Modern wall-mounted cold air fans. Air cooling fans for home

Until recently, regulation of microclimate parameters was associated only with air conditioning equipment. But as the requirements for changing individual parameters grow air environment Specialized devices began to appear on the climate systems market. Such devices include air coolers, which purposefully lower the temperature and, if necessary, can also perform the functions of ionization and humidification.

Operating principle of coolers

Exist different types humidifiers, but they all work by spraying water. A small reservoir is installed in the device body, which serves as a kind of cooling source. In front of it in the same housing there is a fan unit. During operation, the mobile air cooler generates currents that fill the room, changing its characteristics. The fundamental difference between coolers is the ability to humidify the air, while mobile air conditioners dry it.

A mesh filter is used to spray small particles of water - a fan passes air currents through it. For this reason, air coolers must be filled with water regularly. The working fluid is poured into a special reservoir. In some cases, automatic filling is carried out if the system is connected to a central water supply.

Types of devices

The main difference between cooler models is functionality. As already noted, such devices not only change the temperature regime, but are also responsible for humidification. Actually, based on these criteria, two main types of equipment can be distinguished - these are coolers themselves, as well as evaporators. The work of standard coolers is to lower the temperature and saturate it with moisture. At the same time, evaporators are also capable of providing an air cleaning effect. But the temperature reduction function of such models is ineffective. Devices also differ in type of design. A traditional air cooler is a floor-mounted one, which allows the body to be moved and quickly installed anywhere without connecting to engineering networks. But there are also wall-mounted and even hanging structures that save space and often turn out to be more efficient in operation.

Reviews of the model BPAM-09Н from Ballu

The model is included in the middle segment of coolers, but is highly valued by users. It is noted that the device shows good performance even when used from the sunny side under a window. According to the owners, only 10 minutes are required to bring the temperature to the optimal state. But for full operation of this model, the pipe will need to be brought outside - hot air will be discharged through it. Concerning negative reviews, then the BPAM-09Н version of the air cooler for home is significantly limited in settings. You can only regulate the speed of rotation of the fan blades, and other parameters are set according to a single standard. This model is also criticized for its noisy operation, not enough effective system air filtration (from dirt and odors), lack of timer option and remote control. That is, in terms of basic performance qualities, the solution is worthy, but the functionality and individual operational nuances spoil the overall picture.

Reviews of the model AC TIM 09H P4 from Timberk

This option is suitable if you need both a cooler and insulation. Users testify that the device effectively cools the room, makes little noise and can act as a dehumidifier. Pleasant moments also include the original stylistic execution of the design and well-implemented controls - at least in comparison with the previous analogue from Ballu. The kit includes a remote control and standard list equipment settings according to various parameters. But during operation, this air cooler can also disappoint. Reviews indicate the lack of ability to select the temperature, which is a big drawback during the first time of use. In the future, such settings can be made intuitively, knowing the potential of the cooler.

Reviews of the AM400 model from Bimatek

It should be noted right away that this cooler is a record holder in terms of low noise. It works very quietly, causing virtually no acoustic discomfort. For comparison, its lower noise threshold is 38 dB, while the average parameter of other models is 50 dB. But this is not the only attractive feature of the air cooler from Bimatek. Operating practice shows that it quickly cools rooms, does not require much effort during installation and can be easily adjusted to different parameters and modes. Weaknesses This one doesn't have much, but it has them too. For example, the short pipe of the device and the large dimensions of the body are noted.

How to choose the optimal air cooler?

Mobile cooling systems are very diverse in their capabilities. Therefore, you should initially determine what specific tasks will need to be performed - lowering the temperature, humidifying, air purification, ionization or drying. As already noted, some models are capable of increasing the temperature level, which allows the device to be used in winter. Next, the design and its parameters are determined. The most popular solution is a floor-standing air cooler, which can be moved around the apartment without difficulty. If you need complete freedom of movement, then you should choose models without an external pipe and corrugation - it should be a device with a closed system for accumulating air masses. Then specific operational parameters are selected, a set of options and other nuances are determined - from design subtleties to power.


The very need for a cooler for a home occurs in cases where it is not possible to install a standard air conditioner. Such situations are also possible in country houses, and in apartments, and even more so in dachas. But will it be the best way out out of position? In terms of the totality of operational qualities, indeed, in addition to full-fledged split systems, only an air cooler can regulate the microclimate as effectively. The price of a floor-standing model with standard parameters averages 8-10 thousand rubles. As you can see, even compared to an air conditioner, this is a very attractive option. Of course, such devices may lose in performance, but this will depend on the power of the specific model and operating mode. Theoretically, a cooler can become an even more effective assistant in regulating the air environment, as it provides, in addition to temperature regulation, humidification and ionization functions with cleaning, filtration and drying. This list is not always found in one model, so the functionality is calculated in advance in the optimal configuration.

When the heat comes, not everyone has enough money or the opportunity to install an air conditioner in their apartment or house.

Moreover, even if you have installed it, as a rule, it only cools one room well. What to do with the rest? Should I buy more and install two or three pieces?

Therefore, most of us begin to look towards a cheaper and more common solution - floor fans. Such devices should be in every apartment, even those who already have a full-fledged split system.

Does the fan cool the air?

Although it’s worth reminding for those who don’t know - fans actually don’t cool the air at all, but simply move it back and forth around the room.

So what causes the cold to be felt? Everything is arranged quite simply. Your body reacts to heat by sweating profusely. Drops of moisture appear on the surface of the skin.

When they evaporate, excess heat is taken away. And an outside breath actually helps speed up this process.

Especially if the air is dry and not humidified by any special devices.

By the way, don’t be surprised, but sometimes it happens that the fan does not cool at all, and even performs the opposite function.

For example, if you place two ice creams on a stick, one of which will melt naturally, and a fan is directed at the other, then, strangely enough, the second one will melt faster.

This is explained by the fact that a layer of cold forms around the sweet delicacy, which in some way inhibits its melting. And when you direct a fan here, this layer is completely blown away. And the ice cream melts more intensely.

What practical conclusion can be drawn from this? Since fans are not sources of cold, it is more difficult to catch a cold from them than from traditional split systems.

Which floor fans should you choose for your apartment or home, and how to avoid the most common mistakes when purchasing so that the device can work for you for a long time and safely?

Fire safety

Let's start with the most important thing - fire and electrical safety. Do not forget that any fan is an electrical device.

One careless move or accidental short circuit, and instead of cooling the apartment, you can burn it down. And not every one of you has special spark-proof devices that can easily prevent such accidents at the initial stage.

If the wiring shorts to the housing from the inside, it may well shock you. Therefore, you should not move the wind blower from place to place while it is on.

Also pay attention to the material of the case. On the one hand, solid metal is b O Greater fire safety, but in terms of electrical safety, plastic looks more advantageous.

It is true that it is desirable that it be non-flammable. Check this in the product passport.

Also, be sure to look in the documentation for an indication that the engine has overheating protection. This could be a miniature thermal relay that breaks the circuit when the temperature of the windings reaches over 145 degrees.

At this point, the impeller stops and the engine will not start again until the temperature drops. Without such protection, this is a real fire hazard.

Expensive or cheap - what's the difference?

If you think that by purchasing the most expensive model you will get the best cooling, then you are deeply mistaken. To do this, it is not at all necessary to choose the fan with the highest price tag.

Often, even inexpensive models cope with their tasks very well. Let's visually compare the efficiency of three wind blowers in different price categories:

Cheap models are usually the flimsiest and most unstable. Their noise level at maximum speed reaches 70 dB.

The blowing speed here is 4.9 m/s

The middle version does everything the same, but the only thing added to it is a timer and remote control.

True, its design is more stable, and the material used is of better quality. This affects the weight of the device.

At the same time, the noise level here is still the same 70dB.

And don’t be surprised, with more expensive models it is quite possible that the air flow will be less powerful than with their inexpensive counterparts.

As for sophisticated models at inflated prices, on the one hand they seem to be heavier and, accordingly, more stable. And silent mode is really the quietest (less than 50dB).

However, at maximum speed, which is most often used in the heat, the results are still the same as those of cheap competitors. The noise reaches 70db.

Their blowing power is only a few tenths higher - 5.6 m/s.

So it turns out that there isn’t much of a fundamental difference in performance between models for 800 rubles and 5,000 rubles.

All the convenience lies only in additional controls and maintenance.

It's up to you to decide whether it's worth paying extra for it.

Foundation stability

Fan stability is the most important factor. If there are children or pets in the family, they can somehow touch the wind blower stand.

And if it falls, many problems can arise. It all depends on where exactly it will fall.

By the way, even a new fan often fails after the first overturn. Read what breaks and how to fix it yourself in a separate article.

There is a huge variety of base designs on which the stand is mounted. But only three are the most common.

The most common type is a cross-shaped base.

Less common is the round stand.

There are also fans of the monoblock type. They don't have any legs at all.

Which of these bases is the most stable? The cross-shaped base, despite its external reliability, is inferior to everyone else.

One is enough good push and such a fan will easily fall on its side. But the round leg is the most stable option.

Therefore, if you have a choice, then give preference to the round shape.


Many people still confuse fan power and performance. Although these quantities have little relationship with each other.

Most home models range from 40 to 60W. This parameter indicates how much electricity your unit consumes per hour. And this only indirectly affects productivity.

The larger the motor, the longer and wider its blades. Their maximum diameter in home floor types reaches 40 cm.

Fan performance directly refers to the volume of air moved per unit of time. How to determine what performance you need?

To do this, calculate the volume of the room being blown, that is, multiply its area by the height of the ceilings.

After this, substitute the exchange coefficient into the formula. Its meanings are as follows:

  • for residential premises – 3
  • for kitchen and bathroom with toilet – 15

The formula for calculating the required fan performance is L=S*H*k

  • S-area
  • H-ceiling height
  • k-factor

That is, if your bedroom is 18m2 with a ceiling of 3m, then it will require a fan with minimum performance - 18m2*3m*3=162m3/h

For example, models with a power of 20W can easily blow air into rooms with a volume of up to 200 cubic meters.

Unfortunately, most manufacturers do not list performance parameters in their documentation. How to choose a wind blower without knowing its size?

Focus on those units that have a higher number of speeds. For small kitchen or bedroom spaces, only two airflow modes will be sufficient.

And for huge rooms of more than 20 m2, you will need three or all five. The higher the speed, the more air the unit will move in the same unit of time.

The size and number of blades also influence performance. The most common models are:

What's the difference between them? The larger and wider they are, the further they throw the air flow. Therefore, wide impellers, with the same engine power, should be given preference.

What about the quantity? Of course, for fans of the same power and impeller width, those with a larger number of blades will be more productive.

However, they will still lose out to their wider counterparts. Therefore, when choosing, first of all, focus not on quantity, but on width.

An ideal fan model should operate with a noise level of up to 30 dB. It's like a whisper or the rhythmic ticking of a wall clock. True, this is achieved at the very minimum speed.

So that you understand, for comparison, the refrigerator during operation has a sound within the range of 38-42 dB.

As you know, extraneous noise tends to layer on top of each other. The operating noise of all household appliances in the apartment can reach up to 90 dB. And this is similar to a passing train a hundred meters from your house.

This volume is very harmful to the health of young children. Until the age of 2, they cannot distinguish what is extraneous noise and what is the necessary sounds for learning.

Therefore, over time, such children become irritable and nervous. And your constantly on fan will only contribute to this.

In order to protect the health of children and your nerves, it is very important to have a quietly operating fan. And here again, models with wide plastic blades and a minimum number of them win. Your children will only thank you for choosing such a fan.

They have the lowest performance when actually measured with special instruments.

Protective grille

Today this accessory is a mandatory attribute of any floor fan with moving blades. However, even if it exists, this does not mean good protection.

Little curious children love to stick their fingers anywhere while exploring the world around them. And it can be not only sockets.

Therefore, if we are talking about the complete safety of fans, then your choice should be towards those types that are equipped with grilles with the narrowest and smallest cells.

Right in the store, try to see if your little finger can fit through the bars to make sure your purchase is safe in advance.

Because even models with plastic impellers can break the delicate fingers of small children.

Not so long ago, fans appeared without external blades at all. The so-called Dyson fan.

How does it work and inflate the air? At the base of the device there is a turbine that takes in ambient air and accelerates it.

As a result, it flies out in a certain direction from the slots around the circumference of the frame.

Such devices combine simultaneously:

It would seem that this is the most ideal fan. No external rotating parts, many functions, plus compactness and beautiful appearance.

However, everything is spoiled by the price of the issue. On high-performance models it reaches such a level that it is much more profitable to purchase an air conditioner.

Well, in the end, we’ll look at a few exotic and unusual fan options. For example, the most expensive and gigantic wind turbine built by engineers in Florida.

It is used to check how a building can withstand hurricane winds. It consists of 12 turbines with a capacity of 700 hp. each.

Such a giant can create an artificial air flow at speeds of up to 250 km/h! The famous Hurricane Katrina had the same power.

There are also completely portable and original options - a baseball cap with a propeller on solar panels.

Or a pocket fan powered by USB and also battery operated.

However, there is no benefit from such gadgets. It's more of a toy accessory for entertainment.

Unless models connected via USB can be conveniently plugged into a laptop and get at least some coolness directly at your workplace.

Errors in selection

To summarize all of the above, we summarize the most common mistakes, which should be avoided when going to the store for a fan.

One of the pressing problems of humanity is global warming. Every year it gets hotter outside. Many people bought air conditioners a long time ago, while others have to rely on other methods of cooling. In this case, a floor fan with cooling can be a good and budget solution. In the article we will look at what it is, types, method of action and reviews.

What kind of device is this?

A fan with humidifier is a device equipped with This improvement makes the air cooler due to increased humidification.

IN summer time year, the indoor atmosphere becomes especially dry. For people whose blood pressure rises and the mucous membranes of their eyes and nose dry out, such a floor fan with cooling is simply a lifesaver.

It is possible and even necessary to use such devices in children's rooms, clinics, warehouses, agricultural areas, exhibition halls, discos and gyms.

Advantages of the device

Each person chooses for himself which fan is better and more suitable for the intended purposes.

A household appliance with a humidifier has characteristics similar to conventional fans:

  • built-in automatic timer;
  • adjustable tilt level;
  • presence of a remote control;
  • economical energy consumption.
  • small size, easy to move, equipped with a stand with wheels.

And also unique advantages:

  • large and convenient water tank;
  • the presence of a self-shutdown function if the water in the tank runs out;
  • easy installation and use;
  • gentle temperature control while maintaining the required humidity;
  • can serve as a good alternative to an aroma lamp, you just need to add essential oil into a water tank;
  • low cost;
  • Possibility of use in open areas;
  • The device is mobile and lightweight, which allows you to move it to any place.

Types of devices

Floor-mounted household cooling fans can be divided into several types, depending on the humidification method:

  1. Traditional fan. The device is equipped with a paper filter that can be replaced if necessary. Air particles pass through it, are filled with water and then enter the room. This type of fan effectively removes smoke and odors through filtration.
  2. Steam fan. The device humidifies the air by heating the water to the maximum for its further evaporation. This fan can raise the humidity in a room to 60%.
  3. Ultrasonic fan. It is based on a plate that vibrates at a high frequency. As soon as the water touches it, it breaks into small particles and becomes a cloud of cool water vapor.

Each type of fan has its own advantages and disadvantages. They must be carefully studied before purchasing.

What to look for when choosing?

When deciding to purchase a floor fan with cooling and humidification, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • Device power. For a room of about 20 m2, a fan with a power of up to 100 W is suitable, and for use in large areas (with an area of ​​more than 35 m2), devices with a power of more than
  • The size of the blades and the presence of a protective grille. You also need to pay attention to these parameters. The blades provide speed and therefore cooling rate. If there are children or animals in the room, the grille will protect the games.
  • The size of the water tank. The more liquid that fits in the container, the longer the device can work.
  • The number of modes, the presence of a timer and control panel, the angle of inclination and the ability to rotate the fan. additional characteristics also require attention. They will ensure more comfortable use of the device.
  • Do not forget about the noise of the device during operation. The higher the power, the louder it will run.

When purchasing a device, you should also take into account that this is a floor-standing device, and therefore you should choose it taking into account the availability of free space and the area of ​​the room.

To use a cooling floor fan effectively, it pays to listen to the advice of experts. They recommend:

  1. To quickly lower the room temperature, you can add ice to the water.
  2. Filling the tank with purified or distilled water will extend the life of the fan. Regular tap liquid will quickly contaminate the filter and leave a residue on the device.
  3. It is allowed to add aromatic oils to the tank, but if the fan does not have an ionization function. This action will provide a pleasant smell in the room throughout the day.
  4. A fan with an air humidifier can be used to combat midges, mosquitoes and other unpleasant creatures. You just need to add a little repellent to the water tank.

Such floor fans can successfully replace expensive air conditioners. They have become a salvation for people who cannot tolerate heat and dry air in the house.

Devices with fan power up to 65 W

The most popular floor cooling fans are the multifunctional air conditioners SeaBreeze SB-535, UFO ATSFI-01 and RICCI HYD-006.

These are floor-standing paddle devices with the following characteristics (see table below):

SeaBreeze has a stylish design, stepped speed switching, backlit keys, electronic controls and an LCD display.

The RICCI HYD-006 radial fan can add two cooling batteries to make the space cooler. There is filtration and purification of incoming air.

Air humidification in a ventilated room reaches sixty-five percent, which is the optimal indicator for the human body.

Devices with a fan power of 70 W or more

The most popular models of this power are the Vitta GX-31G, VES MS 402 and Mist Fan LB-FS-A fans .

These devices can be compared according to the following parameters, as indicated in the table in the photo below:

The VES device can be adjusted in height and has an ambient air ionization function. In addition, if you disconnect the tube, this device can be used as a simple humidifier without venting.

All models are safe to use and can automatically turn off if overheated or tilted (if dropped).

Axial fans are what are popularly called “daisies”. The motor drives the blades, which are fixed to an axis and hidden under a mesh for safety purposes. The more powerful the motor, the longer and wider the blades themselves, and the higher the fan’s performance - the volume of air it can move in an hour.

The design of a radial fan is a pipe or cylinder with many blades that drive air in a circle (radius) inside the cylinder, and it is pushed outward under the influence of centrifugal force. If an axial fan simply moves air, then a radial fan creates pressure and directed flow. Radial fans are usually column-type, and the column can be either tall or very small - there are also portable fans with handles.

Column type fan

Tabletop or floor-standing?

Floor fans have a foot more possibilities in terms of the direction of the blowing: as a rule, they turn the “daisy” with the blades to the right and left, and the user can adjust its inclination and the height of the leg. Table and floor axial fans often cannot turn, especially retro-style designer models, when a ring with blades is enclosed between decorative supports. Table fans Sometimes they have mounts for wall mounting. Judging by the reviews, this often comes as a surprise to buyers: it blows great, but only in one direction. Column fans, as a rule, are able to rotate the housing in different directions.

Retro Table Fans

Or maybe ceiling?

Ceiling axial fans are more likely associated with government premises - dining rooms, foyers in a holiday home somewhere in Kislovodsk. But in principle, they belong to household fans and can easily be installed in any room in the house. The advantage of a ceiling fan is the uniformity of airflow and the absence of danger that as a result of its operation you will be blown out. Ceiling fans have longer blades and powerful motors, they are more efficient, and, by the way, they are not cheap. Ceiling fan manufacturers claim that they are a true alternative to air conditioning, but with no refrigerant, no filters to replace, and use much less electricity. Let me doubt it: air conditioners cool the air, but they can also work to heat the air; an air conditioner can lower the air temperature by 10, 15 and even 20 degrees, and fans create the feeling of a lower temperature.

Ceiling fan with lamp

Innovation of the last decade: bladeless fans

The “pioneer” here was the Dyson company, which made a turbine built into the body, which pumps air from the room and releases it outside through an oval frame, multiplying its speed. The main advantage is that a child or animal will not reach the blades. These fans are also easier to care for - dust does not stick to the grilles and blades. But the pleasure is very expensive.

There are no other bladeless fans on the Russian market yet, but they are made in the world; you can buy such a craft (or fake) much cheaper, but no one will give a guarantee of quality.

Bladeless fan Dyson AM02 Tower Fa

Power and performance

Table fans have a low power - 20–30 W, floor fans - 40–100 W. In addition, the maximum power consumption may depend on the presence of additional functions (heating, humidification).

When buying a fan, performance indicators (so many liters of air per hour) will not tell you anything: it is difficult to imagine these liters of air. Therefore, it is better to look at the area of ​​the room for which the device is designed.

Floor axial fan

Noise level

The noise level is important for comfort. For comparison: the noise level of a refrigerator with the compressor on is 38–42 dBa, and you will hardly hear 38–39, 41–42 can interfere with sleep. The maximum noise level of 45–50 dBa is not terrible; if the fan has low operating speeds, it will make less noise at them. Ideally, you need to listen, otherwise, when installing it in the bedroom, you may be in for an unpleasant surprise.


The simplest models have mechanical control and two or three operating speeds. For the more advanced, it is electronic, often touch. It is convenient when the fan has a remote control, which can be used to enable or disable the housing rotation function, select the speed and direction of the blowing.

Electronically controlled fan with remote control

As a rule, such models also have a display that displays all operating parameters and sometimes the room temperature. The most modern models allow you not only to regulate the speed of operation, but also to program the operation of the device in different time days or days of the week, use a timer. There are fans with remote control via a smartphone app. If you buy a model with electronic control, then look for an auto-shut-off function or a shutdown timer: this is useful; people often forget to turn off the fan.

Fan with remote control REDMOND SkyFan 5005S

overheat protection

It makes sense to read the user manual for the model you like, fortunately, now you can find almost anything on the Internet. There will definitely be information about whether the motor is protected from overheating: after all, in hot weather the fan works almost around the clock, and it is important that the motor can be switched off (so that the electrical circuit opens at temperatures above a critical level). Otherwise, the motor may simply burn out.

Additional functions

The most common “bun” is operation in fan heater mode. If you need a “2-in-1” device, then it makes sense to buy a fan heater that can operate without heating, in the mode of a regular fan.

Some models can humidify the air - in fact, these are ultrasonic humidifiers connected to blades: water “mist” is generated by ultrasonic vibrations, then rises through a hose to a block with blades and spreads throughout the room using a fan. The downside is that they require the use of softened water, otherwise a white coating from salts, which are contained in tiny drops of water blown by a fan, will form on surfaces and furniture over time.

Axial fans are what are popularly called “daisies”. The motor drives the blades, which are fixed to an axis and hidden under a mesh for safety purposes. The more powerful the motor, the longer and wider the blades themselves, and the higher the fan’s performance - the volume of air it can move in an hour.

The design of a radial fan is a pipe or cylinder with many blades that drive air in a circle (radius) inside the cylinder, and it is pushed outward under the influence of centrifugal force. If an axial fan simply moves air, then a radial fan creates pressure and directed flow. Radial fans are usually column-type, and the column can be either tall or very small - there are also portable fans with handles.

Column type fan

Tabletop or floor-standing?

Floor fans with a leg have more options in terms of blowing direction: as a rule, they rotate the “daisy” with blades to the right and left, and the user can adjust its inclination and the height of the leg. Table and floor axial fans often cannot turn, especially retro-style designer models, when a ring with blades is enclosed between decorative supports. Table fans sometimes have mounts for wall mounting. Judging by the reviews, this often comes as a surprise to buyers: it blows great, but only in one direction. Column fans, as a rule, are able to rotate the housing in different directions.

Retro Table Fans

Or maybe ceiling?

Ceiling axial fans are more likely associated with government premises - dining rooms, foyers in a holiday home somewhere in Kislovodsk. But in principle, they belong to household fans and can easily be installed in any room in the house. The advantage of a ceiling fan is the uniformity of airflow and the absence of danger that as a result of its operation you will be blown out. Ceiling fans have longer blades and powerful motors, they are more efficient, and, by the way, they are not cheap. Ceiling fan manufacturers claim that they are a true alternative to air conditioning, but with no refrigerant, no filters to replace, and use much less electricity. Let me doubt it: air conditioners cool the air, but they can also work to heat the air; an air conditioner can lower the air temperature by 10, 15 and even 20 degrees, and fans create the feeling of a lower temperature.

Ceiling fan with lamp

Innovation of the last decade: bladeless fans

The “pioneer” here was the Dyson company, which made a turbine built into the body, which pumps air from the room and releases it outside through an oval frame, multiplying its speed. The main advantage is that a child or animal will not reach the blades. These fans are also easier to care for - dust does not stick to the grilles and blades. But the pleasure is very expensive.

There are no other bladeless fans on the Russian market yet, but they are made in the world; you can buy such a craft (or fake) much cheaper, but no one will give a guarantee of quality.

Bladeless fan Dyson AM02 Tower Fa

Power and performance

Table fans have a low power - 20–30 W, floor fans - 40–100 W. In addition, the maximum power consumption may depend on the presence of additional functions (heating, humidification).

When buying a fan, performance indicators (so many liters of air per hour) will not tell you anything: it is difficult to imagine these liters of air. Therefore, it is better to look at the area of ​​the room for which the device is designed.

Floor axial fan

Noise level

The noise level is important for comfort. For comparison: the noise level of a refrigerator with the compressor on is 38–42 dBa, and you will hardly hear 38–39, 41–42 can interfere with sleep. The maximum noise level of 45–50 dBa is not terrible; if the fan has low operating speeds, it will make less noise at them. Ideally, you need to listen, otherwise, when installing it in the bedroom, you may be in for an unpleasant surprise.


The simplest models have mechanical control and two or three operating speeds. For the more advanced, it is electronic, often touch. It is convenient when the fan has a remote control, which can be used to enable or disable the housing rotation function, select the speed and direction of the blowing.

Electronically controlled fan with remote control

As a rule, such models also have a display that displays all operating parameters and sometimes the room temperature. The most modern models allow you not only to regulate the speed of operation, but also to program the operation of the device at different times of the day or by day of the week, and use a timer. There are fans with remote control via a smartphone app. If you buy a model with electronic control, then look for an auto-shut-off function or a shutdown timer: this is useful; people often forget to turn off the fan.

Fan with remote control REDMOND SkyFan 5005S

overheat protection

It makes sense to read the user manual for the model you like, fortunately, now you can find almost anything on the Internet. There will definitely be information about whether the motor is protected from overheating: after all, in hot weather the fan works almost around the clock, and it is important that the motor can be switched off (so that the electrical circuit opens at temperatures above a critical level). Otherwise, the motor may simply burn out.

Additional functions

The most common “bun” is operation in fan heater mode. If you need a “2-in-1” device, then it makes sense to buy a fan heater that can operate without heating, in the mode of a regular fan.

Some models can humidify the air - in fact, these are ultrasonic humidifiers connected to blades: water “mist” is generated by ultrasonic vibrations, then rises through a hose to a block with blades and spreads throughout the room using a fan. The downside is that they require the use of softened water, otherwise a white coating from salts, which are contained in tiny drops of water blown by a fan, will form on surfaces and furniture over time.