A state of euphoric ecstasy. What is euphoria and what does it depend on? The Sure Path to Ecstasy

Sometimes you can hear the following: “I’m so hot that I could have sex for hours every day.” And also: “More sex, even more, more...” - but with such a quantitative assault they usually only try to drown out their sexual dissatisfaction.

If life is built correctly, then once a week for healthy woman more than enough. The secret of organizing sexual intercourse lies in the fact that a woman needs to look not for frequent contacts, but for rare, but deep and all-consuming ones.

After such complete ecstasy, she doesn’t even think about sex for several days - she is devastated, and only after some time she feels a wave of passion gradually begin to grow. Here it is important not to give a “false start”, to wait for the rise of sensuality to the peak of energetic readiness.

I would like to note that in sex the leading role has always been and remains that of the woman. It is she who is responsible for the “jet engine” that lifts the “plane” of the two upwards to the transcendental heights of pleasure. The man, as the second “pilot,” is assigned the role of ensuring a stable and long-lasting ride of the machine, which can change altitude, types of piloting, etc. But its main function is to prevent the engine from stalling. He sacrifices his strength for the sake of a woman, gives himself to her, investing all his skill and sensuality in her gradual rise.

Almost all men sincerely believe that by satisfying their desire, they, at the same time, satisfy a woman’s passion. But this is a deep misconception. In fact, they are essentially engaged in "masturbation." But only this happens through the female body (since doing it to yourself is, it seems, reprehensible).

The mistake of this position is that the man strives to satisfy himself, his arousal. In truth, its purpose in this aspect is completely different. He needs male erotic arousal in order to arouse and in this state accompany a woman, not letting her go in the movement towards ecstasy. And at the peak moment, by mutual effort, you need to throw it up - to where it will soar alone. And he?

A man should watch this miracle of female nature with admiration and be proud that it was he who was able to accomplish such a difficult, but truly masculine feat.

And then, later, when she returns back, her memory will again and again return her to the happiness she experienced. That's when she will remember the one who did this for her, and that's who she will be grateful to for that delightful flight.

But when there is no mental unification and spiritual flight behind physical contact, when a man is not a prospector, but just a fellow traveler, a woman loses the ability to be saturated with passion. And as soon as the novelty disappears, such a couple no longer strives for rapprochement. They may not separate for some time - more out of habit than out of feeling, but this union is doomed, turning into ordinary coexistence.

It’s like chewing gum - at first it’s sweet, but then you have to constantly move your jaws - although it’s a pity to throw it away, there’s no longer any pleasure. It is not for nothing that there are men who, even in excellent health (usually after thirty years, when the ardor of youth fades), prefer the option " love triangle", in which the spouses agree on freedom of sexual contacts.

And the question of jealousy does not even arise for such a man - on the contrary, he is glad that a rather burdensome responsibility for him is so successfully removed from his shoulders. And then in the morning he usually has the following thoughts: “Again worries - the hay hasn’t been cut, the firewood hasn’t been chopped, the dog hasn’t been walked, the wife is unsatisfied, and now there’s the car to repair... Oh, problems!” Although in other areas family life spouses can suit each other.

With the correct organization of sexual intercourse, a man forgets about himself. His attention should be completely reoriented to the woman’s sensations. Imbued with her experiences, he needs to “forget” about his mechanistic movements (frictions) and completely switch to the wave bends of his companion’s sexual feelings, thereby raising her through increasing energy surges. And for this it is important to stop listening to your feelings.

It is by this switching of attention that he gets the opportunity to restrain himself from premature ejaculation, which, naturally, helps the woman to fully open up and move to another sensual level (energy orgasm) with all her essence.

Then every cell of her body, her feelings and thoughts fall into resonance and begin to radiate the energy of waves of pleasure into space. A man, watching this symphony, receives pleasure not only from the wonderful shared experiences, but also from the fact that he is the musician who created this enchanting “music” of love.

He can only get true, lasting pleasure by giving his energy to a woman, that is, indirectly. In such parallelism, the unity of souls and bodies arises, in which his companion is different every time, and every time delightful. And such a miracle cannot get boring, because... a man is constantly attracted to his woman. After all, he experiences an energetic orgasm with her, falling into resonance with her innermost essence.

A woman during sexual intercourse, absorbed in her own experiences of bliss, must fly further and higher, moving to increasingly “deeper” levels of ecstasy. In that moment of soaring, stretched into eternity, her consciousness must be freed from all thoughts, including about her sexual partner. He is for her, but she is only for herself. And only then will she be able to fully return to her partner all his energy costs - the sensual impulse that he invested in her.

This style sexual relations requires much less physical effort from a man, but higher sensitivity and sexual literacy. This is precisely what will allow him to achieve a very high level of his personal quality - value in the eyes of the woman he loves.

With powerful and prolonged ecstasy, a woman ceases to feel like an individual and completely switches to field soaring. This new state for her psyche, which a woman begins to experience at that moment, can be identified with such a concept as euphoria.

And then there is no need for mechanistic support of her sensuality by a man. She even begins to disturb her, distracting her from contemplating the majestic pictures of internal sensations that a woman observes in such an altered state of consciousness. And her companion, having reached the finish line with her, joins her flight, watching as she continues to perform the sacred act. At such moments they comprehend what the happiness of monadic unity is.

Of course, it is impossible to immediately achieve such a state, but work in this direction will undoubtedly bear fruit. A man, not naturally possessing the “wings” for flight that a woman is capable of, can penetrate into high supersensual states through his companion, watching her with admiration and absorbing in pleasure the fragrances of her psychic outbursts.

It is precisely such an energetic orgasm (and only one!) that can discharge a woman’s sexual charge, and not at all the frequency of physical copulation, which only leads to persistent dissatisfaction and social irritation. After the euphoria of an energetic orgasm, a woman can be in a state of mental harmony for quite a long time.

The opera duets “The Secret” and “The Phantom in the Opera” clearly demonstrate the possibilities of this style of relationship between a man and a woman. Essentially, the same thing happens in sex - masculinity is only a support for the rise of the feminine, and then the beauty of perfect unity (but not equivalence) is born.

There is a technique for gaining control over the energy of your body, including in the sexual sphere. But whether a woman (as well as a man) will want to go in this direction is a big question. The laziness cultivated by our time is gradually acquiring all-consuming proportions. It is much easier for most people to look for the cause outside than to solve it within themselves.

And here you need complete meaningfulness of actions and determination in fulfilling your plans. After all, the sexual sphere is very important for a woman, and it happens that, following the lead of this “Arabian horse,” she completely ruins her destiny. Although, by controlling it and directing it in the right direction, he can create happiness for himself.

In conclusion, I would like to add that sexual energy can be sublimated by transferring this force into another type of activity.

In moments of sexual “storms” you should not “sit by the window” and think: “I want a man!”, but start creating! What you like. If you love to draw, draw with passion. Play some music. Write poetry. Would you like to work on home design? Please! Embody your personal vision of home comfort in the compositions of objects.

Cook - do this, saturating the food with excess energy, thereby turning the food into a masterpiece of culinary art. Take up fitness, running, swimming, martial arts, strength training, in the end. Anything, but just don’t limit yourself to inaction.

After all, an energetic orgasm is a life inspiration, and it visits people not only in bed. This is necessary to know and use. Moreover, anything can happen in life, and a woman does not always have her man next to her. This is why it is so important to be able to regulate your sexual powers.
This is how energetic orgasm is described in our second book, Signs of a Blank Slate:

“...- What do a man and a woman need to do to truly love?” Stefan asked.

In order for these people to find love, they need to cease to exist.

But why?! - the student exclaimed discouraged.

Yes, because in love there is no separate “I”. Love is always a fusion, a unification into a whole, when a person’s “I” is only a part of “Him”, and far from the best. After all, what he perceives himself to be is just the ego! Having loved with all their heart, with all their spirit, with all their being, two people will become one, and their egoistic centers will disappear, since a part is always less than the whole.

Love, like an abyss, will absorb the individual “I” of the couple. Two beings will dissolve in this feeling. Only love will remain as a whole, and that alone. When it pierces these people through and through, when they become it, only then and only then is the delight of their souls possible and the birth of the highest emotion - a complete energetic orgasm.

This amazing feeling of the depths of nature is subject only to truly strong people. So strong that such impulses of spirit are unable to frighten them. On the contrary, they strive for them, crave them. The weak are afraid of love, afraid of the abyss, afraid of going crazy with happiness and prefer to use only sex, which in this case turns into an ersatz love.

But just sex is not love. This is a fake, a deception, a lie of sensations, a sensual mirage, where only physical intimacy is real, and everything else is spiritual “masturbation.” Sex alone is untrue, since it is always violence, coercion of one’s own spirit. Love is true because there is no effort in love, because it itself is a pure spring, flowing with a crystal chime from the very core of a spiritual couple.

How does love come?

It just happens. Suddenly it appears, like a fire, like an all-consuming flame, and it itself leads you without you. You don't make any effort, you just flow in like a river into the ocean. This happens naturally and then the highest mystery of nature, the most subtle, is born. Its essence is great Love!

Yes, this is probably an amazingly intense feeling. However, I find it difficult to understand what an orgasm is in the true sense of the word. Such experiences are usually not talked about. Please tell me, Teacher!

Orgasm is a state when the body no longer exists as rough, inert matter. It vibrates like energy itself, like a plasmoid. Moreover, it vibrates from the depths, from the very base to the fingertips. You yourself, all of you, turn into dancing energy. This is a crazy fantasy, not limited by any boundaries. This is the opening of all boundaries. This is a merger with space, with infinity!

The energy ring of duality closes and the energy becomes a self-sufficient force, pouring out into the song of the spirit. An energetic orgasm is a celebration of the fusion of resonant opposites, coiled in a wave top of balance and harmony, when their bodies dance, sing, and pulsate. Every cell lives, organisms are a single energy clot, and the power of this state is limitless. This is resonance!

But after such an energy typhoon, there is probably a significant loss of strength,” Stefan noted.

The resulting state of emptiness is a positive factor. This is the state of emptiness and complete inner peace, satisfaction that we must strive for, because it symbolizes that the truth has happened! Now purity and harmony shine in a person. Now he is completely filled with love for everyone - and this is his essence, the face of his spirit!

However, you cannot close the vessel of your happiness. It is necessary to leave it open - like a living spring - and feed the whole world with captivating moisture. Only then will it be filled again with clean, fresh, spring water..."

Ecstasy– (from the Greek ἔκστασις (ecstasis) - displacement) 1) a state of extreme enthusiasm, frenzy, admiration of the human spirit, caused by the special influence of the Divine; 2) a state of frenzy associated with the influence on human consciousness; 3) a type of affective state.

Meanwhile, the internal signs of demonic frenzy are fundamentally different from the internal signs of the ecstatic state in which God's saints are under the influence of grace. While the latter is accompanied by the revelation of internal forces human soul and their aspiration towards God, the first, on the contrary, is characterized by suppression personal qualities, clouding the mind and will, the irritable and sensitive spheres of man.

A person who is in a state of grace-filled ecstatic frenzy is not characterized by passionate, sinful movements of the flesh and soul, while a person under the influence of demons is characterized by the excitation of sinful movements. After all, the task of demons is to overshadow the best in a person and set him up in a bad way that suits them.

Experiencing such an ungodly state, a person is often unable to see the danger; It happens that he gets carried away by a state of excitement, euphoria. And then he looks for opportunities to experience it again and again. Moreover, this happens even when the victim of demonic obsession understands that he is being moved by a demon.

An example here can be representatives of all kinds of occult practices, witch gatherings, and satanic rituals. Thus, step by step, a person loses moral and spiritual control, degrading, turning into an instrument of demonic forces. In addition, these practices can lead to serious psychological and nervous disorders.

If we are talking about cases of deception, skillfully arranging demons to look like angels, deceased saints, or God Himself, as a result, even a seemingly staunch ascetic may lean towards the side of the demon.

According to the observations of G. Bertram, who published the article “Praeparatio Evangelica in der Septuaginta” in 1956, the word amazement, “ecstasy” (Êξτασις) is used in the Greek Bible (together with the corresponding verb) 89 times, corresponding to 30 different Hebrew roots.

High spirits, a feeling of complete well-being and happiness periodically visit people, both individually and en masse. Sudden surge positive emotions may be a manifestation of normality or pathology, depending on the source.

Experts are wary of such conditions, especially when great joy does not correspond to objective circumstances. How euphoria is assessed by psychiatrists, why it occurs and what to do with it - let's try to figure it out.

What it is

« Euphoria " literally translated from Greek means " carrier good».

Common people and medical experts understand this term differently. The first believe that bright positive emotions, sudden all-consuming happiness, delight, the height of bliss are a normal reaction that occurs at certain moments in life for all people, for example, during the period of falling in love.

However, for doctors, such manifestations may indicate the presence of pathology, especially with the sudden onset of high mood for no apparent reason.

Why are experts wary of euphoria? A state in which absolutely happy man loses self-control and the ability to adequately perceive surrounding people and reality, often serves as a sign of incipient symptoms or is the result of exposure to psychostimulants.

What the word “euphoria” means in clinical psychiatry may seem surprising to the unprepared. This designates a form of painfully elevated mood, which is characterized by complacency, serenity and quiet joy without increasing the motor and intellectual activity of a person.

Similar symptoms appear in many mental disorders, in particular those of a manic nature. Prolonged forms of pathological inspiration can not only bring joy to a person, but also cause harm to the body due to severe emotional exhaustion.

Some people confuse the meaning of the word euphoria And ecstasy. The latter also means the highest degree of delight, however, in a brighter and short-term version. We can say that euphoria is, in psychology, a long and protracted ecstasy or a series of them.

How does euphoria occur?

WITH scientific point In view, the appearance of a sudden elevated state of spirit and bliss is the result of complex physiological processes. It is believed that it is based on the production by neurons of the brain of special chemicals called hormones of happiness and joy (endorphins).

However, inducing euphoria requires the participation and interaction of each other and other neurotransmitters.

The causes of this condition can be divided into two groups:

  • natural - these are those moments that are rare, but still occur in the lives of most people;
  • artificial – how to get unearthly pleasure, a part of the population who leads a certain way of life or suffers from certain diseases is aware.

When can it happen natural euphoria:

  • upon receiving good news - a big win, admission to a university, receipt of an award, public recognition;
  • during the period of falling in love - from the reciprocity of a loved one, the first kiss, etc.;
  • after successfully surviving a mortal danger, euphoria is provoked by a sharply increased level of adrenaline in the blood;
  • at the birth of a long-awaited child;
  • while listening to your favorite musical or literary work.

created bliss arises when following circumstances:

  • drinking alcohol;
  • drug use;
  • the effects of certain medications.

In addition, a feeling of euphoria may appear in a person who has suffered severe intoxication, oxygen starvation or traumatic brain injury, as well as with organic damage to the brain (tumors, cysts).

Psychiatric patients often report this condition with the following diseases:

  • syndrome in bipolar disorders;
  • some ;

Types of euphoria

Diagnosis is usually not difficult due to the brightness clinical manifestations. The physiological (normal) form of euphoria is characterized by short duration and the presence of an objective reason. At the same time, a person relaxes, gets rid of stress, and is filled with positive emotions.

The pathological version of excessive joy is unmotivated and lasts a long time.

The artificially induced state of bliss is addictive, and people feel the need to come back for it again. This ultimately leads to depression, which can be expressed in aggressiveness, depression, decreased intellectual activity, etc.

Depending on the cause, euphoria can be of the following types:

Sudden euphoria for no apparent reason usually indicates a mental disorder or brain disease. Therefore, such people must be examined and treated.

Drug addicts and alcoholics need qualified assistance in appropriate rehabilitation centers. Lack of timely treatment can lead to health and life-threatening consequences, including death.


It is difficult to describe that state of euphoria and happiness on the verge of frenzy, which is understood by the word “ecstasy”. What an ecstatic state is, only people who have experienced it at least once know. About this feeling Somerset Maugham said this: “Beautiful is ecstasy: it is as simple as hunger. In essence, you can’t tell anything about him. It’s like the scent of a rose: you can smell it, that’s all.”

Ecstasy. What is an ecstatic state

Translated from Greek, ekstasis means “frenzy, admiration.” This is the highest delight, a change in human consciousness, a loss of the sense of reality and time. In a sense, it's like a trance. There are several interpretations of this word. Thus, religious ecstasy is mentioned very often in literature. What is frenzy and euphoria from long prayers, however, few people know today. Another similar emotional state is attributed to boundless inspiration and delight from visual pleasure, that is, the intoxication of beauty.

Modern people, as a rule, perceive the word “ecstasy” in only one meaning - the highest point of a sensual surge at the moment of sexual intimacy with a partner.

Ecstasy and orgasm are not the same thing

Some sources mistakenly use orgasm and ecstasy as synonyms. What is an orgasm really? This is a purely physiological, although very strong, pleasure, which is accompanied by involuntary spasms of some pelvic muscles. Orgasm is characterized by a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction. Most often, this state is achieved by stimulating the erogenous zones; much less often, orgasm occurs spontaneously, for example, in a dream.

Ecstatic pleasure is beyond the limits of physical excitement, at the level of psycho-emotional perception. Simply put, ecstasy occurs in the head. This is a kind of explosion of accumulated positive emotions, happiness flowing like an uncontrollable fountain. Orgasm is not necessarily accompanied by ecstasy; moreover, this is a rather rare occurrence. At the same time, a person is able to experience an ecstatic surge even without sexual intercourse itself. Simply the proximity or touch of a loved one can cause such a feeling.

Female ecstasy

It is a well-known fact that for the fair sex the path to orgasm is much longer and more difficult than for men. If male satisfaction is the usual logical outcome of sexual intercourse, then for a girl it is more like a game of roulette, where luck is not always present. Moreover, a huge number of women are not at all familiar with these wonderful sensations. Such ladies most often imitate orgasm, and even ecstasy, in order to stroke the ego of their loved one.

By the way, if you ask women who receive real, genuine physical pleasure from sex about what ecstasy is, they will talk about it much more than men. The fact is that the psycho-emotional perception of the weaker sex is much subtler and more sensitive. Ladies are capable of receiving true delight even simply from the presence of a loved one, and intimacy with him can lift them above reality. Thus, ecstasy can be familiar even to women who have not known orgasm.

The Sure Path to Ecstasy

For love pleasures to bring real pleasure and delight, it is very important that both partners strive for this. There can be no question of any kind of joint work; this path should be based on a mutual desire to make the partner and, of course, yourself happy. There is no strict instruction on “What is ecstasy and how to get it.” Moreover, usually such moments come completely unexpectedly, without any preparation. However, some reasonable recommendations can still be found.

A woman should try to master the art of sensory concentration. Completely abstracting from external fuss and the desire to please your partner, you need to be only here and now, listening to your feelings. Using this tactic, over and over again the girl gets more and more pleasure, gradually approaching her cherished goal.

The stronger sex should not forget how important the environment in which the love affair takes place is for the partner. A bedroom decorated with flowers and candles will certainly create positive effect and will help the lady get maximum emotions. It is also important for a woman to realize that she is beautiful and desirable. A passionate look from her partner and a gentle whisper of compliments - this is what she is waiting for at this moment.

Tantric yoga

It also wouldn't hurt to use literature. Tantric yoga is a direction that studies sexual ecstasy and helps to achieve it. In the manuals you can find a lot of interesting information: what ecstasy is, photos of special poses, ways of psychological attitude. According to this teaching, when using certain techniques, male and female sexual energies capable of being released beyond physiology and reunited, leading to supreme bliss.

Despite all sorts of scientific theories, only true love can create those unique energy vibrations that simultaneously embrace body and soul.