already add butter or a little chicken yolk to the porridge, but only if the baby has already tried eggs and his body has accepted them well. In the future, the amount of yolk can be increased to a quarter per day. Such additives to porridge make it more nutritious.

Corn grits are an excellent option for introducing complementary foods

Dairy products such as kefir, cottage cheese, and yogurt may also be present on the menu of a seven-month-old baby. According to Dr. Komarovsky, kefir and cottage cheese are similar in composition to breast milk, and this is where you should start feeding children. However, this approach is quite controversial, since these products remain difficult to digest for the body of a small child. Plus, cottage cheese is rich in calcium, which can lead to the healing of the fontanel ahead of schedule.

It is best to take special kefir, which is produced in a children's dairy kitchen, and the fat content of the cottage cheese should not exceed 5%. Also, until the age of one year, dairy products with various additives should be avoided. Simply mash the curd with kefir, yogurt or mother's milk. At 7 months, a baby should eat no more than 40 grams of cottage cheese and 100 ml of kefir or yogurt.

Butter is also introduced into the baby’s diet from seven months, added directly to porridge or puree. At the very beginning, its volume is only 1/8 teaspoon, subsequently this amount gradually increases to 20 grams.

The baby also needs butter, but it needs to be introduced gradually.


In most cases, breastfed infants begin to be given meat at seven months of age. The main requirements for this product are:

  • minimal fat content;
  • freshness;
  • no additives.

It is also strongly recommended not to use frozen meat or ready-made minced meat for complementary feeding. Most often, the baby is offered either soup with meat broth or puree with meat. To do this, take a piece of beef, veal, rabbit, turkey or chicken, rinse, peel and remove all bones, veins and skin. After the meat is ready for use, you can first cook broth from it, and then add to it the vegetables that the child has already tried. The cooked meat itself should be chopped and added to pureed vegetables.

At first, it is enough to feed the baby meat 2 times a week, no more often. In the future, when fish appears in his diet, and this is about 10-11 months, meat can be alternated with it, thereby making the baby’s diet varied and very healthy.

The baby's menu becomes more and more varied every month, and therefore the question arises, what should a child's nutrition be like at 7 months. At this age, the baby already knows how to sit, carry out active movements, and therefore he needs much more energy than a few months ago.

Features of nutrition of bottle-fed children at 7 months

In addition to introducing new products into the baby’s diet, it is also necessary to accustom him to a clear diet at certain hours, to form adult eating habits: you need to eat only in the kitchen, in a sitting position, you can give the child a spoon and teach him to drink from a cup or mug.

You should select new foods for complementary feeding very carefully, after consulting a pediatrician, as some fruits or vegetables can cause allergic reactions.

Children who are bottle-fed are introduced to complementary foods a little earlier than children who are fed breast milk. The diet of a seven-month-old baby will differ significantly between bottle-fed and breastfed babies.

For bottle-fed children, the optimal diet is as follows::

  • 6:00-6:30 - first breakfast, which consists of a special adapted nutritional mixture or kefir with cookies (no more than 200 ml);
  • 9:00-10:00 - breakfast consisting of porridge (rice or buckwheat) of medium consistency. It is better to wait a little when introducing oatmeal or semolina porridge, as they contain gluten, and this can negatively affect the baby’s health. You can also supplement the porridge with fruit puree, but the volume of the porridge should not exceed 120 g-130 g, and the puree should not exceed 30 g. You can replace the porridge with cottage cheese (about 100 g) and allow the child to drink all 175 ml of fruit juice;
  • 13:30-14:00 - lunch, the menu of which, in addition to vegetable puree with vegetable oil, may include vegetable soup (about 30 ml - 40 ml), half an egg yolk, meat or fish puree (no more than 50 g - 60 g), and for dessert you can offer fruit puree;
  • 18:00-18:30 - first dinner (or afternoon snack): cottage cheese or kefir (200 ml), milk mixture, fruit puree, juice and cookies. You can combine products in different ways, depending on the child’s preferences and well-being;
  • 21:30-22:00 - second dinner, consisting of an adapted mixture or kefir.

When forming a diet at 7 months, you should remember that at this age the number of feedings per day should be five.

Diet for 7 month old breastfed children

When breastfeeding, the nutrition of a 7-month-old baby has its own characteristics. It is necessary to introduce new foods into the diet very carefully, while it is necessary to monitor the condition of the baby, his well-being and reaction to new food, since each small organism has its own physiological characteristics, and therefore not all foods that are easily suitable for one baby are also ideal to another.

When breastfeeding at seven months of age, the number of meals, as with artificial feeding, is five. Due to the fact that the volume of mother's milk is gradually decreasing, it is necessary to introduce children to kefir or whole milk (with normal tolerance).

An approximate diet for a seven month old baby is as follows:

  • 6:00 - first breakfast: breastfeeding, supplementary feeding with kefir;
  • 10:00 - second breakfast: vegetable soup cooked in meat broth (about 30 ml), bread or crackers (for training the gums), half an egg yolk, vegetable or fruit puree with olive or sunflower oil (no more than 160 g - 170 d), meat or fish puree (about 50 g), fruit or vegetable juice;
  • 14:00 - lunch: kefir (about 250 ml) with cookies (or crackers), juice. Or you can replace it with breastfeeding with supplementary feeding;
  • 18:00 - first dinner: porridge (buckwheat, rice) - no more than 160 g, cottage cheese - 100 g, grated apple or other fruit puree - 100 g;
  • 22:00 - second dinner: breastfeeding.

Complementary feeding foods for 7 months

To feed a 7-month-old baby, it is best to use dairy products (kefir, whole milk, cottage cheese) prepared in special children's dairy kitchens, since special technologies are used there, and the products are fully adapted for children of a certain age (for example, special low-fat cottage cheese is needed for complementary feeding , which is impossible to obtain at home).

It is important that an actively growing body receives all the necessary minerals, vitamin complexes, and a sufficient amount of nutrients. At seven months, nutrition is of great importance for the overall development of the baby. Therefore, children's diet should be varied and balanced.

  • Fruits: children of this age consume them in the form of puree or juice (preferably diluted with water). It is important to use the least allergenic ones - apples, pears, bananas. These products are rich in vitamins and microelements and are the most hypoallergenic.
  • Vegetables - also used in the form of puree. The most suitable for complementary feeding are carrots, beets, zucchini, potatoes, and pumpkin. It is better to give vegetables in the form of single-component dishes in order to accurately determine the reaction of the child’s body to a particular vegetable.
  • One of the most important items on the menu for seven-month-old babies is porridge. Among the wide variety, the best options are rice (easily digestible and nutritious), buckwheat (an excellent source of protein, iron and beneficial elements), corn (hypoallergenic option that does not cause disruption of intestinal microflora or diathesis, since it does not contain gluten) porridge .

When planning your baby’s diet, try to determine which new foods bring more pleasure and which ones bring less pleasure. This will help in the further formation of your baby's food preferences.

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